#primary health care in Africa
aidenlydia · 8 months
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Please donate to UNRWA!!
“In the days following the ICJ's decision, the US, Canada, UK, and at least 7 other countries have cut over $662 million in annual funding to UNRWA. The cuts to UNRWA's funding, which constitute the overwhelming majority of its current budget, are an impending catastrophe for more than 6 million Palestinians residing in 60 refugee camps in Occupied Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria.
UNRWA, or the United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East, was created in 1949 as a response to the 'Nakba' or catastrophe of 1948, to provide relief and support human development for Palestinian refugees exiled in 1948 and later years, along with their descendants.
The decision to defund UNRWA a day after the ICJ's decision to grant the majority of provisional measures requested by South Africa is not coincidental. Imperialist powers are seeking to offset the international developments around the ICJ ruling, and prevent aid from entering Palestine.”
- Palestinian Youth Movement
Want to do more for Palestine? Here are other resources and funds:
e-sims | pious projects - feminine hygiene kits | palestine children relief fund | world food programme | bds boycott list | insta accounts to follow | other resources
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tieflingkisser · 3 months
Please match my €10.00 donation to the fundraiser below:
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Statement on proposed emergency roll-out of vaccine program in Africa for monkeypox.
We are deeply concerned about the recent announcements made by Africa CDC Director General Jean Kaseya on 13 August 2024 and WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on 14 August 2024.
It is important to address these announcements openly to the public.
In his statements, Director General Jean Kaseya declared regarding monkeypox vaccines, “We have a clear plan to secure more than 10 million doses in Africa, starting with 3 million doses in 2024.”
We at SAVIMS would like to point out pertinent facts to both institutions and other relevant bodies of interest:
There is no prescribed vaccine with documented level 1 scientific evidence for monkeypox. The current WHO recommended live virus vaccines, Jynneos and ACAM2000, are (a) intended for smallpox and are thus experimental for monkeypox; (b) have reported serious adverse effects and (c) contain live viral strains which may instigate a resurgence of the eradicated smallpox virus.
The potential use of mRNA vaccines. There is no scientific evidence supporting the use of any mRNA vaccine to prevent or mitigate any infectious disease. The observed data of adverse reactions to experimental mRNA vaccines far outweighs any benefit.
Informed consent is an ethical concept that is codified in the law and is in daily practice at every health care institution. Three fundamental criteria are needed for clinical informed consent: the patient must be competent, adequately informed, and not coerced. It is not possible for any recipient of these vaccines to receive a legitimate informed consent based on the current research.
The article by Allan-Blitz et al, “A position statement on Mpox as a Sexually Transmitted Disease,” concluded that monkeypox is a sexually transmitted disease.” Preventative measures for this scenario should necessitate and provoke relevant clinical and primary health care and education initiatives directed at the high-risk group. There is no merit for the recommendation of experimental vaccines to the general population.
The statistics and analysis, regarding the collated monkeypox data in the DRC and other countries in Africa by the WHO, warrant further investigation, and must be independently audited. The areas in which the highest statistics were collated should detail the criteria for testing, the procedures for testing, equipment sensitivity and specificity, personnel skill, clinical scenarios, and provocation for testing these specific communities. What tests were done to investigate and exclude other diseases, including communicable diseases?
There have been no autopsy reports published on the deaths related to monkeypox. The lack of formal documented autopsy, lack of information regarding equipment test sensitivities and specificities, and lack of information on procedures validating random collation of data, further reduces and invalidates the authenticity of the statistics.
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whumpinggrounds · 1 year
Disability Activists Worth Knowing
Hi! In honor of Disability Pride Month, which is July in the USA, I am writing about some disabled activists who I think are cool. Many of you are (hopefully) familiar with giants like Helen Keller and Judy Heumann, but there are a lot of really interesting people out there whose names aren’t as widely shared, especially those who are also POC, queer, and/or non-American.
Please feel free to add more disabled people, or information about people I’ve already listed! Note that this post is intended to be about people who advocate for the disabled community and are also disabled themselves. Non-disabled advocates have also done a lot for the community! But that is not who this post is about <3
Final disclaimer: This is a post that I researched quickly, and specifically sought out some new people I hadn’t heard about. If there’s someone on this list that’s fucked up, feel free to add that, and even feel free to @ me so I can reblog your correction. Please do not yell at me or assume I’m aware of every political opinion/possible transgression of the many people on this list pls
Now, in no particular order -
Javed Abidi was an activist who advocated for disability rights in India. He helped pass the Person with Disabilities act in Parliament, and served as the first director of the National Centre for Promotion of Employment of Disabled People.
Ola Abu Al Ghaib is a Palestinian activist who works to promote the rights of people with disabilities, particularly women with disabilities, in the Arab States, Africa, and Asia.
Ari Ne’eman is an Israeli-American activist who founded the Autism Self Advocacy Network, one of the earliest advocacy organizations run both by and for Autistic people. Currently, he consults with the ACLU on disability justice issues and is writing a book about disability history in the USA.
Dana Bolles is an American spaceflight engineer and advocate for people with disabilities in STEM. She also advocates for women and the queer community, and currently works at NASA.
Fatima al-Aqel was a Yemeni woman who advocated for blind and visually impaired women in Yemen, as well as opening Yemen’s first school for the blind. She later founded the Al-Aman Organization Blind Women Care to further opportunities for blind women in the social and professional spheres, as well as working to adapt literature to Braille.
Judi Chamberlain was an American activist, leader, speaker, and educator in the psychiatric survivors movement. Her book On Our Own: Patient-Controlled Alternatives to the Mental Health System is a foundational text in the Mad Pride movement and argues for the rights of patients in psychiatric care.
María Soledad Cisternas Reyes is a Chilean lawyer and disability rights advocate who has helped increase access for disabled people in Chile and internationally, through her work with the UN. She has also been recognized for her work on the intersection of rights of disabled people, children, women, indigenous people, and the elderly.
Tony Coelho is an American politician of Portuguese descent who was the primary sponsor of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and was a former chairman of the Epilepsy Foundation.
Justin Dart Jr. was an American activist and disability advocate who was regarded as the father (or sometimes godfather) of the ADA. Other notable accomplishments include founding his university’s first group to oppose racism, founding the American Association of People with Disabilities, and receiving a Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Vic Finkelstein is a South African disability rights activist and writer who pioneered the social model of disability. He spent the latter part of his life in Britain after being imprisoned and banned from South Africa for anti-apartheid activities.
Chen Guangcheng is a Chinese civil rights activist, often referred to as a “barefoot lawyer,” who worked on civil rights cases in rural China. Due to his advocacy and activist work surrounding land rights, women’s rights, disability rights, and the welfare of the poor, Chen was repeatedly imprisoned and eventually left China for the USA.
Rick Hansen is a Canadian paralympian and activist, most famous for circling the world in a wheelchair to raise money for charity. His journey lasted just over 2 years, with an average of 8 hours of wheeling per day. He founded the Hansen foundation to raise funds and awareness to create a world without barriers for people with disabilities.
Abha Khetarpal is an Indian poet, author, and disability rights activist and counselor who founded a counseling/educational resource website and app for people with disabilities. Her work focuses on disability and women’s rights, with a focus on sexual liberation and sexual education and access for disabled people.
Harriet McBryde Johnson was an American author, attorney, and disability rights activist who specialized in securing Social Security benefits for disabled clients who could not work. She debated Peter Singer, arguably the most famous philosopher in America today, on the right of parents to euthanize their disabled children, an encounter she wrote about in the essay Unspeakable Conversations. 
Yetnebersh Nigussie is an Ethiopian lawyer who primarily works in disability rights and anti-AIDs activism. She is a 2017 winner of the Right Livelihood award, widely considered the “Alternative Nobel Prize.”
Satendra Singh is an Indian medical doctor who has advocated extensively for disability rights and access in India, including founding an “Enabling Unit,” a group staffed entirely by people with disabilities that ensures other disabled people are able to attend medical school and associated programs with proper accommodations and support.
Lauren Tuchman was the first blind woman to be ordained as a rabbi. She advocates primarily for disability rights and an inclusive Torah.
Emmanuel Yeboah is a Ghanian athlete and activist who rode a bike across Ghana to raise awareness about the lack of disability rights and access in the country, specifically a lack of wheelchairs. He currently works on ensuring education access for children with and without disabilities in Ghana.
Stella Young was an Australian comedian and journalist who was known for coining the term “inspiration porn.”
Nabil Shaban is a Jordanian-British actor and writer who is best known as the villain Sil on Dr. Who. He co-founded Graeae, a theater group which promotes the work of disabled actors.
That’s all I have for you! Please feel free to add :) I am considering writing up a few more posts about disabled celebrities, artists, etc, so let me know if you’d be interested <3
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freedominthecircus · 1 year
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To think that all color symbolism would be the same across the board in people’s cultures (and thus, their witchcraft) is laughable. What is anger and vengeance in one culture may just be luck or passion in another - and an individual themselves may have a completely out-of-left-field viewpoint due to their own lived experiences. There are as many different interpretations as there are people in the world. And while there are plenty of witches out there that don’t give a damn about color theory or symbolism and get along just fine without it - there are also plenty that do care and do want to learn, just are caught up in a more euro-centric view of the color spectrum.
Namely using this site as a jumping-off point, here are my personal views on the colors as of now:
A color of passion in North American and European cultures, it is frequently associated with love (seen extensively along with Pink) in Valentine’s Day celebrations. It is also associated with anger or danger and as such I have personally used the color in more aggressive workings where it has worked well. The color red is also used in religious practices in Central and South America as Christianity associates red with the blood of Christ (of course) and the crucifixion. In China - and possibly other East Asian countries - red symbolizes honor and success. While American brides are more used to wearing white on their wedding day, Chinese brides more prefer red for this association. Wanting that success in their marriages as well as a long-lasting love.
As stated before: I use Red in workings where I feel the need to be more aggressive or passionate about what I am trying to convey. Whether that be screaming a warning at someone/something to back the fuck up, or whether the red wax is being used to seal the envelope of Lust Dust. I know some people who are die-hard about using red in their Love workings - but it has never really worked for me unless the end result was an intense romp in the bedroom rather than their heart being touched.
Very frequently associated with Autumn in North America and Europe. Halloween and the agricultural harvests are frequently thought of - as well as the color is known as a more royal color in the Netherlands. Counties in Central and South America view Orange as one of the more primary colors of nature, and it is almost always associated with the earth and sun. China and Japan also view Orange as a color of good things. From financial prosperity to making sure one is in good health - it’s also associated with a general happiness, courage, and other good fortunes. It is also known as a more sacred color in India.
I personally do not work with Orange much as I find it an off-putting color to me. I’ve never gravitated towards it and there have actually been a few times where once Orange was introduced to something - the “vibes” we all off and the spellwork had to have been done for the night. For what reason this may be I do not know.
A mixed bag of correspondences. From being seen as a color of wealth in Africa to being a color of mourning in the Middle East. (And apparently as a color linked to pornography in China - though this is a claim I have not looked into myself yet. In North America and Europe, we tend to associate it with sunshine and good weather which is usually how I personally incorporate it when it does get used - but it is also frequently known as a color of jealousy in Germany and France.
The color of the sun and associated with Summer more than Spring in my mind. Yellow gets used in my practice usually at two points in the year: Either during the Summer to celebrate the moments of sunshine that graces my Seasonal Depression with little pepper-light kisses - or dead in the middle of Winter to try to remind myself of those kisses.
The green four-leaf clover did a lot in terms of minds in North American and Western Europe to associate it predominately with good luck. Even with other associations such as envy/jealousy or progress - luck tends to be the go-to correspondence. Even with countries in Asia and the Middle East viewing green with a more natural lens and corresponding it with fertility and prosperity also - it still remains a color of good fortune as well.
Green in the color in my head associated the most with money and financial prosperity. It is the color of the American dollar and is used in many, many, wealth spells and other work along those lines and I have used it exactly as such in the past. While this is the main way I personally use and view green, it should be noted that I have used the color in abundance workings as well.
A strong color with the main association across cultures as one to ward off evil, as well as a color of strength thanks to the Hinduism deity Krishna - who is often (if not always) presented with having blue skin. Some other more Asian cultures also recognize blue as a color of long life, healing, and even immortality. That is not to say there are not other - more somber - connotations though. In more western cultures we tend to have a saying of “feeling blue” - which means extreme sadness or even mourning.
To me, Blue is a color associated mostly with a tranquil sadness or melancholy. I use it in a lot of grief work to guide me through and let loose the well of tears inside if I’m having trouble releasing them. I have also used it as a “booster” color of sorts though, usually in conjunction with other colors on the cool color spectrum, as mixing it with warm colors left me feeling very odd afterwards.
A general consensus throughout most of the world is that Purple is the color of wealth, and it’s a color usually reserved for royalty. The exception to this is found in Latin and South America where - in that part of the world - it means death.
This is the association I have with it. I have never fully viewed it as a royal or wealthy color, and instead have always viewed purple as a color of death and frequently use it in works with death.
The color of death, mourning, and - curiously - formality in Europe and North America. Western funerals have featured black for centuries for it’s association with death and the dead, and some places in the Middle East also see it as a color of death and evil. India also views black as more evil than good. Other parts of the world have a different take. Black is a positive color in places like China and Japan and is a very popular color amongst young boys and girls. Some African cultures also see it as a symbol of maturity rather than anything associated with death.
Black is probably my most used “color” in my practice. Along with technically being a “color” comprised of all other colors - it’s used as a substitute for a lot in my practice. It’s a color I also use a ton for meditation, and I do use it as one of three colors I associate with death (the others being White and Purple). It’s never been a “bad” or negative color for me.
The “color” that is the lack of all other color - its associated heavily with purity throughout most of the world. It is also associated with good luck and prosperity in some pockets of Africa as well. There are other places in Eastern Europe and Asia where it is associated with death in addition to purity. It can also denote bad fortune or general unhappiness.
I tend to skew towards the latter because of the fact that white is the “color” that is the lack of all others. Giving the general feeling of emptiness where there once was something. I do sometimes also use it to cleanse or purify because of it’s lack of all other color.
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mariacallous · 8 months
As global outrage grows over Israel’s military campaign in the Gaza Strip, China has focused on harnessing the widening divide between Washington’s and the global south’s stances on the war to boost Beijing’s own foreign-policy ambitions.
Over the course of the Israel-Hamas war, China has been careful to stay on the sidelines, wary of miring itself in a spiraling conflict or jeopardizing its regional ties. But as Washington faces fierce pushback over its support of Israel, Beijing has also seized the opportunity to align itself with the so-called global south—a collection of dozens of countries, including Brazil, India, South Africa, and Pakistan—which has overwhelmingly condemned Israel’s actions, sharply diverging from the U.S. position.
China is “mostly hanging back and letting the United States collect abuse,” said Jon Alterman, the director of the Middle East program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “The only interest China’s pursuing in the Middle East is watching while a larger division opens between the U.S. and large parts of the global south,” he added. 
From the beginning, China’s approach to the Israel-Hamas war has been characterized by caution. Chinese President Xi Jinping, for example, waited nearly two weeks before weighing in after Hamas’s initial Oct. 7, 2023, attack on Israel, while early government statements refrained from even naming Hamas—a response that angered Israeli officials. In the months since, China has positioned itself as a peacemaker, calling for a cease-fire and a Palestinian state without going so far as to directly involve itself in the conflict.
China has “clearly eschewed any substantive role in the ongoing conflict,” Patricia Kim, a fellow at the Brookings Institution, told Foreign Policy in an email. While Beijing wants to portray itself as a regional power broker, she said, “it has zero interest in serving as a security provider or directly intervening in challenging situations that might jeopardize its relationships in the region.” 
These dynamics are evident in the Red Sea, where months of Houthi attacks against commercial shipping, undertaken in what the Houthis describe as solidarity with Palestinians, have disrupted global trade. Yet even as a growing number of countries dispatch ships to safeguard the corridor, China has resisted intervening with its own naval forces. The furthest Beijing has gone in getting involved is privately pressing Iran—which backs the Houthis—to step in, Reuters reported, although Iranian officials have denied the reports. 
Beijing’s approach stands in sharp contrast to that of Washington, which has not only long been one of Israel’s staunchest supporters since the nation’s start, backing the country with billions in military aid, but has also acted as the country’s primary defender on the international stage since the war began, wielding the United States’ veto on the United Nations Security Council to block resolutions backed by dozens of countries—including many in the global south, as well as China—calling for a cease-fire. The Biden administration has also taken action in the Red Sea, launching strikes against the Houthis in Yemen and mobilizing an international task force to help ensure freedom of navigation in the corridor.
Yet as Israel’s military campaign in Gaza inflicts a devastating humanitarian toll—Israeli forces have killed as many as 26,000 Palestinians in Gaza since the beginning of the war, according to the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry—much of the world has grown increasingly frustrated with, and disillusioned by, Washington’s unwavering support for Israel. More than half a million people in Gaza currently face “catastrophic levels of acute food insecurity,” the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification warned in December. 
And Beijing has been trying to capitalize on the divide. “They feel that this is going to further undermine the U.S. in the eyes of the rest of the world, in the parts of the world that they care about,” said Eric Olander, the co-founder of the China Global South Project. “This plays right into their strategy for the Chinese—to show how isolated the Americans are, to show how they’re out of sync with the rest of the world, and just show the hypocrisy of the Americans.”
“The Chinese are playing this, in my view, quite skillfully in terms of pursuing their own foreign policy and promoting some of the values that they’re trying to say about the shortcomings of the U.S-led international order,” he added.
As part of this strategy, China has publicly framed itself as a peacemaker, proposing a five-point peace plan and calling for a Israeli-Palestinian peace conference. In October, Beijing dispatched its regional envoy to Qatar and Egypt to urge a cease-fire; since then, it has pledged some $4 million in humanitarian aid to Gaza, hosted a delegation of Arab and Muslim ministers, and participated in a virtual summit of the BRICS bloc (then comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) over the conflict.
“China has been working tirelessly to promote the cessation of hostilities and the restoration of peace,” Chinese U.N. Ambassador Zhang Jun said at a Security Council briefing during the first month of the war. “China will continue to stand on the side of international fairness and justice, on the side of international law, and on the side of the legitimate aspirations of the Arab and Islamic world.”
During his broader tour of Africa in January, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi also leveraged his trip to Egypt—one of the mediators in the Israel-Hamas war—to reiterate calls for a cease-fire and Palestinian state.
Yet experts say that Beijing’s actions are mostly performative, resulting in few concrete outcomes. The November BRICS summit, for one, failed to generate a joint statement or practical road map forward, as Mark Leonard of the European Council on Foreign Relations noted in Foreign Affairs. China’s proposed peace plan also charged the U.N. Security Council—and not Beijing—with the responsibility of resolving the conflict, according to the Brookings Institution. 
China’s seriousness on mediating the Israel-Hamas war is just “smoke and mirrors,” wrote Ahmed Aboudouh, a nonresident fellow at the Atlantic Council, in December, citing “the opaqueness of China’s diplomatic language and the insignificant sum of money provided by the world’s second-largest economy” to Gaza. 
Rather than miring itself in the conflict, Beijing has focused on making digs at Washington and contrasting the two countries’ positions, part of its bid to cast doubt on the Biden administration’s global credibility. These efforts have been on full display at the U.N. Security Council, where China vetoed a U.S. draft resolution in October after criticizing it for not calling for a cease-fire; Russia also vetoed the resolution. 
The United States “introduced a new draft resolution that set aside the consensus of the members,” Zhang said. Even after other council members—including Beijing—proposed amendments, he said, Washington ignored their “major concerns” and introduced a draft resolution that “confuses right and wrong.” 
Later in December, after Washington vetoed a Security Council draft resolution pushing for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, Beijing again leveraged the vote to position itself alongside the global south and single out Washington’s position. As one of the resolution’s nearly 100 co-sponsors, Beijing felt “great disappointment and regret that the draft has been vetoed by the US,” Zhang said. “All this shows once again what [a] double standard is.” 
State media echoed these sentiments, further drawing attention to the diverging U.S. and Chinese positions. “It is contradictory to tolerate the continuation of the conflict while claiming to care about the safety and humanitarian needs of the people in Gaza,” the Global Times said, referring to the U.S. veto. “It is self-deceptive to advocate preventing the spillover of the conflict while tolerating its continuation.”
More recently, Beijing has also aligned itself with the global south in one of the clearest cases of outrage over Israel’s actions: South Africa’s genocide case against Israel in the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Although the ICJ has no way to enforce its rulings, South Africa’s case reflects the growing international pressure building against Israel, which has dismissed the charges as “false” and “outrageous.” 
While the ICJ has not yet ruled on the question of whether Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, and likely won’t do so for years, last Friday, it responded to South Africa’s request for the court to command an emergency suspension of Israel’s military campaign. In its ruling, the ICJ ordered Israel to “take all measures” to minimize harm to civilians in Gaza. 
After the decision was announced, Chinese state media expressed hope that it would push “some major countries to stop turning a blind eye” to Israel’s actions in Gaza. The Biden administration, in contrast, reiterated its position that Pretoria’s genocide allegations were “unfounded,” although it also said the ICJ ruling was in line with its own calls for Israel to ensure civilians’ safety. 
China has long prioritized cultivating political and economic ties with countries across the global south, with Wang, the foreign minister, most recently wrapping up his first foreign trip of 2024 by visiting Egypt, Tunisia, Togo, and Ivory Coast. His trip marks the 34th straight year that a Chinese foreign minister has made Africa the destination of their first global trip of the year; Wang traveled to Brazil and Jamaica afterward. 
“China decided to treat Israel as collateral damage, compared to more than 50 countries in the global south,” said Aboudouh, the Atlantic Council expert. “China wants these countries’ support for its own vision—for global governance and its strategic priorities.”
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The spotless giraffe, born at a Tennessee zoo, is the first one seen in more than 50 years.
By Dina Fine Maron
24 August 2023
Just a few weeks old and still without a name, a newborn giraffe at a zoo in northeastern Tennessee could rightly be nicknamed “spotless.”
The female giraffe born without its characteristic spots instead boasts a solid brown coat, a phenomenon that hasn’t been observed in any giraffe for more than 50 years.
She was born last month at Brights Zoo, a family-owned facility in Limestone, Tennessee.
A spotless giraffe was last reported at a Tokyo zoo in 1972.
“The spotless giraffe calf is certainly an interesting case and that type of coloring has never been seen in the wild," says Sara Ferguson, a wildlife veterinarian and conservation health coordinator at the Giraffe Conservation Foundation.
The animal’s rare coloring is likely due to some sort of mutation in one or more genes, she says.
But there’s no indication of underlying medical issues or that the newborn reticulated giraffe — a subspecies native to eastern Africa — is at a genetic disadvantage.
David Bright, zoo director at the Brights Zoo, says that the baby’s nine-year-old mother, Shenna, had previously birthed three other calves and the trio were all spotted.
This latest addition to the zoo’s giraffe family was born at a weight of around 190 pounds, he says, and her veterinary care team concluded “she’s healthy and normal” — though her coloring was a surprise.
A case of spotlessness
Genetics often influence animal coloring in diverse ways.
Giraffes with all white coloring have previously been spotted in the wild, including two at a reserve in Kenya in 2017.
Those animals had a genetic condition called leucism, which blocks skin cells from producing pigments.
"There’s no known explanation for the spotless giraffe in Tennessee beyond that it’s almost certainly due to some kind of genetic mutation or mutations," says Fred Bercovitch, a wildlife conservation biologist at the Anne Innis Dagg Foundation, a nonprofit that focuses on giraffe conservation.
The last known case of a spotless giraffe was an animal named Toshiko born in 1972 at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo, Japan, CBS News reported.
That giraffe’s mother had birthed another spotless calf several years earlier, according to Bright.
The Brights Zoo, which is home to just over 700 animals of 126 different species, including nine giraffes, asked the public to vote on four potential names for the giraffe calf on its Facebook page.
It accrued over 17,000 votes in the first day, Bright says.
There are four candidate names, all in Swahili: Kipekee (unique), Firyali (extraordinary or unusual), Shakiri (she is most beautiful), and Jamelia (one of great beauty).
What’s in a spot?
A 2018 study published in the journal PeerJ found that certain aspects of giraffe spots are passed down from mother to calf, such as how round the spots are and their smoothness (which is technically referred to as “tortuousness”).
The study authors also noted that bigger, rounder spots seemed linked to higher survival rates for young giraffes.
Still unanswered, however, was if that was possibly due to better camouflage or other unknown factors like enhanced ability to regulate temperature.
Bercovitch, who wasn’t involved in that study, says he wouldn’t be concerned about the spotless giraffe’s health even if the giraffe was born in the wild and away from a zoo’s medical care.
“Among mammals, the fur and the hair are the primary features that assist in thermoregulation, not the color of the fur,” he says.
“Giraffes can regularly raise their body temperature by a few degrees … they don’t sweat,” he says.
“That’s one of the reasons you find giraffes under trees—they want to keep their body temperatures within certain limits.”
Even the lack of camouflage wouldn’t necessarily mean the giraffe would be at a disadvantage in the wild, he says, since the mortality rate for young giraffes from lion predation is already so high.
Ferguson, the wildlife veterinarian says she looks forward to hearing more about the giraffe in the years to come.
“What would be cool,” she says, “would be to take an infrared light photo or a thermograph of her to see if the spot pattern is still there but invisible to our eye.”
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kenhaglind · 2 years
What Exactly Is Health Policy?
The actions and choices made to accomplish particular health goals are referred to as healthcare policy. Typically, both governmental and private sectors are involved. It also covers the price and caliber of the medical care given. One of the most crucial issues in health care reform is the cost of healthcare policies. It is a social problem in addition to a financial one.
The US is now debating public health insurance and healthcare policy. Trade-offs between public and private programs are at the heart of the discussion. Private insurance plans could be more comprehensive, but they frequently have smaller provider networks and more cost sharing. They could potentially receive unexpected medical expenditures.
A new Medicare scheme, which would largely replace private health insurance, is supported by certain candidates. But it's not apparent how such a system would operate. The current system would need to be significantly disrupted, and there may also be higher taxes and fees for many people.
The average monthly cost of health insurance for an individual in the United States is $456. This includes the grants that certain Americans receive from the government. However, prices differ based on factors like location, quality of coverage, and age.
Spending on healthcare is rapidly rising. Politicians must control the rate of growth while maintaining universal access to inexpensive healthcare. In order to do this, the healthcare sector created an affordability scale that clarifies the costs of care for payers, physicians, and patients.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' official program, the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set, can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of healthcare policies. This data collection contains follow-up visits, rates of cancer screenings, and chronic condition medication management.
The National Health Insurance, a program that South Africa established in 2012, is one of the additional quality-of-care initiatives. A designated group of people will receive care from the system at a set price. Over the course of 14 years, the National Health Insurance will be implemented gradually.
The health care system cannot function without nurse practitioners (NPs). In a variety of contexts, they offer both primary care and speciality treatment. NPs also offer counseling, diagnosis, and health education. They are playing bigger roles in the healthcare system. The healthcare policies of local, state, national, and international populations are also influenced by NPs.
For instance, nurse practitioners are essential in assisting policymakers in making choices that enhance patient care. NPs have a distinctive viewpoint on patients' needs and how the healthcare system ought to operate. NPs are able to recognize issues and make suggestions for solutions by fusing their scientific knowledge with their own experiences.
In determining healthcare policy, private entities play a significant role. Services that the general public might not normally have access to are contracted for. Privatization can also increase productivity and profitability. The effect of privatization on the American healthcare system is still hotly contested.
Although tackling health care challenges through private ownership has gained popularity, it is unclear how privatization will impact the overall quality and prices of service. We cannot tell whether the public interest will be served unless we are aware of the exact costs and benefits of private providers.
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Medical Disposables Market to be worth US$ 326 Billion by 2033, Reveals Future Market Insights
The Medical Disposables Market revenues were estimated at US$ 153.5 Billion in 2022 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 7.1% from 2023-2033, according to a recently published Future Market Insights report. By the end of 2033, the market is expected to reach US$ 326 Billion. Bandages and Wound Dressings commanded the largest revenue share in 2022 and is expected to register a CAGR of 6.8% from 2023 to 2033.
The rising incidence of Hospital Acquired Infections, an increasing number of surgical procedures, and the growing prevalence of chronic diseases leading to longer hospital admission have been the key factors driving the market.
The subsequent spike in the number of chronic illness cases and a rise in the rate of hospitalizations has fueled the field of emergency medical disposables growth. The expansion of the medical disposables market is being fueled by an increase in the prevalence of hospital-acquired illnesses and disorders, as well as a greater focus on infection prevention. For example, the prevalence of healthcare-associated infection in high-income countries ranges from 3.5% to 12%, whereas it ranges from 5.7% to 19.1% in low and medium-income countries.
A growing geriatric population, an increase in the incidence of incontinence issues, mandatory guidelines that must be followed for patient safety at healthcare institutions, and an increase in demand for sophisticated healthcare facilities is driving the medical disposables market.
The market in North America is expected to reach a valuation of US$ 131 Billion by 2033 from US$ 61.7 Billion in 2022. In August 2000, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued guidance concerning healthcare single-use items reprocessed by third parties or hospitals. In this guidance, FDA stated that hospitals or third-party reprocessors would be considered manufacturers and regulated in the exact same manner. A newly used single-use device still has to fulfill the criteria for device activation required by its flagship when it was originally manufactured. Such regulations have been creating a positive impact on the medical disposables market in the U.S. market in specific and the North American market in general
Competitive Landscape
The key companies in the market are engaged in mergers, acquisitions and partnerships.
The key players in the market include 3M, Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc., Abbott, Becton, Dickinson & Company, Medtronic, B. Braun Melsungen AG, Bayer AG, Smith and Nephew, Medline Industries, Inc., and Cardinal Health.
Some of the recent developments of key Medical Disposables providers are as follows:
In April 2019, Smith & Nephew PLC purchased Osiris Therapeutics, Inc. with the goal of expanding its advanced wound management product range.
In May 2019, 3M announced the acquisition of Acelity Inc., with the goal of strengthening wound treatment products.
For More Information: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/medication-dispenser-market
More Insights Available
Future Market Insights, in its new offering, presents an unbiased analysis of the Medical Disposables Market, presenting historical market data (2018-2022) and forecast statistics for the period of 2023-2033.
The study reveals essential insights by Product (Surgical Instruments & Supplies, Infusion, and Hypodermic Devices, Diagnostic & Laboratory Disposables, Bandages and Would Dressings, Sterilization Supplies, Respiratory Devices, Dialysis Disposables, Medical & Laboratory Gloves), by Raw Material (Plastic Resin, Nonwoven Material, Rubber, Metal, Glass, Others), by End-use (Hospitals, Home Healthcare, Outpatient/Primary Care Facilities, Other End-use) across five regions (North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Middle East & Africa).
Market Segments Covered in Medical Disposables Industry Analysis
By Product Type:
Surgical Instruments & Supplies
Would Closures
Procedural Kits & Trays
Surgical Catheters
Surgical Instruments
Plastic Surgical Drapes
By Raw Material:
Plastic Resin
Nonwoven Material
Other Raw Materials
By End-use:
Home Healthcare
Outpatient/Primary Care Facilities
Other End-uses
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blueweave8 · 2 years
Goat Milk Products Market Growth, Analysis, Report 2022-2028
A recent study conducted by the strategic consulting and market research firm, BlueWeave Consulting, revealed that the Global Goat Milk Products Market was worth USD 11.8 billion in the year 2021. The market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.3%, earning revenues of around USD 15.8 billion by the end of 2028. The Global Goat Milk Products Market is booming due to the growing demand for goat milk, fueled in part by the increasing recognition that numerous health benefits are associated with drinking it, particularly among consumers concerned about their health. The market is being further stimulated by the growing preference among lactose intolerant people to consume goat milk as a substitute for cow's milk due to goat milk's reduced lactose content.
Growing Consumer Interest in Infant Formula Made from Goat Milk
The number of babies fed newborn formula made from goat milk is increasing at a startling rate. This infant formula is simple to digest and does not cause newborns to experience any issues related to their digestion.
More and more mergers and acquisitions are taking place.
In addition, the demand for dairy foods is growing among businesses that produce cosmetics and personal care items, which drives up prices. Products such as soaps, creams, lotions, and other items make use of it. In the years to come, it is anticipated that these elements will be the primary drivers of growth in this business.
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The problem involves getting the milk supply to coincide with its demand
The fall and winter months see the most significant demand for dairy products like milk and cheese, while the spring is when milk production is at its maximum. Even though this problem is not exceptional, it makes an already fragile economic situation even more so for subsistence farmers who rely on milk income and upsets customers who favor dairy products made from goats.
There are a lot of dairy farmers in Mexico's semiarid regions, and most of them live on marginal land.
As a result, they are generally in a socioeconomically difficult situation and have limited access to government assistance. In order to raise their standard of living, they require sufficient revenue from milk production, yet, the fertility of the land prevents them from achieving this goal. The most effective means of boosting production and income is establishing robust producer associations, participating in ongoing technical education, broadening access to credit and financial services, and creating more streamlined market structures.
Segmental Coverage
Global Goat Milk Products Market – By Distribution Channel
Depending on goat milk products, the distribution channel segment comprises Specialty Stores, Supermarkets, Drug Stores, Online Channels, and Convenience Stores. The supermarket and hypermarket categories comprise the largest share of all distribution channels over the forecasted period. This is due to the fact that it offers convenient access to a variety of goat dairy products under one roof. Customers may thus choose items from a large variety of options with ease as a result of this. Seasonal displays of various dairy products are becoming increasingly prevalent, which promotes new products and grows the industry. Additionally, the majority of producers make good money through chains of supermarkets and hypermarkets. Dairy product manufacturers, therefore, strive to cater to this market with their products.
Global Goat Milk Products Market - By Region
The Global Goat Milk Products Market is geographically segmented into North America, Europe, The Asia Pacific, Latin America, The Middle East, and Africa. The Asia-Pacific region controlled most of the global market and held the highest share, equivalent to more than 52.5% of the total revenue in the year 2021. In the United States, the consumption of dairy products is growing at a large rate due to the increased awareness of the health benefits of these products on the positive effects that drinking milk and eating dairy products have on one's health.
It is projected that Europe will demonstrate the highest growth rate in terms of revenue during the period under consideration. The growing preference among consumers for healthy meals due to increased awareness of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and an increased focus on total well-being is driving up product demand in Europe, which in turn is propelling the market in that region.
Impact of COVID-19 on Global Goat Milk Products Market
During the COVID-19 epidemic, people are more concerned about their health than usual, so they are taking additional safety measures to protect themselves. The dairy business has shown incredible resilience despite the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. Despite initial worries that the market for goat milk products would be especially vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic, the disease did not substantially impact the market for goat milk products around the world.
Competitive Landscape
Ausnutria Diary Corporation Ltd, AVH Dairy Trade B.V., Goat Partners International, Holle Baby Food AG, Meyenberg, Redwood Hill Farm & Creamery, St. Helen's Farm Stickney Hill Diary Inc, Woolwich Diary Inc, Xi'an Baiyue Goat Group Co Ltd, and Other Prominent Players are the leading market players in the global goat milk products market. The companies that currently dominate the market continue to maintain their dominance by investing in research and development, including cutting-edge technology in their products, and introducing improved offerings to their consumer base. Several strategies, including strategic alliances, agreements, mergers, and partnerships, are among the methods that are utilized.
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strangemusictriumph · 2 years
Organic Coffee Market - Forecast (2022-2027)
Organic Coffee Market size is estimated to reach $13.4 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 8.3% during the forecast period 2022-2027. Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and the coffee bean is the second most traded commodity after petrol on the worldwide market. In more than 50 nations, more than 25 million farmers are involved in the production of coffee. Organic coffee is a popular beverage made without synthetic chemicals, pesticides, organic fertilizers, antibiotics, or growth hormones. Chlorogenic acid, fatty acids, flavanols, and catechins are amidst the numerous antioxidants discovered in them. The coffee beans utilized in the manufacturing of organic coffee are non-genetically modified organisms. Sustainability, renewable resources, and safeguarding the quality of the land, groundwater, and air are all priorities for the producers. Organic coffee has exploded in popularity in recent years, thanks to a shift in consumer preferences toward natural foods and sustainable lifestyles. One of the primary reasons driving market expansion is growing awareness of the advantages of organic foods and drinks throughout the world. Organic coffee has been shown to lessen cancer risk, lower cholesterol levels, increase immunity, aid weight reduction, and protect against neurological illnesses. It is also known to prevent large-scale cellular death by stabilizing damaging free radicals discovered in the human body. 
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The health benefits of organic coffee including antioxidants and the growing trend of on-the-go coffee drinking are set to drive the Organic Coffee Market. The surging promotional operations on social media platforms and other platforms, like the internet, television, and newspapers, distributing knowledge about the benefits of organic food are set to propel the growth of the Organic Coffee Market during the forecast period 2022-2027. This represents the Organic Coffee Industry Outlook.
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Report Coverage
The report: “Organic Coffee Market Forecast (2022-2027)", by Industry ARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Organic Coffee Market.By Origin – Coffea Arabica and Coffea Canephora.
By Product Type – Fair Trade Coffee, Gourmet Coffee, Espresso Coffee, Coffee Pods and Others.By Roast – Light, Medium and Dark.
By Flavors - Chocolate And Caramel, Citrus And Floral, Almond, Amaretto, French Vanilla, Cinnamon and Others.By Packaging Type - Stand-Up Pouches, Jars & Bottles, and Others.
By Application - Food And Beverages, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic And Personal Care and Others.By Distribution Channel - Hypermarkets/Supermarkets, Departmental And Convenience Stores, Specialty Stores, Online Sales Channels and Others.
By Geography - North America (U.S, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia & New Zealand, and Rest of Asia-Pacific), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Rest of South America), and Rest Of The World (Middle East, Africa).
Key Takeaways
Geographically, North America (Organic Coffee Market) accounted for the highest revenue share in 2021 and it is poised to dominate the market over the period 2022-2027 owing to the heightening processing and packaging in building the market for any brand and the soaring demand of specific coffee brands like Kona Coffee from the large island of Hawaii in the North American region.
Organic Coffee Market growth is being driven by the surging inclination of consumers towards organic beverages and the proliferating application of organic coffee in vegan baking, confectionery items, and personal care products. However, the heightening prices of organic food and beverages, soaring cost of production and operations, and shorter shelf life are some of the major factors hampering the growth of the Organic Coffee Market.
Organic Coffee Market Detailed Analysis on the Strength, Weakness, and Opportunities of the prominent players operating in the market will be provided in the Organic Coffee Market report.
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Organic Coffee Market Segment Analysis - By Application
The Organic Coffee Market based on the application can be further segmented into Food And Beverages, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and Personal Care, and Others. The Food And Beverages Segment held the largest market share in 2021. This growth is owing to the extensive application of organic coffee including antioxidants for confectionery and bakery products, direct intake, dairy products, smoothies, and shakes. With the quick adoption of western culture and expanding awareness of personal health, specifically among the younger generation in emerging countries, consumers are inclining more towards organic coffee including antioxidants. The kickoff of new organic coffee and coffee-associated assortments like cold coffee, cafe latte, and cappuccino appealing to an extensive audience is further propelling the growth of the Food And Beverages segment.
Furthermore, the Cosmetic And Personal Care segment is estimated to grow with the fastest CAGR of 9.8% during the forecast period 2022-2027 owing to the proliferating demand for organic flavored coffee in developed economies, the soaring development of cosmetic products including organic coffee with antioxidants and the surging awareness of the advantages of using coffee topically, like how it may help soothe, revitalize, cleanse, and smooth the skin.
Organic Coffee Market Segment Analysis - By Distribution Channel
The Organic Coffee Market based on distribution channels can be further segmented into Hypermarkets/Supermarkets, Departmental And Convenience Stores, Specialty Stores, Online Sales Channels, and Others. The Hypermarkets/Supermarkets Segment held the largest market share in 2021. This growth is owing to the supermarkets and hypermarkets being big retail shops that typically provide an assortment of retail product categories under one roof. In order to be accessible to clients, supermarkets are frequently placed near a residential neighborhoods. However, owing to a shortage of property near residential areas, the majority of supermarkets and hypermarket companies are expanding outside of the city. Walmart, Tesco, Aldi, Kroger, Carrefour, Whole Foods Market, and other major retailers have a substantial presence in the distribution of organic coffee. The shifting consumer tastes for low-calorie and sugar-free products have prompted many businesses to keep a surplus of organic coffee including antioxidants on hand which is further propelling the growth of this segment. 
Furthermore, the Departmental And Convenience Stores segment is estimated to grow with the fastest CAGR of 10.5% during the forecast period 2022-2027 owing to their low-volume purchase from manufacturers or suppliers, and smaller discounts typically offered by convenience stores when compared to hypermarkets, supermarkets, and internet businesses. 
Organic Coffee Market Segment Analysis - By Geography
The Organic Coffee Market based on geography can be further segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and the Rest of the World. North America (Organic Coffee Market) held the largest share with 36% of the overall market in 2021. The growth of this region is owing to the rising demand for organic products, alterations in the dietary patterns, and growth of organic farming methods to cater to the demand for organic food attributed to the alarming rate of diseases in the North American region. The rising consumer awareness of the health benefits associated with the consumption of organic coffee including antioxidants over conventional coffee and Mexico, being one of the largest coffee-producing countries in the world, according to the National Coffee Association, U.S., are further propelling the growth of the Organic Coffee Market in the North American region.
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Organic Coffee Market Drivers
Rise In The Consumption Of Healthy And Organic Foods Is Driving The Market Growth
The expansion of the organic coffee market is anticipated to be driven by an increase in the consumption of healthy and organic foods involving organic coffee including antioxidants, owing to the many advantages associated with these products. Synthetic and dangerous fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones, genetic engineering, artificial preservatives, flavors, and colors are not used in organic coffee manufacturing. The utilization of the USDA Organic seal signifies a product is at least 95 percent organic unless 100% organic is particularized. Coffee is a single-constituent product. Therefore, a bag of organic coffee is 100 percent organic beans. Organic drinks, according to Café Altura, an organic coffee business in the U.S., lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and heart failure, lower cholesterol, cut the risk of Type 2 diabetes, and boost the body's immunity. The rise in the consumption of healthy and organic foods is therefore fuelling the growth of the Organic Coffee Market during the forecast period 2022-2027.
Soaring Recognition Of Cafes Across The World Is Fuelling The Market Growth
Café culture and the habit of socializing at cafés has grown in popularity among urban youngsters. The rise in the number of food service outlets is being fuelled by an increase in the number of people moving to cities and a significant white-collar demographic. Various coffee shops, specialty coffee shops, and quick-service restaurants (QSRs) have sprung up to cater to various tastes and preferences for various varieties of fresh coffee. Coffee makers will have various branding options as the number of coffee-themed eateries grows. Consumers seek out premium coffee foods including antioxidants at coffee-themed eateries, prompting them to seek them out at retail outlets. Leading coffeehouse chains like Starbucks, Costa, and Barista are expanding into new markets. As per Coffee Shop Industry Statistics And Trends on brandongaille.com, the international business for these chains provide growth opportunities like Starbucks owning 5,500 international coffee shop locations. The increased recognition of malls and shopping centers has prompted players to make significant investments in coffee distribution through these venues. The soaring recognition of cafes across the world is therefore fuelling the growth of the Organic Coffee Market during the forecast period 2022-2027.
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Organic Coffee Market Challenges
Prices Of The Raw Materials Are High Enough To Limit The Market Growth
The high cost of organic coffee is predicted to stifle the growth of the Organic Coffee Market in the forthcoming future. Organic coffee is typically 20% more expensive than ordinary coffee. Organic coffee is grown using natural fertilizers and pesticides, which raises the overall cost of production. Furthermore, the procedure of acquiring organic certification and inspection is expensive, resulting in an additional cost of roughly 10-15% higher than regular coffee. The expenses of certification and inspection are difficult to estimate since they are dependent on the kind and intensity of conventional farming techniques prior to conversion to organic agriculture. As a result, the high cost of manufacturing and certification raises the cost of organic coffee. These issues are hampering the growth of the Organic Coffee Market.
Organic Coffee Industry Outlook:
Product launches, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and geographical expansions are key strategies adopted by players in the Organic Coffee Market. The Organic Coffee top 10 companies are:
Complete Coffee Limited
Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. (Keurig Dr Pepper)
F S Gourmet Private Limited
Java Trading Co. LLC
Jim's Organic Coffee
Keurig Green Mountain, Inc.
Luigi Lavazza S.p.A.
Nestle S.A.
Rogers Family Company
Starbucks Corporation 
For more Food and Beverage Market reports, please click here
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Blog Deliverable 2 
As stated in my initial post, Measure 110- the Drug Treatment and Recovery Act- was passed in a landslide decision with 74%+ of Multnomah County voters in favor (Haas, 2020). After the passing of the act, current Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt’s office stated that “Past punitive drug policies and laws resulted in over-policing of diverse communities, heavy reliance on correctional facilities and a failure to promote public safety and health. It’s time to move beyond these failed practices, expand access to treatment and focus our limited law enforcement resources to target high-level, commercial drug offenses” (Haas, 2020). This brings forward important emphasis on certain areas of drug criminalization that are more harmful than helpful- especially noting the emphasis of the over-policing of diverse communities. Drug criminalization is based in racism, and we saw, and will continue to see in states that do not work towards decriminalization, that black men are incarcerated at a significantly higher rate than other races for non violent drug related crimes; in 2001, decades after the supposed war on drugs began, America had a higher incarceration rate for black man than apartheid South Africa (Boyd, 2001). 
There are some professionals who feel as though Oregon should repeal the act, arguing that with none of the outside pressures from law enforcement to encourage people to get clean, the act has simply encouraged drug use and exacerbated addiction (Dooris & Mann, 2022). There are a few things that this article fails to acknowledge, however, including the cost of going through rehabilitation and rehabilitation services. That is a key component to rehabilitation, and without the support of friends and family, many of those suffering from addiction cannot afford it, hence the importance of services like Multnomah County Harm Reduction.     
Multnomah County offers a Harm Reduction clinic, which offers services such as syringe exchanges, overdose kits that include a drug that can reverse opioid addictions called Naloxone, wound and abscess care, and referrals to treatment facilities (Syringe Exchange, 2022). While these clinics are great, there are a few flaws. These clinics and their partners primarily reside in Southeast Portland, however, with only one available location in Southwest Portland. Beyond just the county, there are several other services that offer harm reduction, such as Project RED, a harm reduction initiative from Alano Club of Portland in Northwest. The program was originally started by Ellen Wirshup, who started by distributing supplies in case of overdose, as well as educational material to help anyone who may face barriers to access to drug specific health services. She later began partnering with the Alano Club, where their primary focus is service and entertainment workers who are likely to fall into the traps of addiction, and lack the resources to make changes (ABOUT, n.d.). Alongside their original services, they also now offer information and help to those looking for professional help and treatment facilities. Another Portland area project focusing on harm reduction outreach is the Portland Peoples Outreach Project (PPOP). Similarly to Project RED, PPOP ddistributes clean syringes, pipes, Narcan, safer sex supplies, wound care, and a variety of other harm reduction services. PPOP is located in St. Johns area, and is need based, meaning that rather than having people drop off used syringes or equipment in order to receive clean supplies, they distribute to anyone who may be in need (Portland People’s Outreach Project, n.d.). 
ABOUT. (n.d.). Project RED. Retrieved October 22, 2022, from https://projectredinitiative.org/about
Boyd, G. (2001, July). The War on Drugs is the New Jim Crow. American Civil Liberties Union. Retrieved October 22, 2022, from https://www.aclu.org/other/drug-war-new-jim-crow 
Dooris, P., & Mann, D. (2022, September 27). Experts Criticize Oregon’s Drug Decriminalization Policy. KGW8. Retrieved October 22, 2022, from https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/the-story/oregons-drug-decriminalization-flaws/283-6b5c022f-f437-4476-ba44-c6d163ca6d7b 
Haas, R. (2020, December 18). Multnomah County prosecutor adopts drug decriminalization measure months early. Opb. Retrieved October 21, 2022, from https://www.opb.org/article/2020/12/17/multnomah-county-adopt-measure-110-drug-decriminalization/
Portland People’s Outreach Project. (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2022, from http://www.portlandpeoplesoutreach.org/ 
Syringe Exchange. (2022, September 7). Multnomah County. Retrieved October 21, 2022, from https://www.multco.us/hiv-and-std-services/syringe-exchange-and-disposal 
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andiwendy · 2 years
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 Poor communities in south Africa are faced with challenges that impact the individuals  performance in daily occupations. These challenges include inequality where   one gender is usually prioritised over  the other, people with disabilities are faced with discrimination as well as stigma. Children in poor communities have less access to adequate intervention to pre-primary  school education and development. Poverty being one of the main contributing factor to lack of access to adequate resources in households, vulnerability in the streets and poor education within the young people. These factors may lead to occupational deprivation, imbalance, or occupational disruption in one’s life .
SDG 3  Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
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One of the issues in the community I work in is access to adequate health care serves daily. To work towards this goal I plan to continue doing the health promotion talks in the morning at the clinic to ensure awareness to various health topics such as mental health (depression, anxiety, substance use disorders or abuse ) interacting with the clients and  issuing pamphlets (Kumar &  Preetha,2012). This helps improve the clients’ abilities into what they can do in theirs physical and social context together with rehabilitation of clients which also allows a better chance to access schools or workplace regardless of injury or disability. Empowering the community and clients coming in at the clinic young girls and awareness to sexual and reproductive health and empower for them to gain autonomy and choose what is best for them and their health such as fulfilling their unmet needs for family planning which they are sometimes decided on by abusive apartn9.  https://section27.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/S27-adolescentSRHR-2019spreads.pdf . I will be working towards prevention of diseases and disability through awareness as well as programs such as fall preventions to elderly , and other educational/ health promotions. To reduce maternal mortality through  promotional talks , screening  as well as providing mental health care services . Starting the elderly leisure groups   which aims at engaging in leisure to promote health and well being , mental health as well as physical health .                                                                                        
SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
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Most children in Kenville go to poorly resourced creches which limits their ability to develop physically as well as cognitively. The areas and backgrounds they come from sometimes do not support good development due to living conditions, poor economic backgrounds which prevents the parents form accessing quality early development to   and limited space (Venter, 2022). The intervention while working in this community as well as the creche we see at the NPO centre l will aim at promoting childhood development  through engagement in creches projects planning and implementing activities that promote stimulation and  development physically and cognitively such as gross motor activities, fine motor skills and activities that involve basic concepts as their ages are when their brain develop . As one of the creches is severely poor resourced , starting projects that will help with resources such as toys using affordable and easily replaced materials that can be accessed easily. To promote quality childhood care and  childhood development .
Due to marginalisation ,  a lot of children with disabilities face discrimination as well as stigma in the society which is mainly due to lack of awareness ad  , conducting awareness to disabilities or children with special needs and promote acceptance in the communities to promote engagement in education . I will also ensure to promote learning by making or issue or refer for assistive devices to improve attendance to schools and learning. https://enablingdevices.com/blog/assistive-technology-in-the-classroom/
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 SDG 5 AND SDG 10; Gender equality and reduced inequality.
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I am going to work towards this goal by empowering young girls to continue to go to school to get educated and increase chances of better employment. To engage women who go through violence into a support group to share their experiences which can help others who are going through abuse or similar situations . Educating men and awareness of the health issues that women come across in households for men to assist where they can. Empowering women through vocational skills to improve ability and chances to get employed. Reducing inequality through advocacy work for the special needs client for accessing facilities that are friendly to assistive devices and special needs.
 SDG 8 Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
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One of the important occupations for adults is work. Although a lot of people in the community I am currently in  do not have stable jobs or are unemployed some of them do engage in some work to earn a living. Different illness, physical injuries or disabilities can affect one’s ability to carry out work. Starting from prevention in the community with the clients I see or come across during the clinic visits can help promote physical and mental health at a workplace or during engagement in work. prevention project will include educational programs into good ergonomics and body mechanics to ensure protection of joints thus reducing chances of cases such as low back pain, Stress management techniques as in most work places a person gets under a lot of work pressure that sometimes they struggle to person assigned duties.( Rai et al,2019) Providing education in energy conservation techniques to promote optimal work performance thus leading to productive employment. As a student therapist I can also further assist by advocating for the  special needs client’s who qualify for jobs but get discriminated , to promote inclusion of every person’s as they also have right to  employment. To also advocate for assistive devices and refer for issue where needed to improve the client’s chances of return to work.
Venter, L. A systems perspective on early childhood development education in South Africa. ICEP 16, 7 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40723-022-00100-5
Prozesky D. (2014). Giving a health talk. Community eye health, 27(88), 76.
Kumar, S., & Preetha, G. (2012). Health promotion: an effective tool for global health. Indian journal of community medicine : official publication of Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine, 37(1), 5–12. https://doi.org/10.4103/0970-0218.94009
Rahman, M. M., Saima, U., & Goni, M. A. (2015). Impact of Maternal Household Decision-Making Autonomy on Child Nutritional Status in Bangladesh. Asia-Pacific journal of public health, 27(5), 509–520. https://doi.org/10.1177/1010539514568710
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nandiotstudent · 2 days
Aligning Occupational therapy with global goals and inspiring communities through sustainable development.
As individuals, we strive for personal goals, from organizing our lives to building our futures. Similarly, the global community has united to create the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a blueprint for a more equitable, healthy, and prosperous world and how South Africa has developed its own goals for the country’s development. As an occupational therapy student, I recognize the impact of these goals on our discipline and the communities we serve. Specifically, I am drawn to five SDGs that influence our role as community practitioners: Good Health and Well-being (SDG 3), Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10), Gender Equality (SDG 5), Quality Education (SDG 4), and Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8). By aligning my practice with these global objectives, I can ensure continuity of care, enhance client satisfaction, and contribute meaningfully to the well-being of our communities. In this blog, I will explore the interactions between occupational therapy and these SDGs, highlighting opportunities for collaboration and change.
South Africa has its own version of the SDGS called the National Development Plan (NDP)  to bridge the line from a global goal to a more context-relevant goal. “The NDP has a 74% convergence with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and prioritises job creation, the elimination of poverty, the reduction of inequality and growing an inclusive economy by 2030.” (Statistics South Africa & Mthembu, 2019). See the link below leading to a news interview about South Africa's gloomy trajectory in achieving these goals.
The first SDG I would like to speak about is Good Health and Well-being. What does this goal entail? According to Parry (2023), it is to “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.” See the link below to learn more about this SDG:
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(United Nations, 2022)
This is a given SDG that any health practitioner should contribute to, no matter which community they serve. This will include community primary health care by promoting healthy behaviours and applying prevention strategies. An example of this that I have done (and still am) will be providing both direct and indirect therapy. By having resources available for the people who need it on standby without being physically present. This is due to the high demand for services but the lack of means to achieve them. By creating means where there can be some impact despite the devasting statistics shown above. Advising educators and caregivers on how they can assist in the home and allowing the service users to participate by giving them the space to make an attempt and recommending NGOs that can continue to fill in the gap without the cost.
Now, onto the next SDG, which is Reduced Inequalities, specifically 10.2 and 10.3, which, according to Global goals.org (2024), aim to “Promote universal social, economic and political inclusion” and to “Ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination” respectively.  See the link below to learn more about the main goal's sub-goals:
A part of the OT role is advocacy. By using the influence that comes with being a health care practitioner, occupational therapists can advocate for a change or create campaigns that address the inequalities and challenges that the people in the community face. How have I, as a student, done this? I have had to stand up for my clients against their caregivers in the community. Despite caregivers being overbearing out of love, they are creating occupational deprivation and thus lowering the quality of their loved ones' lives.
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(United Nations, 2023)
Then another goal that I feel I can contribute to is Gender Equality. As an aspiring occupational therapist, creating a space for women to take charge of their sexual and reproductive health is a small contribution to this global goal, as we have seen campaigns but limited action being taken by our governments.
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(United Nations, 2022)
 This can be done by small actions such as health promotion in clinics and information pamphlets on reproductive health. I have conversations with my clients and introduce them to the available resources in the clinic. In some communities I have served, women's needs are placed second rather than equally in a marriage. This has then resulted in unwanted pregnancy, creating a cycle of neglect and abuse. By introducing contraceptive methods that will not cause arguments or conflict in the home, an example of this would be recommending spermicide gel. As a community practitioner, understanding its cause and decreasing its impact is important. Removing my own assumptions and treating the cause for what it is. Making use of the policies that are in place but poorly utilised.
Quality Education (SDG 4) is a goal that I feel I have been working on quite frequently in the MR community. Parry (2023) states that this SDG " ensures inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”
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(United Nations, 2022)
In the MR community, we have seen low performance in primary school students as they can no longer read for meaning (or cannot read) and struggle with mathematics and other basic concepts. In my therapy, I have used activities aimed at younger children to build foundational skills and assist in filling the gap. Unfortunately, educators have a curriculum that they must stick to, showing how rigid the education system can sometimes be. This is to the child's detriment as they are either dropped out or pushed to the next grade without the skill. The South African Department of Education (2007) states that no learners should stay in the same phase for longer than 4 years or 5 years where grade R is offered as part of the foundation phase. This, in turn, limits the students from furthering their learning as FET marks may be low, therefore unable to qualify for higher education.  This, in turn, will increase our unemployment rates, according to (Trading Economics, 2024), which are sitting at a staggering 35,50% and a youth unemployment rate of 60.80 %.
See this link for more information on South Africa's unemployment rates:
 This brings us to the SDG of Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8). Parry(2023) states that this SDG focuses on “Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.” However, how does an Occupational therapist fit into this?  Batista and Lussi( 2022) answer this: "It is up to occupational therapists to intervene in and through all types and places of work, not just considering the formalized one. We understand that the scarcity of rights presented by contemporary work contracts, prolonged unemployment, and the various types of precariousness are aspects that justify the need to increase the range of Occupational Therapy activities in the work area.” In the country, we see devasting rates of unemployment and occupational alienation as the people are working to survive and no longer feel any fulfilment and have lost hope in government plans. In the MR community, using a skills-based approach to work was found to be helpful rather than looking at qualifications. Some clients found meaning in doing physical labour rather than a formal job. This then required me to shift my bias to what a meaningful job is for the individual, removing my ideals and making therapy more client-centred. This, in turn, increases sustained employment as people would have found a job that they find satisfactory.
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(United Nations, 2023)
Through my experiences, I have seen how occupational therapy has attempted aligned itself with the global goals of Good Health and Well-being, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Decent Work and Economic growth and reduced inequalities. Despite the country's poor achievements in reaching the goals. it is important to include the SDGs into our practice and collaborate with others in the community to address the needs of the community people. As Occupational Therapists, it is important to understand the community and what factors are causing the poor trajectory of the NDP and use the opportunities presented to us to help reach those goals. Now to ask, what bias and stereotype do you need to overcome to apply the SDGs into your practice fully?
Batista, M., & Lussi,. (2022). Occupational Therapy and informal work: reflections for practicing. Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional, 30, e2901. https://www.scielo.br/j/cadbto/a/MXmbpSY5dqGr3sDhrgPXXHr/?lang=en
Department of Basic Education. (2007). Provincial examination and assessment services. Circular No.93 of 2007. Durban: Department of Basic Education.
Global goals.org. (2024). Goal 10: Reduced inequalities - The Global Goals. The Global Goals. https://www.globalgoals.org/goals/10-reduced-inequalities/
Parry, G. (2023). The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - Global Services In Education. Global Services in Education. https://www.gsineducation.com/blog/the-united-nations-sustainable-development-goals-sdgs
Statistics South Africa, & Mthembu, J. (2019). Sustainable Development Goals: Country report 2019 (p. 316 pp). Statistics South Africa. https://www.statssa.gov.za/MDG/SDGs_Country_Report_2019_South_Africa.pdf
Trading Economics. (2024). South Africa Unemployment Rate. Tradingeconomics.com. https://tradingeconomics.com/south-africa/unemployment-rate
United Nations. (2022). Goal 3 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Un.org. https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal3
United Nations. (2022). Goal 4 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Un.org. https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal4
United Nations. (2022). Goal 5 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Un.org. https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal5
United Nations. (2023). Goal 8 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Un.org. https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal8
United Nations. (2023). Goal 10 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Un.org. https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal10
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amrutatbrc1 · 2 days
Body Lotions Market 2024-2033 : Demand, Trend, Segmentation, Forecast, Overview And Top Companies 
The body lotions global market report 2024 from The Business Research Company provides comprehensive market statistics, including global market size, regional shares, competitor market share, detailed segments, trends, and opportunities. This report offers an in-depth analysis of current and future industry scenarios, delivering a complete perspective for thriving in the industrial automation software market.
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Body Lotions Market, 2024 report by The Business Research Company offers comprehensive insights into the current state of the market and highlights future growth opportunities.
Market Size - The body lotions market size has grown rapidly in recent years. It will grow from $70.97 billion in 2023 to $79.44 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.9%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to increasing awareness of the importance of skin care, rising disposable incomes, effective marketing and advertising campaigns, aging population, beauty and cosmetic industry growth.
The body lotions market size is expected to see rapid growth in the next few years. It will grow to $122.8 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.5%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to changing lifestyles, rising health and wellness trends, customization and personalization, e-commerce growth, men's skincare. Major trends in the forecast period include clean beauty products, advanced formulations, inclusivity and diversity, cbd-infused products, development of multifunctional body lotions.
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The Business Research Company's reports encompass a wide range of information, including:
1. Market Size (Historic and Forecast): Analysis of the market's historical performance and projections for future growth.
2. Drivers: Examination of the key factors propelling market growth.
3. Trends: Identification of emerging trends and patterns shaping the market landscape.
4. Key Segments: Breakdown of the market into its primary segments and their respective performance.
5. Focus Regions and Geographies: Insight into the most critical regions and geographical areas influencing the market.
6. Macro Economic Factors: Assessment of broader economic elements impacting the market.
Market Drivers - Rapid growth in the millennial population is expected to drive the body lotions market. According to Cosmetics Europe, the cosmetics and personal care businesses add at least €29 billion (USD 33.14 billion) to the European economy each year, and the number of individuals using cosmetics products is rapidly expanding, surpassing 500 million in Europe. By 2025, millennials are expected to constitute nearly three-quarters of the global workforce. As millennials will represent a large part of the global workforce and play a major role in driving the current economy, their preferences and shopping habits will be an important driving factor for the lotion market.
The body lotions market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Type: Dry Skin Body Lotion, Oily Skin Body Lotion, Normal Skin Body Lotion, Other Types 2) By Application: Men, Women, Baby 3) By Channel: Direct Sales, Distributor
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Regional Insights - Asia-Pacific was the largest region in the body lotion market in 2023. North America was the second-largest region in the body lotions market. The regions covered in the body lotions market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, and Africa.
Key Companies - Major companies operating in the body lotions market include Aveeno, Cetaphil, Olay, Alba Botanica, Avalon Organics, Crabtreeand Evelyn, Hempz, Murad LLC, L'Oréal SA, Unilever plc, Beiersdorf AG, Colgate-Palmolive Company, Estée Lauder Companies Inc., Johnson and Johnson, Avon Products Inc., Shiseido Company Limited, Procter & Gamble Company, Revlon Inc., CeraVe, Avène, Eucerin, Vanicream, EltaMD, La Roche-Posay, Jergens Inc., Kao Corporation, Coty Inc., Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Natura & Co., Amway Corporation, Oriflame Cosmetics Global SA, Mary Kay Inc., Yves Rocher, The Body Shop International Limited, Bath & Body Works LLC, Neutrogena Corporation, Nivea, Vaseline
Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 2. Body Lotions Market Report Structure 3. Body Lotions Market Trends And Strategies 4. Body Lotions Market – Macro Economic Scenario 5. Body Lotions Market Size And Growth ….. 27. Body Lotions Market Competitor Landscape And Company Profiles 28. Key Mergers And Acquisitions 29. Future Outlook and Potential Analysis 30. Appendix
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insightsbyskyquest · 4 days
Urinalysis Market: Trends, Innovations, and Future Outlook
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Urinalysis, a critical diagnostic tool in the medical field, involves the examination of urine to assess health status and detect various conditions. The urinalysis market has witnessed significant growth due to rising healthcare demands, technological advancements, and an increasing focus on preventive care. This article explores the current landscape, emerging trends, key players, and future prospects of the urinalysis market.
Market Overview
The global urinalysis market has been expanding steadily, driven by the growing prevalence of urinary tract infections (UTIs), kidney disorders, and diabetes. Additionally, the rising awareness of preventive healthcare and routine check-ups has further propelled demand. According to recent estimates, the Urinalysis Market size was valued at USD 4.28 billion in 2023 to USD 8.97 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 9.70% during the forecast period (2024-2031).
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Urinalysis Market Segmental Analysis
Global Urinalysis Market is segmented by Product, Test Type, Application, End User, and region.
Based on Product, the market is segmented into Consumables, and Instruments.
Based on Test Type, the market is segmented into Pregnancy & Fertility Tests, Biochemical Tests, and Sediment Urinalysis.
Based on Application, the market is segmented into Disease Screening, and Pregnancy & Fertility Testing.
Based on End User, the market is segmented into Diagnostic Laboratories, Hospitals & Clinics, Home Care Settings, and Research Laboratories & Institutes.
Based on region, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and Middle East & and Africa.
Key Drivers of Growth
Rising Incidence of Urinary Disorders: The increasing prevalence of conditions such as UTIs, bladder cancer, and kidney diseases is a significant driver. The aging population is particularly vulnerable to these health issues, necessitating regular urinalysis.
Technological Advancements: Innovations in urinalysis technology, including automated analyzers, dipsticks, and digital urine analysis, are enhancing accuracy and efficiency. These advancements are making urinalysis more accessible and user-friendly for healthcare providers.
Increasing Health Awareness: With a growing focus on preventive healthcare, more individuals are undergoing routine urinalysis as part of their health check-ups, leading to increased market demand.
Emergence of Home Testing Kits: The advent of home-based urinalysis kits has empowered patients to monitor their health conditions conveniently. This trend is expected to expand as more individuals seek to manage their health proactively.
Key Trends
Point-of-Care Testing (POCT): The shift towards point-of-care testing is revolutionizing urinalysis. POCT allows for immediate results, enhancing decision-making in clinical settings. This trend is particularly beneficial in emergency and primary care environments.
Integration of AI and Machine Learning: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning into urinalysis systems is improving diagnostic accuracy and predictive analytics. AI algorithms can identify patterns and anomalies in urine samples, assisting healthcare professionals in making informed decisions.
Focus on Digital Health Solutions: As healthcare moves towards digitalization, the development of mobile applications and telemedicine platforms for urinalysis is on the rise. These solutions enhance patient engagement and streamline the diagnostic process.
Competitive Landscape
The urinalysis market is characterized by the presence of several key players, including: Siemens Healthineers AG, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Cardinal Health, Danaher, Abbott, Sysmex Corporation, Thermo Fisher Scientific, QuidelOrtho Corporation, Becton, Dickinson and Company, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., EKF Diagnostics Holdings PLC, Arkray, Inc., ACON Laboratories, Inc., 77 Elektronika Kft., URIT Medical Electronic Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co., Ltd., Dirui Industrial Co., Ltd., BIOBASE Group, Erba Mannheim (Germany) Alphatec Scientific E.I.R.L., Teco Diagnostics, Analyticon Biotechnologies GmbH, Bioway Biological Technology Co., Ltd., High Technology, Inc., Agappe Diagnostics Ltd, Toyobo Co., Ltd., DIALAB GmbH, Quantimetrix, Biocare Corporation, Randox Laboratories Ltd., PZ Cormay S.A., YD Diagnostics, Contec Medical Systems Co., Ltd., Biopanda Reagents Ltd.
These companies are investing in research and development to innovate and expand their product offerings. Strategic partnerships and collaborations are also common, aiming to enhance technology integration and improve market reach.
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Future Outlook
The future of the urinalysis market looks promising, with continued growth anticipated in the coming years. Factors such as technological advancements, increasing health awareness, and the growing need for efficient diagnostic tools will drive the market forward. Additionally, the rise of telehealth and remote monitoring solutions will further expand access to urinalysis services. The urinalysis market is evolving rapidly, driven by innovation and an increasing focus on health management. As technology continues to advance and consumer demands shift, the market is well-positioned for sustained growth and transformation in the years ahead. Stakeholders must stay abreast of trends and challenges to capitalize on opportunities within this dynamic landscape.
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