#priene pythias
mysterysimblr · 1 month
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Priene: So, how was “holding hands” with Clovis? Mercedes: Eep! Great, actually. I know you two have—wait, are you upset with me? Priene: Oh, please. As if a guy could ever stand between us. Mercedes: Right!
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puppyfree · 2 years
The oracle of delphi
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You are invited to receive guidance and inspiration us­ing these oracle cards.Ĭontains: 147 cards depicting beautiful wall paintings from various ancient sites of Greece and a booklet in English. “Today’s Pythia” gives her own interpretation of the meaning of these precepts as they pertain to today’s life. His journey comes to an end at the port of Delphi, where he proclaims that he will build a temple that will serve as an. After Apollo’s visit to Olympus, where he was greatly admired for his beauty, the god of music travelled the Earth searching for a suitable home. With this set of oracle cards, and the booklet enclosed, the timeless light of the ancients offers advice regarding all aspects of life, widening our perspective and understanding. A Reconstruction of the Oracle’s Chambers in Apollo’s Temple at Delphi. The wise words in the Delphic maxims, known also as the ‘Py­thian Letters’, are attributed to the seven sages of antiquity: Thales of Miletus, Pittakos Mytilineos, Bias of Priene, Solon the Athenian, Kleovoulos of Rhodes, Periander the Corinthian and Chilon the Lacedaemon. I was alone outside the ruined Temple of Apollo, where for more than 1,000 years the Oracle of Delphi enigmatically answered the questions of curious pilgrims including kings, generals and. These precepts were carved on the wall at the Temple of Apollo. The oracles also inspired precepts or eth­ical advice for everyday life. Through Pythia the oracle, individuals were able to hear the will of the gods and prophesies for the future. The Dephic Oracle was the access point where mortals received messages from the divine. Precepts which are as relevant for our lives today as they were then. It is based on the ancient, wise precepts which were carved on the wall at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi.
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The Dephic Oracle cards, is a deck of cards unlike any other currently on the market.
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mysterysimblr · 1 month
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Clovis gave Priene what she had been craving for so long.
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mysterysimblr · 2 months
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Needless to say, Priene was distraught to witness Edward canoodling with her dad—in front of everyone! That didn’t even cover how betrayed she felt at Artie. After all their conversations, it simply looked like her father was a lying, cheating bastard.
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mysterysimblr · 2 months
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Priene often saw Edward Chert on campus. The same Edward who had slept with her father. She often struck up conversation with him, to understand his logic if nothing else—what led him to chase a married man?
For now, Edward wasn’t eager to speak.
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mysterysimblr · 2 months
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“Hi, Clovis? This is Priene from the party…” “...” “Wanna come over?”
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It didn’t go well…
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mysterysimblr · 2 months
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Damon: Priene, we should really get inside. You’ll catch a cold in this rain! Priene: Dad, it’s a warm rain. I’m sure it’ll be fine…
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mysterysimblr · 2 months
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To Priene’s shock, Artie acted like nothing happened. Chatting about the weather over dinner.
“How am I supposed to tell him? Should I even do that?”
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mysterysimblr · 2 months
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Mercedes: Here! Your first kiss. Priene: Thanks! But, ah, it didn’t work?
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mysterysimblr · 2 months
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Priene: No? I’m going to graduate first-kissless at this rate…
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mysterysimblr · 2 months
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Party time.
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Priene tried breaking the ice with Ann over a couple of beers, but, having grown up separately, the half-sisters were distant.
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mysterysimblr · 2 months
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Coral Beech (Pleasure/Popularity) is the daughter of Goldie and Rocky. She used to work in the Journalism field as a teen. She chose the Political Science major, following in her grandmother Daytona's footsteps. Her likable personality made her a good fit for a career in a related field: very outgoing, nice, and on the serious side, with a penchant for musical instruments.
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Mercedes Wheels (Fortune/Family) is the daughter of Daisy and River. Her famous mother used to wish child stardom upon her, but Mercie’s own interests leaned more towards the scientific. While achieving fulfillment in the Sports career, she’d been unlucky in love, often rejected by her peers. Let’s hope the LGU crowd will be kinder to her. She decided to major in Economics.
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Priene Pythias (Fortune/Pleasure) is the daughter of Damon and Artie. She’d had a share of downs in life, such as losing her part-time job as a gamer and witnessing her father’s infidelity. But she is determined to put all of that behind her. Priene chose to major in Biology.
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mysterysimblr · 2 months
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“Aw, mom, don’t worry about me. Surely I’ll be fine. Alright, I gotta go, everyone’s already arrived!”
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mysterysimblr · 2 months
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Last round, Mercedes (Fortune/Family) topped her part-time career. That was pretty much enough to cover her Fortune-related wants, but what about Family? Poor Mercie suffered the same fate as previous Family Widespot teenagers (Harley and Fairy): all the "go steady" wants with no suitable partners.
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Well, there was Priene, who probably wouldn’t reject Mercie’s advance on the grounds of being bffs… but that really wasn’t what Mercedes wanted. Sneaking out with her friend was enough.
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mysterysimblr · 2 months
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Priene: C’mon, Dad, of course I’ve already sent out the college applications. Since when do you care about this stuff, anyway? Artie: Well, since you’ve been so responsible… Me and Dad are going out today. Go ahead and invite some friends over. Priene: Really?! Aw, you’re the best!
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mysterysimblr · 3 months
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Work was easy for Coral, with her Popularity secondary. In fact, her social battery was charged enough to sneak out with Priene. Couldn’t be me.
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