#pride and prej
tehriz · 2 years
i feel like at least 95% of dudes who don’t like pride and prejudice are really objecting to the mere idea that a man realizing he’s an asshole and proactively changing his behavior is attractive to women
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melrosing · 8 months
I might be misremembering but is it actually canon that Dany 'grew up on the streets' before reaching Illyrio's?? I always took 'impoverished' to mean Viserys and Dany had virtually nothing to their name, but that they were nonetheless travelling between the households of obscure nobles in the free cities - not that they were literally sleeping on the side of the road..... am i wrong???
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vintage-bentley · 3 months
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I’m begging the GO fandom to stop erasing homosexuality every chance they get. And to think for a second about why they’re so eager to erase it in the first place.
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nurturesmind · 2 months
i think we should all have zombie slayer verses
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arachnidiots-a · 11 months
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The Erechtheion Caryatid
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yisanged · 2 years
i was at my mom's shop for 8 hours today that sucked. my mom actually made me do work for the last couple hours ToT and she wants me to help out again tomorrow too oourghhhuoouh. i'm too hungry to practice bassoon now but i don't want to play a wind instrument right after i eat dinner but 8ish pm is way too late to be playing bassoon this suckkkksss i need to practice but when. the only day i'll be able to before the lesson is wednesday fuckkk me. and thursday i have to get my haircut which is so so scary along with the lesson lessons aren't scary normally except i haven't practiced so it'll be a little scary and haircut is so so so scary i still don't know how haircuts work. two out of ordinary events in one day is too much this sucks
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patchesjam · 10 months
I really like the cinematography and dance in An American in Paris! It's not necessarily nature but it is an older film that has some really amazing dance sequences and uses props/camera shots in a really cool way! As for nature cinematography I would have to say the 2005 Pride and Prejudice movie it's near and dear to my heart and has some really pretty shots in nature/fields etc.
I will give that film a go! yhank you :)
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vila-petronel · 2 months
PRIDE 2024!
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Pořád se nemůžu sebrat z toho, jak úžasný Pride průvod byl! Jakožto Petronel a Uriáš jsme s @prej-ses-peknej-matla jsme prošly Prahou, naštvaly pár křesťanů a užily si průvod na 100 %!
Zde je pár fotek, které totálně miluju (u kterých kredit jde nejúžasnější @utopena !!)
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Potkali jsme i našeho známého Ježíše a tato fotka by se dala popsat asi jako “největší norční můra extrémistických křesťanů”
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Jako zázrakem jsme se náhodu potkaly s @karlstejnboyfriends se kterou jsme se pak bavily a bok po boku dráždily křešťany 🤭
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Když už jsme u těch křesťanů, mám pár momentů i s nima:
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Také tímto chci strašně poděkovat všem, které jsem měla šanci potkat, všem, kteří si přišli pro fotku a všem, kterým jsme vykouzlily úsměv na tváři! :)
A samozřjemě nejvíc mému partner in crime, mému zmetkovi pekelnému @prej-ses-peknej-matla ! Bylo to absolutně nejlepší a jsem tak strašně ráda, že jsme spolu šly! <3
A rozloučím se naším mottem průvodu 2024:
Strach z nás bude mít strach!
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readingoals · 1 year
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Splurged on a little bit of a treat the other day.
T2 and Penguin did a bit of a collaboration and I couldn't resist. It's so gorgeous! A lovely new edition of Pride and Prej, a matching mug, and three boxes of teabags inspired by different novels - New York Breakfast for The Great Gatsby, Green Rose for Alice in Wonderland, and French Earl Grey for The Picture of Dorian Gray - each in a box that looks like a penguin classic. Even the box it all came in is very pretty lmao
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universalzone · 7 months
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Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Scarf Shawl Wrap
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runa-falls · 1 year
marc: the talk of the town
main theme: prelude to the afternoon of a faun
the waltz: the blue danube
love theme: dawn (pride and prej.)
a/n: part two of this ask! I've decided i wanted to make these a bit looser and to the point!
i was thinking of a shy/naive reader who enjoys nature and the simple life rather than her aristocratic upbringing. she's very quiet in public but when she gets comfortable with others she's very curious and bubbly (probably the sweetest girl in the country).
marc is an interesting man, (think anthony bridgerton) he's a workaholic, constantly visits the brothel bc he doesn't have time for relationships or whatever, and has rejected countless eligible wives.
then he finds her in the forest one day.
a wolf approaching a faun
marc is enamored by her from the first time he saw her.
it was not in a fancy ball, it was in the forest. he watched her, curiously, as she picked wildflowers in a simple worn dress, far too casual for the societal position she is in.
she's alone most of the time. never surrounded by handmaids or guards. free, but lonely.
marc immediately recognizes his hunger for the faun, and is ravenous for a taste. to have her as his. (like horny and protective i guess lolll)
he wants her but she doesn't even know who he is, so he has to do the most to woo her.
he recognizes her immediately at the debutant ball. he has to get a dance with her. he shoves through the crowds to get to her, ignoring all the calls for his name by other maidens.
he says her name in a low voice, closer than any respectable man should be to an unwed girl. she turns, eyes rounding at his presence.
marc spector
she's heard of him, of course she has, he's the talk of the town. "may i have this dance."
her father jumps in before she can respond, "of course! Mr. Spector, a delight to see you this fine evening."
Marc's eyes don't leave hers. "delightful, indeed."
they don't get too far at the ball, but when he catches her in the forest/fields again, he finally walks up to her.
she's embarrassed that she was caught in her casual clothes in front of a potential suitor (that her father urged her to impress bc he's one of the most eligible bachelors of the town.
they live the rest of their days in a cute little cottage away from society. marc would do anything for her.
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miguel-ohara-lover · 8 months
Out of curiosity because I know there’s expectations; what kind of pride and prej fanfic do you all think I meant? Because I know what I’m writing, but I’ve been keeping details to myself lol
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kazumiku · 23 days
HOW HAVE YOU BEEN THOUGH?? Hope you’re well 😍😍
— meow anon
one day you should totally make a heizou smau!! 🤗
hai meow anon!!!!! thank yew i was fighting demons trying to finish just the profiles LMAOOO
im doing well though, thanks for checking up on me!!!!! i hope youre doing well too ❤️❤️❤️ also help i actually have a heizou smau on but its cringe asf and its... filo...
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officialnightwing · 2 months
I may be engaged to Roy-
My universe's you isn't um...around at the moment
And I can't remember the last time I saw Bizarro
oh... that's...
well first things first, that's beautiful Little Wing. I'm so happy for you. For both of you!
now that I'm like thinking about it, wow. WOW. I'm glad you and roy finally got, you know- and engaged? that's so good lil wing, I'm definitely coming to your wedding tho, js :P
...hope... that other version of me gets home. You ever need a shoulder just to- punch or hug or something. Like, you got mine, alright? We can grab batburger, watch pride&prej on the couch with Roy and just be okay yeah?
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besedar · 6 months
beseda dne: zagaman
etimologija: verjetno iz zagaten.
zagata prvotno in narečno še danes pomeni "trpanje, mašitev, tlačenje; ozek prehod med hišami.
zagata: za+gatiti. gatiti, nagatiti (napolnjevati z mašilom)-> gačen, nagačen -> gačiti)
v praslovanščini *gati̋ti: mašiti, zapolnjevati, zlasti v smislu jeza, ustavljanja vode. iz besede *gȃtъ, *gȃtь (jez), ki je prej pomenil "prehod čez močvirje", ta pomen je pa izpeljan iz pomena "hoja, korakanje". ne vem, če je soroden angleškemu gait - ta pride namreč prek stare nordijščine iz protogermanskega *gatwǭ. v protoindoevropejščini: germanski koren iz *gʰed- (najti, zgrabiti ...), slovanski pa iz *gʷeh₂- (iti)
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stormdragon23 · 11 months
ChoiBaek Pride & Prejudice ChoiBaek Pride & Prejudice ChoiBaek Pride & Prejusice ChoiBaek Pride & Prej—
Yes, I'm chanting it so you know I'm eager to read it! (Only if you'll feel like writing something about it, surely) Really, bless you for the idea of placing them into the setting of my favorite book ~♡~
Ahhhhhh I'm so glad you like the idea!!! Pride and Prejudice is also one of my favorite books! It's definitely something I'm considering writing jsdfakldsfd It might be a while before I can get to it since I'm already working on two other Solo Leveling AUs, but I'd love to write this AU as well! Hopefully, I can work on it soon!
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