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pixieprixess · 4 months ago
imogen glanced at her husband while he brought her flowers. she blinked a bit.
"what's the occasion?" she asks price while grabbing the flowers from his hands gently. "i don't recall an anniversary." imogen begins thinking heavily.
"maybe i just wanted to do something special, dove," price replied with a smile on his face. imogen flushes a cute little shade of red in front of him. "you deserve it with all the hard work you've been doing."
"i'm just at home and taking care of -"
"our kids," price said as he grabbed her waist to bring her close and pecked her forehead. "our two kids who are probably asleep, right?"
imogen could only nod to price as she smirked. "how about we go outside and have some alone time?"
"we're not doing that outside." she told him as he chuckled.
price touched her cheek. "i know dove, i know. we're not going to. maybe i just want to spend time with my wife without the kids for once? maybe enjoy the nature."
imogen smiled and leaned against his palm. "that actually sounds lovely."
they both quickly kiss and head outside to the backyard to sit down on the swing to enjoy a little couple time.
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sentientcave · 8 months ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. (If you feel like it, no pressure.) Spread the self-love ❤️
Hiiiii Tats Thank you for asking ! And Also @pricegouge who also asked but you were first so I will answer this one. (And thanks also to @dragonnarrative-writes and @syoddeye who asked me in the time it took for me to start and finish this ask)
Retirement Party - PricexOC (2nd pov)
Heavy Weighs the Crown - Poly141xOC (2nd pov) Fantasy AU
And They Were Roommates - Fem!SoapxReader
You Drive Me Wild - NikolaixOC (Hot older woman, young soldier Nik)
Two Graves - No pairings just sad white boy hours
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writinghabits1 · 2 years ago
Two Years
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Pairing: Price x f!oc
WC: 2k
Summery: Price reappears at Grace's door after disappearing for two years. Asking for her help. But Grace is not happy to see him.
Warning: Mention of capture and torture. Knifes, arguing, heavy language, mention of sexual relationship
Grace rolled over in her bed onto her belly with a heavy groan. The sound of her alarm sounding with an ear-piercing high pitch ring battered her delicate ears. Her hand came up to meet the alarm to turn it off to save her headache from getting worse. Her eyes opened heavily, separately blinking to get into sync. When her vision focused, the first thing that she saw was an empty bottle of whisky. One that she knew had been full the night before.
“Fuck,” She groaned as she rolled over, rubbing her eyes. Her hips were still at an angle as she took a heavy breath. The room was still spinning around as she tried to steady her thoughts. Her right forearm now lay over her eyes, shielding them from the morning sun that assaulted her through the window. She had forgotten to shut the blinds last night and regretted it immensely. Grace began to drift off into another sleep but was pulled from it when a heavy knock came from her front door. Deciding to ignore it, hoping whomever it was would go away. But they knocked again, this time louder.
“Jesus fuckin’ hell,” Grace hissed as she rolled herself out of bed. Her bare feet hit the rug covering the wooden floor’s central part. Her room was simple, with plain white walls, a wooden wardrobe and a bedside table. Grace was never the decorating type, as she never stayed in one place long. Grace moved out of her bedroom and into the living room, where the front door was located.  The knocking sounded again; whoever it was, was impatient.
“Fuckin’ hell, calm down!” Grace yelled loudly to the person as she reached for her keys hooked next to the door. She reached up and scratched her head as she unhooked the keys. Her short brown hair fell just above her shoulders. She wore an olive green, short sleeve t-shirt and a pair of underwear. She put the keys into the lock and quickly unlocked the door before swinging it open.
Her eyes scrunched up at the sudden burst of morning light. Blinking several times to see three figures standing in front of her flat door. One is standing off to the right with his hands tucked into the pockets of a zipped-up black hoodie. One was standing to the left, leaning against the railing about two meters away from the door. But the man standing directly in front of her was the one that caught her attention. She blinked more to bring his face into focus and instantly felt a bubble of anger rise in her chest.
“Ha! Absolutely fuckin’ not.” She laughed and slammed the door shut before turning and starting to walk back away from the door.
“Grace! Open the damn door!” The ruff voice yelled from the other side, banging on the wood again.
“Price, get the fuck away from my flat!” Grace yelled, “Before I come out there and give my door a new fucking paint job.”
“Damn it, woman.” Price yelled before Grace tuned him out and went to her cupboard to grab a towel so she could go for a shower, wake herself up, and try to rid herself of this hangover. The shower was perfect, steaming water hitting her sore muscles, bringing her back to the land of the living.
Grace pulled back her wet hair into a small lower ponytail to keep it off her face. She was dressed in a pair of khaki green cargo trousers paired with a soft green t-shirt and an olive-green zip jumper. Once she laced up her boots, she turned and moved through the living room to the front door. Peeking out the peephole to check and ensure that man was not there. Thankfully, the coast was clear. Grabbing her keys and burner phone, Grace moved out of her flat and locked it behind her before making her way down to her silver car. The engine roared to life when she turned it on before she put it in gear and pulled off.
The drive to the range was around twenty minutes long. Ten minutes in the city and then ten on the country back roads. After spending her day brushing up on her weapon skills, ranging from pistols to sniper rifles. Her skills with a weapon were clearly still in top form. Grace retired from the military around three years ago, mainly due to a near-fatal injury she had received when she had been captured during a mission that went wrong. Something that still haunts her to this day.
The sun had set, and the dim streetlights lit the streets as she parked her car and made her way back up to her flat. Grace reached her door, but something in her gut told her something was off. One thing that Grace always trusted was her gut. When she reached her door, she noticed it was unlocked, meaning someone else had been there. Bending down, Grace pulled a combat knife sheathed in her boot. Knives are easier to conceal than handguns, and she preferred to use a blade up close.
Holding the knife ready to fight in her right hand, she pushed open the door with her left. Creeping into the flat that was completely in the dark still. She stalked into her living room, listening closely for any slight noise. When she heard it across the room, she reacted quickly. Twisting the knife, she held it by the blade and launched it through the air. It landed with a thud.
“You missed.” A voice grumbled as Grace reached over to the wall and switched on the main light to reveal the same face she slammed the door on this morning. The knife was lodged into her armchair right next to Price’s face. The blade had grazed his right cheek, causing a slight bleed in his skin, just above her bread.
“That was a warning,” Grace told him with a death glare. She walked to her kitchen and opened a drawer to pull out another combat knife she had stashed. “The next one will find its target if you don’t disappear as fast as you appeared.”
“Is that any way to welcome an old friend?” Price spoke as he reached up and pulled her combat knife from the leather. He wore dark green cargo trousers and a tight-fitting black shirt. His bucket hat sat perfectly on his head as he looked from the knife to Grace.
“Friend?” Grace laughed as her eyebrows raised, watching his every move. “Last time I checked, friends don’t fuck their friends and then disappear.” She hissed at him; he dropped his chin slightly and coughed awkwardly.
“Yes, well.” Price began but was cut off by Grace.
“Save it,” Grace told him as she moved the combat knife around in her hand. “The last thing I want to hear is your pathetic excuses.” Grace turned and walked over to the door to replace her keys on the hook and her burner on the tablet under it.
“You look well,” Price spoke, trying to break the silence between them.
“Oh yeah, loneliness and depression are a great accessory,” Grace muttered sarcastically to his statement.
“You’re still drinking?” Price asked as he noticed the stash of half-empty bottles off the side of the room.
“Like a fish.” She fired back as she turned and walked back to the kitchen area.
“How is…” Price began but was stopped when Grace slammed her hands down onto the counter with a loud bang.
“Fuckin’ hell, enough of the nicey nice shite, Price.” She growled at him, her Scottish accent becoming thicker and stronger. A dangerous sign to Price that her anger was beginning to take over. “What the fuck are you doing here, huh?” She asked him in a loud tone of voice. “I haven’t seen you in nearly two years! Two fucking years Price!”
“I need your skills with weapons.” Price told her bluntly, seeing she would not listen to him.
“There is it,” Grace chuckled deeply as she stepped back and leaned on her counter, crossing her arms over her chest. “Need I remind you; I’m retired.”
“I need you out of retirement.” Price began to lose his patience with her, and his voice was starting to rise. “Your skill with a sniper is still unbeatable.”
“Screw you, Price.” Grace yelled at him, “You don’t get to show up at my door with your little entourage of merry men at stupid o’clock in the morning and expect me to welcome you with open fuckin’ arms.”
“Watch your tone.” Price growled at her taking a few steps closer. Grace knew how to test his patience, and he was beginning to lose it.
“Price, do us a favour and do what you do best.” Grace looked at him.
“Disa-fuckin’-pearing.” She spat at him with so much venom. Price didn’t know how this meeting would go, but it definitely was not like this.
“Listen, whatever you are going through. I need you to put it aside.” Price told her as he now stood on the other side of the counter to her.
“Put it aside?” Grace laughed with eyebrows raised, pushing herself off the counter behind her and leaning on her hands to the one in front of her. “Put aside the memories of being captured and tortured. Watching my friend being murdered in front of me while I couldn’t do anything. And then, when I came home, I sought comfort in the man I loved. Only for him to disappear. No text, no call, no nothing.” Grace yelled at him. “Two fuckin’ years, Price.” She felt her voice break as her emotions began to get the better of her.
“I drink every night, so I can sleep without seeing everything happening over and over again.” Graces muttered, showing Price just how broken she really was. The truth was, Price had no choice. He had to leave her. Back then, he got involved in a mission that ended with him being watched by the enemy. He couldn’t put her in danger while healing from what happened. When he came back, he saw she had officially retired from the military and thought she wouldn’t want him around, reminding her every time she looked at him.
Price sighed and turned around to walk over to the chair he had been waiting for her to arrive home. A beige folder was on the coffee table in front of it, and he picked it up. She held it in both hands as he walked back over to the counter.
“If you change your mind, my number is in here.” He muttered as he placed the folder on the counter and slid it towards Grace; as she watched the folder carefully. He then turned and walked over to the door to leave her alone.
“It’s good to see you again, Grace.” Price muttered softly to her before he left her alone once more. Grace reached for her combat knife and gripped it tightly in her right hand. The mix of emotions was something she was not used to. She let out a scream of anger and launched the knife at the now-closed door. Grace moved from behind the counter and walked over to her bottles of alcohol. Grabbing the first one to hand, which happened to be whisky and pulled the cork out to take several large gulps from it.
“How’d it go?” Soap asked Price as he appeared at the truck they were waiting at. Price looked exhausted as he opened the door to the vehicle. Price didn’t answer and instead slipped into the driver’s seat. Soap looked at Ghost with a knowing look before moving to sit in the back seat behind Price and Ghost in the front passenger.
“Do you think she will help?” Ghost asked Price as he turned on the engine.
“Knowing her, she will.” Price told him as he pulled the car into the road and drove off.
“You never told us who she is?” Soap asked, not knowing whether pressing the matter was a good idea.
 “Someone I trust.” Was all Price told them. That was all they needed to know for now as far as Price was concerned.
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neoarchipelago · 2 years ago
all i got to say after reading chapter 16 is… you better be fucking with me bro… what the hall was that i’m sobbing rn😭
(also do you think you’ll ever end up doing like a spin off with the ladies from your story and price and soap and stuff yk?) absolutely obsessed with your writing btw it’s phenomenal, keep up the amazing work 🫶
Also yes i was thinking about writing one or two chapters for each pairing cuz why not... So you MIGHT get some SoapxOC and PricexOC and very very maybe some KonigxOc
Thank you so much for the support and appreciation
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lisbetadair · 5 years ago
Fic Update: The Lateness of The Hour
Updated a fic: The Lateness of the Hour (the sequel to twee PricexOC romance The SAS And The Glam That Goes With It) which has been completely derailed by Soap's post MW recovery and the appearance of the Rileys. 
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sentientcave · 8 months ago
I concur that Retirement Party is really good
I'm also just excited to see what else your wrinkly brain comes up with
Thanks anon! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
For a quick preview on what else my wrinkly old brain has been working on lately:
Please Say Yes - Chelsea Wren has waited long enough. After a messy divorce (why would Derek wait until after they were married to say he didn't want kids?), she's got her career sorted, her life in order, and she wants to have a baby. It's not like she needs a relationship, not when her handsome neighbour John Price might be willing to give her what she wants, no strings attached. But John wants a lot more- And so do his friends. (Polyam141xOC)
Wildflowers and Honey - Omegaverse Western AU. Kitty Haydon has been content with the way things are. She's lived her whole life in the orchard her grandparents planted, and despite the work, she's happy taking care of things with just her father and hired hands to run things. She's never been one to shy from work. But when an unconventional pack of four alphas buy up the property bordering her farm, she realizes that she might want a lot more than what her father has planned for her. (Polyam141xOC)
Daddy's Girl - Rory "Scout" Price has moved in with her dad after leaving Liverpool and her college boyfriend behind. Price extends the same invitation to Gaz after his divorce. As Gaz and Scout get to know each other, it becomes harder to deny the inconvenient chemistry between them, and harder to keep Price from finding out what's going on behind his back. (GazxOC with background Ghoap)
Sadie Blackmoore-Price // A Feeling That Never Came - Sadie and John have been divorced for nearly twenty years, and she's barely looked back. She raised a wonderful daughter, she's had a long successful career as a politician, and she's got her eye on the Prime Minister's office. So who does John think he is, waltzing back into her life like he'd never been gone? (PricexOC)
The Last One - Sadie finds herself in trouble when ultra-nationalists attack a conference she's attending in Moscow. Luckily, an old friend of John's has been keeping an eye on her, and Nik helps her escape the attack. But when trouble follows, they realize that Sadie was the target and getting her safely back to England will be trickier than Nik thought. And once he gets her there, will he be able to let her go? (NikxOC)
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