isakbeanie-blog · 7 years
goal: tag nine people you want to know better!
relationship status: in a Queerplatonic relationship with Rena @damnhowellll ! are we dating? are we pals who chill and hold hands? are we doing something completely different? who knows! not us! 
favourite colour: purple.
last song I listened to: “Just Hold On” by Louis Tomlinson & Steve Aoki
top three shows:
top three characters:
Isak Valtersen (Skam)
Nico DiAngelo (Percy Jackson Series)
Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
top three ships:
Elias x Eskild (Skam) *pry this from my cold dead hands
Thanks for tagging me: @uweremythtaken
I tag: @princeevenbechnaesheim, @queerxeva, @goeksiiii, @lamoncada, @rlyspooky, @gaycodraco, @floraldaisy , @acecaptaincold, @laniemoriarty
No pressure to do this or even try to get to know me -although I’d love to get to know all the people I tagged! so maybe please send me a message because i’m always too scared to reach out? ;) 
I had fun doing this!
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