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fa1lmage · 3 months ago
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#FA1LMAGE: a dnd / bg3 / critical role rp blog for VI'HAAN TALDERESH, the disowned son of renowned sorcerer family Talderesh
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Vi'haan Talderesh (he/him, trans man, in his late 30s) is a half-elven wizard who comes from a renowned and well-respected family of sorcerers. At least, on his elven side. His human mother was a kind fighter who did not have a single magical bone in her body. His mother also died shortly after childbirth, a fact his father has not forgiven him for, even though Vi'haan did not ask to be born. Despite his own harsh feelings toward his youngest child, Vi'haan's father made sure he was well-fed and well schooled -- especially in the sorcery arts. Sadly no amount of tutoring could make up for the fact he did not inherit his family's sorcerer abilities.
Desperate to feel a sense of family amongst his two older half-siblings (same father, different mother) and to gain his father's approva, he secretly studied the art of wizardry, hoping that as long as he only cast spells both wizards and sorcerers are capable of casting that he could trick his family into thinking he was a sorcerer as well. Sadly his farce did not last long, with an ambitious maid discovering his spellbook in his bedroom and bringing it before his father, hoping for a promotion. She gained a promotion that day and he gained his father's ire.
Between his lack of magical ability and his lying, his father was beyond furious. His father gave him an ultimatum, accept his fate of not being a sorcerer and give up magic entirely (his family views both warlocks and wizards as beneath them ) and burn his spellbook before his father as a sign of goodwill, or get disowned. His spellbook was something he poured his heart and soul into, and the texts he read to study wizardry were written by wizards/mages who understood him. Much to the shock of his father and himself, he refused. Disowned and stripped of both last name and from the family tree, he no longer has ties to the family estate. All he has is a love for magic and a yearning to find new family/friends who care for him because of who he is, not who they want him to be.
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SEE RULES UNDER THE CUT. Verse info coming soon!
▍ ❝   MUTUALS ONLY. If I want to interact with you in any way I will follow you back.. If I don't follow you back within 4 weeks it means I don't want to interact. If you continue to follow me after those 4 weeks I reserve the right to hard block you.Please note my blog is 18+ for general interactions and 21+ for romantic and/or sexually explicit rp threads
.▍ ❝  MINORS DNI. My blog contains material not suitable for minors such as fantasy typical violence/blood and sexually suggestive (or explicit) content. My blog is 18+ for general interactions and 21+ for romantic and/or sexually explicit rp threads. Minors who try to interact with me will be hard blocked.
▍ ❝  GENERAL DNI LIST.* DNI IF YOU ARE A PERSONAL BLOG/NON RP BLOG. If your rp blogs are a sideblog state it clearly in your main blog's bio or I will block you!* Harry Potter (even if you are anti-JKR. The HP fandom/RPC in general makes me uncomfortable.* If your muse(s) are for shows/books/games meant primarily for kids younger than 13 (ex: Bluey, Pokemon, Sonic the Hedgehog, pretty much any Disney cartoon, etc.)* If your muse(s) are from adult style cartoons (ex: Archer, Hazbin Hotel, Family Guy, etc.)
I don't support call out culture. If someone is an issue you can use the report and blocking tools. You also can handle the issue privately/without making a spectacle of it.
 I'm autistic and have social anxiety. Because of this I struggle with ooc chatter and tend to prefer rp memes to get threads going (versus plotting). I'm open to plotting but need some prompts/questions to get going. Reaching out to me with question ssuch as "what sort of dynamic do you think they'd have?" or "what are some rp tropes you enjoy?" will get you a better response from me than a vague message such as "let's plot"
I have a full time job and live on a farm. I also frequently babysit my niece and nephew (both of them are under 5 years old). Because of this, my reply lengths and speed will vary. Do not follow me if this is a problem for you. Also do not follow me if you look down on people who don't always have the energy to write novella style replies and/or people who can't reply multiple times a day.
Favoritism: I do not have it. I tend to reply to short threads during the work week when I have less energy and long threads on the weekend when I have more energy. I also have friends on here who I write with a lot/have hashed out character dynamics through DMs so I write with them often. Not everything is about you and just because I take a little while to reply to you DOESN'T mean I hate to you. If you easily get jealous of other writers DNI.
I often struggle to understand social cues, especially digital social cues. I especially find soft blocking vs tumblr glitching out hard to determine. Because of this I AM NOT SOFTBLOCK FRIENDLY!!
FYI: I tend to block personal/non-rp blogs, minors, people who haven't interacted with me much after multiple attempts of me reaching out, people who ignore my DNI info, people who are inactive a long time without warning, blogs who have an overwhelming number of muses, people who I feel like I just don't mesh well with, etc.
▍ ❝  RULES (short version)
18+ for general interactions, 21+ for nsfw interactions (dni if you are a minor)
* I use the block button frequently. If you don't want to interact with me you're more than welcome to block me in turn.
* don't be a bigot in ANY capacity
* this is a bg3/dnd/fantasy/western/supernatural rp multimuse blog. I will follow blogs for other fandoms/genres at my own discretion and will block anyone who I think just isn't a good match for me.
* Communication is key. We are all adults here. You can DM me or ask for my discord.
* I have multiple rp blogs and am most active on asangel & mistakenmessiah
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