#prettywitch's writing
prettywitchiusaka · 8 months
Not gonna lie, while I wish Clea was in more of MoM beyond a cameo, I'm actually kind of glad she isn't the more I've thought about it.
Putting aside the fact that Michael Waldron is (apparently) SO media illiterate/lazy he thought the emotional core of DS1 was Stephen and Christine's lost romance (it wasn't), I really don't wanna know what Clea Strange would be like in his hands.
Much like her hubbie, Clea's one of those characters that, in the wrong hands, can come off as incredibly unlikeable. There's a lot more layers to her character than one might initially think, and I don't think has the skill to write a character like that, nor does he have the desire to learn how to write nuanced characters properly.
At best, his Clea would be bitchy and hypocritical. At worst, she'd probably be another one of Waldron's patented sexy, over-powered murder bot with no personality beyond being angry (he wants to fuck), and be bitchy and dismissive of Stephen for no reason until it's time for them to fall in love which...yeah, I don't know if you guys heard, but that's not how things are in the comics. Clea falls in love with Stephen for his inner beauty; she sees that he's a brilliant, brave and compassionate man and she loves him for that, and always will. More over, he's the man who taught her to love and she grew through their relationship as much as he did. To do anything else would be an insult to her character.
P.S. I know I keep going back to the "Waldron's horny" jab over and over, but come on! Look at how he writes Sylvie in Loki Season 1, and how he writes Wanda in MoM, and tell me Waldron doesn't have a fetish for that kind of woman.
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doctortwhohiddles · 1 year
Sadly, Gatorshit isn't the only one writing "Hey Benedict" post anymore. This is from Prettywitch, another vulnerable woman who fell for Patty's lies.
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Again, we have someone who thinks Aeltri is friends with Ben. A man she's never talked to and who doesn't she exists, much less who she is. All of this because of Patty's pathological need for attention. Ben isn't in any danger from Sophie and his friends, he never was. His career is doing fine. He's doing 2 miniseries this year alone, that doesn't sound like a man who is struggling to find work, does it?
Of course, Patty needed to take credit for this word salad. After all, Prettywitch wouldn't have written this if it wasn't for her lies.
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She's been going after Ben for over 8 years now. I've lost count of the number of times she said she was about to give up. She never will, she has nothing else to do with her time. I can't wait to see the meltdown she's going to have next time we have pictures of Ben and Sophie together. It's going to be epic.
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prettywitchiusaka · 9 months
Alrightee, I think I should let my hands rest for awhile an extend writing week into the following week and just update my store with what current stock I have.
Speaking of which, I'm currently in the process of editing/proofreading the epilogue for the Nightmare fic and should have it in my editors hands by tomorrow.
What's next after that? Well, I plan to work on some one-shots, as well as some other ideas I've had simmering in my head for awhile. I'll discuss those at a later date.
Fanfic wise? Well, you can expect the following in the in the next few months;
Everything I Need - A one-shot where Stephen reflects on the life he'd like with Clea vs. the life he needs. This one will contain a brief sex scene...or at least my attempt at a sex scene. I make no promises it'll be well written. 😅
Post-Infinity Crusade One-shot - Another Cleaphen one-shot, this one dealing with Stephen having a (near) mental breakdown post-Infinity Crusade's conclusion. Told from Clea's POV, as she tries to understand why this particular incident has him so incensed. I realize the timeline's a bit murky, as Clea was in The Dark Dimension fighting another rebellion while this event was going on. But hey, if Jed can expand on certain aspects of Stephen's lore left untouched by other writers, I figure I can, too. 😉
Untitled Strange Supreme Fix-it Fic - Yeah, I'm writing one, too. I decided to go with Supreme coming to MCU Stephen (Post-MoM) instead of Peggy. Mainly for the potential I think the idea has, that and all the one-liners because...well, it's MCU Stephen vs. Emo Stephen! What do you expect them to do? Not snark at each other? And yes, Kahhori will feature in the story.
I have a few other shorts fanfic ideas set in my Clea AU, but those are two and four parters, respectively, and one-shots are much easier to deal with. Especially when you've got several other things going on. But yeah, I got a lot of projects on the go and I'm looking forward to it.
This year might be off to a hectic start, but at least I'm actually feeling a bit more positive than I usually am at this time of year, so I'll take it.
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prettywitchiusaka · 2 years
So I was gonna do an entire meta on why meta humor in shows seems/feels more hollow now than it used to, but I don’t know enough about the subject to really talk about it, so I’m just gonna say this; 
I think people wouldn’t be so down on it if;
A) The writers would have fun with their meta humor.
B) If they didn’t announce it every five minutes!!! Pointing out you’re doing an old cliché doesn’t make you look smart, it makes you look like a pretentious jackass!!!
And I hate the word pretentious, so you can imagine how I feel using it in this context! But sadly, no other word in my vocabulary describes it so well.
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prettywitchiusaka · 2 years
Is it just me or are we heading into an age of writers who seem to not know how to research the topic they’re writing about?
I say that because I look at a lot of writers on official productions nowadays and it’s like they sort of bypass that step.
For example, I discovered (recently) that the writers of She-Hulk didn’t actually research anything regarding what DAs do, nor do they have a legal consultant on staff to advise them about whether or not something makes sense, legally speaking.
And...I don’t know. That kind of rubs me the wrong way.
Maybe it’s just cause I’m old, but I remember back in the day when people used to criticize Stephanie Meyer (among other things) for not doing a lot of research for her Twilight series. And it’s something I took to heart and have tried emulating in my own writing.
I’m not saying you have to do a ton of research, but I do think a little research can go a long way. It can help you expand your world, make your character seems a lot more intelligent (especially if they’re in a specific field), give you ideas for potential storylines or problems our protagonists need to overcome.
And it just seems like a lot of writers, nowadays don’t seem interested in doing the bare minimum of what is even required for research.
And yeah, I know a lot of writers (especially in places like Hollywood) are constantly being forced to write to deadline. But let’s be real here, if you’re getting paid to write freelance or what have you, than you’re probably working on several pieces at a time. So don’t tell me you don’t have time to open a textbook and look up a certain topic because that’s bullshit!
Or maybe I’ve said too much...I don’t know.
Anyway, I’ve made my point so I’ll shut up, now.
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prettywitchiusaka · 1 month
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A few pics of my developing work for Cherish Angel. Aside from a few hiccups, I'm happy to say she's coming out well. 😁
I can't wait for her to be finished. Let alone to put her up for sale. Don't worry, I can easily make more.
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prettywitchiusaka · 1 month
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I've decided to embark on something a little ambitious, even for me; my own original Amigurumi patterns. And of my own, original magical girl IP, no less.
Long time followers of me might recognize an idea I've been working on for a while now called Agent Goddesses, about a group of Police Squad styled magical girls fighting bad guys who threaten earth. The story has undergone a lot of changes since 2016, when I started talking about it, but the idea has stuck with me. And, since I'm always looking for ways to make cash on the side and, since one of the reasons I started crocheting in the first place was to learn to make my own plushies, I figured...why not make amigurumi own my own characters?
There will be some modifications to the designs, though as I'm not an expert and...well, let's face it, these designs are super busy and I'm sure there's just some things even crochet can't do. But we'll see how it goes.
Wish me luck!
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prettywitchiusaka · 3 months
You know? Maybe it's the coffee talking, but I'm actually feeling much better.
We finally have some decent weather (seriously, the rain just kept coming and it wouldn't stop), and I got out and saw my friends this weekend, which is always nice.
It also seems to have ramped up my creative writing juices, both fanfiction and my own stuff. Finally! ☺
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prettywitchiusaka · 1 year
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Because the characters not knowing who they can trust, and people believing Rhodey might be a Skrull didn't do that!?
If they thought Maria Hill dying was essential to the story? Fine. If Cobie Smulders wanted out? Fine. Why couldn't she just die in Episode 4 alongside Talos? And wouldn't a better death be for her to take a bullet for Fury and tell him to keep going while she dies in his arms? Yeah, I like Fury and Talos acting like they're married, too. But Maria's not some one-off, she's Fury's right hand woman and best friend! A position she's held since the first Avengers film. She deserved a much better death than what she was given.
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prettywitchiusaka · 8 days
Okay, so I was away from the computer most of yesterday and didn't learn about DeMayo spilling some tea about MOM's original script until late last night.
Having read through his response, as well as information I've gathered from someone in the DS Fan Community on twitter (who got a chance to meet one of the key staff involved in the film), here's what it sounds like the original script contained;
Mordo would've been at Karmar-Taj. Not sure how, though I imagine there would be more of an explanation.
Clea would've made an appearance earlier in the film than the mid-credit scene. Though, my inner storyteller feels like they would've revealed her connection to Dormammu in the mid-credit scene as a tease for DS3.
Wanda would not only have been with Stephen, she would've also been aiding him and Wong and would actively tutor America (and also warn her about abusing her power).
The film would've been a team-up film between Stephen and Wanda.
Nightmare would've been revealed to be a Stephen variant who'd been corrupted by The Darkhold.
Wanda would've resisted corruption right up until the end where, unable to resist finding a universe where she can with happy with her children, breaks from Team Strange.
Wong would've tried stopping her...only to get beheaded by mistake.
Wanda would've felt guilty about it and, according to DeMayo, would have been repeatedly apologizing to Stephen as she departs, leaving him with his friend's decapitated corpse.
And, from what we know from the concept art that came out a few years ago, The Book of Vishanti would've had a piece that would break off and attach itself to the Eye of Agamotto, giving Stephen a power upgrade, and, most notably, the death of Donna Strange.
So...yeah, that's a lot to unpack/take in! But yeah, to summarize, it really is fascinating/infuriating how, for all of Waldron's insistence on "starting from scratch" that he took many of Derrickson and Bartlett's concepts and watered them down to their most basic elements. All so he could make a script HE was satisfied with.
That being said, assuming DeMayo's not talking out of his ass? It's nice be vindicated regarding Wanda's original arc in the film. That while she learned her lesson from Wandavision and was able to overcome Vision's death, she's still lonely an unable to accept things as they are. It makes her arc even sadder, and keeps her villainous turn empathetic like it was in that series.
Now let's address the controversial elements from the script; Wong's death and the reveal of Nightmare being a corrupted variant of Stephen.
Honestly? I'm mixed. I've really grown to love Nightmare's character over the past year or so, so I'd prefer him being a separate entity from Stephen. And, like most MCU fans, I like Wong. But, and this is where I'm gonna probably get some flack...I think I could honestly learn to be okay with these decisions.
They're a hard pill to swallow, yes. Though honestly, I can sort see where Derrickson is coming from; is there's one thing I know about Nightmare, it's that he's a manipulative narcissist. And while Stephen isn't an outright sociopath, he is kind of a narcissist at the beginning of the first film. It wouldn't be that big of a stretch to see that he could easily become this corrupted if he wasn't careful. So yeah, I could learn to be okay with this idea. Especially where Wong is concerned. From what I can gather, it sounds like the film's main theme of "be your best self" was there but tied more into the original film's themes of humility and self-acceptance. Here Stephen gives into despair and, maybe even learns to accept Donna's death...only to now watch his best friend and mentor get killed right in front of him. Thus, leaving him with that pit of self-loathing, and the wound it left on his heart re-opening at the sight of someone else he loved getting killed.
Also, I just love the irony of Wanda accidentally re-traumatizing Stephen. There's just something that's kind of poetically dark about that.
But yeah, those are my thoughts on what the original script for DS2 would've entailed. Needless to say, it would've been controversial, but I think it wouldn't have been as controversial than the movie we ended up with.
And frankly? If Marvel is gonna take chances with their properties, these are the kinds of risks they should take. At least these come from a place of passion, instead of outright cynicism.
P.S. I'm kinda hoping DeMayo drops some more tea in the future, like some tea about Waldron. That'd be great!!!
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prettywitchiusaka · 7 months
First one-shot of the year! And first (and better) attempt at a gratuitous sex scene in a LONG time!
Feel free to leave a comment and, as always, enjoy!
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prettywitchiusaka · 2 years
So in light of Benedict Cumberbatch’s recent interview where he (more or less) admitted he was trying to continue Stephen’s story unlike some other people (Feige, Waldron, you know who you are), I feel like now is the time for me to explain my problem’s with Stephen’s arc in Multiverse, much as I like it.
Don’t get me wrong, I love that Stephen’s arc in this film is centered around love, which I agree is a very important aspect of his character. I love that it tries to address Stephen’s issues with control. I love that he decides to face his fears and start embracing love in all of its forms.
A lot of that is decently carried out in my opinion...it just feels like there’s something missing. See, the biggest problem with Stephen’s arc in this film, as far as I’m concerned, isn’t that he doesn’t have one, it’s that it feels incomplete.
It’s established that he’s lonely, but it’s never explained why that is.
The movie introduces the idea of Stephen’s issues with control, and what happens when he becomes obsessive and deprives himself of love, make him dangerous, something that makes sense to explore, and there are plenty of examples to show that it can be done well (Strange Tales Volume II, Strange Supreme, etc.). The problem is that Stephen’s issues with control are never tied into the fact that he’s insecure and deeply traumatized like they should be. 
It’s implied that losing Donna is what started Stephen down the path of his desperate need to fix everything himself, but because it’s only mentioned once in passing, we don’t have a clear picture of how badly her death affects him other than Sinister’s line. Which, as I’ve been saying for months, would’ve been so EASY to fix if they’d tied it into his relationship with America.
Bottom line, the arc that Stephen has in this film is not a bad one (at least in my opinion). The problem is that, like a lot of other things in Multiverse, probably needed another draft or two to flesh it out a little better. And while I commend Benedict for trying to develop Stephen’s character, the fact of the matter is that he isn’t a seasoned writer, and if he’d been working with a more experienced screenwriter they could’ve churned out something truly great.
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prettywitchiusaka · 5 months
Lines From Stephen x Clea Fanfics I May Never Write (Out of Context) Post 168:
Nightmare: Although, given her nature...Oh, that's right! She still hasn't told you, has she...?
Stephen: No...But I'm sure you're going to enlighten me.
Nightmare: Oh no! I'll let her do that! (He grins.) I just can't wait to see the look on your face when she tells you!
Stephen: (He rolls his eyes and sighs.) God, I hate you!
(He starts walking while Nightmare follows behind and chuckling to himself.)
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prettywitchiusaka · 6 months
At long last, the end!
Feel free to leave a comment and, as always, enjoy!
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prettywitchiusaka · 7 months
Also, sorry for the lack of updates, recently. You know how it is when your life becomes unexpectedly busy; you have very little time for anything else.
Anyway, another week or two and things should go back to normal. I'm working on a few items for the store and am currently writing another one-shot, a short What If...? for Infinity Crusade featuring Clea. Yes, I'm still writing the Post-Infinity Crusade one, but that one's gonna need some serious polishing/massaging before it's ready, and this new one should take me no more than two or three days tops to write and edit before I put it online. Once that's done, I'm gonna take a short break to work on something else, writing wise which shouldn't take too long.
So yeah, not too much is going on right now, just figured I'd let you all know that yes, I am still around and yes, I intend to post more.
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prettywitchiusaka · 1 year
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