#anti waldron
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prettywitchiusaka · 1 year ago
Not gonna lie, while I wish Clea was in more of MoM beyond a cameo, I'm actually kind of glad she isn't the more I've thought about it.
Putting aside the fact that Michael Waldron is (apparently) SO media illiterate/lazy he thought the emotional core of DS1 was Stephen and Christine's lost romance (it wasn't), I really don't wanna know what Clea Strange would be like in his hands.
Much like her hubbie, Clea's one of those characters that, in the wrong hands, can come off as incredibly unlikeable. There's a lot more layers to her character than one might initially think, and I don't think has the skill to write a character like that, nor does he have the desire to learn how to write nuanced characters properly.
At best, his Clea would be bitchy and hypocritical. At worst, she'd probably be another one of Waldron's patented sexy, over-powered murder bot with no personality beyond being angry (he wants to fuck), and be bitchy and dismissive of Stephen for no reason until it's time for them to fall in love which...yeah, I don't know if you guys heard, but that's not how things are in the comics. Clea falls in love with Stephen for his inner beauty; she sees that he's a brilliant, brave and compassionate man and she loves him for that, and always will. More over, he's the man who taught her to love and she grew through their relationship as much as he did. To do anything else would be an insult to her character.
P.S. I know I keep going back to the "Waldron's horny" jab over and over, but come on! Look at how he writes Sylvie in Loki Season 1, and how he writes Wanda in MoM, and tell me Waldron doesn't have a fetish for that kind of woman.
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breckstonevailskier · 2 years ago
Congrats to Wanda for killing this group of hero-coded villains. 😍
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Killing people like the Illuminati is the kind of thing heroes were meant to do. 😂
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breckstonevailskier · 2 years ago
*cough* Michael Waldron *cough*
I see posts go by periodically about how modern audiences are impatient or unwilling to trust the creator. And I agree that that's true. What the posts almost never mention, though, is that this didn't happen in a vacuum. Audiences have had their patience and trust beaten out of them by the popular media of the past few decades.
J J Abrams is famous for making stories that raise questions he never figures out how to answer. He's also the guy with some weird story about a present he never opened and how that's better than presents you open--failing to see that there's a difference between choosing not to open a present and being forbidden from opening one.
You've got lengthy media franchises where installments undo character development or satisfying resolutions from previous installments. Worse, there are media franchises with "trilogies" that are weird slap fights between the makers of each installment.
You've got wildly popular TV shows that end so poorly and unsatisfyingly that no one speaks of them again.
On top of that, a lot of the media actively punishes people for engaging thoughtfully with it. Creators panic and change their stories if the audience properly reacts to foreshadowing. Emotional parts of storytelling are trampled by jokes. Shocking the audience has become the go to, rather than providing a solid story.
Of course audiences have gotten cynical and untrusting! Of course they're unwilling to form their own expectations of what's coming! Of course they make the worst assumptions based on what's in front of them! The media they've been consuming has trained them well.
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gloriousburden · 4 months ago
I think the fact that all the variants in the void very easily and casually accepted a crocodile being a “Loki” but Sylvie being female was so shocking to them tells you everything you need to know about the series and the people who wrote it
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catlady48 · 2 months ago
The scrapped Avengers 5 script that was cowritten by Waldron was seemingly posted online and he was not done ruining Loki (at least the show version). Not sure if it's actually the real script or a hoax, but I still wanted to inform people about it, because it's bad. The entire thing is a mess. It's basically a copy of Infinity War as in the main villains (several versions of Kang) need the plotdevices to do catastrophic damage and basically everybody dies. Really, almost everybody gets killed off. He also involves almost every character that's currently alive in the MCU in this script, so they each barely get any screentime and no personality whatsoever. I haven't actually read the thing so I can't say how much time he had to ruin the characters, but it's Waldron so I'm assuming he still managed to do that somehow.
As for what he did to Loki specifically, apparently one of the Kangs drains him of his powers and presumably killed him (again). This is going to disappoint a lot of people who, despite the ways Loki as a character has been ruined by the show, still hoped that the ending would lead to them doing something cool with his new position and powers and/or would lead to him reuniting with Thor. Neither of this happens and I think even the show fans would be disappointed by them ruining the so-called "perfect ending to his character arc." Guess it was just a new way to kill him off and rub it in our faces after all. It's Infinity War all over again. He would've gotten ruined for nothing.
So glad this script got scrapped, even though I have zero faith in the Russo's considering they were the ones who thought of IW in the first place. I do think they will do somewhat better than Waldron since they can at least do action scenes. Even so, this is another warning not to get your hopes up that the MCU will not ruin Loki in some way or another in the upcoming movies.
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alwida10 · 1 year ago
After the … horrible*cough* … most deep and tragic, but certainly not satisfying conclusion of the Loki series, I would like to randomly cite one of the writers of Thor (2011) with a random advise for aspiring and established script writers. 🙂
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That’s all. 🙂
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prettywitchiusaka · 1 year ago
Wait...Waldron thinks Stephen and Christine's lost love was the emotional core of DS1?...Really!?
Look, I know people can have different readings of a piece of fiction, but Waldron's writing a screenplay, NOT an essay. How did he misinterpret the first Doctor Strange THIS badly!?
The emotional core of DS1 is of a man learning hubris and accepting his own failings. Christine is a huge part of it, yes. She's not the main focus. My God, Waldron! Just stop! Go home! You're drunk!
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“ could’ve been one hell of an incursion…”
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agentoffangirling · 4 months ago
Tbh the growth that Loki had in the Loki series wouldn't be so unbelievable if they actually tried to write said growth
Bc no matter how much Waldron or Martin try to spin it, there is absolutely no way Avengers-era Loki, when stripped of his power and put in an entirely unfamiliar environment that is borderline/very much hostile, would act the way he did
He would not be happily going along with the TVA and accepting pretty much everything they tell him
He would not be pleading for Mobius or Sylvie or whoever else and looking up at them with those big Hiddleston eyes
Not even Ragnarok Loki, who is the most "heroic" of all Loki iterations that we've had in the MCU, would act that way, and that's saying a lot
"But technically series Loki is a different Loki--" the fact still stands that he is Avengers Loki. Killed-eighty-people-in-two-days Loki. Brought-an-alien-army-to-New-York Loki. THAT Loki is what they were working with in the series, and instead of actually making his character growth in-character and well paced, they got rid of it immediately
To put into perspective, it would be like if we took Tony Stark from the first 10 minutes of Iron Man, and in the next half hour, he does his Endgame sacrifice. Doesn't work, does it?
If you want to make Loki a "hero", go ahead and do it, just put in the work. Don't have him be so soft from the get-go. The closest moment I have seen of Loki actually acting closer to what he should be acting like was when he fired that blast at Brad in s2 episode 2, and that's still a very long stretch in my opinion
Even if you are a fan of the series, you have to admit that this makes no sense. At the very least we should've gotten TDW Loki, but noooo, Waldron wants his stupid self-insert
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sobeautifullyobsessed · 6 months ago
"Do not speak to me of sacrifice, Stephen Strange."
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After all this time, this line still bothers me. A lot. And I find myself wondering if it was simply the writer's outright ignorance of the canon suffering that Stephen repeatedly experienced protecting humanity from Dormammu and during his excruciating search for a way to defeat Thanos--or did Waldr🤢n actually know Stephen's history and decide it wasn't relevant to the script he was writing?
Either way, I'll never get over it. While remaining entirely skeptical of how Stephen will be treated in possible future projects.
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breckstonevailskier · 2 years ago
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breckstonevailskier · 2 years ago
This is mostly talking about Michael Waldron. And how he ruined Loki and Wanda Maximoff through this subpar writing.
The writers in phase 4 saying things like "I never watched the phase 1 movies or read any of the comics" or "we made up the backstory during filming" sounds like "I didn't study or do my homework so you should be very impressed with this C+ project I've done."
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lokidanger · 1 year ago
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They are besties, and they are *pissed*
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I'm done bottling this up. I need to go on a rant about how much Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness insulted me the one and only time I watched it.
I’m still furious that the trailers didn’t spoil that Wanda was the villain, because if they had, I would’ve sworn never to watch the movie.
I liked the first 15 minutes or so fine, and got really excited when Wanda was introduced. But I don’t think I’ll ever forget the way my heart dropped when the reveal happened two minutes later.
It shocked me so much in the worst possible way that I totally zoned out and barely registered anything else that was said in that scene, or the next one for that matter.
The Kamar-Taj massacre legitimately made me want to vomit. I truly couldn’t believe what I was seeing. This couldn’t be fucking happening. And to think it was almost even worse if that horrific BTS footage of Wanda hacking the sorcerers to pieces in melee combat made it into the movie.
This may sound odd, but the visual of Wanda ripping herself apart to get out of the Mirror Dimension truly disgusted me, because I sincerely think it was intended to dehumanize her and make her look more like a monster. Again, it was like the movie was TRYING to personally insult me.
I wasn’t paying attention to anything that was happening with Strange and America when they got to the other universe. I couldn’t focus on anything at all because I was reeling from the shock.
I hate to admit it, but when the Darkhold got destroyed for a moment I hoped against everything that that would be it. But no, immediately after that she intentionally tortured some of the surviving sorcerers to make Wong talk. Again, I genuinely could not believe what I was seeing. How was this real?
The Illuminati massacre, like the earlier battle, insulted me in ways I truly cannot articulate. I feel like everyone involved was trying to insult me specifically with how evil they were making Wanda. [A part of me has grown to morbidly like this scene, however, as the Illuminati are full-on fascists, and with how much I've grown to hate Captain Carter it was darkly cathartic seeing Wanda bisect her, but still.]
During the final battle I was sincerely expecting either those demons to drag Wanda to whatever hell dimension they came from, or for America to do that instead. If that happened then the anti-Wanda whiners would feel even more vindicated about how she was "finally being properly punished".
The way she is written out rung completely hollow, because there was no indication whatsoever that she wasn’t being corrupted anymore. It just looked like she stopped because she wanted to. And again, I feel like the movie was trying to make me upset by saying "no, this is just how Wanda is".
I want to say I felt nothing when it looked like Wanda died, but the truth is it was just the final middle finger. I guess I should be thankful for small mercies since apparently she was originally planned to go on ANOTHER killing spree ending with Strange killing her.
So yeah, TLDR, Multiverse of Madness was the absolute worst movie watching experience I’ve ever had, and cemented itself as my most hated film of all time before it even ended. I made a conscious choice to never watch it again before I even got up from my seat. It truly felt like Sam Raimi and Michael Waldron were intentionally and maliciously ruining Wanda, and the fact that it was just sheer incompetence that caused this to happen is somehow even worse, because that's how little Marvel values this character.
And just for the record, my mom, who got into the MCU because of WandaVision, was also really excited for this movie, and she has no standards whatsoever, so the fact that even SHE hated the movie's treatment of Wanda speaks volumes.
Fuck Marvel, fuck Michael Waldron, and fuck the anti-Wanda losers while we're at it.
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gloriousburden · 5 months ago
I’ve been trying to keep this blog about appreciating OG Loki instead of any negativity, but goodness is the series the bane of my existence. Imagine looking up your favorite character, and having to scroll past every result that comes up.
Imagine the only part of the fandom/community you can enjoy being a small side of Tumblr away from the main tags.
You cannot relate to anyone on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, etc..
A subdivision on Tumblr of a fandom is all you have!
Finding decent Loki merch is hard enough as it is, but now you need to look out for hourglasses, and the colors orange and brown.
This is all because of the series. This is why us anti series blogs/OG Loki fans are so “cruel” and “evil.” This is why it’s so serious to us. It’s weird to feel alienated where you should feel like you belong.
Many of us lost the fandom that we once knew and loved. It’s not just about the series or how Loki is miswritten, its about us losing the connection we once easily had with others. You shouldn’t have to constantly explain yourself to others who are supposed to be in the same fandom as you.
I share a fandom with people who don’t understand the source that spawned the fandom in the first place. I share a fandom with people who’s only knowledge (of the character we’re all supposed to know and love) is ship fanart, fanfiction, fan theories, and headcanons. I share a fandom with people who take lighthearted Tumblr posts from years ago that jokingly state that Loki is around 16/17 years old seriously and as canon. I share a fandom with people who refuse to think critically.
It’s not just a fictional character or movies. It’s something we are passionate about, and it’s hard to share those passions with others who do not understand a fraction of any of it.
I’m very grateful for this side of Tumblr and I hope that one day we could have our fandom back. You shouldn’t have to make an entire subdivision of a fandom in order to see things about the characters ORIGINAL and DEFINITIVE appearances.
Fuck the series as well as anyone who groups OG Loki with the variant. Makes things a thousand times harder. I can’t even watch edits because you’ll think it’s an edit of TDW Loki… but then here comes clips of that variant. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Girl if I have to see that clip of the variant bent over a table one more time… I think i’m gonna lose it.
Certain sides of Pinterest, old Tumblr posts/blogs that have been inactive since 2014, and Google’s/YouTube’s “Before:Year” feature my beloveds. Blogs on dedicated to OG Loki my beloveds. Thor 2011, The Avengers, and Thor The Dark World my beloveds. My oomfs/mutuals my beloveds.
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prettywitchiusaka · 2 years ago
Thank you!
I pick on Waldron’s writing, too, but at the end of the day I know that Feige is just as much to blame. You’d think that, being the (primary) producer on this film that he would’ve instructed Waldron to actually visit the set for Wandavision or ask for early copies or, hell, even ask Elizabeth Olsen for some insight into Wanda’s struggles.
But no, apparently Kevin is just okay with letting Waldron crap all over this film. Can’t imagine how much his bald head is sweating from that decision, now that we know the film cost an extra $100 million because of the re-shoots.
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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness dir. Sam Raimi | 2022
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theefloraknight · 2 months ago
I just saw someone on my dash say that Loki from the Loki series is the “real” Loki…
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