atomatoplant · 12 years
Fun Fun Fun
I got tagged by tardisacrosstheuniverse
Rule 1: Post the Rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
 *If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
It would live in any small village in England. I don't care where exactely, as long as it is ENGLAND!Because everything seems to be there or in America (which I don't like that much). There are definitely more Whovians than in Austria!!!!!!! :P
 *Pick three fictional characters who you would Kiss, Fuck and Marry.
That's hard! Because there are so much famous people I want to kiss! There would be the Doctor!!!! *__* Captain Jack Harkness!!!! *__* Merlin and Sherlock......
 *What is the colour of your eyes and hair?
Eyes: Light Blue!
Hair: Dark Blond!
 *What is your name and age?
My internet name is Thalia, because I think this name is just really beautiful! I am 15 (and a half!) years.
 *What is your nationality?
AUSTRIA!!! That's this european country that looks like a chicken leg and it is as awesome as a chicken leg tastes (wqhich is really really awesome!!! :P )
 *What is the weirdest dream you’ve had
You really want to know that? It's pretty weird! I was in a Musical and suddenly the Doctor appeared. That was awesome. The weird thing was that his companion was an elephant.He just killed the Daleks by sitting down on him.
*5 turn-ons?
Superwholockian or Merlian or Gleek! Otherwise I can't talk to you...:P
Plays the Piano! It's just so beautiful! I love everybody who plays the Piano!
Good Story-teller. That's just magic!
Good taste. If you like chocolate, strawberrys, cake, chips, ... I like you too! :D
*What’s your favourite band/artist?
Well, I don't really have a favourite Band. I love Musical-music. Band... hmm... Probably "Imagin Dragons".
What are your allergies? If you don’t have any, what are foods that you hate?
I hate, REALLY HATE, Raisins (I hope that's the right english word. It's Rosine in German ;) )
*If you can bring any fictional character to life, who would it be and why?
The Doctor! no... Captain Jack Harkness! no... The Doctor!!! ...NONONO... I don't know! The Doctor has to be alive already, otherwise earth wouldn't be safe anymore, so I take CAPTAIN JACK HARKNESS!
*What are your top 10 favourite shows?
DOCTOR WHOOOOO!!!!!! *_____*
That was all... I also kind of like:
Once upon a time
Pretty Little Liars
The Vampire Diaries
*Describe your dream holiday:
That's easy: flying around in the TARDIS! *__*
*Tumblr crush:
Uhm... Tardisacrosstheuniverse? Maybe SuperwholockandProud... And of course Morganatargaryen! Well, she is on tumblr since today but she's my best friend so...♥
*Fictional crush:
Captain Jack Harkness, because he's Captain Jack Harkness and perfect!
*Describe yourself with one word:
*Where do you blog from in your house?:
Awesome, brown reading chair
*Brothers? Sisters?:
Two sister, one brother! Love all of them! *_*
*Favourite fandom:
Merlians and Whovians! Sherlock is pretty awesome too :P I just don't like Gleeks that much. Half of them are SOOO cute and nice and I love them but the other half is just... idk...:/
OTP? Who and why?:
I can't say that. I just can't say that! I won't choose between Klaine, Doctor & Rose, Johnlock, Merthur, Destiel!!! I just love them too much!
*Stolen anything before?:
If finding something and keeping it isn't stealing, then no! :)
*Favorite movie?:
I'll say Lotr but I also love the Avengers and all Disney Films!!! Up, Nemo, Despicable me, Merida, Wreck it Ralph...
*Favorite song? 
Every song from the Musical "Elisabeth". Maybe "I belong to me".
*Favorite Fictional Character?:
Doctor & Captain Jack Harkness! Damn it, i just can't choose between them both!
*Favorite color?:
An easy one!!!! :D BLUE!!!! TARDIS-BLUE!!!!
*Do you get on Tumblr daily?:
I am really, really addicted!!! UUhm, once or twice a day?!
*What couple describes the love life you want?:
*Do you know anyone in real life on Tumblr?:
My best friends are on Tumblr! :D (Morganatargaryen, llamaparrilla, prettylittlecolferette.)
What fictional Character would you like to spend the day with?:
Wow, my answers are so creativ. I have to say Doctor and Captain Jack Harkness. Again! :P
1. 5 best OTPs? Which serie?
2. Favourite Book?
3. Which fictional creature, alien, animal, race do you want to be if you could chose?
4. What's your favourite Musical?
5. Do you like chocolate?
6. What's your favourite Filmmusic?
7. Favourite Actor and why?
8. Married to any fictional charackter?
9. 9 Favourite Series?
10. Favourite Companion of the Doctor?/if you don't watch it: favourite person in any serie?
11. Which fictional charackter would be your perfect friend?
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