#pretty sure lin called sun daddy more than he called him by his name in book
sunshinechay · 2 months
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hamanuelton · 4 years
my favorite parts of hamilton:
- “I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory.”
- every time Leslie Odom Jr. as aaron burr begins another part with “how did a bastard, orphan-“ or like in that same way ‘cause he doesn’t always start it that way but you know what I mean
- the way Leslie Odom Jr. as My Boi Burr™️ says “well, the world got around, they said, ‘this kid is insane, man!’”
- also when Leslie Odom Jr. as A. Burr says
- “our man saw his future drip-dripping down the drain, a pencil to his temple, connected it to his brain”
- “Alexander Hamilton. My name is Alexander Hamilton. And there’s a million things I haven’t done, but just you wait, just you wait...”
- background “just you wait, just you wait”’s as hammy’s putting on a new jacket and ensemble is praising nyc
- “and me? i’m the damn fool that shot him.”
- “Burr, sir” + the continuation of this all throughout
- “If you talk you’re gonna get shot” / FORESHADOWING WOOOEEEEWOOOOO
- “i’m John Laurens in the place to be”
- Lafayette’s fuckinf accent
- “if you stand for nothing, Burr, what’ll you fall for”
- “‘Onarchy?”
- hey, yo, i’m just like my country, i’m young, scrappy, and hungry—
- the way Odom Leslie Jr. as The Hamburrglar™️ says ‘shot’ and they all take a shot
- this ⤵️
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- Hammy getting //flustered// about friendship
- Angelica’s face when Burr is tryna tell her bout herself and she shows him up and ships him out
- Act 1: 6. Farmer Refuted
- honorable mention: “my dog speaks more eloquently than thee!" "but strangely, your mange is the same." "is he in jersey?”
- King George pouting
- Jonathan Groff’s overarticulation of each syllable as King George is a work of art
- “♪ Da-da-da-dat-da-dat-da-da-da-dai-ah-da! ♪ Da-da-da-da-dai-ah-da! ♪
- “Everybody! —“
- “We keep meeting.”
- “i imagine death so much it feels more like a memory. when’s it gonna get me? in my sleep? seven feet ahead of me?”
- “See, I never thought I’d live past twenty.”
- “this is not a moment, it’s the movement”
- “I’m laughin’ in the face of casualties and sorrow, for the first time, I’m thinkin’ past tomorrow!”
- “dying is easy, young man, living is harder!”
- “i’m being honest. i’m working with a third of what our Congress promised.”
- “you need all the help you can get. i have some friends. Laurens, Mulligan, Marquis de Lafayette, okay, what else?” — “we’ll need some spies on the inside, some king’s men who might let some things slide.”
- “watch this obnoxious, arrogant, loudmouth bother be seated at the right hand of the father.”
- “Martha Washington named her feral tomcat after him” — “That’s true.”
- “Yo, if your marry a sister, you’re rich, son!” — “Is it a question of ‘if’, Burr, or which one?” and then the little ‘hey’ ‘hey’ thing they do gets me every time
- literally the use of yo throughout the production fucking gets me every single fucking time
- “i’m writin’ a letter nightly. now my life gets better, every letter that you write me. — THE PURE UNBRIDLED SENSE OF FORESHADOWING IN “laughin’ at my sister, cuz she wants to form a harem” — ft. “i’m just sayin’, if you really loved me, you would share him!”
- the irony in “Eliza, i don’t have a dollar to my name”, you’ll be on the $10 bill, my man
- top-notch brain
- the way Anthony Ramos as John Laurens says “alright, alright. that’s what i’m talkin’ about!” and also the face that he makes
- hunger-pang frame
- “You strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied.” — “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean. You forget yourself.” — “You’re like me. I’m never satisfied.” — “Is that right?” — “I have never been satisfied.” — “My name is Angelica Schuyler.” — “Alexander Hamilton.” — “Where’s your fam’ly from?” — “Unimportant. There’s a million things I haven’t done but just you wait, just you wait...”
- tbh the way ‘Schuyler’ is spelled is oddly satisfying to me
- honestly just the way LMM says Alexander Hamilton+/ my name is Alexander Hamilton, and there’s a million things i haven’t done, ‘just you wait, just you wait...’ throughout the production
- “i’m the oldest and the wittiest and the gossip in new york city is insidious”
- “You are the worst, Burr.”
- Act 1: 12. The Story of Tonight (Reprise)
- “love doesn’t discriminate, between the sinners and the saints, it takes and it takes and it takes”
- “love doesn’t discriminate, between the sinners and the saints, it takes and it takes and it takes and we keep living anyway. we rise and we fall and we break and we make our mistakes. and if there’s a reason i’m still alive when everyone who loves me has died—“
- “Chick-a-plao!”
- the way they say ‘raise a glass’ is both elegant and (appropriately) reverent
- the minute General Charles Les came into the picture i hated him so hard, even though his literal first word was ‘Whee!!!!’, though i can appreciate the sentiment and what LMM was tryna do there
- “Washington cannot be left to his devices indescisive, from crisis to crisis” — sweet baby jesus that alliteration, and jon rua totally pulled it off (i hate General Charles Lee not the person who played him, i can also appreciate the fact that as an actor it takes a lot of talent to be able to make you hate a character so easily, also shoutout to Jonathan Groff as King Georgey-Boy™️, Sydney James Harcourt as james reynolds, and the general way LMM somehow made me fed up/turn on Alexander with the whole scene with him and Maria Reynolds — and not only that but somehow redeemed himself to me which is easier said than done for characters and people alike.. i’ve been hurt too much to play like that.
- Act 1: 15. Ten Duel Commandments
- honorable mention: “if you don’t reach peace, that’s alright. time to get some pistols and a doctor on site. you pay him in advance, you treat him with civility. you have him turn around so he can have deniability.”
- Act 1: 17. That Would Be Enough
- honorable mention: the melody that LMM went with for that turn of phraseis a truly beautiful thing
- “Immigrants:” — “We get the job done.”
- “To my brother’s a revolutionary covenant! I’m runnin’ with the sons of liberty and I am lovin’ it! See, that’s what happens when you up against the ruffians. We’re in the shit now, somebody gotta shovel it! Hercules Mulligan, I need no introduction, when you knock me down I get the fuck back up again!”
- Act 1: 21. What Comes Next
- honorable mention: “i’m so blue” — the little squat that Groffsauce does as the light turns blue really got to me
- Act 1: 22. Dear Theodosia
- Leslie Odom Jr.’s voice is so ding dang delightfully airy
- honorable mention: “You have my eyes. You have your mother’s name. When you came into the world, you cried and it broke my heart.”
- Act 1: 23. Non-Stop
- as someone with siblings i can appreciate that they’re bickering like that’s just what they are
- “I was chosen for the constitutional convention! *squeal*”
- “Burr, we studied and we fought and we killed for the notion of a nation we now get to build. For once in your life, take a stand with pride. I don’t understand how you stand to the side.”
- Act 2: 1. What’d I Miss?
- honorable mention: “But the sun comes up and the world still spins.”
- Act 2: 2. Cabinet Battle #1
- tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
- “Daddy, daddy, look.... My name is Philip. I am a poet. I wrote this poem just to show it. And I just turned nine. You can write rhymes but you can’t write mine.” - “What!” - “I practice French and play piano with my mother.” — “Uh-huh!” — “I have a sister but I want a little brother.” — “Okay!” — “My daddy’s trying to start America’s bank. Un deux trois quatre cinq!” — “Bravo!” — “Hey, our kid is pretty great.”
- as much as i hate Act 2: 4. Say No To This (because for some reason i though Alexander Hamilton was better than that) Jasmine Cephas Jones sings in it is like a hot knife through butter — namely; “My husband’s doin’ me wrong beatin’ me, cheatin’ me, mistreatin’ me...”... I guess maybe I understand it ‘cause damn Jasmine Cephas Jones is so ding dang pretty and ding dang talented and wow what a remarkable person
- the way that Lin says “And her body’s saying, ‘hell, yes’ is um.. 😓
- “You see, that was my wife you decided to” — “Fuuuu—“
- Act 2: 5. The Room Where It Happens
- honorable mention: “Bros.”
- “Talk less. Smile more.” LMM being a dramatic bastard
- Act 2: 6. Schuyler Defeated
- Act 2: 7. Cabinet Battle #2
- “revolution is messy but now is the time to stand."
- honorable mention: “Ooh!!”
- “We signed a treaty with a King whose head is now in a basket. Would you like to take it out and ask it? ‘Should we honor our treaty, King Louis’ head?’ ‘Uh... do whatever you want, I’m super dead.’”
- Thomas Jefferson all like “but sir do we not fight for freedom” MY BAD SIR YOU ARE A SLAVE-OWNER HOW ABOUT YOU NOT
- mentioning Lafayette because apparently LMM has no problem with breaking the fourth wall
- “Daddy’s calling.”
- “I’m in the cabinet. I am complicit in watching him grabbin’ at power and kiss it. If Washington isn’t gon’ listen to disciplined dissidents, this is the difference. This kid is out!”
- “Southern motherfuckin’ Democratic-Republicans!”
- “The emperor has no clothes.”
- “Sir, I don’t know what you heard but whatever it is Jefferson started it.” — “Thomas Jefferson resigned this morning.” — “You’re kidding.” — “I need a favor.” — “Whatever you say, sir, Jefferson will pay for his behavior.” — “I’ll use the press. I’ll write under a pseudonym, you’ll see what I can do to him—“ — “Yes! He resigned you can finally speak your mind!” — “Ha. Good luck defeating you, sir.” - “I’m sorry, what?”
- Act 2: 10. I Know Him
- “—Vice President.” — “— No more Mr. Nice President.”
- “Sit down, John, you fat motherf—“
- Act 2: 12. We Know
- honorable mention: “You see that was my wife you decided to—“ — “WHAT—“
- Act 2: 13. Hurricane
- Act 2: 14. The Reynolds Pamphlet
- honorable mention: *DEEP VOICE* “DAMN”
- Act 2: 15. Burn
- i’ll be the first to say i wasn’t a huge fan of Eliza at first aside from Phillipa Soo’s killer voice
- this gave me a lot of respect for her
- honorable mention: “You have married an Icarus. He has flown too close to the sun.”
- Act 2: 16. Blow Us All Away
- i would like to point out that tweet where someone @‘s LMM about not mentioning Philip’s hot and he responds “I’M FAIRLY F**CKING SURE I DID”, y’know ⤵️
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- “The ladies say my brain’s not where the resemblance stops.”
- “God, you’re a fox.”
- Act 2: 17. Stay Alive (Reprise)
- The ‘I know, I know. Shh.’ and the full circle back to his mom teaching him french on the piano really got to me for the beautiful artistry in it but also damn them feels
- Act 2: 18. It’s Quiet Uptown
- “I spend hours in the garden. I walk alone to the store and it’s quiet uptown. I never liked the quiet before. I take the children to church on Sunday, a sign of the cross at the door, and I pray. That never used to happen before.”
- “Philip, you would like it uptown. It’s quiet uptown.”
- “You knock me out, I fall apart.”
- “Eliza, do you like it uptown? It’s quiet uptown.”
- “There are moments that the words don’t reach. There is suffering too terrible to name. You hold your child as tight as you can and push away the unimaginable. The moments when you’re in so deep it feels easier to just swim down.”
- “There are moments that the words don’t reach. There is a grace too powerful to name. We push away what we can never understand. We push away the unimaginable.”
- “Can you imagine?”
- Act 2: 19. The Election of 1800
- honorable mention: “And they say I’m a Francophile: at least they know I know where France is!”
- “You used to work on the same staff” — “Whaaaat.”
- “Honestly, it’s kind of draining.” — “Burr...” — “Sir!” — “Is there anything you wouldn’t do?” — “No. I’m chasing what I want. And you know what?” — “What?” — “I learned that from you.” / this moment made the blow that he voted for Jefferson like a damn hole in my chest and i actually really felt for Burr. i get Hammy’s reluctance, i think if anything he was hoping voting for Jefferson would give Burr the chance to have experience as VP and then the next election he might vote for him then depending
- Act 2: 20. Your Obedient Servant
- A. Burr
- A. Ham
- “I just need to write something down.” / really resonated as one of the last things they showed him doing before going off to the duel, his life really was writing and that was the perfect way to say that in a very subtle sort of way. i really appreciate it artistically, whether it was intentionally so or not.
- Act 2: 22. The World Was Wide Enough
- okay but first of all i would like to comment on the fact that Ariana DeBose PLAYS THE GODDAMN BULLET, I JUST
- “This man will not make an orphan of my daughter.” / this made me really sympathize with Burr, as well as when he tries to go towards Hamilton (at least in the play but I sincerely hope that was historically accurate) / but also that fact that Theodosia Burr was lost at sea at 29 makes me sad because Hamilton’s life was taken to give her one and then she just up and disappears in a freak accident
- Act 2: 23. Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story
- the orphanage got to me
- i loved that he (LMM) didn’t end it with himself or anything
- he let Phillipa Soo tear my heart out
- it killed me but i died quite happily
- and really what more could you ask for.
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rqs902 · 5 years
qcyn ep 10 aka an episode that really made me happy!! but also really made me miss season 1..........
phew thank goodness lin mo made it tho, now i feel like there’s not much left for me to do cept wait for this show to end bc im pretty sure thats as far as he’ll get, and im so so relieved he made it to the top 20 thats all i was asking for, i just wanted him to be able to participate in every stage. so now im just excited for when he gets out what mr tyger will do!
man iqiyi really skipping even 14-19 man..... 
wowowowow long lost xixi spirit of the knght footage that we never got to see T__T
awwwww huaiwei’s feeble “are yall not gonna clap” was so sad... but also i was kinda expecting his fall with the 2 vote restriction bc huaiwei is hilariously fun and everyone likes him, but hes not as much bias material.... lol shi zhan awkwardly stuck between two crying people lol
HAHAHAHHA CHEN SIJIAN ‘why cant we just talk to each other’s face to face’ HAHHAHAHA I LOVE HIM 一點都不說唱 HAHAHHAAH
lol zhenning exposing shi mingze is the content im here for! mingming is the cutest bub omg 
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wow a rare zhan yu teardrop mole sighting!!
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lol how much u wanna bet it was rigged that the first one was for wenhan from yangyang
aw huaiwei and yueyue....... ok but is he really telling them that they shouldnt go to the hospital if they get third degree burns?? bc as a future healthcare professional im gonna to strongly disagree on that one........ please take care of yourselves and your health first.........
HAHAHHAA I LOVE XIXI AND JUNJIE’S FRIENDSHIP HAHAHAH the fact that sijian was like “lol its junjie” as soon as xixi got called out ....oh my goodness this is the sweetest thing oh my goodness 
aw zhenning being so caring towards wang zhe.... but luckily wang zhe did really well in maze :) 
i hope we get to see more of these letters in the extra clips.... im waiting for jia yi’s letter to lin mo ;_; i see that mr tyger group hug ahhh also was that lin mo that wenxuan was hugging at the end bc their friendship is really aw too
aw junjie looking for happy for his friends even tho he likely wont make it this round.....
aw shi mingze and zhenning aww look at zhenning rising to the top, he really became people’s one pick after retreat huh hahaha 
man this might sound kinda mean (im really not trying to be) but what are the chances jia yi will keep falling and fall out of top 9 so mr tyger can continue as 5.... LOL im sorry i love the child but tbh i dont think being in top 9 will be worth his time as much as being reunited with his favorite geges......
aw poor mingming so nervous.... reminds me of quanzhe from last season that one time iqiyi kept panning to him during elims....
i wonder why there’s a bunch of them missing from the special class / the charity activity this time..... are they all in the hospital again???? like lin mo, jia yi, wenhan.... would zhan yu be with them to watch over lin mo and jia yi? 
lol why does bo yuan know the maze choreo, did he learn it in like 30 seconds?? gu landi with his saxophone!!!!!!!!!!!
ok can we pls talk about how ymm is in such disbelief that he went up so much?? i really hope this helps him gain more confidence....... AND OMG HIS SMILEEE 
omg chen youwei bringing up yi xiao.... aw this just makes me think of when youwei kept chanting jin fan’s name during the first elims.... and now wang yi and li yuzhi are left watching from below..... omgosh wu chengze is crying so hard.... do you think its bc his bff sun zelin ranked beside him last time but this time..... he’s not gonna be able to continue with him? (omg im just thinking about how sun zelin talked about chengze high-fiving him and going out of his way to wish him good night every night before bed... their friendship is...... so important......) honestly im gonna miss sun zelin and his silly humor and his adorable personality... he recognized he wasnt as skilled but he still tried really hard and dreamed big and im proud of how far he made it! 
wait i have a question, if ymm has this many solo stans then who else were they voting for with their second vote if not wen yechen??? MINGMING’S SMILE IS THE MOST PRECIOUS OH MY GOODNESS omg cutting to a crying shi mingze their friendship is so important MINGMING YOU DESERVE THIS 
wow waiting for them to announce who ranked #1 is just as suspenseful as it was on “all for one” -- aka not suspenseful at all........... ITS WENHAN OK WE GET IT NO ONE THINKS ITS GUAN YUE IM SORRY
lol i just looked up bo yuan’s birthday and hes like 9 months older than lin mo but now that hes eliminated does this make lin mo the oldest trainee on the show..... 
omgosh im gonna miss the sound of feng junjie’s voice screaming
omgosh zhan yu helping lin mo lift his box out aw!! aw zhan yu and jia yi working together.... aww them all working together
aw zhenning and shi zhan friendship!!!! LOL THIS IS SO CRINGE HAHAHHAHAHA wow i just realized the S symbol reminds me of a sadder looking yoyo class symbol from “all for one” lolololl 
ooo at least we’ll get another junjie ep of YAA!!!! and sun zelin too!!! SHI MINGZE YOYO POWERS/??!!? omg reminds me of bi wenjun ;_; i miss our yoyo prince ;_; omg they reused the puffy suits from last season LOOOLLLL wait but im sorry xixi i cant look at that colorful one without thinking of lou zibo ahhhhhhhhh I MISS ZIBO TOO and qian zhenghao in the tiny alien one omg that was such a iconic moment!!!!! and qin fen in the overblown monster one ahhhh I MISS SEASON ONE IM SORRY I FEEL LIKE ITS LATE ENOUGH IN THIS SEASON THAT I CAN SAY THIS WITHOUT FEELING LIKE IM BEING BIASED BUT SEASON ONE WAS BETTER ---- but i still love many of the kids from this season, its not their fault this season has just been generally more frustrating and less focused on all of their friendships. but season one just seemed generally more enjoyable, fun and lighthearted, yet emotional in a positive manner
LOL theyre all so obviously reading off a script this is pretty funny WHY IS HANYU SO CREEPY HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA 
FENG JUNJIE 28 NOOOOO ahhh i thought shi mingze would make it too........ man wang yi 38?? i thought he’d be higher.... man chen sijian’s literally the only rap line trainee left wtf............ wow wang jiayi really dropped so much throughout this show.... 
wait i wanna hear the full version of shi mingze’s speech, i feel like he mightve said more about his friendship with mingming... i guess now that i think about it, mingze having ranked rather high last time was rather impressive considering iqiyi hasnt given him much time to shine......
ooof ok im kinda hoping 20 will be gu landi or shao haofan bc their vocals really would’ve earned it. omgosh gu landi asking chen tao if he can sit next to him ahhhh so cute
im yao chi praying for gu landi... but i feel like its gonna be chen tao bc freaking wenhan’s “gwi ze” LOL
not surprised
man the audience be sleeping on gu landi’s talent..... 
omg this is my new favorite friendship omg gu landi is so supportive towards yao chi im crying.... 
lol they keep saying the top 9 is 換血 but literally i feel like the only new person is zhenning...???? 
hahhahahahhaha fjj: i didnt imagine i would be picked by the old men... yixing: i can tell :)  LOOOOL JUNJIE YOUR FACEE HHAHHAHAHAHA
wow today is a such good day wow feng junjie made it wow im so grateful wow this is a great day wow life is great isnt it 
ahhh im wu chengze chanting wu zelin sun zelin wu zelin sun zelin 
aw lin mo and wenxuan are really so close....
just dont say wenhan LOL
lol the old men really like zhou shiyuan so im not surprised... he does deserve it tho!
oo good for haofan! 
honestly they prob made sure the old men didnt pick yechen, zhan yu or bo yuan again... sadly..... but also sad they didnt notice gu landi....... omgosh look at zhan yu pumping his fists in the air even tho he knows its over... this is his “pretending to be mature gege” side, trying to appear positive for his bros... i wanna see lin mo and jia yi’s full thank you speeches and see if they mention his again T_T
oh gosh seeing the top 20 choosing their final songs makes me think back to last season and im getting freaking mack daddy flashbacks and im shuddering in fear LOL “ITS OKAY” WAS AND STILL IS THE SUPERIOR SONG IM SORRY ITS JUST A FACT
LOL THEY TEXT THEM!??! on the bright side, this just reminded me that top 35 will still get to be in ep 11 so yayyy we get another zhan yu stage!!!!!!
lol this earth ad is even more cringey.................. the ending credits.... i see lin yuzhi! and xixi got a cool shot :D im surprised lin mo didnt get any shots haha and that they didnt show mr tyger at all during the hugging portion at the end but oh well i guess..... 
tbh this was a minimal lin mo exposure ep but its ok, im still grateful that he got a few random closeups (which is more than i can say for some of the others) and now that hes safely in top 20 i honestly think my work here is done LOL. there’s not much more lin mo fans can do for him. theyve gotten him onto all the stages and i dont think any amount of work will get him into top 9... and ive said before i dont even really want him in top 9 bc id rather he stay with mr tyger and help them stay relevant bc theyll need his help to do so, especially since jia yi will probably make top 9. 
(from here is where i go into a rant about season 1 vs season 2.... LOL)
lets be honest, ranking 16 is too low for lin mo to make it lol....... last season the only kid who made top 9 who wasnt already in top 9 by ep 10 was yanjun... and yanjun had been on a steep upward trend leading up to the last ep (lin mo went from 17 to 16... theres minimal momentum there lol) and then bi wenjun going from 12 to 10 was the other surprise. xikan going from 18 to 13 was impressive, but he still wasnt one of the contenders for the 9th spot. i think at the end it was bu fan, qian zhenghao, bi wenjun and you zhangjing right? out of those 4, the lowest ranked in ep 10 was bi wenjun at 12..... so going from 16 up to 9 would be really really unlikely, unless lin mo somehow makes an even greater impression on the audience during the mentor collab stage than yanjun did last year.... which i think will be impossible bc literally the entire audience fell in love with yanjun during the “zero” performance in last season’s ep 11 lol it was crazyyyy.... but anyway i think ive reminisced about last season enough this rant.... can you tell i really miss it? honestly ive tried to stay as positive as i could throughout watching qcyn and i gave iqiyi the benefit of the doubt from the beginning that “oh maybe it just doesnt seem as great as the first season bc we havent gotten to know the kids yet, the show’s just started, we’ll learn to love it later” ---- but we’re on ep 10 now and i just.......... i still dont think i got to know the kids as well as i did last season and its not their fault, theyre not any less lovable kids (some of them i really like!!! more than some of the kids from last season!) but this season’s editing is really just disappointing. i really miss last season and it was honestly so much more enjoyable to watch..... i thought about this the other day, if lin mo had been eliminated during the last round, would i still be watching this show? and i thought about it and i honestly think i would... because i really like some of the other kids like mingming, junjie, xixi, jia yi, guan yue, chen sijian, etc. but i really dont think id be as eager to stay up to date with it. ive fallen behind on yaa and dont even look forward to watching fanafan anymore bc lin mo hasnt been on any of those (no, i dont count the yaa ep he literally only got 1 second of screentime in) these side shows are fun, but not as fun as fanafan from last season. they feature the same kids over and over again (literally yuehua trio was the ONLY kids on fanafan 2 weeks ago and then they were 1/3 of the ep last week too??? and hmm how come there are kids who have been on yaa multiple times yet there are also kids who have never been on it at all???? that’s just so unfair.....) without fanafan from last season, would you zhangjing have made it into top 9?? fanafan was the medium thru which he really showed us how hilarious and fun and lovable and sweet and sassy he was (whereas on the actual show he showed us his true, undeniable talent) and im just here wondering, if qcyn’s fanafan had featured ye ziming half as much as they had featured you zhangjing or his partner in crime yanjun (who both ended up making top 9), would he have at least made top 35? or how about chen sijian and wu zelin? or feng junjie?? or su yuhang?? where would they be now? why hasnt lin mo been on fanafan at all??? if given the chance, would people actually be appreciating zhan yu’s hilariously weird and crazy personality that we NEVER got to see?? sigh.......... 
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Return to Me - Chapter Sixteen (Original)
Chapter Sixteen - Epilogue
A/N: Thank you all so much for your support. When I first posted this story, it was nearly a month after the Force Awakens came out, and it had hundreds of likes. It has gone down substantially but I thank all of you who stuck with this story! Although this is technically the end, I will still write Poe fics, and can definitely see myself adding on to this story. This chapter is for everyone who stayed along the way! Thank you all. Love you. Word Count: 2,309 Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader Synopsis: Epilogue. Tags: @cinema212, @fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13, @davidbowiesfacepaint
Previous Chapter
Ironically, flying was one of the scariest things for you to face with your daughter. Carrie wouldn’t let go of your hand, and would oftentimes cry during flights. Her father could barely stand it. Poe would joke that she wasn’t his daughter, even though he knew she was.
She had the same dark, curly hair, and smile. Honestly, Carrie looked more like her father than she did you. She did have your eyes, though. Poe would always go on and on about her eyes. (You were pretty sure he did it because that was the only part that looked like you and he felt bad.)
On this trip in particular, Carrie was even more scared. The four year old have moved to sit in your lap, and you had a perfect few of her dark, thick, curly hair. She had fallen asleep, thankfully, so you could get some rest, too. Carrie had just turned four, meaning that it was almost exactly four years after you had left Naboo. 
Nové was about to descend from the throne, and pass it along to the next young monarch. She and Lin Ral had invited you and your family to the celebration. Poe was away on a mission, but promised that he would do his best to make it. You were traveling to Naboo earlier to say hello to your friends and show Carrie your home. 
The ship landed and Carrie still did not awake. She was sound asleep against your chest, and you had to move carefully not to wake her up. It was still early in the morning, and she was used to staying in her comfy bed at this hour. You fixed her headband and stood up with her. One of Carrie’s favorite things to do was dress up, exactly like her mother. It was hard to find someone to make the exact same dresses, only in different sizes, but you had a special tailor. This woman, Ebba was her name, managed to make similar, almost identical dresses for you and Carrie each. She had truly outdone herself for these dresses made of soft silk.
The sun was warm and welcoming as you left the ship. You felt the breeze from the lake and smiled to yourself. You were so excited to get to watch your daughter learn to love the planet you loved. Walking up the stone steps, you moved carefully towards the throne room, as to not wake up Carrie. You were welcomed by the guards with ease. You walked on the smooth stone surface until you reached the room where Nové was sitting on the highest and biggest chair. 
Nové smiled at you, and you could still see through all of her makeup that she was beautiful. She looked like she wanted to come hug you, but you put up a hand. Carrie could be a bit fussy, and you didn’t want her to make a scene in the throne room. 
“My lady,” you said, bowing as slightly as you could. You smile through it and Nové giggled.
“We are truly blessed to have your presence among us today,” she said. 
“Thank you. It’s wonderful to be home.” The doors opened across the room and you turned to see Lin Ral walk through the room. He was still as handsome as ever, and smiled at you widely. He looked much happier than you had ever seen him. He walked towards you and kissed your cheek.
“Welcome home, Y/N.”
“Thank you. Like I was telling your gorgeous bride, it’s good to be home.” He nodded and looked up at Nové. They made eye contact and you laughed. They were truly in love. Nové descended from the throne and walked towards you both. 
“Walk with me?” she asked. You nodded and situated Carrie in your arms. “Will Poe be joining us?”
“I hope so. I talked to him two days ago. He is going to try and make it.”
“Good. It’s always good to have the greatest pilot in the Resistance with us.” You laughed and nodded. “I’m glad you brought your little girl,” she said, glancing back to make sure that Lin Ral was out of earshot. He had stopped to discuss something with the head of the guard. “He doesn’t know it yet, but I’m with child.”
“Really? That’s wonderful. Congratulations,” you said, beaming.
“Thank you. I plan to tell him after tonight.”
“He’ll be thrilled.”
“I hope so. I would love to catch up with you, but I think you might have other things to attend to,” she said, nodding at Carrie. The young girl was beginning to stir. 
“Right. I’ll see you after the ceremony, tonight?” you asked. She nodded.
“Of course.”
“I’ll see you then,” you said, walking into the adjoining hallway. Carrie was awake now, and was looking around in confusion. The stone staircases were different from the dark, bright, sometimes techno colors of Coruscant. 
“Good morning, princess,” you said.
“Where are we?”
“Your home.” You nodded and pushed open the door. The hall that had your room was bright, with many open windows pushing the curtains to sway all through the room. Carrie fought to get down, and when you let her go, she raced through the soft fabrics. You laughed and continued to walk towards the room that used to be yours. 
“Come on,” you said, nodding your head in the direction of the door. She giggled and ran towards you. She pushed open the door and went inside before you.
“Daddy!” she exclaimed. Confused, and a little bit worried, you raced in after her. Poe was hugging his daughter tightly, smiling as large as he ever did. He looked up at you and winked as he picked her up. He looked tired, like he always did when he returned from a mission. There was a scar across his cheek, but those weren’t new either. 
“I didn’t think you’d be back so soon,” you said, walking closer. He smiled and shifted Carrie in his arms so she was resting in his right while he hugged you with his left. You kissed him and when you pulled away, you kissed him again. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you both,” he said, rubbing your back a little. “I love your dresses,” he said, mostly to Carrie. She giggled as he set her down. She did a little twirl and you both clapped. “My gorgeous girls,” he said, looking up at you as he bent down to Carrie’s level.
Carrie only cared about talking to her father, so you didn’t bother giving them the tour. For someone who was so scared of flying, she loved listening to her father’s story about it. You relaxed on one of the lounge chairs on the terrace as you listened to Poe describe his latest trip to Tatooine to Carrie. She exclaimed every time he detailed a difficult turn, and cheered when he told her of the ships he destroyed. As he was about to tell her the whole story again, per her request, you stood up.
“Alright, I think that’s enough.”
“Please, mommy,” she begged as you picked her up.
“I’m sorry, but you want to go to the party tonight, don’t you?” you asked. “Then you’ll need to rest.” She sighed but stopped fighting. You winked at Poe as you walked through the walkway.
“Goodnight,” he called. You walked to one of the rooms that Nové’s handmaidens had turned into a room fit for Carrie, and laid her down in her bed.
“Take a good, long nap, sweetheart,” you said. She smiled up at you and you kissed her forehead. Poe was still lying out on the lounge chairs on the terrace when you came back. He smiled back at you lazily and you took his hand in yours. He scooted over just enough so that you could both sit together. His arms were around your shoulders and he sighed.
“I really, really missed you,” you said. He kissed your hand.
“I’ve missed you, too. Carrie has grown so much since I’ve been gone.”
“It’s only been a couple of months.”
“I know and she’s changed.”
“Baby, she’s four, she changes every day.” He laughed.
“I know. But I’m tired of missing it. I’m thinking about taking some time off.”
“Mhmm,” he said, snuggling up against you. You could hear how tired he was in his voice.
“Well, if you want to, you should. I want to be able to show Carrie Naboo, too.” He hummed his agreement, and you could feel him falling asleep against you. “I want her to feel the breeze after it’s shifted through the palms, I want her to learn to swim in the warm waters, I want her to see the colors of the flowers change every season.” You listed off a few more things, but Poe wasn’t awake for much longer. He knew what you were saying. 
You hadn’t even realized that you had fallen asleep until Carrie pulled on the hem of your dress. You stood up and wiped the sleep from your eyes. Poe was stirring slightly behind you, but at a much slower pace.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I fell asleep.”
“Oh, it’s okay, mommy,” she said, smiling. You grinned back at her and held out your hand. She took her tiny hand in yours and you led her from the balcony. Leading her towards the kitchen, you set her up on the stool. 
“Want a snack?” She nodded, so you walked over to get her something from the cupboard. Poe shuffled into the kitchen, looking a little less sleepy. He kissed Carrie’s forehead and sat down next to her. You passed her the tray of food and looked up at the clock.
“What?” he asked.
“Nothing, I should probably get ready.”
“Me too!” Carrie exclaimed, spilling some of her food. Poe laughed and stopped her from jumping down.
“No you don’t. I think you look just pretty like that. Why don’t you stay here and tell me everything I’ve missed while mommy gets ready?” She giggled and nodded her head. You mouthed a thank you to Poe and walked towards your room. 
It took you substantially less time to get ready now than it did when you were queen. You secured your hair in a messy bun before changing into your dress for the ceremony. The one you had chosen had been the one that reminded you the most of Naboo. It was also made by a Naboo designer that made most of your dresses during your reign. 
Spinning to get a better look at yourself in the mirror, you turned to see Poe standing in the doorway. He was leaning against the frame, smiling at you. 
“Nothing,” he said, shrugging. He walked into the room, and put his hands on your waist. You touched his broad shoulders and looked at him. He pulled you in for a kiss and you smiled into it. “I just love you.”
“I love you, too,” you said. “Is everything alright? You’ve been acting strange since you got back.” He shrugged again and you sighed. You wrapped your arms around his neck, trying to look at him closely.
“I just need a break. Being back makes me realize how much I’ve missed.”
“Don’t think that we don’t appreciate everything that you do, Poe. Carrie realizes how brave her father is.” He sighed again and you kissed him. “Come on. Let’s just try to enjoy the party.”
“I don’t want to go to any stupid parties,” he said, pulling away. He fell down on the bed and you laughed. 
“Fine. We don’t have to go.” You sat down on the edge of  the bed. “I talked to Leia earlier today. After we talked.”
“You did?” he asked, sitting up.
“Yes. I was hoping to tell you this afterwards, but I think you’ll do good to hear it now.”
“I asked her to arrange some time off for you. She didn’t seem to have any trouble with it.” He sat up fully and took your hand. 
“Mhmm.” He pulled you by your hand and brought you in for a passionate kiss. You giggled and let him wrap his hands in your hair as yours went over his muscular frame. “Wait,” you said, pulling away.
“There is just one more thing I want to tell you.”
“Yeah?” he asked breathlessly, wiping his mouth a little.
“I’m pregnant.” His eyes widened and he shook his head, clearing his thoughts.
“Really?” You nodded and he laughed merrily. He pulled you in and hugged you tightly, before pulling away a little. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” You kissed him again, tasting a few happy tears trailing down his face. The door swung open a moment later and Carrie walked in. She jumped on the bed and you and Poe both exchanged a look. 
“Hi, princess,” you said, running your hand through her hair. “There’s something we want to tell you.” She nodded, not looking up as she fiddled with the pattern on her dress.
“You’re going to have a little brother or sister.” Her eyes lit up at that and she looked up happily at you two. 
“Yay!” she exclaimed, jumping into both of your arms. The three of you sat there together, holding onto each other tightly in a happy embrace.
“I love you both,” Poe said happily.
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