#prettly little liars spoilers
pagingevilspawn · 3 years
pretty little liars spoilers (4x12-4x13)
i really hope that there’s some kind of explanation to this. i mean, ezra? that can’t be. there is no possible way that it could be him. maybe he’s been trying to figure out who A is as well? maybe it’s another toby situation? it just wouldn’t make any sense. at all. what so ever. ezra??? of all people??? ezra freaking fitz as A??? how??? how would that even work? aria’s had to keep ezra’s secrets from A. A sent ezra that basket. why would he send that to himself? someone saw him and aria in the window of the coffee shop. maybe im just in denial, but it makes no sense what so ever that ezra would be A. i mean... he loves aria. he wouldn’t do that to her.  i just really hope that there’s some kind of explanation to this, and that ezra isn’t actually A, because if so, that’s just really crappy writing. what the hell would his motivation be? he met ali, fell in love and than wanted to kill her?? what??? he decides in order to get revenge, he fakes a relationship with Ali’s ex-best friend?? in the meantime, he wants to kill all of ali’s besties??? there better be some goddamn reason for this, because if not, that’s just shit writing. 
(also, why wouldn’t ali just flat-out say to aria to stay away from ezra. she visited her in her room. why didn’t she say it then? or, how about at the very end of 4x13? why didn’t she just say something to keep aria away if fitz really was A?)
sorry for this rant, but c’mon? ezra? really? i don’t think so. that man couldn’t hurt a fly, much less try to kill people. ( i haven’t seen firther than 4x13, so no spoilers please, i just needed to get my feelings out there)
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abmabetterme · 7 years
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Ok so a lot of ppl have been tryna figure out if this has a secret meaning or nah, it probably doesn't knowing Marlene 🙄HOWEVER I've only seen u guys google the incorrectly spelt "safley" and find some court thing about two prisoners who wanted to get married! But when I searched "Please Exit Safley" it pulled up this article about BIRTHING TWINS! Which means the theories about the "By By" could Actually mean Bethany Young .. times two, but who would be her twin? ARIA? Is that what's in her stolen file that she doesn't want anyone to know about! COULD SHE BE BETHANY! COULD SHE HAVE PUSHED MARION OFF THE ROOF OF RADLEY!? COULD SHE HAVE NOT WENT TO ICELAND AND BEEN IN RADLEY THAT YEAR INSTEAD?! Omg no! There can't be another twin reveal! I mean how many twins do we need! OAN: Arias file would have to have something in it from season 4 and back.. beside the whole thing of her being a patient in radley for what ever reason it could also have her secret Kiss with Ezra's Brother!!! That would defiantly piss Ezra off! She never told him about that! Or maybe there could be more to her and Jason, maybe they have more of a past like during her and Ezra's relationship! She did used to have dreams about him while she was with Ezra. Maybe she cheated on him and that's why she was dreaming about Jason!
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tonohiyori · 11 years
PLL: Into the Deep
The ending to this week's Pretty Little Liars had me on the edge of my seat...aaah!
I still think Mona has her own unlterior motives for confessing to killing Wilden. She loves Hanna, but I think there's something else going on that is going to end up benefitting her in the end...maybe A made her confess to it?
I actually really miss Ezria. I know a lot of people thought they were getting boring, but they both gave up too much (especially Ezra) to just let their relationship die. I don't mind Aria's new main squeeze, but I still miss her with Ezra, who I think deserves her more.
With the Pastor Ted thing, I totally saw that coming. Come on, did anyone actually buy the idea that Hanna's dad paid the bail money? I mean, for seriously.
Paige and Emily are on the rocks, it seems. I'm sort of neutral when it comes to Paige...I don't love her or hate her. However, Emily's one of my favorite characters, and I hate seeing her go through more turmoil, especially with how everything went down about her swimming this episode. Yikes.
Jenna almost drowning...omg. I was so relieved it wasn't Spencer, but that it was Jenna was something I did not see coming.
The ending was too suspenceful! Having Red Coat actually make an appearance really got me excited for next week's episode!
BTW, every time Caleb isn't in an episode, I cry a little inside.
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abmabetterme · 7 years
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Ok so now we know that Lucas was also behind/inspiration for the dollhouse!
I’m pretty sure the beautiful protector girl is supposed to be what Charles wanted to become later on since he helped create the comic when he was a young boy! Which poses another question, who was bullying little boy Lucas for him to write this comic book? Was it still Alison even back then? Why was he so troubled as a kid?!
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abmabetterme · 7 years
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The fact that AD is using this Snapchat filter is beyond hilarious!!! 😂
Also the jacket that she's wearing look soooo familiar! Who wore that!?
And AD sounds a lot like Paige 😒
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abmabetterme · 7 years
I’m reading between the lines here. The question asked is “if you were A who would u have taken it out on” the very first name thrown out by Lucy was LUCAS and she said it with a vengeful expression… then if u pay attention to the other girls they pause as if shocked and some look at Marlene then they play it off and respond and Lucy quickly changes her answers saying she was just kidding then they go on to spit out random ass characters no one cares about!
Idk to me that was all I needed! What do u guys think! Why would Lucas be her first response! Look at their reactions 👀👀👀 Lucy this is why you were last to find out who A was!
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beautifulballad · 10 years
Pretty Little Liars Holiday episode airs TONIGHT! 
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beautifulballad · 10 years
Please tell me there's a chance for #Emison to happen in the Pretty Little Liars Christmas episode! — Michelle Sorry to burst your bubble, but executive producer Marlene King says it's unlikely. "It's so funny to me that, even with what we've seen of Ali to date, that there's such an overwhelming amount of fans who still want to see Alison with Emily," she says. That doesn't mean Alison won't be on Emily's mind, however. "Emily feels like she has been betrayed by Alison," King says. "That's where we begin the episode and that's very much a part of her story." 
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beautifulballad · 10 years
Pretty Little Liars Post Mortem: Latest Victim Reveals Her Ghostly Return, Revenge Plans for Alison and More
Dry your tears, Pretty Little Liars fans, because the victim of Tuesday’s fatal finale tells TVLine that she’s not going anywhere. In fact, she’s “excited for this new twist” on her character.
“Basically, as Alison was the flashback girl for the past three seasons, it will now be [Mona],” Janel Parrish tells us. “I think it’s great! Even though Alison was ‘dead’ for the first three seasons, you found out everything about her through flashbacks, and now that’ll be happening through Mona.”
Read on for more scoop from Parrish, including what Mona will be up to in the Christmas special and what really happened during her fatal scuffle with that mysterious blonde.
TVLINE | I’m bummed about Mona’s death, but does the fact that was sort of redeemed make it easier? It does, and I think that’s also what makes her death so devastating. She finally earned people’s trust, not only the girls’ but also the fans’. She finally came through for everyone … and then she died.
TVLINE | We didn’t see the attack itself. Was there a plan to show more? Actually, more will be seen of the fight. Mona did not go out without a struggle, and I’m very proud of her for that. If I could have chosen the way she died, it would have been that way — her fighting till her last breath.
TVLINE | Alison seemed more than a little pleased. Can you say anything about her next move? Mmhmm, that smug smile. It definitely looks like she killed Mona, and more will unfold as time goes on. But for now, yeah, it looks like Alison did it.
TVLINE | The scene with you in the trunk probably gave some viewers nightmares. What was it like playing dead? That was really creepy, huh? Honestly, most of it was just me trying really hard not to blink. That’s what was going through my head the whole time: “Don’t blink! Don’t blink!”
TVLINE | Since we’re seeing her in flashbacks, what else is there to tell? It’ll be satisfying for fans to get more information about Mona, since she’s been such a mystery. It’ll be good to see some backstory as far as she’s concerned.
TVLINE | So you’re still a series regular? Yup! I’m still going to be a regular, just in a different way.
TVLINE | Will we see her in the Christmas episode? Oh, yes, she’s going to have a fun part. She’s going to be the Ghost of Christmas Past, Present and Future. She gets to mess with Alison, and in a fabulous costume, I might add.
TVLINE | How will Mona’s death, in the present, going to affect the girls moving forward? It’s going to be the biggest mystery moving forward in the second half of the season. It’s going to affect Hanna the most; she loved her at one time. They were really close at one point, and they’ve always had an intense relationship, whether it be good or bad.
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beautifulballad · 10 years
Why if Officer Holbrook not on this show more often?! He is so hot!
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lesbianships · 10 years
Really, Aria?! Hanna is always the problem?! Did you take a look at the mirror lately? 
And why did they forgive and forget how Ali treated them all? What about all these years they had to go through hell together, just the four of them?
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beautifulballad · 10 years
Pretty Little Liars Cast and Creative Team Look Back at 100 Wild and Crazy Episodes
Favorite episode Marlene King, executive producer: The Season 4B finale. I had the pleasure of writing and directing so it made it very special. We were very true to [Sara Shepard's books], and this episode was the end to that story in a lot of ways with the pilot and this finale as the bookends.
Oliver Goldstick, executive producer: The first "bottle episode" I did when Emily (Mitchell) and Alison (Pieterse) kiss in the library. It was so contained with not a lot of action, and we all got to know each other. Also, the first one I directed when Spencer (Bellisario) was at Radley, and she danced with Alison to Dionne Warwick.
Joseph Dougherty, executive producer: The first ones that come to mind are the ones [I] wrote, so the noir episode and the Halloween on the train episode. Also the episode that opens with the girls in their orange jumpsuits. We got a little ahead of the curve there; that was long before Orange Is the New Black.
Sasha Pieterse as Alison DiLaurentis: The black and white episodebecause it was so much fun for us and such a treat. All of our wardrobe was from the '40s Warner Bros. costume lot, and our crew members dressed up too.
Brant Daugherty as Noel Kahn: Hands down, it's the one named after me in Season 3, "The Kahn Game." We not only meet my brother, but we get into my lair.
Saddest death King: I'm the one who has to call them and tell them they're dying, which I hate, so they're all hard, but when I saw how fans were so devastated by Maya's (Bianca Lawson) death -- that affected me greatly.
Goldstick:  Maya. She didn't deserve that.
Ashley Benson: Season 4 finale [when Alison's mom was buried].
Shay Mitchell: Any time a character leaves I'm so sad, but speaking on Emily's behalf, Maya.
Craziest story line Troian Bellisario: [When Red Coat] flew the plane. Every once in a while I'm like, "Did we jump the shark?" But everyone was OK with it.
Daugherty: I always thought it was bizarre the way Noel reacts to Aria and Ezra (Ian Harding) being together and starts to stalk Ezra a bit and blackmail him. Is it jealousy or that he knows something?
Dougherty: Anything Mona (Janell Parish)-related so Mona in Radleywould be my choice.
Goldstick: Flying the plane, but we did set that up when she was in Brookhaven taking flying lessons. I think we go for the outrageous because Alison gives you the license to go there. She's mythic in her meanness and naughtiness!
Plot that received the most backlash King: People were really shaken up by Ezra not being A. And going back to [when we revealed] Toby (Keegan Allen) as A, that was the one where the earth shook for awhile. We had a lot of broken hearts that night.
Goldstick: Ezra's reveal. I'm not a person who follows social media, but certainly I know [ what was big]. It was Season 4, and we had to run with the ball and we also we had set a lot up early on with clues, and they were in denial! There was a specific scene in Season 2 where Aria almost went in his drawer and he wouldn't let her and instead put his arm around her and looks back at the drawer. So the playoff was exciting for me.
Doughtery:  Fans tend to be very passionate about the relationships and they tend to look at "Ezria" as something untouchable that should be perfect. I keep saying, "If it was perfect, you wouldn't watch it!"
Bellisario: The whole thing with Aria and Ezra is hilarious because to me I'm like, "Dude, get this guy out! He's obviously using you," but everyone's like, "Ezra to the death!" No, he is bad for her, this is unhealthy and you're teaching people bad relationships. So that's one relationship I can't get behind.   Worst thing your character has done Pieterse: Alison has done so many bad things but "the Jenna thing" was pretty terrible. That's probably the worst she's done in the sense that someone got hurt. She's blackmailed people, but blinding someone is pretty irreversible. Now she's a totally different person and she's been emotionally wounded so I'm sure that's one of her biggest regrets.
Ian Harding as Ezra Fitzgerald: My [secret] was pretty nutty where I've been lying this whole time and writing a book. I thought, "Wow, that's ballsy."
Favorite scene or plot Harding: This Halloween I had a fight scene with Troian in the gas mask which was fun but awkward to shoot. I could only see out the sides. We also had a fake thing of gardening shears that she hit me with but it didn't hurt because it was rubber. I got some serious whiplash though.
Hale: The one where Aria got to trash Ezra's apartment, and I go a little crazy. I got to show a different side to Aria's character. She's had it the easiest out of all the girls so far so it was fun to go a little wild.
Bellisario: Spencer's story lines dealing with her mental fragility whether it's her drug addiction or mental breakdown. Those have always been my favorite because ... it felt real to me, especially the Adderall [plot]. I felt it was handled in a true and beautiful way. 
Daugherty: One of my favorite moments is when I break up with Mona, and she gives me the necklace back that I gave her. The director said, "It would be great if you chuck it in the trash." I will never forget the look on Janell's face as she walks away.
Benson: The Halloween episode where I was fat Britney Spears.
Dougherty: People really care a lot about Emily and Paige (Lindsey Shaw), and it's been a great luxury for me to write about those two characters. I got a lot of response to (the love scene in the noir episode) and they realized doing it the way we did it was actually more romantic.
Ryan Merriman as Ian Thomas: I really liked the [episode] in Season 2 when I died...I got to be shot in the head which was fun.  I took a bunch of pictures for my friends with the hole in my head.
Most coveted wardrobe Mitchell: Hanna and Spencer. I'm a girly girl so I'll take the heels over sneakers.
Benson: Spencer's or Emily's.
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beautifulballad · 10 years
Pretty Little Liars stars on the craziest twists
Lucy Hale (Aria)
"The twist with Ezra as 'A.' I never thought that he would be the bad guy. It makes sense now because he was a little too perfect, too good of a boyfriend. But I didn't know that show would go there because I didn't know that they would want to make [fans] mad because everyone was so upset about it. But when the show went there, it made the character more interesting."
Troian Bellisario (Spencer)
"Toby being 'A' was a huge shift. That was a big twist. And even though I knew that they would probably reveal that he was working for the good guys, it was still pretty shocking."
Shay Mitchell (Emily)
"For me it was the Nate and Emily kiss [in season one], and also Toby turning around and being 'A.' "
Sasha Pieterse (Alison)
"They keep getting more and more massive. My first shock was when it was revealed Toby was 'A.' It wasn't surprising that they would do something like that, but that he [Keegan Allen] knew from episode one. I was in his first scene in his first episode and he already knew — he didn't say a word to anyone until it was revealed. It was like, 'Seriously? I thought we were close! I thought we were friends!' And I loved the way they explained Alison's disappearance. I was buried six-feet deep! I doubt I'll be buried ever again."
Ian Harding (Ezra)
"When I was suddenly was the villain, which was wonderful and I loved it. But then we come to find out that I wasn't necessarily the villain, but just a creeper. That was probably my favorite twist, but there are two things that happen this season that I can't talk about, but they were awesome. It's pretty heavy hitting up until the fifth episode."
Tyler Blackburn (Caleb)
"Every episode! But the death of Alison's mom. That was pretty wild to me. I had heard about it before it was being filmed and that was intense. That's major. When someone's parent goes down, you know it's serious."
Keegan Allen (Toby)
"Being part of the 'A' team or playing the evil villain for a second. That was really exciting and a great layer to put on to the character and what he's capable of."
Janel Parrish (Mona)
"I really liked Madhouse Mona. It was interesting because I never quite knew — while filming the seasons — if she was actually crazy or actually being manipulative. I'm still not quite sure but it was fun to play a little mixture and keep people guessing. Is she? Is she not?"
Chad Lowe (Byron)
"It was the Halloween episode where there was a flashback on Ali's last night and the reveal that Byron was the last person who was with Ali. I remember at the table reading, there was a gasp and everybody looked at me and I said, 'I didn't do anything! Let me read this!' That was fun for me to play. I thought it was a great moment for the show because the parents were really integral to the plot. The show doesn't have your traditional A and B story lines so when the parents are integrated into the A plot, if you will, that's when they're used to the maximum. That was satisfying for me. It was one short scene, but it had a huge impact."
Vanessa Ray (CeCe)
"The whole thing that happened with Aria's boyfriend Ezra [when he turned dark]. When that was revealed at the table read, that was impressive — it was a big one. And then I didn't know if CeCe was going to die or not. At one point I thought, 'Surely, CeCe dies,' and the producers were like, 'Nope!' "
Tammin Sursok (Jenna)
"For me, my character getting her vision back [in season two] was really, really cool because as an actress, I had a lot to play with. And then she lost it over the season, which was interesting too to see her vulnerability and how she played into it."
Laura Leighton (Ashley)
"The craziest twist was when my character, Ashley, ran over Detective Wilden with her car."
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beautifulballad · 10 years
Question: Do you have any scoop on the big revelation in the 100th episode of Pretty Little Liars? —Jon Ausiello: No! However, Jon, I do have some scoop on a big confrontation between Alison and — wait for it — Caleb! “He doesn’t get too involved in the Alison drama at first,” Tyler Blackburn tells TVLine of Caleb’s plans upon returning to Rosewood next week. “But then he speaks up, and he’s just like, ‘This girl is a liar.’” Caleb vs. Alison? I’m honestly not sure who to root for.
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beautifulballad · 10 years
Do you have any scoop on the big revelation in the 100th episode of Pretty Little Liars? –Jon Which “big revelation” would that be? Because last we checked there will beseveral, including which guy Hanna will be sticking with for the foreseeable future. Episode 100 marks Caleb’s return to Rosewood, and while we’re all excited for the former Ravenswoodsman’s homecoming, Hanna still has that little matter of Travis to sort out. Something tells me her new man won’t appreciate being dropped like a bad habit. Bonus scoop: Episode 12 will introduce us to Mona’s momma, Leona.
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