#press f to pay respects to my dumb dumb femurs so they can pay for anatomy classes and also glasses thank u
morimyth · 1 year
I keep telling my leg bones over the mind link that they are, in fact, still socketed into my pelvis with a (mostly) normal amount of joint flesh, aka my hips.
My femurs do not believe me, and are asking for more staff and better scaffolding in their usual manner, shrieking. I already told them we're short staffed bc of the whole "River of Blood" situation, but you can't convince femurs of anything, they're too stubborn and won't budge an inch on most topics.
So I am punishing them for their transgressions by eating cake for breakfast, and watching Princess Mononoke, and will refrain from using these poor excuses for legs, bc I won't stand for propaganda in this flesh prison.
Not today, at least.
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