#prep your thirst and memes
polhco · 2 years
Best funny pages on instagram
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And the deep desire to do a doughnut in the parking lot on your way home. Now dress them up in hilarious outfits and have them take selfies. Follow these nine Instagram accounts, and when you steal four minutes of your company's time for a quick hit from your feed, we're betting you'll put your phone down with a smile on your face. Digby & Aloysius are those so-ugly-he’s-cute type of dogs, which is funny to begin with. Just some cool fucking cars, you know? That's what we're saying. and New York and Paris and the Italian countryside. Cars on tracks and on manicured lawns and on the street, in L.A. Specifically, we mean pictures of cars: beautiful cars, sexy cars, roughed-up cars, rarest-of-the-rare cars, childhood poster cars. Maybe, just maybe, your Instagram feed could use some new blood? Visuals that will kick-start your heart rate, but not like when someone catches you quick-scrolling past a half-naked thirst-trap follow. 11 Funny Instagram Accounts to Follow Now - Best Meme Accounts on Instagram 1 These Are Bazaar’s 2022 Icons 2 Florence Pugh Is Just Being Honest 3 Bad Bunny Makes the World Listen 4 Amanda Gorman. Photo of a plate of food assembled using tweezers that looks like every other photo of a plate of food. Photo of a friend-couple on the beach that makes your FOMO flare up. This is an effective use of social media for doctors, especially if you’re trying to increase website traffic. She does this by teasing content in Instagram photo captions and directing her audience to click the link in her bio for more information. Wallace uses her Instagram to drive traffic to her website. Additionally, she uses Instagram’s carousel format, which allows users to scroll through up to 10 photos, to explain medical conditions, as pictured above.Īs part of her strategy, Dr. She also uses both IGTV and reels to share video recipes or wellness tips with her followers. Wallace uses the Instagram highlights feature to organize her stories by topic, but she goes a step further by using custom-made graphics. Wallace’s Instagram excels at branding: All of the content has a clear and consistent aesthetic. House Plant Club was created by cleverbloom and plantingpink, and they compile images from all around Instagram of beautiful plants. And with 645K followers, the plant love is flourishing on their page. A post shared by rupi kaur (rupikaur) on at 6:00pm PST. House Plant Club is a community for houseplant enthusiasts. and they will barely scratch the surface. i will leave behind volumes upon volumes of work. Funny mom Bunmi Laditan author of Toddlers Are Aholes: It's Not Your Fault gives a behind-the-scenes look at her mom life. Early on in their relationship, they realised that they both. These Instagram poetry accounts will have you reaching for a pen (or Notes app) of your own. She shares recipes and meal prep inspiration with her 527,000 followers.ĭr. Gabi and Shanna are lesbian Instagrammers based in Brooklyn, NY. Best friends walk into your house and start eating. That brand recall being spread across more than 33,000 followers makes Bolden USA one of the best brands on Instagram right now. rajaravivarmamemes Raja Ravi Varma Memes 2. A post shared by Dr Hazel Wallace BSc MSc MBBCh Wallace, BSc, MBBCh, uses her Instagram account,, to promote healthy eating and nutrition. Always remember that when you fall, I’ll pick you up after I finish laughing. Here are some of the most funniest Instagram accounts 9GAG (57.7M Followers) Epicfunnypage (16.6M Followers) LADbible (11.6M Followers) Drunk People Doing. While the brand features other colors in its images, green is always the primary, standout color an effective tactic to aid brand recall. 10 Funny AF Meme Pages On Insta Thatll Put A Smile On Your Face During These Tough Times 1.
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tibo30 · 4 years
I miss those few weeks after the show was aired on Netlfix, the memes, the thirst and the long ass paragraphs I had the energy to write about the lodge au.
Remember when we bullied MyAnna to say piglet on live stream?
Remember The Witcher bake-off? :(
Remember when Therica kept calling Mahesh Jadu daddy because TRISS called him that in the show?
Remember when our thirst came to MyAnna’s attention on Twitter?
can’t wait for season two guys I CANT WAIT
On a side note, this fandom left Myanna traumatized for life please protect her
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lavendermenaceart · 4 years
The ouroboros effect
Genre: Fantasy, Semi-post apocolyptic
Themes: Death, spirituality, witches, magic, reincarnation
Words: 2,379
Reincarnation is a finite resource in Vidia's world and it's running out. Children are being born without souls, and her High Priestess believes she knows what they need to do.
It started 2 years ago. The religious will tell you it was the rapture, but there was no end to it. Babies being born with some kind of defect. All the tests were clear, fine. But, something was wrong. They were empty-eyed, their voices hollow and flat, even when they cried. The religious were saying they were soulless and scientists weren’t able to explain it.
People made memes about it, made videos describing their explanations, but nothing came as close to explaining it as the idea that souls were in fact real, and these children were born without them.
The amount of infanticide rose by 46% the first year, even higher in the second. People were becoming too scared to have children, so birth rates dropped significantly. The government tried everything to get people to start reproducing again to little success. Countries that struggled with birth rates struggled even more. Everytime scientists thought they had an explanation, it vanished into thin air.
As these children grew up, they would simply sit there. They could not talk or walk or eat on their own. There were people deemed “radicals” for still caring about these children’s lives. Despite cries from more conservative groups who believed these children were sent from satan himself, the government did nothing to alleviate the situation except for dumping more and more money into research.
With all that said, the religious were almost right. They almost hit the nail on the head. They failed to take into consideration the second most widely held belief in the world: reincarnation. Yes, reincarnation was real and as the human population grew the number of souls available dwindled and dwindled.
The things that the news cycle rarely covered alongside the soulless, was the changing of the seasons. Winter didn’t last longer than 3 months anymore and most days could be described as summer weather. Southern states known for their heat were becoming uninhabitable. People moved in mass from these states, midwestern and northern states becoming so crowded that all resources were spread thin. People were dying more and more often from things like hunger and thirst. The apocalypse was upon us.
And so people began prepping, people like Vidia Knoll. Vidia was resting on her bed, the ac in her cramped apartment going full blast as well as multiple fans facing her bed. She scrolled idley through her social media apps. Doing anything that involved more movement than need be was now frowned upon. Moving meant you were losing water, and you wanted to need water as little as possible in this new world. Vidia followed a lot of preppers, they all didn’t believe the same as she did but it was enough of a shared interest for her to keep tabs on certain people.
As she scrolled through her feed, a message notification slid down from the top of her screen, a light ding sounding. It was a message to the group-chat of her coven. Vidia felt anxiety roil in her stomach as she tapped on the notification.
It simply read “Get ready, we’ll be starting within the next two hours.” It was from the high priestess.
And so Vidia prepared. She was in charge of creating the ceremonial robes and bringing candles. Other witches in the coven would be bringing herbs, lighters, food and drink, as well as chalk. This was going to be a big ceremony, a very heavy spell. Vidia and all her coven would probably be sick for a while afterwards. It is going to take an immense amount of energy to complete the spell her coven had planned
She grabbed all of the robes, made of velvet with silk detailing. The symbol of her coven, a albino raven perched on a branch, embroidered in silk on the left breast, and intricate twining lines outlined the deep purple of the robes. It was some of her best, and hardest, work to date.
Vidia felt the discomfort in her stomach grow as she mulled over the spell and her coven’s goal. To make life on earth an ouroboros. Time would begin looping, from the start of the world to the end of it, and all the life around her would be recycled over and over until something changed. Until a better solution was found. She kept telling herself a better solution would be found. A way to generate new souls would be found one day.
She took the duffle bag with the robes in it and headed out of her cramped, plain apartment. It was a hot day, like every day was. There was nothing special in the air, no odd feeling, no feeling of greatness appeared to Vidia as she pressed the down button on the elevator.
People loitered outside their apartments, wishing for open space instead of the cramped 4 walls they all lived in. No one spoke to Vidia so she spoke to no one as she entered a crowded elevator. Soon she was making her way down the 50 floors of her apartment, awkward coughs or the shifting of clothes puncturing the silence. As she stepped out of the elevator and out of the high rise apartment building, the only kind that existed anymore, she was confronted with the hot pavement, that blocky and gray highrises all around her. Some apartments had balconies, no doubt the more expensive ones, where people sat and watched the street below. Some people dried their laundry by hanging it over the railing of their balcony. Watching water drip and then dissipate in the heat, Vidia made her way towards the slowly darkening horizon. Night was a rare thing, a small blessing in a world full of heat and stench and crowded buildings.
The streets were quiet and empty as she made her way to the cafe her high priestess owned. It was a small, quaint little shop with 4 or 5 tables inside, as well as the bookshelves that held their meeting place.
Vidia was craving one of her vanilla bean frappuccinos as she walked in and the smell of cold drinks hit her. People rarely ordered hot coffee anymore.
“Merry met, High Priestess Nora.” Vidia smiled and waved as she entered the empty cafe. The walls were a warm brown, fake plant life lining where walls met in sharp corners, and more fake plants hung from the ceiling in baskets.
“Merry met, Vidia. Did you bring everything?” Nora asked, a tall and buff woman with dark tan skin and the darkest brown eyes Vidia had ever seen.
“Yes, I have all the robes and candles. Everything looks beautiful.” She smiled as she leaned against the counter and Nora flipped the open sign to closed. “All the robes took me a while but I think you’ll be really happy.” Vidia bit her lip as she patted the duffle bag she had placed in the chair next to her. She couldn’t deny she was anxious for the Priestesses’ reaction. She had worked so hard on them, and work was something you did only when you had to, not in your free time. Work meant water, body heat, sweating.
“I’m so excited!” Nora clapped her hands together, walking back to where Vidia sat and opened the duffle bag. Nora looked tough, but she really was just a big softy on the inside. The thought made Vidia smile through her anxiety.
“Oh, Vidia, they are absolutely wonderful. Where did you get this fabric?” She held up a robe, feeling the soft fabric between her fingers, tracing the embroidery with an index finger. She looked back to Vidia with curiosity in her eyes.
“Oh, my grandma had an old store of fabrics from when she was younger. Velvet and silk are too expensive but I wanted these to be special.” Vidia shrugged, trying to act nonchalant even though the praise made butterflies float around in her stomach.
As Nora placed the robe she was looking and feeling over back in the duffle bag, 5 other women walked into the cafe at once, chattering and giggling amongst themselves.
“Merry met, High Priestess, Merry met Vidia!” One of them, a blonde with green eyes, waved in greeting.
All five of the girls were carrying different things, one carrying satchels no doubt full of herbs, another carrying bundles of chalk, another carrying food, and the other was most likely carrying lighters in her purse.
“Merry met, ladies. Looks like we’re all prepared?” Nora was smiling, walking over to the bookcase and pressing on a bright green book that accepted the pressure her hand placed on it and the bookcase opened before her, leading to a dimly lit room. “I’ve got all the food, and I know Ruby and Damien have all their stuff.” A girl with bright aqua hair and brown eyes spoke up, looking to either side of her as everyone followed the High Priestess into the dim room.
“I’ve got all the lights!” A girl with brown hair and green eyes spoke up, shaking her purse.
“And i’ve obviously got all the herbs…” A woman with dark flowing hair and darker brown eyes lifted the satchels to prove her words.
As Vidia walked into the room, she took in her surroundings. It was a wide open space, with cool air blowing from an industrial AC. The walls were a dark lavender and the floors were interlocking planks of walnut. A table big enough for all seven of them sat with a black with golden trim table runner draped across it, and comfortable wooden chairs place around it to the left of the room.
“Alright, let’s light these candles and do this.” Nora said with determination shining in her brown eyes.
A trickle of anxiety filled the air as the girls set to work placing the white candles from Vidia’s bag in a circle in the middle of the room. Lighters were passed around and quickly heat filled the room as all the candles were lit one by one by the coven.
Nora turned the lights on, just the glow of the many candles filling the room and illuminating the women who gathered there.
They all came together in a circle, Nora, taking a piece of white chalk from Ruby, drew a circle around all of them, reciting what sounded like a poem in a booming voice.
“With this circle, I protect our energy. With this circle, I protect our work. With this circle, I cast out all unneeded energies. With this circle, I cast out all who wish us harm.” Nora finished the circle as she spoke the last word before walking to stand in the middle of it.
Vidia couldn’t help but think she looked beautiful in the warm candle light.
“So will it be.” The coven said all at once.
“Rose, scatter the herbs into the candles and speak what you must.” Nora nodded towards the dark haired girl.
Rose circled around the inside of the circle, throwing a mixture of petals and leaves and stalks onto the flames of the candle. An earthy, flowery scent filled the room as the candles flickered, smoke dancing up and up.
Rose returned to her space in the circle, whispering a little prayer that only Vidia barely heard. Surely, it was a prayer for protection.
“Ruby, offer The Energies food so they may be energized and see us fondly.” Nora nodded towards a girl with bright red hair and brown eyes.
Ruby made her way to the head of the circle, placing a plate of delectable meats and vegetables, saying a short prayer to the energies that made the world what it was to look on us kindly and offer help.
“Damien, offer the energies wine so they may be in a good mood, and so they know they are welcomed as family.”
Damien poured a glass of red wine at the head of the circle, next to Ruby’s food.
“And so we shall begin. Hold hands and concentrate all your energies. Follow my words.” Nora reach her hands out to either side of her, the circle slowly connecting and joining together.
Vidia could feel electricity in the air, and felt a slight wind blow through the room as they all connected hands. The Energies were pleased with the offering and with the politeness of the group. Vidia couldn’t help but smile at the magick that surrounded her. Goosebumps rose on her skin as she looked around the circle, everyone else smiling and a few giggles bubbling up from the group of women as the wind tickled their faces.
“Energies, Hear our plea.” Nora spoke loudly, not to the other women, but to the air in front of her. She looked so determined, her brows set. She was putting all of her energy into her words, so Vidia did when it was the circle’s turn to recite the words back. Energy tingled and danced in her chest, Vidia trying to manipulate it to lend power to her words.
“We….hear….your...plea.” Voices of unidentifiable gender spoke, quiet and soft. Vidia couldn’t help but jump a little. The coven had done magick together before, but never had The Energies talked back.
Nothing appeared before them, but they could all feel it. All around them, strands of energy twinkled and danced. White lines, passing through objects and through herself. Vidia watched as all the lines converged in the middle of the circle. Lines reaching from each woman, dancing and twining together. Another line, thicker than the rest, grew up into the ceiling. No, past the ceiling. Vidia watched it all happening before her eyes and couldn’t help but blink away tears. It was beautiful, and she was part of it. She helped bring such a sight into being.
Nora bowed gracefully to the energies, even though they came from everywhere.
“We are here to ask for your aid. We wish to bring an end to the soulless plaguing our reality. We ask that you do whatever is in your power to help us. We will praise you for the rest of our days in return.” Nora spoke, her eyes searching all around her as she waited for the voices to speak again.
“We...will give...what you….need...but….not...what you…..want.” The voice spoke so slowly, like syrup melting over warm pancakes. The Energies existed all around and inside of Vidia, she could almost hear what they were going to say before they spoke it.
“What is it that we need?” Nora asked hesitantly, human curiosity getting the better of her.
“New….souls.” Was all it said. Vidia couldn’t help but feel like it was spoken too simply. Were the energies that powerful that they could just make new souls? Why hadn’t they done this before? Maybe it just wasn’t brought to their attention. Vidia’s mind raced with questions and answers. She wanted to ask, to regurgitate all of the words spinning in her head, but she decided against it. Who was she to question Gods?
Nora sank to her knees, still holding onto the women at either side of her. She looked drained, her skin turning pale. She was still conscious, but worn out from the amount of energy she was expending.
“No….more...soulless...In...return...Your magick.” Slowly, one by one, the circle began collapsing. Vidia felt the world around her spin and blacken. The last thing she could remember seeing was Nora laying on the ground, peacefully sleeping.
And so the witches slept. They slept and slept, and slept. If the tenant hadn’t found them a week later, who knows if any of them would still be alive. All Vidia knew was that she was uncomfortable and cold, laying in a hospital bed hooked up to IVs to replenish her strength. Even though she was still so tired, she could at least manage to be awake for a few hours at a time. In those hours she watched the news. The news told stories of previously soulless children coming to life. No more were being born. But when Vidia closed her eyes and tried to focus her energy, she felt nothing.
Her magick in exchange for souls. She was sure it was a fair trade, but she couldn’t help but feel empty without her magick. She hadn’t fixed the world, but at least she helped fix something. She gave families closure and happiness. She gave children new lives, and ensured lives for future generations to come. Vidia let a silent prayer to The Energies fall off her lips, thanking them. In return, she felt a gentle breeze. Even if she had no magick, she had their favor.
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kakakakashi · 4 years
300 Follower Celebration
*looks at watch* IT IS TIME TO THIRST! There are 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 over 1,000 of you guys now, so to celebrate I wanted to do the NSFW alphabet meme. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the original source, but this seems to be the one everyone uses. So, send me a character, and I’ll write the whole alphabet for them. That way, it makes it a lot easier on both you and me. You guys know how this works, so I don’t really have to explain much, though. 
This celebration will run from 10/04/2020 (*cries in Persona*) to 10/10/2020 because I do still have lots of other celebrations to give you guys. It’ll run just like last time, ending at the end of the day on PST.  
These will all be tagged as #cherry's 300 follower celebration. 
A - Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
B - Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
C - Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
D - Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
E - Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
F - Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
G - Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
H - Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I - Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
J - Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
K - Kink (One or more of their kinks)
L - Location (Favorite places to do the do)
M - Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
N - NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
O - Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
P - Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Q - Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
R - Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
S - Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
T - Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease)
V - Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
W - Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
X - X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Z - ZZZ (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Whoa! 10 asks in less than a half hour. Okay, I realized that I wasn’t clear when I said that the celebration will start on 10/4. What I meant is to start submitting on 10/4, but since I wasn’t clear, I won’t be deleting the asks I’ve already received. 
However, I do ask that you guys refrain from asking more until the celebration begins because I did still have a bit of prep to do. I just wanted to give you guys this information a few days early. However, in the future, I’ll wait for the day of to drop celebrations so we can avoid confusions! Thank you so much for your enthusiasm! I will start them when the celebration starts! 😄
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jungkookienoona · 7 years
The Meme and His Tutor
Part 20:  The Day The Tutor Visited BigHit
Co-written with @tragicshadows
Recommended Song: Baby by Astro
|All Chapters|
It was happening. You were going to see where the magic happens! And Jungkook continues to be a distracting little shit.
Genre: Fluff, comedy
Pairing: Jungkook X Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count:  17496
Length: 20/?
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For the second day in a row, you woke up to warmth. Warmth and... humming. You didn't recognise the tune but you certainly recognised the voice. It was Jungkook, humming as he ran his fingers through your hair with you tucked into his side. You couldn't help nuzzling your face into him as you tried to fight your way through grogginess. The humming stopped and his hand stilled.
"Good morning, Kitten."
You made a noise of acknowledgement and his small chuckle reverberated through his chest that your cheek was pressed against.
"Sleep well?"
You nodded then pulled back to rub the sleep out of your eyes.
"Good, you have a long day ahead."
You made grabby hands across him towards the desk and he passed you your glasses. Once on you looked up at him and noticed he looked like he had been awake for some time already.
"How long have you been up for?"
"A little while."
You pouted, "Why didn't you wake me?"
His hand found its way back into your hair, threading through it slowly.
"You looked so peaceful I couldn't bring myself to disturb you."
That was so sweet... but what had he been doing while you were asleep and what had he been humming?
"What were you humming, BunBun?"
You felt him shrug beneath you.
"Just something I've been working on."
This piqued your interest and you lifted your eyes to his.
"For the new album?"
A look of contemplation settled on his features, biting his lip as he appeared to think about his answer.
"No. You know how Namjoon-hyung sometimes releases songs on Youtube? I'm going to try that."
You smiled up at him, "The tune sounds good."
"Thank you, Kitten, but I still need to figure out a strum pattern for it..."
A tiny gasp slipped through your lips.
"You're playing guitar?!"
"Learning. I'm learning guitar." An arm left your hip to scratch his cheek. "I want to be able to play it properly so Jin hyung has been giving me some tips."
You sat up and faced him, bouncing slightly in your upright position, "I'm learning guitar too!"
He leant forward slightly with a chuckle.
"Really? Why?"
"Because I wanted too... and because a guy I thought was cute was helping me to learn... but it turned out he was a douche! He stood me up 3 times!"
His brow furrowed and the hand that had been in your hair squeezed your hip.
"That's not very nice."
"I know! Hence why he's a douche." You sighed and flopped back onto the pillows. "It doesn't matter now anyway."
He joined you on the pillows and turned to face you, "Why?"
"I have no interest in him anymore."
He nodded then booped your nose with a finger.
Your lips lifted in a small smile which he reciprocated. The two of you lie like that for a minute until your gaze drifted to the door that had remained closed ever since waking up.
"It's quiet."
"Everyone left not long before you woke up."
You bolted upright and looked down at him wide eyed.
"They left already?! Then we're running late!"
He slowly sat up, arms wrapping around your waist and head coming to rest on your shoulder.
"It's okay, they thought it would be best if you arrived in the afternoon after warm ups and stuff."
"I rarely get to sleep in like this." The feel of his warm breath against the shell of your ear sent a tingle down your spine. He chuckled, "Five more minutes. Please~?"
You cocked a brow, "But you were already awake before I woke up."
He nuzzled your shoulder and you felt your heart rate increase and your palms start to sweat.
"It's nice to be able to relax like this. Please, Noona~?"
You gave in just like you always did. He might as well have you wrapped around his little finger at this rate. It barely registered that he had pressed a kiss to your cheek until you felt a warmth creep up your neck and stain your skin.
"Thank you, Kitten."
You became a spluttering mess. Way to hide your feelings. Great job. Pat on the back for sure. While you were distracted with your thoughts Jungkook used his grip on your waist to pull you down onto the bed with him. One hand stayed wrapped around your waist as the other traced up your back to gently cup your head, tucking it under his chin. He began humming again.
Your mind began to drift from thought to thought about how you didn't think you'd ever be able to accept this as your reality. But it was.
Yet, once again, something felt odd. As much as you loved being in his arms and hearing him call you Kitten, it didn't feel enough. The longing you felt at home behind a screen was bad enough making this a thousand times worse. You were falling. Hard. You gulped. That week may have been the last time you got to enjoy being held by him like this. Between then and the next possible time was a space of MONTHS, that was enough time for some pretty idol girl to get his attention. Chubs had to be insane to think you had a shot. But... he was unusually... affectionate.
The hand holding, the occasional forehead and cheek kiss, climbing into bed with you, the nicknames, not correcting people when being mistaken as a couple... The list of things that confused you kept growing and growing, and you weren't sure how much more you could take.
Hiding your feelings had been both to save your embarrassment and his because no way would he ever reciprocate them. Or would he? Was it the answer to his jealousy?
Another forehead kiss. What was with him? Why all the kisses? You blinked a few times to try and clear your head, becoming aware your face was being pressed against his bare chest and your hands rested low on his abdomen.
"M-m-maybe we should have breakfast."
As if on cue you felt a rumble beneath the palm of your hand.
"Good idea. I'll make us something."
You untangled your legs from his, not realising you'd done so in the first place, and finally got up.
An ache set into your arm and you turned to remind Jungkook you needed painkillers when you were met with the blessed view of him bending over in nothing but boxer briefs. You tried to tear your eyes away, but his behind looked so firm and his thighs so thick. You were pretty sure you had stopped breathing at the sight.
"K-k-k..."You cleared your throat, "Kookie... your clothes..."
He pulled on a pair of sweats and turned to you, "Hope you don't mind if I wear these until we have to get ready to go. I want to stay comfy but don't want to get food on my onesie from you."
He was being sweet yet you wanted to curse him for not warning you or asking you to leave the room. Didn't he know how you adored his thighs?!
"Uh, t-that's fine."
Just to torture you a little more, he opted for a vest rather than a t-shirt revealing his biceps in all their glory. But it was better than having him walk around shirtless. You felt like you might have died if that had happened.
You followed him into the kitchen and sat at the table as Jungkook went around grabbing the ingredients he would need. You throat went dry when you saw how his arm muscles flexed as he reached into cupboards. Shit, you needed to get your thirst under control.
"BunBun, could you get me some water please?"
He filled a glass with a jug from the fridge which you couldn't have been happier about. After resolving your thirst you pressed the cool glass to your cheek, sighing at the relief it brought you.
Jungkook cast you a look over his shoulder, concern set in the furrow of his brow.
"Are you feeling okay?"
"Just a bit warm. Nothing to worry about."
You found your attempt at reassuring him seemed to have the opposite effect since he abandoned prepping his work area to bend in front of you and place the back of his hand against your forehead.
He frowned, "You do seem warm... Jin-hyung once told me painkillers can help reduce temperatures and fevers." He gave you a small smile.
"You better get cooking so I can eat before taking them."
He resumed what he was doing while you unzipped your onesie to the centre of your chest for ventilation. How did he manage to make chopping vegetables look so attractive?
"What's on the menu?" You asked when he cracked one of three eggs into a bowl.
"Gyeran Mari, or rolled omelette in English. Lots of protein and healthy veggies. Is that okay?"
"Wanbyeok (Perfect)"
He used a small whisk on the eggs then went about chopping up the few remaining vegetables like scallions, Asian chive, radish and others he thought should go in there. Was it normal to like how a guy handled a knife when cooking? Seriously.
While a pan was preheating on the stove, Jungkook set out two plates and gave you the cutlery.
As the eggs began to cook, you didn't know what was more mouth watering; the smell of breakfast, or the sight of Jungkook wiping a bead of sweat from his temple with the hem of his shirt. Why was the Lord testing you like this? Did Jungkook forget how insanely good looking he is?
You watched as he used a spatula to roll the omelette then poured in some more egg mixture. He kept doing that until the mixture was gone and the omelette roll was a decent thickness. Turning off the heat, he used a knife to cut the roll in half before transferring it to the plates and cutting it into slices. He placed your plate in front of you with a smile and took a seat opposite.
It looked delicious, and your stomach rumbled at the sight so you took a bite only to curse when it burnt your tongue. Jungkook chuckled and pulled your plate closer to him and began to cut the pieces in half so they would cool down quicker. He speared some and held it to your lips.
"Are you seriously going to feed me again?"
He just raised a brow and waved the omelette piece again. You sighed, blowing on it before leaning forward and took it into your mouth, trying not to think about his bed hair.
You nodded and gave him a double thumbs up, momentarily forgetting about your arm. You winced and Jungkook offered you another mouthful.
"The quicker you eat the quicker you can have your painkillers."
You nodded again and had the offered bite.
"Why do you keep moving your arm?"
You swallowed, "I keep forgetting it's broken."
He paused in raising the next bite, staring at you with his famous 'shook' expression.
"How do you forget you have a broken elbow?"
"When I don't use it, it doesn't hurt. And my body seems to be starting to adjust to the pain. But I still have another 4-5 weeks of healing to go."
He screwed his face up while chewing his own omelette.
"Will you be okay flying home?"
"I managed to get here okay. And I always ask for an extra pillow to support it."
He nodded and the both of you went back to eating. Bringing up your flight home had made your stomach drop a little. You only had three full days left until you left him. Time was going too quick.
He held the next bite up to you, "Go 'aaah' Kitten."
You couldn't help the excitement that coursed through you as Jungkook pulled into the BigHit car park. It was happening! You were going to see the inside of the company! How many fans would sell an organ just to have the opportunity to be in your shoes?
He pulled into a space and helped you out of the car. There was no need for disguises so you were a little nervous when he took your hand and led you into an elevator that would take you into the building. You were practically bouncing on your feet when the doors opened into what seemed like a huge reception area.
"The members are in one of the practice rooms but it's mandatory you have a visitors pass in case you manage to get lost."
Still hand in hand, he led you over to the desk where a well-kept lady sat typing away. When you reached the desk Jungkook cleared his throat to get her attention.
"Ah, Jungkook-ssi, eotteohke dowa deulilkkabnida? (Ah, Jungkook-ssi, how can I help you?)"
He gave her a charming smile, "Sonnim-eul deungloghago sip-eoyo. Geunyeoui ireum-eun L/N Y/N-eoyo. (I'd like to register a guest. Her name is L/N Y/N.)"
Her gaze drifted to yours and she nodded with a kind smile.
"Nega ondago deul-eoss-eo. Mannaseo bangawobnida, L/N-yang. (I was told you were coming. Nice to meet you, Miss L/N.)"
You assumed Namjoon had informed them of a visitor and returned the sentiment. She asked for a quick signature then slid a lanyard over the counter. You thanked her while Jungkook hooked it over your neck.
You pouted, "I could've done it myself."
"I know," he bopped you on the nose, "now let's go find the others, Kitten."
Then he set off with you in tow. What ever happened to good old respectful 'Noona'?
You found them in a dance studio on one of the lower floors. As Jungkook pushed the door open, the first thing you saw was Yoongi sprawled across the middle of the floor, legs on top of Hoseok who sat sipping from a water bottle. The latter caught your eye and waved.
"Geudeul-eun yeogi iss-eoyo! (They're here!)"
"Deudi-eo! (Finally!)"
"Annyeonghaseyo Oppa."
They all looked at each other and there was a beat of silence before Jimin spoke up.
"Uriga jung eoneu jjog-i geunyeoneun yeonseolhago issna? (Which one of us is she speaking to?)"
Jin groaned, "Geunyeoneun maknae-ui beoleus-eul gochigo issda. (She's picked up the maknae's habit.)"
"Mueos hanssang. (What a pair.)"
There was a chorus of chuckles. You firmly believed their next title track could just be them laughing and their album would still sell out and win countless music shows.
You followed Jungkook and took a seat against a mirror beside Namjoon who was watching something on his phone.
"Urineun jigeum yeogie issdaneun geudeul-i geos-eul ije sijaghal su iss-eulkka? (Can we start now they're here?)" Taehyung said from the floor beside Jimin.
Namjoon put his phone away and got to his feet.
"Jungkook, gaseo ttatteushage hae jwo. Jin-hyung, eum-ag-eul bunlyuhae bwayo. (Jungkook, warm up. Jin hyung, sort the music.)"
Jin waited for everyone to get into place before pressing play and rushing to his own spot. As soon as you heard the beginning notes of the song, your stomach dropped. You knew this song. And you knew it for its choreo. 'I Like It Pt2: In That Place'.
Jungkook turned around, hand pointed at you as the words 'pretty girl' fell from his lips. Your heart was hammering against your ribs already and it was barely twenty seconds in.
He flashed you a smile as he counted down then faced the wall, Yoongi coming forward to rap. You were fine for most of Yoongi's verse... until it got to the point where all the members turned around and did a body roll of sorts.
Then his verse ended and the pre-chorus came in with Jungkook taking centre, a smug smirk on his features. Jin's part came next and you felt your cheeks heat as Jungkook pointed at you before sliding his hand down his chest while doing slower body rolls.
You braced knowing what was coming and pulled your legs up to your chest just in case you needed something to bury your face in to hide the blush that was threatening to show.
His hand went to his crotch, the other pointing at you while his hips moved in that sinful way. Did he really have to put his hand there while pointing at you?! It wasn't normal to do suggestive shit while singling out your friend!
He bit his lip when both his hands came to rest on his belt and god damn he was pinning you down with his famous intense gaze. It was like a car crash, you wanted to look away but you couldn't. The sequence was repeated and not once did your gaze waver. The other members could have been wearing clown suits and you wouldn't have noticed.
He sent you a final wink before turning around, giving you the perfect view of his broad shoulders through his white t-shirt. And not to forget the Jungbooty. His jeans were...snug and you forced yourself to look away and give some attention to Namjoon who was using Jimin's hand as a phone. The little interaction was cute as Jimin shyly smiled at Namjoon, apparently, he would never be used to being a phone. Then came the staggered step sequence that was arguably your favourite part of the choreo. However, Jungkook could have found a better place to rest his hand. You weren't some pervert, you didn't want to look at his... downstairs but HAND PLACEMENT!
You quickly fixed your gaze on his face, not wanting him to notice you staring directly at his lower half but it was too late.  His head dropped to the floor and you watched a smirk slip on his lips as he met your eye.
You were tempted to grab Hoseok's water bottle and dump its contents all over you but that wouldn't stop him from licking his lips and narrowing his eyes, sending shivers down your spine.
The pre-chorus came back and Jungkook was in the back row this time. You tried so hard to concentrate on Tae and Jin, but the stupid maknae kept stealing your attention with little effort on his half. It felt like your heart stopped when the chorus came. Jungkook covered his eyes, biting his lip smirking at the same time, his hand sliding down from his belt as his hips moved. Jesus Christ, you needed holy water. Stat.
Never had you ever been more grateful for Hoseok than when he took centre, not even when he reassured you after injuring Jungkook's finger. He made you giggle by waving and pulling a silly face as he stepped forward.
But then that was over and Jungkook spun to a stop in front of you. He was so close that your eyes could only focus on him. On how smoothly he executed the moves required. How the material of his clothing constricted around him, showing the contours of his body, with each action. You were only snapped out of your daze when Jungkook crouched down directly in front of you and booped your nose with a grin, the final notes of the song fading.
The room was filled with the sound of heavy breathing and Jungkook fell back onto his butt, arms supported behind him.
"Yah! Niga majimag bubun-eul mangchyeossjanh-a! (Yah! You ruined the end!)" Jimin shouted as he made his way over to you. He slapped the back of Jungkook's head before flopping down beside him.
"Naega eotteohke gyeolmal-eul mangchyeossjieoyo? (How did I ruin the end?)" He looked at Jimin, cocking a brow in curiosity. You were amazed at the fact he wasn't as out of breath as the others. But then you remembered watching a video somewhere where the members said Jungkook had the most stamina.
"Neoneun pojeuleul chwihaji anh-ass-eo. (You didn't pose.)" Jin said and flicked the maknae's ear as he passed.
Jungkook rolled his eyes and turned his attention to you.
"What did you think, Noona?"
"How dare you attack me like that you little shit!"...was what you wanted to say. However, instead, you managed to stutter out a "g-great!" and made grabby hands for the water bottle Taehyung handed him. Your thirst was real.
He opened the bottle and took a swig first before passing it to you. Bottle in hand, you were at a loss. Should you wipe the lid to remove the residue from his lips or would that be considered rude?... Fuck it. He'd caused your hot flush so he could deal with it. You'd drank from the same place on your mug on your first trip to the cafe, this shouldn't be any different. You took a sip then handed it back. Unfazed, he drank from it again then capped the bottle and set it aside.
Jimin shuffled closer and nudged Jungkook, "Neoui neuj-jam-eul jada eottaess-eo? (How was your lay in?)"
In that moment you witnessed the duality of a man as Jungkook who, minutes before, had been doing some rather suggestive and sinful dancing started to blush and stutter while trying to respond to his hyung.
"J-j-joh-ass-eoyo.(I-it was n-nice.)"
"Geunyang ‘jalhae'rago? (Just ‘nice’?)" Yoongi cocked a brow earning himself a foot to the shoulder which sent him to the floor. "Yah! Nal geod-eochaji ma! (Yah! Don't kick me!)"
You sniggered and caught Jungkook's eye as he sent you a wink.
"Ije Y/Nilang gaeinjeog-in yudaegam-eul ssah-eul su iss-eulkka? (Can we have individual bonding time with Y/N now?)" Taehyung said, laying his head on your shoulder. You noticed Jungkook's eye twitch before he took a deep breath through his nose.
Reluctantly he gave a slight nod then stood, "I'm going to the bathroom, I won't be long."
You watched him disappear out the studio doors then turned to Taehyung who was engrossed in a game on his phone.
"Neoneun museun bidio geim-eul hago iss-eoyo, Tae-oppa? (What video game are you playing Tae-oppa?)"
He shrugged, head still leaning on your shoulder, "Naneun geugeos-i mworago bullineunji ij-eo beoryeossda. (I forgot what it's called.)"
You narrowed your eyes at the screen where a neon yellow bike flipped off a glowing ramp and shattered into pieces as it collided with a wall.
"Hyung~! Neomu eoryeowoyo! (Hyung~! It's too difficult!)"
Jin suddenly plopped down the other side of you and Taehyung passed him the device.
"Bogo baewo. (Watch and learn.)"
Taehyung quickly crawled around you to watch Jin play. With him no longer by your side, Hoseok butt shuffled over to you.
"Y/N, chumchul su iss-eo? (Y/N, can you dance?)"
"Kkog geuleohjin anh-ayo. (Not really.)" You grimaced and Hoseok chuckled.
"Neoneun teullim-eobs-i hal su iss-eo. (I bet you can.)" He got to his feet and called out to Namjoon to put some music on.
The leader obliged while Hoseok held out his hand and gave you an encouraging smile. You took it and he gave you a pull to help you up. Listening carefully you recognised the song to be Bang Bang Bang by BIGBANG. As if hearing the call of G-Dragon, Jungkook came racing back into the room.
"Ttag je sigan-e! (Just in time!)" Hoseok shouted to Jungkook while clapping in time to the song. "Y/N-ga ulil wihae chum-eul chul geoya. (Y/N's going to dance for us.)"
Jungkook came to a stop a few feet away, arms folded. "Are you now?"
"I told them I couldn't dance. The most I can do is wiggle my butt."
He and Namjoon laughed while the others looked on in confusion.
"Nawa. Chum. Urineun neoreul wihae chum-eul chueossda. (Come on. Dance. We danced for you.)" Yoongi was sprawled across the floor facing you.
Heat invaded your cheeks, "Jeoneun cheongjung-eul gajneun de igsughaji anh-ayo. (I'm not used to having an audience.)"
The verse cut in and Hoseok began shifting his weight from foot to foot, in tune to the choreography. His movements were sharp, shoulders locking and popping. You took a step back in an attempt to retreat unnoticed but a pair of hands were suddenly on your waist.
"It's easy Kitten, just lose yourself to the beat."
Jungkook's breath tickled your ear. He used his grip on your hips to spin you around to face him. A smirk was on his features.
"Like this," he immediately started bouncing while pumping a fist in the air.
You slowly raised your good arm and copied his movements. It felt ridiculous, especially with half the members watching, but you ignored the anxiety bubbling away in your tummy and focused on trying to enjoy yourself.
There was a whoop from the sidelines and you saw Taehyung and Jimin get to their feet out of the corner of your eye. Jimin was popping like Hoseok was doing, obviously, the dancer in him would not let him look ridiculous. Taehyung did not have those reservations. He went full meme in a matter of moments.
You spotted Jin doing his iconic traffic light dance next to Namjoon who was... cruncking? Yes, that's what Hoseok had called it. Though he looked to be in pain.
The chorus kicked in and you raised a finger gun at Jungkook, pretending to shoot him. He dramatically pretended that you were actually shooting at him. He acted as if he had been shot in both shoulders and with the final 'bang' he fell to the floor with a spin.
"Noona, how could you?!" He cried, clutching his chest with a pout.
"Da kkomjjak mara, da kkomjjak ma! (Nobody move, nobody move!)" You sang, swinging around and aiming at Yoongi who was watching you all from the floor chuckling to himself. You pretended to shoot him on the next three 'bang's but he managed to dodge every bullet with a smirk.
"How come Yoongi-oppa could dodge my bullets but you couldn't?" You asked the fallen maknae.
His pout turned into a frown before raising his legs into the air and swinging them back down, using the momentum to stand upright again.
"Hyung has been alive longer."
You opened your mouth to respond but he cut you off, "Noona said she'd dance. So far you fist bumped the air then shot two people."
He resumed his bouncing and grinned at you. "We don't judge. Come on."
You felt anxiety bubble up once more and tried to push it down. But just as you tried to hide it you were made to face the other members who were dancing. One of Jungkook's arms wrapped around your waist while the other took hold of your good arm, waving it about. Was this how your younger siblings felt when you controlled their arms? Taehyung doubled over in laughter when he saw you and you could feel the rumble of Jungkook's chuckle reverberate through his chest.
You tilted your head back against his shoulder to whisper-shout over the music, "You're enjoying this far too much."
"Noona makes a good little puppet. I wouldn't be doing this if you would just dance."
You could practically feel his grin.
"This isn't the kind of music I dance to."
He stilled, your arm in mid flail, "So what do you dance to?"
"Do you have any KARD?"
He quickly ran over to the speaker where Namjoon's phone was connected and changed the song. There was a chorus of whines, but they soon turned to cheers when KARD's ‘Hola Hola' came on.
Jungkook approached you with a mischievous grin.
"No excuses now, Noona."
Of course, the change in song didn't help as everyone stopped to stare. But the beat had your hips naturally swaying side to side. Curse your love of Shakira when you were a child. You found yourself beckoning Jungkook over.
He shuffled closer, telling the members to resume their dancing on his way, and stopped to watch you with an impressed smile. You grabbed his hand, instantly putting you more at ease, and sang along to Somin's verse. His hands came to rest of your hips, swaying with you, smiling. When BM's verse came all the other members started dancing once more.
You felt the subtle tighten of his grip and his head lowered to your ear, "Neowa maeilmada kkaegopa nan. Neoye hyanggi baen du pallo gama. (I wanna wake up with you every day. Wrap around you with my arms that smell like you.)"
But then you were being pulled away by a grip on your good arm. You turned to find Jimin pulling you to dance, using your arm to spin and lead you, yet not placing his free hand on you.
"Kookieneun oneul uriwa hamkke dangsin-eul nanugoja hal yejeong-ida. (Kookie is meant to share you today.)"
He lifted his arm for you to twirl beneath. The two of you burst into giggles when your fingers got caught as you spun.
"Nan jal mos haeyo. (I'm not very good.)"
He shook his head, "Na yeogsi geuleohji anhda. Hobi-hyungwa Kookiedo naboda nasda. (Me neither. Hobi-hyung and Kookie are better than me too.)"
"Hobi-oppaneun jeonghwaghan daenseoida. Kookieneun ganglyeoghan daenseoida. hajiman yeoleobun-eun heuleumgwa jayeonseuleoun uaham-eul gajigo iss-eoyo. (Hobi-oppa is a precise dancer. Kookie is a powerful dancer. But you have flow and a natural grace.)" You gave him a small but genuine smile.
His blush was unmasked by his make-up free face and you wished Chubs was here for she was a sucker for mochi Chim.
"Gomawo, Y/N. (Thank you, Y/N.)"
"Chumchul su iss-eumyeon johgess-eoyo. (I wish I could dance.)"
"Neoneun chum-eul chul su iss-eo. (You can dance.)"
"Nae pal-eul heundeuneun geosgwa nae eongdeong-ileul heundeuneun geos-eun chum-i anida. (Waving my arms and shaking my butt isn't dancing.)"
His head tipped back as he laughed, and then he was turning around.
"Y/Neun chum-eul baeugo sip-eo haeyo! (Hobi-hyung! Y/N wants to learn to dance!)"
Hoseok immediately ran over to stop the music, the members groaning again.
"Y/N-dongsaengeun baeugil wonhae? (Y/N-dongsaeng wants to learn?!)" Then he fiddled with Namjoon's phone until ‘Fire’ started blaring from the speakers, "Igeos-eun geunyeoga anmuleul baeul su issneun wanbyeoghan gog-ida. (This is the perfect song for her to learn choreo to.)"
You pointed to your arm, "Kkaejin. (Broken.)"
"Han pallo hanbeon deusyeo bosigess-eo? (Can you try with one arm?)" He demonstrated the key point of the dance, keeping one hand tucked to his chest. Hoseok somehow managed to make the dance look good with just one arm.
And so he went through it with you step by step as the other members watched on. With the guidance and slow pace that he was teaching you, it seemed easy. But that changed when he felt you were ready to dance to the song at full speed.
You didn't even get halfway through when you tripped over your own feet. Jungkook was over and catching you before you could brace for impact.
"Shit! Are you okay?!"
You did a quick damage assessment. Your arm didn't hurt, apart from the dull ache you always had, and your feet didn't seem to be in any pain. "Yeah, I think so."
The members didn't share his concern, finding your blunder to be comical.
"Nuga deo nappeunga gung-geumhaeyo, Najoon-hyung, Jin-hyung, Y/Niyo. (I wonder who's worse, Namjoon-hyung, Jin-hyung or Y/N.)" Taehyung laughed.
Yoongi perked up, "Nuga naegileul kkeoligess? (Who's willing to place bets?)"
"Na! (Me!)" Taehyung raised his arm followed by Jimin and Hoseok. You felt a hand disappear from your waist and saw it rise beside you.
"You're going to bet on this?"
"To win, to win." Jungkook reassured you. "Just don't fall."
"I have a broken arm and they've been doing this choreo for over a year! This isn't fair at all!"
He cocked an eyebrow, "Who's whining like a child now?"
You huffed and the room echoed with laughter.
"Urin neol pyeonhage hae jul geoya! (We'll go easy on you!)" Jin shouted and Namjoon gave you a thumbs up.
"Fine. But if I win I want a prize."
"And what would that be?" Namjoon asked.
You put your hand on your hip since you were unable to cross your arms.
"I want to spend time with each member. Alone... well... with Jungkook there in case of communication issues."
They all nodded, "Deal."
Jungkook took a seat against the mirrored wall and you took your position between Namjoon and Jin.
"Junbidwaessna? (You ready?)"
Hoseok counted you in and pressed play. You tried your hardest and it paid off. You won. Jungkook happily counted his winnings.
"I knew you could do it, Kitten."
You had collapsed onto your back by his feet and noticed his phone by his leg. It was open on the camera app and you immediately sat up.
"Did you film it?!"
Jungkook looked up in alarm. "No..."
He quickly snatched his phone off the ground.
"No, I'm not!"
"Prove it!"
His eyebrows furrowed together, "How about we get on with your prize? Who do you want to spend time with first?"
"Yoongi-oppa. He hasn't done much today."
The rapper scowled at you from his reclined position. "Swigo iss-eo. (I'm resting.)" But he got to his feet nonetheless. "Je seutyudioreul bogo sip-euse? (Do you want to see my studio?)"
"Naega hal su iss-eulkkayo? (Can I?)"
He nodded and you scrambled to your feet causing him to roll his eyes.
"Maknae, come."
"Maknae, come." Jungkook mimicked, scrunching up his nose as he followed you and Yoongi out of the dance studio.
A short walk away you stopped outside of a door with 'SUGA' printed on the frosted glass. Yoongi deftly input a code and pushed the door open.
"This where magic happens."
You walked into the studio and straight away noticed the two giant screens. One had Netflix up. He really watched Netflix in there? Your eyes dropped to the mess that was his desk. Papers littered the surface, an open notebook sat atop them with scribbles across the spread.
There was a tsk from behind you, "Noonaga dochaghagi jeon-e cheongsohal su eobs-eossnayo? (You couldn't clean up for Noona?)"
Yoongi took a seat in his desk chair but made no move to tidy up.
"Nan mwos jom haneun jung-iya. (I'm in the middle of something.)" He grumbled then turned to you, "Geu-ui bang-eun deoleowossda. Geuneun neoleul wihae cheongsohaessda. (His room was dirty. He cleaned for you.)"
"Sonnim-i osil ttae bang cheongsoleul haneun geos-i ilbanjeog-in yeuiga aningayo? (Isn't it common courtesy to clean up your room if you're expecting a guest?)"
He shrugged but you noticed Jungkook was scratching the back of his neck, ears turning pink.
"Eojjaesdeun, (Anyway,)" Yoongi reached over the papers to wiggle the mouse, the other screen coming alive. "Igeos-i uliga gongsigjeog-eulo giloghagi jeon-e manh-eun teulaeg gaideuleul giloghaneun gos. (This is where we record a lot of the track guides before we officially record.)"
You nodded along and watched him load up a file on the computer in an editing software.
"Yeoleobun-eun 'Bomnal'laneun geochin mal-eul deudgo sip-eusinga? (Do you want to listen to a rough version of ‘Spring Day’?)" Yoongi asked.
"Uh… Ne, mullon-ijyo. (Uh… Yeah sure.)"
He hit space bar and music started to play. About thirty seconds in, you broke out into a huge yawn. Not used to dancing like you had been, you felt drained of all energy even if you had slept in.
Yoongi paused the track and spun around to face you.
"Neoneun pigonhae? (Are you tired?)"
You nodded while yawning again, then elbowed Jungkook when he muttered 'cute'.
"Narang gat-i naj-jam jallae? (Do you want to maybe take a nap with me?)"
Both you and Jungkook looked surprised at his offer. He wanted to nap with you? He pointed to a black leather sofa that was situated against a wall.
"Urin geogiseo naj-jam-eul jal su iss-eo. Koseu bandaepyeon-euro. (We could nap on there. Opposite sides of course.)" He sent a look to Jungkook before giving you a glimpse of a gummy smile.
"Hwagsilhaeyo? (Are you sure?)"
He nodded and headed to a tall cabinet, pulling out two blankets and gave you one.
"Pyeonhi swise. Eum-ag-eul teur-eo noh-eurge. (Get comfortable. I'll put some music on.)"
You took a seat on the sofa and Jungkook draped the blanket over you then proceeded to tuck you in like a burrito.
"Why are you tucking me in? I'm not a baby."
He went over and grabbed Yoongi's desk chair, rolling it over so it was by your head before taking a seat.
"Try telling me that when you're not curled up in a cute little ball."
You pouted, "I'm doing it to leave room for Yoongi-oppa."
Yoongi had already curled up on the other side of the sofa.
"Dagchyeo, Kookie. Hyung-gwa noonareul dugo jage hara. (Shut up Kookie. Let the hyung and noona sleep.)"
Jungkook sighed and you peered up at him, making sure to whisper when you spoke.
"Aren't you leaving?"
"In a minute. Close your eyes."
The feather light touch of his knuckles ghosting across your cheek caused them to shut of their own accord. You felt his fingers starting running through your hair again, making you relax with a content sigh. He started humming again but this time you recognised the song. It was Lost Stars, a song he once covered. He was humming it in a lower octave than the original but it made the tune more soothing. It didn't take long before you succumbed to sleep.
A nudge to your calf woke you. There was a mutter of 'Sorry' and you rubbed the sleep from your eyes as you sat up. Yoongi was stretching and must've accidentally disturbed you with a kick.
"Jigeum myeoch siyeyo? (What time is it?)"
"Lunch time!"
You flinched at the bright voice and squinted in the direction of the desk. Shit. Where were your glasses? You knew you fell asleep with them on.
A hand gently grabbed your chin and turned you to face a blur of a person, but then your glasses were being slid on and Jungkook was giving you his bunny grin.
"I took them off after you fell asleep. Couldn't have them marking such a pretty face now, could we?"
You opted to look over at the desk instead of replying to him. There by the desk was Jin, smiling at you.
"Jeomsim sigan-irago haessnayo? (Did you say lunch time?)"
"Geugeos-eun yaggan geojismal-ieossda. Neoreul jubang-eulo delyeogago sip-eo. (That was a bit of a lie. I want to take you to the kitchen.)"
You shrugged the blanket off and got to your feet.
"Jeoreul eumsig-e delyeoda juseyo.(Please take me to the food.)"
Jin didn't hesitate in heading to the door, but just before you followed him out you turned to Yoongi.
"Neowahamkke naj-jam-eul jage hae jusyeoseo gamsahaeyo, Oppa. (Thank you for letting me take a nap with you, Oppa.)"
He gave you a sleepy smile, "Najung-e bwa. (I'll see you later.)"
Jungkook trailed behind you, catching up to hold your hand.
"Urineun wae bueok-e gayo? (Why are we going to the kitchen?)"
"Geuraeseo neoneun jeomsim-eulo mueos-eul wonhaneunji seontaeghal su issda. (So you can choose what you want for lunch.)"
You came to stop at a set of elevators, Jungkook and Jin greeted the staff that got out before you could enter. There were a few curious glances thrown your way but they were quickly replaced with smiles and a hello.
"Moduga neomu chaghaeyo. (Everyone is so nice.)" You said once it was just three of you in the elevator.
"Mullon geudeul-ida. Geudeul-eun BigHit-ui jig-won-igo neoneun geu geonmul-ui sonnim-ida. (Of course they are. They're BigHit staff and you're a guest to the building.)" Jin said matter-of-factly with a smile.
"And you're my guest and friend," Jungkook added, squeezing your hand.
You got out on the ground floor and followed the signs to the cafeteria. Jin guided you past the main double doors and through one a little further down the corridor marked 'Staff only'.
He strolled in as if he owned the place, and announced his arrival with a clap.
"Wa! Mwonga mas-issneun naemsaega nayo! (Wow! Something smells delicious!)"
Some of the chefs stopped what they were doing to cheerfully greet Jin which was then extended to you and Jungkook when they noticed you two were accompanying the eldest member. Some eagerly beckoned him over to take some of their creations. Jin joined them while Jungkook pulled you around the other side of the counter to a different chef who was stirring something in a large pot atop a stove.
You asked what he was cooking.
"Miyeokguk (Seaweed soup.)"
"Nae Noonaga mas-i jom iss-eodo gwaenchanh-eulkkayo? Jin-hyung-eun jeomsim-eulo mueos-eul wonhaneunjileul bolyeogo geunyeoleul deligo wassda. (Do you mind if my Noona has a taste? Jin brought her here to see what she wants for lunch.)"
The chef shook their head no and stepped to the side, giving Jungkook a spoon. He dipped the spoon into the soup and offered some to you, his hand going under the spoon to stop any from spilling onto the floor. You let him feed you, a pleased sigh slipping from your lips at the wonderful taste.
"It's yummy!"
Jungkook's eyes lit up after having his own taste.
"Our chefs are very talented."
The chef gave Jungkook's shoulder a squeeze and said something to him too low for you to hear over Jin and the other's chatter.
"What did he say?"
"He wants to know if we'd like to go sit at a table for them to bring the food to us."
You looked to Jin for approval and he said he wanted you to try some more dishes first.
The chef nodded in understanding and went back to work.
You joined Jin's side, peering around him to see what he was frying; the chef who had been cooking was busy cooking vegetables the other side of him. Jin instantly pushed you back slightly, warning you of spitting oil.
"Eotteon yolileul mandeulgo iss-eoyo? (What are you cooking?)"
"Tangsuyuk. (Sweet and sour pork.)"
You scrunched up your nose never having been a fan of sweet and sour dishes or pork.  As is sensing your mild disgust, Jungkook approached you with another spoon.
"Gamja jorim (Soy sauce braised potatoes.)"
You eagerly accepted the spoon and gave him a thumbs up.
"That's good. Very good."
He chuckled around his own mouthful, "Everything here is good. They treat us well."
"They really do."
You felt someone tap you on the shoulder, it was Jin who told you about one of chefs cooking potato pancakes.
"Man-yag niga geugeos-eul joh-ahandamyeon, neoui jeomsim sigsaleul wihan banchan-i doel geos-ida. (If you like it that'll be the side dishes for your lunch sorted.)
You nodded and headed in the direction he pointed. The chef there must have heard him because they offered you one. It was delicious. You gave the chef a thumbs up.
At the next station, a chef was rolling meat and rice in lettuce. You grimaced but then Jungkook was sidestepping you and asking the chef if a vegetarian option was possible. He kindly obliged, making you one sans meat.
"You didn't have to do that."
He kissed your forehead, "I know but I wanted to."
Your face felt like it was on fire. Did he really just do that in the middle of a busy kitchen? In front of Jin?! You mumbled a thank you and accepted the ssambap from the chef, turning away to take a bite and shield your red cheeks from view.
Once you'd finished the wrap, Jungkook went about telling a chef what you both would like for lunch; meanwhile, you chatted with Jin.
"Geuneun neoreul jal dolbwa junda. (He looks after you well.)"
"Eung. Naneun geuga geuga gajin modeun chingudeul-eul dolbwa jul geolago jangdamhan-ayo. (Yeah. I bet he takes care of every friend he has over.)"
Jin looked to Jungkook then back to you, "Geuneun gyeolko jinjeong-eulo chingudeul-eul gisugsalo delyeooji anhneunda. (He never really brings friends to the dorm.)” He explained how it's hard to spend a day together with idol friends because of their hectic schedules. Hence why Jungkook tends to go out and meet them.
Your face fell, "Seulpeuneyo. (That's sad.)"
Jin shrugged, "Seulpeujiman sasil-iya urin aidol-ijanh-a ulineun maesa-e josimhaeya handa. (Sad, but true. We're idols. We have to be careful about everything.)"
Your eyes scanned his face, noting the slump of his shoulders and firm set of his mouth.
"Naneun daehag sijeol-e bangmunhalyeogo nolyeoghal geoya… Man-yag Jungkook-i geuttaekkajineun gwangyega eobsdamyeon. (I'll try to visit during my uni holidays then... if Jungkook isn't in a relationship by then.)" He gave you a puzzled look, not understanding why Jungkook being in a relationship would stop you from visiting. "Amado geuga yeoja chinguleul sagwindamyeon naleul jigjeob mannago sipji anh-ass-eul tende. (Because he probably wouldn't want to see me in person as much if he gets a girlfriend.)"
Realisation dawned on his features.
"Geuttaen geogjeonghal ge amugeosdo eobs-eo. (You have nothing to worry about then.)"
You were about to ask what he meant when Jungkook shouted your name, waving you over.
"Oppa, uliwa jeomsim sigsahasineun geongayo? (Oppa, are you eating lunch with us?)"
Jin raised the chopsticks he was using to move the meat about the pan and pointed to the doors.
"Naega neohante eumsig-eul gajyeoda jwo. Kookiewa hamkke sigtag-eul chaj-a. (I'll bring your food out to you. Go find a table with Kookie.)"
Doing as he said, you headed over to Jungkook who took you by the hand again and led you to the cafeteria area. He must have spotted the others because he dragged you to a table and all the members, bar Jin, were sat there already.
"How often does Jin help out in the kitchen? It seems like the chefs in there know him well."
"Quite often. A few of the assistant chefs are his age and he sometimes goes out for drinks with them."
"It's nice he has people to go out with." You said with a small smile thinking about what Jin had said about Jungkook not having many friends that weren't idols. Namjoon had said something similar on your first night at the restaurant, about how he's happy Jungkook has someone to spend money on.
After a few minutes of general chatter, it was decided that after lunch you would watch Jimin and Hoseok practice their dance moves, followed by hanging out with Taehyung and finally visiting Namjoon in his studio before Jungkook took you on a tour of the building. Jin came out of the kitchen with two trays. One was yours and by the way, he sat down, the other was his.
You looked down at your meal: a bowl of seaweed soup with sides of those delicious braised potatoes, pancakes, and vegetable wraps. It was far too much for you to stomach at lunch, but you were willing to give it your best shot.
There was a whine from beside you as you sipped your soup.
"Nae geos-eun eodie iss-eoyo? (Where's mine?)"
Jin gave Jungkook a pointed look, " Nuguhante tudeoldaeneun geoya?! Naneun nega bulpyeonghal su issdolog yuknyeon dong-an neoleul gyeoglyeohaji anh-ass-eo! Aish! Gaseo jasin-ui eumsig-eul eod-eusibsio! (Who are you whining to?! I didn't raise you for the past six years so you could moan! Aish! Go get your own food!)"
He pouted and got up and headed over to what appeared to be a serving station. He was soon heading back with a tray full of food and two glasses of orange juice. He sat down next to you and passed you the extra orange juice and a bowl of rice.
"It's not a proper meal without rice."
"Thank you, Kookie."
There was a titter from the other end of the table and you lifted your gaze to Taehyung who was giggling into his hand.
"'BunBun'ege museun il-i il-eonassneunga? (What happened to 'BunBun'?)"
You rolled your eyes and Jungkook launched a pea at him.
"Nongdamhaneun geolamyeon Noona-reul jib-e delyeoda julge. (Any teasing and I'll take Noona home.)"
Another titter but from Jimin, "'Kitten'iraneun tteus aninga? (Don't you mean 'Kitten'?)"
Jungkook threw some rice at him.
"Geunyeoreul geureon ireum-euro bureuji maseyo! Geunyeoege jeonhwahaneun geos-eun nae ireum-ida. (Don't call her that! That's my name for her.)"
The members shared a look.
Hoseok was the one to step in, "Ije dwaess-eo. Deo isang-ui ireum-eun eobs-eo. Deo isang eumsig-eul deonjil pil-yoga eobsda. (That's enough. No more names. No more throwing food.)"
The idle chatter started back up as soon as it stopped, but Jungkook was especially quiet, pushing rice around his bowl without sparing you so much as a glance. You stabbed an untouched potato pancake and placed it on his empty plate.
"It's good. You should try it."
He looked up at you with his bunny grin which soon became mischievous.
"Feed it to me."
In the background, Namjoon choked on his drink and started coughing. You ignored him in favour of staring at Jungkook in shock.
"You want me to feed you?"
He tore the pancake into bite-size chunks, "Yep," he then pushed his plate towards you.
You hesitated then speared a piece on your fork and raised it to his mouth.
"With your hands."
You shot him an incredulous look and pushed the pancake against his lips more forcefully so they would part. Reluctantly he ate the piece and you smirked. Eating with your hands was bad manners, especially since you were in public and a guest. He hummed in approval at the taste making you giggle.
Taehyung whistled while Yoongi muttered, "Get a room."
You wondered how much English he actually knew. Jungkook cast you a sorry look but you smiled and offered him another piece of pancake.
The teasing didn't bother you. Especially when you knew they were just doing it to wind him up since he was the youngest. It didn't mean anything.
"You sound cute whenever you make those little noises."
His lips twitched as if he was holding back a smile, "I know. I've seen the comments on my vlive broadcasts."
You laughed and fed him another bite. He made an exaggerated humming sound, eyes crinkled in amusement.
"Hm," you booped his nose. "Adorable."
His nose scrunched and you couldn't help but 'aw'. Once you finished feeding him, Jungkook picked up your trays and took them to a dirty tray rack. The members then went up one by one. You all took a steady walk back to the studio so Hoseok and Jimin could let their food go down before they showed you any moves.
After a short break, they went about warming up.
You were sat against the mirrors slumped against Jungkook's shoulder when an idea came to mind. You got out your phone and pressed record as music started playing and Jimin took centre on the floor. You recognised the sound of Bruno Mars' voice but didn't know the song.
The smiling mochi who had been quietly stretching was nowhere in sight as he skipped forward to the beat, high-fiving Hoseok on his way.
Even the human embodiment of literal sunshine had swapped his grin for a smirk.
Was being able to switch from cute to sexy in a matter of seconds a requirement when becoming an idol? Were they taught it as trainees? Maybe that was why their fans were so protective of them.
You felt Jungkook shifting beside you before his arms went around your waist and under your legs. With a yelp, you were lifted off the ground and deposited between his spread legs, your back against his chest and both arms now around your waist as his chin rested on your shoulder.
All the commotion was bound to have made the video shaky.
"Kookie! I'm filming!" You angrily whispered.
"Why are you filming?"
You hoped the music was loud enough to mask your talking.
"I'm going to send it to Chubs as payback for what she said about you calling me Kitten."
You phone shook as his laughter jolted your filming arm. "My Noona is evil."
"I know. So tell Jimin to dance sexier. I want her to have a heart attack."
"Yah! Jimin-ssi! Segsihan bangbeob-euro chum-eul chuseyo! (Dance in a sexier way!)"
You giggled but stopped when the elder of the two listened, his movements becoming more sensual. You tried to remember what Jungkook had shouted.
"Oppa! Deo segsihan bangbeob-euro chum-eul chuseyo! (Please dance sexier!)"
Jimin's head rolled in your direction and you noticed his pink cheeks. Bless him, you thought; he was embarrassed.
The members were casting you glances as you and Jungkook cheered him on with more suggestions. Eventually, he fell to the floor in a pile of laughter and giggles, returning to being adorable mochi. You stopped recording and laughed along with the members. Though you were cut off when something lightly grazed the junction between your neck and shoulder. You had to stop yourself from doing a turtle impression. Maybe... maybe it was just Jungkook's nose as he nuzzled into you. Yeah. That had to be it.
"You're so ticklish." Jungkook murmured. You flinched when something poked your hip.
"No, no, no!" You tried to shuffle away but his grip was too strong. "Please don't! Not here!"
He immediately stopped and you breathed a sigh of relief. Thank fuck.
"Y/N," you shifted your attention to Hoseok. "Wae uril chwal-yeonghasyeoss-eo? (Why were you filming us?)"
You briefly told him about Chubs, how she was a Jimin stan and that you met her at the BTS concert in your country.
"Geunyeoneun simjieo fansignhaengsa-edo chamseoghaessda. (She even went to the fansign event.)"
Jimin scooted over to you and took hold of your arm, "Neoneun geunyeoleul bonael su eobs-eo! (You can't send her that!)"
"Wae an doenayo? (Why not?)"
You thought his excuse would have been something to do with legalities and being shared online, but Jimin pouted.
"Jeoneun byeollo jalhaji moshaess-eo. (I didn't do very well.)"
Protests filled the room, reassuring him he did just fine. Hoseok wrapped his arms around the dancer and ruffled his hair, "Chubs-ui ban-eung-eul hanbeon bolkkayo? (Let's see Chubs' reaction, shall we?)"
"Jungkook, what's the wifi password. I can't send the video over text."
He took your phone from you and quickly typed in the password then gave it back. You opened KaKaoTalk and grinned evilly as you sent the video. You checked your dual clock and laughed when you saw it was still the early morning back at home. If you were lucky, she could be up making it one of the first things she saw.
Jin was in the thick of telling a story when your phone buzzed. You tapped Jungkook's knee to get his attention and opened the message. As expected it was in all caps- all caps and enough exclamation marks to shame a tween.
You typed back a simple 'Mwahaha!'
The response was immediate.
'Brand new video.'
Your grin grew and Jimin came over to see what you were smiling at. Jungkook read out the messages, translating for him.
His eyes went as wide as saucers and you fell back against Jungkook in a fit of giggles when she proceeded to list how she was going to make your life a living hell when you arrived back home.
Your phone was snatched out your hand and Jungkook navigated to the camera app.
"Hyung, Chubshante malhago sip-eun ge issnayo? (Hyung, anything you want to say to Chubs?)"
Jimin hesitated at first but then finally began to speak. The fact he was put on the spot must have made him nervous because he rushed through his message, only pausing to think about what he wanted to say next. And he appeared to have slipped back into satoori making it harder for you to understand him since you were used to ‘Standard Korean’ or Seoul satoori. Jimin was finished with a wave before covering his face and crumbling to the floor. Luckily Jungkook translated for you by typing out the English version of the message.
‘He said and I quote: Hi there Chubs. I heard you're a fan of mine and a friend of Y/N. I'm sorry about the video, I told them not to send it. That it wasn't good enough. Maybe you should visit with Y/N one day and watch us live. Thank you for supporting us! Fighting!’
You sent the video message along with a translation and got a reply in minutes.
You cackled evilly and accepted Jungkook's high five.
Jimin asked if she’d seen it, peering up over your knee.
"Geunyeoneun michin deus-i hwaga na iss-eoyo. Neoneun amado geunyeoleul jug-yeoss-euljido mollayo. (She's freaking out. You may have killed her.)"
Your phone dinged again this time with a picture. She'd taken a selfie against her bedroom wall which was covered in posters and photocards, the majority of the latter being Jimin.
"O! Geunyeoya! Naneun geunyeoreul ar-a! Geunyeoga fansign haengsa-eseo nae eolgul-eul seukwisi gass-eo! (Oh! It's her! I know her! She squished my cheeks at the fansign!)"
"Geunyeodo mal an haess-eoyo? Naneun geunyeoga yeonseubhaneun geos-eul boass-eoyo. (Didn't she say something too? I saw her practising.)"
He bit his lip, "Uh, geunyeoga naege museun mal-eul haessneunji malhae juji anh-assni? (She didn't tell you what she said?)"
You shook your head no.
"Waeyo? Changpihaessnayo? (Why? was it embarrassing?)" Jungkook teased.
You watched as his blush spread down to his neck, "Geunyeoneun naega gajang gwiyeoun mochirago malhaessda. (She said I was the cutest mochi...)" You awed but he cut you off, "Geurigo geunyeoga nareul jab-ameog-eul sudo issdaneun geol… (And that she could eat me up...)"
You awed again while the members burst out into another fit of laughter and Jimin covered his face.
"Noonareul mannass-eul ttae geunyeoneun na-ege yeppeun nungwa ibsul-eul gajyeossdago malhaessda. (When I met Noona she told me I had pretty eyes and lips.)"
There was an 'aw' from Jin while the rest laughed harder.
You twisted to face a grinning Jungkook. "Stop~ You're giving them more to tease me about!"
His smile grew impossibly wider, "You don't want them to know how handsome you think I am?"
"I think all of you are handsome in your own way."
He pouted, "But I'm your bias. Obviously, you think I'm handsome in a way you find more appealing."
You were about to respond when Hoseok interrupted.
"Yah yah, naega chumchul chalyeya. (Yah yah, it's my turn to dance.)"
He got into position and pressed a button on a remote. Boy Meets Evil started playing. You relaxed back against Jungkook. Butterflies danced around in your tummy for what felt like the hundredth time that day when you felt something brush against the crown of your head. Another kiss? Was this really happening?
You couldn't help your curiosity and ended up whispering to him, "Why do you keep kissing my face and head?"
He squeezed around your waist, "I... I... just feel like it. I thought you would be okay with it since you kissed me on the cheek." He paused for a second then added, "I can stop it if you want."
You placed a hand over his, "I like it. It's sweet."
As much as the action confused you and made you feel things you probably shouldn't, the last thing you wanted was for him to stop. Even if he was just being friendly.
"I'm glad you like it, Kitten. I like being able to be like this with someone."
Someone. Not just you. Just someone. His actions weren't specific to you. You were lucky he couldn't see your face for it had fallen. Taking your hand off his you swiped his water bottle and took a long sip while keeping your eyes trained on Hoseok for the rest of the song.
He finished without a fault, and you made sure to whoop and cheer since you couldn't clap for him.
"Jeongmal insang gipgun-yo, Oppa. (That's very impressive, Oppa.)"
"Gomawoyo, Y/N. Amado neoui pal-i deo naa jil ttae eoneu nal boda deo manh-eun anmuleul galeuchyeo jul su iss-eul geos gat-ayo. (Thank you, Y/N. Maybe I could teach you some more choreo one day when your arm is better.)"
Your stomach dropped. More dancing. Oh god. You told him you weren’t suited to dancing like he was, making him laugh.
"Man-yag niga Kookie-ui chinguramyeon eonjenganeun chum-eul chul geoye. (If you're Kookie's friend you're going to have to dance some day.)"
"Eonjenga meon husnal-e, huimangkeondae. (Someday far in the future, I hope.)"
Taehyung's head suddenly appeared around Jin's shoulder.
"Jiruhaeyo. Jega Y/Nege jogeum da manh-eun BigHit-eul bo-yeo jul su isseulkkayo? (I'm bored. Can I show Y/N around some more?)"
Namjoon lifted his head and said something to him before turning to you, "Taehyung has a fitting in the wardrobe department so you could go with him and see hair and makeup if you want."
You used Jungkook's shoulder to pull yourself up with him rising up swiftly behind you to help your balance. His fingers entwined with yours as he led you over to Taehyung, telling him to get up since it was his turn to finally spend time with you.
Taehyung sprang to his feet and took the lead out of the room. If the floor was gravel he would have been kicking up dust as he sped around a corner only to backtrack when you weren't right behind him. He reminded you of a puppy.
A short walk later and Taehyung was pushing open a door to what looked like the biggest closest you'd ever seen. Clothes were hung against one wall, shoes and accessories on shelves opposite.
You really couldn't believe how many outfits there were- more than in your older sister's! And it was all designer... Oh god... the legendary leather trousers... so many pairs.
It seemed to be organised by date: the oldest items, stretching back to No More Dream era, on the highest rack whereas Jungkook's black and red bomber jacket worn for Not Today was closest to you.
"It's like a museum in here." You murmured.
A female voice drew your attention to the far end of the room where Taehyung stood with a middle aged woman, a tape measure draped around her neck. She spotted you, smiled, then beckoned some other girls into the room and pointed to you. The girls smiled at you too before some headed off in one direction and others approached you with their own tape measures.
"Oh no..." Jungkook muttered.
Your brows furrowed in confusion and he gave your hand a squeeze and apologised although you weren't sure what for.
"Jungkookiega oneul chingureul deligo ondago uri deul-eoss-eoyo, (We heard Jungkookie was bringing a friend today,)" One of the girls said, tucking her hair behind her ear, "hajiman urineun nega urireul bangmunhalji mollass-eo. Deudieo neoreul mannani johgun-yo. (but we didn't know you'd be visiting us. It's nice to finally meet you.)"
You said it was nice to meet them too before turning to Jungkook, "What did you mean 'oh no'?"
He scratched the back of his neck, stepping out of the way of more approaching female staff members.
"BigHit has no female trainees... you're the first girl to walk in here in a very long time..."
A second girl took hold of your arm and pulled you forward with a bright smile.
"Neoneun uriwa hamkke hal sigan-i iss-eoyo? Urineun yeogie manh-eun namseongdeul-ege dulleossayeo iss-eoyo. Urineun uriui mogsorie sinmul-i nayo. (Do you have some time to spare with us? We're surrounded by so many men here we get sick of our own voices.)"
"Nan...eum...Tae-oppagarang gat-i sigan-eul bonaeryeogo wass-eo… (I... uh... I came here to spend time with Tae-oppa...)"
The girls that disappeared earlier came back with stacks of clothes. If they had no female trainees then where did all of those come from?
The youngest of the girls, possibly around your own age, raised an eyebrow and said something about the members spoiling you since you were the second youngest. Your cheeks warmed when you thought about how they’d gone shopping for things that would make your visit more comfortable before you arrived. Were you spoiled?
Another girl pulled you out of your thoughts, “Namja syeocheu ib-eoss-eoyo? (Are you wearing a men's shirt?)"
Jungkook explained how you had been wearing his clothes because of your broken elbow.
The girls nodded in understanding and one turned to the racks behind her, rattling off something about Jungkook and...donating?
Noticing your confusion, Jungkook explained how they were letting you help yourself to shirts he had outgrown, “They’ve been too busy to donate them. Take your pick, Noona.”
You stared in wide-eyed shock as they pulled shirt after shirt off the rack and piled them on top of Jungkook’s arms. They could sell for so much. Did they not know how much fans would be willing to pay for the priceless memories?!
Jungkook measured one up against your back while one of the stylists did the same to your front.
"Man-yag geudeul-i bissago yeojeonhi sangtaega yanghohadamyeon urineun geugeosdeul-eul onlain aulles-e panmaehan-ayo. Hajiman ileon, (If they're expensive and still in good condition then we sell them to online outlets. But ones like this,)" She pulled out a plain light blue shirt- the cotton dull compared to others, "uri geosdeul-eun jaseon danchee gibuhaeyo. (We donate to charity.)"
You noticed some girls must have collected makeup too because one approached you with a lip brush and some lip tint.
"Jungkook... think of a way to get me out of this..."
He politely collected the shirts from the women and bowed, thanking them for their generosity followed by an excuse that you were on a tight schedule.
They sighed but didn't push any further.
After giving Jungkook a bag for the clothes, you said goodbye to them and left Taehyung to his fitting.
"That was close."
"Makeup isn't your thing?"
You screwed your nose up, "How could you tell?"
He retook your hand, "You called me Jungkook instead of BunBun, Kookie or little shit."
You looked at him puzzled, "Do I refer to you by your name that rarely?"
He nodded and led you down various corridors until you were outside a door with the sign 'Mon Studio'. He knocked on the door.
"Yah! Hyung! It's your turn to spend time with Noona!" He shouted then turned to you, "Since he's fluent in English, I'll leave you with him for a little while."
He raised his hand, and you thought he was going to ruffle your hair until he pinched your cheek.
"Catch you later, Kitten."
He gave you a parting grin and you turned just as Namjoon pulled open the door.
"Hi, Oppa!"
He peered around you into the empty corridor. "Where's Jungkook?"
"He left me. Is that okay?"
He smiled wide enough to reveal his dimples, "Of course, come on in."
He held the door open so you could step through then pulled out a seat for you.
"Have you enjoyed your time in Korea and the dorm so far?"
You gladly sat down and smiled, "I've loved every second. Thank you again for letting me stay."
He nodded, waving a hand through the air dismissively, "No problem. Although if I knew I'd be dragging Jungkook out of bed with you every morning I might not have agreed so quickly."
"You've only had to do it twice. But yeah, I wasn't expecting that either."
He nodded, "I'm sorry for his behaviour. The kid has a bit of a learning curve when it comes to the opposite sex, such as what is appropriate."
Had he noticed Jungkook's little kisses? Did he consider them inappropriate? You felt like asking him, yet at the same time, you didn't want to.
Jungkook, the guy you had rapidly developing feelings for, was willingly showing you affection and being open with it despite the members telling you that he wasn't overly keen on skinship and the like. That had to count for something, right? You wanted to be selfish for at least a little while longer until you had to go back home. Who knew if you would ever receive that kind of affection from him again. You had to admit that with each kiss he placed the more you felt the urge to just grab him and kiss him yourself... Maybe kissing him on the cheek would help to alleviate that want...
"Would you like to listen to my original draft of Young Forever?"
He clicked about on the computer for a minute until sound started to drift through the speakers. You cocked your head, not recognising the beat or the words Namjoon was singing.
He noticed your confusion and lowered the volume, "It's completely different, right?"
"How did you get from that to what Young Forever became?"
"A lot of drafting and redrafting. Bang PD-nim wanted it to have a lighter feel to it."
You nodded in understanding, as someone who considered themselves to be creative you knew how over time things don't turn out as originally intended.
"I think it's a brilliant song. My friend, Chubs from earlier, says it makes her cry."
Namjoon chuckled lightly, "I cried writing it. It hit home harder than I expected. And knowing it has the power to make others feel the same makes me proud."
"You should be," you said honestly, "You work at your craft and it shows in the quality of your content. And us ARMY are proud of you all too."
He smiled and ruffled your hair, "I almost regret not sticking around in the tutoring sessions. I feel like we could've become good friends if I hadn't left. But Kookie needed that extra push to learn."
You returned his smile.
"All because we didn't have the opportunity to become friends sooner doesn't mean we can't be good friends now."
He nodded, "Maybe we can go to lunch together next time you visit us. That's if Jungkook lets us."
Your smile widened, "That sounds nice. He'll learn to share me eventually."
"I think he's already learning. He left you alone with me didn't he?"
Good point. You were glad Jungkook was already trying to correct his behaviour.
You decided to flip the topic onto him; asking him how the new album was coming along. He couldn't go into great detail for obvious confidentiality reasons, but he let you in on a few concept ideas and inspiration for Bangtan's new sound.
The two of you had been talking for almost an hour when there was a knock at the door. Namjoon called for them to come in and Jungkook poked his head in.
"I've come to take Noona on the last leg of the tour."
Namjoon nodded and both of you got out of your seats. He ruffled your hair again and said he would see you later.
Just as you stepped out the door to join Jungkook, your phone vibrated. It was a Tumblr notification. Chubs had tagged you in something. You opened it and saw it was a selca by Jungkook.
You heard his footsteps halt when he noticed you weren't following him. "Noona?"
"What's this?" You showed him your phone and his hand instantly went to scratch the back of his neck.
"A picture...of you."
"I'm sleeping! You posted a picture of me sleeping on Tumblr for everyone to see!"
"You were so cute... I couldn't help myself."
You glared at him, "I'm not cute! What if I was drooling?!"
"It would explain why my chest felt wet. Don't worry Noona, I won't blame you for drooling over me."
A mutter of 'little shit' slipped past your lips as you took a final look at the picture.
"It's embarrassing."
"It's cute. You look peaceful." There was a poke to your side making you yelp. "Did you dream of me?"
You had but you wouldn't admit to it, not wanting to inflate his ego. But you felt your cheeks heat up.
"As if. Why would I dream of a muscle pig like you?"
He took your hand with a smirk, "You seem to like my muscles when you're sleeping. I think the thing that made me wake up today was you stroking my abs."
Your eyes went wide, "Really?"
He nodded. Oh god. You just kept embarrassing yourself.
"It tickled."
"How can I be sure you're telling the truth?"
He stopped walking which made you stop, let go of your hand and grabbed the hem of his shirt.
"You scratched me at one point, wanna see the proof?"
Just as his t-shirt reached his navel, a squeak slipped from your lips and you yanked his shirt back down into place.
"It's o-okay. I believe you."
He fought against you with a mischievous grin, "Don't you want to see how you hurt me? I might scar, Noona!"
"My nails aren't that long!"
He laughed, taking your hand from his t-shirt and led you through the building. You made a quick stop at 'Hope World' so you could see Hoseok's studio. After that, he showed you the areas of the building you hadn't seen yet. Walking into a recording booth felt surreal. You couldn't help but admire all the equipment that had been used to produce song after song that topped charts and won awards. Jungkook was good to answer any questions you had, even letting you experiment a little.
You were admiring the framed albums hung on the wall when Jungkook's phone rang. He looked at the callerID before answering.
"Annyeonhaseyo Bang PD-nim."
He nodded as you heard the muffled sound of the CEO's voice. The conversation was brief and one-sided with Jungkook saying a quick goodbye.
"Noona, this tour is taking an unexpected turn."
It took a second for your brain to click into gear, the realisation making your face fall and your palms sweat.
"Does he...?" Jungkook nodded, "He wants to meet me?"
Another nod then he broke out into a grin.
"Don't worry Noona, Bang PD-nim may seem grizzly bearish but he's actually a teddy bear." He held out his hand and gestured to the door, "Come on, he really wants to meet you."
You subtly wiped your hand on the back of your pants before taking his and exiting the studio.
"Why does he want to meet me?"
"He heard you were in the building. He wants to meet the lovely Noona who taught me English without wanting anything in return."
You got to talk to Jungkook every week, what more could you have wanted? He tugged on your hand prompting you to follow him through a series of corridors and into an elevator. The highest floor of the building was all offices separated into departments. Jungkook popped his head through a few doors and shouted greetings to staff as you trailed along behind him.
He finally stopped outside a set of double doors and placed a hand on your cheek, running his thumb across your cheek.
"You'll be fine, okay? He's fluent in English himself so no need to worry about translating."
He faced the doors and raised a fist to knock on them. The sound seemed to echo through the area, making your stomach fall in dread. Though a swift kiss to the temple help to ease the tension that had settled in your bones. There was a muffled shout and Jungkook pushed the doors open, standing aside for you to enter.
The office was sleek and modern like the rest of the building, yet there was just the right amount of clutter on the desk and bookshelves to appear lived-in. Bang PD-nim clearly spent a lot of time at the office.
The man looked up from his computer, mouth quirking into a smile as his eyes fell on you.
"You must be Jungkook's Y/N-songsaengnim. Nice to meet you finally, I'm Bang Shihyuk."
You tilted your head to the side in confusion, "Finally?"
He gestured for you to take a seat and you did so, Jungkook taking one next to you.
"Our resident Golden Maknae here talks about you a lot."
The said Golden Maknae's cheeks turned pink which in turn made a heat creep up your own neck. Did he really speak to his superiors about you that often?
"Thank you for letting me visit, it's a real honour."
He chuckles, "I had too. All the staff wanted to meet you too. Sadly the trainees weren't available, they wanted to meet their hyung's noona."
You fidgeted in your seat and from the corner of your eye you saw the pinkness in Jungkook's cheeks spread to his ears.
The PD looked between the two of you and chuckled to himself, "Maybe next time you visit us."
You nodded, not having the heart to tell him that you couldn't afford to visit anytime soon.
"Next time she's here, I'll make sure she meets everyone PD-nim."
Your attention snapped to Jungkook who spoke up for the first time since entering the room. He gave you a warm smile and reached over the gap between your chairs to squeeze your forearm briefly.
The PD-nim cleared his throat and Jungkook snatched his arm back.
"Anyway, now you're here, Y/N, I wanted to thank you."
"T-thank me?"
"You've successfully taught Jungkook English. And since your first trip to Korea, the other members have shown an interest in further studying the language past a basic school level."
You didn't know that... "Really?"
The man nodded, "Namjoon has taken back up studying to expand his vocabulary. And Jimin and Taehyung have both signed up for online courses."
You could practically see a light bulb appear above Jungkook's head. But all he did was smile.
A wave of pride washed over you causing you to break out in a smile, "I don't think I can take credit for their interest."
Bang PD-Nim waved a hand through the air, "They said it themselves, they're jealous of Jungkookie."
"He's able to talk to more fans now that he is bilingual."
That made sense.
"So thank you." He added with a nod.
You ducked your head, stealing a look at Jungkook to find him giving you his signature bunny grin.
Bang PD-nim looked at his watch and sighed, "I'm going to have to end this little chat here. It was lovely meeting you Y/N."
He held out his hand for you to shake.
"The feeling is mutual, PD-nim."
Jungkook took the man's hand before leading you out of the room.
Once the doors were fully shut you let out a deep breath, "That wasn't so bad."
"See, I told you he was a teddy bear."
"Yeah, I guess... So what should we do now?"
Jungkook thought for a moment then smirked.
"I have an idea. But we need to go home to do it."
God have mercy on your soul because what came to mind did not belong there. "O-okay." Fuck. You needed help.
"I'll text the boys and tell them we're heading back so not to wait up for us."
He whipped out his phone and sent the message to their group chat, the response an immediate 'okay'.
As Jungkook drove back to the dorm, you noticed him smiling to himself while humming a little tune.
"You seem happy, BunBun."
He glanced at you briefly, "I am happy. Everyone liked you."
"Is it really important that they all like me?"
"Of course it is Noona."
You arrived at the dorm somewhere between late afternoon and early evening. Jungkook unlocked the door and held it open for you.
Ideas of what Jungkook might have planned for you niggled away at your thoughts in the back of your mind. You shuffled behind him into his bedroom.
He pointed to the bed, "Sit down and I'll be right back."
You watched him walk out of the bedroom, mind reeling with questions. What was he doing? And why were you suddenly nervous?
He returned a few minutes later, two bottles of water in one hand, a large toilet bag in the other.
"What exactly do you have planned Kookie?"
He went over to his shelf and grabbed a box from there. He then cleared and organised his desk to create space for his box and toilet bag.
"The noonas today made me realise I've never seen my Noona in makeup... I wanna know what you look like with some on." He grabbed the back of the desk chair, spinning it around to face you. "Is that okay?"
Makeup wasn't your idea of fun. The thought of slapping...stuff...on your face wasn't remotely appealing. It seemed time-consuming, not to mention expensive. But it didn't mean you weren't willing to have some fun. It had been a while since you had any makeup on and couldn't help but wonder how you'd look.
"Sure. Make me look pretty."
You got off his bed and sat in the chair. He turned it so you were facing his shelves.
"Noona is always pretty."
He opened the box to reveal a camera, one of many within the box by the looks of it, and set it up on the shelf, facing you.
"What's with the camera?"
"I'm documenting a historic moment."
"Are you putting this on Tumblr too?"
He hummed distractedly, unzipped the bag and began taking out products. Holy shit...he had a lot.
"Is all this yours?"
"Kind of. The makeup Noonas give us lots of samples which we throw in here to share." He took out a large set of brushes and sponges. "Jimin hyung bought a few things when we first debuted like eyeliner and eyeshadow too."
You stared at the rapidly building pile of cosmetics and equipment in anxious awe. You had no clue as to what over half of the items laid out were for.
"Some of it is my own too. I like makeup."
Once the bag was close to empty he repositioned the camera and pressed record.
"You like putting all this on?"
He shrugged and brushed some of your hair away from your face, pinning it back with a clip.
"It covers the ugliness."
"What ugly? I've woken up to your face two days in a row and I have seen no ugly. It's a rather nice face to wake up to."
He paused in... whatever he was doing, you couldn't really see because he had his back to you after clipping your hair back. He turned to face you once again.
"Not bad, ay? I'll take what I can get... For now."
He had his palms up although you couldn't see anything on his hands.
"It's primer so it's clear. I washed my hands before hand, do you mind if I...."
You gave him the go ahead and he gently swiped his fingertips across your cheeks, chin and forehead,  then began rubbing the so-called primer in using light circular motions. Oddly, it felt nice; a little like he was giving you a face massage.
"So, what's this for?"
"To make your foundation go on smoother and last longer."
"Do you even have foundation that matches my skin tone?"
"Probably in the samples."
He cleaned his hands with a makeup wipe then began holding up the sample bottles of foundation up to your jaw. Once settling on a shade, he dotted some about your face then dabbed it in with a bright pink sponge.
Not knowing where else to look, you kept your eyes trained on his face and quickly became fascinated with those little gestures to signal he was concentrating. The way his eyebrows furrowed, his bottom lip captured between his teeth, it was an attractive sight. But a part of your brain asked a vital question. Was he going to put foundation over your lips like you had seen some girls do? Because you had a habit of biting your lips... a lot...
The tip of the sponge brushed your lower lip but he made no move to blend it over them. You breathed a mental sigh of relief.
Another minute later and he finally stood straight, narrowing his eyes as he scanned your features.
"How well do you normally sleep at home, Noona?"
That was an odd question.
"Not great," you admitted, "I've had some of my best night's sleep here. Why?"
He made a noise of disapproval while unscrewing the lid of concealer.
"You have dark circles. Noona needs to go to bed earlier."
You hesitated before answering, "It's difficult to get more than 4 hours sleep most days. I have insomnia. I'm actually surprised I've been able to fall asleep here."
He looked confused.
"In... som... nia?"
"Bulmyeonjeung (Sleeplessness)."
He dabbed the applicator beneath your eyes with a frown, "But you sleep fine here?"
"I think sharing a bed helps." You were grateful when he asked you to look up when he began blending as it meant you didn't have to make eye contact while you confessed to liking it when he stroked your hair, a habit he'd picked up.
"Most people sleep better when there's company from what I've heard. I have to admit, having Noona here has made me sleep better. I'm normally up late gaming."
"Seems like we're good for each other." You mumbled more to yourself than him, but from the quirk of his lips, you guessed he heard.
He placed the concealer and sponge aside in favour of a large fluffy brush and a compact. He explained the purpose of setting your makeup with powder. At first, you hated the idea of another layer of stuff on your face, but you couldn't deny how your features began to relax with every swipe of the brush.
You caught his hand when he stopped, "Keep going."
"But I'm done."
You gave him your best puppy dog eyes and pout and successfully earned another minute of gentle swipes across your skin. You couldn't help but sneeze when he used the brush to tickle your nose. He awed.
"Noona is so cute."
"... That's it, I'm going to expose you on Tumblr."
He stepped back with wide eyes, "Expose me?"
You dropped your voice, aware of the camera barely a meter away, "You don't want everyone knowing about your Marvel underwear collection do you?"
You cocked a brow and watched him gulp while side-eyeing the camera. "Call me cute again and everyone will know. Okay?"
"Yes, Noona."
He turned to the desk and began rummaging through the small mountain of makeup. He faced you with a small pallet and made quick work of filling in your brows 'to give your face shape'... whatever that meant.
And then he finally moved onto eye shadow, selecting a larger pallete and a smaller brush.
"I've been told darker colours suit me best."
"I'll be the judge of that, Kitten."
You shut your eyes upon his instruction, keeping them like that until he told you to look at him.
He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, eyes darting from side to side as he judged his work. Fuck...your mind began to wander down a dangerous path. No. This was not appropriate.
Your eyes fluttered open, "Huh?"
He giggled, "You screwed your face up. I'll mess up if you don't relax."
Right...relax. That was becoming easier said than done. You took a deep breath, held it for four seconds before exhaling through your mouth for another four. It was a technique you were taught to help you handle anxiety attacks and emotional breakdowns. You figured it should help you relax in the situation you were in.
"Should I even attempt eyeliner?"
"I can barely do my own without becoming twitchy."
He looked torn. You never knew doing someone's makeup could make him so serious.
"If I use pencil I can blend it out. The Noonas say that's what makes eyes look sexy."
SEXY?! Was Jeon Jungkook actually trying to kill you?!
He picked up the pencil and delicately cupped the back of your neck.
"Stay still for me, Noona."
Stay still? How the fuck were you supposed to do that when he had a leg between yours, allowing him to step closer as the task required a steady hand.
"I-I-I d-d-didn't know s-s-sexy was the look you were going for." You stuttered out causing him to frown at you.
"I said stay still Noona."
You immediately froze at the sudden authority.
His fingers flexed against your neck as he angled your head so he'd have better access to your other eye. He was so close you could feel his breath ghost across your cheek and it took a lot of mental cursing to keep yourself still.
The presence briefly disappeared only to return after you heard the clinking of makeup brushes. You assumed he'd began the blending meaning any minute now you'd have to open your eyes so he could check.
"Okay, Noona open them."
You did as he told you, your eyes fluttering open. Your breath caught in your throat at his intense stare, his pupils dilated. Your gaze dropped to his bottom lip caught between his teeth. Maybe it was the light or your lack of glasses, but you could have sworn you saw him blush.
He finally looked away, giving you the chance to compose yourself. What was that? Did you just have...a moment?
When he turned back, he was holding a weird clamp looking thing.
"An eyelash curler," he explained, "You need to stay very very still for me now."
He called it an eyelash curler, you called it a torture device. He wanted to put that thing near your eyes?
Noticing you pulling back he chuckled, "It doesn't hurt. Promise."
You didn't quite believe him but he wasn't giving you an option to back out.
"Rip my eyelashes out and I'll follow through on my earlier threat."
He warned you to sit still again and you closed your eyes.
It was an odd feeling, but thank god it was painless and quick.
"I'm almost done, Noona. Just mascara, blush and lipstick to go."
You swore you almost had war flashbacks to when your older sister tried to put mascara on you.  You had to admit you weren't used to the feel of your eyelashes being covered in the thick substance since you rarely wore the stuff, even when you did decide to put on some makeup. Your mother had always told you, you didn't need the it because you had naturally beautiful eyelashes.
Jungkook's mind seemed to be following down a similar path. He told you how he'd never noticed their length before because of your glasses, but they were apparently long and pretty like Taehyung's.
He swapped the mascara for a blush compact and lightly dabbed the puff applicator over the apples of your cheeks, then set it aside. Thank God you were almost finished.
He seemed to deliberate over lipstick colour. Why did he have lipstick? You thought that the Make-Up Unnies only used lip stains, lip gloss or tinted lip balm. But then again, lipstick wasn't an exclusively female thing. Maybe one of the members brought some for themselves.
"Ah," he said, uncapping a dark tube, "Let's try this."
You caught a glimpse of the berry coloured lipstick which seemed untouched.
"Who's is this?"
"A company sent them to us. We don't really wear lipstick but I thought why not see how it looks on you." So you were his experiment. "Open your mouth slightly, Noona."
You opened. You sometimes wore lipstick but couldn't really be bothered with it. Which is why you only had one tube of lipstick.
He lightly took your chin between his thumb and forefinger and instead of swiping the product across your lips, he chose to dab it like he would with a lip tint.
Your eyes once again drifted across his own features, noting the slight flush to his cheeks and how he repetitively wet his own plush lips with his tongue as he concentrated. But then he was pulling away with a pleased grin.
"Ah! My masterpiece is finished."
He grabbed his phone, snapping a picture of you, before handing you a handheld mirror so you could see his handy work. You looked...different. Not a bad different, you just weren't used to it.
"Do you like it?" He asked and unclipped your hair. You brushed it back into place and took another look.
It was undeniable that he did a good job. Everything was well blended and you had to admit, the eyeliner did make your eyes look sexier, more mysterious.
"I... wow..." You had to stop yourself from reaching and touching your face, afraid that you would ruin what he had done.
"I'll take that as a yes," He was smirking, "It was fun doing yours... maybe you'd like to try putting some on me."
Your eyes blew wide.
"I only know how to do eye makeup!"
He chuckled, "I'm not expecting you to be as capable and experienced as the Makeup Noonas."
You looked at the spread of makeup on the desk.
"You'll have to help me."
He nodded and you swapped positions so he was sat in the desk chair.
"Primer first, then foundation."
You frowned at him, "But the foundation that's normally used on you is too pale. I like your natural tan skin better."
His cheeks tinted pink.
"Y-y-you can s-s-skip the primer and foundation if you want."
You nodded and reached for the eyeshadow. But you found a problem. To get close enough to his face you would have to... climb onto his lap.
You sucked in a deep breath and squared up to him before quickly lowering yourself onto his lap. His hands instantly went to your hips, holding you in place.
"W-what a-are you-u d-doing?!"
"Getting closer so I can see. I don't have my glasses on." You explained, "Now close your eyes."
"I-I can get your glasses-"
"And ruin all your time and effort? I can suffer for a little while."
He stared at you for a moment, as if processing and contemplating what you had said before sighing and closing his eyes.
You tried to remember what little you knew about doing eye makeup. Was is metallics, green and blue that looked good for dark eye? With no other answer coming to mind you picked up a pallet of dark metallic colours.
You scanned the array of makeup brushes and picked up a small fluffy one. It would do.
Dipping it into the eyeshadow you remembered a saying you'd always tell yourself when either baking or cooking: you can always add but you can't take away. You guessed the same applied to makeup.
You went with blue in the end and brushed a light dusting of it over his lids. It wasn't a bright blue but a deep ocean blue that contrasted nicely with his skin tone.
Now for eyeliner. Which you were dreading because you were going near his eye with something pointy.
"Okay BunBun, open your eyes."
His eyes fluttered open and you were awe struck with how the blue brought out the colour of his eyes.
"What?" He asked when you didn't say or do anything.
You mentally shook yourself out of it, "Blue looks beautiful on you."
His eyes widened slightly, "T-thank y-you."
You reached over the desk to find the eyeliner pencil, Jungkook's hands shifting to your lower back so you wouldn't fall.
You faced him with a grimace, "I'm sorry in advance if I poke your eye out."
"I trust you, Noona."
You took a moment to try and relax. If you stayed nervous your hand would shake and there would be a casualty. You brought the pencil to his eye and got to work, amazed with the fact he wasn't flinching or twitching. He must be used to it from being an idol.
You pulled back to see if the two were even. A small yelp left your painted lips when his thighs suddenly parted beneath you, making you clutch onto his shoulder in fear of falling on your butt.
"Don't scare me like that!"
He opened his eyes, a crease forming between them.
"Sorry, I had to stretch." He glanced away and cleared his throat, "Is the eyeliner done?"
"Yeah...are you okay? I can stand if I'm making your legs go dead."
"No I'm fine," his hands slid down to the backs of your thighs to adjust you, "Time for the last part since you're going for a minimalist approach. Lips."
You felt your heart rate pick up at that. You looked over the selection and picked out a rose tinted lip balm. After cleaning your hands you opened the container and got some on the pad of your finger.
"Noona... w-w-what-" he cut himself off.
You ran your middle finger over his plush bottom lip, spreading the colour. He pursed his lips a little, making it easier to apply to his top lip.
You'd lost count by now of how often your train of thought had diverted into dangerous territory. It would be so easy just to close the gap and... His grip on your thighs tightened. Your gaze travelled from his lips to his eyes, his irises had become a thin ring around his pupils, your hand moved from being positioned over his mouth to cupping his jaw. The only sound in the room was the sound of both of your breathing getting steadily deeper. You looked at his lips again, they seemed closer than before.
You felt your eyelids grow heavy, threatening to close. Neither of you moved a muscle for what felt like an eternity until a loud buzzing filled the silence followed by a sigh.
And just like that, it felt like someone had dumped a bucket of ice water all over you.
Jungkook removed a hand from your leg to grab his vibrating phone, and you took the chance to scoot off his lap and busy yourself by putting all the makeup back in the toilet bag. Jungkook muttered almost angrily to himself as he unlocked his phone.
"It's a text from Jin-hyung. They'll be back at the dorm soon."
You turned back to him with your own phone in hand, "Can I take a picture?"
"Sure Kitten."
You snapped a picture and showed it to him.
"Ah, I'm so handsome."
He went over to the camera and stopped the recording, immediately taking it over to his laptop and inserting the memory card.
It was after dinner, and you'd gone back into Jungkook's bedroom to find your phone. You found it on his desk beside the toilet bag and nearly had a heart attack when you saw the hundreds of Tumblr notifications on your lockscreen.
Navigating to the app, a gasp left your lips when you saw all the messages and asks in your inbox. What the fuck?
A new notification popped up, and you immediately clicked on it when you recognised it as Chubs.
Her reply was instant: 'TWO WORDS. SEXUAL. TENSION.'
You took a seat on the edge of the bed, a frown taking over your features.
'Why can't I go in the tag??'
Thank God she was a quick typer.
'Just...don't...okay? I've just messaged Jungkook warning him but he hasn't replied. Can you tell him the same?'
You had to admit you were curious but instead, you went into the living room where Jungkook was sat on the sofa wearing a look of surprise as he stared down at his phone.
His head snapped up, "Noona!" His voice cracked, "D-Don't go in t-t-the t-t-tag!"
You took a seat next to him, "What's going on?! Chubs just told me the same thing."
He locked his phone, placing it on the arm of the sofa.
You unlocked your phone only for it to be snatched out of your grip, "Jungkook!"
You crossed your arms and pouted until you remembered that his laptop didn't have a password. A sigh escaped your lips as you pretended to give up.
"Fine. You win."
You got off the sofa and 'sulked' back to his room where you promptly opened the laptop and went to the tag on Tumblr.
You wanted to rub your eyes to make sure you were seeing things correctly, but you caught yourself, remembering you had a full face of makeup on.
The first post was a piece of fan art of presumably you and Jungkook...kissing. Beneath the digital art was a screenshot, from the video you posted, of you on his lap.
The next piece was a gif. The maker had cropped the video so that it cut off at Jungkook's hands on your hips. And with the way you shifted it looked like- Oh God. There was a caption that read 'You know she was enjoying those thighs'.
If Jungkook saw that...no wonder he looked so alarmed.
You bit your lip as you scrolled further past more gifs and drawings of a similar nature. Someone had even gone to the lengths of analysing your body language and speech, coming to the conclusion that you and Jungkook were 'totally fucking'.
You even came across some more... graphic... fanart. Jesus Christ these people were making porn of you! So that's why Chubs told you not to go into the tag. Another post almost made you laugh. It was a simple text post in all caps saying 'HOW DID HE NOT GET A BONER FROM THAT?!' But you didn't because the post next to it had a screenshot of when he was holding the back of your neck. 'I KNEW HE WAS A DOM!'
There was a fluttering in your tummy you hastily pushed aside. Thinking about Jungkook like that made you no better than the people turning an innocent video into something not.
You didn't know what to do. Chubs had mentioned something about 'cleaning the tag'. Did that mean she was getting rid of all the NSFW posts and didn't want you to go in it until she had wiped it clean? But how would she even do that?
Just as you were about to type in Chubs' URL, Jungkook entered the room. He immediately saw you were on his laptop and what site you were on. He rushed over to you with a dramatic shout of 'No!', a hand coming to cover your eyes while the other shut the lid of the laptop.
"Naughty Noona. I was trying to keep your eyes innocent."
You pried his fingers off your face and pouted, "Innocent? I'm older than you!"
"Age means nothing." He grumbled, stepping back until the backs of his knees hit the bed. He fell onto the mattress with a sigh, both hands covering his face.
He said something but you couldn't hear him so you went over and sat beside him, peeling his hands off his face which was scarlet.
"I can't believe you saw what they did."
"I can't believe they did that either... but then again I should've expected such behaviour from them." You grimaced as you remembered seeing the inappropriate tweets Bangtan received every time they tweeted something.
"I bet you won't be able to look at me in the same way again!" He seemed genuinely upset about the thought.
"BunBun," you said carefully, "Look at me."
He whined, rolling onto his stomach with his head turned away from you. He could deny it all he wanted, but he was a big baby at times.
"Jungkook, I don't see you any differently because of this. It's no different from the type of stuff I used to see before you met me."
He turned his head to face you, cheek against his folded hands. His face was a mixture of lingering sadness and confusion. With a sigh you led down beside him, "You've said before that you've read my old tags on Tumblr."
"About my thick thighs and washboard abs." There was the trace of a smirk on his lips that told you the sadness was lifting.
"Yeah...people on Tumblr talk sexually about idols a lot. They write smutty fiction and draw NSFW fanart and make inappropriate audio files. Whatever it is, I've seen it."
"You've seen it all?"
"Most. I don't go anywhere near the shipping material. Now if you don't mind, I feel tainted and in need of a shower."
With that, you kissed him on the cheek, leaving a dark lipstick stain, and got off the bed. Then you hurriedly grabbed the Pikachu onesie and undies, and headed towards the bathroom which you knew would have towels in.
A/N: SORRY WE MISSED A WEEK AND THAT THE CHAPTER IS NEARLY AN HOUR LATER THAN SCHEDULED BUT WE’VE BEEN REALLY BUSY! Also this chapter had 132 bits of Korean to translate (We had to cut some out otherwise it would’ve been later). Before people come after me for it I AM AWARE OF THE BAD GRAMMAR AND THE MISTAKES BUT I AM A BEGINNER AND DON’T KNOW HOW TO CORRECT IT YET!
This work of fiction is copyright © JungkookieNoona and protected under UK and international law. All rights reserved. Any unauthorised broadcasting, copying or reposting will constitute an infringement of copyright.
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ask-manda-of-the-6 · 8 years
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“High Priority message for you, Commander. Patching it through to your quarters now…”
“Hello Commander.”
Monthly Report for February Shenanigans:
Shove these kids into lockers!
Nothing but ADVENT-ages >w<
Coyote and Blitz being Overwatch Nerds (MOAR SWORDZ!!!)
Manda and Arma being WarCraft Nerds (the Instructor approves)
Anatomy Lessons with Arma Continued >w>
Grumpy Bradford is grumpy (until you feed him some citrus)
Do ADVENTs got da booty!?
Quynh does *not* have the snek thirst XD
Blackwell takes care of sick Manda
Smokey denied more explosive potential
Birthdays: Big Time | Blackwell (prepping his cake thanks to Jack)
Eye of the Platypus Tiger [cont’d]
The many adventures of Sleepy Avengers: 
Manda (GTS | Kitchen)
Quynh in Blackwell’s bed (also words unheard)
Development of Blackwell x Quynh (in water colours!)
Recruit Manda *almost* becomes a spy!
Came for the _____ Stayed for the ______
slides in with a pun
falls in love with EVERYTHING! TT^TT
hidden potential
Here for a good time!
♥ EVENT: Vahlen-tine’s Day Shenanigans ♥ (Resolved)
Planning: JohnaQuynh | Catship
Avedis’s Night Out in Paris with Celia tagging along [1] [2] [3]
Enemies Slain by the POWER OF LOVE! \(♥3♥)/
Triple serving of sappy Pre-Catship one-shots (for heart Memory Meme)
EVENT: Has SCIENCE gone too far?! (Resolved? Maybe...)
Furries... or wandering snek lord...
Never question *why* the Commander’s asking Bradford if something’s a My Little Pony character... for your own safety
Hmm... should we be trusting potentially lethal animatronics?!
Rogue.EXE has stopped responding T^T
Chryssalid-inception 0D0 (The Commander & Tygan disapprove)
Dad-Turtle arrives (and is *still* terrorizing the recruits) XD
More thoughts on voodoo wizardry psionics... 
Omm nom cloned chickens
Dadford and Comomder model the latest in kitchen fashions ;D
Speaking of cooking... does something smell like when Eva caught on fire? (Roasted Snek)
And I do believe there’s a fresh batch of cinnamon rolls as well!
Zomm-nom-nom-bies (AU... hopefully)
RP Shenanigans:
*As per usual, got as much as I could*
♫ Playlists Continued ♫
Avedis & Matthew
Celia & Quynh
Headcanons for Quynh & Friends: 
What they’re ‘bad’ at...
Mun vs. Muses
Skillset Meme
Recruit Manda
Ghosts and Engineering
Captain Manda the Pirate
Luck of the Canadian... and Music!
Uggggghhhh maaaathhh?!
*blares theme music to Mortal Kombat*
get back on the horse bike
Ranger Saihyo
babies and romance and luck, oh mai
Workplace Safety Evaluation (Quynh)
Da Boss | Favourite Co-worker(s) | Least Favourite
Hours of Operations | Paperwork... and there’s not even paper!
If she *wasn’t* on the Avenger
“Send a Ship”
Commander & Central
Memory ♥ Meme - Recruit Manda
Blacksite Vial Results
South African Haven
Bring out the TRON Warden Armour
Ninja in Training?
The Cast*:
Bartender Alex, Eva, Psi-Op Girugin, SPARK-001/Julian AI - @girugin​ Engineer [Communications]  Erico ‘Shog’ Sousa -  @shog-stuff Engineer [Proving Grounds] Alexander “Kage” Adams - @finalkage​ Psi-Op Engineer Blackwell & Company - @techpirate1​​ Recruit [Armoury] Manda - @ask-manda-of-the-6​​ Scientist Quynh & Companions - @quynh-tessance Soldier Fraser - @sir-fraser​ Soldier Morgan - @thatguyingreyhoodiewithwidesmile Soldier Poptard - @tasty-poptard​ Soldier Saihyo - @saihyo-of-the-frost​ The mighty and powerful turtle Instructor - @ceruleanturtle​
(*if I’ve missed anyone, message me and I’ll add them to the list!)
An army of Anonymous Avengers! (°D°)
Everyone else © @commanderplease​ or © Firaxis Games
(Other Monthly Reports)
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