#pregnant sabo but he’s glowing
berrykis · 12 days
lalala what if Ace randomly comes home one day (they’re 17-16) after telling his parents he’d be independent from them now on after turning 17 but comes home with a cute blond boy pregnant, around 20 weeks or so… and Ace supporting his back!
(I’ll try to write smth long for this idea..)
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aurodontdoit · 4 years
What We Live For...
Hi guys this is a ticket I'm working on for a new Roleplay I'm doing with the lovely Whiskey!
Trigger Warning: Attempted sexual assault, alcohol usage, and cursing. Please don't continue if this bothers you.
You have been warned.
Autumn sat alone at the bar, nursing her head in her hands. The bartender slings another drink of whiskey her way before she sucks it down. Her eyes all bloodshot from crying and drowning her sorrows in booze, she had become quiet, and reclusive, completely opposite from her true nature of a sweet and virtuous hippy. 
Glancing down at her phone, she heaved a sigh seeing the message on the screen. 
Sabo❤️: omg Autumn! Koala is pregnant! I'm gonna be a dad! ❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍
Autumn gave a bitter smile "there goes the man I love… I wish him all the happiness…" she bittersweetly thought before sending him a response. 
Autumn: that's great, Chief! Congratulations! Give my sister a big ol hug for me. 
She could continue to drink her pain away until she felt nothing, but what would that do? Every drunken stupor has a painful crashing aftermath of reality and vomiting.
In this case, reality means her beloved best friend and long time crush, Sabo, would never love her.  
 She read the messages over and over again, burning each word into her mind. 
Sabo loves Koala.. He got her pregnant. They're gonna have a child together… he will never love me… I will never be with him… he chose her.. 
Autumn then sucked down the last of her whiskey to swallow the lump forming in her throat. She paid her tab and got up to leave. 
Once she was outside, she breathed in the early fall air of the night. A chill was felt as she walked closer and closer to her home. Before she could get in, she was stopped by some goons. 
"Hey there pretty lady~" one guys slurred before trying to grab her. Autumn punched him before the others managed to pin her down to the hood of a car nearby and cut her top off. 
"I love when sluts like you fight back~" the man husked before forcing her legs to open. She cursed herself for wearing a skirt. Before he could have his way with her, the men all fell down to the ground. 
"DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER!!" a familiar voice boomed before taking out the rest of the predators. 
With blurry eyes, and a hazy drunker mind, Autumn looked up to see the owner of that voice. 
"...Ace?" She managed before her vision went black. 
The next morning, Autumn woke with a massive hangover that felt like her head was being split open. She looked around to find that she was indeed in her bed, and in a comfy set of pajamas. After recalling the night before, she hugged her knees and cried before Ace walked in with just a towel around his waist. 
"Aud! (Odd) are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked concerned while sitting by her side. 
Words could not be formed by the young redhead. She just kept sobbing. 
Somehow, Ace seemed to understand, and threw his strong arms around her smaller frame, holding her close. Soon enough, her sobbing he ceased and she was just holding onto Ace sniffling. 
Warm… Ace is warm.. and smells like sandalwood..
Ace felt his heart break at the sight of Autumn crying. He had been close with her since they were in middle school, and fell for her in junior year in high school. He knew she loved Sabo, and he knew how hurt she was, but still remained true to her… 
He stroked a silky strand of auburn hair behind her ear, and wiped her eyes.
Once their gazes connected, the pair blushed and kept a loving want glow in their eyes. 
Wow… Ace has Mahogany eyes… I never knew how pretty they were…
They kept their eyes locked until Autumn broke the silence. 
Ace felt a shiver up his spine at how her voice sounds when she says his name so sweetly. 
"Y-yeah, Aud?" He stammered. 
"About last night…" she began. Ace nodded along wanting to know if she was okay. 
Tumblr media Tumblr media
"Did you change me?" She asked. 
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swampgh0stt · 6 years
uwu ot3 finding out Koala's pregnant. don't worry ace, its not yours
okay but what if it is?
He can feel the blood rushing to his head with the news, and he asks again to clarify: “You’re… pregnant?” Ace takes a moment to swallow the lump forming in his throat. Reddish-brown eyes take her in, staring down with wide-eyed curiosity and immediate disbelief. Koala nodded again, bouncing on the balls of her feet. Her smile could light up a room, but Ace is filled with dread. “Who’s… is it?” He dares to ask, even if he fears the answer.
It would be wrong of him to take away her happiness. As she stood now, on the tips of her toes in an attempt to match his height, she was glowing. Undisturbed by the possibility of a monster forming within her, brought on by someone the world had insisted had no business being here. They would scorn and jeer at whatever she bore from him, if it were truly his child. There was the possibility of it belonging to Sabo as well, which Ace hoped and prayed for. He never wanted to sire any children on his own. Adopting and raising kids? Perfectly fine. Continuing his own bloodline, Roger’s bloodline? Blasphemy.
“I don’t know,” she confesses without falter, though she drops back down on her feet. “I haven’t told Sabo yet.” The Revolutionary can see Ace paling at the news and is left wondering-- was that a good or bad sign? Trying to reassure herself, she reaches for his hand and gives him another bright smile. “I want you to come with me.” Both of her lovers should be there when she breaks the news. Ace got an early preview if only because Koala was far too excited herself, after finding out. 
He lets her drag him along in her search for the Chief of Staff, trudging through the bright pink scenery that Kamabakka Kingdom had to offer. Suddenly, all the vibrant colors of the ecosystem was making him sick, but he masks it with a grin whenever she dare look back at him. He may have already committed a terrible crime in getting her pregnant, he would not take away her happiness at the revelation as well. Terrible images of a witch-hunt flash behind his eyes. What would the World Government do to her, if they found out? She would be executed, yes, but Impel Down was not known for its hospitality. He knows what terror he endured in the sixth level, and would do everything in his power to ensure that she never found herself there.
“Sabo!!!” Her voice calls out when she spots him further out, under cover of trees and training on his own. He stops instantly, perking up when he spots not one-- but both of his lovers are about to join him. Koala has a bounce in her step, while Ace is just barely managing to keep up. “Sabo! I have great news!” She exclaims instantly, hardly giving him a chance to ask just what they were both doing here. With one hand holding Ace’s, the other reaches for Sabo’s gloved one.
Ace can only watch as she tries to bite back her own excitement, tries to calm herself. The steady rise and fall of her chest with each deep breath she took was telling enough. She wanted this child, regardless of who the father may be. He was in no position to bully her out of that decision either, his own feelings be damned. This was his mistake, if it was his, and he would do everything he could to love it and raise it right. He might have had to grow up alone in this world, but his child did not need to suffer the same fate.
Koala’s blue eyes turn to Sabo, watching his expression as she says calmly: “I’m pregnant.”
It takes a minute or two for the revelation to settle in, but Sabo was suddenly brightening up. Tears brim his eyes, and suddenly his arms are wrapped around her in a light-yet-firm hug as he pulls her close and crushes their lips together. This was wonderful news! The best he could hear today! “Koala-!” His voice wavers with emotion as he presses their foreheads together. “That’s so exciting!!” He was going to be a father.
Ace suddenly hates himself for his adverse response, and bites back his own worries. He steps closer, his expression softened considerably. It would take some time, and a lot of adjustment before he came around to the idea, but… he could do this. “We’re here for you,” he assures with the first sincere smile he offered her since she dropped the news on him.
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marcoacesabo · 6 years
Could you do a mpreg where ace is pregnant? (MarcoAceSabo)
Ace rubbed the bump over his stomach, still not entirely sure how he felt about the life growing in him. When he first starting to feel nauseous he thought it was due to bad indigestion.  He ignored it for a few days until it got pretty bad enough that his lovers forced him to go get checked out. 
He was moody, he was hungry all the time and he was feeling drain. They thought that meant he was coming down with something, the nurses looking through all the tests beacuse they just couldn’t identify the problem. 
Then  walked into the room with a pink slip of paper, the one she dumped in his urine test, and gave them all a wide smile  “You’re pregnant”
That had lead to many yelling, many questions and him demanding someone bring him something hot to eat, beacuse he wanted to eat at that moment. The big question of how (since Ace was born a male and had never had the chance to develop reproduction organs that needed for bearing children),  was answered after someone stumbled upon a book about phoenixes.
Marco got him pregnant beacuse his zoan form was able to have children with either males or females. It was just a matter of when both of the parties were near their peaks of fertilizing. 
Ace is still rather mirth that out all of the three, it was only him that was at his peak when they tried forgoing condoms for the first time. Not that he regrets it, beacuse he loves Sabo and Marco so very much and the idea that they would be parents soon, left him vibrating with a warm glow.
If only Sabo and Marco would just relax. He’s pregnant which meant he would have to take it easy for a while not suddenly made of glass. But no, they were insisting on covering him in soft blankets and carrying him everywhere.
“Your dad is an idiot,” He tells his child, thinking about how Sabo took five whole minutes asking if he was too warm or not, before hunting for every umbrella on the ship.  “I hope you’ll be smarter than them”
He winces when a quick pain hit him in the left side of the bump. “Alright, Alright. You’ll be much smarter, no need to throw kicks.” 
“Is he kicking? Can I feel?” Ace looks up to see about seven of his siblings looking at his round tummy with eager expressions. He almost want’s to roll his eyes, beacuse everyone is always trying to feel.  
Yet he can’t help but smile. Taking Jerry’s hand- he happened to be standing the closest- he places it over where his kid is resting. The man holds himself perfectly still until a soft poke is felt under his hand. Ace shifts a wince as Jerry shouts  “I felt him!”
“You felt them.”  Ace corrects,  “We don’t know the gender yet, or if they would even identify by it”
Jerry is nodding but it obvious he doesn’t really care about Ace’s social justice. The other’s crowed around all asking if they can feel too, and the raven allows palms to settle on him with a resigned sigh. 
Why is that everyone is acting like an idiot? It’s almost like Ace is the only one normal. Even Pops had asked once or twice to feel.  I’m the only one with a brain nowadays.
His child kicks again, once,  twice and then settles. At least his kid agrees with him.  
“Have you thought of a name yet?” Whiskey asks as she runs her hand over his stomach.  “It’s only one more month before this little one is with us, after all.” 
Ace brightens up  “Sabo picked one out the other day. We were thinking about something that we all love. ”
“It better not be Fire”
“....then no we haven’t picked a name yet.”
“Sea help this poor child.” 
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