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hi Rosie:-) was wondering if you had thoughts on how tk became the most dominant ship in the bts fandom?
recently showed a non-army friend some classic run bts episodes, a few clips of jks funny/chaotic lives and also all the gcfs on YouTube. They was surprised when I said that jm/jk get a loooot of hate across the entire fandom - as an outsider looking in, they really didn’t understand it and said even briefly from seeing a few interactions that clearly these 2 had a close connection.
said they had a travel show coming out and they said people must be excited because it sounds fun but I had to explain some are even trying to boycott it 😂😭
As a babyarmy too, just don’t understand how jikook became some disliked/hated when every other one is accepted and tkk is considered the norm.
Have a great day!
Honestly, this is a question I've asked myself more than once. I know that Jungkook and Tae used to be close, always playing pranks and having fun together. In the beginning, people didn't really notice Jimin and Jungkook, apart from observing that they got along very well. But tkk was a very active duo in the early days of the group.
After that, I think it might be because they are attractive? Maybe, I'm not sure. That seems to be a predominant factor for the shippers of that ship.
As someone who entered this fandom without knowing anything about ships, I was surprised that this ship was so popular and that there were people who genuinely seemed to believe it was real. As I said, they were quite an active duo, but I think it's notable the time they started to gravitate towards other members. New dynamics began to grow stronger and different.
I think, for many members of the subgroup, it's a matter of "manly man + manly man." It's also an aesthetic issue, I think? I can't be sure.
The shippers of that ship are different. And different isn't always good. They stay afloat on baseless theories, edited photos, and lies—pure and simple lies.
I've always believed that Jikook is as disliked as you say because they make a lot of people uncomfortable. The other BTS ships are really just ships, in my opinion. Some may make you do a double-take, but generally, you can feel confident that you're seeing what you want to see or interpreting what you see the way you want to. I'm not sure if that makes sense. With Jikook, that's not the case. They have done and said things that break the illusion of "I'm seeing what I want to see" and enter into a reality—something real or with a real possibility of being so.
Many in this fandom have a certain fetish for same-sex relationships. It's almost like a taboo, something "forbidden," as such, it's fun because they know or believe it isn't real. It's a "game," and Jikook doesn't fit into that. That's why this fandom, in general, is always quick to justify, explain, and, as a last resort, OT7-ify everything Jikook says or does. That's why many people are quick to scold others for being "weird" just because they say Jikook is real. Jikook makes them uncomfortable; other ships do not.
Something that haters or Jikookphobics still don't understand is that no matter what they do, Jimin and Jungkook are not going to stop being who they are. More importantly, they are not going to stop interacting the way they always have. It didn't work in 2019, it didn't work in December 2023, and it’s not going to work now.
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Scandic Victoria Tower kåret til årets hotellbygg
Scandic Victoria Tower kåret til årets hotellbygg

Dato: 05-10-2012 10:55 CEST Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: Scandic Victoria Tower kåret til årets hotellbygg Kategori: , Hotell Nye hoteller Scandic Scandic Victoria Tower i Stockholm er, i konkurranse med en rekke prestisjehotell verden rundt, tildelt prisen som årets beste hotellbygg ved World Architecture Festival.

Scandic Victoria Tower i Stockholm er, i konkurranse med en rekke prestisjehotell verden rundt, tildelt prisen som årets beste hotellbygg ved World Architecture Festival.
World Architecture Festival er verdens største arkitektfestival, og har som mål å løfte frem og hylle god arkitektur over hele verden. Årets festival går av stabelen i Singapore fra 3. til 5. oktober.
Hotelldirektør Helena Söderberg ved Scandic Victoria Tower er stolt og glad over utmerkelsen.
– Dette er et fantastisk hotell i et veldig spennende område som samler forskere, bedrifter og studenter. Scandic Victoria Tower er et landemerke, og har virkelig satt sitt preg på Kista-området i Stockholm, sier Söderberg.
Spektakulært hotell Scandic Victoria Tower gikk av med seieren i kategorien hotell/fritid. Hotellet ligger ved Kista-messen i Kista Science City, og er med sine 34 etasjer et spektakulært hotell, både utvendig og innvendig. Det er arkitekten Gert Wingårdh som har tegnet den flotte bygningen kledd i glass og stål. Hotellet åpnet i september 2011. Lobbyen, loungen og restauranten flyter samme og skaper en sosial arena for arbeid, møter, mat, drikke og avkobling. De 299 rommene er innredet med designmøbler fra Vitra, Montana og Flos. Baren i 34.etasje kan friste med en storslagen utsikt over Stockholm.
For mer informasjon kontakt:
Helena Söderberg, Hotelldirektør ved Scandic Victoria Tower
Tel: 070-973 58 40
e-post: helena.soderberg@scandichotels.com
Karin Hellgren, PR-manager Scandic
Tel: 0721-709 259 e-post: karin.hellgren@scandichotels.com
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