vorish-egos · 2 years
I’m so scared to ask for a fic but here goes: I would like a fic between the new look of Damien, him being a forceful pred, and a reader. If not that’s find >///
“New look of Damien”
Yeesh, this ask is what?? Three years old? four?  SO. here’s hoping you still want this.
- Mun M
*cracks knuckles*
lets do this
Ignore me changing tenses every freaking paragraph
Lack of spell checking|| mentions of digestion (doesn’t actually happen)|| Fearplay|| G/t|| vore (obviously)|| 
~ 1,100 words
You weren’t sure who you were in the grand scheme of things. All you knew was your little hut, Celine, and Damien. It was frustrating watching them bicker, unable to do anything but offer your company. Memories blurred together. Days became fuzzy as you watched the two do the same song and dance over and over. Sometimes the two would vary their quips and banters and you would laugh from whichever perch you found yourself on. 
It wasn’t so bad, really, you had food, shelter, friends, but none of that really made up for the lack of clarity. 
It was a night just like any other. Damien came in, closed the door a little too loudly, reacted poorly to Celine’s comment about slamming it. It was like clockwork those two, or it would be if you had any concept of the time. From your hiding spot on the mantle you listened to them bicker… banter? Whatever it was it was getting old. 
“Get some sleep, you look tired” 
Just like every night, your cue came when Celine told her brother to go to bed and shut the door behind her. Making your way to the edge of the mantle, you sat down to watch Damien warm his hands by the weak fire. 
A moment of silence fell on you both. The quiet crackle of the fire overpowered the sounds of his breathing. His warm mouth sent puffs of steam into the air. For a moment it seemed as though tonight was going to be speechless. 
“Am I crazy?” The man finally asked, his long hair falling away from his scruffy face as he looked up to you. Celine was right, he looked absolutely exhausted. 
You’re too distracted by the question to really notice your surroundings, nor how he’s looking at you. 
“... I think we’re all going crazy here” You finally settle on replying to him. “Who wouldn’t?”
Damien huffed in reply, slumping his shoulders somehow more than he already was. 
“Listen friend, it was a bit of shock for me too. Life needed a bit of madness but…”
The voices that sounded by that pink flower played through his mind over and over. Most of it was chaos... but that... and what came next. 
“Have you ever stopped to think about why we’re here” He blatantly addressed the elephant in the room. 
You move your mouth to answer, but this time cant come up with a reply. 
“I can’t remember...” he continues. “and why are you tiny anyway?”
Again, no answer, dread weighed heavy in your chest. 
“just for tonight… why don’t we have a little fun” 
The rest of that familiar voice meant nothing. But this... this was the first thing that made sense. 
“I mean-!” He laughed, a soulless, almost desperate noise,  standing up inhumanly fast and starling you. “This is ridiculous! it’s been winter for as long as I can remember!” You stepped back nervously, he had a glint in his eye that was far from kind. “I know i’ve chopped wood, and slept, and chopped wood and slept, and- I don’t know the last time i’ve eaten!” He looks manic. 
“Damien...” you start, but he doesn’t answer, seemingly computing his own outburst. 
“I’m a grown man, I need to eat!” He suddenly barked, making a grab for your tiny frame. 
You yelp, desperate and terrified, attempting to leap out of the way. He caught your ankle, dragging you back over to him, dangling upside down. 
The floor bellow was a death drop and both of you knew it. 
“Damien!” You cried, but no reply came. Suddenly, for the first time in a very long time. You were warm. Very warm, and some place dark. A split second you had been out dangling above death itself, and then you were manhandled... and then. 
“DAMIEN PLEASE!” you shouted, feeling the sharp teeth on either side of you. Oh god you were in his mouth. His very warm, Very deadly mouth! 
The man either didn’t hear you or didn’t care. You were ready to be shredded to pieces by his pearly whites but instead your stomach leapt into your throat as you realized with one sound that your fate would be much worse. 
The man had swallowed, the sound echoing around you as your feet were dragged into his tight hot throat. You were screaming, not even aware of what at this point, just desperate to escape. You were going to be digested alive! burnt to a crisp by hydrochloric acid in a deadly pocket deep inside who you once called a friend. 
He swallowed again, dragging your hips down into the fleshy tube. You claw at anything you can, making a grab for his uvula but nothing seems to make a difference. this is it. 
“Please...” you beg, one last cry for mercy, but he gulps forcefully, dragging the rest of you down. 
Damien had a hand up to his throat, tracing the bulge you made going down. As you slid past his collarbone, he sat down, as if your tiny weight had forced him to. A hand went to his belly with a surprising amount of tenderness for a soon to be murderer cannibal. 
Inside him, you couldn't breathe, but somehow you still had it in you to scream your throat raw. Finally, after what seemed like ages, you’re given more room, you gasp in what your mind computes as stale air and you fight. 
Screaming, punching, kicking, biting, everything you can do to upset his stomach, you do... until... slowly... you realize how damp you feel.
You don’t feel white hot searing pain, or impossible pressure, you don’t feel yourself being torn apart and broken down, you just feel... damp. 
And that air, it wasn’t stale, it was fresh, warm and welcoming compared to the sharpness of the cold of the outside... the outside now not only being out of the cabin but out of- 
“Damien...” You croak out softly, barley able to speak. 
Suddenly the walls close in, you flail, only to realized focused pressure is coming from an outside source: Rubs. 
“I’m so sorry,” Damien murmurs. He was still sat by the fire, this time both hands on his belly instead of by the crackling light. “You’ll be alright, you’re safe, but you figured that out already, didn’t you?”
You nodded weakly. somehow he still felt you. 
“I- I don’t know what I saw today in the woods...” He continues “But... the cravings got too strong... it was so painful without you.” The man looks over his shoulder, theres the sound of footsteps in the snow, “I don’t know what this means... but I think we’re one step closer”
Tempted to pull a mark and try and explain the deeper lore meanings as to WHY damien had these cravings but here you are. enjoy... 3 years later.
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vorish-egos · 3 years
Hey uh, Damien, I’m feeling iffy right now. Would you be willing to let a stranger into your tum?
“Of course! I’m never one to turn down a stranger in need, and something to dull these hunger pangs would be appreciated. A mutual benefit” 
Damien picks you up with ease, gently licking your cheek before sliding you into his maw. His swallows are quick, trying to get you to a comfortable place as soon as possible. His belly gives a satisfied groan once you’re settled in. 
“ah~ I do hope it’s comfortable in there” He rubs circles into your form. 
“And let me know if you need anything, i’ll be here~”
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