youkaigakkou-tl · 1 month
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New key visual!! 🎉🎉
Premiering on OCTOBER 8TH!! 🎉🎉
For 2 consecutive cours!! (24 eps)
Full voice cast has also been revealed:
Abe Haruaki: Ryouta Oosaka
Sano Mikoto: Ryouta Suzuki
Maizuka Mamekichi: Reo Tanie
Hijita Koutarou: Taito Ban
Zashiki Beniko: Akari Kitou
Nyuudou Rensuke: Akira Takano
Utagawa Kuniko: Hana Ayasaka
Akisame Tamao: Yuki Sakakihara
Yanagida: Tomokazu Sugita
Mujina Yakumo: Takao Mitsutomi
Fuji Touya: Saku Hyuga
Renjou Yuri: Nanako Mori
Miki Rintarou: Shun Horie
Hatanaka Izuna: Ryouta Iwasaki
Principal: Jun Fukuyama
Takahashi Akira: Shouta Aoi
Yamazaki Makoto: Tomoaki Maeno
Marshmallow: Chitose Morinaga
Little man: Tetsuya Yanagihara
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sweetteaanddragons · 10 months
Huge fan of your writing here. I was wondering if you had any ideas for a sequel to your ‘A Question of Precedence’ AU. No need to answer if you dont feel like just my imagination running wild lol but i was curious about how Feanor meeting Fingolfin, Finarfin, Lalwen and their wives and kids would go down. I imagine it would be strange to meet you brother who died as an infant (something which caused your father a lot of trauma and grief) as an adult with a wife and kid. What was their opinion on Feanor before Finwe was slain and Feanor reborn. Did they ever feel like their father loved them less?Would Feanor + siblings get along better in this AU or just about the same ? What was it like for Finwe to die and meet his son and ex wife only for them to leave to live with Vaire ? What was it like for Findis to raise her famously chaotic brother? Are they close? What’s it like for Indis to lose her husband and have his dead child brought back in his stead and then have said child raised to be king a title which previously belonged to her children. What would the relationship be between the sons of Feanor and their cousins ? how is Feanor viewed by those that stayed in Valinor and those that left especially after he chose to aid his kin in Beleriand.
This got a bit longer than intended so again no need at all to answer i just love your writing ❤️💕
Thank you so much! It took me a minute to remember that AU - it's been a while!
(For those who also don't remember, this was my AU in which Feanor died as an infant when Miriel did. All of his half-siblings except Findis still end up going to fight in Beleriand; Findis stays and ends up raising him when Feanor is released from the Halls. Feanor, for his part, ends up leading the reinforcements to Middle Earth.)
I think meeting Feanor is definitely strange for the siblings that went to Middle Earth, especially because of the circumstances. They are used to thinking of him as a Tragedy™, not a full grown force of nature riding to the rescue.
I do think they'd get along better in this AU; a Feanor raised reasonably well by Findis is not going to be raised to resent his siblings, and the attachment to his father that he was so afraid of the others usurping is going to look very different here. He also isn't worried about competing with the others for the crown; Findis raises him to know that it's his as soon as he's old enough, and the others aren't there to fight for it.
His relationship to Indis is still complicated, I think; she knows Finwe chose to remain dead in order to give him a chance to return, and part of her does resent that, but on the other hand, she's ashamed of resenting a baby for anything, especially that. The issues between her and Findis regarding Indis's perceived abandonment might actually cause as many issues between Feanor and her as the remarriage does.
For a long time, Feanor's sons have no relationship with their cousins, for obvious reasons. This changes with Fingon's resurrection; they are very, very eager to get to know him, and he is very, very eager to encourage them to go fight in Beleriand . . . though he feels a bit guilty about that. Whatever their actual ages, he can't help thinking they're too young to be dragged into this.
Once they get to Beleriand, their surviving cousins have an interesting mix of "Reinforcements! I love you!" and . . . possibly some resentment? Because they've been fighting this war all this time, and here their younger cousins come sweeping in, all shining and golden from Valinor to win the day without the centuries of hopeless warfare. Once they get to know them, some of those relationships improve.
(Some get worse.)
In general, the Noldor in Beleriand see Feanor as a hero and a particularly shining symbol of hope - if even Finwe's long lost son has returned, surely all darkness can be overcome! The ones in Valinor see him as less of a symbol, but he is still their respected king (though there might have been some dissent about showing up as reinforcements.)
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austerulous · 1 year
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onsomeplanet · 5 months
people accusing Taylor Swift of ableism and also being ableist in the same breath I DO not trust you.
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
stop everything ‘aren’t we?’ has updated!!
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cosmicrhetoric · 1 year
need to come out to the rest of my family friends but it genuinely NEVER comes up and i havent figured out a way to casually drop it in conversation. im not sitting down a bunch of late twenties folk who have known me since i was born and telling them this as if they would give a shit but 90% of what we do together is get drunk so like. we're busy doing competitive extreme cup stacking and not talking about our relationships
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ghost-proofbaby · 9 months
Are you taking requests? I’m new
for spotify wrapped yes!
my thing with requests is it’s highly likely (especially as i’m working two jobs rn) that i won’t get to it in a timely manner. which is unfair in my eyes to y’all! if you’re patient or you just really, really, really want me specifically to write a request idea you have, you can send it to me absolutely, but there’s no guarantee i’ll get to it very quickly :-( (if i ever get to it)
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montydrawsstuff · 2 years
I totally understand if not, but I just found your blog and will begin reading your comic soon. But I've noticed you've got a thing for leather jacket. Any chance you could draw Tikal in one please? I love her and like Vanilla there isn't much content of her and it's such a shame. I hope you don't mind me reaching out and thanks for all your work!
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Why yes I can, anon
Thanks for the anon message, and enjoy this tikal! It was nice to have a reason to dust off my copic markers. And please don't hesitate to message me what you think of the comic if you check it out!
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mrsrookhunt · 11 months
Hi yall
I honestly just want to address the recent social media trends of shaming indigenous peoples for being Christian. I know this isn't my usual content so please feel free to scroll away, and know that if you don't this will cover some heavy topics.
This is also the first of another post because I'm going to be covering the topic of my beliefs on Christianity v.s. LGBTQ+ so please stay tuned! This one is more of a vent than anything honestly lol, the next one coming is well put together.
I am from every part of the world, genealogically speaking-- but I am mostly Native American, Hispanic, and White. These days I see less discussion about freedom and improvement of the lives and rights of indigenous peoples and more about how disrespectful it is to our ancestors it is to be Christian. It is not ok.
We are dividing ourselves over something that is up to the freedom of choice, so why is there an issue? America is a country promoting freedom of religious belief, and yet now it is shameful to reach for God as if we are still taught that it is the only route, as if we are still forced. I was taught the history of my tribe, and their beliefs. I wasn't given a strong foundation with God and yet I still found him.
We are fighting against oppression and yet we are also oppressing each other-- we are harming each other, by assuming that we are not capable to speak for ourselves, and that others can speak for us. The reasoning may be that we were wronged in the past, but we are able to fight now. And why should I not believe in Christ because someone says I shouldn't? Who are you to say that my beliefs are shameful, and that my voice shouldn't be heard?
I know what happened.
I am a child of rape, oppression, anger, and hatred-- but i am also a child of progress, and of love.
This is a new Era. Why are we letting the reclaiming of our culture also mean shunning those among us who choose a different path? How does that make us different from the colonizers that believed that our beliefs were wrong and shameful? Where is the separation?
This is not a pick and choose. If you want to give indigenous voices back, you cannot choose who to silence and who to shame.
We are a proud people and a proud culture. We are many proud peoples, and many proud cultures. Do not misunderstand what it means to be free and reclaim our culture. Taking back our lives and what it means to be Native doesn't make it acceptable to shame others who come from our background because we chose a different belief than you. We come from the same heritage, the same turbulent times in history.
I come from a dozen different histories, different paths of struggle, famine, war, and injustice. To shame the voice of one shames the history of another.
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dailyfatefigures · 2 years
will never not be hung up on the fact that the kumamate plush clothes fate/zero campaign was both a. the only fate kumamate campaign (it's always odd to see type-moon only work with a company Once) and b. only included waver (makes sense) and kariya (makes sense ig but c'mon his outfit isn't that recognizable) and not a single servant
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weabooweedwitch · 2 years
genuinely depressing how there was SEEMINGLY a movement of people calling out fast fashion and Shein and all of these industries where, it is quite literally common sense that if an item is extremely cheap that it's probably derived from some form of slave labor, and then Temu came out and everyone went back to deciding that cheap little novelties were more important
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tera-starstorm · 2 years
floretverse volo facts: part of why he went off the deep end was a result of what was basically incomprehensible cosmic horror visions/knowledge that was a side effect of his sort of contract with giratina. following the events that took place on mt. coronet everything comes collapsing down as he realizes he has only perpetuated the cycle of suffering he was trying to end.
volo's turmoil started as a child. the suffering and loneliness he felt then is what started him on the path he went down. giratina, the supposed unloved and unwanted child of the creation trio, was who he went to for help. he felt empathy for it. he wanted a better world where nobody would hurt like that — everybody, every child would be loved, never out of place.
on mt. coronet, he gets mad at yasuta, blaming him for getting in his way and calling him an outsider. it's only later that it really sinks in he's done. perhaps it's that his agreement with giratina has ended, but in a bit of a clearer headspace, he realizes he's gone mad.
he wasn't entirely wrong in what he said — yasuta is an outsider, but whose fault is that? certainly not yasuta's. he's been displaced in space and time because of volo. people were immediately suspicious of him and blamed him for what happened with the red sky because of the strange circumstances surrounding his arrival. of course people wouldn't trust him regardless of how earnest he was and what he did to prove himself.
ultimately, volo has become the cause of the exact thing he was trying to prevent, and to a child he genuinely did care about. i think he understood he was the reason yasuta was there in the first place, but as with everything else, presumed his end goal justified the means and that none of it would ultimately matter. none of the pain would be remembered. however, he never expected to fail. he was not ready for this outcome and lashed out as a result. initially he thinks, how dare this child get in his way, taking what is rightfully his? he only wants to make things better, and this child who could not possibly understand is standing in his way. but as some of the residual madness fades out and reality sinks in, volo recognizes the truth of the situation.
floretverse volo is immortal as a result of a curse, and i like to think he actually took this on willingly as a sort of repentance. he begged the lake trio to erase the cosmic knowledge and visions and subsequent emotions tied to it and give him a clean slate, but they would only do it in return for his mortality — he would be forced to forever reflect in his freshly cleared state of mind, walking the world he wished to erase forever. he agreed, figuring it was only right for everything he did.
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akumanoken · 20 days
what is your true thoughts on keres? do you want to marry him at some point or do you think everything is fine the way it is now?
Curious anons!
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"Ah... you mean.. m-marrying..."
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He wished he couldn't feel how hot his face had become. "I... gods, to marry Keres would be... I mean.... to call him mine in such a permanent way...." His eyes looked far away, and his cheeks redder by the second. It was clear just how he felt about it. "I would... if one day it came to it, I would certainly not say no...."
"I also know that right now is hardly the time to think of such things. After Warrick... I couldn't come to him with such a thing when he's still working on getting better... on getting himself back on his feet. Taking care of Keres and making sure the man I love can function as he did before takes precedence over any... romantic daydreams I may have..."
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basileater · 2 months
my friend has not gotten around to reading my fiction because he's busy reading and annotating a biography on barry goldwater and plans to read about harry truman next. incompatible autisms strike again
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chemicalarospec · 3 months
you ever see something like. you made that up and you cannot expect to overwrite the previous way more common definition of that word.
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branmer · 3 months
i have actually kind of ruined my holiday by not finishing that zine sub in time and im really annoyed with myself
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