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dopeanchorcherryblossom · 2 years ago
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Antonio Mercado Abad (Antonio M. Abad) (1894-1970) was a poet, fictionist, playwright and essayist from Cebu, Philippines, who wrote in Spanish when such was the language of the Filipino society. He was educated at the University of San Carlos (formerly the Seminario-Colegio de San Carlos). He was a master of costumbrismo (local color), in a personal form of anecdote known as instantánea or ráfaga. He won the Premio Zobel in 1928 and 1929. He was a professor at Far Eastern University and the University of the Philippines, where he taught Spanish and co-founded the Department of Spanish (now European Languages). His novel La oveja de Nathan is widely discussed in the following article in Spanish, by Professor Manuel Garcia Castellon, from University of New Orleans: http://members.aol.com/farolan1/revprima.html# He is the father of literary critic and poet Gémino Abad.
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bobbinacrosstheequator · 2 years ago
Breakfast in the hotel was wonderful with loads of options at the buffet. Highlight: ceviche - new breakfast food! After plenty of coffee refills to get us going, we ventured out along the promenade. Heat. Omg. A bit of a shock to the system, given the last cold days in the DC area! Well, we are about at the equator, after all. So, it shouldn’t be a surprise! We went through a charming arts area (most galleries closed), with lovely, colorful colonial buildings at the base of the Barrio las Peñas, the first residential neighborhood of Guayaquil, built into a hillside – again with colorful homes. We continued to dart from one shady area to the next, checking out some of the – not so interesting tourist stuff along the waterfront. After a break for yet another coffee (and a few minutes of A/C!), we decided to check out the “real” city and headed into the center of the city: Destination – Parque Seminario (de las Iguanas). We aren’t sure what was more fun – watching the flocks of iguanas going up and down trees, across the cobblestones in between visitors and slithering along the grass; or the couple of little boys who were howling in delight as they watched the creatures move toward and away from them. Indeed, we felt like kids, enjoying the show as well! Ah, totally unexpected in a pretty good size city, but a great way to start our wildlife-focused trip! Once we had enough of iguanas, we wandered back to the hotel through the city, as warned, with crazy Friday traffic. A bit of relaxation at the hotel felt good before heading out again….
Second wind, we headed out for – potentially – a trip across the river on the cable car. Alas. Turns out there was maintenance on the system, so the back-up plan was the “London Eye” a la Guayaquil. It actually was quite fun. We had a car to ourselves. The windows were not clear enough to get good photos, but the views were great. From there, we endeavored to find nice handicrafts but it was not a reasonable goal in Guayaquil. Loads of kitschy stuff – including a couple of intriguing local markets in indoor/outdoor alleys – but nothing to write home about. Need off-market phone stuff? This is your place…. We enjoyed the taste of the local culture, but were equally ready for a nice dinner and pre-dinner drink. Sangria out of a spigot was just the ticket, along with shrimp and salmon meals alfresco!
Now, a few hours to chill, re-pack, and get psyched for tomorrow!
Friday, March 17, 2023
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haroldharrisoncollege-rpg · 4 months ago
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En Harold Harrison Community College nos jactamos de ser un lugar completamente diverso. Como pudiste leer más arriba (y si no lo leíste, pues que bruto) ofrecemos una variedad de títulos y certificados de tres años en distintos campos profesionales. ¡Consulta nuestras numerosas áreas de interés para comenzar!
Psst, también aceptamos transferidos (para esos que los sacaron de su Ivy League por vender hierba), ofrecemos capacitación ocupacional como asistente de profesorado (así no tenemos que contratar profesores para suplencias), y seminarios dinámicos solo por diversión (como aprender a Lazar un Iguano).
Se supone que debes cursar una carrera (AA, AS) para poder cursar una maestría (AAS)... pero, ajá, puede que nadie lea bien tu expediente académico en la oficina de admisiones.
PD: Toma en cuenta que esta no es una universidad que ofrece cursar licenciaturas muy serias (bachelors, como dicen en usa), y probablemente no sea el mejor lugar para formarte si buscas un trabajo de élite. Aunque si estás aquí es porque seguramente no tienes otra opción.
Títulos y Certificados.
Asociado en Artes (AA): Se enfoca en estudios de artes liberales y humanidades, brinda una base amplia en materias de estas áreas.
Asociado en Ciencias (AS): Se enfoca en estudios académicos más específicos, generalmente en ciencias o matemáticas. Proporciona una base sólida en ciencias básicas, matemáticas y materias específicas de ciencias exactas.
Asociado en Ciencias Aplicadas (AAS): Se enfoca en habilidades vocacionales y técnicas. Brinda capacitación y educación para trabajos específicos en campos como la tecnología, la salud y los negocios.
Carreras – títulos AA y AS
Negocios y Ciencias Sociales
Antropología (AA)
Negocios (AA)
Artes Culinarias (AS)
Educación (AA)
Educación de Inglés (AA)
Historia (AA)
Administración en Turismo y Hospitalidad (AA)
Negocios Pequeños y Emprendimiento (AA)
Estudios Familiares y Desarollo Humano (AA)
Ciencias Políticas (AA)
Psicología (AS)
Trabajo Social (AA)
Artes Liberales
Bellas Artes: Historia del Arte (AA)
Estudios de Comunicacion (AA)
Bellas Artes: Danza (AA)
Inglés (AA)
Bellas Artes (AA)
Diseño Gráfico (AA)
Artes Gráficas y Tecnología de Medios (AA)
Gráficos en Movimiento y Animación (AA)
Bellas Artes: Música (AA)
Español (AA)
Bellas Artes: Teatro (AA)
Ciencias de la vida, salud afines y seguridad pública
Ciencias Agrícolas, (AS)
Salud Pública (AS)
Biología (AS)
Biología Marina (AS)
Justicia Criminal (AA)
Supresión de incendios (AS)
Salud Pública: Kinesiología (AS)
Nutrición y Dietética (AS)
Salud Pública: Pre-Enfemería (AS)
Ciencias Informáticas, Matemáticas y Físicas
Química (AS)
Tecnologías de la Información Computacional (AS)
Ciencias de la Computación (AS)
Ciencia de Datos (AS)
Ingeniería (AS)
Ciencia Medioambiental (AS)
Matemáticas (AS)
Maestrías – títulos AAS
Criadero de tlacuaches
Adiestramiento de mapaches
Manejo de material termonuclear
Administración de Negocios 
Administración de Negocios Farmacéuticos (narcotrafico)
Medicina Tercermundista 
Medicina Holística 
Emprendedor de Artes Culinarias 
Educación Preescolar 
Educación Primaria
Educación Secundaria
Educación de Inglés Secundaria
Educación de Historia Secundaria
Gestión Logística
Emprendimiento de Terapia de Masaje
Gestión de Oficina 
Leyes/Asistente Legal 
Psicología Clínica
Comunicación grafica
Animación 3D
Efectos visuales
Asistente Dental
Tecnología Contra Incendios
Cumplimiento de la Ley
Medicina de Emergencia Prehospitalaria
Tecnología Radiológica  Prehospitalaria
Pre-Enfermería Veterinaria
Física y Bioquímica Aplicada
Programación Computacional
Desarrollo Web
Tecnología de Aires Acondicionados
Programa de Aprendizaje para Ciencias Aplicadas
Arquitectura y Construcción
Tecnologías de Manufacturación
Tecnologías de Transporte
Técnico Automotriz Certificado
Gestión de Construcción
Técnico de Diesel 
Arquitectura Paisajista
Manejo de Maquinaria
Certificación para Soldadura 
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delectablywaywardbeard-blog · 10 months ago
Mistero su cani e cavalli nelle sepolture di età pre-romana
Misteriosi rituali funebri o semplice affetto per i propri animali da compagnia: potrebbero essere diverse le ragioni della presenza di resti di cani, cavalli e altri animali in 16 sepolture di età pre-romana rinvenute a Verona nello scavo archeologico di Seminario Vescovile, risalente al III-I secolo a.C.. E’ quanto emerge dallo studio pubblicato sulla rivista Plos One dai ricercatori del…
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agrpress-blog · 1 year ago
Il futuro degli aeroporti all’insegna dell’innovazione tecnologica e digitale per semplificare i processi e migliorare la sicurezza, la qualità del servizio e la passenger experience. È stato questo l’argomento principale al centro del convegno: “Aeroporti e digitale”, organizzato da Aeroporti 2030 in Senato. Lo scenario del trasporto aereo è in piena evoluzione e occorre una riflessione attenta sul ruolo che le società aeroportuali dovranno assumere nel prossimo futuro. Il seminario è stato l’occasione per affrontare queste tematiche e rilanciare il dibattito sulla transizione digitale degli aeroporti, promuovendo un confronto tra il mondo imprenditoriale, quello accademico e il decisore politico e istituzionale. Gli scali sono chiamati ad investire sempre di più nello sviluppo di progetti e di tecnologie innovative per realizzare una rete di trasporto moderna ed efficiente ed una mobilità sempre più integrata. In questa logica, il riconoscimento biometrico dei passeggeri, il controllo centralizzato delle operazioni e dei flussi di merci e persone, la digitalizzazione delle torri di controllo, lo sviluppo della Urban air mobility e dell’intermodalità treno-aereo sono alcuni esempi della spinta innovativa ed evolutiva dovuta alla transizione digitale. Per il Ministro delle Imprese e del Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso: “Il Convegno ‘Aeroporti e digitale’ è l’occasione per avviare un dialogo costruttivo tra i numerosi attori del settore che coinvolge imprenditori, Università, istituzioni e Amministrazioni chiamati allo sforzo congiunto di disegnare insieme soluzioni in grado di rispondere all’attuale scenario in pieno cambiamento. Il Governo guarda con attenzione al comparto e anche per questo nel DL Asset ha elaborato una serie di misure coinvolgendo l’Autorità Garante della concorrenza e del mercato per garantire concorrenza e trasparenza così da tutelare i viaggiatori. Vogliamo creare le condizioni affinché gli scali italiani, che per loro natura vivono una competizione globale, siano ulteriormente valorizzati con il ricorso a soluzioni innovative così da traguardare il comparto verso standard sempre più efficienti in termini di sostenibilità e avanzamento tecnologico”. Secondo Galeazzo Bignami, Viceministro delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti: “Dobbiamo saper cogliere le opportunità derivanti dal Pnrr per rilanciare il settore, ridurre tempi di attesa e burocrazia, garantendo al contempo i massimi livelli di sicurezza. È importante, dunque, il dialogo fra i diversi operatori. Come Governo stiamo portando avanti il tavolo sul trasporto aereo per sviluppare politiche unitarie a sostegno delle reti aeroportuali e rafforzare le sinergie a tutela dell’interesse complessivo”. “In un mondo sempre più globalizzato la sicurezza, la qualità dei servizi e l’accessibilità ai collegamenti - ha dichiarato Alfonso Celotto, Presidente di Aeroporti 2030 - sono pre-requisiti che il comparto aereo è impegnato a garantire, oggi anche in un’ottica di transizione green e di innovazione tecnologica. La mobilità del futuro è digitale e interconnessa e lo sviluppo sostenibile dei mezzi di trasporto rappresenta una delle principali sfide dei prossimi anni. Ma in un futuro connesso, collegato e veloce, aeroporti, vertiporti e logistica integrata devono poter assumere un ruolo sempre più strategico e decisivo, sia per la mobilità delle persone che delle merci. Per favorire questo percorso, anche attraverso il lavoro che può svolgere Aeroporti 2030, è essenziale un forte coordinamento tra i soggetti pubblici e privati e la consapevolezza comune che investire sul settore significa favorire lo sviluppo economico e sociale del Paese”. Il Presidente Enac Pierluigi Di Palma ha commentato: “L’aeroporto non è più un non luogo, un posto solo di transito. Negli ultimi anni si è trasformato anche in opportunità economica per gli operatori del settore. Gli aeroporti devono essere pronti a raccogliere la sfida adeguandosi alla richiesta di servizi all’avanguardia.
Questo è il percorso che segue l’Enac per una transizione verso un comparto green e resiliente, con un processo trasversale che interessi le tecnologie degli aeromobili, l’aumento della produzione di carburanti alternativi sostenibili – di cui si parlerà a novembre nella Conferenza ICAO di Dubai - le procedure operative e l’efficienza delle infrastrutture aeroportuali. Sul fronte della Mobilità Aerea Avanzata, l’Enac sta investendo conoscenze e progettualità in una nuova visione di mobilità inclusiva e diffusa, che superi la singola tratta del volo commerciale, aprendosi all’impiego dei velivoli sostenibili di nuova generazione e creando quindi un “ecosistema intermodale”, accessibile, affidabile, efficiente e sicuro. E gli aeroporti sono i luoghi dove questa trasformazione diventerà realtà”. Per Davide Bordoni, Consigliere del Vicepresidente del Consiglio, Senatore Matteo Salvini: “Il processo di innovazione tecnologica e di transizione digitale degli aeroporti è in continuo avanzamento. In tale contesto, è anche necessario investire sempre più risorse nella cybersecurity, innalzando gli standard di sicurezza e di protezione da attacchi e minacce informatici, connessi alla digitalizzazione dei processi operativi e all’ammodernamento tecnologico delle infrastrutture. In un mondo sempre più in rapida evoluzione, il sistema aeroportuale è chiamato a trasformarsi e ad innovarsi, anche al fine di raggiungere gli obiettivi che l’Europa ha fissato in termini di decarbonizzazione e sostenibilità, oltre che per continuare ad essere sempre più attrattivo per la movimentazione di merci e persone, rispetto ai competitor europei e del vicino Oriente. La digitalizzazione delle infrastrutture e dei processi riveste, dunque, un’importanza essenziale, non solo per continuare ad offrire un servizio di qualità, efficiente e sicuro, ma anche per competere, o meglio per integrarsi sempre di più, con le altre forme di trasporto”. Come rilevato da Alessandra Bruni, Presidente Enav: “Enav gestisce lo spazio e il traffico aereo civile in Italia, e da tempo è considerata tra i "big five" europei per performance operative ed innovazione tecnologica. L’evoluzione del trasporto aereo crea benessere diretto e indiretto. Ovviamente per far crescere un ecosistema ad alta complessità occorre obbligatoriamente puntare sulla digitalizzazione. Enav ritiene di particolare rilevanza il processo di innovazione ed evoluzione delle infrastrutture tecnologiche e crede fermamente che c’è innovazione quando si riesce a migliorare la vita di ciascuno grazie alla possibilità di anticipare i bisogni delle persone, offrendo nuovi servizi e soluzioni alternative più efficienti”. Per Marco Troncone, Amministratore Delegato Aeroporti di Roma: “Gli aeroporti possono essere straordinari laboratori di innovazione. Il settore è sano, in crescita e in continuo sviluppo. Si tratta di un contesto in costante rinnovamento. Dalla gestione operativa alla realizzazione di nuove infrastrutture e servizi commerciali, sono tante le opportunità per creare innovazione. Attraverso ingenti investimenti nello sviluppo digitale e tecnologico puntiamo a offrire standard sempre più elevati ai nostri passeggeri”. L’Ingegnere Alberto Torresan, Chief Executive Officer di NAITEC Srl e Chief Information Officer del Delegato Gruppo SAVE ha osservato che: “È prioritario offrire valore aggiunto ai nostri stakeholders offrendo servizi sempre più innovativi. La sfida è la costruzione di ecosistemi digitali in grado di mettere a fattore comune dati e informazioni per favorire l’efficienza del sistema. In tal senso abbiamo adottato un piano strategico che punta a investire su tecnologie di frontiera come i sistemi biometrici e l'intelligenza artificiale”. Al convegno è intervenuto il Vice Presidente del Senato della Repubblica Maurizio Gasparri.
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bongianimuseum · 1 year ago
Mostra Collettiva Internazionale / LiberaMente “Is Contemporary Art a Prison?
Mostra Collettiva Internazionale di arte contemporanea a cura di Sandro Bongiani  con la partecipazione di 75 artisti e 128 opere archiviate nel Bongiani Art Museum di Salerno per un’indagine sociologica sulla situazione attuale dell’arte contemporanea.
La Galleria Sandro Bongiani Arte Contemporanea  è lieta di inaugurare presso lo spazio Sandro Bongiani Vrspace la mostra collettiva internazionale dal titolo: LiberaMente “Is Contemporary Art a Prison? Per questo nuovo progetto a cura di Sandro  Bongiani.  abbiamo ripreso il lavoro svolto in un seminario organizzato a Palermo da Luigi Russo nel lontano 1982, di una  sorta d'inchiesta “sociologica�� volutamente provocatoria. Da quel seminario erano emersi i contributi di Mario Perniola, Ermanno Migliorini, Enrico Crispolti e il filosofo  Jean Baudrillard in cui, tutti concordi,  hanno ritenuto che l’arte  può essere anche una prigione. Il filosofo Mario Perniola, per l’occasione, scriveva "l'arte è un carcere, perché gli artisti sono dei carcerieri; essi tengono imprigionata la creatività che si potrebbe manifestare nella società con ricchezza di forme e di espressioni", precisando, “il carcere per le false avanguardie è la società, il suo astratto ordine pianificato”.
Perché questo nuovo progetto dopo quello attivato nel 1976 dall’artista argentino  Horacio Zabala, perché riteniamo che la situazione dopo oltre 50 anni trascorsi è profondamente cambiata. Oggi, l’arte proposta dal sistema culturale  ufficiale e globale viene pianificata appositamente in funzione di un mero ritorno economico sia del gallerista  che  dell’artista  e anche dal curatore di turno che preferisce essere utile al sistema accettando il ruolo di  subalterna condizione. Di fatto - scrive Sandro Bongiani -  “l'arte "ufficiale di oggi si adatta espressamente alle tattiche e alle mode pre-confezionate di tipo commerciale producendo oggetti  spesso di poco conto che ovviamente la critica asservita cerca in tutti i modi di avvalorare dando motivazioni di vario genere a giustificare la qualità necessaria che nelle opere, spesso, non esiste”. Il resoconto puntuale di tale indagine viene contestualmente evidenziato nella presentazione in cui si fa una precisa analisi di ciò ch’è cambiato in questi ultimi decenni nel panorama globale e spesso monotono del sistema dell’arte contemporanea ufficiale.
Preview /AMACI – Sabato 7 ottobre 2023  ore 18:00 -  L’evento partecipa alla diciannovesima giornata del contemporaneo promossa da AMACI - Associazione dei Musei d'Arte Contemporanea Italiani.
75 importanti artisti contemporanei presenti a questa rassegna internazionale:
Rahsan Akarsu, Kayscri - Turchia I Alessandra Angelini, Trivolzio - Italia I Franco Ballabeni, Colico - Italia I Beatrice Basile, Cassano Allo Ionio - Italia I John M. Bennett, Columbus - USA I Guy Bleus, Tongeren - Belgio I Giovanni Bonanno, Salerno - Italia I Marzia Braglia, Rivara (San Felice sul Panaro) - Italia I Mirta Caccaro, Dueville - Italia I Alfonso Caccavale, Afragola - Italia I Guido Capuano, Inspica - Italia I Lamberto Caravita, Massa Lombarda - Italia I Christiane Carrè, Cosne-sur-Loire - Francia I Bruno Cassaglia, Quiliano - Italia I Maria Castillo - Argentina I Claudia Catanzaro - Argentina I Francesca Cenciarini, Senigallia - Italia I Alexander Charistos, Vienna  - Austria I Ryosuke Cohen, Ashiya City - Giappone I Maria Credidio, San Demetrio C. - Italia I Nicolò D'Alessandro, Palermo - Italia I Antonio De Marchi Gherini, Gera Lario - Italia I Michel Della Vedova, Limoges - Francia  I Fabio Di Ojuara, Cearà-Mirim - Brasile I Marcello Diotallevi, Fano - Italia I Domenico Ferrara Foria, Foria - Italia I Maria Gagliardi, Capua - Italia I Rosalie Gancie, Hyattsville - USA I Ombretta Gazzola, Corigliano - Rossano - Italia I Coco Gordon, Lions - Colorado USA I Rosa Gravino, Canada de Gomez - Argentina I Dr. Klaus Groh, Oldenburg - Germania I Paolo Gubinelli, Firenze - Italia I Guroga - Venezuela I Uwe Hofig, Erfurt - Germania I Benedetta Iandolo, Bologna - Italia I Miguel  Jimenez, Sevilla - Spagna I Dragan Jukic, Bad Aibling - Germania I Alfonso Lentini, Belluno - Italia I Silvana Leonardi, Roma - Italia I Alexander Limarev, Novosibirsk - Russia I  Oronzo Liuzzi, Corato - Italia I  Virginie Loreau, Herry - Francia I Serse Luigetti, Perugia - Italia I Ruggero Maggi, Milano - Italia I Noemi Marotta, Napoli, Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli - Italia I Christophe Massè - Francia I Michelangelo Mayo, San Josè - California USA I Gabi Minedi, Milano - Italia I Mauro Molinari, Velletri - Italia I Emilio Morandi, Ponte Nossa - Italia I Maya Lopez Muro San Giovanni Valdarno - Italia I Keiichi Nakamura, Tokio - Giappone I Irina Novikova - Republic of Belarus I Franco Panella, Monreale - Italia I Anna Pezone  Parete, Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli - Italia  I Laura Pintus, Cagliari - Italia I Pier Francesco Pusceddu, Mogoro, (Accademia di Belle Arti ''Mario Sironi' di Sassari) - Italia I Rosella Quintini, Civitanova Marche - Italia I Jack Seiei, Tokio - Giappone I Maria Josè Silva - Mizè, Oliveira de Azeméis - Portogallo I Lucia Spagnuolo, Civitanova Marche - Italia I Renata &  Giovanni Strada, Ravenna - Italia I Ernesto Terlizzi, Angri - Italia I Giuseppina Testa, Trani, Accademia di Belle Arti di Foggia - Italia I The Wasted Angel, Assebroek - Belgio I Horst Tress, Koln - Germania I Ilia Tufano, Napoli - Italia I Ismail Utku, Rayseri - Turchia I Giorgio Vazza, Alpago - Italia I Stella Maria Velasco - Argentina I La Toan  Vinh, Montreal - Canada I Daniele Virgilio, La Spezia - Italia I Chuck Welch (CrackerJack Kid), Peterborough - Usa I Bernhard Zilling, Berlino - Germania.
Sandro Bongiani Arte Contemporanea
Collettiva Internazionale di Arte Contemporanea
a cura di Sandro Bongiani
presso la Galleria Sandro Bongiani Vrspace 
da Lunedi  2 ottobre a  Sabato 16 dicembre 2023
Opening Lunedi  2 ottobre 2023  ore 18:00          
ORARI:  tutti i giorni dalle 00.00 alle 24.00
E-MAIL INFO: [email protected]
Credits: Sandro Bongiani Arte Contemporanea
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artesmarcialessblog · 1 year ago
El 25 de febrero del 2021 murió el motivador, autor y experto en temas metabólicos, Frank Suárez. A sus 71 años, el experto falleció de forma inesperada, y contaba con un canal en YouTube llamado ‘Metabolismo TV’ en el cuál, daba recomendaciones y temas bastante importantes sobre la salud.
Era un experto en temas de salud, por lo que además de dar recomendaciones a sus seguidores por medio de sus redes sociales, también hacía seminarios en su natal Puerto Rico y Estados Unidos, también escribió el libro: ‘El Poder del Metabolismo’.
A dos años de la muerte del experto en temas de salud, el misterio alrededor de su muerte continúa dando mucho de qué hablar debido a que en su canal de YouTube ‘Metabolismo TV’, en donde publicaba videos aconsejando, continúa estando activo.
En el canal de Frank hasta la fecha, se siguen publicando videos, lo cuál ha hecho que la gente se pregunta qué es lo que pasa realmente.
El puertorriqueño fue bastante seguido por mucha gente, hasta el momento y a dos años de su partida, su canal de YouTube continúa activo y mucha gente continúa viendo sus videos informativos, pues también ofrecía orientación a sus seguidores.
"Mi propósito es llevar un mensaje que sirva para mejorar o recuperar la energía, el metabolismo y la salud en general.
El conocimiento es poder." - Frank Suárez
#franksuarez #naturalslim #ElPesoQueSeFueParaSiempre #metabolismotv #metabolismo
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researchseminarblog · 2 years ago
Yerson David Sanabria Salinas
Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación Lenguas Modernas con Énfasis en Inglés Seminario de Investigación I Professor José Alberto Fajardo May 30, 2023
This project arises from the necessity to understand the significance of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their impact on developed and developing countries. On one hand, according to the United Nations, Goal number four (SDG-4), “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” emphasizes the significance of guaranteeing that education should be accessible to everyone, without discrimination or exclusion. On the other hand, goal number thirteen (SDG-13), “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts” highlights the relevance of enhanced education, awareness, and implementation of mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction, and early warning strategies.
Nevertheless, it is essential to establish connections between goals that can benefit multiple stakeholders. Hence, this project aims to establish a link between (SDG-4) and (SDG-13), in which the bridge between these two goals lies down with environmental leaders' testimonies and experiences from Comisión de la Verdad, a transitory and non-judicial process within Sistema Integral de Verdad, Justicia, Reparación y No Repetición - SIVJRNR, designed to uncover the reality of events that occurred during the armed conflict era in Colombia.
Using a documentary produced by the Comisión de la Verdad, showcasing the stories of Colombian environmental leaders, holds the potential for promoting inclusive and equitable environmental education among pre-service teachers. This initiative aligns with the objectives outlined in targets 13.3 and 4.4.1 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which emphasize the importance of promoting sustainable practices and ensuring quality education that is accessible and equitable. By exploring this documentary, pre-service teachers can gain valuable insights into the challenges environmental leaders face nowadays in Colombia, enriching their understanding and cultivating a sense of empathy. Further, it can catalyze critical thinking, encouraging pre-service teachers to analyze the perpetuation of environmental inequalities and explore ways to address them.
By incorporating tools such as this documentary called Ocho Caminos, una Vía, a documentary series about environmental leaders in Caquetá, in the curriculum and educational practices, teacher education programs can contribute to the development of a new generation of leaders and educators who possess the knowledge, skills, and perspectives necessary to deliver inclusive and equitable environmental education, fostering sustainable development and social transformation.
According to the last report on the Progress toward Sustainable Development Goals, which offers a comprehensive global overview of the progress by using the most up-to-date data, is mentioned that even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the world was already off-track to achieve its education targets. If no additional measures are taken, only one in six countries will meet SDG4 and achieve universal access to quality education by 2030.
Besides, during the analysis of SDG13, they claimed that the world is on the brink of a climate catastrophe and current actions and plans to address the crisis are insufficient. Without transformative action starting now the lives of more than 3 billion people will be at risk.  Finally, in target 13.3, an analysis of 100 national curriculum frameworks reveals that nearly half (47%) do not mention climate change.
In this sense, is evident the relevance of taking action against this problematic situation by implementing strategies in educational practices because in 2021, in conformity with The General Assembly Economic and Social Council (2023), despite 95% of teachers recognizing the importance of teaching about climate change severity, only one-third are capable of effectively explaining its effects in their region. (p.p.19).
How does one documentary from Comisión de la Verdad about Colombian environmental leaders be used to contribute to pre-service teachers’ inclusive and equitable environmental education within targets 13.3 and 4.4.1 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at UPTC?
General Objective
To develop a comprehensive understanding of target 13.3 of the SDGs and its relevance to inclusive and equitable quality education by using the documentary “Ocho caminos, una vía" from Comisión de la Verdad about Colombian environmental leaders as a tool to raise awareness in higher education.
Specific Objectives
To evaluate the long-term effects of the awareness-raising pedagogical intervention, tracking changes in attitudes, behaviors, and policies related to inclusive and equitable quality education.
To establish partnerships and collaborations with local and international organizations working on sustainable development and education to amplify the reach and impact of the awareness-raising efforts.
Share the experiences and best practices from the project with other universities and educational institutions to inspire similar initiatives and promote the integration of target 13.3 and target 4.4.1 into their corresponding contexts.
To contribute to the critical discourse on the role of documentaries in advancing the SDGs, specifically focusing on target 13.3 and target 4.4.1, through publications, presentations, and participation in relevant conferences and events.
Why is the Cátedra de la Paz not taught in universities? To what extent education through Colombian armed conflict history can create a sense of activism in public universities?
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journeydb · 2 years ago
April 14 2022 Barcelona
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Frida Kahlo, the talented Mexican artist who suffered so much and turned that suffering into amazing and beautiful art, inspired this exhibition which I attended this morning at the Ideal Digital Arts Center in Poble Nou with Angie and Jessica, their daughters Iris and Laura, and our friend Constance’s daughter, Laura.  Because it’s Semana Santa (Easter vacation) the kids were off from school all week.
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Frida was amazing prolific and the team at Ideal did a great job mixing her art into multi-media presentations.  According to Wikipedia:
“Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderón  (July 6 1907 – 13 July 1954) was a Mexican painter known for her many portraits, self-portraits, and works inspired by the nature and artifacts of Mexico. Inspired by the country's popular culture, she employed a naïve folk art style to explore questions of identity, postcolonialism, gender, class, and race in Mexican society.  Her paintings often had strong autobiographical elements and mixed realism with fantasy. In addition to belonging to the post-revolutionary Mexicayotl movement, which sought to define a Mexican identity, Kahlo has been described as a surrealist or magical realist.She is also known for painting about her experience of chronic pain.”
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“Born to a German father and a mestiza mother, Kahlo spent most of her childhood and adult life at La Casa Azul, her family home in Coyoacán – now publicly accessible as the Frida Kahlo Museum. Although she was disabled by polio as a child, Kahlo had been a promising student headed for medical school until being injured in a bus accident at the age of 18, which caused her lifelong pain and medical problems. During her recovery, she returned to her childhood interest in art with the idea of becoming an artist.”
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We were invited to tap into our creativity by coloring some of Frida’s art ourselves.  The girls and mothers all got into the mood and we had a great time expressing ourselves.
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The Ideal space is large and the videos they create are awesome and display on the walls of the theater so we felt immersed in Frida’s world.  From Wikipedia again:
“Kahlo's interests in politics and art led her to join the Mexican Communist Party in 1927, through which she met fellow Mexican artist Diego Rivera. The couple married in 1929 and spent the late 1920s and early 1930s travelling in Mexico and the United States together. During this time, she developed her artistic style, drawing her main inspiration from Mexican folk culture, and painted mostly small self-portraits that mixed elements from pre-Columbian and Catholic beliefs.” 
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“Her paintings raised the interest of Surrealist artist André Breton, who arranged for Kahlo's first solo exhibition at the Julien Levy Gallery in New York in 1938; the exhibition was a success and was followed by another in Paris in 1939. While the French exhibition was less successful, the Louvre purchased a painting from Kahlo, The Frame, making her the first Mexican artist to be featured in their collection.  Throughout the 1940s, Kahlo participated in exhibitions in Mexico and the United States and worked as an art teacher. She taught at the Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado ("La Esmeralda") and was a founding member of the Seminario de Cultura Mexicana. Kahlo's always-fragile health began to decline in the same decade. She had her first solo exhibition in Mexico in 1953, shortly before her death in 1954 at the age of 47.”
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“Kahlo's work as an artist remained relatively unknown until the late 1970s, when her work was rediscovered by art historians and political activists. By the early 1990s, not only had she become a recognized figure in art history, but she was also regarded as an icon for Chicanos, the feminism movement, and the LGBTQ+ community. Kahlo's work has been celebrated internationally as emblematic of Mexican national and indigenous traditions and by feminists for what is seen as its uncompromising depiction of the female experience and form.”
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Frida also designed clothing and her designs were as colorful as her art.
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After the exhibition we went back to our place where Eva and her children, Laia and Oriol, were waiting for us to have lunch with them on our terrace.
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Then the kids got a chance to be creative again, this time painting Easter eggs.  They all seemed to have fun and their eggs were all very different.
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espacioph · 2 years ago
Bibliografía y webgrafía
AROZENA, Teresa (Ed.): "Dispositivos de la fotografía. Archivo y relato en la visualidad contemporánea”. Publicación del Seminario XVI Bienal Internacional de Fotografía Fotonoviembre 2021. ISBN: 978-84-124928-5-9.
BARTHES, Roland: La cámara lúcida. Nota sobre la fotografía, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 1982.
BENJAMIN, Walter: Sobre la fotografía, Pre-textos, 2005. ·
MELLADO, José María. Fotografía digital de alta calidad, Artual, Barcelona 2006.
SONTAG, Susan: Sobre la fotografía, Edhasa, Barcelona, 1981. ·
VARIOS AUTORES. Enciclopedia focal de la fotografía, Omega, Barcelona, 1975, 3a edición
VARIOS AUTORES. La imagen fotográfica. Akal, Madrid, 2007. Complementaria:
BRIGHT, Susan: Fotografía hoy, Nerea, 2005.
DUBOIS, Philippe: El acto fotográfico. De la representación a la recepción, Paidós, Barcelona, 1986.
EGUIZABAL, Raúl: Fotografía publicitaria, Cátedra, Madrid 2001.
FLUSSER, Villem: Una filosofía de la fotografía, Síntesis, Madrid, 2001.
FONTCUBERTA, Joan.: El beso de Judas. Fotografía y verdad, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona 2002.
FONTCUBERTA, Joan. Estética fotográfica, Blume, Barcelona, 1984.
JACOBSON, Ralphe.: Manual de fotografía. Omega, Barcelona 1996
LANGFORD, Michael: Tratado de fotografía. Omega, Barcelona 1999.
PICAUDÉ, Valérie y ARBAÏZAR, Philippe: La confusión de los géneros en fotografía, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2004.
PRÄKEL, David: Principios de fotografía creativa aplicada, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2011.
RIBALTA, Jorge (eds.): Efecto real, debates postmodernos sobre la fotografía, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2004.
RODRÍGUEZ, Hugo: La imagen Digital. Conceptos básicos. Marcombo, Barcelona, 2009.
SHORE, Stephen: Lección de fotografía. La naturaleza de las fotografías, Phaidon, Barcelona, 2009.
SHORT, Maria: Contexto y narración en fotografía, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2013. T
AYLOR-HAW, Calvey: La iluminación en el estudio fotográfico, Omega, Barcelona, 2009.
VARIOS AUTORES: Vitamin Ph. New Perspectives in Photography, Phaidon, 2006.
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carmenvicinanza · 2 years ago
Laetitia Ky artista che crea sculture coi capelli
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Con la colonizzazione francese si è imposta la moda occidentale, quindi le donne ivoriane hanno iniziato a farsi i capelli lisci. Per me invece non va nascosta la nostra natura, è un elemento di blackbeauty. Vedersi rappresentate con le acconciature afro senza paura è un passo in avanti.
Laetitia Ky è un’artista, modella e attivista che crea sculture con i suoi capelli.
È una figura di spicco nel movimento naturale dei capelli, che, dagli anni sessanta, rivendica politicamente e simbolicamente le proprie radici, rifiutando di adeguarsi ai canoni estetici delle donne occidentali.
Nelle sue opere, i suoi capelli, svettano sulla sua testa rappresentando di volta in volta mani, braccia muscolose, volti con il pugno alzato, elefanti, seni e ventri femminili. Creazioni che costituiscono un potente strumento di comunicazione concepito per aumentare la consapevolezza sui temi della razza, del genere e della giustizia sociale. Elementi di identità nazionale, reinterpretati in chiave contemporanea.
Nata nel 1996 ad Abidjan, Costa d’Avorio, nonostante una laurea in economia, ha deciso di dedicarsi all’arte piuttosto che agli affari e ha iniziato a insegnare a cucire da sola, con l’intento di intraprendere una carriera nella moda.
Ha iniziato da giovanissima a interessarsi al movimento americano dei capelli naturali, praticamente ancora inesistente negli stati dell’Africa sub-sahariana, tranne rarissime eccezioni di qualche attivista.
Nel 2016, dopo aver visto online un album fotografico di donne africane pre-coloniali del ventesimo secolo, è stata ispirata a scolpire i suoi capelli in un modo simile a loro e ha pubblicato le sue sculture su Instagram che sono state di grande ispirazione.Nel 2017, i suoi post erano ormai virali, ha attirato l’attenzione di riviste internazionali e tenuto il suo primo seminario Ky Braids per insegnare la sua forma d’arte, l’anno successivo, ha lanciato il marchio di moda
che utilizza la body positivity per descrivere i suoi capi.
L’oppressione basata sul sesso è un tema ricorrente della sua arte, ha realizzato sculture di protesta contro pratiche come l’appiattimento del seno, le mutilazioni genitali femminili e le leggi americane contro l’aborto.
Ogni acconciatura è un viaggio nuovo, diverso, che può durare pochi minuti o diverse ore, e che l’artista intraprende utilizzando solamente del fil di ferro legato ai suoi capelli naturali.
Nel 2018 è stata inclusa tra le 35 persone più influenti sotto i 35 anni del Prix Jeunesse Francophone.
L’anno seguente è elencata tra le cento persone di rilievo per la rivista Paper.
Ha anche recitato nel film Disco boy di Giacomo Abbruzzese, che ha vinto l’Orso d’argento a Berlino.
Laetitia Ky è un’artista poliedrica che, attraverso il suo lavoro, denuncia le metamorfosi dei corpi esplorando temi delicati e scomodi.
Nel 2022 è stata la più giovane protagonista della Biennale di Venezia, dove ha rappresentato la Costa d’Avorio e tra le cento artiste invitate dal Kunstmuseum di Wolfsbur per l’epocale mostra Empowerment dedicata al femminismo nell’arte.
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masterpieceavenue94 · 2 years ago
Nada, no puedo.
Me siento entre la espada y la pared. Soy consciente de que esto se podría solucionar rápidamente y mandar todo a la mierda pero no puedo. No sé. Dejadme explicarme.
Erik Elias. Sí ese chico que se va a Cuba y que tiene pensado en hacer el máster en Italia. Pienso en él y de verdad que es como me maldigo por haberlo encontrado tan tarde. No sé, si hubiéramos coincido en septiembre, octubre e incluso noviembre otro gallo hubiera cantado. Pero no, tuvo que ser en diciembre y eso es bad timing, pero muy malo. Si hubiéramos coincidido antes, nos hubiéramos podido conocer mejor, hubiéramos incluso llegado a algo más pero no. El caso es que al conocernos en diciembre era imposible verse tanto como se hubiera querido. Sólo hemos quedado una vez y, como dije, me lo pasé muy bien. Encima si por mí fuera apostaría por el como el futuro yerno para mi madre porque encaja en ese molde que yo misma tenía en mi cabeza. Pero claro...se va. Eso es lo que no encaja en el puzzle. Sobra esa pieza, o la pieza está defectuosa, por lo que el puzzle no se puede completar.
Erik se va a lo tonto la semana que viene, se supone que el 23 viajará a Cuba, pero es que resulta que el 18 se va a los Países Bajos a ver a unos amigos. A lo tonto en dos semanas ya no está. El caso es que, sí, hablámos como cada dos días y todo bien, son conversaciones así normalitas, nada del otro mundo, pero es como para dar señales de vida. Pues ayer le dije que qué hacía este fin de semana. Obviamente me gustaría volver a verle antes de que se vaya. Él dijo que sí que podíamos vernos, le dije que el viernes lo tenía libre y que incluso el sábado, aunque trabajo por la mañana podría incluso hacer un hueco después del trabajo. En su momento digamos que acordamos quedar el viernes (hoy) y hoy me he despertado como, no sé emocionada. Iba a ir al seminario, luego quedar con mi madre, arreglarme y verle. También estaba un poco estresada, ¿qué hacer?, ¿qué pasará?, ¿debería hacer algo ahí abajo?, ¿debería dar el paso de una vez?
Pros y contras como siempre pasan por mi cabeza. Y una cosa que me interesa sobre todo es que, una vez hecho el asunto podría ir a lo del ginecólogo y quitármelo de encima, pero claro... ¿no es demasiado exagerado ese paso? También como que me llega a dar pánico, si no sale bien, si sale y la cagamos, ¿y si hay embarazo? Una exageración detrás de otra. Me llaman exagerada por alguna razón. Pero bueno sólo son pensamientos, podemos pensar conforme llegue el momento...pero lo que pasa es que el momento no llega. Hoy comiendo con mi madre se me ha ocurrido preguntarle que qué planes tenía entonces. Ha dicho que no parece que vaya a ir a Oslo, porque si ya viene el sábado para ver a sus amigos pues a lo tonto se gasta un dineral. Que sí, que es entendible. Pero a la vez...es como jo. Ha dicho que una opción es encontrar un sitio donde dormir...y bueno...al leerlo ya sabemos por dónde van los tiros. Sólo le respondí con "sí, entiendo" a lo de que puede salir demasiado caro. Luego me ha mandado otro mensaje; esta vez ha sido más directo. Ha dicho que si eso podría quedarse en MI casa pero claro ahí ya mi cabeza ha hecho una bola de cosas. Demasiados pensamientos.
Se me ha pasado por la cabeza un par de visiones y algún que otro flashback: del desorden que hay en mi casa, en que no tengo cosas ni para desayunar, en que qué pasaría si me roban en casa, en que el dejarlo entrar en casa puede tener la consecuencia de que se llegue a hacerlo, y así volvemos a las millones de preguntas de qué pasa una vez que se hace o lo que puede suponer el pre-hacerlo. Me estreso. Me da un poco de ansiedad. No es un buen presentimiento. Parte de mí, digo yo que el lado de la lujuria, el lado necesitado me dice que mande todo a tomar por culo y que lo deje entrar en casa. Pero mi lado racional me dice que qué hago, que a dónde voy. No merece la pena dar algo de mí a alguien que se va dentro de una semana. Que sí, que me haría el favor de quitarme esta pelusa, de poder ir de una vez al ginecólogo; pero sabemos que necesito esa conexión, que si no no va a pasar una mierda.
Un poco frustrante, y sobre todo cuando sé que haga lo que haga, siga una decisión u otra, más tarde me voy a lamentar. Y ya me veréis escribiendo versos libres contando mis desgracias, sólo es cuestión de tiempo.
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vavuska · 4 years ago
Lovecraft Country, Episode 7, Season 1, “I Am.”
With Hippolyta voyage's and her dimensional experience we meet:
Bessie Springfield (1911 or 1912 - 1993)
Bessie Stringfield (1911 or 1912 – February 16, 1993) was an American motorcyclist who was the first African-American woman to ride across the United States solo, and was one of the few civilian motorcycle dispatch riders for the US Army during World War II. Credited with breaking down barriers for both women and Jamaican-American motorcyclists, Stringfield was inducted into the Motorcycle Hall of Fame. The award bestowed by the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) for "Superior Achievement by a Female Motorcyclist" is named in her honor.
Frida Kahlo (1907 - 1954)
Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderón (6 July 1907 – 13 July 1954) was a Mexican painter known for her many portraits, self-portraits, and works inspired by the nature and artifacts of Mexico. Inspired by the country's popular culture, she employed a naïve folk art style to explore questions of identity, postcolonialism, gender, class, and race in Mexican society. Her paintings often had strong autobiographical elements and mixed realism with fantasy. In addition to belonging to the post-revolutionary Mexicayotl movement, which sought to define a Mexican identity, Kahlo has been described as a surrealist or magical realist.
Born to a German father and a mestiza mother, Kahlo spent most of her childhood and adult life at La Casa Azul, her family home in Coyoacán – now publicly accessible as the Frida Kahlo Museum. Although she was disabled by polio as a child, Kahlo had been a promising student headed for medical school until she suffered a bus accident at the age of eighteen, which caused her lifelong pain and medical problems. During her recovery she returned to her childhood hobby of art with the idea of becoming an artist.
Kahlo's interests in politics and art led her to join the Mexican Communist Party in 1927, through which she met fellow Mexican artist Diego Rivera. The couple married in 1929, and spent the late 1920s and early 1930s travelling in Mexico and the United States together. During this time, she developed her artistic style, drawing her main inspiration from Mexican folk culture, and painted mostly small self-portraits which mixed elements from pre-Columbian and Catholic beliefs. Her paintings raised the interest of Surrealist artist André Breton, who arranged for Kahlo's first solo exhibition at the Julien Levy Gallery in New York in 1938; the exhibition was a success, and was followed by another in Paris in 1939. While the French exhibition was less successful, the Louvre purchased a painting from Kahlo, The Frame, making her the first Mexican artist to be featured in their collection. Throughout the 1940s, Kahlo participated in exhibitions in Mexico and the United States and worked as an art teacher. She taught at the Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado ("La Esmeralda") and was a founding member of the Seminario de Cultura Mexicana. Kahlo's always-fragile health began to decline in the same decade. She had her first solo exhibition in Mexico in 1953, shortly before her death in 1954 at the age of 47.
Kahlo's work as an artist remained relatively unknown until the late 1970s, when her work was rediscovered by art historians and political activists. By the early 1990s, she had become not only a recognized figure in art history, but also regarded as an icon for Chicanos, the feminism movement and the LGBTQ+ movement. Kahlo's work has been celebrated internationally as emblematic of Mexican national and indigenous traditions and by feminists for what is seen as its uncompromising depiction of the female experience and form.
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Josephine Baker (1906 - 1975)
Josephine Baker (born Freda Josephine McDonald, naturalised French Joséphine Baker; 3 June 1906 – 12 April 1975) was an American-born French entertainer, French Resistance agent, freemason and civil rights activist. Her career was centered primarily in Europe, mostly in her adopted France. She was the first Black woman to star in a major motion picture, the 1927 silent film Siren of the Tropics, directed by Mario Nalpas and Henri Étiévant.
During her early career Baker was renowned as a dancer, and was among the most celebrated performers to headline the revues of the Folies Bergère in Paris. Her performance in the revue Un vent de folie in 1927 caused a sensation in Paris. Her costume, consisting of only a short skirt of artificial bananas and a beaded necklace, became an iconic image and a symbol of the Jazz Age and the Roaring Twenties.
Baker was celebrated by artists and intellectuals of the era, who variously dubbed her the "Black Venus", the "Black Pearl", the "Bronze Venus", and the "Creole Goddess". Born in St. Louis, Missouri, she renounced her U.S. citizenship and became a French national after her marriage to French industrialist Jean Lion in 1937. She raised her children in France. "I have two loves, my country and Paris", Baker once said, and she sang: " J'ai deux amours, mon pays et Paris ".
She was known for aiding the French Resistance during World War II. After the war, she was awarded the Croix de guerre by the French military, and was named a Chevalier of the Légion d'honneur by General Charles de Gaulle.
Baker refused to perform for segregated audiences in the United States and is noted for her contributions to the civil rights movement. In 1968, she was offered unofficial leadership in the movement in the United States by Coretta Scott King, following Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination. After thinking it over, Baker declined the offer out of concern for the welfare of her children.
Nawi, the last Dahomei Amazon (1879 - 1979)
The Dahomai Amazons were female warriors who left European colonisers shaking in their boots, foreign observers named them the Dahomey Amazons while they called themselves N’Nonmiton, which means “our mothers”. Protecting their king on the bloodiest of battlefields, they emerged as an elite fighting force in the Kingdom of Dahomey in, the present-day Republic of Benin. Described as untouchable, sworn in as virgins, swift decapitation was their trademark.
The last surviving Amazon of Dahomey died at the age of 100 in 1979, a woman named Nawi who was discovered living in a remote village. At their height, they made up around a third of the entire Dahomey army; 6,000 strong, but according to European records, they were consistently judged to be superior to the male soldiers in effectiveness and bravery.
Even after French expansion in African in 1890s subdued the Dahomey people, their reign of fear continued. Uniformed French soldiers who took Dahomey women to bed were often found dead in the morning, their throats slit open. During the Franco-Dahomean Wars, many of the French soldiers fighting in Dahomey had hesitated before shooting or bayoneting the N’Nonmiton. Underestimating their female opponents led to many of the French casualties as special units of the female Amazons were assigned specifically to target French officers.
By the end of the Second Franco-Dahomean War, the French prevailed, but only after bringing in the Foreign Legion, armed with machine guns. The last of the King’s force to surrender, most of the Amazons died in the 23 battles fought during the second war. The legionnaires later wrote about the “incredible courage and audacity” of the Amazons.
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noticiasdecampo · 3 years ago
Llega una nueva edición del Seminario ACSOJA
Los días 21 y 22 de septiembre próximos, ACSOJA llevará a cabo una nueva edición de su Seminario anual, Seminario ACSOJA 2021, en el que se abordará la actualidad del cultivo de soja en la Argentina y en el mundo. El mismo se realizará vía streaming.
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Por sexto año, la Asociación de la Cadena de la Soja Argentina- ACSOJA, organiza el Seminario ACSOJA 2021, un encuentro clave para continuar potenciando el desarrollo de la cadena de soja. En momentos difíciles, desde muchos puntos de vista, que condicionan el crecimiento, debemos retomar la producción sustentable de la mayor fuente exportadora del país, con un impulso a la aplicación de tecnologías en un marco de una menor presión impositiva tan necesaria.
Este año será una edición especial, bajo la modalidad virtual, de acceso libre y gratuito, a realizarse en dos jornadas, los días martes 21 y miércoles 22 de septiembre próximos.
Con la representatividad de cada uno de los eslabones, y el objetivo de abarcar toda la Cadena de la Soja, desde el grano hasta los subproductos derivados del cultivo con valor agregado, la VI edición del Seminario convocará a prestigiosos profesionales de las más diversas y especializadas materias y a importantes referentes políticos que compartirán su trabajo en el sector, y de los cuales tendremos su visión sobre los objetivos planteados para el crecimiento de la cadena de soja, generando un debate claro y productivo.
A través de la web del Seminario, www.seminarioacsoja.org.ar, se podrá ingresar a la información destacada y al auditorio donde transcurrirán los diferentes paneles, divididos en 3 grandes bloques, con los siguientes ejes temáticos: “Tecnología en soja” y “Potenciar la soja”, ambos a desarrollarse en el primer día, y “Agroindustria y economía”, que se tratará en la segunda jornada.
“Considerando el rol decisivo que cumple la región en la producción mundial de soja y en su comercialización, es que concebimos esta edición especial de nuestro evento anual, que ya se ha transformado en un espacio de referencia para la construcción de valor, a través del conocimiento y las relaciones entre todos los actores de la cadena de la soja. Los invitamos a ser parte de este encuentro para seguir debatiendo temas claves para este cultivo, de la mano de especialistas de los ámbitos público y privado, de Argentina y el mundo”, comentó Luis Zubizarreta, presidente de ACSOJA.
Los contenidos de cada día
El martes 21 de septiembre, el primer Bloque “Tecnología en soja”, dará inicio aproximadamente a las 8.30 hs., con la apertura del Seminario, que estará a cargo del presidente de la entidad, junto a autoridades de los gobiernos de Rosario, Santa Fe y Nacional.
Luego, en el Panel “Situación regional en la producción de soja”, especialistas de diferentes regiones del país expondrán los principales aspectos tecnológicos vinculados a la producción de soja.
Además, tendrá lugar el Panel “Fertilizar la soja, un compromiso frente a la sustentabilidad”, donde diversas empresas presentarán su visión sobre este tema. Estamos con niveles muy bajos en el uso de esta práctica en soja, y es hora de analizar las limitantes que la condicionan, contando con productos excelentes y alta tecnología de manejo de nutrientes.
A continuación, se desarrollará el Panel “Enlist; celebramos la nueva tecnología”, en el que se expondrán las características de la tecnología Enlist en soja y las empresas presentarán las nuevas variedades que estarán disponibles en esta campaña y su manejo.
Potenciar la soja
Por la tarde, al finalizar un receso, se desarrollará este segundo eje, comenzando con el Panel: “Los millennials de la soja”, en el que estudiantes compartirán sus tesis sobre investigaciones novedosas para el cultivo. Conoceremos a los autores, sus motivaciones y cómo ven el futuro para sus carreras que se inician.
Otro de los Paneles será: “Cómo comunica la Cadena de Soja en el mundo”, en el que se presentará la visión de expertos de distintos países de la región, sobre la comunicación hacia la sociedad y los decisores del Estado. Tendremos representantes de EE.UU., y los países del Mercosur, coordinados por un especialista.
Al cierre de la primera jornada, aprox. a las 17 hs., se realizará el Panel “Cadenas globales de valor”, con la participación de miembros de entidades del sector. La nueva situación frente a la pandemia, sus consecuencias y los compromisos frente a las grandes directivas que se manejan en el abastecimiento de alimentos serán el eje de las presentaciones.
El miércoles 22 de septiembre, la segunda jornada virtual del Seminario ACSOJA 2021, será sobre el eje “Agroindustria y economía” y comenzará a las 9 hs, con el Panel “Panorama de la soja argentina”, en el que se darán a conocer las perspectivas de la oferta y demanda global para la soja 2021/22.
Luego, se hará el Panel “Seguros, financiación y coberturas: cómo protegerse en un contexto cambiante”.
Por último, alrededor de las 11.45 hs, se realizará el Panel final del Seminario, en el que se debatirá qué piensan de la soja los referentes políticos de las principales provincias argentinas.
El Seminario ACSOJA 2021 cuenta con el apoyo: Corteva y Sistema Enlist, Atanor, Basf, Bayer, Brevant, Fusion, Greenlab, Nitrap, Pioneer, Pla, Williams Agroservicios, Bioceres Semillas, Banco Galicia, Rizobacter, Sancor Seguros, Matba Rofex, Spraytec, Quimeco, Adama, Don Mario, Bunge y Nutrien Ag Solutions.
El evento es de acceso libre y gratuito y requiere de inscripción previa.
Para mayor información y/o pre inscripción al encuentro virtual, contactarse a [email protected], y próximamente ingresando a www.seminarioacsoja.org.ar
Acerca de la Asociación de la Cadena de la Soja Argentina (ACSOJA)
La Cadena de la Soja Argentina – ACSOJA, es una Asociación sin fines de lucro que está integrada por los seis sectores que componen la Cadena: investigación, insumos, producción, comercialización, industrialización y servicios y nuestros socios plenarios son las organizaciones, bolsas de comercio y cereales, instituciones y cámaras con mayor representatividad dentro de la actividad. Actualmente ACSOJA suma más de 30 entidades privadas y públicas como el INTA y Universidades.
Se constituyó en 2004 por iniciativa de representantes de algunos de los sectores más significativos con el propósito de “consolidar lo hecho y proyectar un futuro común” con situaciones internas y externas cambiantes e imprevisibles a las cuales se domina y enfrenta con el conocimiento que se genera desde el conjunto. De esta manera, es posible diseñar estrategias de mediano y largo plazo para hacer competitivos a cada uno de los grandes sectores que hilvanan esta verdadera cadena productiva.
Contacto de Prensa Seminario ACSOJA 2021
Paula Vázquez
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brooklynmuseum · 5 years ago
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Stronger Together
Hi Brooklyn. We hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy. The times are difficult and it is valid if you may not feel your best. It is okay to feel your feelings, and take your time to heal during these moments. As you navigate these difficult times, remember that you are a part of the community that is here to support you. The Brooklyn, and New York community at large, is one of the most vibrant and resilient there is!
If you have questions, or have more you wish to see or to spotlight, reach out. We want to hear from you. Please email [email protected]
Also, text 'COVID' to 692-692 to get important COVID-19 related updates sent straight to your phone. You can text 'COVIDESP' to get updates in Spanish.
Local Business Highlights of the Week: 
Oxalis is temporarily closed for service, but will offer pick up and delivery on Friday, Saturday and Sundays from 4pm-8pm of fresh and prepared foods, cocktails and wine. Place your order, or pre order at www.boxalis.com , by phone at (347) 627-8298 or by email at [email protected]
No-frills Korean flavors are still being served at the famed Kimchi Taco. Take out and no-contact delivery available from 12-10pm daily. 
A reminder to complete the 2020 Census today at my2020census.gov. 
In this webinar, you will learn about the guiding principles the Census Bureau is implementing for the use of administrative records and research findings for the housing and demographic questions on the survey.
On May 12th, United Way is launching United We Count, United We Vote – a civic engagement campaign to mobilize people in civic participation and collective action during this time of uncertainty and social distancing. Register for the event here.
For literature on the 2020 Census and how it may affect your community, check out the reading below:
How Changes to the 2020 Census Timeline Will Impact Redistricting
Census in a Time of COVID-19: What can we do as individuals?
Resources for children and families
COVID-19 has dramatically changed our lives. All New Yorkers deserve to celebrate, honor, and memorialize their loved ones. Get funeral & burial guidance from the City of New York.
If your work schedule was reduced as a result of the coronavirus and you are unable to pay your rent, you can apply for a Cash Assistance special grant request to get benefits for emergencies.
The City of New York's COVID-19 Hotel Program provides free hotel stays to eligible New Yorkers who cannot isolate where they live and frontline workers in the healthcare industry who wish to reduce the risk of transmission at home. This will help New York City stop the spread of COVID-19.
Scholastic Learn At Home allows open access to daily learning journeys divided into four grade spans—Pre-K–K, Grades 1–2, Grades 3–5, and Grades 6–9+, covering ELA, STEM, Science, Social Studies, and Social-Emotional Learning. 
CORE: CHILDREN OF RESTAURANT EMPLOYEES is dedicated to serving food and beverage service employees with children, who are faced with a health crisis or a natural disaster and are in need of support and in need of our help. If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, you can apply here. 
Resources for artists, freelancers, and gig workers
Rauschenberg Emergency Grant Program provides one-time grants to artists of up to $5,000 for unexpected medical emergencies.
Max’s Emergency Relief & Resource Fund is a one-time grant award of between $500-$1000 ($1,000 when funds are available) to assist artists in all art disciplines who have a steady work history, but who are experiencing a temporary financial set back.  Visit their application here. 
In light of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the artist community, on March 18 Foundation for Contemporary Arts launched the FCA Emergency Grants COVID-19 Fund. To find out your eligibility, click here.  
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of American have developed an Emergency Fund to help genre writers pay medical expenses not otherwise covered by insurance. Visit their website for more information.
Employment Resources
New York State is waiving the 7-day waiting period for Unemployment Insurance benefits for people who are out of work due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) closures or quarantines. Visit the New York State Department of Labor (DOL)  website for more information.
The New York State Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act requires businesses to give early warning of closing and layoffs. More information for business is available from the New York State Department of Labor. 
Find Employment through Virtual Workforce Career Center online. The Virtual Workforce1 Career Center system connects New Yorkers, via web or phone, to one-on-one help from professionals who can help.
NY Job Listings during Quarantine organized by Davide Chen. 
PTFB is offering assistance in finding employment at Northwell Health for FOH/BOH foodservice and housekeeping positions. Find out how to apply here.
Resources for the Undocumented Community
List of Resources for Undocumented People in NYC may be located here. Document is translated in three languages, English, Spanish and Portuguese. 
For more information regarding DACA, check out Informed Immigrants.
CUNY Citizenship will be live, May 13th at 12:00PM on Facebook with Shawn Rahman, Managing Attorney for Training and Capacity Building with the latest immigration updates.
Contact Jesus Perez if you are an undocumented student at Brooklyn College who needs support via email: [email protected] or phone: 718.951.5023
Funding Opportunities
The Carroll and Milton Petrie Student Emergency Grant Fund was created to provide eligible students facing short-term, nonrecurring emergencies with a one-time grant to alleviate the situation.  To find if you are eligible, visit the Brooklyn College’s Website. 
Volunteer or Participation Resources
The NYC Network of Worker Cooperatives has joined the national #ShareMyCheck campaign to encourage those in a relatively stable position to donate all or a portion of their check to people who are not eligible for these checks - those that are historically and contemporarily most impacted by economic and health crises. 
LGBTQ+ Resources
Ohher Publishing angels is offering $50 relief funds for trans/non-binary/two spirt people of color who are in need of community support right now. To learn more, visit Leste Magazine. 
Trans Lifeline is a trans-led organization that connects trans people to the community, support, and resources they need to survive and thrive. If you are in need of mental health assistance, visit their website here. 
 Upcoming Webinars
Tuesday, May 12: 2:00PM-3:30 PM: Brookings’ Reopening the Coronavirus-Closed Economy
Wednesday, May 13, 6:00PM-7:00PM: Make The Road New York will host a Seminario Web De Estudio Comunitario (community study webinar) on Facebook live.
Thursday, May 14, 2020 4:00pm-7:00pm: New York City Network of Worker Cooperatives is hosting a COVID-19 Health Awareness Training. The goal of this program is to Increase health and safety awareness for workers in industries with potential exposure to COVID-19.  
Remember to Follow Our Elected Officials For Up To Date News:  
Stay up to date with information provided by Governor Cuomo. Follow our New York State governor on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for up to date information regarding new health guidelines closures, and executive orders. 
The Mayor has a new Daily Message available on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube every morning. If your constituents have questions, comments or concerns, they want him to respond to, they can send them using the hashtag #AskMyMayor 
The Office of the Brooklyn Borough President provides the most up-to-date information and resources to Brooklynites. Follow these pages regularly and follow Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams on social media for real-time updates.
Congresswoman for the 9th District, Yvette D. Clark is working hard in Congress to support our local communities. Follow the Congresswoman on her Twitter to receive updates on what is going on in Washington DC and resources available in your ‘hood!
Follow updates and news from Council Member Laurie A. Cumbo on Facebook and Twitter. Cumbo serves as the Council Majority leader for Brooklyn’s 35th District- Fort Greene, Clinton Hill, Crown Heights, Prospect Heights and Bed-Stuy.
Follow New York City Council Member Robert E. Cornegy, representing Brooklyn 36th District- Bedford Stuyvesant and Northern Crown Heights on Twitter , Facebook, and Instagram for important updates regarding COVID-19 updates. 
Check out New York City Council Member Brad Lander’s resource page aimed to help NYC-based freelancers and artists navigate these uncertain times. Have your voice heard, fill out the survey and explore what benefits might be available to you. Follow him on Twitter for important updates.
Follow updates from the NYC City Immigrant Affairs office on Twitter interested in renewing your DACA application form. Call ActionNYC at 1-800-354-0365. 
Roxanne Swentzell (Kah'p'oo Owinge (Santa Clara Pueblo), born 1962). Making Babies for Indian Market, 2004. Clay, pigment. Brooklyn Museum, Gift in memory of Helen Thomas Kennedy, 2004.80. © artist or artist's estate
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ivansbadart · 5 years ago
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15 LGBT Legends from the past for 50 years of Stonewall 15/15: Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo (6 July 1907 – 13 July 1954) was a Bisexual Woman and  Mexican artist who painted many portraits, self-portraits, and works inspired by the nature and artifacts of Mexico. Inspired by the country's popular culture, she employed a naïve folk art style to explore questions of identity, postcolonialism, gender, class, and race in Mexican society. Her paintings often had strong autobiographical elements and mixed realism with fantasy. In addition to belonging to the post-revolutionary Mexicayotl movement, which sought to define a Mexican identity, Kahlo has been described as a surrealist or magical realist. Kahlo's interests in politics and art led to the next stage of her life. In 1927, she joined the Mexican Communist Party, through which she met fellow Mexican artist Diego Rivera, whom she married in 1928. Kahlo spent the late 1920s and early 1930s travelling in Mexico and the United States with Rivera. During this time, she developed her artistic style, drew her main inspiration from Mexican folk culture, and painted mostly small self-portraits which mixed elements from pre-Columbian and Catholic beliefs. Her paintings raised the interest of Surrealist artist André Breton, who arranged for Kahlo's first solo exhibition at the Julien Levy Gallery in New York in 1938. The exhibition was a success and was followed by another in Paris in 1939. While the French exhibition was less successful, the Louvre purchased a painting from Kahlo, The Frame, making her the first Mexican artist to be featured in their collection. Throughout the 1940s, Kahlo participated in exhibitions in Mexico and the United States, and also worked as an art teacher. She taught at the Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado "La Esmeralda" and was a founding member of the Seminario de Cultura Mexicana. Kahlo's always fragile health began to decline in the same decade. She had her first solo exhibition in Mexico in 1953, shortly before her death in 1954 at the age of 47. Kahlo's work as an artist remained relatively unknown until the late 1970s, when her work was rediscovered by art historians and political activists. By the early 1990s, she had become not only a recognized figure in art history, but also regarded as an icon for Chicanos movement, the feminism movement and the LGBT movement. Kahlo's work has been celebrated internationally as emblematic of Mexican national and indigenous traditions and by feminists for what is seen as its uncompromising depiction of the female experience and form.
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