#pre-maze/fever code era
izcana · 4 years
i’ve walked with you (once upon a dream)
Thominho Week Day 5: Pre-Maze/The Fever Code Era
I took this prompt a bit differently, because in my opinion, when the scene in The Fever Code took place, both Thomas and Minho were too young to date, which is why I'm moving the timeline. Don't worry, though, it's still pre-Maze stuff.
Title from Once Upon A Dream (Sleeping Beauty): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCCxnuLlS18&ab_channel=Disney
"Here, Sweetheart, tuck in the blanket," Minho cooed, wrapping the fluffy floral blanket around Thomas' shoulders. "You're still the ugliest shucky girl I've ever met." Dating Minho was great, really. Something Thomas didn't expect from the older boy was the pet names. Minho babied Thomas ("Everybody knows I'm way older than you, Thomas! Gotta take care of my younger boyfriend, right?") constantly, and he often called him by adoring pet names.
One thing that remained the same was the constant teasing. Thomas liked that about Minho; he could be casual and even when they were insulting each other with the most unflattering words they knew, it was clear that neither meant it. The sense of closeness and understanding Thomas liked.
"Thanks, Min," Thomas said, making grabby hands at his boyfriend. "Lie down with me."
"Sappy shank," Minho said, rolling his eyes with a soft, fond look in his eyes. Nonetheless, Thomas knew that Minho could never escape Thomas' puppy eyes, and sure enough, Minho plopped down on the bed obediently and rolled over. "I guess you win this time..."
"I always win!" Thomas agued proudly, holding up an imaginary trophy.
"Whatever, Slinthead," Minho muttered, shaking his head. "Don't need to rub it in."
It was the middle of the night when the men came to fetch him. "Get up, A2!" The shortest shouted, slamming the door open.
The younger Thomas blinked blearily, rubbing his eyes. Thomas didn't know the man, but the younger version of him definitely did, and judging by the fear in his eyes, he had some bad memories with the man. "What's going on, Randall?" Younger Thomas asked groggily, his voice squeakier than Thomas was used to.
"You know very well what's going on," Randall, it seemed, reprimanded sharply, and the younger version of himself flinched violently. "That's why you need to come with us right now. We need your help with something."
"Get up, you're coming with us," The man next to Randall said, pulling out a launcher. A launcher? Thomas thought. What did younger-me do to have a launcher pulled on him?
"What?" Younger-Thomas questioned, but standing up pliantly, following the man.
"Just come!" Randall yelled, clearly losing all patience with the inquisitive boy. Dreaming Thomas snickered. Apparently younger him was just as annoying as current him, and judging by "Randall's" reactions, he drove WICKED up the wall. He smirked. Good. "If you come you won't get into trouble."
The last man sighed. "Just come with us, Thomas, you need to see this."
Thomas's feet drove him to follow the younger Thomas and Randall. It felt like something was dragging him reluctantly to his end goal.
The younger version of Thomas obeyed wordlessly in a monotonous manner, his eyes glancing to the floor in guilt and fear. Something was up, perhaps something happened before this memory. They walked down a maze of hallways, and ironically, Thomas thought, the WICKED compound was like a maze in itself.
After a rough few twists and turns, they winded up in a control room with lots of large grey screens and a couple more people waiting for them.
"Seriously, what's going on?" The dreaming Thomas asked rhetorically, cocking his head to the right.
No one heard him. After all, it was a memory. "Looks like your friend didn't learn from his last attempt to go outside," the man named Randall murmured, looking at one of the screens in the corner. Both Thomases followed his gaze, and both let out gasps at what they saw.
What's your point? Thomas wanted to scream, but he knew that no one would hear him.
"We're going to teach him a lesson, see," the bald one said casually. "The lesson has to stick, this time."
There, on the screen, was a younger version of Minho bound to a chair, his head down. There were beads of sweat dripping from his temples, and his eyes were focused, widened with fear, on a pod in the corner of the dully coloured room. The younger Thomas looked confused, but the dreaming Thomas' heart lept to his throat and his stomach sunk with dread.
That was a Griever's pod, and judging by the expressions of the scientists around them, it was heading straight for Minho.
The next minute or so was a mess of grey blurs. The dream Thomas was screaming, begging. "Don't hurt him, Randall! Please!" When that didn't work, he went to threatening. "If you kill him, I won't work with you. I don't care what they do to me."
While the younger Thomas was desperately trying to convince Randall, the dreaming Thomas was screaming, horrible wretched screams forcing their way out of his throat. He needed to wake up. Why wasn't he waking up?
"Pause," Randall said hurriedly after he heard the last one. Thomas' heart was at his throat; the Griever was practically draped on top of Minho's frame, the tanned boy sweating furiously in the corner. At the command, the monster melted to the floor and slithered back to its pod.
Thomas' heart was practically leaping in his chest, and he felt faint, at least in the dream. Everything became shades of grey...fainter, fainter...gone...
Minho woke up to the agonised shrieks of his angelic boyfriend.
"Let him go!" Thomas screamed, thrashing against the sheets. Minho winced when the heel of Thomas' foot caught his shin, but now was not the time to complain. The sheets got tangled up between then in the furious struggle, leaving Minho to thrash wildly, too, trying to escape the confining vines creeping around them.
"Thomas!" Minho shouted as he undid the knots that tied him to the bed. "You have to wake up!"
Thomas' flailing slowed, but it was evident that he wasn't awake yet, trapped in a space between dreaming and reality. "THOMAS, WAKE UP!" Minho screamed, bracing himself for what was inevitable; Thomas was going to panic.
Thomas bolted awake quickly, his forehead smacking into Minho's painfully. "Oow!" Both cried, rubbing their foreheads.
Minho was the first to regain his senses, the impact leaving a dull ring in his ears. "Are you okay, Tom?" He asked gently, shaking Thomas by the shoulder.
Thomas shook his head; Minho could feel the trembling tenseness in his shoulders.
"Do you want to talk about it, Thomas?"
"They set a Griever on you," Thomas blurted out, sniffling. Minho, upon hearing about the dreaded beast, was frozen.
"It wasn't real," He whispered. "It was just a dream.
"It was real!" Thomas screamed, making Minho recoil slightly. "It was a memory. We were kids, and they made me watch. Something about you not trying to escape again."
"I'm sorry" was the only thing Minho could conjure up, trying to wrap his head around this new development. Thomas's shook his head slightly – it tousled his dark locks which brush against Minho's chin comfortingly. "It's okay, now. It happened in the past."
"I'm just...scared..." Thomas confessed, snuggling closer to Minho. Not that Minho minded. He didn't mind. Like, at all. Snuggling with his boyfriend was always a good thing; nothing beats it, not even the campfires in Paradise, the snow that turned Thomas' cheeks a dusty pink, or the presents on Christmas day.
"I'll cuddle with you," Minho volunteered, leaning back against the headboard.
Thomas took him on his offer. "Sap," he teased.
"You love it," Minho retorted, watching the beautiful boy's eyelashes drift down to his cheekbones, fluttering slightly. "I love you."
"Love you too, Min."
WICKED Memorandum, Date 227.4.12, Time 9:03
TO: My Associates
FROM: Kevin Anderson, Chancellor
RE: Elites, The Creation of Grievers
I would say that the trial with Subject A7 was a success. We all know of A2's connection with him (after all, all of you have read the results). The reactions from A1, B1, and B2 weren't as interesting as that of A2, but that was to be expected; A2 had the closest relationship to A7, as our Physcs had noted the other day.
The creation of our perfect maze monster seemed to throw all 4 elites off balance, as was expected. A2's reaction was, again, the most drastic, and it is safe to say that the trials are heading the way we had planned them to go. With A7's relationship with A2 being so close, sending A7 to the maze with the Griever would definitely mean the loss of some of A2's trust, but that is inevitable. We can only hope to move forward and hope that this decision was the right one to make.
I have a feeling that A2's involvement with Group A would prove to be most useful to the patterns we are rapidly discovering within the Subjects' killzones.
The reactions of B1 and B2 were as expected: they were shaken but did not hold the same compassion or anger that A1 and A2 had, notably A2. Physcs observe that B1's attitude towards A7 was indifferent at best, cold at worst. It seems that some of the elites didn't care as much as we thought they would.
This is wonderful news; we're making progress from all directions. Whether that be the perfect maze monster or the study of both the Elites and A7's killzone movement, we can safely claim a victory, another step towards the blueprint.
I congratulate you all for another success, my associates, and till next time.
Kevin Anderson
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Pre-maze / Fever Code era Thominho?
Okay, so I still haven't read Fever Code (I KNOW I KNOW! I'M JUST NOT PREPARED FOR IT YET), so I had to improvised around what I knew about it and my imagination. Hope you still like it!
This fic is for the 600+ followers special
Once it started, Thomas knew it was a memory and not just a simple dream. He may had wanted Hans to not give him his memories back, but his mind, ever since the Changing, seemed to not agree with his decision.
But unlike the other times he dreamed about one of his memories, Minho was in it.
Both boys were hidden in a corner and had made sure no one had followed them. When his friend had said he had something to tell him, Thomas just couldn’t say no. It was a weird feeling, but ever since he met Minho, he felt like he would follow him anywhere.
“So… what did you want to say?” Thomas asked once they were sure they were alone.
“We should leave,” Minho said. His tone was as serious as his expression, letting Thomas know he was far from his usual sarcastic-joking self.
“W-what do you mean?”
“We should leave. What they are doing is wrong and I don’t want to be part of it,” he responded.
“But what if we get caught? You were already punished, and I don’t want you to go thought that again” Thomas argued, but knew his friend was the most stubborn person he knew.
“I don’t care Thomas. We have to leave and I can’t leave without you. You’re my only real friend…”
His voice had cracked at the end, but he still acted as if it didn’t happen. Minho hated to show off his vulnerability.
Knowing his friend wouldn’t take “no” for an answer and knowing he couldn’t let Minho go alone – and he was kinda right, Thomas was disagreeing with WICKED more and more – he nodded.
“Okay…” he answered.
Minho then got closer to him before wrapping him in his arms. “It’s gonna be okay Thomas. We”ll make it. We will have our happy ending.”
They stayed into the embrace for a while, finding comfort in each other, something they haven’t felt for a long time. When Thomas finally looked up at his friend, he saw Minho staring at him with an expression that immediately send shivers down his spine.
They both leaned in and before Thomas knew what was happening, their lips were on each other and sudden realization of the affection he had for his friend hit him. He wished the kiss could last for eternity, but they were interrupted by the sound of footsteps.
And if it wasn’t bad enough, once they parted, they saw Janson looking at them with a smirk. He was accompanied by his minions that followed him everywhere.
“Get him” he said, with a nod towards Minho.
The men quickly moved and surrounded the boy before he could escape.
“This one is going in the Maze with the first batch of boys” Janson announced as his men took Minho.
“What!? No!” Thomas shouted. “He isn’t supposed to go so soon!”
“Change of plan” the man with a rat face replied.
It was Minho who screamed. The anger in his voice was a stab in Thomas’s heart. But has the men took him away, has he was screaming and kicking, fighting has best as he could, Thomas could only watch in horror. What one boy could do against WICKED?
“Why?” he asked Janson.
“Well, I always had the feeling you will one day tried to leave” he replied, a smirk on his face. “Now you won’t, do you?”
He was right. He wouldn’t escape without Minho.
“THOMAS!” he heard. But he couldn’t do anything. “THOMAS!” Tears started falling. “THOMAS!”
He woke up with a start. Minho was above him, standing beside his bed. From their window, Thomas could see it was still dark outside.
“Thomas,” Minho repeated, but softer this time. “You were crying in your sleep.”
He had?
“A nightmare again?” his friend asked, concern thick in his voice.
“No. A memory,” he replied.
“Tell me.” Minho climbed into Thomas’s bed and took the boy in his arms, like he always did whenever he had a nightmare. Thomas was glad they both decided to share a cabin, nights were easier knowing Minho wasn’t far away.
“I… I don’t know if I should tell you…” he said.
“Why?” He could feel his friend was slightly hurt by this. “Oh. Was this memory about me?”
Thomas’s silence gave him the answer.
“Tell me Thomas, I wanna know. If it made you cry, I wanna know.”
And so Thomas told him. Because Minho was his best friend and hiding things from him felt wrong.
“So…” Minho said once Thomas was done. “We were close before the Maze?”
“That’s what you wanna talk about!?” Thomas said, shocked. “Not that I literally let them take you and put you in the Maze while we were supposed to escape together?”
“You couldn’t have done anything and you know it Thomas.” Minho replied, serious. “Things may have not went how we wanted them to go, but look! We made it Thomas. We still escaped WICKED together.”
“It’s just took 2 years…”
“That’s not important baby.”
This nickname again. It made Thomas smile. His friend sometimes called him that, for teasing or comfort. But right now, we this newfound information about them, he wonder if it meant something more.
“So…” Minho started again, breaking the silence once again. “We kissed.”
Thomas felt himself blush, but he nodded.
“Do you… Do you think we liked each other… like that… before the Maze?” Minho asked, nervousness in his voice. Which was something very strange for Thomas since his best friend was always so confident.
“Well, I don’t know for you, but for me… yeah, I think” he answered, all while looking everywhere but Minho. How could he? He was already embarrassed enough.
“And… and now?”
Thomas could feel how stressed the boy was, as if he was scared of the answer. And he probably was. And strangely enough, that gave him all the courage he needed. He changed position so that he could face Minho.
“Yes. I like you like that” Thomas said.
And as a repeat of his dream-memory, they both leaned in and soon they were kissing. And it was way better than the vague souvenir of their first one. It was soft, not daring to go too far, but still passionate and comforting. Thomas realized he could spend hours kissing Minho.
When they parted, Minho smiled and said “We ended up having it, our happy ending.”
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thominho-week-2024 · 4 years
Prompt list and dates!
We had a 50/50 split between the two weeks, so we’ve decided to keep them both open for submissions.
We’ll be reblogging posts December 13th-26th. You don’t have to post on every day, don’t worry. And the collection on Ao3 will be open from the 12th through the middle of January.
Day 1/Dec 13/Dec 20th: “Night”
Day 2/Dec 14/Dec 21st: Wingfic AU
Day 3/Dec 15th/Dec 22nd: Fantasy AU
Day 4/Dec 16th/Dec 23rd: Softness/Comfort 
Day 5/Dec 17th/Dec 24th: Pre-maze/Fever Code Era
Day 6/Dec 18th/Dec 25th: Hurt/Comfort
Day 7/Dec 19th/Dec 26th: Soulmate AU
You may write these in place of any of the above prompts, or in addition to them, if you’d like.
College AU
Royalty AU
Please tag your works with:
Thominho Week 2020
The day number (tmwd1, etc)
The prompt you’re using
Tag if canon-compliant (applies for non-AUs)/in-canon or not, etc
Tag alt for the alternate prompts
Extra work (if you choose to write in addition to the seven prompts)
Trigger warnings
Character tags (if necessary)
Any additional tags
We will be following Thominho Week 2020 tags and day number tags, as well as mentions.
Above all, have fun! 
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