#pre-beta LBP
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moirabu · 10 months ago
(it's pre-beta LBP)
[video from YT @CanceriousTheGuy]
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sackboys-moved · 4 years ago
if anyone hasnt asked yet i would LOVE to hear abt the lbp lost media files 👀
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THANK YOU SOOO MUCH I could talk about soo many things I have learned but I will be taking about the main things that interested me the most
FIRST OFF we have lbp hub. Lbp hub was essentially planned to be another installment in the franchise, but completely free. Not sure if a story mode would be included like the main installments in the franchise, but creative mode, costumes, multiplayer play and level sharing were to all be included. DLC purchases from lbp 1 and 2 would also be compatible with the game. Not to mention it was planned on being the first installment featuring community challenges. It seemed like a cool concept and in fact the announcement trailer is still up and you can still watch it here! The thing is though, no other news has been released about it since the release of the trailer in 2013, neither production status or confirmation on cancellation. It is most likely that the project was quietly cancelled, as many of its exclusive features were later repurposed for lbp 3. I wonder what it would have been like when it released or what it could have done to help the community expand, as it was a free to play game so anyone with a ps3 would have had access to it.
Next we have reminiscence of Newton’s original voice actor found in the final game, and the context of it almost gives it an eerie feel. Rik Mayall, Newton’s original voice actor, passed away days before lbp 3 was announced so the voice clips they had finished were removed and Newton was recasted. However when comparing the original pre beta voice clips to the audio within the game you can here bits of the voice clips within the burning town ambiance audio. Not sure whether the voice clips being present in this specific theme was intentional or accidental but it is pretty interesting
And now we have test files from the original lbp game and lbp karting, and honestly they sound like something from a 2010 creepypasta lol. We have the “Eye Bleeding Bull” test cutscene from lbp karting and the “Bloody Man Object” from the original lbp. The Eye Bleeding Bull shows up in one of lbp karting’s test levels. Once you complete the race a cutscene plays. The thing about this cutscene however is that there is no dialogue and no audio whatsoever. The only thing present is a floating bull skull with toy teeth and big eyes with blood spilling from them appearing on screen for just a few seconds. Doesn’t look as creepy as described but still is kind of unsettling ig lol. The Bloody Man Object was found in a ps3 test console featuring what appears to be files for early/test lbp builds. Nothing else is really known about the build, all it is is an object of a weird looking guy with blood splattered on him.
That’s all I will say here but if you are interested in learning more about lbp in relation to glitches, unused content, and production stories I highly recommend watching this video, it is where I got most of the info from :D (just a heads up tho it is 50 minutes long).
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margdarsanme · 5 years ago
मेडिकल सांइस के संक्षिप्त शब्द Medical Science Shortcut Words
Medical  Abbreviations List / हाॅस्पिटल, क्लेनिक में डाॅक्टर द्वारा मरीज उपचार एवं दवाईयों के लिए सम्बन्धित पर्चा, लेटर, डोक्यूमेंटस तैयार किया जाता है। जोकि हर कोई व्यक्ति आसानी से नहीं समझ पाता है। मरीज विवरण तैयार करने में डाॅक्टर/एक्सपर्ट मेडिकल भाषा में र्शाटकट कीवर्डस में विवरण लिखते हैं। जिसे उपचार सारणी बनने से लेकर ऑफिस रिकाॅर्ड के लिए रखा जाता है। मेडिकल सांइस में अकसर डाॅक्टर/एक्सपर्ट मरीज का सम्पूर्ण विवरण बहुत कम संकेतिक भाषा में रखते हैं, ताकि मरीज उपचार करने में आसानी हो, आसानी से दवाईयां, उपचार और सुझाव पूरी जानकारी एक मात्र कागज लिख सकें और उपचार में देरी ना हो। अधिक-से अधिक मरीजों की सम्पूर्ण जानकारी एक मात्र "डाॅक्टर पैड" में सलंग्न हो सके। और ज्यादा से ज्यादा मरीजों का उपचार शीघ्रता ��े हो सके। हाॅस्पिटल, क्लेनिक में डाॅक्टर/एक्सपर्ट की ड्यूटी शिफ्ट बदलने पर, दूसरे डाॅक्टर/एक्सपर्ट की गैरहाजरी में या मेडिकल शाॅप से उपचार हेतु दवाईयां, सर्जरी सामग्री या फिर बीमारी को समझना या उपचार से जुड़ी बारीकियों को जानने में आसानी बनी रहे। इस सभी उपरोक्त वजहों से डाॅक्टर/एक्सपर्ट संकेतिक भाषा का प्रयोग करते हैं। जिनहें Medical Abbreviations कहा जाता है। मेडिकल सांइस से जुड़े सभी Antimicrobial, Mechanism और Organism के Abbreviations / र्शाटकट वर्डस विस्तार से निम्न प्रकार हैं। जोकि बहुत ही हेल्पफुल हैं। डाॅक्टर और मेडिकल से जुड़ी संकेतिक भाषा जानकारी का आसानी से पता लगा सकते हैं। CARE SHORTCUT KEYS AXR = abdominal x-ray BAC = blood alcohol content BC = birth control BE = barium enema BMT = bone marrow transplant Bx = biopsy BRP = bathroom privileges CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation CXR = chest x-ray ECC = emergency cardiac care ECG or EKG = electrocardiogram ECMO = Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ECT = Electroconvulsive therapy ECV = External cephalic version FB = Foreign body FNA = Fine needle aspiration FOBT = Fecal occult blood testing GLT = Glucose loading test GTT = Glucose tolerance test H20 = Water I&D = Incision and drainage IM = Intramuscular I&O = Intake and output IV = Intravenous IUPC = Intrauterine pressure catheter In vitro = In the laboratory In vivo = In the body KUB = Kidney, ureter, bladder (x-ray) OGTT = Oral glucose tolerance test PAP = Pulmonary artery pressure; Papanicolaou test PEEP = Positive end expiratory pressure PT = Physical therapy T&C = Type and cross (blood) TPA = Tissue plasminogen activator (dissolve clots), total parenteral alimentation UA = Urinalysis US = Ultrasound XRT = External radiation therapy BODY DESCRIPTION SHORTCUT KEYS ABD = Abdomen AD = Right ear AL = Left ear AU = Both ears BMD = Bone mass density BMI = Body mass index BMR = Basal metabolic rate CBD = Common bile duct CBF = Cerebral blood flow FL = Femur length FROM = Free range of motion HC = Head circumference IBW = Ideal body weight LLL = Left lower lobe LLQ = Left lower quadrant LUL = Left upper lobe LUQ = Left upper quadrant LV = Left ventricle OD = Right eye OS = Left eye OU = Both eyes PNS = Peripheral nervous system RA = Right atrium RUL = Right upper lobe RUQ = Right upper quadrant RV = Right ventricle, residual volume TLC = Total lung capacity UE = Upper extremity WT = Weight DIAGNOSIS & CONDITION SHORTCUT KEYS ADHD = Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder AF = Acid-fast AIDS = Acquired immune deficiency syndrome A&O = Alert and oriented AOB = Alcohol on breath ARDS = Adult respiratory distress syndrome ARF = Acute renal failure, acute rheumatic fever BAD = Bipolar affective disorder BM = Bowel movement BP = Blood pressure CA = Cancer CAB = Carotid artery bruit CABG = Coronary artery bypass graft CAD = Coronary artery disease CBC = Complete blood count CF = Cystic fibrosis C/F = Chills, fever COVID 19 = Corona Virus CFT = Complement fixation testing CHD = Congenital heart disease CHF = Congestive heart failure COLD = Chronic obstructive lung disease COPD = Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease CP = Chest pain CP = Cerebral palsy C/S = Cesarean section CV = Cardiovascular CVA = Cerebral vascular accident (stroke) DTR = Deep tendon reflex DVT = Deep venous thrombosis Dx = Diagnosis EBL = Estimated blood loss EBV = Epstein-Barr virus EC = Eye contact ECASA = Enteric coated acetylsalicylic acid EGC = Early gastric cancer FAS = Fetal alcohol syndrome FB = Foreign body F/C = Fever, chills FEF = Forced expiratory flow FHR= Fetal heart rate FM = Fetal movement FRC = Functional residual capacity FSE = Fetal scalp electrode FSH = Follicle stimulating hormone FT = Full term FX = Fracture GA = Gestational age GH = Growth hormone GHRH = Growth hormone releasing hormone GI = Gastrointestinal GLT = Glucose loading test GSW = Gunshot wound GTT = Glucose tolerance test GU = Genitourinary HA = Headache HA = Hemolytic anemia HAV = Hepatitis A virus HBV = Hepatitis B virus Hb = Hemoglobin HCV = Hepatitis C virus HDL = High density lipoprotein HDV = Hepatitis D virus HIV = Human immunodeficiency virus HPA = Hypothalamic suppression test HR = Heart rate HTN = Hypertension IBD = Inflammatory bowel disease IBS = Inflammatory bowel syndrome ICP = Intracranial pressure IDDM = Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus IPF = Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis IUI = Intrauterine insemination IUP = Intrauterine pregnancy IVF = In vitro fertilization IVIG = Intravenous immune globulin IVP = Intravenous push JCV = JC virus JRA = Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis JVD = Jugular venous distension KS = Kaposi sarcoma LAD = Leukocyte adhesion deficiency LBP = Ower back pain LBW = Low birth weight LIH = Left inguinal hernia LOF = Loss of fluid MD = Muscular dystrophy MR = Mental retardation MS = Multiple sclerosis NAD = No acute distress Nat/O = Birth NIDDM = Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus NM = Neuromuscular N/V = Nausea vomiting NVD = Normal vaginal delivery OCD = Obsessive compulsive disorder ON = Optic neuritis OSA = Obstructive sleep apnea PD = Parkinson's disease PE = Pulmonary embolism PKD = Polycystic kidney disease PID = Pelvic inflammatory disease PIH = Pregnancy induced hypertension PMS = Premenstrual syndrome PTSD = Post-traumatic stress disorder RA = Rheumatoid arthritis RAD = Reactive airway disease RDS = Respiratory distress syndrome REM = Rapid eye movements RHD = Rheumatic heart disease RXN = Reaction SAB = Spontaneous abortion SBO = Small bowel obstruction SBS = Shaken baby syndrome SOB = Shortness of breath STD = Sexually transmitted disease TAH = Total abdominal hysterectomy TB = Tuberculosis TBI = Traumatic brain injury TGA = Transient global amnesia UC = Ulcerative colitis UO = Urine output URI = Upper respiratory infection UTI = Urinary tract infection VB = Vaginal bleeding VBAC = Vaginal birth after caesarean section VF = Ventricular fibrillation VH = Vaginal hysterectomy, hallucination VIP = Voluntary interruption of pregnancy COMMUNICATION SHORTCUT KEYS AA =  Amino acid ABG =  Arterial blood gas ADM =  Admission, admitted ALS =  Advanced life support, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis AMA = Against medical advice, American Medical Association ASAP = As soon as possible A&W = Alive and well C = Centigrade, celsius CC = Cubic centimeter, chief complaint, critical care, complications, carbon copy C/O =  Complains of, care of CO2 = Carbon dioxide D/C =  Discontinue or discharge DNR =  Do not resuscitate DO = Disorder DOA = Dead on arrival or date of admission DOB = Date of birth DOT = Directly observed therapy DSM = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders EDC = Estimated date of confinement EDD = Estimated delivery date EGA = Estimated gestational age ER = Emergency room F = Fahrenheit H&P = History & physical examination HPI = History of present illness H/O = History of HR = Heart rate or hour HS = Hour of sleep (bedtime) ICU = Intensive care unit ID = Infectious diseases IP = Inpatient IQ = Intelligence quotient IU = International units MCO = Managed care organization MG = milligram MVA = motor vehicle accident ML = milliliter NKDA = no known drug allergies NTG = nitroglycerin O2 = oxygen OPD = outpatient department P = pulse Post-op = postoperative (after surgery) Pre-op = preoperative (before surgery) PA or PT = patient PCP = primary care physician RBC = red blood cell RF = risk factor S = without (sans) SX = symptoms S/S = signs and symptoms STAT = immediately T = temperature TPR = temperature, pulse, respiration USOH = usual state of health VS = vital signs VSS = vital signs stable WB = whole blood WBC = white blood cell WNL = within normal limits MECHANISM SHORTCUT KEYS beta-lactamase = blac ESBL, all types = esbl ESBL, CTX-M type = esbl_ctxm mecA gene = mecA methicillin resistant = metR mupA gene = mupA ORGANISM SHORTCUT KEYS Alpha-haemolytic streptococcus = as Beta-haemolytic streptococcus = bs Coagulase-negative staphylococcus = cn Enterobacte = re Enterococcus = ec Escherichia coli = eo Klebsiell = ak Proteea = ep Pseudomonas =  ps Serratia = gn Staphylococcus aureus = st Streptococcus pneumoniae = pn ANTIMICROBIAL SHORTCUT KEYS amoxicillin = amx amoxicillin/clavulanate = amc amikacin = amk ampicillin = amp azithromycin = azm cefaclor = cec cefotaxime = ctx cefoxitin = fox ceftaroline = cpt ceftazidime = caz ceftazidime/avibactam = cza ceftobiprole = bpr ceftolozane/tazobactam = c_t cefuroxime = cxm ciprofloxacin = cip clarithromycin = clr clindamycin = cli colistin = cst dalbavancin = dal daptomycin = dap doripenem = dor ertapenem = etp erythromycin = ery faropenem = far fusidic acid = fus gemifloxacin = gem gentamicin = gen imipenem = ipm imipenem/relebactam= ipr levofloxacin = lvx linezolid = lzd meropenem = mem metronidazole = mtz minocycline = min moxifloxacin = mxf mupirocin = mup oxacillin = oxa penicillin = pen piperacillin/tazobactam =tzp rifampicin = rif solithromycin = sol teicoplanin = tec telavancin = tlv telithromycin = tel tetracycline = tet tigecycline = tgc tobramycin = tob trimethoprim = tmp trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole = sxt vancomycin = van
via Blogger https://ift.tt/3bQ6xrd
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sackboys-moved · 4 years ago
People that have no idea what lbp is thanks for listening to my posts about the pre beta thanks love you
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margdarsanme · 5 years ago
मेडिकल सांइस के संक्षिप्त शब्द Medical Science Shortcut Words
Medical  Abbreviations List / हाॅस्पिटल, क्लेनिक में डाॅक्टर द्वारा मरीज उपचार एवं दवाईयों के लिए सम्बन्धित पर्चा, लेटर, डोक्यूमेंटस तैयार किया जाता है। जोकि हर कोई व्यक्ति आसानी से नहीं समझ पाता है। मरीज विवरण तैयार करने में डाॅक्टर/एक्सपर्ट मेडिकल भाषा में र्शाटकट कीवर्डस में विवरण लिखते हैं। जिसे उपचार सारणी बनने से लेकर ऑफिस रिकाॅर्ड के लिए रखा जाता है। मेडिकल सांइस में अकसर डाॅक्टर/एक्सपर्ट मरीज का सम्पूर्ण विवरण बहुत कम संकेतिक भाषा में रखते हैं, ताकि मरीज उपचार करने में आसानी हो, आसानी से दवाईयां, उपचार और सुझाव पूरी जानकारी एक मात्र कागज लिख सकें और उपचार में देरी ना हो। अधिक-से अधिक मरीजों की सम्पूर्ण जानकारी एक मात्र "डाॅक्टर पैड" में सलंग्न हो सके। और ज्यादा से ज्यादा मरीजों का उपचार शीघ्रता से हो सके। हाॅस्पिटल, क्लेनिक में डाॅक्टर/एक्सपर्ट की ड्यूटी शिफ्ट बदलने पर, दूसरे डाॅक्टर/एक्सपर्ट की गैरहाजरी में या मेडिकल शाॅप से उपचार हेतु दवाईयां, सर्जरी सामग्री या फिर बीमारी को समझना या उपचार से जुड़ी बारीकियों को जानने में आसानी बनी रहे। इस सभी उपरोक्त वजहों से डाॅक्टर/एक्सपर्ट संकेतिक भाषा का प्रयोग करते हैं। जिनहें Medical Abbreviations कहा जाता है। मेडिकल सांइस से जुड़े सभी Antimicrobial, Mechanism और Organism के Abbreviations / र्शाटकट वर्डस विस्तार से निम्न प्रकार हैं। जोकि बहुत ही हेल्पफुल हैं। डाॅक्टर और मेडिकल से जुड़ी संकेतिक भाषा जानकारी का आसानी से पता लगा सकते हैं। CARE SHORTCUT KEYS AXR = abdominal x-ray BAC = blood alcohol content BC = birth control BE = barium enema BMT = bone marrow transplant Bx = biopsy BRP = bathroom privileges CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation CXR = chest x-ray ECC = emergency cardiac care ECG or EKG = electrocardiogram ECMO = Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ECT = Electroconvulsive therapy ECV = External cephalic version FB = Foreign body FNA = Fine needle aspiration FOBT = Fecal occult blood testing GLT = Glucose loading test GTT = Glucose tolerance test H20 = Water I&D = Incision and drainage IM = Intramuscular I&O = Intake and output IV = Intravenous IUPC = Intrauterine pressure catheter In vitro = In the laboratory In vivo = In the body KUB = Kidney, ureter, bladder (x-ray) OGTT = Oral glucose tolerance test PAP = Pulmonary artery pressure; Papanicolaou test PEEP = Positive end expiratory pressure PT = Physical therapy T&C = Type and cross (blood) TPA = Tissue plasminogen activator (dissolve clots), total parenteral alimentation UA = Urinalysis US = Ultrasound XRT = External radiation therapy BODY DESCRIPTION SHORTCUT KEYS ABD = Abdomen AD = Right ear AL = Left ear AU = Both ears BMD = Bone mass density BMI = Body mass index BMR = Basal metabolic rate CBD = Common bile duct CBF = Cerebral blood flow FL = Femur length FROM = Free range of motion HC = Head circumference IBW = Ideal body weight LLL = Left lower lobe LLQ = Left lower quadrant LUL = Left upper lobe LUQ = Left upper quadrant LV = Left ventricle OD = Right eye OS = Left eye OU = Both eyes PNS = Peripheral nervous system RA = Right atrium RUL = Right upper lobe RUQ = Right upper quadrant RV = Right ventricle, residual volume TLC = Total lung capacity UE = Upper extremity WT = Weight DIAGNOSIS & CONDITION SHORTCUT KEYS ADHD = Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder AF = Acid-fast AIDS = Acquired immune deficiency syndrome A&O = Alert and oriented AOB = Alcohol on breath ARDS = Adult respiratory distress syndrome ARF = Acute renal failure, acute rheumatic fever BAD = Bipolar affective disorder BM = Bowel movement BP = Blood pressure CA = Cancer CAB = Carotid artery bruit CABG = Coronary artery bypass graft CAD = Coronary artery disease CBC = Complete blood count CF = Cystic fibrosis C/F = Chills, fever COVID 19 = Corona Virus CFT = Complement fixation testing CHD = Congenital heart disease CHF = Congestive heart failure COLD = Chronic obstructive lung disease COPD = Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease CP = Chest pain CP = Cerebral palsy C/S = Cesarean section CV = Cardiovascular CVA = Cerebral vascular accident (stroke) DTR = Deep tendon reflex DVT = Deep venous thrombosis Dx = Diagnosis EBL = Estimated blood loss EBV = Epstein-Barr virus EC = Eye contact ECASA = Enteric coated acetylsalicylic acid EGC = Early gastric cancer FAS = Fetal alcohol syndrome FB = Foreign body F/C = Fever, chills FEF = Forced expiratory flow FHR= Fetal heart rate FM = Fetal movement FRC = Functional residual capacity FSE = Fetal scalp electrode FSH = Follicle stimulating hormone FT = Full term FX = Fracture GA = Gestational age GH = Growth hormone GHRH = Growth hormone releasing hormone GI = Gastrointestinal GLT = Glucose loading test GSW = Gunshot wound GTT = Glucose tolerance test GU = Genitourinary HA = Headache HA = Hemolytic anemia HAV = Hepatitis A virus HBV = Hepatitis B virus Hb = Hemoglobin HCV = Hepatitis C virus HDL = High density lipoprotein HDV = Hepatitis D virus HIV = Human immunodeficiency virus HPA = Hypothalamic suppression test HR = Heart rate HTN = Hypertension IBD = Inflammatory bowel disease IBS = Inflammatory bowel syndrome ICP = Intracranial pressure IDDM = Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus IPF = Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis IUI = Intrauterine insemination IUP = Intrauterine pregnancy IVF = In vitro fertilization IVIG = Intravenous immune globulin IVP = Intravenous push JCV = JC virus JRA = Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis JVD = Jugular venous distension KS = Kaposi sarcoma LAD = Leukocyte adhesion deficiency LBP = Ower back pain LBW = Low birth weight LIH = Left inguinal hernia LOF = Loss of fluid MD = Muscular dystrophy MR = Mental retardation MS = Multiple sclerosis NAD = No acute distress Nat/O = Birth NIDDM = Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus NM = Neuromuscular N/V = Nausea vomiting NVD = Normal vaginal delivery OCD = Obsessive compulsive disorder ON = Optic neuritis OSA = Obstructive sleep apnea PD = Parkinson's disease PE = Pulmonary embolism PKD = Polycystic kidney disease PID = Pelvic inflammatory disease PIH = Pregnancy induced hypertension PMS = Premenstrual syndrome PTSD = Post-traumatic stress disorder RA = Rheumatoid arthritis RAD = Reactive airway disease RDS = Respiratory distress syndrome REM = Rapid eye movements RHD = Rheumatic heart disease RXN = Reaction SAB = Spontaneous abortion SBO = Small bowel obstruction SBS = Shaken baby syndrome SOB = Shortness of breath STD = Sexually transmitted disease TAH = Total abdominal hysterectomy TB = Tuberculosis TBI = Traumatic brain injury TGA = Transient global amnesia UC = Ulcerative colitis UO = Urine output URI = Upper respiratory infection UTI = Urinary tract infection VB = Vaginal bleeding VBAC = Vaginal birth after caesarean section VF = Ventricular fibrillation VH = Vaginal hysterectomy, hallucination VIP = Voluntary interruption of pregnancy COMMUNICATION SHORTCUT KEYS AA =  Amino acid ABG =  Arterial blood gas ADM =  Admission, admitted ALS =  Advanced life support, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis AMA = Against medical advice, American Medical Association ASAP = As soon as possible A&W = Alive and well C = Centigrade, celsius CC = Cubic centimeter, chief complaint, critical care, complications, carbon copy C/O =  Complains of, care of CO2 = Carbon dioxide D/C =  Discontinue or discharge DNR =  Do not resuscitate DO = Disorder DOA = Dead on arrival or date of admission DOB = Date of birth DOT = Directly observed therapy DSM = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders EDC = Estimated date of confinement EDD = Estimated delivery date EGA = Estimated gestational age ER = Emergency room F = Fahrenheit H&P = History & physical examination HPI = History of present illness H/O = History of HR = Heart rate or hour HS = Hour of sleep (bedtime) ICU = Intensive care unit ID = Infectious diseases IP = Inpatient IQ = Intelligence quotient IU = International units MCO = Managed care organization MG = milligram MVA = motor vehicle accident ML = milliliter NKDA = no known drug allergies NTG = nitroglycerin O2 = oxygen OPD = outpatient department P = pulse Post-op = postoperative (after surgery) Pre-op = preoperative (before surgery) PA or PT = patient PCP = primary care physician RBC = red blood cell RF = risk factor S = without (sans) SX = symptoms S/S = signs and symptoms STAT = immediately T = temperature TPR = temperature, pulse, respiration USOH = usual state of health VS = vital signs VSS = vital signs stable WB = whole blood WBC = white blood cell WNL = within normal limits MECHANISM SHORTCUT KEYS beta-lactamase = blac ESBL, all types = esbl ESBL, CTX-M type = esbl_ctxm mecA gene = mecA methicillin resistant = metR mupA gene = mupA ORGANISM SHORTCUT KEYS Alpha-haemolytic streptococcus = as Beta-haemolytic streptococcus = bs Coagulase-negative staphylococcus = cn Enterobacte = re Enterococcus = ec Escherichia coli = eo Klebsiell = ak Proteea = ep Pseudomonas =  ps Serratia = gn Staphylococcus aureus = st Streptococcus pneumoniae = pn ANTIMICROBIAL SHORTCUT KEYS amoxicillin = amx amoxicillin/clavulanate = amc amikacin = amk ampicillin = amp azithromycin = azm cefaclor = cec cefotaxime = ctx cefoxitin = fox ceftaroline = cpt ceftazidime = caz ceftazidime/avibactam = cza ceftobiprole = bpr ceftolozane/tazobactam = c_t cefuroxime = cxm ciprofloxacin = cip clarithromycin = clr clindamycin = cli colistin = cst dalbavancin = dal daptomycin = dap doripenem = dor ertapenem = etp erythromycin = ery faropenem = far fusidic acid = fus gemifloxacin = gem gentamicin = gen imipenem = ipm imipenem/relebactam= ipr levofloxacin = lvx linezolid = lzd meropenem = mem metronidazole = mtz minocycline = min moxifloxacin = mxf mupirocin = mup oxacillin = oxa penicillin = pen piperacillin/tazobactam =tzp rifampicin = rif solithromycin = sol teicoplanin = tec telavancin = tlv telithromycin = tel tetracycline = tet tigecycline = tgc tobramycin = tob trimethoprim = tmp trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole = sxt vancomycin = van
via Blogger https://ift.tt/3bQ6xrd
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margdarsanme · 5 years ago
मेडिकल सांइस के संक्षिप्त शब्द Medical Science Shortcut Words
Medical  Abbreviations List / हाॅस्पिटल, क्लेनिक में डाॅक्टर द्वारा मरीज उपचार एवं दवाईयों के लिए सम्बन्धित पर्चा, लेटर, डोक्यूमेंटस तैयार किया जाता है। जोकि हर कोई व्यक्ति आसानी से नहीं समझ ��ाता है। मरीज विवरण तैयार करने में डाॅक्टर/एक्सपर्ट मेडिकल भाषा में र्शाटकट कीवर्डस में विवरण लिखते हैं। जिसे उपचार सारणी बनने से लेकर ऑफिस रिकाॅर्ड के लिए रखा जाता है। मेडिकल सांइस में अकसर डाॅक्टर/एक्सपर्ट मरीज का सम्पूर्ण विवरण बहुत कम संकेतिक भाषा में रखते हैं, ताकि मरीज उपचार करने में आसानी हो, आसानी से दवाईयां, उपचार और सुझाव पूरी जानकारी एक मात्र कागज लिख सकें और उपचार में देरी ना हो। अधिक-से अधिक मरीजों की सम्पूर्ण जानकारी एक मात्र "डाॅक्टर पैड" में सलंग्न हो सके। और ज्यादा से ज्यादा मरीजों का उपचार शीघ्रता से हो सके। हाॅस्पिटल, क्लेनिक में डाॅक्टर/एक्सपर्ट की ड्यूटी शिफ्ट बदलने पर, दूसरे डाॅक्टर/एक्सपर्ट की गैरहाजरी में या मेडिकल शाॅप से उपचार हेतु दवाईयां, सर्जरी सामग्री या फिर बीमारी को समझना या उपचार से जुड़ी बारीकियों को जानने में आसानी बनी रहे। इस सभी उपरोक्त वजहों से डाॅक्टर/एक्सपर्ट संकेतिक भाषा का प्रयोग करते हैं। जिनहें Medical Abbreviations कहा जाता है। मेडिकल सांइस से जुड़े सभी Antimicrobial, Mechanism और Organism के Abbreviations / र्शाटकट वर्डस विस्तार से निम्न प्रकार हैं। जोकि बहुत ही हेल्पफुल हैं। डाॅक्टर और मेडिकल से जुड़ी संकेतिक भाषा जानकारी का आसानी से पता लगा सकते हैं। CARE SHORTCUT KEYS AXR = abdominal x-ray BAC = blood alcohol content BC = birth control BE = barium enema BMT = bone marrow transplant Bx = biopsy BRP = bathroom privileges CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation CXR = chest x-ray ECC = emergency cardiac care ECG or EKG = electrocardiogram ECMO = Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ECT = Electroconvulsive therapy ECV = External cephalic version FB = Foreign body FNA = Fine needle aspiration FOBT = Fecal occult blood testing GLT = Glucose loading test GTT = Glucose tolerance test H20 = Water I&D = Incision and drainage IM = Intramuscular I&O = Intake and output IV = Intravenous IUPC = Intrauterine pressure catheter In vitro = In the laboratory In vivo = In the body KUB = Kidney, ureter, bladder (x-ray) OGTT = Oral glucose tolerance test PAP = Pulmonary artery pressure; Papanicolaou test PEEP = Positive end expiratory pressure PT = Physical therapy T&C = Type and cross (blood) TPA = Tissue plasminogen activator (dissolve clots), total parenteral alimentation UA = Urinalysis US = Ultrasound XRT = External radiation therapy BODY DESCRIPTION SHORTCUT KEYS ABD = Abdomen AD = Right ear AL = Left ear AU = Both ears BMD = Bone mass density BMI = Body mass index BMR = Basal metabolic rate CBD = Common bile duct CBF = Cerebral blood flow FL = Femur length FROM = Free range of motion HC = Head circumference IBW = Ideal body weight LLL = Left lower lobe LLQ = Left lower quadrant LUL = Left upper lobe LUQ = Left upper quadrant LV = Left ventricle OD = Right eye OS = Left eye OU = Both eyes PNS = Peripheral nervous system RA = Right atrium RUL = Right upper lobe RUQ = Right upper quadrant RV = Right ventricle, residual volume TLC = Total lung capacity UE = Upper extremity WT = Weight DIAGNOSIS & CONDITION SHORTCUT KEYS ADHD = Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder AF = Acid-fast AIDS = Acquired immune deficiency syndrome A&O = Alert and oriented AOB = Alcohol on breath ARDS = Adult respiratory distress syndrome ARF = Acute renal failure, acute rheumatic fever BAD = Bipolar affective disorder BM = Bowel movement BP = Blood pressure CA = Cancer CAB = Carotid artery bruit CABG = Coronary artery bypass graft CAD = Coronary artery disease CBC = Complete blood count CF = Cystic fibrosis C/F = Chills, fever COVID 19 = Corona Virus CFT = Complement fixation testing CHD = Congenital heart disease CHF = Congestive heart failure COLD = Chronic obstructive lung disease COPD = Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease CP = Chest pain CP = Cerebral palsy C/S = Cesarean section CV = Cardiovascular CVA = Cerebral vascular accident (stroke) DTR = Deep tendon reflex DVT = Deep venous thrombosis Dx = Diagnosis EBL = Estimated blood loss EBV = Epstein-Barr virus EC = Eye contact ECASA = Enteric coated acetylsalicylic acid EGC = Early gastric cancer FAS = Fetal alcohol syndrome FB = Foreign body F/C = Fever, chills FEF = Forced expiratory flow FHR= Fetal heart rate FM = Fetal movement FRC = Functional residual capacity FSE = Fetal scalp electrode FSH = Follicle stimulating hormone FT = Full term FX = Fracture GA = Gestational age GH = Growth hormone GHRH = Growth hormone releasing hormone GI = Gastrointestinal GLT = Glucose loading test GSW = Gunshot wound GTT = Glucose tolerance test GU = Genitourinary HA = Headache HA = Hemolytic anemia HAV = Hepatitis A virus HBV = Hepatitis B virus Hb = Hemoglobin HCV = Hepatitis C virus HDL = High density lipoprotein HDV = Hepatitis D virus HIV = Human immunodeficiency virus HPA = Hypothalamic suppression test HR = Heart rate HTN = Hypertension IBD = Inflammatory bowel disease IBS = Inflammatory bowel syndrome ICP = Intracranial pressure IDDM = Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus IPF = Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis IUI = Intrauterine insemination IUP = Intrauterine pregnancy IVF = In vitro fertilization IVIG = Intravenous immune globulin IVP = Intravenous push JCV = JC virus JRA = Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis JVD = Jugular venous distension KS = Kaposi sarcoma LAD = Leukocyte adhesion deficiency LBP = Ower back pain LBW = Low birth weight LIH = Left inguinal hernia LOF = Loss of fluid MD = Muscular dystrophy MR = Mental retardation MS = Multiple sclerosis NAD = No acute distress Nat/O = Birth NIDDM = Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus NM = Neuromuscular N/V = Nausea vomiting NVD = Normal vaginal delivery OCD = Obsessive compulsive disorder ON = Optic neuritis OSA = Obstructive sleep apnea PD = Parkinson's disease PE = Pulmonary embolism PKD = Polycystic kidney disease PID = Pelvic inflammatory disease PIH = Pregnancy induced hypertension PMS = Premenstrual syndrome PTSD = Post-traumatic stress disorder RA = Rheumatoid arthritis RAD = Reactive airway disease RDS = Respiratory distress syndrome REM = Rapid eye movements RHD = Rheumatic heart disease RXN = Reaction SAB = Spontaneous abortion SBO = Small bowel obstruction SBS = Shaken baby syndrome SOB = Shortness of breath STD = Sexually transmitted disease TAH = Total abdominal hysterectomy TB = Tuberculosis TBI = Traumatic brain injury TGA = Transient global amnesia UC = Ulcerative colitis UO = Urine output URI = Upper respiratory infection UTI = Urinary tract infection VB = Vaginal bleeding VBAC = Vaginal birth after caesarean section VF = Ventricular fibrillation VH = Vaginal hysterectomy, hallucination VIP = Voluntary interruption of pregnancy COMMUNICATION SHORTCUT KEYS AA =  Amino acid ABG =  Arterial blood gas ADM =  Admission, admitted ALS =  Advanced life support, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis AMA = Against medical advice, American Medical Association ASAP = As soon as possible A&W = Alive and well C = Centigrade, celsius CC = Cubic centimeter, chief complaint, critical care, complications, carbon copy C/O =  Complains of, care of CO2 = Carbon dioxide D/C =  Discontinue or discharge DNR =  Do not resuscitate DO = Disorder DOA = Dead on arrival or date of admission DOB = Date of birth DOT = Directly observed therapy DSM = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders EDC = Estimated date of confinement EDD = Estimated delivery date EGA = Estimated gestational age ER = Emergency room F = Fahrenheit H&P = History & physical examination HPI = History of present illness H/O = History of HR = Heart rate or hour HS = Hour of sleep (bedtime) ICU = Intensive care unit ID = Infectious diseases IP = Inpatient IQ = Intelligence quotient IU = International units MCO = Managed care organization MG = milligram MVA = motor vehicle accident ML = milliliter NKDA = no known drug allergies NTG = nitroglycerin O2 = oxygen OPD = outpatient department P = pulse Post-op = postoperative (after surgery) Pre-op = preoperative (before surgery) PA or PT = patient PCP = primary care physician RBC = red blood cell RF = risk factor S = without (sans) SX = symptoms S/S = signs and symptoms STAT = immediately T = temperature TPR = temperature, pulse, respiration USOH = usual state of health VS = vital signs VSS = vital signs stable WB = whole blood WBC = white blood cell WNL = within normal limits MECHANISM SHORTCUT KEYS beta-lactamase = blac ESBL, all types = esbl ESBL, CTX-M type = esbl_ctxm mecA gene = mecA methicillin resistant = metR mupA gene = mupA ORGANISM SHORTCUT KEYS Alpha-haemolytic streptococcus = as Beta-haemolytic streptococcus = bs Coagulase-negative staphylococcus = cn Enterobacte = re Enterococcus = ec Escherichia coli = eo Klebsiell = ak Proteea = ep Pseudomonas =  ps Serratia = gn Staphylococcus aureus = st Streptococcus pneumoniae = pn ANTIMICROBIAL SHORTCUT KEYS amoxicillin = amx amoxicillin/clavulanate = amc amikacin = amk ampicillin = amp azithromycin = azm cefaclor = cec cefotaxime = ctx cefoxitin = fox ceftaroline = cpt ceftazidime = caz ceftazidime/avibactam = cza ceftobiprole = bpr ceftolozane/tazobactam = c_t cefuroxime = cxm ciprofloxacin = cip clarithromycin = clr clindamycin = cli colistin = cst dalbavancin = dal daptomycin = dap doripenem = dor ertapenem = etp erythromycin = ery faropenem = far fusidic acid = fus gemifloxacin = gem gentamicin = gen imipenem = ipm imipenem/relebactam= ipr levofloxacin = lvx linezolid = lzd meropenem = mem metronidazole = mtz minocycline = min moxifloxacin = mxf mupirocin = mup oxacillin = oxa penicillin = pen piperacillin/tazobactam =tzp rifampicin = rif solithromycin = sol teicoplanin = tec telavancin = tlv telithromycin = tel tetracycline = tet tigecycline = tgc tobramycin = tob trimethoprim = tmp trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole = sxt vancomycin = van
from Blogger http://www.margdarsan.com/2020/02/medical-science-shortcut-words.html
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