#pre-T i was never sure if i wanted HRT but after starting T it literally fucking saved my life and i can't imagine going back
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transphobes attacking me on insta for taking HRT after i literally explain that T saved my life by stopping my near-constant menstrual linked-hormonal seizures that i've been having since i was abt 16ish.... they don't actually care if it literally is keeping you alive in a medical sense they want you dead because you don't hate that you're not cis regardless
#pre-T i was never sure if i wanted HRT but after starting T it literally fucking saved my life and i can't imagine going back#full on. my roommates used to have to sit with me for hours in case i choked and died while going in and out of sei#seizures#it was terrifying for me AND them. i would have no thought going through my head besides 'please dont let me die like this'#HRT literally saved my life. it has been the ONLY thing to stop such aggressive and regularly seizures#and while im still disabled im at least not worried ALL THE TIME i'll die suddenly from this struggle#cis people would literally rather me DEAD than being ok with facial hair growth in exchange for no seizures#im a little drinkie i apologize for ranting. im just genuinely so upset objectively#someone said im ABUSING hormones.....#i had an episode in late 2021 that i was in and out of a seizing state for 2 hours. TWO HOURS.#the longest episode i've had since starting T over a year ago was maybe 20 seconds#i feel sick at the idea that people want me to suffer so significantly because they don't like that i'm enjoying the gender euphoria too#fuck. anyway.#rant#ig.....#alcohol tw
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Unpacking Non-binary Identity
I have always had a hard time feeling like I fit in underneath the umbrella of the definition of the concept of woman. I was diagnosed with a genetic disorder called Turner’s Syndrome at age five. My primary care doctor noticed I was growing quite at all as fast as the rest of the kids in the elementary school classes, and suggested to my doctors at Vanderbilt University that they do a genetic karyotype test. Sometimes I like to say that whatever god or divine being is out there sure does have a good sense of humor. Though I was born to a pair of evangelical, conservative Christian parents, I came right out of the womb queer as fuck. God literally just decided to say, “Oh? You wanna be homophobic? Well, here’s the gayest child I could send you possible. Have fun learning to love her.”
As a person living with Turner’s Syndrome, this means I have one X chromosome and my second X chromosome has a small missing piece out of it. After a lot of soul searching, research, reading and listening to other intersex individuals’ stories, I became comfortable identifying with the intersex label and identity myself. It felt safe and comfortable–more roomy and spacious than the confines of the rigid binary of female and male. From a young age, I knew I was vastly different from my cisgender female friends. My diagnosis meant that I would never be able to have biological kids of my own and it also meant I had to take hormone replacement medication to treat my estrogen levels that were messed up and unpredictable due to my genetic disorder. As a high schooler, already struggling to fit in and with a socially anxious and awkward pre-disposition, I kept this a secret from even my closest best friends.
As I grew older I started to feel more and more caught in between each end of the spectrum, masculine and feminine. I became a gray area. A question mark. I rejected everything feminine. I decided, if I couldn’t prove my worth and place in the coveted world of womanhood, I would completely reject it. I cut my hair into a pixie cut. I wore beanies and hoodies and other androgynous clothes. My confusion and pain surrounding my gender identity continued to grow, steadily. Day by day. My freshman year of college, which happened to be at a private Christian college (which definitely, in no way, helped the gender dysphoria I was feeling) brought with it feelings of potentially even wanting to transition and go on HRT to present in a more masculine way.
Spoiler alert: I eventually decided not to transition. I don’t share this personal story of mine regarding gender identity struggles to push any sort of anti-trans or anti-transition agenda. In fact, I am sharing it as a form of reclaiming my place within the transgender community as a non-binary person, especially in the face of many members of the LGBTQ+ community mocking non-binary people and saying we aren’t a “real” identity and that we don’t deserve to be included in the transgender community since many of us have never medically transitioned. The non-binary community is diverse, vibrant and thriving. Many of us have learned to accept this gray area of gender that we were born into.
Recently, in the past few years, my style has morphed from beanies and pixie cuts to wild, wavy long hair and band t-shirts, combat boots, sundresses, and the occasional 1970s-esque thrift store find. I can’t begin to pinpoint the when, why or what inspired me to take such a 180 with my gender expression. To put it bluntly, maybe it’s all down to the fact that I put distance between myself and my hometown. I moved off to college. I learned to live on my own, even though I was terrified at first. (Trust me, when they dropped me off for freshman orientation day I literally wanted the Earth to swallow me up. Too many new people. Too many new things.)
There were some very dark days during my journey to becoming an adult. 21 year old me probably wouldn’t even recognize 27-year-old me. She’d probably be in a pub or googling directions to get the tube to The Beatles famous Abbey Road zebra crossing. I am still that same person inside: a traveler, an adventurer, who chose to study abroad and live in London, even though I was scared shitless and didn’t know a single soul who was studying there that semester. My early 20s were all about making myself do the things that I was terrified of.
Separating the beauty of the divine feminine parts of myself from the narrow labels and constraints of my small, southern hometown’s idea of what femininity meant was terrifying. Good christian girls never used profanity. Good Christian girls in my hometown got office jobs or teaching jobs. They’d stay pure until they found someone they wanted to marry. Unbroken, Intact. Untainted by teenage lust and hormones. All I could see around me as a college freshman at a Christian school was the pressure to be the ‘perfect Christian wife.’ Work in ministry or go on mission trips. Meet Prince Charming (Hello David Karesh, looking at you. Sorry…dark joke) and fall in love and get married and have a couple of charming, obedient children. This ideal, this standard set so high that it is almost bound to have cracks and be fake, absolutely, was not something I wanted to partake in. So, I rejected it completely. If I couldn’t be the ideal Christian female, to hell with femininity entirely.
I stopped wearing my favorite sundresses. I kept my hair in a short pixie cut but still wore pretty intricate eye makeup. In some ways, I found solace in a mostly masculine aura and identity. In other ways, it may have been my trauma and hurt with never feeling like I fully ticked off the box of female traits that society appreciates and applauds. The majority of my early 20s was spent in a state of very painful gender dysphoria and gender confusion. Would I ever be accepted and loved for who I am? Who would want to be with and love someone that can’t even decide what gender they feel and how they want to express their gender from day to day.
I met my wonderful wife and slowly worked on healing the wounded little girl that never felt like she fit in living inside of me.
I am a gray area.
I am a fucking gray area.
I am non-binary. Sometimes the more masculine aspects of my soul take center stage. On other days, and more often than not, lately, the feminine aspects of my soul take over. I can love pretty and sparkly and girly things. I can express my emotions and style and vibe through makeup. I can nourish and continue to heal the traumatized inner little girl still living within me.
I no longer want to let fundamental Christianity take away my enjoyment of feminine things.
Maybe, in an odd turn of events, the sudden change in my gender expression was just my revenge and attempt to reclaim my femininity from purity culture and redefine it for myself.
I guess I write this entire story to convey this simple message: Don’t assume someone is cisgender or that they fit neatly into some type of binary solely based off how they dress, if they wear makeup, or how high or low their voice is. Someone you peg or think looks cisgender could be fighting a silent war with gender dysphoria in their mind.
The last thing I will leave you with is this: never let someone decide your gender or gender expression for you. Also, never feel like you have to put a label on your gender identity if you don’t feel comfortable and aren’t ready. Gender and gender expression are meant to be colorful, diverse, and expressive.
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Rec Roundup - April 2021
Can you believe it's May?! Now that @sctropefest has run its course and so many people in the fandom are catching their breath – your rare & gen reccers included! – it's time to look at some of the fics we enjoyed from April 2021. As a reminder, we will be posting a master list of all of the Tropefest rare & gen fics once reveals are out, so stay tuned
Afternoon Delight by IAmHereIRL, Jake/David, rated E, 8652 words
Summary: This is the story of David and Jake's encounters from the end of season two to the start of season three
Rec [written by yourbuttervoicedbeau]: I think it’s fairly obvious by now that I’m a Jake Fan first and a human being second, so you KNOW anything with Jake’s name in the relationships tag is going to grab my attention. This is the author’s very first fic they’ve posted, and it’s just a delight — and the ending made me laugh out loud.
Basically His Only Friend by jmda4, Alexis & Johnny (background Alexis & Roses, and Alexis/Ted), not rated (we'd call it G), 1414 words
Summary: Minutes after realizing that she'd miss her family, Alexis feels her stomach drop when she checks her phone and sees a stream of missed texts from Stevie.
"Your Dad's in the hospital. They don't know what's wrong."
"We're at Elmdale Hospital. He was having chest pain and couldn't breathe."
Rec [written by doingthemost]: I will forever be salty that Alexis wasn't involved in Johnny's hospital scare, and I'm also a complete sucker for Johnny's relationships with his children… so this fic was a delight to stumble upon. I'm happy to consider this part of canon from now on!
coffee and catching up by @sarah--tonin, Patrick & Twyla, rated G, 535 words
Summary: patrick goes to the cafe the day after twyla gets back from nyc and wants to hear how it goes. because he and twyla are friends. :)
Rec [written by samwhambam]: I ALWAYS enjoy a good Twyla is friends with people fic. I love seeing her build friendships with members of the Rose family, and this fic shows a little friendship moment between Twyla and Patrick and it is so lovely! (with a little hint of Alexis/Twyla. It’s inspired by the fic Got You by colourcodedbinders
I would be complex, I would be cool by @yourbuttervoicedbeau, Alexis/Ruth, rating, 2220 words
Summary: Ruth doesn’t ask to stay the night, which is good; it saves Alexis from the awkwardness of coming up with an excuse for why she can’t. Ruth is gorgeous, and lovely, and fantastic in bed, but Alexis just isn’t looking for her next big love story right now. She’s not sure she’s over the last one.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: I'm absolutely enchanted with this world and the thought of these two confident, radiant characters getting theirs and more – and the reason why things shift from casual to the potential for more is so hilarious, I literally LOL every time I think about it. This is inventive, fun, sexy, and an utter thrill to read.
Learn To Live On Less by @chronologicalimplosion, Alexis & David, Ted & David, Ted/Alexis, rated T, 4509 words
Summary: For the first month and a half, even with the lists and the challenging reality of tailgates and homemade cheese balls, it doesn't even occur to David that his health might be affected by the move. His small black medicine clutch, already pre-packed in case of an Alexis emergency, had been practically the only nonissue the day the feds stormed through the house racing to touch everything of value in the house before the Roses could sweep it into their own arms. The bag had been solidly in-hand right after he emptied his cabinet of hair products haphazardly into a duffel and right before he chewed a bloody hole in the side of his mouth from the stress of having to manhandle his precious wardrobe in the name of expediency.
And then he wakes up--at a respectable 10:32--to an email from his old pharmacy notifying him that his automatic prescription refill date is coming up.
The one where David Rose is a trans man and it's a little complicated transferring your HRT prescription to another country when you've lost all your money and are living out of a motel.
Rec [written by yourbuttervoicedbeau]: This is such a wonderfully done layer over canon that just fits. Both the ‘real time’ and the flashbacks are visceral and wonderful. David and Ted’s interactions are so, so funny, and I can’t wait for more of this series.
never thought i’d meet you here by @thankstwy and @landofsonlali, Ted/Alexis, rated G, 3716 words
Summary: David doesn’t know I’ve been writing you these letters though so this can be our little secret. One teensy little letter can’t hurt right?
Alexis and Ted exchange letters after he moves to the Galapagos.
Rec [written by yourbuttervoicedbeau]: Look my Ted/Alexis feelings are… too much for this forum, so let’s just say they’re a lot. Also if you’ve read… anything I’ve written you’ll know what a sucker I am for epistolary. Basically, even though this was a birthday gift for someone else entirely, it FEELS like it was made for me. There’s such a gamut of emotion in the letters that Ted and Alexis exchange, and you really feel what the characters are feeling. Also the choice for how to structure the two chapters (which I’m not going to spoil) is SO effective. And the ending! The ending. You’ll see.
Tell it to the Goats by @kindofspecificstore, Heather/Rachel, T, 23,318 words
Summary: Rachel loves chocolate cake, her houseplants, and Patrick Brewer. She's not a fan of her car breaking down on the drive out of Schitt's Creek. Thankfully Warner Farms comes to her rescue in more ways than one.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: I don't know what to say about this fic other than: READ IT! It's captivating, enchanting, and delightful, packed with lots of enjoyable Rachel introspection and queer feelings. I love how fic gives us an opportunity to expand on characters we barely get to meet and give them new life, and this is no exception. It's tagged "the wlw Hallmark movie we all deserve," and it's absolutely true.
The Seasons of Our Life by @treepyful, Stevie/Twyla, rated G (MCD warning), 666 words
Summary: Stevie used to know nothing about plants. (Stevie thinks about the late love of her life as she picks flowers)
Rec [written by samwhambam]: Beware: there is a MCD warning on this fic, but that happens before the store begins. Grief is hard and never ending and this fic perfectly describes a moment of peace after a death, where you are able to think of their memory and remember them as they were and their impact on your life and just love them. It’s short, and beautifully written and perfect and I just want to give Stevie a hug. Highly recommend.
Wake Up, Sunshine by @fraudulentzodiac, Stevie/Ruth, rating, 407 words
Summary: Stevie wakes up to Ruth making breakfast.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: This is the perfect, bite-sized fic, full of fluffy, wonderful domesticity. Despite its short length, their personalities ring true in every word. This fic is like a warm hug, just like the cozy morning it depicts.
Happy reading, friends!
#jake#david rose#david x jake#jake x david#alexis rose#johnny rose#patrick brewer#twyla sands#ted mullens#alexis x ted#ted x alexis#tedlexis#heather warner#Rachel#rachel x heather#heather x rachel#stevie budd#stevie x twyla#twyla x stevie#ruth clancy#stevie x ruth#ruth x stevie#sc fic rec#sc fic recs#schitt's creek#schitt's creek fanfic#schitt's creek fic#schitt's creek fanfiction#bbsc creations
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