#prcc 22
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Dean - @stressedtaco // Cas - me

#HI HELLO HERE THEY ARE#will reblog with more tho!!!!#prcc#deancas#destiel#cosplay#castiel#dean winchester#prcc 22#adry tag#spn cosplay#puerto rico comic con#puerto rico comic con 2022
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Who DAT? WhatsApp!
I have wrestled with the final Tumblr for our esteemed Digital Strategy class, and with my increased usage of WhatsApp for Georgetown specifically.

I decided I would dive into the app, and it’s usage. WhatsApp was something that i used here and there with a few friends overseas until recently. Now, it’s been in my regular rotation, primarily due to the number of international students in our class.
I am a regular “texter” and use the FB messenger app often. But WhatsApp ability to work all over the world and link to cell numbers is very invaluable.
That said, one of my Whats App groups is Georgetown PRCC and one is called, Rick Astley is... with my friend from Princeton who lives at the Hague and my sister, a Yale graduate, who’s in Aspen but travels and works all over the world. YES, WhatsApp keeps us TOGETHER FOREVER.... (i wish tumblr had sound)
Who’s Together Forever on WhatsApp
Now, if this isn’t mind boggling... Whats App is the most used messaging app in the WORLD!!
WhatsApp Key Statistics
1.5 billion users in 180 countries makes WhatsApp the most-popular messaging app in the world – 0.2 billion more than stablemate Facebook Messenger
One billion daily active WhatsApp users
India is the biggest WhatsApp market in the world, with 200 million users (it’s estimated in some quarters that this has increased to 300 million)
120 million WhatsApp users in Brazil
US WhatsApp market relatively small, at 23 million
WhatsApp market penetration highest in the Netherlands, at 85%, followed by Spain (83.1%) and Italy (83%)
450 million users of WhatApp Status, eclipsing Snapchat Stories
Three million users of WhatsApp Business
65 billion WhatsApp messages sent per day, or 29 million per minute
Two billion minutes spent making WhatsApp voice and video calls per day
55 million WhatsApp video calls made per day, lasting 340 million minutes in total
85 billion hours of WhatsApp usage measured May-July 2018
WhatsApp acquired by Facebook for $19 billion in 2014
Source: https://www.businessofapps.com/data/whatsapp-statistics/
Check out MORE DATA!
Below shows the growth of WhatsApp usage.
Moreover, the use of WhatsApp versus other apps is mind-boggling:
Facebook purchased WhatsApp for $19 BILLION dollars. Seeing it as a threat to their messenger platform, they stepped in before the unprecedented growth began.
The global use of the app is what is also staggering.

HALLO.... the 305, is not WA territory but everywhere else seems to be!
Oh, wrong Pit Bull... LOL (but we know I love the DOGGOS)

So as i said, I message with many of my international friends, and It’s a platform that works all over the world. It’s fun, easy, and the instant notifications are great! I am able to keep in touch with so many!

AS you can see, Georgetown, local friends, my friend in Greece, and my Rick Astley group are going strong.
Brands don’t use the app as much for exposure as they do for messaging. The WhatsApp for business app was launched in 2018, and now as of recently, it is no longer free. However, before it started charging it had 50 Million users, allowing businesses to message customers.
So, what’s up with WhatsApp?
I really enjoy WhatsApp and what it offers. I am able to communicate with friends and colleagues all over the world. So yes, I guess that means, I am never gonna give up WhatsAPP! Thanks, Rick.
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Senin 22 juni 2020 | Arus lalu lintas di jln Kalimalang menuju cawang terpantau padat merayap. . . Info @fimanjunior . . #jktinformasi #jktinfo https://www.instagram.com/p/CBuCVT-prcc/?igshid=tr85ng29pqpo
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The Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce and the Act 20 22 Club signed on September 19, 2019 a Memorandum of Understanding. The MOU, signed on behalf of the PRCC by President & Chairman of the Board, Jose E. Ledesma-Fuentes and its Executive Director & CEO Miguel L. Vargas-Jiménez, and by the President of the Act 20 22 Club, by Mrs. Pallavi Ghayalod, took place in Serafina Restaurant, during the Act 20 22 Club monthly meeting.
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NUEVOS SIZES DISPONIBLES!!! . ¿Vas para el Comic Con? Ordena cualquiera de nuestras camisas en Pre-Venta y no pagues “Shipping”, solo las recoges el día del evento del Puerto Rico Comic Con (May 18-20) en nuestro Booth #815. Usa el código “ComicCon2018” en el checkout y listo. *PreVenta termina el 22 de Abril, envíos de realizarán luego de dos semanas de producción. . #🇵🇷 #PuertoRico #Boricua #100x35 #PuertoRicoComicCon #PRCC #PRCC2018 #shirt #design #illustration #geek #nerd #cute #kawaii #funny #clever #Mayoketchup #BayaMordor #Gamer #local #videogames #PrimitiveTool
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PD-L1 expression in papillary renal cell carcinoma.
Related Articles PD-L1 expression in papillary renal cell carcinoma. BMC Urol. 2017 Jan 13;17(1):8 Authors: Motoshima T, Komohara Y, Ma C, Dewi AK, Noguchi H, Yamada S, Nakayama T, Kitada S, Kawano Y, Takahashi W, Sugimoto M, Takeya M, Fujimoto N, Oda Y, Eto M Abstract BACKGROUND: The immune escape or tolerance of cancer cells is considered to be closely involved in cancer progression. Programmed death-1 (PD-1) is an inhibitory receptor expressed on activating T cells, and several types of cancer cells were found to express PD-1 ligand 1 (PD-L1) and ligand 2 (PD-L2). METHODS: In the present study, we investigated PD-L1/2 expression in papillary renal cell carcinoma (pRCC). RESULT: We found PD-L1 expression in 29 of 102 cases, but no PD-L2 expression was seen. PD-L1 expression was not significantly correlated with any clinicopathological factor, including progression-free survival and overall survival. The frequency of PD-L1-positive cases was higher in type 2 (36%) than in type 1 (22%) pRCC; however, there was no significant difference in the percentages of score 0 cases (p value = 0.084 in Chi-square test). The frequency of high PD-L1 expression cases was higher in type 2 (23%) than in type 1 (11%), and the frequency of high PD-L1 expression cases was higher in grade 3/4 (21%) than in grade 1/2 (13%). However, no significant association was found between PD-L1 expression and all clinicopathological factors in pRCC. CONCLUSION: High expression of PD-L1 in cancer cells was potentially associated to highly histological grade of malignancy in pRCC. The evaluation of the PD-L1 protein might still be useful for predicting the efficacy of anti-cancer immunotherapy using immuno-checkpoint inhibitors, however, not be useful for predicting the clinical prognosis. PMID: 28086852 [PubMed - in process] http://dlvr.it/N6dCjW
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Our Mark Sheppard photo op!
So Adry (@stressedtaco) and I met Mark Sheppard at PRCC yesterday while cosplaying as Dean and Cas, and it was.. a ride. Storytime and pics under the cut! (Ok to reblog!)
Let me start off by saying we got so much more than our money's worth with this con. It was incredibly surreal and fun and wonderful and we'll remember it forever.
At PRCC it's very rare that we get big name guests, and we've actually never had anyone from spn visit. Mark was the first. Even before he was announced, Adry and I had planned to meet at the con and cosplay Dean (her) and Cas (me). Mark being a guest was the most amazing cherry on top.
Right before our photo ops was the Q&A with him, and we both got to ask him questions! He roasted me for cosplaying Cas and it was hilarious. (Video of the full panel, and our part is at 57:10)
Afterwards, we're in line together for the photo ops. It was announced early on that they would only allow one person per op, so we'd each bought our own. I walk in first, and it goes something like this:
Mark, recognizing me from the panel, deadpan: "Terrible costume."
Me, genuinely: "Thanks!" :D
[Pic is taken]
Photographer: "Can we reshoot that?"
Me, confused but gladly: "Yeah!"
[Second pic is taken]
Me, to Mark: "Thank you, and thanks so much for coming!"
Mark: "Of course my darling, thank you."
Me: is dead now
I walk out, and it's Adry's turn:
Adry: "Can I stand on your other side? I want the handprint to show." (She's a genius)
Mark: "Sure!”
[Pic is taken]
Adry thanks him, but they're already bringing the next person in, so Mark only smiles and nods.
We stand in line to get our prints. Two of mine come out, turns out my eyes were closed on the first but the photographer caught it in time. This is the good one:

But then Adry's print doesn't show up.
We wait a few batches, and nothing. The photo op line empties out. The con employee knows what's up, keeps an eye out for us, is actively looking for Adry's pic with every batch that's handed to him. At some point the photographer walks out and starts helping with print handouts. The last batch of people get their prints, and we're still waiting by the table. No Adry pic.
We start joking that the pic got lost. "Imagine I have to take another one," Adry muses. "I could ask to bring you in with me and take it together!" We laugh it off.
A line forms for the next guest doing photo ops. Mark is still behind the curtain though, we can hear him and kinda see him. The photographer is the one who finally walks out with Adry's pic! But she has her eyes closed. We both brighten up because what are the fucking odds! The photographer utters the magic words once again: "Can we retake this?"
And then Adry and I have our lightbulb moment.
"Could we take it together?" Adry asks. My hopes aren't very high because of the rules that it can be only one person per op, but Adry seems a bit more optimistic. She's right to be.
Photographer contemplates for like, half a second. He's an absolute sport. "Yeah, sure!"
We both go back behind the curtain and we're shaking with excitement. We have no idea what to do because we never thought we'd get this chance. We have like 15 seconds to frantically discuss while Mark talks to a con employee. Adry, being a genius again, proposes: "you two should fight over Dean" (so, her).
Mark turns around.
Me, to both Mark and the photographer who's getting into position: "Hi! So, sorry for this—"
Mark: "It's no problem."
Me: "We were thinking, could you and I fight over Dean?" (pointing to Adry)
Mark: "I wouldn't fight over Dean. I wouldn't fight over him."
Me: "Yeah ok, that's fair." (Who am I to contest his majesty)
Adry, jokingly: “Daaamn, my heart..”
Mark, after chuckling at Adry’s comment: "What we could do is, you can reach for Dean, and I can try to stop you."
Adry and I, recognizing the absolute galaxy brain of that: "Yeah!"
[Pic is taken]
Adry, spotting her chance: “Thank you so much, Mark.”
Mark: “Thank you, darling.”
Adry: is now also dead
And that, our dear friends, is how this beauty was born:

#absolutely surreal and neither of us can believe it still#like that is a picture that we got. we Did That#up next: the panel on youtube!#and then at some point we'll post our actual lil deancas photoshoot#prcc#puerto rico comic con#prcc 22#puerto rico comic con 2022#mark sheppard#spn#supernatural#crowley#cons#convention#deancas#drowley#cosplay#dean winchester#castiel#desticule#comic con
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Nuevo diseño “MayoKetchup Fusion” está disponible para ordenar en Pre-Venta YA en www.PrimitiveTool.com DESCUENTO!!!: ¿Vas para el Puerto Rico Comic Con? Usa el cupón “ComicCon2018” y no pagas el Shipping de las pre-ventas, y recoges tu mercancía en el evento de Mayo 18-20 en nuestro Booth #815 *Pre-Venta termina el 22 de Abril y la producción de las camisas es de 2 semanas luego de finalizar la misma. #🇵🇷 #PuertoRico #Boricua #MiIsla #100x35 #mayoketchup #Heinz #specialsauce #food #kawaii #cute #chibi #illustration #design #shirt #tostones #yuca #funny #PuertoRicoComicCon #PRCC #PRCC2018 #PrimitiveTool
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