ellyptyas · 7 years
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When you tell to anyone else about your dreams, and they dont believe about it, maybe you should say thanks to them, because a dreams without undersetimate from anyone cann't called the big dreams. So say thank you for anyone else who laughing you when you tell them about your dreams. But, believe in your self, say to your heart, if you really sure about your dreams, just hold tight in your hand and dont let them go, just keep save in your heart, your memory, and your plan. Write the really step that you have to reach all of your dreams, dont care what anyone else saying, just do it and proof that someday your big dreams will be come true. Dont let rain or typhoon loose your sunny days, just believe, after the rainy days always there are rainbow in the sky, because The God always give the difficulty with the ease. So, just face your difficult even you feel impossible to handle it, but believe and pray to The God about the better ways. So, close your eyes and take a deep breath, and tell your heart you can do it whatever happens. And dont forget to always give a big effort to reach a big dreams. #myopinion #mydreams #mybigdreams #justbelieveinyourself #myquotes #trust #care #praythebetters #🙏🙏🙏
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