#praying i wake up tmr
lo-cinno · 3 months
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qualityrain · 6 months
ik hny is abt satoko and her (lack of) autonomy but damn isnt it depressing to see her constantly being pressured to do something she doesnt really want to do over and over and the way she just kind of follows peoples plans like the whole time its her family then shinpei then kotaro then mitsueda and then asagiri and now asagiri wants to take something from her that to satoko losing it is worse than death and its like man. and the worst thing is that shes doing all this complying to peoples plans just so she can go back home and follow somebody elses. tachibana give her a break im begging you
#claude txt#not to bring this back to romance and shit but like yk what. maybe it is important satoko realises her feelings#on her own.#even if there is pressure. from like asagiri. for it.#she goes yk what im doing this on my own terms im writing a letter#and she realises her feelings on her own#that she chooses to keep it to herself until it is time#because yeah kotaro is lile shes naive and stuff and she is or whatever#but the facr rhat she chooses for herself despite yk kotaro.#all this to say yk that song by mitski that is like my love is mine all mine#yeah. satoko.#good god thats the only thing she chooses and fully owns herself#yk what tachibana take all her pain and give it to shinpei or something please#shinpei whump i crave it#lord shinpei rlly is the only thing she ever really chooses for her own self huh that she will#ignore tamakis advice she will ignore asagiri she will ignore kotaro and she will do this herself#its 2am i have to wake uo at 6am tmr for work pray for me#in 9 when satoko is like damn shinpei doesnt know shit abt love but i onow even less! girl i think u know more than him 💀 im sorry girl#man. shinpei would ask her constantly if she still likes him and shit and she will dodge that shit like crazy#because shinpei doesnt rllt care…all he needs is the Bare Bare Bare Minimum…#so satokos just free to dodge all the love questions w/o consequence and figure it out herself#tachibana. please. take all her pain and give it to mitsueda or something.#please. Please.#not enough shinpei suffering in hny i think (ik hes so messed up alr)#do it for me. i want him suffering.#please just let satoko be happy for once w/o strings attached
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b1mbodoll · 1 year
i was gna go to sleep but i went on twt one last time n saw jay saying fuck what if i ate bullets idk
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ssunnysshin3 · 4 months
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Hummingbird(tmr Minho x reader)
Disclaimer: this is a version where both girls and boys live in the glades.It’s a lil bit lengthy sorry.
Authors note: I watched tmr for the first time 2 days ago and thought of this last night at 1am trying to fall asleep. Pls be nice it’s my first fanfic :)
Summary: you and your best friend Minho have a bit of a complicated relationship. However watching him get stuck in the maze overnight helps navigate your feelings
Tags: tmr Minho x reader, angst-ish, fluff
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“Who’s that?” Thomas turns to Alby.
Alby turns towards the direction Thomas was previously looking. “Oh that’s hummingbird. She got here a month after Minho. They’ve been close ever sense. If you’re looking for one, the other knows where they are.
“Hummingbird? Is that her real name?”
Ably chuckles, ”No. No it’s not. Only me, Newt, and Minho know what it is. And she hates it so don’t ask.”
Thomas leaned his head to the side in confusion as he watched you talk to Minho, who he’d already met.“Are they together?”
Alby took a deep breath before turning his head towards the pair. Shaking his head he says “ Good question. I’m not even sure they know what they are yet.”
You feel a hand on your shoulder gently shaking you as you open your eyes, the rising dawn slowly peeking through. You stretch and turn your head to Minho kneeling down to the side of your hammock.
“Hey” he says with a soft smile. The approaching sunlight casts a warm glow across his skin and in the light, his eyes are a beautiful amber color that only you would ever notice. It’s a nice contrast to the hard, worn look that normally resides on his face.
“Alby and I and headed into the maze. Are you sure you don’t want to run with us?” He says in a hushed tone so that the surrounding gladers don’t wake up.
Nodding you respond, ”Yeah I’m sure.” You reach up to move a hair sticking to his forehead away before resting your hand on his cheek. You look him in his eyes,“Run fast”.
He smiles, placing a kiss to your forehead before throwing a playful wink at you“I always do”.
A smile grows on your face as you watch him fade from your view, trying to ignore the creeping feeling of anxiety you get every time he enters the maze.
As you try to settle back into your hammock, you silently pray to, well you have no idea. It could be God or whoever sent you up in that box a three years ago, or truly to anyone that’s listening. “Please bring them back”
You close your eyes and attempt to catch whatever sleep you can before the glades awake for the day.
It’s getting late. While you completed your list chores for the day, which consisted of: marking the trees that were to be cut, helping out in the garden, wrapping up wounds,etc, you always kept a conscious note of where the sun was in the sky. And it was telling you that Minho and Alby should’ve been back by now.
Now the sun was hidden behind grey clouds and the rain poured as the gladers restlessly waiting for their leaders to return.
“They should be back by now. What happens if they don’t make it?” Thomas asks nervously. “They’re gonna make it.” Newt says with a harden expression on his face.
Thomas stalks over “ And what happens if they don’t ?” You and Newt share a look. “They’re gonna make it” You respond, though you’re not sure if you’re saying it for Thomas or for yourself.
The rain had cleared and soon enough a crowd gathered around the entrance of the maze.
Thomas jumped around nervously, “Come on, can’t we send someone after them?”. “It’s against the rules. They either make it back or they don’t.” Gally responded from his seated position.
You’ve never been a huge fan of Gally, he’s bossy and stuck up. However you could respect his dedication to the rules, and nonetheless he was right. No one could go in to help them. You bit your bottom lip nervously before shaking your head, “We can’t risk losing someone else.”
The familiar gust of wind expelled from the maze as the walls started to close. Your heart rate picks up as you try not to let the panic set in.
“There!” Thomas points at two figures slowly approaching the group. “Wait something’s wrong.” Newt takes a step forward.
Your eyes widen when you realize that Minho looks to be carrying all of Albys weight. “COME ON MINHO YOU CAN DO THIS!!” Chuck yells into the closing maze. The crowd abrupt into cheers and words of encouragement.
“RUN MINHO RUN!! YOU GOT THIS!” You scream as you step in front of the group. Minho drops Alby and starts his attempt at dragging him towards the exit by his feet.
“MINHO YOU GOTTA LEAVE HIM!” Gally shouts. You look over to Newt who wears a devastated look, “He’s not gonna make it.” The realization that Minho could actually die in the maze starts to consume you. Your throat is sore from screaming “HES RIGHT MINHO YOU HAVE TO LEAVE HIM!”
Minho lets out a gut wrenching scream as the walls of the maze get closer and closer together. Suddenly, Thomas breaks out in a full sprint into the maze. Yells of “THOMAS!”, “STOP”, “NO” break from the crowd as all of you try to reach out and grab him. But it was too late.
When the doors of the maze finally close, there’s a silence that sweeps the glade. Some start to walk back to the village, some are frozen in their place, one of which is you.
Your eyes are wide in shock, trying to comprehend that you have to now cross three names off of the wall.
You and Chuck waited in the same spots you were in. You waited from when the sun went down, all the way until you could see day break. I mean how could you sleep when closest friend had just lowered his survival rate by 90%.
All night Minho consumed your thoughts. The first time you guys met, him picking you as a runner, every look you guys shared. You closed your eyes and pictured every line of his face. His eyes, his smile, the color of his hair.
You tried to remember the sound of his voice. How he’d laugh when he joked around and your most recent conversations (including everything you wished you said). How he’d speak so gently to you, almost as if he was afraid that you’d break if he spoke to loud.
You’d put your hands to the air and try to feel his skin on yours. The warmth of his hugs.
You’re positive that you must look insane to the others, but that didn’t matter. This was your attempt at engraving Minho into your heart. It was a feeling that was familiar to you.
After what felt like an eternity, the maze opened. You straightened your back and forced yourself to stand as a couple of others came to see it they’d made it.
“I told you Chuck, they’re not coming back” Newt said in a disappointed tone. As you turn around to walk back into the village, you hear a voice from behind. “ No way”.
You see the rest turn to look behind them, so you do the same. Your eyes almost bulge out of your head as you see three dark figures moving towards you. You thought that it was your imagination until you stumbled closer to the mouth of the maze.
The others helped Minho and Thomas lay an unconscious, probably dead Alby on the ground. They looked tired and like they had almost died, and you should’ve probably been thinking of ways to help Alby. But all you could do is stare in Minho in disbelief. Even when they were talking about how Thomas killed a griever, you stood there paralyzed. They had survived a night in the maze. No one had done that before.
There was a meeting later that night, of course led by Gally about how Thomas should be punished for breaking the rules. You’d been quietly leaning against a wall, just observing.
Newt interrupts the arguing that was taking place. “Minho you were there with him,what do you think?” Everyone’s head turn to Minho(except yours),who had been also leaning quietly on a wall towards the back of the hut.
He goes on to defend Thomas “Look I don’t know if he’s brave or stupid but whatever it is, we need more of it. I say we make him a runner.” You could almost see the steam coming out of Gallys ears. It made you laugh a little bit.
“Hummingbird, what do you think?” Frypan asks. You hadn’t spoken a word since Thomas ran into the maze.You clear your throat a bit and shift your footing. You never really have anything to say for meetings like these, and you prefer it that way. It makes moments like these very rare. “I think that even Alby wouldn’t dare do something like face a griever much less kill it. A feat like that shouldn’t be ignored. And we can all agree that the kids fast. I think he’s right, Thomas should be a runner ”
Your mind was going a mile a minute. You were worried about Alby, you hadn’t spoken to Minho yet, and a new girl popped up in the box.The only good thing was that whoever put her there also put in some kind of cure for Alby.
You’d had nightmares before about dying in the maze. Whether it was you or Newt or Chuck. At one point or another, you’ve dreamt of every glader in the village dying from the maze. Some came true and some didn’t. Through the ones you had of Minho were probably the most painful. So painful that when you woke up you would be biting back sobs, and tears would stream down your cheeks as you wished it was you in the maze instead of him.
It was all too much, so you decide to busy yourself with some chores. You grab a woven basket and decide to head into the forest to see what you can harvest from the trees.
You’re agile and quick, that what made you a good maze runner. It also makes you excellent for climbing trees. They call you hummingbird because the whole village can hear your song from the forest. It’s a comforting sound that lets them know you’re safe. There’s almost never a time where the glades doesn’t have a song in the air.
And you’re one of maybe four that have permission to do so. So when you hear a crunching of leaves approaching, you’re on high alert.
You maneuver in the tree to face the sound and find a certain maze runner walking your way. “Minho what are you doing out here? You can’t be here.”
“ Couldn’t hear a song from the village, wanted to make sure you’re alright.” Minho says leaning against the tree across from the one you’re in.
“ I’m fine now go back to the village it’s too dangerous for you out here.” You hoped he would take that answer and leave. But you should’ve known better than that.
“ If you’re fine then why no song?” He walks up to your tree and looks up at you.
Ignoring his question, turn your away from him and focus your attention back to the tree you were foraging from.
Minho runs and grab the basket at the base of the tree before you could drop the fruit in. “Hummer please talk to me. You haven’t said a word to me since I got back.”
Sighing deeply, ”Minho, please leave. You shouldn’t be out here.”
“ I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” You jump down from the tree and walk ahead of him towards the village.
“I don’t want to fight with you” he picks up his pace to follow you.
“ y/n please!”
You stop in your tracks. “ I told you not call me that.”
“It was the only way to get you to stop.” Minho drops the basket of fruit and walks around in front of you, but is disappointed to find you won’t look at him.
He steps forward and reaches to touch you but you back away hesitantly. You’re afraid that if you touch him, he’ll disappear into dust.
You turn around to pick up the fallen basket and it’s contents. You really did not want to talk about this right now.
“ Come on just tell me what’s bothering you I don’t underst-“
“I THOUGHT YOU DIED MINHO!” You turn on your heels and scream at him. Closing your eyes, you move to rest your forehead against the nearest tree.
“ But I- *sigh* hummer you know the risk of being a runner.
“ Yes I do except this was the first time you didn’t make it back.”
Minho takes careful steps towards you.“I did make it-“
“But you almost didn’t.” All you could think about was what if Thomas hadn’t run in the maze. They wouldn’t have just lost their fastest runner, you would’ve lost you best friend too.
You open your eyes and turn around, back leaning against the tree now face-to-face with Minho.
Looking at the ground,“ When the maze closed,” you swallow, “I thought my heart stopped.” you say barely above a whisper, trying to keep your words from getting caught in your throat.
Feeling his hand rest against your cheek, the thought crosses that if you could bottle up this warmth and keep it in your pocket you would. ”Look at me.”
You can’t. You don’t know why you just…..can’t.
“Please baby just look at me.” he says in a desperate voice.
Finally finding the strength, you lift your eyes to meet his. They were sad, like he would do anything just to find out what’s making you feel like this. A pang of guilt went through your chest.
But then, he smiles. When he smiles it makes you feel like nothing mattered other than the two of you. Like the world around you dissolved into thin air. Like everything was gonna be okay.
“Hey, there’s my beautiful girl.” With his other hand, he laces his fingers with yours. Minho brings your interlocked hands to his lips giving it a gentle kiss before placing it above his heart. “I’m right here. This is real, I’m right here.”
“Minho I lov-“
“I know” he rushes to fill the space between the two of you, softly connecting his lips to yours.
The air stilled around you. Of course you always hoped this would happen but now it’s actually happening.
As the space between you and Minho got smaller, you squeezed your hand that was holding his and noticed that instead of being just against his heart, it was against yours as well. You hoped this moment would last forever.
Both of you breathlessly pull apart from each other. “I love you y/n. I love you more than anything.” He says with a breathless smile.
You scrunch your nose and playfully push him away. “If you love me just be faster next time”
He picks up the harvest basket.”Of course! Can’t have you not talking to me again now can we?”
You walked back to the village, both knowing this was a new era of you and Minho. And you hummed your song all the way there.
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saras-devotionals · 4 months
Quiet Time 6/4+5
What am I feeling today?
A bit relaxed and chilled out. But I feel very sick, I think it’s just from the flights bc I don’t have a fever but I’m worried because I work tmr and I pray this won’t hinder me.
Feeling rather at peace. I go to the hospital for orientation today and I’m pretty excited especially since one of my friends is also gonna start work with me🤗
Psalm 2 NIV
(v. 2-7) “The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed, saying, “Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.” The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. He rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying, “I have installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain.” I will proclaim the Lord’s decree: He said to me, “You are my son; today I have become your father.”
This makes me think of the current rulers of our world (esp with the elections coming up). I think about how none of them are truly disciples and therefore tend to lead us in an ungodly way. The scripture says they band against the Lord and He laughs and scoffs at them, rebuking them.
I need to change my mind about this because I have a rather pessimistic view of the world. I don’t see it getting better, I don’t see it ending well, I feel much worse things are yet to come. Yet, I need to believe in hope and change and repentance. That there’s a chance we can all come to Christ and therefore be united as one.
(v. 10-11) “Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling.”
This is something that I feel no one in a position of power does at this current age which is concerning to me.
(v. 12) “Kiss his son, or he will be angry and your way will lead to your destruction, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.”
Some comfort in knowing that those of us that take refuge in Him are blessed
Psalm 3 NIV
(v. 3-5) “But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain. I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.”
God answers us and I can personally testify to this. He listens to us and He answers prayers and He’s so good and generous by allowing us to wake up to another day of life every day!
(v. 8) “From the Lord comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people.”
I’m pretty sure in this context he means deliverance from his enemies but I interpret it as deliverance from our sin, we’ve been set free!
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namelessdeceased · 1 month
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.🗞 D-40 ✧ wed ✧ 14.8.24 ✧ sawc day 14 (2w!)
okay i think. relatively good. slept a bit more than expected last night (i think arnd 5h? 6h?) which is acceptable. there's a stream i wanna catch tonight, so i'll be sleeping and waking up a bit later. lets go ? also LATE DAY TMR!!
.🍮 academic
MM2 T10 (finish!!!)
admin for all subj i can (keying in topics etc)
filing for all subj i can
if i have time, do chinese hw
.🛤 personal
shower (? i alr did so if i shower tmr morning then its ok)
plan tmr
dev at least npc interactions (CCA project)
.☕ sawc goals
sleep: 4, 5h
routine: morning
deep focus: 1.5, 2h
body: shower + choreo maybe
read: crime and punishment
.📜 goal productive time: 5, 6h
.🌙 01 30 / 02 00
.☀ 05 30 / 06 00 / 06 30
.♬ ~ aria math 〢 C418
.🤎 positivityposting
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more under the cut (praying it works)! will update.
╰ theo 🪐
super excited cause i have an online friend who said he saw me like bennett (from genshin impact) and sent a photo and like. this is how i want to look like yes you got it
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some social dysphoria go away shit honestly im so happy
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hoonvrs · 9 months
Tomorrow classes start again. Pray for me 😁 (I gotta wake up at 6 💔)
how dare they make u wake up that early pmg CRIMINAL
hoping you’ll have an amazing day tmr😽 sending kisses mwah mwah
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cythoughtsnmemories · 8 months
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Observed an intense meeting, and felt a little sad to know higher up colleagues is a little not so nice. Pray that I don't have to be targeted to be in such situation.
Yay~ my yankee candle essential oils is here~ can make my own candle liao. Request hubby to make it tgt cos it's easy n simple activity. Can't wait for my bed to deliver and shall lit d candle and enjoy our bed.
Intro hubby salted egg bitter gourd at a fishhead tze char place...Hahaha and hubby insisted to order the fishhead else he felt its silly. Okay lo~ 😆
Was looking forward to wkend...just felt tired working. Thank God I can wfh. Went gym w hubby and I didn't realise I was using 15kg bar instead of 12.5kg until I saw hubby helped to put it back. Thats how hubby train me lol. We had tteobokki for dinner which i cook while waitingfor hubby to returnfrom work...not bad~
Stomach was aching badly ard 6+ that it woke me up. Had diarrhea 4 times within 2 hrs...so when to see doc. Believe it could be germs (dirt) or over strained my abs that it caused cramps. Took meds and thankfully I felt better during d concert.
Was really happy that it wasn't raining, knew quite a lot of song during d concert and there was closed up moments. Woohoo~ hope hubby enjoyed this experience. Tsk tsk, but hubby asked y nvr buy standing pit tickets. When I earn more okay...and u know how to sing that singer de song. 😏
Jialat...drank ginger milk tea during dinner...now I'm wake awake. Plus, I took nap late morning.
Meal prep for tmr dinner shall be my PB banana oats smoothie~
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star2sworld · 1 year
Well today was fucking confusing.
Started off at school.. I wore a off the shoulder shirt with no bra and it kept sliding off I felt uncomfortable in class & I had my hair in a low ponytail so I felt weird bc people could see my face better from the side although no one probably even looked at me lol. Someone pushed into me and my drink spilled a little on me and then I managed to spill my Celsius drink twice. I’m also on my period and I bled through my pants by 3rd period .. 8th period was fun towards the end.
I came home with the intention of getting all my work done.I finished my English work and my brother came to help me with history asg. At the end he ended up doing my history project for me because I literally can’t fucking think and it takes me ages to comprehend a fucking term. I felt off the whole day.
I had to download Snapchat bc I needed ai help on my history work and my phone is dry asf. I downloaded insta and I saw deeya bf and saw she barely had any followers and it made me go through my followers. I removed the people I didn’t know or want to follow on my account. My following dropped form 350 to 83 and following from 386 to 96. Lollll
It’s 12;00am now. Idk why I felt really off today but I hope this doesn’t last forever. I’m getting tiktok withdrawal like what do I do on my phoneeee. I have a lot of work to turn in tomorrow as well for school ughhh. At least tmr is Thursday. I need to sleep through now. I’m going to limit my social media usage still to 5 minutes max and I’m going to try my hardest not to go on social media all day long bc I may have to delete it again 😭
Self work seems fun to do and all but after a few days I get tired of working on myself. I need to learn discipline clearly. And I definitely need to start meditating more bc I cannot concentrate.
I am going to make a new routine tomorrow to try to get in some good habits in my daily routine. Also, from tmr I’m sleeping earlier I cannot keep staying up even tho I’m extremely tired. It’s giving self sabotage which I don’t want!! I’m just feeling a little u lovable bc I haven’t had a boyfriend but I’m trying not to think about it but do people even find me attractive rlly? I’m out here like doubting myself which is farrrr from my goal lol.
Waking up at 5:30 today so I can straighten my hair and have extra time for myself as I listen to podcasts in the morning. I think I recapped about everything that happened today. Tomorrow is my Socratic seminar please pray for me. I have to talk 3 times LOL.
Also how are we already 9months in 2023? This is insane to me. I am getting closer and closer to graduating and become 17. I want to stay 16 forever please. Lol fucking hell I feel like nothing is going right in my life currently but let’s stay positive ok ok !
Goodnight! 9/13/23
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k-ky · 1 year
Praying I never wake up tmr I had ENOUGH
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hoonvrs · 1 year
OMG STOP all of my sfe is going to my accom 💔💔💔
YES I AM STARTING FHIS YEAR i’m actually moving into halls on saturday 😻🤞 although i’m pretty much coming back on sunday bc my friend wants me to go to one of her freshers events 💀(it’s in east HELP my uni isn’t even in london it’s so far to travel)
i’m also going out tmr but my bags actually aren’t packed i don’t have time to do it friday bc i have work and after i get home from work i get a lovely 1 hour sleep before i have to be up to leave 🤩🤩
dw my bsf took got the accom and that bitch needs a job or she’s not gonna have money to eat😭 ( dw i will provide for her and u ofc 😉)
GOODLUCK WITH MOVING all my girls that have accom have said they’re fkatmates are lovely so praying for u bae💪🏼 but GIRLL my bsf has 8 flat mates and they’re all white😭 she is a black gyalll also freshers week was acc hell for me js made town bare busy for no reason
god bless u this week js feel busy for everyone idk whyyy😭 make sure to find some time to rest bae don’t want u falling asleep on the bus and waking up at the bus station not that i’m speaking from experience or anything😔
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voidcat · 2 years
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– armed detective agency taking care of you when you're sick
a/n: self indulgent drabble lol... legit wrote this with a fever + headache while tired so there may b typos etc idk
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yosano akiko: asseses your situation, pinpoints what it is you're suffering from and gives you the most effective, appropirate medicine, makes sure you rest and stay hydrated. do you need to stay tucked in bed and sweat? she'll make sure of it. do you need help getting up? don't worry she's got it covered, just say whatever you need. she'll order a good old hot chicken broth soup (or something similar to it) with spices and lemon. recovery in record time, probably the quickest and most comfortable you've healed, ever. her medical experience shows through her treatment but she makes sure to check you emotionally and support you.
kunikida doppo: similar to yosano but he fusses over it a bit more... keeping count of which medication you took down to its very second. he'll worry at first but keep his emotions in check in no time and go with a logical approach. anything you want, he will make it, cook it, help you drink or eat it if he must. he might be a bit too stern about use things such as painkillers, antibiotics etc... checking what kind of reaction what medicine might have with the other, spending time to pick the safest option for you.
miyazawa kenji: less fussing and more smiles. it's a mix of natural remedies and a modern approach. so let's say you have a fever, he'll prepare a vinegar soaked washcloth to your forehead, if your throat hurts, he will mix turmeric and honey, brew you tea and prepare a family recipe that'll mix you up in no time! (he might dial up the agency before going with some of his more natural remedies if some of them didn't produce the best of results the last time though)
fukuzawa yukichi: he will be worried at first, but gather himself and making sure you're tucked safely in the confienements of your bed (after a good bath and change of clothes), he will rush out to get what's best for your situation. ask yosano, or the clerk at the pharmacist if needed... he might, lose track of time and return a bit later than planned, only to see you've long fallen asleep though. stay by your side for as long as he can, run his hand over your skin or hair to soothe you whenever you are awake and suffering from a headache, probably end up as a human pillow at some point.
ranpo edogawa: he most likely got sick right before you did... (okay joke aside he'll probably appear as nonchalant but dial up fukuzawa and ask the agency for help, then seat himself next to you in bed snacking as you take whatever medicine, tea or soup they provided you. he is more of a moral support if anything... even though he'll complain the whole time about how your plans for the day together are now ruined and you've left him all alone
dazai osamu: probably the most useless out of them all (along with atsushi) similar to ranpo, he will have someone else do all the work (buying medicine, cooking etc), toss around and be all dramatic when there is no response from you because you've fallen asleep. might go as far as to go all out and act around as if you're dying (that's how he got the agency members over to your place with anything useful they could think of– be it a first aid kit and all) but despite all the dramatics, like fukuzawa, he will stay by your side– you may end up as the human pillow though, or both of you falling asleep on one another and waking up in uncomfortable positions, limbs hurting and all.
nakajima atsushi: spend a good portion of his time worrying and fussing over you for sure. dramatic, but it is all about you. he will call the first person he can think of for help, asking what he should do and shouldn't. he might try to cook something with whatever ingredients he got at hand, it's purely luck whether it'll taste good or not (he might've added in sugar instead of salt, don't make that face now) with the arrival of help, he might stand back and watch, but asking every five minutes or so how you are feeling, is your headache gone, what is it you need, oh wait let me stack up pillows for your back– at the end of the day, he'll exhaust himself as well and fall asleep next to you, making sure your position is comfortable.
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dsm7 · 3 years
im so sorry about anything ive ever said about summer. summer please come back this winter is killing me
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lanshappycorner · 5 years
I'm going to sleep now but...I know what day it is tmr so...I have my eyes on yall hmm...
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mayclair · 2 years
its been what 10something hours and lucas on the line is still not out on zlib yet im gonna die im gonna die im gonna die
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anapologethicc · 3 years
it was a pleasure to see you all collectively loose your shit but imma sleep now
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