A revised snippet
@aquamiun might be onto something. But I'm gonna tag @musa-style for the giggles too-
“You’re right,” the star said quietly, as he stood over her. “You do need more luck, don’t you? But that’s what you have me for.”
“What?” she paused, looking up towards him.
He smiled, taking a step towards her as she could feel the warmth that radiated from him. “I can level the playing field for you. Just like how Allepac did for Erlan. I can make all of your wants and deepest desires a reality. Doesn’t that sound nice?”
She hesitated. It…did sound nice. But then wouldn’t anything sound nice after the meeting she’d had with the king and his advisors earlier?
“And isn’t it only fair that little Asha deserved to see at least one of her dreams come to fruition?”
She shook her head,  as she rose to her feet“no…no. I think you’ve got it all wrong.”
“Do I?” 
She looked away, back to the kingdom in the distance as she’d answered. “Yes…What I want to do and achieve, isn’t about me. It’s about the future and technology of Rosas. The people deserve better!”
“And who are you to decide what this better looks like?” he’d asked. Had it been anyone else, she may very well have been offended. But she could tell from the genuine curiosity of his tone that he hadn’t meant any harm by saying it. Or at least she’d hoped he hadn’t.
“Sure I’m not the king-,” she started.
“Thank God for that,” Cepheus sighed.
 “But so many other countries have amazing technology. That I wish the people of Rosas had as well. Sure we might not need it as much as everyone else does because we have a powerful king. But the king won’t be around forever.” 
“You’re right. He won’t. I suppose after he dies his heir will assume the throne as per tradition,” Cepheus nodded. “But hadn’t that been one of your wishes? To be involved with the prince?”
She’d felt her cheeks flame as she’d looked away, “being a princess was and still is any girl’s wish in Rosas. Power aside, a lot of people do like the prince.”
“I see,” Cepheus hummed. “You know, if you wanted, I could give him to you.”
She did a double take. “P-pardon? What do you mean by…give him to me?”
The star smiled. “I could make him fall for you-,”
She shook her head. “No, you can’t! You can’t just make people fall in love!”
“Really? Because I beg to differ. Now all you, or rather he, would need is a curse.”
“A curse?!” she shrieked.
“Yes, a rather potent one. What?” He’d asked taking note of the questioning look she’d given him. “Everyone knows that most if not all princes are either cursed or live in a kingdom that is cursed.” He tapped his chin thoughtfully. “Now then, should I use a large curse or a small one? Goodness, there are certainly a lot of options! Aren’t there?”
“WHAT?!” She screeched. “What are you talking about?!”
“Yeah you’re right. I should go with a big one. For good luck.” The star hummed thoughtfully, blissfully ignoring the shrieks and screams of the incredulous girl before him. “Maybe I should curse him so that he’s stuck as a bird…” His eyes turned to hers, practically blazing with laughter. “How does a chicken sound?”
“Nope! No! You are not cursing the prince to become anything!”
“Why not? Don’t you think you deserve to be a princess? Perhaps even a queen someday?”
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I'm back- ((got my work done for now))
To give you guys more brainrot/heartache
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