thingsdavidlikes · 2 years
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Dawn at Prambanam Temple, Jogjakarta by Alfie | Japanorama https://flic.kr/p/2nGdny7
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arjuna-vallabha · 6 years
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Ganesha at Prambanam temple comples, Java
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247reader · 4 years
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Day 25 - we’re in the homestretch!
Pramodhawardhani was an ancient Indonesian princess, the daughter of King Saramtungga, of the Sailendran dynasty. She married King Rakai Pikatan of Medang, on what is now Java.  The marriage was arranged as a peace deal between her father’s Buddhist dynasty and her husband’s, the Hindu Sanjaya, in the hopes that the religious struggles would come to an end.  Pramodhawardhani threw herself into this duty, both supervising the construction of Buddhist temples around her new kingdom and becoming the model for the goddess Durga in the Hindu temple of Prambanam.  Inscriptions also note her care for her adopted people. When the village of Rukam was destroyed by a volcano, she stepped in to ensure it was reconstructed. In exchange, the villagers vowed to take care of one of her Buddhist temples, Sojiwan.  Over the centuries, however, the kingdom fell and the temple vanished. It was only in 1996 that the modern Indonesian government spearheaded a project to rebuild Sojiwan temple. It stands today as a historic monument, and testament to Pramodhawardhani’s diplomacy, compassion, and drive. 
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jaminet54 · 5 years
The Spires of Prambanam
The Spires of Prambanam by Adam Mizrahi
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pecus · 6 years
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WOW 😍❤️🙏🏻👏🏻😱 #prambanam #prambanantemple #indonesia #yogjakarta #weekend #weekendTrip #temple #hindu #heritage #unesco #makeitcount (at Prambanan, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia)
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alltheroadsmusic · 7 years
How to spend a week in Yogyakarta, Indonesia lat-7.7956 long110.3695
Yogyakarta, or Jogja as it is called by many Indonesians as well as travellers, has a never ending list of reasons to visit. There are relicts and monuments for each and every era and they all tell a different story. When we left Banyuwangi from where we mounted the volcano Ijen, we realised that we had quite a bit of time to get from Jogja to Jakarta (from where our outbound flight was going to leave) so we decided to take the time and spend a couple of days exploring one of the most important cultural centres of Indonesia.
Getting around the city is extremely easy thanks to the efficient TransJogja bus system. Journeys are super cheap and there are several lines covering all major points of interest. There is even a connecting bus to the airport so no need to haggle over a taxi if you arrive by plane.
We had already gotten a glimpse of the difference between Java and Bali in Banyuwangi but in Jogja we realised that the two islands were worlds apart. We expected the place to be crawling with tourists and indeed it was super busy .. with local tourists! Two or three days passed before we actually ran into other “western” tourists!
The local tourists were extremely curious about us and apart from taking loads of selfies with couples, teenagers, families and a baby (yes, Ann was asked to pose for a photo holding a baby), we were asked to practice English with school kids and answered a thousand and one questions about Europe and how we liked Indonesian food.
Long story short, we had a blast and were more than happy with our decision to spend almost a week in town. We should also add that we stayed in the most amazing home stay ever (Sabana Homestay) and that the family there was just adorable! There were kids running around all day and we got a local breakfast every morning - what a nice way to start the day.
There are so many things to see in and around Jogja that our days were packed with activities. Unfortunately, it started raining every day between 3 and 4 pm so that we had a very precise time by which we had to be back home (yes, we’re suckers, we don’t like getting soaked).
We did quite a bit of exploring in Jogja and visited Vredeburg, and old Dutch fort that served has a military basis and has a gallery about the long and bumpy road to independence on display. We kind of walked into it “by accident” as we didn’t have anything planned out but it ended up being one of our personal highlights. While travelling through Asia you will often visit monuments and see relicts from centuries ago without learning about the more recent history of the country you are in. At the museum we learned all kinds of interesting facts about, for instance, the Japanese occupation of Indonesia.
We weren’t especially blown away by neither the Keraton nor the Sultan palace but it is an important part of the city’s history (and it is also super cheap). This is probably also an ideal example of an experience that would be much enhanced by having a tour guide telling you different legends and fun facts.
The Water Castle is another popular sight. To be honest, we got lost about a hundred times before actually stumbling across the exit. Right, we didn’t even make it to the from entrance, that’s how lost we were. It is not a city palace like the one in Udaipur, India nor a water castle like Taman Ujung in Bali but it is a pretty little place to visit and it is not going to eat up too much of your time.
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If you haven’t done it already, you can also get a taste of the famous Luwak coffee. The most expensive coffee in the world that is basically brewed out of shit. Google it, it’s true and it’s awesome!
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Obviously, the big highlights of our trip to Jogja were Borobudur and Prambanam. You can get a joint ticket without being obliged to visit temples the same day. If you’re around, you might as well visit both and you’ll save a couple of dollars buying the joint ticket. Both temple complexes are reachable by public bus. They take their time, but they eventually get there and you’ll have a fun time being squeezed in between locals and whatever they carry with them.
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We had the best time visiting Borobudur. We were constantly followed around by a group of at least 20 kids too shy to ask if they could take a photo with us, took about a million selfies and almost fell off the temple because everyone got so excited about group photos.
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Oh, and the temple was nice, too!
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However, we did find Prambanam more impressive. The main temple is enormous and the structures are absolutely beautiful. There are also quite a few other, smaller temples around that go almost unnoticed by a great majority of the local tourists. It’s a wonderful place to spend an afternoon at.
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Yogyakarta had everything we were looking for; beautiful places to explore, beautiful people and the best (and cheapest) Mie Rebus we’ve had (basically a simple noodle soup).
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Due to heavy rainfalls in the afternoon on most days and a sheer lack of motivation we did not do any workshops but there are plenty! If we ever find ourselves back in Jogja we’ll definitely take part in one of the many batik, ceramic or silver craft workshops.
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Apparently, you can also visit the surrounding villages and learn how to plant and harvest rice but hey, you’ve got to leave something for the next visit, right?
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maybeartistvai · 4 years
Prambanan Hindu Temple complex in Indonesia  and its supernatural story in stone !
Prambanan Hindu Temple complex in Indonesia  and its supernatural story in stone !
  Imagine seeing into the far recesses of the past and reconstructing the reality through the visual senses only and being stunned by the glory, grace and grandeur and mysticism of the sight. Well, that is Rara Jonggrang or Prambanan for you; the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia and the third largest in South Asia. More than just an architectural and art feat of the 9th century, this temple is a mystical cultural site with a rich and intricate history and a story so mesmerising that is continues to enthral the masses that visit it one thousand years after the Sanjaya kings of Java, built it to show off their power and dominance over that area. This temple complex is spread over 17 kilometers and is almost 1163 years old now, commissioned to be built by the Hindu Sanjaya Dynasty kings as a symbol of their return to power after almost a century of Buddhist Sailendra Dynasty domination. The construction of this massive Hindu temple signified the shift of the royal patronage from Mahayana Budhism to Shaivaite Hinduism. It was started by the King Rakai Pikatan and expanded by King Lokpala and subsequently by King Maha Sambhu. It is characterized by its tall and pointed architecture, typical of Hindu architecture, and by the towering 47-metre-high (154 ft) central building inside a large complex of individual temples.
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The temple is dedicated to the Hindu Trimurti the expression of God as Creator (Brahma) Protector or preserver  as Vishnu and the destroyer as Shiva. Infact , the main temple diety is Shakti or Durga – the feminine energy form of Mother Goddess also called Rara Jonggrang in Indonesia. The legend of Rara Jonggrang has all elements of fantastical nature along with love and betrayal, anger and cursing . It  begins with the story of the beautiful , intelligent Princess Rara Jonggrang, daughter of the cruel but powerful, giant who ruled Java - King Boko.
The legend haunts…..
The legend begins with the description of two ancient and neighbouring kingdoms in Java, Pengging and Boko.
Pengging was prosperous and was ruled by the wise Prabu Damar Maya who had a son named Bandung Bondowoso. By contrast, Boko was ruled by a cruel man-eating giant named Prabu Boko, supported by another giant Patih Gupolo Despite his unpleasant nature, Prabu Boko had the most beautiful and intelligent daughter named Roro Jonggrang.
Prabu Boko
The story relates that Prabu Boko desired to expand his kingdom, and so began training an army and raising taxes for an invasion of the neighbouring kingdom  Pengging. His forces launched a surprise attack on Pengging, and the ensuring war caused devastation and famine on both sides. In order to defeat the invader, Prabu Damar Maya sent his son Bandung Bondowoso to fight Prabu Boko. After a furious battle, Prabu Boko was killed by the prince who used his supernatural powers and brought an end to the giant’s life. His assistant, the giant Patih Gupolo, led his armies away from the battlefield in defeat and ran back to his kingdom to report the death of his master and King Boko. Hearing the news of her father’s death princess Rara Jonggrang was filled with anger and sorrow and vowed to avenge his death. Meanwhile , the victorious Prince Bandung Bondowoso decided to capture the kingdom of the dead king Boko by marrying his only daughter and bringing both the kingdoms together. He has already heard stories about her legendary beauty. So he sent forth his marriage proposal which was duly rejected by the princess. Meanwhile  the Pengging army besieged and captured the palace and Prince Bandung Bandawasa again proposed marriage, and finally Rara Jonggrang agreed on two impossible conditions: first the prince must build a well named Jalatunda, and second, he must construct a thousand temples in only one night.
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The love-struck prince agreed, and immediately started work on the well. Using his supernatural powers once again and summoning all manner of demons, the prince swiftly finished the construction of the deep well and proudly displayed his work for the princess. As a trick, she urged him to enter the well and when he did so, Patih Gupolo piled stones into it and buried him alive. With great effort Bandung Bandawasa escaped, but his love for the princess was so strong that he forgave her the attempt on his life.
To fulfill the second condition, the prince entered into meditation and conjured up a multitude of spirits from the earth. With their help he built the first 999 temples in a few hours and started work on the final one.  When the Princess came to know that Prince Bandung was about to finish the last temple she thought of a clever plan to thwart his efforts.
She and her maids lit fires in the east direction and begin pounding rice paddy, a traditional dawn activity. The roosters crowed fooled into thinking the sun was about to rise. The dark demons of the netherworld fled back to the darkness, leaving the last temple unfinished.Hence, the Prince could not fulfil the second condition.
The prince was furious when he learned of this deception, and he placed a curse on Rara Jonggrang, turning her into stone, so that she could not marry anyone and be stuck in time and space forever. But in this way she herself became a feature of the final temple, completing its construction and fulfilling the conditions for their marriage! She became the divine Goddess or Durga or Shakti and is the main diety of the Candi Prambanan Temple..
 The magnificence…
An aerial view of the Rara Jonggrang temple complex
The 17 kilometer perimeter of the Prambanan Temple spans between the southern slopes of the Merapi Volcano in the north  and the Sewu mountain range in the south, and consists of the following temples :
·         3 Trimurti temples: three main temples dedicated to Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma
·         3 Vahana temples: The tree temples dedicated to the vahanas or mode of travel of the Gods- nandi, Garuda and Hamsa
·         2 Apit temples: two temples located between the rows of Trimurti and Vahana temples on north and south side
·         4 Candi Kelir temples: four small shrines located on the four cardinal directions right beyond the four main gates of inner zone
·         4 Candi Patok temples: four small shrines located on four corners of the inner area of the Prambanan temple complex.
·         224 Pervara temples: hundreds of temples arranged in 4 concentric square rows; numbers of temples from inner row to outer row are: 44, 52, 60, and 68 shrines. These shrines are called "Candi Perwara" guardian or complementary temples. Some believed it was offered to the king as a sign of submission. The Perwara are arranged in four rows around the central temples, maybe depicting the four Hindu castes.
The Shiva shrine at the center contains five chambers, four small chambers in every cardinal direction and one bigger main chamber in central part of the temple. The east chamber connects to central chamber that houses a three meter high statue of Shiva Mahadeva. The statue bears the attributes of Shiva such as skull and sickle (crescent) at the crown, and third eye on the forehead, also four hands that holds Shiva's symbols: a prayer beads, feather duster, and trident. Some historians believe that the depiction of Shiva as Mahadeva also meant to personify king Balitung as the reincarnation of Shiva. So when he died, a temple was built to commemorate him as Shiva. The statue of Shiva stands on lotus pad on a Yoni pedestal that bears the carving of Naga serpents on the north side of the pedestal. The other three smaller chambers contain statues of Hindu Gods related to Shiva; his consort Durga, Agastya, and Ganesha, his son.
Exterior of Shiva temple
The bas-reliefs along the balustrades on the gallery around the Shiva and Brahma temple depict the Ramayana legend. On the balustrades in Vishnu temple there is series of bas-relief depict Krishnayana, the story of lord Krishna.
The Siva idol is three metres tall and the main pount of attraction of the temple. His crown has a skull and a crescent moon. There is a snake as a head-band. There is a third eye on the forehead. He is shown with four hands. The two back hands hold a fan (chowrie) and a rosary. The frontal right hand holds a lotus bud. The frontal left hand holds a small spheroid representing cosmos which is an unusual representation. He stands on a lotus and the lotus stands in the middle of a square base receptacle which can collect abhishek water and let it go from an outlet. The statue is almost like a lingam then. Siva has a Mongolian visage. The statue is not rounded but is in bas-relief.
BELOW: Pic of Siva idol, three metres tall, the description of which is given above. (Pic from the book "Ariswara Prambanan", PT Intermasa Jakarta)
 Why is this temple so interesting and inspiring ?
Apart from the legend and tale of Prambanam, the sheer scale and massiveness of the complex is mind blowing. The detailed carving from Ramnayana on the stone walls and also from the Krishnaya on the walls of the Visnu temple are extraordinary . The sense of order, organisation and the amazing layout of  the temple spread over 17 kilometers is something to wonder about. Despite the humongous scale of construction , each and every nook and inch of the temple is beautifully carved and decorated.
The temple built entirely of stone is made in the form of a mountain as the Gods are believed to reside there.
The significance of the mountain symbol derives from its immense height and from its conceptualization as the navel of the World. It is where Heaven ( Brahamlok) and Earth ( Prithvilok) meet, where the gods have their home and human ascension has its boundary and therefore also represent the notions of transcendence and divine manifestation; mountains are where gods and men interact; but by giving it a human legend and story , the Prambanam temple or the Rara Jonggrang temple tries to humanise God and bring the two closer through the King; who is seen as an emissary of God. The temple form of architecture is so prevalent in Java, Indonesia and Cambodia region as it  is dotted with Volcanoes that keep on erupting from time to time and are prayed to , so as to keep them “silent” or dormant. The mountains symbolise the immense power of nature over man and hence the association of mountain with something very dominant and powerful is seen in the temple architecture of the Prambanam.
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A stairway leads the pilgrim to the entrance to the temple, which is raised off the ground level, an act mimicking that of ascending a mountain. The temple chambers open up a gateway to the divine world, almost as if the divine has been brought to manifest in the human world, fulfilling the notion of transcendence; a figurative meeting of man and God.
Built at the height of 47 meters , the tallest temple is  slightly taller than Borobudur- the Buddhist temple complex. The Javanese people believe that it was done deliberately so as to send a clear message to the kingdom about the supremacy of the Hindu Sanjaya Kings over the Buddhist Sailendra rulers.
Just like Indian temples, the Prambanan temples do have a sanctum sanctorum known as the Garbha Griha literally meaning the “Womb Room”  but no other broad architectural aspects that you see in Indian temples such as Dhwaja sthamba or the kalyana mandapams etc. The temple entrance faces the east as in India too. The bigger  Prambanan temples have galleries at various levels to walk around, in between the walls and the balustrades which are  exquisitely sculpted with scenes from the Ramayana and Krishnayana.
There are four worshipful Gods located in four chambers. Apart from Shiva. the other three deities are Mahaguru Agastya (Siva's teacher), Devi Durga (Siva's wife) and Ganesa (Siva's son). Karthikeya, the other son, is not present.
Indeed one of the most awe inspiring ancient structures that should be a must visit on your itinerary incase you ever head to Indonesia!
Rara Jonggrang !!!!
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avilorentcar · 6 years
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DAILY TOUR PACKAGES YOGYAKARTA from CV. AVILO 🏖️ Transport - Tour & Travel PACKAGE 1 (Borobudur Sunrise Tour) USD 45: ✔️ Pick up at Hotel at 03.30 AM ✔️ Borobudur Temple Sunrise ✔️ Lava Tour Merapi with Jeep ✔️ Lunch at Jejamuran Restaurant ✔️ Prambanan Temple (Evening) ✔️ Back to the Hotel PACKAGE 2 (Borobudur Nice Morning) USD 40: ✔️ Pick up at Hotel at 08:00 AM ✔️ Borobudur Morning ✔️ Lava Tour Merapi with Jeep ✔️ Lunch at Jejamuran Resraurant ✔️ Prambanan Evening ✔️ Back to the Hotel PACKAGE 3 (Jomblang Adventure Trip) USD 50: ✔️ Pick up at Hotel at 05:30 AM ✔️ Jomblang Adventure ✔️ Timang Beach (Gondola, Eat some Lobster) ✔️ Prambanan Evening ✔️ Drop to the Hotel PACKAGE 4 (Jogja City Tour) USD 40: ✔️ Pick up at Hotel at 08:00 AM ✔️ Tamansari Water Castle ✔️ Kraton (Sultan Palace) ✔️ Ullen Sentalu Museum ✔️ Merapi Lava Tour With Jeep ✔️ Drop to the Hotel PACKAGE 5 (Exotic Temple Tour) USD 50: ✔️ Pick up at Hotel at 08:00 AM ✔️ Borobudur Temple ✔️ Plaosan Temple ✔️ Prambanam Temple ✔️ Boko Temple ✔️ Drop to the Hotel NOTE: ✔️ The packages only transport inclusive Car for max 5 Person, Driver, Fuel, Meal Driver & Parking Fee ✔️ Exclude entrance fee ✔️ You can payment with Rupiah or Dollars CONTACT ME: ✔️ Phone/Whatsapp/Viber: +6281373102009 ✔️ Line/Instagram: @avilorentcar ✔️ Website: www.avilorentcar.com #MenjemputRejeki2019 #90Juta #80Juta #WisataJogja #VanessaAngel #Jogja #Jogyakarta #BungaMatahari #PantaiSamas #Bantul #RinduPantai #SewaMobilJogja (at AVILO Transport Yogyakarta) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsXfaa9Hkis/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19iqipund9896
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jumatberkah1 · 7 years
Empat Ikrar Deklarasi Pemuda Islam Indonesia
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARYA — Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahgara (Kemenpora) bekerja sama dengan GP Ansor dan Pemuda Muhammadiyah menggelar Apel dan Kemah Kebangsaan Pemuda Islam Indonesia. Acara yang diharap bisa mempererat tali silaturahmi ini diselenggarakan di pelataran Candi Prambanam, Sleman, Yogyakarta.
Dalam acara yang dihadiri Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Ketua Pemuda Muhammadiyah Dahnil Simanjuntak membacakan empat poin yang diikrarkan bersama sebagai poin yang akan dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan ini.
Pertama, para pemuda islam indonesia sadar tugas sejarah terbesarnya adalah bersungguh-sungguh mewujudkan cita cita nasional bangsa indonesia dan turut serta menciptakan perdamaian dunia. Kedua, bahwa tugas sejarah tersebut hanya bisa dituntaskan jika pemuda islam indonesia mampu menjaga ukhuwah Islamiah, yang ditujukan untuk kebaikan bersama, juga ukhuwah wathoniah dan ukhuwah basariah.
“Ketiga, bahwa untuk menjaga trilogi persaudaraan tersebut, kami pemuda islam Indonesia bertekad untuk menjaga ketaatan penciptaan memelihara hubungan sesama manusia, hablum minannas, dengan menerima keragaman sebagai sunnatullah yang niscaya dan terus menjaga alam dengan menjaganya dari keruaskan-kerusakan serta penguasaan alam oleh kelompok-kelompok tertentu, dan mengembalikannya untuk pemanfaatan seluruh umat manusia,” ujar Dahnil, Sabtu (16/12)
Terakhir, pemuda islam Indonesia meyakini ikhtiar-ikhtiar kebaikan tersebut mutlak dilakukan untuk menjamin bumi yang ditinggali ini lestari dan maslahat demi keberlangsungan hidup anak cucu dan generasi mendatang. “Kami pemuda ialam indonesia siap terus bergotong royong untuk menjaga bumi,” ujarnya.
Presiden Jokowi dalam sambutannya mengatakan, semangat kebangsaan adalah pondasi bagi kemajuan banga Indonesia. Untuk itu perlu semangat kebangsaaann, jiwa keindonesiaan, dan kekokohan dalam menjaga negara kesatuan republik Indonesia (NKRI) dalam setiap hati para pemuda Indonesia.
Negara ini, lanjut Jokowi, adalah negara dengan penduduk muslim terbesar di dunia. Negara ini banyak dijadikan contoh karena persatuan, karena ukhuwah islamiyah, ukhuwah wathoniyah, dan ukhuwah basyariah. Toleransi yang ada di Indonesia pun kemudian dijadikan contoh bagi negara-negara Muslim di belahan dunia lain.
“Indonesia adalah contoh toleransi, contoh kegotongroyongan. negara kita Indonesia adalah sumber inspirasi bagi negara Muslim dan negara Islam,” kata Jokowi.
(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://ift.tt/2k4LN5F"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Sumber Republika.co.id
by Republika.co.id via Kamu Harus Tau Cara Download Update Berita Indonesia Dan Dunia Islam Dari Berbagai Sumber Terpercaya
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arjuna-vallabha · 6 years
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Kuvera, Prambanam temple complex, Java
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alltheroadsmusic · 7 years
What to love (or hate) about Bali?, Indonesia lat-8.409518 long115.0920
Bali. White sand beaches, infinity pools, incredible sunrises on top of a volcano, fresh coconuts, surfers and magnificent temples - those are the images racing through your mind right now. Everyone seems to be travelling to Bali these days, and everyone seems to love it.
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Tegallalang Rice Terrace
But what exactly is it about Bali that is so incredibly attractive? Is it really paradise on earth?
When we decided to spend a month in Indonesia, there was no doubt we had to stop by Bali. However, we wanted to see other places in Indonesia as well (and we’re neither talking about Lombok nor the Gilis) so our time on the island was quite limited. In about 8 days we visited Ubud, stopped over in Sanur to go diving and spent a few nights in Padangbai.
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Taman Ujung Water Palace
So, did we fall in love with Bali?
This is not as simple a question as it looks. Most people do not realise that Bali isn’t one of those cute little islands but actually measures 145 x 80 km!
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Therefore, in our opinion, you cannot just say that you love or hate Bali. You simply cannot. The island is to big to make general statements about it and the differences between north, south, east and west are striking!
While Ubud is the typical Instagrammer-destination with its smoothie bowls, rice fields and vegan cafés, Padangbai is a crappy little village whose only purpose is to ship tourists off to the Gilis. How bout dat?
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Goa Gajah, also called Elephant Cave
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Having said that, how much you’ll love or hate Bali also depends on what you’re looking for.
We enjoyed our time in Ubud, all the trendy cafés, the little markets and the food. But was it an authentic experience? Not in the least.
Places such as Kuta and Ubud offer anything a western tourist could ask for, which means you’ll have the luxuries of your home country combined with rice terraces and temples around the city. Lovely, isn’t it?
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The entrance to Goa Gajah
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This is one of the many reasons people love to travel to or live in Bali. You don’t have to give up any of your comforts. Food options range from Sushi, smoothie bowls and burger to Italian pizza, steaks and Indonesian food. There are organised tours for EVERYTHING so you don’t even have to worry about planning anything yourself - a luxury.
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The gardens of Taman Ujung
However, there is a downside and you’ve probably guessed it already. Not only are the popular places (are there any non-popular places??) super crowded but with more and more tourists visiting and expats settling, Bali seems to have lost a bit of .. well, Bali.
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Tegenungan Waterfall
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We most certainly didn’t have the time to travel to “more remote” places to get a fair comparison but what we’ve seen seems to be there for in order to fulfil a single purpose : pleasing tourists. Sure, culture evolves and with the stream of foreigners, that continuously flows into all parts of the island, comes change. But when it gets to the point where you have to leave town in order to find a real Warung (a little street stall serving food) to have some real Indonesian food (not the tourist-versions you find in Ubud for instance), it has gotten a little too far, at least for our taste.
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Nevertheless, we absolutely enjoyed our stay. There are probably few moments in the last couple of months when we felt as happy and carefree as in Bali, riding our scooter through the jungle, visiting tiny villages living of their handicrafts and, obviously, gazing at rice terraces. The scenery is indeed breathtaking; valleys full of palm trees and farmers tending their properties, monkeys sneakily stealing anything they can get their hands on and somehow there is always a volcano in the distance.
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Tegallalang Rice Terraces
One thing that might have made our stay even more enjoyable, would have been planning ahead.
We underestimated how long distances between different places can be and how long it can take! So in order to fully enjoy your stay, do your research beforehand. Think about what you want to see and where it is and prepare an itinerary that makes sense.
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Monkey Forest, Ubud
Temples, diving, monkey forests, Balinese dances and volcano hikes will keep you busy for weeks if you wish for it and if you only have your annual 2 weeks of summer vacation to spare, Bali is exactly what you’re looking for. On the contrary, if you are, like us, travelling long term, then we’d suggest not wasting too much time on the island. Bali has got it all, but for us it was too crowded and, most of time, only second best.
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Monkey Forest, Ubud
Yes, the rice terraces were absolutely beautiful and unique, there is no doubt. But when it comes, for instance, to the beaches, we preferred the beaches in Cambodia, the scenery was beautiful but again Komodo National Park was even more idyllic, exploring temples was fun but far from the fun we had at, say Angkor Wat or Prambanam near Yogyakarta. 
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View from Pura Peyogaan, a tiny cave temple on top of a hill near Padang Bai
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Taman Ujung Water Palace
After reading many posts and reports about the sunrise on volcanos in Bali we decided to neither climb Mt. Bromo nor Mt. Agung but to go for Mt. Ijen instead, a volcano located on Java just 30 km away from the ferry to Bali, in order to avoid the crowds (and we did not regret it!).
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Tegallalang Rice Terraces
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It is not our intention to make Bali seem less of a dream destination than it is; all we are saying is that, provided you have the time, you should go beyond what’s on the island and explore some of the other amazing places in Indonesia. We spent an entire month in this incredible country and looking back now, our favourite memories are away from Bali (except for the diving which is absolutely great!).
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As mentioned earlier, we did enjoy our time on Bali and if we ever were to settle somewhere in Southeast Asia, Bali would be high up the list but we do think that the hype around it is a little bit exaggerated.
If you’ve ever been to Bali or are planning on going, let us know what you think!
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Taman Ujung Water Palace
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avilorentcar · 6 years
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Special thanks for Mr. Hwang & Family DAILY TOUR PACKAGES YOGYAKARTA from CV. AVILO 🏖️ Transport - Tour & Travel PACKAGE 1 (Borobudur Sunrise Tour) USD 45: ✔️ Pick up at Hotel at 03.30 AM ✔️ Borobudur Temple Sunrise ✔️ Lava Tour Merapi with Jeep ✔️ Lunch at Jejamuran Restaurant ✔️ Prambanan Temple (Evening) ✔️ Back to the Hotel PACKAGE 2 (Borobudur Nice Morning) USD 40: ✔️ Pick up at Hotel at 08:00 AM ✔️ Borobudur Morning ✔️ Lava Tour Merapi with Jeep ✔️ Lunch at Jejamuran Resraurant ✔️ Prambanan Evening ✔️ Back to the Hotel PACKAGE 3 (Jomblang Adventure Trip) USD 50: ✔️ Pick up at Hotel at 05:30 AM ✔️ Jomblang Adventure ✔️ Timang Beach (Gondola, Eat some Lobster) ✔️ Prambanan Evening ✔️ Drop to the Hotel PACKAGE 4 (Jogja City Tour) USD 40: ✔️ Pick up at Hotel at 08:00 AM ✔️ Tamansari Water Castle ✔️ Kraton (Sultan Palace) ✔️ Ullen Sentalu Museum ✔️ Merapi Lava Tour With Jeep ✔️ Drop to the Hotel PACKAGE 5 (Exotic Temple Tour) USD 50: ✔️ Pick up at Hotel at 08:00 AM ✔️ Borobudur Temple ✔️ Plaosan Temple ✔️ Prambanam Temple ✔️ Boko Temple ✔️ Drop to the Hotel NOTE: ✔️ The packages only transport inclusive Car for max 5 Person, Driver, Fuel, Meal Driver & Parking Fee ✔️ Exclude entrance fee ✔️ You can payment with Rupiah or Dollars CONTACT ME: ✔️ Phone/Whatsapp/Viber: +6281373102009 ✔️ Line/Instagram: @avilorentcar ✔️ Website: www.avilorentcar.com #BorobudurSunrise #BorobudurTrip #BorobudurTour #BorobudurTemple #Borobudur #MerapiJeepTour #MerapiJeep #MerapiLavaTour #LavaTourMerapi #Merapi #MerapiVolcano #PrambananTemple #PrambananSunset #JomblangCave #Jomblang #TimangBeach #PantaiTimang #Yogyakarta #AVILOTransport #GoaKaliSuci #RatuBokoTemple #PlaosanTemple #KratonYogyakarta #TamansariWaterCastle #Yogja #Yogjakarta (at Timang Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsNtwG_HfRd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ns2m83xge9j0
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jumatberkah1 · 7 years
Empat Ikrar Deklarasi Pemuda Islam Indonesia
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARYA — Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahgara (Kemenpora) bekerja sama dengan GP Ansor dan Pemuda Muhammadiyah menggelar Apel dan Kemah Kebangsaan Pemuda Islam Indonesia. Acara yang diharap bisa mempererat tali silaturahmi ini diselenggarakan di pelataran Candi Prambanam, Sleman, Yogyakarta.
Dalam acara yang dihadiri Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Ketua Pemuda Muhammadiyah Dahnil Simanjuntak membacakan empat poin yang diikrarkan bersama sebagai poin yang akan dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan ini.
Pertama, para pemuda islam indonesia sadar tugas sejarah terbesarnya adalah bersungguh-sungguh mewujudkan cita cita nasional bangsa indonesia dan turut serta menciptakan perdamaian dunia. Kedua, bahwa tugas sejarah tersebut hanya bisa dituntaskan jika pemuda islam indonesia mampu menjaga ukhuwah Islamiah, yang ditujukan untuk kebaikan bersama, juga ukhuwah wathoniah dan ukhuwah basariah.
“Ketiga, bahwa untuk menjaga trilogi persaudaraan tersebut, kami pemuda islam Indonesia bertekad untuk menjaga ketaatan penciptaan memelihara hubungan sesama manusia, hablum minannas, dengan menerima keragaman sebagai sunnatullah yang niscaya dan terus menjaga alam dengan menjaganya dari keruaskan-kerusakan serta penguasaan alam oleh kelompok-kelompok tertentu, dan mengembalikannya untuk pemanfaatan seluruh umat manusia,” ujar Dahnil, Sabtu (16/12)
Terakhir, pemuda islam Indonesia meyakini ikhtiar-ikhtiar kebaikan tersebut mutlak dilakukan untuk menjamin bumi yang ditinggali ini lestari dan maslahat demi keberlangsungan hidup anak cucu dan generasi mendatang. “Kami pemuda ialam indonesia siap terus bergotong royong untuk menjaga bumi,” ujarnya.
Presiden Jokowi dalam sambutannya mengatakan, semangat kebangsaan adalah pondasi bagi kemajuan banga Indonesia. Untuk itu perlu semangat kebangsaaann, jiwa keindonesiaan, dan kekokohan dalam menjaga negara kesatuan republik Indonesia (NKRI) dalam setiap hati para pemuda Indonesia.
Negara ini, lanjut Jokowi, adalah negara dengan penduduk muslim terbesar di dunia. Negara ini banyak dijadikan contoh karena persatuan, karena ukhuwah islamiyah, ukhuwah wathoniyah, dan ukhuwah basyariah. Toleransi yang ada di Indonesia pun kemudian dijadikan contoh bagi negara-negara Muslim di belahan dunia lain.
“Indonesia adalah contoh toleransi, contoh kegotongroyongan. negara kita Indonesia adalah sumber inspirasi bagi negara Muslim dan negara Islam,” kata Jokowi.
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by Republika.co.id via Kamu Harus Tau Cara Download Update Berita Indonesia Dan Dunia Islam Dari Berbagai Sumber Terpercaya
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arjuna-vallabha · 6 years
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Dancer, Java, Prambanam, Temple of Loro Jonggrang, Early 10th Century
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