beo-arts-blog · 8 years
#DrafurOchGildur #Practisinging ⭐ Vers IV ⭐ 🐙 Plötsligt under skrik och skrän Rusar troll från alla trän Drafur spår "det tycks va tid att svinga yxa" 😨😨😨😨😨😱
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beo-arts-blog · 8 years
#DrafurOchGildur #Practisinging ⭐ Vers I, II, III och IV ⭐
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beo-arts-blog · 8 years
#DrafurOchGildur #Practisinging ⭐Vers I, II, III ⭐ 🍯
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beo-arts-blog · 8 years
#Practisinging #DrafurOchGildur ⭐Vers III ⭐ Trollen väntat länge nog Smyger framåt ut ur skog Drafur står och lyssnar Hör hur ugglan tystnar 💣💣💣💣💣💣💣
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beo-arts-blog · 8 years
#Practisinging #💕 #lajv #oldsongs #sjung Hur du vänder dig Och hur du svänger dig Så laga att du har en trogen vän X2 Förr så går dina ungdomsdagar Förr så går dina ungdomsår... Aldrig komma de, nej Aldrig komma de Nej Aldrig komma de nå mer igen (inte för att ungdomsår är det bästa av allt, de kan faktiskt vara våra jobbigaste år många gånger. So keep enjoying those good years and good friends oavsett om du anses gammal eller ung! ^^)
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beo-arts-blog · 8 years
#Beomene #Practisinging #voice #spectrum Might help people reflect on what they automatically assume about identity. I like to play with this. Gonna teach this sad song in YouTube in an upcoming vid.
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beo-arts-blog · 8 years
Vems röst? Min röst. #Beomene #trehalvtonerlägre #Practising #Practisinging
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beo-arts-blog · 8 years
Tusen tanke/tankar Finally singing in swedish again #phew #practisinging #Beomene #folkmusik
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beo-arts-blog · 8 years
More Siúil a Rún! #SiúilARún #practisinging #Practising #Beomene I will soon give some thoughts on the topic of other languages and not only my own best (and yet so awkward!) attempts at singing in tongues foreign to me - but also others wanting to sing in a language I -do- know; swedish! I encourage that with all of my misspronouncing heart ♥. Maybe that should be a part of the Practising channel? "Misspronouncing" and "Pronounsing"
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beo-arts-blog · 8 years
Tryyyyying, I have to practice what I preach! 🌟 #practisinging #Beomene #apologies in advance to the beauty of all #gaelic songs I love
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beo-arts-blog · 8 years
Nånting nånting! #practisinging #Beomene
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beo-arts-blog · 8 years
More Siúil a Rún! #practisinging #Practising #Beomene I will soon give some thoughts on the topic of other languages and not only my own best (and yet so awkward!) attempts at singing in tongues foreign to me - but also others wanting to sing in a language I -do- know; swedish! I encourage that with all of my misspronouncing heart ♥. Maybe that should be a part of the Practising channel? "Misspronouncing" and "Pronounsing"
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beo-arts-blog · 8 years
Pitch! Find the right #pitch that suits your feelings as well as your throat! #practisinging #Practising #Beomene
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beo-arts-blog · 8 years
Gaelic! (?!?) I'm NOT good at this but I love the songs Dúlamán and Siúil a Rún. I am not educated in this and I sing entirely on a whim and out of tune - to experience the real songs as they should be both sung and heard please find Anúna, Chanticleer or search for Celtic woman. Such amazing artists and a fantastic language that I will listen closely to and get less bad at over time :) #gaelic #practisinging #Practising #Beomene I will give some thoughts on the topic of other languages and not only my own best (and yet so awkward!) attempts at singing in tongues foreign to me - but also others wanting to sing in swedish! I encourage that with all of my misspronouncing heart ♥. Maybe that should be a part of the Practising channel? "Misspronouncing" and "Pronounsing"? Sounds fun and cringey! So I will offer my pieces of advice on how to (in my humble opinion) "sound" swedish. But also how that may not at all have to be the ultimate goal, I'm just super happy if people would like to learn the swedish songs I love so much :)
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beo-arts-blog · 8 years
Gaelic! (?!?) I'm NOT good at this but I love the songs Dúlamán and Siúil a Rún. I am not educated in this and I sing entirely on a whim and out of tune - to experience the real songs as they should be both sung and heard please find Anúna, Chanticleer or search for Celtic woman. Such amazing artists and a fantastic language that I will listen closely to and get less bad at over time :) #gaelic #practisinging #Practising #Beomene I will give some thoughts on the topic of other languages and not only my own best (and yet so awkward!) attempts at singing in tongues foreign to me - but also others wanting to sing in swedish! I encourage that with all of my misspronouncing heart ♥. Maybe that should be a part of the Practising channel? "Misspronouncing" and "Pronounsing"? Sounds fun and cringey! So I will offer my pieces of advice on how to (in my humble opinion) "sound" Swedish. But also how that may not at all have to be the ultimate goal, I'm just super happy if people would like to learn the Swedish songs I love so much :)
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beo-arts-blog · 8 years
RAN OUT OF TIME XD Gaelic! I'm NOT good at this but I love the song Dúlamán and (another song) Siúil a Rún. I sing entirely on a whim and it is ultra amateur deluxe - to experience the real songs as they should be both sung and heard please find Anúna, Chanticleer or search for Celtic woman. (Many more options of course, those were just a few!) Such amazing artists and a fantastic language that I will listen closely to and get less bad at over time :) #gaelic #practisinging #Practising #Beomene
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