#practising my gif-making on these before i get stuck into better quality videos
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Joplin Sibtain [Chook Sibtain] as Richard Asher in The Stretch (2000)
He’s handed over all aspects of his businesses to you. Legitimate and…otherwise. You’ll have complete control over all his companies and signing rights for his bank accounts. All we need for you to do is sign a few forms.
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fmpjly2 · 3 years
Project Evaluation
Media And Techniques 
Throughout this whole project I have used and learnt different skills. These skills consist of the basics of After Effects and some advanced skills like using 3D cameras. Since I now understand the basics of After Effects and how things like keyframes work this could help me in other softwares such as Premier Pro. Premier Pro is very useful for me to understand because as a streamer I will also be editing parts of my stream using this software and uploading them to Youtube. The research that I did assisted me to learn and apply the skills I learned especially when I looked into the creation of a transition in After Effects. These techniques met my proposal as they were essential for me to create my transitions. The creation  of my logo used a website called Picrew. This website allowed me to create different variations of my avatar. In addition the research into different avatars assisted me to get to my final outcome. Overall I feel that I have been successful in my ability to learn the new skills I have learnt and that the research I looked into was very useful. This is because I was able to finish everything to the standard I expected to and apply it into a practise stream/recording to see how it would look. To Improve my work I could have looked into more variations of avatars instead of focusing on one specific style.
Purpose / Theme / Concept
During my project I was met with a few problems that I had to resolve. The first major problem was the little use of Streamlabs OBS. This is since in college the software would not open which was a big issue. The reason for this is unknown so to combat this problem I had to use Streamlabs OBS at home. This resulted in me taking some days off college to insure I could apply all my assets into Streamlabs. Another issue I was met with was using green screen transitions within Streamlabs would not work. This meant I had to change to OBS to allow me to use a chroma key so that I could use the transition properly.  Finally I was met with the issue of choosing between four different transitions I had made. To help me decide I received feedback by making a survey with my assets in and asked people to explain why they prefer what they do. The survey ended with multiple transitions with the same amount of people liking them so with my decision I finally came to an outcome which is the transition I am using now. Overall I believe that the way I reacted to the problems I was met with was successful, this is because all of the issues I was met with did not affect my final outcome too much. To improve I will ensure that the software that I am using has the functions that I need it for before using it.
My final product consists of multiple different screens and GIFs. I believe that all of these assets met my expectations. My outcome has met my brief very well as I have been able to create what I set out to make and more such as the alert I have made. Overall I believe that my final outcome is to a good standard that I am happy with. The reason for this is because I stuck to my timeline that I created within my proposal and I worked more throughout Easter than I had on other projects. To improve I will look into different art styles and colour pallets that better fit the situation and theme.
In conclusion there are many ways that I could have improved my project If I had the knowledge and techniques I now have. Next time I will have these skills meaning when I use After Effects and Premiere Pro I will be more time efficient and have a much larger understanding of the software. I can learn more techniques which will allow me to create videos at a much higher quality. My project could have also been improved if I created my avatar without using a website. Next time if I make more artwork I will use photoshop to make artwork without a website giving me more freedom and selection. Overall I have enjoyed this project the most out of any other project I have done throughout the years and am looking forward to putting my creations into real world use like my streams.
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