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"If I'm free, it's because I'm always running."- Jimi Hendrix . The heat was oppresive that afternoon and the hot air penetrated our nostrils. We were in the back of our tuk-tuk, driving through rural Cambodia when we spotted this boy running barefoot on the dusty road. His feet were the color of copper from the red dirt. It was one of the simple images that made us fall in love with Cambodia. . For @passionpassport #PPRoads challenge . . . . #selfietravellers #simplelives #happypeople #chilhooddays #ruralcambodia #childrenoftheworld #livelifehappy #discovercambodia #tourismcambodia #siemreap #siemreapnet #travelstoriesworld #cambodiaphotos #lovetheworld #beautifulseasia #visitasia #cambodiatrip #livetoexplore #livetotell #passionpassport #pproads #seetheworld #lifewelltraveled #travelphotography #toseetheworld (at Cambodia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BjiEteNgCjH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nmdw3917bi2b
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cate-tris · 6 years
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Been having the feeling that - like Alice in Wonderland - the path has been swept away behind and in front of me... well... as the Cheshire Cat said to Alice: “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there”. #PPRoads @passionpassport #passionpassport #roads #paths #wanderlust #anyroad #lost #directions #aliceinwonderland #cheshirecat #whereto #whatsnext #aberdeenreservoir #hktrail #hiking #hikingram #hkhiking #hikingadventures #hongkong #hklife #mylifeinhk #hkig #hkg #ighk #ig_hongkong (at Aberdeen Reservoirs)
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