#pppps: IM SO SORRY
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randomdude102394 · 28 days ago
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HERE IT IS BOYS N GIRLS THE FIFTEEN FOLLOWERS SPECIAL i didn't really know what i was doing with this one, i just kinda eyeballed it all in all THANK YOU FOR 15 FOLLOWERS!!!! :D
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apt502-if · 1 year ago
last night i jumped into ur amazing story—no questions asked, no synopsis read—so ofc i had no context, thinking there’s a murder going down in apt 502. and surprisingly there was a murder. the murder of my heart (rainn did it, i can’t recover rn, i’m a broken mess)
:pppp thank you so much im glad you liked it! and uh sorry for the dead heart bwahaha
rainn is always at the scene of the crime!!! (hopefully they can mend that broken heart one day...)
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mini-games · 2 years ago
...It's so quiet.
[You hear a disembodied voice start speaking upon entering.]
Hello? Do you know where Mini went? They said they were going on a quick walk, but it's been hours and they haven't returned.
...Don't be frightened. I am the old Mini-Game Lobby owner. Though it seems I might have to start working again if I don't find Mini soon... (Below the cut are tags and other extra info!)
MINI-GAME RELATED TAGS: mini-game (used for posted mini-games)
scavenger hunt mg (used for the scavenger hunt mini-games)
arena games mg (used for arena games mini-games)
hide 'n' go seek mg (used for hide 'n' go seek mini-games)
user-submitted mini-game (used for mini-games made by you)
not a mini-game (non-mini-game posts)
CHARACTER RELATED TAGS: ooc speaking (posts where I speak out of character)
mini speaks (anything where I'm just talking)
mini speaks? (in character text, but I'm not really talking.)
minis art (my art!)
!mini fanart (fanart of mini! thank you so much :D)
!cat shenanigans (interactions with npcat)
!mini lore (mini (character) lore things)
!terro lore (terro lore things)
tag!anon (the anon with a bad connection in which there text seems to be cut out at times. turns out it was just hashbang-mods)
song lyrics anon (the anons that speak in only song lyrics to tell the others what's going on)
LORE SEGMENTS: sun blackout (the predicament where the sun was extinguished and it was definitely not caused by me at all (<- lie)
ice arc (the period of time during the sun blackout/sun saga where the ice people came and infected me. very roleplay.)
interrobang war (the war that was unfairly waged against the interrobangs)
gnome armada (an armada [fleet of warships] of gnomes thats happening. seems the gnomes have beef with mini and nef.)
status god arc (the time status obtained the power of the developers)
minis mourning (mini mourning the loss of terro during status god arc)
status two arc (the aftermath of defeating status with a double kungpowpenis)
leftover ice (arc) (mini's scars from the sun incident are colder and more painful than ever.)
prison break arc (mini breaks out of prison and has nowhere to hide. seems there are people in the library that are fairly friendly.)
carrion arc (other people call it "scream arc." im calling it carrion arc because its mini's first experience of carrion.)
plus-minus-contingency arc (plus minus is trying to "purify" the world except he's really bad at it.)
mini's rage (some anons informed mini that plus minus has severely hurt terro. they are Not Happy.)
the STATUS is DEAD (arc) (kunpowpenis times 10. y. yeah.)
frozen 2 arc (mini gets turned into an ice person again.)
MISCELLANEOUS TAGS: important (important posts. please look through these tags!)
kung pppp (oops.)
moon arc (my silly hermitcraft season 8 reference that got taken seriously and it almost turned into real lore. whoops.)
other info: I have never run a gimmick account before I do not know what I am doing. Making this blog was a very impulsive decision on my end, but I'm willing to see where it goes!
My main is @shiningnightstars
Update: I canNOT keep up with all the lore tags and such. I will miss things I am so sorry. On top of that, if I'm speaking in tags then that is CONFIRMED out of character.
Also, if any post needs to be tagged, PLEASE inform me! I tags things as "tw (subject)" Things I will not tag (and why):
colored text (part of the gimmick is the colored text. sorry, I won't be tagging every single post! your warning is right here.)
swearing/cursing/profanity (I won't be swearing, however the others do swear a lot and I don't feel like tagging every instance of that.)
caps (I use caps a lot and I don't want to tag just my regular speaking habits if im constantly posting with them!)
Have a great day!
Mini design:
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(UPDATE - JANUARY 26: This design is slightly outdated due to the latest arc. If you need a more current design, please DM me or send in an ask!)
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cheolhub · 6 months ago
HII SAR! We’ve both been gone for a while but I hope ur doing amazing! What have you been up to?!!
I’m soooo happy ur gonna see svt too! I’m going to the show here in LA on nov 9th!! I’m literally so happy! After the last few months I’ve had this feels like a breath of fresh air and I feel so much better knowing I have something fun to look forward to 😭
Omg I also got a puppy for my birthday a few days ago and it’s literally been a dream!! She’s so darn adorable & sassy 😭 (another reason why life’s been more enjoyable lol)
- 🧸
hi my love 😭😭😭 u sent this a month ago but i hope you see it eventually (i am so sorry for taking so long) ive been logged out of my account since my last reblog 😭
i have been not great at all, BUT i think im finally healing and figuring out my life!! i just got my first car 😍 (im paying for it myself, i am LITERALLY an adult ew) ive mostly been working :p i think thats all i do. and when not work, i scroll through instagram or play love and deepspace while rotting in bed hdshsb but im seeing nct dream next week so :pppp excited for that!!!!
IM SO HAPPY U GOT LA TICKETS. PLZZZZ TAKE ME W U. i wanted to go but 😞 alas. i am broke after buying the san antonio tickets. I FOUGHT FOR MY LIFE BUYING THOSE BTW. nonetheless, im really excited for the both of us <3 i havent seen them in YEARS. i miss them so much. and i didnt get to see mingyu last time bcos he had covid, i was so sick.
AND HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY. what kinda puppy and WHATS HER NAME. i love dogs so much i wish i could have one T—T im too busy though
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euphausia · 13 days ago
Thoughts on Eupha's bond?
i thnk its pretty interesting but honestly idk where they were going wth it. were they backtracking frm mkng the pagans be into human sacrifice by. mkng the sanctists sacrifice humans as well?? lol. they tried to compare euphas sacrifice to ppl gttng ill frm prayer and the sanctist guy going insane trying to kill thm but hm idk.... the moral was tht blind faith is bad (true) but i feel like its stupid to try to compare the dragon god religion to sanctism in any cntxt since sanctism is lowkey the source of all evil 🤔. well anuway it focused a little too mch on sanctism in gnrl. wth the "less prominent in the story tribe" guys' bonds u had like an oppression segment (heismay was treated like shit as a knght and his son got lynched, basilios only job opportunity as a paripus was being a human test subject, junah is an ex slave) and a cultural fun fact (heisnay complainign abt eugiefs and a literal visit to the eugief village, tlkng to other paripus and a cool traditional paripus funeral showcasw[?], nidias real form reveal[!]).👍👍👍👍wth the "very pplr" tribes u knw a lot abt thm frm the story already no need to learn it frm the bonds.. so they focused more on chrcrr developmebt and other stff. hulkenbergs bond wth the duel thng and all abt her feelings on being a disgraced ex royal knght, strohls is inheritance themed etc etc im tired of mkng examples u get it. euohas bond honestly ddnt have any of tht. it had a LITTLE introspection like her tlkng abt how shes not a sacrifice anymore and has to live her own life and its a little scary. thrs also a little☝️ abt the dragon god religon. but it was mostly pushed aside for the weird........ allegory of her being a sacrifice and the sanctists dying frm overdosing on prayer.
I KNOW mustari (despite being oppressed) are very important to the story and thrs a whole visit to their island so theyre not underrepresented but umm. they kind of are? thrs only 2 named mustari (eupha and edeni) and uh the mst memorable thng u learn abt thm is the human sacrifice (awkwardd😿), one holiday celebration (cool) and tht they have drugs in the frm of fruit (based(. im gona be honest im jst very biased and mustari are my faves and i wsh euphas bond focused more on thm and their masks and culture and religion!!!!! like abything more abt thm please i wnt to meet 1000 different mustari and knw everything abt the dragon god and how they worship it. because i thnk theyre cool. no other reason. itd be mch bttr if they made batlin or whoever else a bond and centered it around sanctism instead. thrs also eupha rank 8....which i dnt rly like.........its kinda forced there is absolutely NO need for romance and her sayign "the moral of ths story is tht we shld be tgthr frvr in love" is ????. but its not THAT grating. the pairing is ok. i wsh i had a choice to not romance her but swagever. ALL THAT BEING SAID i actually rly enjoyed it 😼😼😼😼 sorry i jst rly like eupha she is my favorite as u may or may not knw and it had her in it so i loved it. it was kinda funny and the few lines she says abt how shes feeling had me on the edge of my seat. objectively mid but def in my top 5. :PPPP
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vantedaes · 3 months ago
bestie where is part 3 of ur smau💔💔
GODS im so so sorry, i thought no one was gonna notice :pppp I WILL UPDATE I SWEAR,, but i have had a rough couple of days and i haven´t been able to do much especially since the next part is going to be written,,, i might have it done next week
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sttoru · 1 year ago
Hi, Anya!!!! <333 How have you been?
I'm sorry I was silent for so long. :c I got busy and every time I'd try to write you an ask, something would come up. I'm also sick (my allergies are acting up + my period has just started). (* ´ ー`)
But, I've finally watched the barbie movie and also started watching the new Jujutsu Kaisen season. (ง^▿^)ง I managed to watch the first five episodes and I can't wait to watch more. It's understandable why everyone is back in their jjk phase, seeing the characters animated again is great!!! And I really loved the barbie movie, but I won't lie: I knew nothing about it, so I was horrified when the men started being disgusting and embarrassing. (ọvọ)
Ps: Your new theme is so beautiful, I adore it (I love winx and Stella is one of my favourites). <3333
Pps: Mosquitoes are so annoying, if they disappeared I'd be so happy. But the biggest problem in my house are the ants (I'm terrified of them because of childhood trauma). (⁰~⁰) They are always wandering around my room, getting on top of things, there are even some bigger ones with wings that love to be on my ceiling. (-_-)
Ppps: Congratulations on 2.8k!!! (◕ᴗ◕) (you might have reached more than that by the time you read this). You're always reaching so many milestones, I can't keep up, but I'm always proud of you and your works!! ( ŏ̥̥̥̥nŏ̥̥̥̥ )
Pppps: Take as long as you need on your break, Anya. ♡ I hope you enjoy uni and feel better soon!! ୧⍤⃝💐
ᰔᩚ I love you, take care. ᰔᩚ
- ☀️
SUNSHINEEE !!! my day suddenly started to get way better by the time i read this >_<
MY BABY ITS OKKK!! im so glad u r still here thooo thas all that matters xx i’ll always wait 4 u even if it takes years so dw i understanddd!! (also :( hope u feel better soon, pls take careeee !!!)
JJK S2!!! im glad u watched it :3 i forgot to ask who ur fav jjk character(s) is 🧍🏽‍♀️ but fr once i watched s2 i immediately got hyped for the rest of the episodes cant waitttttt (ignores the shibuya arc) ++ the barbie move arghh so iconic, but yeah tthe topics discussed in the movie can b pretty unexpecteddd hope the rest of the movie was fun&fine 4 u though !!
ANTSSSS??!?? WITH WINGSSS??!!!!!!!! ma’am, my condolences 😞☝🏽 no actually thats a big nightmare bcs they can be everywhere yikes maybe you can buy like insect poison or search on the internet for the most effective solution that could be placed in ur room to at least keep them away from your own little space 😭😭
BUT THANK YOU SWEETSSSS !!!! my angel i missed u sm i hope u r doing well & pls take care of urself, stay hydrated & dont forget to put on sunscreen when going out (if its still sunny & hot where u are!) ilysm stay healthyyyyy
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fantrollology · 2 years ago
Okay Alaska I gotta know, how does one even get into physiopsionology?? What sparked such a particular interest?
"Good question."
"I'm sure it's no surprise that most pursue the field because of an interest in their own psychic abilities. For a low-hood teal like myself though-" He knocks on the back of his skull" -it was through someone else's."
"Specifically, my moirail when I was back on Alternia-- or, they weren't my moirail at the time I guess. But uhm, they... for their entire life their abilities had been a burden on their health, and it was only getting worse. There were a lot more drawbacks than utility."
"So, like a friend would, I looked for a way to help, and in all my looking I discovered nullifiers. Typically they're utilized by the Fleet for subordinating purposes. They affect the production of hormones that enable the operation of the culural lobe. They can be injected or taken orally or other ways for different strengths and durations." He acknowledges the superlative information with a wave of his hand.
"Anyways, it was a pain to get my hands on some but they did the trick. It's a temporary effect of course, and so they only took them during particularly bad flare-ups in order to ration them."
"I wanted to find a more permanent solution, and the biology behind it intrigued me so... I continued researching. And now here I am."
He shrugs his shoulders and smiles.
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oldestking · 3 years ago
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scritchim · 5 years ago
HEY!! im in mood infodump doodle mood rn so uh heres visual refs
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So let me explain!! :p
Top ref, mutant;
Top ref is zibs freaky zim mutation experiement!!! the mutant is very very huge and stuff and is zibs guard dog being the most “easily commanded” zim in the whole dibvoid universe thing! to reassure of this, theres that blue mind control pak that connects directly to the brain and interferes with the one on the mutant’s butt. the pak on the butt has similarly same functions as a normal pak, but the mutant mainly uses the arms within to get around much faster and easier since the mutant weighs quite a bit. the mutant can also vocally communicate despite not being very smart and stuff. hes also always hungry, typically zib feeds him a..... special kinda meal
Middle ref, dagger!zim (DZ for short!!);
DZ is one of the many, many zimz kindapped by zib. but being a zim who comes from the irken race (at least in his universe) of loyalty through battle, after being defeated by zib in a one on one battle, he became one of the zimz to work under zib. currently tho he is owned by PD (police!dib aka pilot!dib) since hes one of the most agile and best fighters among most of the zimz currently in the dibvoid. (no zim is really allowed to roam in the dibvoid unless owned by a dib) His attitude toward PD is very respectable towards him. PD and DZ had a little one on one and PD rightfully defeated DZ fair and square. DZ works with PD to capture (mainly kill) any dibs or zims out of line when ordered by zib or any other dib if a zim or dib is a problem. DZ’s irken biology is dratically different from most zims to where his pak is on his neck and a smaller size, hes built more agile, his antennae can come off to unsheath blades. the downside to this is that he has a high chance of bleeding. bleeding doesnt damage him, tho it causes pain and blood is annoying when it runs down your face during a battle/fight. he wears heels to feel taller and superior to zims in the dibvoid and has a cape to wear, but with time being in the dibvoid it got damaged and fixed by PD
Bottom ref, pilot!dib/police!dib (PD for short!);
the scariest hunter youll ever meet in the dibvoid. he garnered attention from other dib and zims for being openly agressive, violent and creepy to the others (especially with his teeth and unusual twitchiness) he obsesses over any interestin zim or dibs in the dibvoid, he will occcassionally stalk them and may decide to fight them if they seem like a good fighting oponent. otherwise he would just shake out any information he can from them to hunt down any rebel groups (he use to be apart of one till he was put into his place) he spends time in the bar (even tho hes just 19 the idiot) and will get word through there. He is a really good fighter with his hand-like gun and uses it to help get around and hunt down zim andddibs. his kill count is certainly higher than his “bar fights won’ count. his end of his trench coat is damaged from accidentally shooting lasers than propelling air at take off sometimes. he shoots around at high speeds using his hand gun almost like a propeller by hopping on it (as seen in the the ref) he’ll use it to call zib only in really dire situations since he believe s he can handle any situation on his own, picking up a big ego from DZ. towards DZ, he sees him more of a partner than a zim he owns (tho it being not allowed to befriend zims at all, he treats DZ badly in public when he would def risk his own life for DZ in any situation). he feels this way mainly cuz DZ is a much more different zim (even tho DZ is still a loud, self-centered zim) since DZ openly shows admiration and respect, especially when PD defeats an oponent in a fight. other relations PD has is with concept!dib/science!dib (called SD for short) SD and PD use to be very close at one point in the past. PD and zib only treat each other as rivals trying to one up each other, even if PD’s fallen flat every time (it hurts even more since zib is much younger than he is) PD is snarky with the irken hybrid and would love to dissect him and stalks the half irken whenever he can before being spotted by one of Zib’s many lackeys. tho despite that all, zib let’s him run around and do what he needs or wants. zib is creeped out by PD and has some type of fear of him.
so that’s about it!! some summaries ti help for a better undeestanding! these r sketched concepts for le comic and may be edited/changed over time, especially mutant zim for a cooler design. qvq ill do a zib concept soon, i try not to deviate fromm their original looks too much so they’re definable but i edit sone things to make them cooler or what may fit the plot nicely! giving PD some neat upgrades really makes him cooler. tho with the mutant zim and DZ are original 100% (at least i hope, accidentally copying soneone is my biggest fear) but yeh! these characters are mostly ones with close relations to zib and the only ones ive has visual thoughts for. (I’ll def make more zim and dibs 100%. I yet to make refs for the main cast!!) im sorry for the length of it all but i promise i’ll make simpler layouts one day! rn this is just dump and brainstorming qoq
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discountwives · 3 years ago
cursing sev by sending him my thoughts ab spe/ncer
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madwickedawesome · 2 years ago
Goooooooodnight juno france 2021 eurovision entry and switzerland eurovision 2021 eurovision entry be upon ye
FRANCES VOCALS R SOOOOO PRETTY literally like picturing a rose as i listen to them at like 30 sec or wherever it was SO BEAUTIFUL RAAAAGHHHHH idk what shes saying but shes so real for that HER VIBRATO IS SO BEAUTIFUL???????????????? AND THE BACKING TRACK???????????? HELLO??????????????????????????????????? I LOVE THE SONGS PROGRESSION TOO im typing this as it plays btw SO PRETTY I HATE EVERYTHING THIS SONG IS SO GOOD GOODBYEEEEEEEEEE OMG 2:17 I HATE EVERYTHING HER VOICE IS SO GOOD im normal THE END??????????????????? THE INSTR???OH MY GOD im in love with her sorry
ok now switzerland is bro sad and emotionalomg the chord progressions. derriere like butt HAahaa OH MY GFOD????????????? ok based i really like this song THE BEGINNING WAS TOO PPPP FOR ME BUT THE PROGRESSION WAS SO PRETTY THE INSTRUMENTALS??????? literally gorgeous i hate my life OH MY GFO ok the chorus is so good im ascending into the heavens I LOVE THE ADDITION OF NEW VOCALS AND INSTRUMENTS ONLY TO TURN JUST TO PIANO AND THIS DUDE omg the OH MY GO????? ok like. 2:25. sopmewhere around there Oh my God ANJA. THIS SONG IS SO PRETTY I FUCKING HATE MYT LIFE <33333333333333333
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ryangha · 8 years ago
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(CHPT 15 UP!) fanfiction.net link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12096696/15/Rookie-Reds (CHPT 10 UP!) ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10687806
Fandom: I Don’t Want This Kind of Hero (이런 영웅은 싫어) Pairing: Dana/Osu (they’re not the only ones) Genres: Romance/General Universe: Alternative Universe; Pre-Canon  Warning/Notes: It’s T for a reason: violence (b/c how could Dana live without?), drug use (b/c… Osu…), and suggestive themes (b/c i really love Dana and Osu in love so!! not graphic though!) Status: In-progress Summary: when you’re a so-called rookie hero fighting to keep her place, it’s probably not the best of luck to have a drug lord hitting on you. yes to throwing punches and kicking ass, but could do without the hanging out, making out?
and here’s a pic of Leo for those of you caught up!!!
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subnaut1ca · 2 years ago
Posting a hot take on tumblr cause I’m scared of twitter
Genuinely, MAPPA animation is clean but Im so fucking genuinely sad csm got blasted with the basic af corporate clean pretty anime normie style beam. like bruh old animation shit and all but can we PLEASE normalize going back to like different animation styles. LIKE LIKE bruh trigger they always be doin the interesting cool art style shit, they have smth thats theirs (yes Im sucking dick to my favorite anim studio)OR LIKE SCIENCE SARU their style wouldnt fit at ALL but at least itd be flavorful, OR MADHOUSE they're good at style mimick and can do the sketchy line shit really well like in OPM
like bruh I sound like a boomer but idk man maybe its cause I pictured csm in my head for so long as really gritty seeing it all clean and shiny is really weird to me... Like dont get me wrong I think MAPPA does usually put out bangin shit, but I wanna go back to old bones, madhouse, fuckin wahtever the hell where they really just went like wild and fun to fit the manga style rather than cater to the general public or whatever sigh. even dororo had like pretty different palettes and shit or even fuckin dorohedoro, sure the anim was like ok usually and the 3d was decent but mannnn I just wanna go back to crispy funky style anime grrr anyways hate anime that shit is cringe and bad ^^ kensuke Ushio on the ost so thatll be a win and proll the carrying part of the show, idk maybe its cause I loved this manga so much for so long Ive like built my own vision of what  itd be like but man sigh sigh sigh idk these days maybe im getting older or smth but a lot of anime seems so milk toast and genuinely manga and shit just always happens to interest me more than its animated counterparts weird how times are a changin, Ill still be hype for the sound effects (they better fuckin HIT like fire force) and ost and fights moving but boy do I WISH it was grittier than that glossy fuckin normie bullshit
Although considering how much of like a cult following csm has and how dedicated most fans are I think there will always be ppl disappointed lol (im normal shut up)
its 4am Im sorry LOL
PS at least it wasnt clover works or smth like ig promised neverland was nice but like idk I feel like their thing is pretty anime, they got that gritty pencil right at right times Ill admit tho
PPS clover field would be bangin on WHA just sayin, seems up their ally
PPPS I also salty with what MAPPA did to AOT, liek WIT studio HAD THAT SHIT BY THE BALLS MAN, and the MAPPA beam made it glossy and shiny like... I mean along with other shit I visually was grrr ed about
idk I feel like a purest nerd saying that but whatever
PPPPS ngl I feel like WIT studio mighta fuckin RIPPED IT with csm all Im saying like ig they do have like a studio style but like idk they adapt well to styles for the most part
am a firm believer in like hate culture bad but in this instance, I will be a hater >:) respectfully
I’m shutting up now hopefully I dont scare away my like 5 followers or whatever
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projectjasper · 3 years ago
Hello, Archer and the roundtable !
I couldn't appear sooner at the Roundtable bcz I needed time to take in everything and also bcz I had class today. (yes, on Christmas Day : No Holiday for us 🙂)
Yk what ? I'm just gonna stop coming up with theories now . I have never been this wrong in my life and it immensely hurts my ego .
*takes a deep breath* SO , everything about this episode was super fluffy (As we you expected) and i loved it too like most of us so im not gonna talk about that . What i wanna talk about is the one thing that's been bothering me , and you probably have already guessed it : it's Wai . I just don't know how to feel about everything that happened?? I can't seem to make up my mind on Wai's position now? Is he really trying to make up for his asshole-ness or does he have an ulterior motive? And honestly, i still feel like he's gonna flip any moment? I am not saying what he did was not worth anything, it was to some extent , but i feel like there's a but in there somewhere? I wish I'm wrong tho .
It also might be my trust issues but i hope you understand what I'm trying to say ? My apologies if I'm being incoherent but i had to get this out and the safest place for me to do that is here .
Ps. When Operanon said smth like 'leave the roundtable alone' to me in their last ask , my first thought was that i did smth wrong/ I'm being annoying and my anxiety went 📈 while I started mentally checklisting all the things i might have done wrong . It took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to realize that it was perhaps a joke related to me saying smth about flipping tables in my last ask LOL. (Now if I'm still wrong then this is gonna be much too embarrassing for me to handle).
Anyway, @ Operanon, while i appreciate your confidence in your ability to unmask me , i think it might not be as easy as you think. But I'd love to see you try . I'll reveal what i think are everyone's positions at the Roundtable if you are able to correctly deduce any fact about me .
(But out of all the anons i probably reveal the least about myself so unless I forget to press the anonymous button, which has the highest chance of being the reason for my revelation, only Archer has a chance of unmasking me ) *winks*
PPs, When did y'all unmask Reliable Anon ? I only know about Song rec anon? ( And @song rec anon , God i can't believe you thought u aren't part of the roundtable? You are literally the first member? We all love you .)
Also , *gasps dramatically* y'all have a GC i didn't know about ?!?!? I'm wounded.
PPPs. The feminine urge to send memes and cute animal videos to the roundtable ( specially you Archer ) bcz it's my love language and i love y'all.
PPPPs. I think im the youngest of the roundtable and i hope I'm right.
(Sorry for too many PSs Archer. Thank you for putting up with me)
Have a good day (or night) !!
Unreliable Anon
hello, dearest unreliable anon!!
yikes to classes on christmas, fuck whoever made that decision :/ never worry about not appearing too often tho, we all totally understand that life gets in the way!!
also, your theories are valid ok? there are just millions of ways in which something can go. i, however, can't help but be very "i told you so" about the episode being fluffy. i completely understand your feelings about wai, and i still wouldn't put it past him to have ulterior motives (pa-related, perhaps?). we shall see what happens next.
re: p.s. - you are NOT being annoying at all, you are absolutely lovely and delightful and we love that you are here. it was definitely one of operanon's famous puns!
also, i do want to say that if y'all ever want to unmask yourselves and go off anon, you will need to tell me specifically, because otherwise, i would never post your meant-to-be-on-anon asks that you accidentally sent off-anon.
re: p.p.s. - we did not unmask reliable anon, we just know they are australian, which they ended up telling us after i pointed out that they said "do a runner", which is something only specific to a number of english dialects.
and sorry, but we don't have a gc with the roundtable! i only know the true identities of two people out of the entire roundtable, and i am in one group chat, but it's not connected to the roundtable.
re: p.p.p.s. - drop memes into my inbox any time, honestly <3
re: p.p.p.p.s. - that would make you 18 or less *detective senses intensify*
and thank you so much for stopping by, love!! "putting up" is absolutely incorrect, i love talking to you!!
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psychiatric-service-dog · 8 years ago
yeah if you post things that’s “sociopaths/psychopaths are ppl too !!! accept yourself !!! uwu” please unfollow and block me
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