wedoeconsult · 4 years
sem advertising: An effcient way to generate revenue
Earlier the term SEM was used to describe all kinds of digital marketing from search engine optimization to search engine marketing. But today, it refers to a specific kind paid advertising that is done within the search engines.
Today, all businesses need SEM advertising. Here’s why.
It multiplies your investment
The primary purpose of most businesses is to make money. And Google is the best platform to get almost double returns for your investment. A study published by the Economic Impact Report stated that for every dollar invested in Google ads, advertisers get two dollars back.
Drive the right kind of traffic
Just driving a lot of traffic is not enough. It is important to drive traffic that will result in conversion. With ppc management company in bangalore, you can be sure to drive the kind of traffic that is truly interested in your product and hence most likely to make a purchase.
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Best Google Ads Practice for Any B2B Business in 2020
Google ads is a ruthless marketplace, especially for B2B businesses. And in 2020 the competition is way beyond cunning. Your competitors would do anything to take you down.
And then the investment part. The entire game of Google ads not only depends on your knowledge, experience and tricks. It also depends on how much you can invest, and for how long you can do that.
No doubt there are multiple PPC agency in Bangalore has opened for churning great results. But only fewer of these agencies are productive as per the ROI. Always prefer to consult with the best in class PPC Company in Bangalore, otherwise you Google Ads may also go for a toss.
What is Best Google Ads Practice?
Best Google Ads practice means, incurring the value of the investment that you are doing. Be it in terms of awareness or leads.
PPCs - There’s low search volume and high competition, resulting in extremely expensive PPCs is not good. You can consider these tips instead of burning your money like that.
The Negative Keyword Strategy:
The algorithm of negative keywords helps with many aspects like –
·Irrelevant searches
·Unqualified Traffic
· Negative Broad Match
· Negative Phrase Match
· Negative Exact Match
Many believes that negative keywords cannot be used. But if you know how to put it, it can be used.
Working on the budget of the ads:
Many a times B2B organizations believes that B2B ads are supposed to be costlier. It’s not supposed to be that way. For Google Ads, it depends on the type of keywords that you select. The budget has to be friendly on the analysis of ROI or return on investment. If you see, you are investing X amount, you have to at least reach the break even. Or from the next time, it would be difficult for you to run ads.
The Gmail Ads Target Strategy:
Gmail has n number of users. Ever imagined a successful targeting to these people? You wonder how much benefit it can earn you!
Many PPC agency in Bangalore are already using this strategy for better marketing. But you can only take the advantage of this trick if you are taking the right PPC services in Bangalore.
Here is something more to help you with this –
Through Gmail ads, you can:
• Target people who have visited a specific website.
• Target people who are communicating with certain domains.
Make sure your ad is approved:
Are you sure that the ad you are running is not disapproved? Your ads will be disapproved if the ad text does not adhere to Google’s ad text policy. Google works on quality, hence if you do not meet the terms and conditions of the Google ads policy then your ad will not be approved.
To ensure about it, you can manually check ad approvals in Google Ads by clicking into the Ads tab for your campaign and checking the Status column. It will let you know about the ads that are –
•Approved (Limited)
In case your ad is not approved, you must –
•Click on the small question mark
•Read the details on the ad’s status
•Consult Google Ads
•Take action
Google ads are extremely beneficial if used in a right way. Take the best PPC services help in Bangalore for growing your business.
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wedoeconsult · 4 years
What are the different types of google paid advertising?
Search Advertising
In this method of advertising, the advertiser places his or her ad in the search engine. A certain amount of money is placed as a bid for the sponsored link and every time someone accesses the website through the advertised link, the money is transferred from the advertiser to the search engine platform.
The Search format of pay per click online advertising mostly relies on keyword based searches for gaining traffic. When a potential customer searches a particular phrase in on the search engine, the sponsored link appears first. This increases the exposure of the website while providing the customer with relevant links at the top of the search engine page. That is why it becomes extremely important to use the right keywords. Usually, long tail keywords are better than simple keywords. They have a higher rate of search engine optimization and lead to more conversions that the usual short keyword.
This is one of the best ways to drive traffic as the investment is minimal as compared to the returns. For example, if you pay $5 dollars per click, but generate $500 per visit, you are earning almost 100 times as much as you are paying.
Display Advertising
Display Advertising is one of the most popular forms of Pay Per Click advertising. In this kind of advertising, you can add a visual component to your advertisement through the form of a sponsored image. These images often appear on websites that are linked with Google Adsense. These ads are more appealing than textual ads thus increasing the probability of the viewer visiting the sponsored web site.
These ads often appear as the product image that is linked to the landing page of the advertiser’s web site. These images can be presented at the side of the web site text or at the bottom of the page.
The best part about these ads is that they specifically target the audience that is most likely to be interested in the advertiser’s products. The advertiser has the option to create and alter the desired market group to whom these ads are displayed.
Video Advertising
Video Advertising is one of the most effective ways of Pay Per Click Advertising. This is one of the most visually appealing and attention grabbing forms of advertising. These ads are mostly displayed on video streaming platforms like YouTube. Nowadays, these ads are also displayed on Facebook and Instagram stories.
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