#ppau corejj
livikattt · 2 years
ppau headcanons except it's my universe so i don't think they qualify as headcanons (part 1??)
half of these are thanks to @aryasage as usual :3
Meiko and EDG have a ridiculous amount of fun figuring out his shape-shifting abilities, even if it does come with a few near-death experiences. He turns into a fly exactly ONCE without telling anyone it's him, and Jiejie almost murders him with an electric flyswatter. They silently agree to never talk about the incident again, and from then on, when Meiko turns into bugs, he makes it obvious that it's, you know, him.
Now they have trust issues because that potted plant in the bathroom probably isn't him but what if it IS? Is that a regular spider or is it Meiko fucking with them? The world may never know.
Perkz has two closets, one for his normal clothes and one for his Xayah clothes, since it's kind of hard to wear normal shirts when he has two giant wings attached to his back. The whole inconvenience of having wings is part of the reason why he goes bothers getting rid of them before becoming a mid laner again (although after the events of "brute force and style combine"... he's probably going to have to do that again.) Mikyx gave him a few shirts to start him off, and then taught him how to make his own.
Xayah and Rakan Summoners have a lot of struggles with clothing and also sitting in cars or laying on their backs. They can fly, though, so cars are kind of obsolete anyway. It's really depressing for them to see a shirt that they really like only to remember Oh Fuck I Have Wings. CoreJJ learns to stop saying that out loud when he sees a nice jacket on a mannequin, mentions how much he wishes it had wing holes, and barely has the time to keep Tactical from turning it into an impromptu DIY project.
Gumayusi is really, really fucking good with a bow/crossbow. The bow was his first weapon, but he switched to guns after seeing Doublelift's customized one. He learns to master the crossbow when he realizes that both of Keria's past ADCs, Teddy and Deft, used it as their weapon of choice, and isn't about to be third place in anything.
Speaking of Teddy and Gumayusi, sometime after the events of "someday both of us are leaving here", Gumayusi manages to beat out Teddy for the high score in the T1 shooting simulator. With Keria cheering him on from behind the training room door, of course.
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