#power and propulsion element
bogleech · 25 days
There's a couple video games where you play an octopus but none that take advantage of everything you could actually do. This is an animal group that practically evolved to be platformer mascots with way too many moves to remember.
Cling to and climb any surface
Grab and reel in things from a distance
Hold and use multiple objects simultaneously
Swing stuff around and throw it
Grapple attack
Jet propulsion when you're in water
The same move is a water gun on land
Ink cloud in water
Long range concentrated ink gun when you're on land
Sharp powerful beak to cut things open/damage enemies
Squeeze through small openings
Blend perfectly against any solid surface
Without a surface to camouflage against, just mimic an object
Venom (almost all octopuses have venom not just blue rings!)
Take shells/pots/other hollow objects as temporary armor
Rapidly change color to mesmerize other creatures
Intimidate different enemies with special shape and color combos
This is all just what any typical octopus species can actually do in real life before you add video game exaggeration, at which point you can have the slingshot physics of Octodad or treat the camouflage as just going totally invisible (though that wouldn't be as fun as having to factor the environment into different disguises). Add fantasy/science fiction elements like Splatoon and you can just go nuts. "Spellcasting" through various sequences of color change? Elemental ink types? Mesmerizing expanded to remote mind control or taming/recruiting different wildlife?? I know you're gonna suggest games or media but listen, I know each and every time an octopus has been a game protagonist and not a single one of them portrays even half of these traits. Venom alone has just never been acknowledged as a typical normal octopus thing at all!
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lewbornmann · 2 years
Moving Outward
Moving Outward
It seems to me…. “… And when he (man) has conquered all the deeps of space and all the mysteries of time, still he will be beginning.  And if we’re no more than animals we must snatch each little scrap of happiness and live and suffer and pass, mattering no more than all the other animals do or have done.  It is this or that: all the universe or nothing… Which shall it be?”  ~ H.G. Wells[1] from…
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late-draft · 3 months
I want to know all of the details of the scifi au like right now, I'm so hooked instantly
Okay let me set the stage!
This is a sci-fi AU, leaning onto (what I've read) the first idea of ATLA; however unlike how it had Aang be from an ancient technologically advanced civilization waking up in a technologically regressed world(?), here the tech that Air Nomads had was forgotten and new one was created and it proliferated.
An important thing to keep in mind is that I intended this AU to be literally made up of iconic, primeval tropes of young audience's shows. I'm currently in a phase where I test how well I'm able to incorporate tropes and make the best use of them, so for this AU, expect it to feel EXACTLY like the thrill of running at 10 PM up to your grandma's CRT TV to watch that amazing series on Jetix you can't get enough of!!!!
First thing to notice here, the world has a Key Holder for every bending type. Keys are your magical symbols. It's the standard trope in these types of shows, think of them as kids who represent the absolute core traits of their element. Because Aang has to find specific individuals now rather than arbitrarily choosing a teacher, we have a tighter narrative although more trope-y. Aang is the Key holder for Air - every Avatar is always a Key holder for their native element, but can be taught other bending types only by respective elements' Key holders.
As expected, the world is ruled by the Fire Nation's strongest corporation, led by Emperor Ozai. Most of the setting is skyscrapers, huge power cables and mazes of pipeworks. Hakoda is the leader of resistance but he had disappeared two years ago, leaving his two children with a warning to stay hidden and safe below ground. Their secret hideout is pretty safe and cozy. Of course Sokka and Katara would not sit idly forever! Wandering through the underground they discover an ancient cryo pod, the only active one left. When he comes to himself, Aang realizes that he's the last airbender in the world for the past 1000 years.
The Avatar is able to operate ancient spiritual machines that the Air Nomads tended to. Once he learns all bending types, he'll be able to return airbending to the world through a Harmonic Convergence event by activating a huge lionturtle machine. The problem is - nobody knows where this machine is, but the Avatar is able to "listen" for signs of keyholders and machines through an ancient leftover network. Katara and Sokka swear to aid Aang in achieving this goal and restoring balance to the world. Ever since airbenders disappeared, there had been heavy dissonance in the spirit world, creating terrible natural disasters that altered the face of the planet. They're having difficulty finding the Key holder for Water.... the first one they find is Toph for Earth! She joins the gaang in late season 1 :)
In this AU, there's a tradeoff where the element of kungfu fights is reduced in favour of high-speed chases through the metropolis. Aang (14) moves quickly through the city using only his airbending, by running or speeding on his air sphere. The only piece of new equipment he wears are clear plastic goggles that Sokka (18) gave him. And while you might expect Zuko (19) to be chasing them on a red motorbike, no! It's in fact Katara (17) who's a super-skilled bike driver while Zuko and his entourage are on ROLLERBLADES SKATING ACROSS WALLS AND PIPES. Propulsion via firebending! (same thing Azula does in canon, just elevated to skating). Iroh waits for his nephiew to fail each chase and offer him tea, he's just wearing black dress pants. XD Sokka is Katara's genius engineer brother who constantly grumbles and throws sarcastic remarks because he has to fix her bike after every. single. chase! In this setting, Ozai is specifically looking for the Avatar because he could, using unethical means and technology on a trapped Avatar, be able to grant all bending types to whoever he chooses. This would spell disasteeeer. However, it's also implied that in a similar way, he could "fix" anyone...
Some notes:
You can probably feel the conclusions of many things I left blank. This is on purpose.
Zuko absolutely must have to be motivated by a desire to win his father's approval and love, this must not change. I'll introduce Azula in a later post.
The lionturtle as a concept and its effects are made clear and setup from the get-go. The spiritual machines are just a background element that doesn't affect the plot, it's just a goal.
Aang still has a crush on Katara! And it would be brought up a bit more frequently, in order to serve the plot.
Ozai is doing something concrete that's directly related to Avatar's bending, tying him closer to the Avatar as his antagonist.
This AU's setting is as you may have sensed, more mellow at first. It doesn't have a currently active war.
The characters are older because that feels more fitting to me. (I was investigating W.I.T.C.H. show and saw they were basically all 13 and dating and I was like. "Yikes. No")
Help me dig out any VISUAL references you might remember, from shows of the similar vibe. The goal is not to mimic but to add to the characteristic genre.
These screenshots are from OBAN: STAR RACERS and are what I'd associate with the old Air Nomad technology!
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Shape Da Future from Jet Set Radio is precisely what aligned perfectly with this AU.
I'll be sharing more details about this AU in future posts, and everyone is welcome to add their ideas and thoughts on it! I wonder what I forgot to mention here…
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scotianostra · 4 days
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John Elder, marine engineer and shipbuilder, died on the 17th of September, 1869.
John Elder was a marine engineer and shipbuilder, who developed practical compounding marine engines and conceived the modern integrated shipbuilding yard, basically without his work the shipbuilding yards of the Clyde would not be the same. Elder gave the world major contributions to engineering and shipbuilding:
The practical development of compounding in marine engines. This made long-distance steam shipping both possible and economic, and also improved the economics of shorter-haul steam navigation. It allowed the extension of steam power to cargo liners and tramp ships, and greatly accelerated the substitution of steam for sail in the world's shipping. To this should be added his patent for triple and quadruple expansion marine engines, foreshadowing later 19th century developments.
He initiated the conception of the modern heavy engineering workshop, with overhead gantry cranes developed, as seen in the still-existing Fairfield Engine Works in Govan.
The conception of the modern integrated shipbuilding yard. With only minor alterations the plan of the present Govan Shipyard survives largely as John Elder conceived it. It was the foremost yard on the Clyde until the great liners were built at John Brown's, and has outlasted most, including the builder of the "Queens". As one of BAe Systems' yards, it is still a highly effective production unit, notable for building the largest elements of the Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers.
At its peak production in 1868-69, the final eighteen months of Elder's life, the Fairfield Yard employed 4,000 people and produced 18 engine sets of 6100 aggregate horsepower and 14 ships of 27,000 aggregate tonnage. Elder had created one of the greatest enterprises of its kind in the world.
Elder was also a model employer of his 4,000 workforce, with a real concern for the well-being of his men and their families. At his funeral, as reported by the Rev. Norman MacLeod "a very army of workmen, dressed like gentlemen, followed his body - column after column. Respectful crowds lined the streets, as if gazing on the burial of a prince; and every one of us .. felt that we had left a friend behind us."
His statue in Elder Park, Govan, erected by public subscription in 1888, carries the inscription: "By his many inventions, particularly in connection with the compound engine, he effected a revolution in engineering second only to that accomplished by James Watt, and in great measure, originated the developments in steam propulsion which have created modern commerce" and: "His unwearied efforts to promote the welfare of the working classes, his integrity of character, firmness of purpose, and kindness of heart, claim, equally with his genius, enduring remembrance".
If you have ever been in The Lord of the Isles Wetherspoon bar in Renfrew, you may have notice some prints and memorabilia of Elder in the pub. Elder Park, Govan is also named in his honour, you will also see the statue there.
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NASA’s Webb Peers into the Extreme Outer Galaxy
Astronomers have directed NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to examine the outskirts of our Milky Way galaxy. Scientists call this region the Extreme Outer Galaxy due to its location more than 58,000 light-years away from the Galactic Center. (For comparison, Earth is approximately 26,000 light-years from the center.)
A team of scientists used Webb’s NIRCam (Near-Infrared Camera) and MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) to image select regions within two molecular clouds known as Digel Clouds 1 and 2. With its high degree of sensitivity and sharp resolution, the Webb data resolved these areas, which are hosts to star clusters
undergoing bursts of star formation
, in unprecedented detail. Details of this data include components of the clusters such as very young (Class 0) protostars, outflows and jets, and distinctive nebular structures.
These Webb observations, which came from telescope time allocated to Mike Ressler of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, are enabling scientists to study star formation in the outer Milky Way in the same depth of detail as observations of star formation in our own solar neighborhood.
“In the past, we knew about these star forming regions but were not able to delve into their properties,” said Natsuko Izumi of Gifu University and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, lead author of the study. “The Webb data builds upon what we have incrementally gathered over the years from prior observations with different telescopes and observatories. We can get very powerful and impressive images of these clouds with Webb. In the case of Digel Cloud 2, I did not expect to see such active star formation and spectacular jets.”
Stars in the Making
Although the Digel Clouds are within our galaxy, they are relatively poor in elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. This composition makes them similar to dwarf galaxies
and our own Milky Way in its early history. Therefore, the team took the opportunity to use Webb to capture the activity occurring in four clusters of young stars within Digel Clouds 1 and 2: 1A, 1B, 2N, and 2S.
For Cloud 2S, Webb captured the main cluster containing young, newly formed stars. This dense area is quite active as several stars are emitting extended jets of material along their poles. Additionally, while scientists previously suspected a sub-cluster might be present within the cloud, Webb’s imaging capabilities confirmed its existence for the first time. 
“We know from studying other nearby star-forming regions that as stars form during their early life phase, they start emitting jets of material at their poles,” said Ressler, second author of the study and principal investigator of the observing program. “What was fascinating and astounding to me from the Webb data is that there are multiple jets shooting out in all different directions from this cluster of stars. It’s a little bit like a firecracker, where you see things shooting this way and that.”
The Saga of Stars
The Webb imagery skims the surface of the Extreme Outer Galaxy and the Digel Clouds, and is just a starting point for the team. They intend to revisit this outpost in the Milky Way to find answers to a variety of current mysteries, including the relative abundance of stars of various masses within Extreme Outer Galaxy star clusters. This measurement can help astronomers understand how a particular environment can influence different types of stars during their formation.
“I’m interested in continuing to study how star formation is occurring in these regions. By combining data from different observatories and telescopes, we can examine each stage in the evolution process,” said Izumi. “We also plan to investigate circumstellar disks
within the Extreme Outer Galaxy. We still don’t know why their lifetimes are shorter than in star-forming regions much closer to us. And of course, I’d like to understand the kinematics of the jets we detected in Cloud 2S.”
Though the story of star formation is complex and some chapters are still shrouded in mystery, Webb is gathering clues and helping astronomers unravel this intricate tale.
These findings have been published in the Astronomical Journal
IMAGE: Scientists used NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to examine select star-forming areas in the Extreme Outer Galaxy in near- and mid-infrared light. Within this star-forming region, known as Digel Cloud 2S, the telescope observed young, newly formed stars and their extended jets of material. This Webb image also shows a dense sea of background galaxies and red nebulous structures within the region. In this image, colors were assigned to different filters from Webb’s MIRI and NIRCam: red (F1280W, F770W, F444W), green (F356W, F200W), and blue (F150W; F115W). Credit NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, M. Ressler (JPL)
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as-i-watch · 6 months
Do you know what the biggest lie ever told in one piece is?
"There are only 5 devil fruits that can fly"
I mean Pell sounded cool when he said it but it has gotten worse over time with every devil fruit that appears.
Let's go down the list from least to most ridiculous DF users who can fly.
-Pell [Bird Bird fruit: Model Falcon]
-Marco [Bird Bird fruit: Model Phoenix]
-Morgans [Bird Bird fruit: Model Albatross ]*
*Morgans is flightless in his hybrid form, but Albatrosses can naturally fly for long distances*
-Buzz [Bird Bird fruit Model eagle]**
**Buzz is a noncanon character from the movie One piece strawhat chase. He is a dog**
-Cub [bug bug fruit: Model rhinoceros beetle]
-Bian [bug bug fruit: Model hornet]
While bugs are known for crawling, these two tontatas have DFs who's species can naturally fly.
-King [Dragon Dragon fruit: Model Pteranodon]
Flying is the only natural thing that King does with his fruit. All the fire stuff is unique to King
-Kaido/Momonosuke [DF NAME UNKNOWN]
Momo can fly by summoning clouds and walking on them but dragons appear to have the innate ability to fly as shown with Kaido
-Toragatsu [Bird Bird fruit Model: Nue]
Torgatsu is a noncanon character from the One Piece x Kyoto art show. The nue is a chimera like creature from Japanese folklore that has the body of a tiger, head of a monkey and a snake for a tail. Alternatively it can be described as having the back of a tiger, the limbs of a tanuki, the tail of a fox, the head of a cat, and the torso of a chicken. It is a bird fruit because the name Nue also refers to the scaly thrush bird that the chimera mimics. Torgatsu can fly by summoning rainbow colored flames.
All known logia users [with the exceptions of Aokiji, Akainu*, Blackbeard &Caribou ] can fly via elemental propulsion. [*Akainu is in a different category]
-Ace/Sabo [flame flame fruit]
-Smoker [plume plume fruit](smoke)
-Crocodile [Sand sand fruit]*
*the presence of these 3 fruits alone in alabasta immediately invalidated Pell's statement*
-Kizaru [glint glint fruit] (light)
-Enel [Rumble Rumble fruit] (Lightning)
-Caesar Clown [Gas Gas fruit]
-Monet [Snow snow fruit]
-Shiki [Float Float fruit]
man can just straight up fly
-Trafalgar Law [Op Op fruit]
-Fujitora [Press Press fruit]
-Eustass Kid [Magnet Magnet Fruit]
The above manipulate their environment to create platforms that they ride on.
-Big Mom [Soul soul fruit]
Can use her soul to create constructs that she rides on
-Perona [Hollow Hollow fruit]
Can fly by turning herself into a ghost.
-buffalo [Spin Spinf Fruit]
Can fly by helicoptering his body parts.
-Akainu [Mag mag fruit]
Has been shown to use his magma to propel himself short distances but hasn't shown the ability to fly
-Magellan [Venom Venom fruit]
Can create pathways of poison that allow him to fast travel around impel down
-Buggy [Chop chopper fruit]
his body parts can Float around within a certain radius of him, excluding his feet.
-Ms. Valentine [Kilo Kilo fruit]
Reducing her weight to 1Kg allows her to jump really high into the air and slowly fall down
Can turn himself into a murder of crows and fly.
-Doflamingo[string string fruit]
He flies by spidermaning his way through the air, sticking his strings to clouds
-Robin [flower flower fruit]
Grows several dozen arms that she fuses into a pair of wings
-Luffy [Gum Gum fruit]
Gear 4. Contracts and expands his legs with so much speed and force that it generates thrust.
There are probably some others that I missed but these are the major ones for where you are.
This a really cool categorization and also
Perhaps it was meant that only 5 DF like actually come with wings and the other ones just elevate their powers to do all that crazy shit
Or perhaps is further evidence Oda makes it all up as he goes along (most likely lol)
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f1mike28 · 3 months
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The all new Mercedes-AMG G63 „Nuthin but a G thang“.
Mercedes-AMG G63 (combined energy consumption: 15.7–14.7 l/100 km | combined CO₂ emissions: 358–335 g/km | CO₂ class: G)[1] underpins its unique position among performance off-road vehicles with its powerful drive system, new AMG ACTIVE RIDE CONTROL suspension and unique design elements. It also offers an even greater spread between dynamic on-road performance and excellent off-road expertise.
The G-Class is an automotive icon and the Mercedes-AMG G63 has been the most popular model for many years. This is both an obligation and an incentive for us. Our aim was therefore to make the enhanced performance even more tangible both on and off-road.
The Mercedes-AMG G63 is powered by the tried-and-tested AMG 4.0-litre V8 biturbo engine. It delivers 430kW (585hp) and provides a maximum torque of 850Nm. A new feature is the combination with 48-volt technology and an integrated starter-generator (ISG).
This electrification provides an additional 15 kW (20hp) of boost and 200Nm of torque for a short time. From a standstill, the all-new Mercedes-AMG G63 takes just 4.4 seconds to accelerate to 100km/h. This dynamic propulsion continues to a top speed of 220km/h.
The optionally available AMG Performance Package enables a top speed of 240km/h and acceleration from 0 to 100km/h in 4.3 seconds.
Mercedes-AMG One man, one engine Handcrafted by Michael Kübler @f1mike28 in Germany Affalterbach. Driving Performance is our Passion! Mercedes-AMG the Performance and Sports Car Brand from Mercedes-Benz and Exclusive Partner for Pagani Automobili. Mercedes-AMG Handcrafted by Racers.
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lovejustforaday · 8 months
2023 Year End List - #1
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夢之駭客 Dream Hacker - Otay:onii
Main Genres: Post-Industrial, Experimental
A decent sampling of: Neoclassical Darkwave, Electroacoustic, Glitch, Industrial Techno, Drone
Brace yourself, cause from here on out this is mostly just gonna be me fanboying and gushing uncontrollably.
Back in 2021, I had championed the Chinese American singer/songwriter/composer/producer/performance artist Lane Shi Otayonii a.k.a. Otay:onii for her experimental record Ming Ming on that year's roundup, describing her potential to become "one of the greatest producers of the decade". But who is this enigmatic artist?
Lane Shi divides her time and energy between creating and touring with her hardcore noise rock band Elizabeth Colour Wheel, and performing studio black magic with her solo project under the Otay:onii name.
She is also an artist who regularly alternates her base of operations between two worlds, residing at different times in New York City and Shanghai. The duality of her identity as a Chinese American is a narrative thread that appears many times throughout the artist's work, informing some of the thematic elements of her records.
According to a really great interview she did with the YouTuber Heinos, the moniker 'Otayonii' itself is actually a name that was given to the artist when she met a Seneca First Nations man, who asked if he could call her by the name for 'wolf' in his ancestral language. She liked the sound and what it represented, and so decided to own her new given title.
Musically, Otay:onii is primarily a post-industrial project, but Lane Shi regularly incorporates aspects of darkwave, glitch, drone, traditional Chinese music, and electroacoustic music into her work. Her signature sound is equal parts atmospheric, lovecraftian, primordial, playful, and frenetic. She's kinda like if an ancient vengeful demi-god reemerged from the bowels of the Earth, and learned how to download and play around with studio software on a laptop.
As a vocalist, Lane Shi possesses a contralto range, and falls under one of my favourite niche categories of woman singers I like to call "force-of-nature belters", along with the likes of Tanya Tagaq and Björk. She has a trademark lower register that I would describe as a witch's snarl, a gentler middle register, as well as a higher register that she usually reserves for piercing battle cries and wailing like a banshee.
Her 2018 debut Nag was a comparatively more minimalist, grayscale undertaking, heavy on the more ambient and gothic tones of her sound. A genuinely solid first effort, if a bit less memorable than later records, barring the deliciously dreary eponymous song which is still among her very best.
2021's Ming Ming was an upgrade in all respects. Pulling major influences from Chinese folk music and folklore, I described the record in my previous Otay:onii review as a "true Pandora's Box . . . like the story of a mortal who attempts to enter the realm of the gods". Lots of ominous industrial cyber-magic, with a rare few moments that could have perhaps been edited down or omitted altogether to increase the force of its impact.
So, what to make of her latest then?
Dream Hacker is an exorcism. An inferno of ancient eternal flames envelops this absolutely bonkers and surreal listening experience. Each song carries powerful buildups in intensity combined with impossibly elegant structural competence. Far and away one of the most visceral and transcendent records I have ever beheld. This gets into your bloodstream, like an innate, raw instinct towards entropy.
Otay:onii's work has never sounded quite this immediate, energetic, and dynamic, thanks to the incorporation of avant-garde industrial techno beats that gives the whole project a mighty propulsion. Even during its quieter moments, you as the listener are never far from being engulfed in its unruly fire and brimstone. So many little leftfield moments that made me audibly go "what the fuck?" upon my first listen, too.
To me, this is album of the year not just because it poses the best collection of songs from an artist in 2023 (which, to be clear, it does), but also because it forms the most cohesive and fully realized project of the year. Every moment of this record feels intentional, meticulously crafted, and designed to fit accordingly into a larger entity. This is almost a living, breathing organism unto itself.
Lane Shi described how much of the inspiration for Dream Hacker came to her in a dream, or as she sees it, an "astral projection". Within this dream, she says she witnessed stones being thrown by a child until two of them overlapped, followed by a great light which emerged from the center of the overlap. The imagery was profound enough that she ended up naming most of the tracks after different aspects of what she saw in the dream.
The album starts with humble beginnings. "You Do/Rub" is a two-parter, opening with the haunting, softly swirling piano ballad melancholy of "You Do". The lyrics are deeply cutting and vulnerable, as the artist ponders her shaky relationship with her father as a daughter of the generation where China had implemented the one child policy, breeding stigma against female offspring in the more conservative rural communities. Lane Shi wields her voice like a delicate blade, gracefully and artfully interrogating her father's worldview. The progression of the piano's melody suggests a kind of resolution in ambiguity, resisting rigid, narrow-minded answers to multidimensional questions.
Then quite abruptly, "Rub" completely overtakes and drowns out the serenity of the softer piano song, like a sudden onset computer virus infection. What becomes of this part two is honestly one of the most immaculate timbral frequencies I've ever heard. A glitchy, droning wall of madness forms in dark, ominous, tempestuous clouds all across the sky. Warm colours are sucked out of existence by a black hole, leaving only greyish pale blues. The soul is washed with abrasion until all that's left is the ability to observe. Sound design on this is fucking unreal, as though Lane Shi Otayonii is wiping clean of our universe, leaving only a empty slate to form the basis for her own new sonic domain, wherein she is god of all things.
"Light Burst" is the combustion spark of a rebirth of all things that comes immediately after. Lane Shi let's out a shrill cry of tremendous power and agony amidst the grinding dust and debris of an incredibly dense and intricate industrial techno concoction, built upon her long standing love affair with minor second chord progressions. This track does not relent, adding more and more layers to its already colossal tower of babel proportions until, just as suddenly as it came into existence, it vanishes without a trace of detection.
"Two Rocks A Bird" oscillates like an electron creating new electromagnetic waves. Sound particles split into atoms that dance in a mindless frenzy. Even as a regular Arca fan, I don't think I was ready to comprehend something like this the first time I heard it. Subverted all of my expectations. I think the artist may have invented a few completely new sound textures on this track. A highly reactive new form of industrial music.
After deliberating with all of the sheer fucking brilliance to be found on this project, I eventually concluded that "Overlap" was my favourite off of the record. Like the best song on her last LP "Blackheart Breakables", this is an epic midpoint that just continues to build and build, feeding endlessly like a malignant being that cannot be stopped. Hand drum beat patterns are mutated, modulated, and mutilated by industrial electroacoustic mechanisms, while a synthesized flute echos a most forlorn and sinister melody.
Lane Shi takes on the shape of a skillful pyromancer, testing her newfound powers by conjuring a sea of flames that I visualize with my mind's eye as something similar to the Darvaza Gas Crater. Alternatively, I imagine thousand year old stains of bloodshed on the tombs of a ransacked temple, or the ancient terracotta soldiers of Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum brought to life for the purpose of ushering a new war. "Overlap" is just something else, man. My other pick for song of the year.
"Ritualware" opens with a rare calm, dreams swirling on the outskirts of a newborn world that has not reached its zenith. The spacious void bursts to life with a single, literal drop (another brilliant production choice), creating ripples in space-time that give way to a trumpeting sawtooth synths' cacophonous symphony.
"Good Fool" brings things to a stirringly harmonious denouement. The light of the last candle is blown out, and a creeping dusk sets in. Petals of sound float along the wind and promptly dissipate, as everything reaches an uncanny stillness. A hushed, rapid-fire breakdown of bass drums, hand drums, and gongs occurs as the final closing act of the record.
I know I've already said this like a dozen times before about a dozen different artists, but it really needs to be said here - more people should know about Otay:onii. No one I've discovered has been doing anything as consistently exciting, challenging, and infectious as this project in the last few years. As it stands right now, the artist is criminally unknown and criminally underappreciated.
Dream Hacker is the rare ambitious record that dares to be so challenging and not only lives up to all of its potential, but manages to make the old formula of doing things look incredibly obsolete by comparison. Not many avant-garde music albums are this ridiculously fun to listen to, let alone manage to capture sonic worlds that are this truly sublime.
I've probably listened to this at least 40 times in the last year, and I plan on at least doubling that number in the following year. This is not just my album of the year; it is my top album of the 2020s as a decade so far, and already one of my favourites of all time. This record sets my soul ablaze and I simply can't get enough of it. Otay:onii is my new religion, and Dream Hacker is the scripture.
Highlights: "Overlap", "You Do/Rub", "Light Burst", "Two Rocks A Bird", "Ritualware", "Good Fool"
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michaelgabrill · 17 days
Gateways Propulsion System Testing Throttles Up
The powerhouse of Gateway, NASA’s orbiting outpost around the Moon and a critical piece of infrastructure for Artemis, is in the midst of several electric propulsion system tests. The Power and Propulsion Element (PPE), being manufactured by Maxar Technologies, provides Gateway with power, high-rate communications, and propulsion for maneuvers around the Moon and to transit […] from NASA https://ift.tt/CeVKl0G
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tunashei · 1 year
First impressions of Animorphs!
I'm listening to the Animorphs series while I work, through Animorphs Aloud - a fan made reading of the series. Here are my first impressions/random thoughts about them! Spoilers below if you haven't read them.
Book 4: The Message
Cassie viewpoint! I quite like Cassie, and I thought this one would be Marco viewpoint which I am dreading.
Oh god Tobias almost killed and ate Cassie can you imagine the GUILT. He's had issues with having to hunt to begin with, and then he eats a friend? Horrifying. Surprised he was just grumpy and not freaking the fuck out.
Marco at the end of chapter: I would do anything for Andalite
Marco the in the next sentence of the following chapter: WHy tf are we doing this
Goddammit Marco.
Ok we're just straight up shooting at kids. These Yeerks are so trigger happy it's amazing they haven't been caught so far. Everyone in this series is terrible at stealth.
Oooh morphing into dolphins. I wonder if they'll be sapient, can you morph into a sapient species? Could the animorphs morph into other humans??'
Do you reckon Rachel acquired the dolphin called Rachel
Ugh man this series is TOO GOOD at describing animal mindsets and experiences. I want to try being a dolphin and be that graceful in my element. Humans are rather clunky creatures.
Hey I was right! You can morph away damage! Neat.
Sapient whale! I love.
Conversation between Marco and Cassie was sweet, and Marco surprisingly mature? I like him more when he's being serious. Pointing out that not acting is still making a choice is a powerful realisation. It's been pointed out a couple times that Marco is usually the one critiquing plans which is very necessary because these guys make a lot of bad plans. So I appreciate that aspect of his character too.
Case in point. The place they're going to is too far out in the ocean to swim, so they're hitching a ride on a boat. But you guys have to GET BACK. The boat will be gone by then.
Underwater dome world. Anyone else picturing Ponyo?
Andalite friend! This is another spoiler I knew, that they'd make one. He does sound way too similar to the Prince Andalite from book 1 in the audio version though.
The Yeerks make the earth barren. Hmm I'm starting to sense a theme of saving the environment from these books. xD
Ok but HOW did Axe acquire a shark? This was something I was musing on when I realised it'd be an ocean themed book - it's way harder to catch large sea creatures. The dolphins at a zoo is a perfect scenario, but anything else you'd really struggle to get your hands on.
Follow up question, can you acquire dna from dead animals? Dna degrades when you die but I don't know how long before it's too destroyed to use.
Seeings Visser Three's morphs is always a treat. So many new aliens. I like the water jet propulsion this one has.
Acquire the whale. Acquire the whale. Acquire the whale. Acquire the whale. Acquire the whale. WHY DIDN'T YOU ACQUIRE THE WHALE.
Interesting, a fused morph. I wonder if you can only do it with the same species or if you could fuse say, a tiger and a mantis. There's been a couple of times when they've done a sort of half morph between a human and an animal. Is there advanced morphing technique.
So an Andalite can morph into a human which answers the question of morphing into sapient creatures. I wonder what a humans 'instincts' would be. Like how they get the urge to hunt if they're a predator, or run if they're prey. Urge to pick berries? Urge to dance to music?
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tubetrading · 10 months
Ensuring Reliability and Safety:  The Importance of Quality Traction Converters and Connectors in Railways
The modern railway industry is evolving at a rapid pace, with advancements in technology playing a crucial role in enhancing efficiency, sustainability, and safety.  Among the many components that contribute to the seamless functioning of a railway system, traction converters and connectors stand out as vital elements.  This blog explores the significance of quality railway traction converter manufacturer and railway traction connector manufacturer in ensuring the reliability and safety of railway operations, with a specific focus on manufacturers in this domain.
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Railway Traction Converters:  The Powerhouses of Rail Mobility
Railway traction converters manufacturers play a pivotal role in the electrification of trains.  These devices are responsible for converting electrical power from the grid into the appropriate form for the efficient and controlled movement of trains.  As the demand for electrified rail systems grows, the role of railway traction converters manufacturers becomes increasingly critical.
Advancements in Traction Converter Technology
Leading manufacturers in the field of railway traction converters are at the forefront of innovation.  They constantly strive to develop converters that are not only more efficient but also environmentally friendly.  The integration of cutting-edge technologies, such as regenerative braking systems and advanced power electronics, contributes to the reduction of energy consumption and environmental impact.
Reliability Challenges and Solutions
Ensuring the reliability of traction converters is paramount for the uninterrupted operation of rail services.  Manufacturers invest significantly in research and development to address challenges related to overheating, voltage fluctuations, and system failures.  Robust testing procedures and quality assurance measures are implemented to guarantee the reliability of these critical components.
Railway Traction Connectors:  Linking Efficiency and Safety
Railway traction connectors play a crucial role in ensuring the seamless transmission of power between various components of the rail system.  These connectors serve as the interface between the traction converter and the train, facilitating the efficient transfer of electrical energy for propulsion.
Key Considerations in Connector Design
Manufacturers specializing in railway traction connectors prioritize several key considerations in their design and production processes.  These include factors such as durability, weather resistance, and ease of maintenance.  The harsh operating conditions that railways often face, including exposure to extreme weather and mechanical stress, necessitate connectors that can withstand such challenges without compromising performance.
Innovations in Connector Technology
In response to the evolving needs of the railway industry, manufacturers are continually innovating their connector designs.  The integration of smart technologies, such as sensor-equipped connectors capable of real-time monitoring, enhances the safety and reliability of railway operations.  These innovations contribute to the prevention of malfunctions and enable proactive maintenance measures.
Post Insulator for Railways:  Ensuring Electrical Isolation and Safety
Post insulators for railways are critical components in railway electrification systems, providing electrical insulation and preventing current leakage.  They play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of both passengers and railway personnel.
Importance of Quality Insulators
Railway electrification systems are subject to high voltage, and the quality of post insulators is paramount in maintaining electrical isolation.  High-quality insulators prevent flashovers and electrical breakdowns, reducing the risk of accidents and disruptions.  Manufacturers specializing in post insulators for railways adhere to stringent quality standards to meet the safety requirements of modern rail systems.
Challenges in Insulator Performance
The performance of post insulators can be affected by various factors, including environmental conditions, pollution, and mechanical stress.  Manufacturers address these challenges through the use of advanced materials and coatings that enhance insulator resistance to environmental factors.  Ongoing research and development efforts focus on improving the longevity and reliability of post insulators.
Choosing the Right Manufacturers:  A Key to Reliability and Safety
Selecting reliable and experienced manufacturers is crucial for railway operators looking to ensure the longevity and safety of their electrified rail systems.  Whether it is traction converters, connectors, or post insulators, the expertise and commitment of manufacturers significantly impact the performance of these components.
Key Criteria for Manufacturer Selection
Railway operators should consider several key criteria when choosing traction converter, connector, and post insulator manufacturers.  These include a proven track record, adherence to industry standards, the use of advanced technologies, and a commitment to continuous improvement.  Collaborating with reputable manufacturers enhances the likelihood of deploying systems that meet or exceed safety and reliability expectations.
In conclusion, the reliability and safety of railway systems depend heavily on the quality of traction converters, connectors, and post insulators.  Manufacturers in these domains play a critical role in advancing technology to meet the evolving needs of the railway industry.  As electrification becomes more prevalent, ensuring the highest standards in the design, production, and maintenance of these components is essential for the seamless, efficient, and safe operation of rail networks worldwide.
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loanbank · 2 months
What is a DC Load Bank?
In the world of electrical engineering and testing, the term "DC load bank" might not be one you encounter every day, but its importance is monumental, especially in industries relying on direct current (DC) power systems. This article will delve into what a DC load bank is, its applications, and why they are essential for ensuring the reliability and efficiency of power systems. Welcome to an exploration of the unsung hero in power testing—EMAX Load Bank's specialty.
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Understanding DC Load Banks
A DC load bank is a device designed to simulate electrical loads on a power source, specifically one that provides direct current. This simulation is crucial for testing and validating the performance and reliability of DC power systems, such as batteries, power supplies, and photovoltaic (solar) systems. By applying a controlled load, a DC load bank helps in determining how well a power source can handle real-world conditions and perform under various scenarios.
Components of a DC Load Bank
A typical DC load bank comprises several key components:
Resistive Elements: These are the primary components that dissipate power in the form of heat. They simulate the electrical load.
Control Systems: These allow for the adjustment and regulation of the load applied to the power source. Advanced control systems enable precise load management.
Cooling Systems: Since resistive elements generate heat, efficient cooling mechanisms (fans or liquid cooling) are essential to maintain safe operating temperatures.
Measurement Instruments: These instruments monitor voltage, current, and other relevant parameters to provide accurate data during testing.
Applications of DC Load Banks
Battery Testing
Batteries are at the heart of many DC power systems, from small-scale applications like consumer electronics to large-scale uses such as backup power systems and electric vehicles. DC load banks are used to perform discharge testing on batteries, ensuring they can deliver the required power over their expected lifespan. This testing is crucial for identifying potential issues and ensuring reliability.
Power Supply Validation
Power supplies need to be reliable and efficient, especially in critical applications like data centers, telecommunications, and industrial automation. DC load banks test these power supplies under different loads to verify their performance, efficiency, and stability. This process helps in identifying any weaknesses that might lead to failures or inefficiencies in real-world conditions.
Renewable Energy Systems
With the rise of renewable energy, particularly solar power, ensuring the reliability and efficiency of photovoltaic systems is paramount. DC load banks test these systems by simulating various load conditions, helping in the optimization and verification of solar panels and their associated power electronics.
Electric Vehicle Testing
Electric vehicles (EVs) rely heavily on DC power systems for propulsion and auxiliary functions. DC load banks play a critical role in testing EV batteries and power electronics, ensuring they can meet the demanding conditions of real-world driving. This testing is essential for safety, performance, and the overall user experience of EVs.
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Why DC Load Banks are Essential
Ensuring Reliability
The primary purpose of a DC load bank is to ensure the reliability of power systems. By simulating real-world conditions, these devices help identify potential issues before they cause failures. This proactive approach to testing can prevent costly downtime and improve the overall dependability of power systems.
Enhancing Efficiency
Efficiency is a key consideration in any power system. DC load banks help in optimizing the performance of power sources, ensuring they operate at peak efficiency under various conditions. This optimization can lead to significant cost savings over time, especially in large-scale applications like industrial plants or renewable energy farms.
Safety Assurance
Safety is paramount in any electrical system. DC load banks help in identifying and mitigating risks by testing power sources under controlled conditions. This testing can reveal potential safety issues, such as overheating or overloading, allowing for corrective measures to be taken before real-world deployment.
Supporting Innovation
As technology advances, so do the demands on power systems. DC load banks support innovation by providing a reliable means of testing new power sources and technologies. This support is crucial for the development of next-generation batteries, power supplies, and renewable energy systems.
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EMAX Load Bank: Leading the Way
In the realm of DC load banks, EMAX Load Bank stands out as a leader, providing cutting-edge solutions for a wide range of applications. EMAX Load Bank's products are designed with precision and reliability in mind, ensuring that they meet the rigorous demands of modern power systems.
Advanced Features
EMAX Load Bank offers advanced features that set their products apart:
Precision Control: EMAX Load Bank's control systems allow for precise load management, ensuring accurate testing and validation.
Robust Construction: Built to withstand demanding conditions, EMAX Load Bank's products are durable and reliable.
Comprehensive Monitoring: With state-of-the-art measurement instruments, EMAX Load Bank provides comprehensive data for analysis and optimization.
Commitment to Quality
EMAX Load Bank is committed to quality and innovation, continuously improving their products to meet the evolving needs of the industry. Their dedication to excellence ensures that customers receive the best possible solutions for their testing and validation needs.
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DC load banks are essential tools in the world of electrical engineering, providing critical support for the testing and validation of DC power systems. From battery testing to renewable energy systems, these devices play a vital role in ensuring reliability, efficiency, and safety. EMAX Load Bank, with its advanced features and commitment to quality, leads the way in providing top-notch DC load bank solutions.
As technology continues to advance and the demand for reliable power systems grows, the importance of DC load banks will only increase. Whether you're in the field of renewable energy, electric vehicles, or industrial power systems, understanding and utilizing DC load banks is key to ensuring success and innovation in your endeavors.
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punkpandapatrixk · 2 years
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Libra Season Overview for 🐞🐍⛲🐝ALL SIGNS
ASO☔️bonus content always goes public at the end of every astrological season*, don't forget to check back~🌤 With the elements/signs of the zodiac, you can freely use your Sun, Moon, Rising/Ascendant, or even your Stellium (❗️) *23rd October
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Libra season is a time of returning to balance. If you’ve been working hard at something dearly beloved to your Soul, this is harvest season. If you’ve been stuck, energies are flowing more smoothly now. If you’ve been ill, health is returning. But if you’ve been pushing yourself too hard, too… you might get a cold just so your body gets to rest.
At any rate, this season is a time for paying attention to subtle energetic changes that reset/recalibrate you to your centre. If you manage to work with these changes and return to balance, you will be propelled faster🏎️💨towards your Destiny.
If right now, your future self could come through and tell you how everything is wonderful in the future—that you are successful, happy, and thriving—would you be braver now? No matter how tall the challenges and how low you feel every now and then; would you keep your hope, and faith?
Tipping Balance for 🐞Fire Signs – Green Alchemist (Nicolas Flamel)
Pause to smell the roses; your passion has brought you this far—you’ve done well. For the time being, enjoy what you’ve managed to achieve even if you’re only beginning. When it comes to passion, there’s no end to it. You'll never run out of exciting things to do, so take your time to rest when you need it.
🐏Aries – King of Wands Rx
In spite of what people usually say about the negative qualities of Aries, this energy is actually really, really, extremely generous. You’re kind, friendly and helpful. And because you have a strong spirit, you want to be a champion or warrior for a lot of other people. There’s cosmic fire in your Soul—you have a heart that will always care.
For a while now, you’ve been feeling a lack of power. There are restrictions put around the goals you’ve envisioned for yourself. You’re suffocating and the lack of oxygen has caused your fire to become dimmed. You feel a sense of detachment from the people or projects you used to care about. Don’t feel bad about any of this though.
Think of this phase as an arrow about to be shot into stardom. That’s you. You feel like you’re being held back, but the truth of the matter is that you’re being prepared for extremely fast propulsion. You’re amassing great spiritual power and you’re gaining momentum. When the moment comes, you’re gonna grow so big and gain success so fast people can’t understand how you do it all.
🦁Leo – 9 of Pentacles Rx
You tend to be really generous with your resources when socialising. Maybe you like to party and have a good time. Maybe you simply like do, create and build things within a group setting. You care about other people and will go the extra mile to help others. But you do this because you also know you can benefit from others when the time comes🤠
Still, for a while now you’ve been feeling suffocated by your connections. You’ve begun to sense something is amiss and yearn for something deeper, purer. But more importantly, you crave independence. Not freedom per se; independence—to feel enough and capable on your own.
You want to start anew, but to do this, you know some things need to come to a close. When the old is taken care of and finances are safely in place, you’ll feel secure to tread a new path that is more suited to your Soul’s calling. It’s OK to go about this one day at a time. You don’t have to have it all figured out from the get go. Just keep swimming~
🎠Sagittarius – Ace of Pentacles Rx
There is a new beginning you’ve been praying for. Some of you have been hard at work trying to allow a change to happen, but manifestation is taking so long. Some of you have simply been stuck in a rut; can’t even begin to work on anything unless an energetic shift has taken place. Know that this Libra season is opening the floodgates of abundance and a sense of personal freedom.
What I’m seeing here is that up until now you’ve not had a great energy. This could involve many things: maybe your health has been on the low; maybe you’ve been psychically attacked; maybe you’ve been in post-op surgery recovery; maybe you’re in rehab after a great mental health issue; maybe you’re healing from a traumatic experience with a toxic or abusive partner; etc.
At any rate, the key to your balance lies in the protection of your spiritual and emotional energy. Before you can receive this season’s blessings, you must prioritise protecting yourself from toxic or draining situations, as well as take necessary measures to maintain your physical health. If walking, exercising or taking supplements help, do that. If you need a nutritionist or learn healthy living from YouTube, do that.
This season, just take care of your health first, especially physically. Trust that everything else will just magically resolve itself in divine timing!
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Tipping Balance for 🐍Earth Signs – Silver Physician (John Dee)
Honey, you’re dehydrated; please drink more this season. You also need to improve your relationship with food. Balance is key in everything and you can simply follow reason when it comes to ‘eating healthy’. When you feel refreshed physically, your mind also thinks clearly.
🐂Taurus – Queen of Wands Rx
If you’ve been feeling a lack of inspiration or motivation, it’s coming this season; but first, you need to take care of your physical health. I’m not a nutritionist or anything, but I’m seeing in your case you’re lethargic physically because you haven’t been eating right, and that’s caused a mental fog. And then, it just feels like you’re stuck or that any option available to you doesn’t seem viable or good enough to pursue/explore/attempt.
Wherever you are in the world, this season, try to calm down and slow down. If you can, learn about ‘healthy eating’ and try to build new habits surrounding this new knowledge. Most of us weren’t taught proper eating by our education system, so if you’re blind to this and need a lot of trial and error, it’s all dandy. The most important thing is that you’re learning something new.
And whatever life-changing endeavour you’re pursuing, which you feel a lack of confidence, thus the lack of motivation, I’m seeing the need to read up on a lot of materials on it. The more you study or immerse yourself in the practice of it, the more confident you feel about finding success in it. So that you won’t crumble easily, you need to have a strong foundation. Read up; study and exercise from NOW🌟You got this!
🧘🏻‍♀️Virgo – 7 of Swords
Did you witness someone cheating in life and caused you to miss an amazing opportunity? Perhaps something relating to your profession? Something like that happened in the past and you felt grossed out by it. But you actually learnt about the reality of what it takes to achieve success in this world. Sometimes you’ve got to do unsavoury shit to get by, and get ahead. By now, even you’ve done a thing or two that’s less than noble.
This may have caused you a great deal of mental burden—questioning your own morality and dignity. But here’s a little pat on your back: you did the clever thing to do to save a situation; this isn’t necessarily evil. Sometimes, when we’re lacking guidance or a situation is a total mess, we’ve got to think quick based on what’s most favourable at the time.
I guess this season brings you a more wholesome understanding of this dynamic, so you can learn to be at peace with yourself. Life is a balancing act; it is Yin and Yang. Sometimes we choose to do ‘dark’ things to serve a greater good. Whatever happens, believe in your innate goodness!
🐐Capricorn – 5 of Pentacles Rx
Oh, my gosh. It’s like you’re about to come out of poverty of sort! In fact, perhaps you’ve been fresh out of a hot oven that was frying you up spiritually or psychologically. This season brings that sense of breathing fresh air and dipping your entire self in cool Fiji waters. If you can, please indulge in drinking clean, quality water as much as you can.
Your body is 80% water so drinking quality water can speed up manifestation as well as spiritual purification. Trust me on this one. On top of that, I sense that you have a tendency of working so hard to a point of burning yourself up multiple times. This pattern needs to be broken. Try to control your urge to tackle a lot of challenges within a given day. If something needs to be done, it will be done in divine timing.
This Libra season is all about being kinder and gentler with yourself. You’ve survived so much murder, you’ve got to give yourself the biggest credit for just making it this far. A new chapter that’s easier and more peaceful is really beginning for you.
Mind Magick Transmutation🔻💚👻
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Tipping Balance for ⛲Air Signs – Red Geographer (John Dee)
It’s time to plan ahead. Think different thoughts and apply unique methods. The solution is in your crazy—meaning, you’ve just got to flow with the rhythm of your intuition. Remember what you came here for: there are great things waiting to be made manifest by your earnest efforts.
👯Gemini – Queen of Pentacles
This season you will find a sense of stability in finances or just a practical sense of having mastered something. You may have just struggled with a little bit of imbalance/confusion in the recent past. Other than that, you might get some help or guidance from someone older or more professional than you. Other than that, too, you may simply make a connection with someone motherlike who will take care, provide for you. You’ll decide for yourself whether or not you like the assistance provided.
For some of you, you may realise that you’re done being helped by other people because that causes you to feel indebted—and you don’t like the connection. Suddenly, you’re motivated to make it yourself in whatever you’re working on. You’re motivated to resolve your own problems. You have more energy to finish more work and create or study more. You just have a lot of motivation and that’s a welcome change.
You are so capable of becoming the Queen of Pentacles yourself. This season, be wise with how you spend your energy so that you don’t burn yourself out. Work, rest, play, self-care; these are all equally important. Have faith that some kind of miracle is seeking you~ You just need to be in alignment with the energy of ease and excitement!
⚖️Libra – 7 of Pentacles Rx
This is your season, alright! 7 of Pentacles in reverse is totally saying that you aren’t resting, aren’t waiting anymore. Whatever is on your mind, whatever you’ve been working on or wanting to start, the GREEN LIGHT is here. There is a surge of energy for success, fortune, happiness, excitement, and creation. Use this energy, this moment, the best you can while it lasts. Enjoy it. Delight in it.
You’ll know when to make a move or start something new by means of synchronicity. Maybe angel numbers, precognitive dreams, synchronous names, etc. Be mindful of false synchronicities though. These ones happen the most when we are dead anxious. When you’re anxious, you’re seeing symbols and SYNKs that are created by your ego-based fears; these could be misleading.
To hear real guidance from the Higher Realms, one must always be in a relaxed state. Your mind must be cleared of environmental clutter. This season, a lot of good things are yours to take, but you must also take care of your mental state. Don’t overwork yourself. Don’t get too excited. Remain chill and casual about shit😎
🏺Aquarius – 4 of Pentacles
You’re cutting your losses and tying loose ends. You’re realising now it’s important to save up your hard earnt resources for yourself—and only those who truly truly truly matter in your Life. It’s high time you thought about the future—what you intend to do with your amazing wealth (or talent) to roll out changes in the bigger world once you’ve garnered enough power.
This season for you is the season for amassing wealth. Fortune and talents and knowledge and skills. Some of you will resonate with work, some with studies. Your personal world has the potential to set a good example for the public* so whatever you do with career, family, vocation, etc. can have an impact on the world at large. And in that way, you could be saving the world.
You’re powerful like that, so this season would be great for your studies and keeping to yourself, keeping to your dreams and visions, and making sure you have all the resources to manifest your Life Purpose.
*public can simply mean your co-workers, neighbours or social media following; take what resonates~
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Tipping Balance for 🐝Water Signs – Silver Astrologer (John Dee)
Look to the stars for guidance. A loving spirit guide is holding your everything tightly. Whoever this spirit guide might be, they’re trying to divulge a secret to your future—pssst, it’s Destiny! Look inwardly to hear all the great advice and empowering words of Love!
🦀Cancer – 8 of Cups
A Spirit Guide has been guiding you to come out of an unfortunate situation. Some of you are still on prison break (you’ll get out soon), but many of you have just been fresh out of hot water. This season then becomes a resting period for you. You need R&R, you’re deserving of it, and when you’re rejuvenated you will be so busy with new things that are exciting! Like, things are finally moving in the direction you and your Higher Self have always intended!
There is a lot of protection surrounding you at this time. I’m almost seeing a huge bubble of light protecting you from harmful energies, psychic attacks, malicious intents and all that bad juju. Your connection with your guardian angels is very strong at this moment. You’re advised to amplify, or at least maintain, this protection by resting well and eating clean. Need to shift habits that lower your vibe to new healthier habits.
Meditation, reiki, and subliminals are also useful in this scenario. Psst… please skip the whole solfeggio frequencies… they’re actually really bad for your manifestations.
🦂Scorpio – Knight of Pentacles Rx
This isn’t the time to be thinking too logically about things. What you’re dealing with may feel larger than you and you’re trying to resolve issues with a logical pattern. Nope. Stop that. This time around, you don’t go from 1 to 2 to 3. This season, you’re going FASTER. From 0 to 100 in an instant. The key to allowing this to happen smoothly? MAGICK.
Magic isn’t rational and it doesn’t follow convention. That’s the essence of magic anyway: miraculous, unexpected, and ends with glad tidings. You just follow whatever your intuition tells you. I saw on Pinterest a quote like this: your anxiety is lying to you, it’s not the end of the world; you can do this!
What you are seeking is seeking you, too. Relax, sit back, and allow yourself to be in alignment with the energy of miracles. Your Spirit Guides are orchestrating something big behind the scenes. You’ve done enough, let them do their job of serving you now!🎆
🎏Pisces – 3 of Cups Rx
You’ve either been in isolation or just out of touch with most people. At any rate, for quite a while now you’ve been feeling a lack of cheer. You feel quite lonesome and stagnant. But all of that is ‘bout to change. A stream of beauty consciousness is pouring into your Life. It’s like, things are just magically going to get brighter, sweeter, nicer and merrier.
I’m thinking aespa’s DREAMS COME TRUE for both its aesthetic and lyrics, really. And also, their LIFE’S TOO SHORT for those of you who’ve been dealing with haters or parents who wouldn’t allow you to DO YOU. You know? People who make you feel miserable because you’re just trying to be yourself.
Some of you may still be in the dark phase of the Moon. It’s quiet and boring maybe, but it’s just a natural part of the Cosmic Mechanism of the world. Sooner than you think, the Moon is going to wax again and when everything is bright and calm in your world you’ll be glad you didn’t give up.
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imperialchem · 1 year
Powering the Future of Railways: A Comprehensive Guide to Connectors for Railway Traction
In the context of global advancements towards sustainable and efficient transportation alternatives, there is a notable resurgence in the prominence of railways.  The utilisation of railways as a primary means of transportation for both passengers and freight is on the rise, mostly due to the advantageous environmental attributes and cost-efficiency associated with this method of transport.  The complex technology that drives modern railway systems is crucial for their performance, with a key element being the connectors employed for railway propulsion.  Reliability you can depend upon.  Elevate your railway systems with premium railway traction connectors manufactured and supplied by Radiant Enterprises - one of the distinguished Railway Traction Connectors manufacturers in India!
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This thorough guide aims to provide an in-depth analysis of railway traction connectors, examining their importance, various types, advantages, and potential prospects in the future.  A comprehensive grasp of these connectors is imperative for individuals engaged in the railway sector, as they assume a crucial function in propelling the advancement of trains and cultivating an environmentally friendly transportation infrastructure.
The Importance of Railway Traction Connectors:
This thorough guide aims to provide an in-depth analysis of railway traction connectors, examining their importance, various types, advantages, and potential prospects in the future.  A comprehensive grasp of these connectors is imperative for individuals engaged in the railway sector, as they assume a crucial function in propelling the advancement of trains and cultivating an environmentally friendly transportation infrastructure.
Types of Railway Traction Connectors:
·         Pantographs:
Pantographs represent the prevailing form of connectors employed in electric trains.  The pantographs, located on the train's roof, establish a connection with the overhead wires, facilitating the transfer of electrical power to the train.  Contemporary pantographs are outfitted with advanced sensors and control systems, enabling them to adjust to fluctuating voltage levels and maintain a consistent power provision.
·      Third Rail Collectors:
The utilisation of a third rail as a power source is observed in certain railway systems, where trains derive electrical energy from an additional rail positioned adjacent to the tracks.  Third-rail collectors are dynamic connectors that establish an electrical connection by sliding and making contact with the third rail.  This approach is commonly observed in specific urban transport networks owing to its straightforwardness and economical nature.
Benefits of Advanced Railway Traction Connectors:
·         Enhanced Efficiency:
Contemporary connections utilised in railway traction systems are engineered with the objective of minimising power losses during gearbox, hence leading to enhanced energy efficiency.  The achievement of efficient power transmission results in a decrease in energy consumption and a reduction in operating expenses for railway operators.
·         Reliability and Safety:
The utilisation of premium materials and cutting-edge engineering in the production of connectors guarantees a dependable and secure electrical linkage, hence enhancing reliability and safety.  This improves the dependability and security of railway operations, hence mitigating the likelihood of power disruptions and incidents.
·         Reduced Maintenance:
Connector designs that are more advanced sometimes possess self-cleaning capabilities, hence aiding in the prevention of the accumulation of dirt, debris, and ice on the contact surfaces.  The implementation of this self-cleaning technology results in a reduction in maintenance demands and a decrease in downtime, hence enhancing operational availability.
·         Sustainability:
The utilisation of electric trains, which are fueled by renewable energy sources, plays a substantial role in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and addressing the issue of climate change.  The utilisation of high-quality traction connectors is of paramount importance in expediting the acceptance and implementation of sustainable transportation systems.
The Future of Railway Traction Connectors:
The ongoing progress of technology will inevitably lead to the further development of railway traction connectors.  Transform railway electrification with the advanced Railway Traction Connectors supplied by Radiant Enterprises.  Request a sample today!
·         Smart Connectivity:
The integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 has led to the expectation that railway traction connectors will contain intelligent functionalities.  The utilisation of real-time data monitoring and analytics has the potential to facilitate predictive maintenance, hence enhancing the efficiency and durability of the connectors.
·         Lightweight and Durable Materials:
The field of material science has the potential to facilitate the creation of connector materials that possess both lightweight properties and exceptional durability.  This may potentially result in a reduction in the overall weight of trains, hence enhancing their energy efficiency.
·         High-Speed Rail:
The global demand for high-speed rail networks is experiencing a notable increase.  In order to facilitate the operation of faster trains while ensuring safety and efficiency, future traction connectors will be required to accommodate elevated levels of voltage and current.
·         Wireless Charging:
Wireless charging technology is now being investigated by researchers as a potential solution for trains.  Potential future connectors have the potential to integrate wireless charging capabilities, hence obviating the necessity for direct physical contact between the train and the power source.
Final Thoughts:
The railway industry is positioned to assume a crucial role in influencing the trajectory of sustainable transport in the future.  In order to realise this vision, the utilisation of modern technology, such as railway traction connectors, will play a pivotal role.  As we progress, allocating resources towards research and development in order to create inventive and dependable connector solutions will not only propel the future of railway systems but also make a significant contribution towards a more environmentally friendly and efficient global landscape.  The ongoing advancement of connector technology holds promise for the development of a more environmentally sustainable and interconnected railway system that will benefit future generations.  Explore the optimal solution for your railway projects.  Explore a diverse range of railway traction connectors offered by Radiant Enterprises - one of the trusted Railway Traction Connectors manufacturers in India!
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New SpaceTime out Friday
SpaceTime 20240906 Series 27 Episode 108
How NASA changed an asteroid’s orbit
A new study has confirmed that NASA’s DART impactor permanently changed the shape and orbit of the asteroid moon Dimorphos.
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Construction continues on the new Lunar Gateway Space Station
Humanity's first lunar space station is continuing to take shape with assembly and testing of its core elements, the Power and Propulsion Element module and Habitation and Logistics Outpost module well underway.
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Success for Blue Origin’s eighth space tourism mission
Blue Origin has successfully flown another six space tourists into the ultimate frontier.
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September Skywatch
The September equinox, the powerful Cygnus X1 X-ray source, and the Aurigids and Epsilon Perseids meteor showers are among the highlights of the September night skies on Skywatch.
SpaceTime covers the latest news in astronomy & space sciences.
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The show is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Apple Podcasts (itunes), Stitcher, Google Podcast, Pocketcasts, SoundCloud, Bitez.com, YouTube, your favourite podcast download provider, and from www.spacetimewithstuartgary.com
SpaceTime is also broadcast through the National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio and on both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
SpaceTime daily news blog: http://spacetimewithstuartgary.tumblr.com/
SpaceTime facebook: www.facebook.com/spacetimewithstuartgary
SpaceTime Instagram @spacetimewithstuartgary
SpaceTime twitter feed @stuartgary
SpaceTime YouTube: @SpaceTimewithStuartGary
SpaceTime -- A brief history
SpaceTime is Australia’s most popular and respected astronomy and space science news program – averaging over two million downloads every year. We’re also number five in the United States.  The show reports on the latest stories and discoveries making news in astronomy, space flight, and science.  SpaceTime features weekly interviews with leading Australian scientists about their research.  The show began life in 1995 as ‘StarStuff’ on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) NewsRadio network.  Award winning investigative reporter Stuart Gary created the program during more than fifteen years as NewsRadio’s evening anchor and Science Editor.  Gary’s always loved science. He studied astronomy at university and was invited to undertake a PHD in astrophysics, but instead focused on his career in journalism and radio broadcasting. Gary’s radio career stretches back some 34 years including 26 at the ABC. He worked as an announcer and music DJ in commercial radio, before becoming a journalist and eventually joining ABC News and Current Affairs. He was part of the team that set up ABC NewsRadio and became one of its first on air presenters. When asked to put his science background to use, Gary developed StarStuff which he wrote, produced and hosted, consistently achieving 9 per cent of the national Australian radio audience based on the ABC’s Nielsen ratings survey figures for the five major Australian metro markets: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth.  The StarStuff podcast was published on line by ABC Science -- achieving over 1.3 million downloads annually.  However, after some 20 years, the show finally wrapped up in December 2015 following ABC funding cuts, and a redirection of available finances to increase sports and horse racing coverage.  Rather than continue with the ABC, Gary resigned so that he could keep the show going independently.  StarStuff was rebranded as “SpaceTime”, with the first episode being broadcast in February 2016.  Over the years, SpaceTime has grown, more than doubling its former ABC audience numbers and expanding to include new segments such as the Science Report -- which provides a wrap of general science news, weekly skeptical science features, special reports looking at the latest computer and technology news, and Skywatch – which provides a monthly guide to the night skies. The show is published three times weekly (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and available from the United States National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio, and through both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
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dunezday · 1 year
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Hadn't uploaded anything homebrew in a long time so decided to give it a shot again! Made a Greataxe which is my campaign is weilded by one of the npcs. The Dragon's Maw +1 Greataxe, Wondrous Item, Rare The Dragon's Maw is a powerful greataxe which can be crafted through the use of a primordial dragon essence and the ancient dragonaxe mould which can be found within a legendary forge or in a dragon's hoard. This axe is imbued with primordial draconic power. The gem and colors the axe take on, represent the primordial damage it deals. Red is fire, Yellow is radiant Blue is Lightning, Black is necrotic, white is cold, and Green is acid. Each maw on the great axe can open and unleash a torrent of energry propelling the axe faster, and with more devasating force against its victim. A maw can also be used to spew elemental breath in a target area, or even to bite a target through its gnashing teeth. An equally powerful and versatile weapon. Features
Primordial Propulsion: When you attack with this weapon you can take a a 1d4 penalty to the attack roll. If it hits, the target takes additional 1d4 force damage + 1d4 primordial damage and large or smaller creature is pushed back 5 feet.
Dragon's Breath: As an action in a 5 by 15ft cone one of the maws spews out primordial breath. Each creature in the area must make a dexterity saving throw (DC 14). On a failed saving throw they take 3d6 primordial damage, Or half as much on a success.
Dragon's Bite: When you attack with this weapon one of the maws open and bite down on the target, dealing additional 1d4 piercing damage. Variants
Very Rare: The damage die associated with primordial propulsion increases to 1d6. The dragon's breath DC increases to 17. and deals an additional die of damage. (4d6)
Legendary: The damage die associated with primordial propulsion increases to 1d8. The dragon's breath DC increases to 19. and deals an additional die of damage. (6d6)
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