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But imagine you're alternate universe Powder.
You know your boyfriend is stressed right now because of that showcase coming up. But this morning, he's been acting super weird. And he's been acting like he's seen you for the first time. And he lacks memories that he should have. Is he finally losing his mind??? And you try not to be hurt by him forgetting one of the most traumatic, painful events of your life. And you try ot to be angry at him. And then he has like a complete switchup again and you think okay maybe he was really just stressed. And he shows you a mural he painted of your adult sister (who died when she was a teen) because he saw her 'in a dream' and she was the most badass? And you help him invent a whole new technology and actual timetravel. And then you have a romantic date and it's so sweet and he asks you to kiss him like it's the first time. And then your wacky professor friend overloads your time machine and straightup explodes and your boyfriend is there and he collapses into your arms but there is a WHOLE OTHER VERSION OF YOUR BOYFRIEND standing in the swirls now and he looks like your boyfriend but also like he's been through a meat grinder of trauma? And he was like... POSSESSING your boyfriend??? For the past day??? And then he disappears without a word in a magical swirl???
How do you recover from that????
#I think about AU!Powder Vander and Silko daily#and AU Milo and Claggor#And AU Benzo#all the people who somehow made it#just because Vi died in the explsosion and Powdr NEVER touched the hex gems she stole after#like what in the buttrfly effect???#Arcane S2#Arcane spoilers#Arcane S2 spoilers
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love your fig as someone who doesn't like chai but will snob on tea
fig hehehe
but also just--ash. i dont think i will get over the list of things u dont like (rajma??? RAJMA??????) but yes, thank you for recognising the superiority of chai, at least.
#the thing is--im not a snob. at all.#i love the railways wala chai#i love dip tea#i love sasta teabag tea with milk powdr#i just need caffeine in me#(fuck am i remus??? did i make remus me???)#crisis activated#pen’s asks
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Traditional Uses of Chana Sattu Powder in Indian Kitchens
Chana Sattu Powder has been a staple in Indian kitchens for centuries, valued for its versatility and nutritional benefits. Here are some traditional uses:
Sattu Sharbat: A cooling drink made with Chana Sattu Powder, water, salt or sugar, and spices. It is a common summer beverage in North India.
Stuffed Rotis: Chana Sattu Powder is often used as a filling in rotis or parathas, mixed with spices and onions.
Health Tonics: Chana Sattu Powder is traditionally used as a dietary supplement for recovering patients and growing children.
Breakfast Staples: Mixed with milk or buttermilk, Chana Sattu Powder makes a nutritious and quick breakfast option.
The timeless appeal of Chana Sattu Powder lies in its ability to combine taste, tradition, and health in one package.
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on break rn and almost reached for the full sized bottle of sarsons malt vinegar instead of my monster
#dont think it would be too bad once when i was a kid we did the baking powder vinegar volcano thing#but like#in my mouth#so i put a shit load of baking powdr on my tongue and then swished like a cup of vinegar around#idk why we did that but it felt mostly weird and foamy#wades world
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Henna and indigo powder are two natural hair dyes that have been used for centuries to color hair and condition it. Henna is a reddish-orange dye, while indigo is a blue dye. When used together, henna and indigo can create a variety of hair colors, from light brown to black.
How to use henna and indigo powder to color your hair?
Henna powder
Indigo powder
Non-metallic bowl
Warm water
Shower cap
Old Towel
#indus valley#skincare products#haircare products#indigo powder#henna powder#indigo henna combo powder#indus valley henna powder#indus valley indigo powdr
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hot girls have powdered milk so they dont have to worry about their milk expiring
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Eeating raw Kruel-Aid powdr by the fi5tful.
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A Discourse On Flying, And On The Composition Of Our Magickal Oyntment, touching on the chemick thereof, and its variations between oure Trybes
AS all badde vvitches ought to know, be they yonge or aulde, þe flyinge compound can be mayde up unto three different preparations. namely:- (1)st as the oyntmente, for to rub pon de broome and de bodie (2)nd the pouudre, for to be fed to certaiyne prepared beaftes or blowen into the hearthfyre, & (3)rd as an adjunckt to certayne other formulatyons - whych fhall not be touched upon herein thys booke.
OND aye, thare be menie dyvers receipys for thys compound, whych differ yn menie accord tho theyr authors be well respeckted indiuidually, soch as þe uenerable miftrefs crouch, sister bertrille, ond olde granny grayham; whose produckts are well used by us all and are well endorsed by menie a refpected beldam yn oure communitie for menie yeare.
BUT defpite their disagreementes, alle the uarious receipt whych we have received from the auntient & uenerable bookes of oure ancestors do share five thingys yn common. namely:- (1)st is the fatte of bebbes, rendered pure, or else dried foetus, or the braynes of a manne (2)nd the toad, which is variously seethed yn a potte or else roasted yn an oven, or as ye moft auncient do they crucify hym upon the thorne and let the sunne looke upon hym and wither hym on the rood. (3)rd ys the herbal component, which differeth moft between oure uarious schooles, but yet retaineth certayne fimilarities (4)rth be flyes, for how coulde we flie elsewise? and the best kind are dragonflies, but the fecond beft are moths. and (5)th that there must needs have added to it some of the old powdre or oyle, whych ys well-proved and tested, for hyt to werke.
OFCOURSE brothers & fisters, ye all know well how to flie, either by goat or by broome,& may even have brewed oyle yourselves after thyne own houses arte; yea, let us refpect the variance yn each oure cuftoms,& feek to ymprove oure owne houses arte by the confideration of eachothers noble practifes.
HEREIN is the receipt for the flyinge oyntmente and pouudre, from the verie booke of the dread and venerable madame marcouche herself, by her gracyous permifsion , and wyth adjoinyng commentarie by others: FOR THE POUUDER:- whych hys best fit for goatys ond horsys, may, they must be made to grow accustomed to thys, and neuer should hyt be put yn a mannes mouthe. take ye the withered toad and reduce hym to pouvdre bones and all yn a rough mortar, and to this add gunpowder or brimstone, and hot pepper & muftard, ond alfo flies. and hyt fhould fparck as hyt ys grownd upp. forget not alfo the fodder, whych preuenteth the beafte from exploding, & yt ys mayde of herbys whych vary by cuftom. we ufe þe [text is either missing or redacted] and funflower feeds are goode alfo, for they grow ryght talle nigh unto heauen. and [text is either missing or redacted] now, þe fpecyal ingreedient be þe innofant, which where torne from heir muthers wombe, hyt fhould be fmoked slow wyth appelwood, mugwort, & garlick untill hyt be crysp; ond hyt ys bettre to induce þe vyle slutte to offer hyt up willynglie, doynge hyt of her owne freewill, for thys ys more pleafing to oure master than hyt fhould be taken by force or cunnynge. for [text is either missing or redacted] ond hyt ys beft to haruest þe thynge yn þe seuenth moonth. (ond beware false sellers of thys ingrediment, what adulterate their produckt wyth fillers such as talcum powder, chalk, or asbestos. true baby powder as certified by the vvitches council must comprise atleast 72% human foetus by volume. adulteration with llama or horse foetus is also prevalent, as well as the braines of apes or menn.) mix hyt then wyth the othre poudre, and a portion of wellproved pouucler whych ys ould at thy ouun judgemente; and measure the whole yn thy balance untill hyt fhould feem weightless. then hyt ys fed to the beafte, oft myxed with oats to tempt hym to hyt, and atfirst he feeleth no thyng, but then he starteth suddainely! and with fuch fnortynge untill fmoke billoweth from hys noftrils. and hyt ys ryght fport to fee, how he begyneth to fpring to and fro defperate to relieve the difcomfort yn hys bellie, and then he begynth afarting as hys hoovys take up ynto the ayre. and o hys starteld eyes and kicking leggys. and a flame catcheth insyde the beastys belly ond he belcheth and farteth flamys redh, green ,and yellouu. and hyt taketh a true knave to take holde of hym then! he muft be chained atfirst, left he floate awaiye yn thys. and [text is either missing or redacted] and it goeth without sayinge that the beast must alway be rode backwards. and thys stuffe muft never be taken internally by human beings. FOR THE OYLE; or OYNTMENTE:- [much text is missing or redacted] and many a wytch these daies do add gasoline or diesel to their myxture to extend air mileage, but we oulde dames have always ufed no fuch thynge, for hyt ys a ryght earthlie fubftance and [text is either missing or redacted] ond once a broome is bewitched he muft be [text is either missing or redacted]
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im genuinly so obsessed w those 25g of protein yogurt btw. like functionally i imagine its the same as if you just mixed whey powdre into greek yogurt but like being able to eat a cup of paste and be full is nice
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A work in progress Underfell Powdr, the drawing is still a wip (aka and wings and fix cloak a bit) and it was originally going to be a drawing of Horrortale Powdr, I gave him a bunch of eyes <3
Also the timid shy boi is a bit of a facade in the au versions of him that I've shown you
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where are you man
Powdres i think
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make everythign on the menu at Mcdonalds in your home kitchen in the United States of America. crazy suffering from old age people. My mom has a bucket of crackers and i took it and I wasnt sick at all you eat crackers when your sick dnatching her food out of her hands at all times she doesnt eat when were on vacation. Vladimir Putin wants to make a penny into powdr and you give it too the cashier with one dot of each measurement of dust with a penny.
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But yet no one who came back thee Diggon
A rispetto sequence
Upon our hearts of waltz, clicking his heir invocations. Around the pillowing harme of tranquility; then by cynics like diamonds
flaring ban, splashing coral was worth. The best of Knowledge him. The sun through the glove unacquainted, the disaligned. Still vowed.
And, where Joan was right the early spread upon that for ever the ruby lips were fix’d in happy Love with Idalian Ganymede,
for all he story. Hero’s ruddy cheer’d my infinite be names of power expired, fast by common thus defied the fierce, and ease.
I get a globe a globe a globe may come after immortal, gaz’d: his hair. Beautiful seeds we did this ravished his pain,—for thee
and now hastening too hard to a dying sweet loves around me how, when the first he kissed me, he but a bright: then she went, wherewithal.
More life here she sounds flaring flow, for sullen-seeming arms and forms of youth, I found me, and treasured my restless false, and other weak
hand passing shoes! And for it was a noisome swore that their fame, but how to fruits flourish upon a rock of thy heart with all other.
Tried, each morning’s light, one like a face with one Apple would give the floor whereof now haste the flow’d his not ask. Make and Rome and disappeare:
but thereon the paths which he had laid and, smiling with me! Is none righteous bride from home, it profuse of feather, that won she third.
In a foreign to swarm their thought. Such words and when the field the timbrel rings, as the sea in the moment was plentye: and Viva l’
Italia! Her breath intestined to feel that least when I do vow and desolate. Fixed on a rock this day, that won’t let hem be-hold.
Recollection everythings, never- ending from level stand at their music, which Neptune author is, but Iphigene is false in
bridal he shrank, feigning a battle as much love’s holiday, to see her idle flight? If ye be Annie, O Annie, Annie, bide!
When you to see him upward blown, come in heaven fet, would my mind; if they went, and had the pavement full of pity in the splendour
of thick mass of Lochroyan, who had powre my ain love so much wrestling friend became a tree. Stunned so familiarly and desolate?
Now the short-lived thee vantage me. Though now a flowers in the sank supine being fauns would be thine immured much of all, nor peace
is behind that your Italy’s crown a crime. The bright be by him self despise the raven hair tarnished thus I turn and sing your hands.
Which an amorous plight have our lightens, and delight. But nowe the rising her face now I have been beyond whistled many a lustre
in the going out. Dreaming mute insect host which cannot speak of love’s beauty dost thousand up again i, as oft amazeth.
May, smiling all my selfe knows not the vaulted; nay, let me species, the places yet had reach’d upon my brow with wine at floated with
me this might your veil was his labour to kill a heavy, dull, degenerate pair! One displayed, whereof, with the lady, ever lost.
And quite dispers, Tis the sword and spent the following the cold. Pulling of the stairs, and thus he surpass as much wrong, all other, the
jolly night that place me welcome each respect. For we known, by his face sweet Albany. Is your eyes, and sight could teach the held disclos’d?
When your tongue. You to be subservient to her witness sudden in the ravenous snaky rod did charm her house bespoke to add
a worse: for, had not climb’d Eve was a noise the Girl, in rolling the must justice liable, circle rides, meanewhile cargoes lie.
Played, where Venus’ swans, powdred with me no more clear as the shore sate to step increase, might have no arms some scents the wheat was golden lilies
and she turned interest the duck pond, rapping wind and meed! For she wrung him but being music to deeply had his arm, and bent.
I was their pursue the soft skin of the praise or garden-grown of pebblestone, now, spite, perceive you said, I fear ’tis lone like sleepy
crew. Gave the evening leave heart to faint thine own back, saw Neptune’s might little bits of with the thrush sang Sir Lancelot. Kept thronged there.
Upon those on one by sorrowe. Speak give life change. The impressed, embraced her runningest fish, which lily leave itself a crib. Were spirit
passing flame to prove to the shepheards voyce bring cranck. He spake, upon the feast, and ere he comfort I see what to his paramour.
Thy hand, though the tardy plumes let fall from dying lay, and soon as sun began to give lies our whole life and to joy and Night hold to
eye severely she stood ready for One whom this is I, of human sense, nor in Christs, die with nary a tree. Sleep or borne a song.
Into wash away, which sight in what you that other Sestos call. She storms rent her two suns from his feet, like a young, whose approve therefore
thriue, all raiment reed, till bite my thoughts, and stupid eyes, the morgin’d ocean wide at ever, as the chains where made a servitors.
For beasts bent, his wished, and every year, for Roffynn not lovely maidenheid, right? The excess, as thy Child I together to me something
throng, and me. And thus he take that sense, foul dreamers to improves that wake to empty glass. They that once esteem, like Venetian blind.
Thus was over such, as if it thee form by silent surpass as much as knew thy cruel pain his dungeon was mirror craft that some sword
of the developed down hear my lungs fill this holding age’s cruel mocks,—shall my day is evening. We saw that pass’d between your marriage.
Bitter the youth’s brief; with roses heart has been. And then a most fervent loveliest Hero this way; him self in sign of the Lochroyan,
ye’re but a tread, my piteously best corn dies and every glance from usury feel of better sent, thrust from my Clay to ramble far.
Tho’ now they han thing wantonness and pure, because he blinds. That touches, wondering, put out the opposite sentence of these the rising
in moods and here all my dear domestic stream bore in the dawn of fairest Cupids cold to touch drove short space to wooing mute insane.
Had fix’d in proceed, yet blushing heart to my purposes of theirs, less of theyr hornet’s nest. More a sleepe, as the soft skin of the fairy
charnel-house, and echo back and used she slippery pranck, ere Roffynn not long to takes the plain at first sight, and lays the motions fit.
Other lips, the flood. What new the heart, I feele as much deceit: he always redder just forget to be. A sparke The her hearts held
Love to fight we Diggon, what the peopled their hooks, fit baits for a kiss, or else shalt be dispense: in man’s attire, for the thou him.
Better brought, had none but that, mermaids are wafted abroad. That she shriek’d, and saw but soonest spied.—The sound like an ambling into the
pavement jessamine still and curse thumb and flow: and fired my nude arms taken, who, his vows be tied: two brother’s bed, and arbitrate?
Severed owre wi’ tin; when your mind pursues your life-time’s one time hath no been her home, rising after it,—so you who had passed did
tomorrow with youth and of the loved, he wiped her looks from faery-roof, to the future, and letter ha’f o’t. To teach tree she said, Oof!
Yet blushing reeds, and on that was angry that roar’d the Power It’s your voices sleepe. Leaped live? And never gave it to keepe, for under
they mought is gone, but I am no more; be wise. Or does therefore and cattle next in rape: unpraise him the old to Venus’ temples.
” Poor wretched up cat smoking round. Been dealt in an unnatural comfort of the land: yet still water, when that warpings all in this
very times he plains and go; but doubtful seeks. Fast by the wing’d exulting surely hands and here thy bed, sweetner of a soldier’s life.
Let us, O my door, with banished. Told ingots like sleepe, when June is dead leafe from the people out of my delight; nor end, full
royally apparent breasts beneath his temples; no soone a night, open kept, and he turned in the high spear-grass on the high talk in vaine.
The runaways would under-tone gruff withers of the bed fall. High way, who place, scarce saw them that has broke my end, thou their hymns, to her
devout to draw her liker bene fully spent in vain to my funny feet widowhood, a wife O Pilate speak give lies our mouth.
Maids are wakes, doubting the swallowed. ’Twas just a trifle more. Then treasured up the good. The face shall be, as she shower, and knots of
cinnamon as I have slept weeping up, began to pardon: I display when evening, receive: for lovers have not winced. No time the greet!
The dark unders by his simply did erre, it was safe, because they and to turned unbathed, aloft and basest mould come with black. Gude
enough now my life in one; sweet delight: then let up—so youngest said: Wait up! All night of the ripe a judgment, on the sky is clay.
Our became here alone at three. Can hardly blast furnace, you of the traverse painting the little solo act-that length, that dream’d a
horrid prepared for precious of immortal griefe: sike question rests the more each more nearer to the good, who have sought of the river!
Be music, sole perhaps at last you knowe. And the fair seemed above only Hope and recording the care; too longed around that he surround
Theotormon’s back to draw men’s fashion I have spoke somewhat near her arms or less held discretion sets the grave for the green as green.
What molehills and build a bonny ship, well her kind. I wrote this way, the moon-struck, kissed with gilt star had bene was impossible
in order, rape, for lofty servitors. I see whom your will go to see her: the envious night life of his sphere; grief he farmer?
As heart would chirrup through the fewer Woolues the sought the waves she still in the public view and a ravished and let go. A strife
some one blaze of my wailing springs: a charity, they looks their slave, stay the low stood upright, or raise beside me is not your mind.
Transform them out, he through the rings, with the river. Still with her has their hand cast to wed Amphions lyre, set in an undersong kept up
a mast o’ gowd, mine eyes, least was of sweet passed these our arms I throw mocking up to the ground their slave to precipitates delay.
He sate together times, like the sun and monogrammed beautiful this wrong, all for hours, such a country rage of a great minute goes.
And their hate through waters till Gregory! And studied quick willow autumn a fever sinne of railing stared understand. If question.
As barre again I turn and when and ear! When one and tiger having like aught me in my dressing she did not sent, to try an
operation, glorious hand whistle- ball, nor accounterbuffed in unquiet widely as from hidden first ray they wyll: or the fair.
As she saw a purer sapphire visible attainted. What I have becomes overrules treasure is the deuill at command the
sea. The flocke, fast by thee the presence more sad, more or sonnet, all women must believe me, and red, a daughters of their famisht case?
You think of rubies the pain dispute from far worse: for yours I am, for such, as he turn’d in proceed the cost and blossoming, my
dove, let us stripped, long winds blown shore-side, affection, with more transform their golden harp began to give us! Some say for Pardon.
But alas, who ever knell of trumpets—Lycius blush to foe and let these ill-change. And now shined more on her weak rib by a fatal
shine living, than I once and stupid eyes still a heap of shepheards most in the sorrows beside still and rend thee to the Grey Monk’s side.
World a slave to bringing, “Die, oh! To Venus, and the Maker, remake, come, but then unknown? That flow over my sake we admire what
view: in vain endeared, above payment? The wood; for, had swept away, so calm earth and now thy And ever rue my times and stuff.
Which he had tempt further. With sweet society of daffodils; beside soone find it out in black air, and to hide. Buried her, beam
that steals men’s force, nor stopped him went, if such as knew not his lovelier flower, the gate an act to side; already gaping the pool.
For whom she shade of pain? Such miracle she went, would come the tyrannous, but her neck hung lord-lover, floated with sails at summoned
to take way longed to hate. If any former sighs, and that drinks water he gotten sound like aught shame, and used not Roffy is with snow.
But in breath intestined prey, by flame whose cares of the great god for while they provide; and sweet music. Some huge despair? To praye, of
life pleasure; too justice, and looked around Theotormon sit weene, yet why that I may face shall her breasts so stiffe, and ruin, the touch thought.
She had been a blessed with weeping seasons whereof now their Muses bide; sweet mood when other bereft. Marble shore, was sinking she wept,
think upon those manifold possess and of gifts he found, or forests, hath call, how tall it stole away or treasures praise is it not.
Whose fire-ball, no bar, onward creep from me fly to all forge the narrow toiling on yellow her weaving, the warm or could sings. Machinery
just for hours, which began, that when thought winding on. Other men miseree? Watchful Hero wrung, to catch hints her soul at once adieu.
I dream, cherish no excused to the day: but when valleys of Passion, joy absorbs; the myrtle wreathe, the opposite sent a blessed; more shore;
known joy. Poor cottage in thy hairs, fall nights to weaves around upon that dost shine upon the mud. And rose weighed. Chilling in that million.
From the shadow waited silence, a cup has bereav’d of high way, but this prey, as she hath half was he had been breathing that’s sailing
late is too fair feather’d creation far were throne,—who sate with love’s unbounded sway, and would awake. And no last he dare! ’ The Heaven.
Last, ever in chase me up; and Oothoon weep; and hours and kept there the gathering head. From faery land, hath may say though the raging
spring; For such debate, the long brain. Thou shalt find it must bring sound for perfect’st man; which he lay; then she spoke your will never the floor.
For your victory I burne, I bidde her eyes and, brushed and me. And, thou, to whom comes once in delight on a summer, from its mind; he south:
stamp’d with honey and hath a hill far from the give me for men to the darkness down a strange; there can speak. Looking of amorous plight.
” No, nor I to none long-distance. To discpline. It so happy copulation, and fussed above the eye of slave to pluckèd Leutha’s valleys
of measures there, but oh, alas, is, and find my common mother from home at all, so she looks when I could never lover’s life.
What ocean for the cost nor shame, and longing; help, and made a wafu’ man was only seek and prove our form containing triumph,
beloveds have deceive performed of honey’d rain drops like, but wish will build a world another do store threshold, and shut our marriage bed!
Betwixt them equals, free the lawn. And heateth kindling for I impair not be excus’d, her very soule, sure than the soyle would
understand? Which deemed eternal heaven so about thine: have not love she death crashing moves darken’d and draw men’s eye? For his daring flame!
Where has heart, and tedious zeal or loves were born of people do when a story of faults conceive a priesthood manner place. Doth complains
and denied, but vicious plighted, how farre which gathered table, with her utterly, draw near Mercer St I probably left alone.
Love is not come too much, near himself more and set me crawl into the tidings come the straight of men? Yet with ease his was run! For I
impair not to feigned the rich: but euer at they mighty Being is awakening, heartbroken arbour’d in woeful valleys of men!
Shall see in a vale, played witch, haunting- ground to feigneth, looks yielding eyes woo as mine; in Iphigene to where you up inside my Maud
by thy losse to receiv’d, spread like in eyes! That ruled there, and rigged, and sent, with lighted found him with vowed he loves we are not prize the heart.
Does the sea on my break and sense first my ruined her and the daylight and the years they call deep enraged, his purposes unsure, that
she sleeps its rosy as morning whence they possible in one shoes worn as an isle is all. If theyr folds of shepheard his done away.
#poetry#automatically generated text#Patrick Mooney#Markov chains#Markov chain length: 6#138 texts#rispetto sequence
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