padfootastic · 1 year
love your fig as someone who doesn't like chai but will snob on tea
fig hehehe
but also just--ash. i dont think i will get over the list of things u dont like (rajma??? RAJMA??????) but yes, thank you for recognising the superiority of chai, at least.
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dicknballz · 6 months
on break rn and almost reached for the full sized bottle of sarsons malt vinegar instead of my monster
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theorganicproducts · 11 months
Henna and indigo powder are two natural hair dyes that have been used for centuries to color hair and condition it. Henna is a reddish-orange dye, while indigo is a blue dye. When used together, henna and indigo can create a variety of hair colors, from light brown to black.
How to use henna and indigo powder to color your hair?
Henna powder
Indigo powder
Non-metallic bowl
Warm water
Shower cap
Old Towel
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cxyotl · 1 year
hot girls have powdered milk so they dont have to worry about their milk expiring
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anissapierce · 2 years
Packing when you dont have boxes is actually hell...
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oozingantfarm · 6 months
Eeating raw Kruel-Aid powdr by the fi5tful.
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tobacconist · 8 months
A Discourse On Flying, And On The Composition Of Our Magickal Oyntment, touching on the chemick thereof, and its variations between oure Trybes
AS all badde vvitches ought to know, be they yonge or aulde, þe flyinge compound can be mayde up unto three different preparations. namely:- (1)st as the oyntmente, for to rub pon de broome and de bodie (2)nd the pouudre, for to be fed to certaiyne prepared beaftes or blowen into the hearthfyre, & (3)rd as an adjunckt to certayne other formulatyons - whych fhall not be touched upon herein thys booke.
OND aye, thare be menie dyvers receipys for thys compound, whych differ yn menie accord tho theyr authors be well respeckted indiuidually, soch as þe uenerable miftrefs crouch, sister bertrille, ond olde granny grayham; whose produckts are well used by us all and are well endorsed by menie a refpected beldam yn oure communitie for menie yeare.
BUT defpite their disagreementes, alle the uarious receipt whych we have received from the auntient & uenerable bookes of oure ancestors do share five thingys yn common. namely:- (1)st is the fatte of bebbes, rendered pure, or else dried foetus, or the braynes of a manne (2)nd the toad, which is variously seethed yn a potte or else roasted yn an oven, or as ye moft auncient do they crucify hym upon the thorne and let the sunne looke upon hym and wither hym on the rood. (3)rd ys the herbal component, which differeth moft between oure uarious schooles, but yet retaineth certayne fimilarities (4)rth be flyes, for how coulde we flie elsewise? and the best kind are dragonflies, but the fecond beft are moths. and (5)th that there must needs have added to it some of the old powdre or oyle, whych ys well-proved and tested, for hyt to werke.
OFCOURSE brothers & fisters, ye all know well how to flie, either by goat or by broome,& may even have brewed oyle yourselves after thyne own houses arte; yea, let us refpect the variance yn each oure cuftoms,& feek to ymprove oure owne houses arte by the confideration of eachothers noble practifes.
HEREIN is the receipt for the flyinge oyntmente and pouudre, from the verie booke of the dread and venerable madame marcouche herself, by her gracyous permifsion , and wyth adjoinyng commentarie by others: FOR THE POUUDER:- whych hys best fit for goatys ond horsys, may, they must be made to grow accustomed to thys, and neuer should hyt be put yn a mannes mouthe. take ye the withered toad and reduce hym to pouvdre bones and all yn a rough mortar, and to this add gunpowder or brimstone, and hot pepper & muftard, ond alfo flies. and hyt fhould fparck as hyt ys grownd upp. forget not alfo the fodder, whych preuenteth the beafte from exploding, & yt ys mayde of herbys whych vary by cuftom. we ufe þe [text is either missing or redacted] and funflower feeds are goode alfo, for they grow ryght talle nigh unto heauen. and [text is either missing or redacted] now, þe fpecyal ingreedient be þe innofant, which where torne from heir muthers wombe, hyt fhould be fmoked slow wyth appelwood, mugwort, & garlick untill hyt be crysp; ond hyt ys bettre to induce þe vyle slutte to offer hyt up willynglie, doynge hyt of her owne freewill, for thys ys more pleafing to oure master than hyt fhould be taken by force or cunnynge. for [text is either missing or redacted] ond hyt ys beft to haruest þe thynge yn þe seuenth moonth. (ond beware false sellers of thys ingrediment, what adulterate their produckt wyth fillers such as talcum powder, chalk, or asbestos. true baby powder as certified by the vvitches council must comprise atleast 72% human foetus by volume. adulteration with llama or horse foetus is also prevalent, as well as the braines of apes or menn.) mix hyt then wyth the othre poudre, and a portion of wellproved pouucler whych ys ould at thy ouun judgemente; and measure the whole yn thy balance untill hyt fhould feem weightless. then hyt ys fed to the beafte, oft myxed with oats to tempt hym to hyt, and atfirst he feeleth no thyng, but then he starteth suddainely! and with fuch fnortynge untill fmoke billoweth from hys noftrils. and hyt ys ryght fport to fee, how he begyneth to fpring to and fro defperate to relieve the difcomfort yn hys bellie, and then he begynth afarting as hys hoovys take up ynto the ayre. and o hys starteld eyes and kicking leggys. and a flame catcheth insyde the beastys belly ond he belcheth and farteth flamys redh, green ,and yellouu. and hyt taketh a true knave to take holde of hym then! he muft be chained atfirst, left he floate awaiye yn thys. and [text is either missing or redacted] and it goeth without sayinge that the beast must alway be rode backwards. and thys stuffe muft never be taken internally by human beings. FOR THE OYLE; or OYNTMENTE:- [much text is missing or redacted] and many a wytch these daies do add gasoline or diesel to their myxture to extend air mileage, but we oulde dames have always ufed no fuch thynge, for hyt ys a ryght earthlie fubftance and [text is either missing or redacted] ond once a broome is bewitched he muft be [text is either missing or redacted]
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oysterie · 5 months
im genuinly so obsessed w those 25g of protein yogurt btw. like functionally i imagine its the same as if you just mixed whey powdre into greek yogurt but like being able to eat a cup of paste and be full is nice
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A work in progress Underfell Powdr, the drawing is still a wip (aka and wings and fix cloak a bit) and it was originally going to be a drawing of Horrortale Powdr, I gave him a bunch of eyes <3
Also the timid shy boi is a bit of a facade in the au versions of him that I've shown you
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deities-anew · 1 year
where are you man
Powdres i think
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libidomechanica · 2 months
Untitled # 12075
A ballad sequence
I’ll come try me, if such power.     For their doubt, and winter takes place. Best; but rarely company,     and the shut eye where
she doth emulation spend? For     Shahs must have lied. By-and- by ye do lie, would love-knot in     all her sides are the want
and question, with ambition, could     have them of this warmth or a France, chance, change tales attires,     and I own it from the
daylight and twinclination, whilst     thus of soil, not even drive a cause they deaf that euer he     begun. Too has left of
appearing sheets smells like the free,     let other voices, to a hands, your rivulet fallyt     on þe gras. The air,—haste,
and Fashion I have gives a man     within my brow—it felt no pain, let plea by some a pair     beaming, as I forgive.
And, snugging here at this wonted     song of your ear strength by limping t’ have gone for thy strength     the Phoebe fayre Rosalind
hath of you. This vindicating     so shore up to the small greasy wits impute it but     to espie? She is not my
fingers, stretch, those intend, let me     best: never be. That sensual; for breast the Browne, as I     went an Angel of beach.
Bee you envy neither showers.     Colder thy stream, give me these to so base infection; for     the Hall, I am fain
would makes an swift messenger of     the elm-tops down below which we met—in all burden may     resume? That so must
be so fashions rais’d, colder they’d     love often go then, you need. Eight spring so longer roves     beyond all to decay,
o’erspread, and so forgive. Virtue,     how can I choose, I swear on the mermaids singing of     Michelangelo. Once
one minute for Charlotte, having     got it, at all the longing leaks from my heart in a rowe?     But forst by his report
of God do go, are shalbe a great     Professor Kant. To-night, injurious gate. And found, and     the dooth that Tim would
dedicate in visions, and read it;     but our Election wait,— haste, than can buy, aboon dissolve     thee but ears. Out from the
land. Comfort is, she turned. The air     would not all the kitchen chair, murmurs, or Tyranny could     see, thy rest, for night, raunged
in the park what mocks the pricks’     just attempred to ring at manacles at last grew until     he reeleth from his
lip, whiskery dot that, Virtue,     alas! Perhaps, despondency and trembling a     Who camest to a crib.
Quo’ she, “My grandsire leftovers.     I do confest my mouth in boil’d and me, while wanton’d round,     and all bail shall adore
a greatest kings, who, wandering     Accuser also her more moder was mine, mine, lass, sweet,     though narrow in the sea
and curly, yet hiding still rule     now ’gainst thou art a scullery partiall is lover’s kiss     sting its best you call the
clematis. They still sing alone     like, or one. In royall aray: and this, their sun out I     wanna be your lakes for
the torches o’er thee, I obtain     from thy face is fled, to thy love often go then, to die:     ah, how it. From Poland,
on fall or good, in some finesse     complain. For their tempests bending woe in them, that I doubt     to a life reach, which wonted
were the faculty—who said     the like mouldy mammoths, grand Cuvier! Oh, then will; since courage     quaint honour’s in a
shutters, because there willing     lieutenants to sing, my life and pardon crave that thou my     Forcing with industry.
Church made my children leap, and friend,     vpon her casement jessamine stirr’d were delights of restless     a vice, for night in
which their Violines. As, to wounded     Hearts, the surgeon came on its grace and night to prove parents     taught one thing, and thou
straine, and swans, powdred with inconstancy,     I though ’t will, my way; for thine: have acted on     the calm hours with an equal
things to thee shall not cure! Ah,     how can thou wad be my all his own, peace and pieces shine.     And lean, watching, and love
holds my lust: the ballad gallant     and delightful thine Image which it sits upon the choicest     virgins many wanton
heart too much of alle kynges     to her faces, others, blindly in the eyesight? Are     overrun all the mavis
sang, all for Elisa, decked     and wildly fling, the skill to me doth a few month of worms,     inheritors of satin
and seen; with such a scullery     part, or forget the tale remember the would weary     wings waving. Back, he spurred
like a paradise of her at     once we wear red cocktail dress dancing in a pye, which show’d,     like the farmer place,
disdaineth, her breast behind. Colder     thy hairs were to give her than a new birds more it still, now,     on the most impeach’d to
Moscow, led by long Devotion     keep: the burden of a heavy do I journey’d on me.     Who even to the rise
of God choose ye wi anither     snapp’d to give animals: an old maidens faithful hue sits     on thy hard to say the
incesse hy, whose hopes, by these sodas     or magnesias; which field is not avail to beare! These     questions to following
well abroad; inform’d him Rx Pulv     Com gr. My bosom straight and the purest by their eyes: in     her teens; and deck the Pincke
and thou not imitate; and ocean     that have seen the two parted valour; much more expresses     sever, I am
quite surely hath glow’d, as purple     clouds depart nourishing. Have made so fair, ever so airy     as the wealth of June?
Who to annoy a loyal spouse?     But subtle Greek worship, which is tranquil, thought upon the     sodger lad, thou’rt welcome,
where her outward dislike the choicest     virginity, which would rather is bending under     her ankles go into
play no more of life should new comfort     I expectation of losing is deare, and white Alps     along to his own her
head o, sweet or were its dirty;     the rose cries. Yet determine, dear object of travel—which     droop; three zodiac run;
next place, say whether in they form’d     a race to feeling do, from those rubies the sky: sae warm;     and you would ride. Betwixt
air and starlight be, if love to     the purple moor, a red- coat troop came one had made so faire     storax, spikenard, myrrh,
and upon the way, See, where—for     now I can’t a discussion, but known, and beds by the garden?     And hath been standing
into some evening coy, keep closed     thy look’d the ground than did on him whose luminous with earth     white, alike mists thick, or
love, Jamie, come try me! Our humble     state; and cried, art thou art gone, save thee green-white glow’d, like     louing bread as an idol
show the vulgarest to the dreary     frown; we both Silk, and offer o’ yon rotten tree, ye’ll     cherish disposition
of thy servant for trumpet’s called     gravity, scientists say, I haue I not shaken within     be fed, with you come
try me! Thou should shun her. With lemon,     Ghost, and I worried you like a sinking t was the     lady in his bills per
week, yet start and thee better chair     at a time sharp submit, the floors of delight and all it     grew before than anything
her poor for to hurt her. A     ruin, rusty pike, riding, up to attention, or so     did not begin with favour
lose all, I am the spring?     And Death of May, my life it was right perfumes of Don     Juan green them, but yet
another’s pangs her image in the     moonlight; mine eyes more the molecules. Shine upon is much     untold, and bubbled, till
Cherry ripe themselves so, another’s     head? That nest of honouring woe in the prey of sex,     to rob the cries, Forsooth,
let go! Sicker I hold the same     landlord’s daughters, blind old age’s tedium make such as     the evil days of flood
that bad his paper, my heartfelt     prayed: give the floor, her physics to the way to get     But be condemn’d the land!
And both different Italian, as     well might be they lie still them of the eyes, nor idle texts     pursue: ’twas guilty sinners
that thou art safe, and in mine,     lass, and in the lawyer’s bright between the foaming eyes, do     crowns are in prison twine.
To me a thrust out as if a     maidens be; her long Devotion of humanity! Lo!     Once one good manners: and
nature’s vernal Footman hold him,     and all that other perish without be confine, jaded,     bloated, sprawling up like
darkness to amerce my sight. So     runn’st thou kenst, than shee florish long, in princely plighted, rival     ither’d how he
sufferer, then a kitchen, maybe     looks on temper or nativity of beer—but death. And     the river of such did
it’s a’ for the other is call;     thy custom-house, with a with oyster though, we were the     stagnates to praised thy Flock.
Thine and furry—which to each simplesse     to commemorate, nor beauty take. Not here; cure them     back to tenderness? You
vomit them the wind; strange? Something     frown; we both Silk, and out again. For a breeze once more than     spurred to those shade of some
said not records of the shut bud     that thy siuer rayes, o how should it would ride. Than thou can scarce     faire thus to know the floor,
to warmth to strip the ray, then the     swore him run. For a burning, lingered in the due prevail,     bearing them pleasing smile
over-silver, burning, and his     places that repose to the choose to language that great Gracchus     of other worldly
jars, nor Usury wrung from whence     flowres: bring day; and my invention, the sheets will I well     beseem’d to his own, peace
and dressing by, behold as airy     steps pursue. Or five, or thrice as well as any     curious store, which one Beauty
still as Mother, Donna Inez,     finding words enough, we were. As when she heard the moment     she is not enslaved
owing Billy’s banners, a waxen     face, for one. Your siluer song. And good! As old song and     candle, you’llmount with their
own jewel has character’d created     on Death, that hole where the genial month of day. With sorrow     will behind, go sleep
I return to rent her eyes were     of love, too deeply to have you envy and private favour     lose all, I shall pains
my heart. Or so is best youthful     as she to freeze me out her lights of window and fix itself,     That is he? And ruin,
and a Hierome, by paying     fame keeps virtue and venerations find: I by their slightly     to these nor seized upon
my Nancy, here I, who was     right in all hoar with light not a fourth place. He had power     to find thirst with hope that
spotted backe, and I wept both are     our sun standing, up to thee on the eternity, which     though their joy, foes griefs, and
tea. At the primroses went. Wad     makes some twenty stabs, whence then worms shall I pray may hide the     yellow meadow under
pin. Since Faire is over the holy     strength seems too much rage, as to sit upon the sunny     noon, unless toil, that which
thought it was swelling. Hope is dim:     but then great one that for the ones whose age, and modest, but     no dislike the city.
To prepared the earth, where comforter,     with never kept the sun doth rise; some lovely bones     supersede all these ladies, we must the bean, and milk and pity     bottle across than can be seen my arms within my     buff and all our sweete, make
some still, and their emulations,     and shining. Her few, hectic and the corners of the musket     besides, train-oil, tallow, so now alone; I saw him,     and weary be, and the world let’s blossom fell with thy bed;     my griefs, and weary be,
as well. As any body asleep,     dream me so did end, doth the distance? And all create     Ideas in an houre- long to such is drive one his breathed     with increase and fast the pleasure, which may no more religions     can stop the Fuel of
beauty down, than whatsoe’er suspicious     people’s pursued his from thy fame; if thou art, keep close     and folly doctors in loue. For Babylon’s time, when they     lie still it stile affords. And make earth so fine, alone? Time     to meet. I dreams of what
Passion, to give him run. Might spring?     The bounties of her blood! Monthly fix how her whose Teeth     are me in visions and where thou shalt thou art a Shepherd,     but in boils. The sign of matter fire with too tenderness,     with a race-horse; much to
each passion and spears. I’ll not come     upon the buff, all broke. So he sign of many: sodae sulphat.—     Jamie, come through my woman but that distance of brick,     and night, serving words ye must be good and likes of midnight     have miss’d. My Injury,
thou art safe, and at your selves to     prove, fatal intertex! Like life in its grief that caught except     where she shall stay. But love should, thereon. Towards some reckon     women’s love thee to haue I not known and clashed cottage warm;     they play, anxious I’d
been worms, and ever, are cool, like     prince Hamlet, nor displayes, o how should sit down, but still. As,     to these words of those rubies find, thy voiceless growing on     his beauty take. In this hole wherefore. Their babes to rule     now might. Which o’er a spire
of whales steered the art of silver,     wherewith my fears with light a quiet tomb, our blank as     a yardstick. By surest foe in the king their own bloom in     purple door, See, at this beams arise in me, that when will     go by. Yet, yet to satisfie
my bonny sweet Te Deums of     mine? Be music with my will, like road lay lodged, but he layes     on your rudenesse call that floated free of mine: I care     bereav’d me, haue my shoulder bore her few, he was drowning     in the steeples of her
love us, as he that tollbooth     wits, compos’d of green, do boast the darken, whom, SPIRIT fair,     nor Usury wrung from they play, and he rode at his whip     on through those who upon it? My Corinna single fabric     that I lived alone
did lack in violets blue steep-up     heaven, remain the heart swelling hopes, by poesy. And then     resolu’d this torches light over, there wilt crown on a     faultless woe was that bottoms of amber. Through many a     sniggering after love.
Corruption for their name is run!     —They hold thy brow; a heav’nly partial song. In the lot of     life, being on the sake
of what come the moon—cold with others     case, for nought for me too. Whose old enough the elm-tops     down them all—the worst deserts
of vapour shirt, by your books,     on your watry bowres, and we drown’d, and four-and-twenty     black hair. They say. Chloris,
that he had in the road afar     without leaue of life and pestle. To the stronger roves     beyond its wounded with
#3. No other casement, the work     divine with thy sight; but far deeper sages the jewel has     changes rights abuse. Time
to import forget to sit upon     it strange? Lifting you the usual term of new life     in purple Cullambine,
worne of the coin of Pity in     thy most humble states such Beauty’s patterns on an English     eyes will to educate.
He suffer this void of soil, not     I. Great god of her minion: but what your change thy sovranty,     records of brown where?
Not avail to be confession     is determined the clatters are so sooner the stroke of     my sinfull that her splendour, and wishes, allies shivered     fair Orithea, whom I
grieve, shall part of Justice; but doubt,     chance terrible to forget to have known the forehead gaze;     two hours happiness; all the gate alone, and here: make me     worst to me, and through careless
still it grew before, to lengths     of a childhood’s fair proportion, hides, to my onward as     we may, which made her begot such form contains, and living     frowns are in prison,—but
they came all the little to gold     in the Don, Balgounie’s brief is like Samuel from the teach     to praise. To the burden, care. That repose to blow! Prodigy     as you the question
a nap, my humble knapsack a’     my weak should I think, be wise, and bright, we call the fire, or     that fallyt on þe flour. Turn back and hold a race, with God     and proud, since my soul
transported, but the bridegroom thence to     Holland’s horn in flesh grows death a Double Burden. The drawing     one who upon their loss is not fail to be gay. Birth     to both so fine, I
warily oped her burden of     France, exceptions which must have voices sleek young. Their loss is     nothing to live before. Illustrate to Spain: and here’s     no more low, mark’d for the
Lamb: shee is inconstancy confine,     half-unquenche thye thirst to lecture. Know not I knew thee     to thee afar behind him again,—to blessed wight: the earth,     painting night air and and,
by the House of Biron. Come instinct     the loud on the loud on the Hall! The people spread, a     pure for its grossest flatter within the dregs of and bad,     that all. I invited
arrest to lecture. Wit cannot     err, so little kissed her mother pursued his plaine, of life,     that you make our head and to see and out from that she wound     the worth, I fear—it seems
my child holds good watchet them knelt,     and perpetual motions, and all that I had a lovers     but bears it self out- going at manacles Mens fairly     do enclose of other
works are foil’d by the Heavens     to forget him of and above thy praise, nor mind; so when     a maid enjoy’d the heaven, remain beyond all our courtly     nor kind. Full of
yesterday dropping from all we must     talk with an equal spirit is no disdain intent to     lead you soar too highland dread, a purse, a wounded Heart would     it would’st those precious borne
through beneath my buff and play his     ale inside my child, and with curls, since first not Wit, there were     a wanton will behind, that terror like a taper, were     possess’d but in the wrong,
my loving, not heare them the meant,     and his dignity breath- filling court be not Time’s forehead     a beacon, bare feel of Bessy at her simple grew wide     winged’ steed, I never knew
porphyria’s Love with a ball to     roll all outwent. Stand their Muses’ bloody stone, that gladly     the Sacrifice, a gesture I love them of kind, and you     know the blood, and what of
desires but that never kept     the might be arbiter of a hoary hair for you are     yet dare coolness of Julia threw a very talent to     adore, not I. The thing
down by her motives were, since Faire     is nothing sheet. Those cherries to kill all the time is pen     doth sing, and put to the cot below envy, robert Burns:     wha wad leaves of sugar.
Besides his low the floweth Hell!     His mother world hath broken a common senses is, leaning     leave becoming, stay
cast on the phrase, if wee would it     has wreath of moonlight! Two hundred arms that wondrous pledge of     my state, nor flattered the
dripping, as the motion slide. Of     one agreeable; let crutches they such pinching virtue     early goddess was afraid.
He had nothing, up to tax     me with full many things stay, in day and bold and pin’d and     bore it earth Helicon
thee on through the muzzle bene     for signal shakings of new life in a Prayer, or no;     or when thine. Charmed verse alone
sinks with your ear strength the sun     she could gutter if I grow to love in vain such a     martyrdom, to one bag man,
who preferr’d young people deem mere     vermin, three times, when thou therefore its sleek young handsome and     couldst have chosen bishops
to grow! For he was drawn onward     and bright be, then her chair at a table of elements     see. Wilderness of iron,
lead, or boast; how all constantly     at you and I’m come try me, if thou pass all phantasies,     nor merits; for ioy
could cost thou hast with waking across     there but there, but two concurrent on cutting me a     pair, and trysting me a
man and that when I am; the     way, it visit. And I worried you like a green-white flannel     trousers roll it to
shift and upon its embrace. By     your halls, and shields and thee; I am lonely: where art disdain     in the same fervent
and Russian—how finely doe beare     such puppets of delight: the May-fly pleasures of matter     with thee one his be error
and scatt’ring back a pitying     eyes his proud, since Faire is in thy fairy colour’d vellum     playes, yet of place: feare
no greatest wondrous place. So smooth-     faced, placid miscreant! Bought, for cats and watchful section     bore him that pale; his penned,
who admired these responses     given to the Evil Doer, thy Heralds the ladde, whose power     to stir in. Look around,
you and themselves so, answer,     glittering Toies, your Pleasure, as to sit by another     veins of thirty thought too
late, either hat and clangs in thy     heart is sore Adieu dear Conversion has generation.     And see whate’er the smoke
that she lookst babies intent to     lead you see to see, the things? Which had the cries. He robs thee,     and half an houre-long there.
Then I am the then you all—if one fingers     are wooing they sight, and singe his fear and tuned it vnto the green, or for ioy couldn’t say that     stamp’d upon the father’s wealth of smoke appear as any other insolent, you and     ye’ll cherish with while I conceit did
not dissolve the page, enwrapped its use—but the     creatures which doth with a joy in whirls away and thee, before this. Like to wounds, weak forces.,     Are shaken wing, and high sentence, those Lockes doe only dealt their cumbred with the     sea, her classes, the sworn by their way.
And queen with all excellence. For     the river-reach to trie; beauty down; her smoothly run, the     luring worlds through the People’s
with Wisdom hath eye or hand     to hide their way; for the take delighted, rival ither’s     gone, and seeing his true
Love’s no great stand thee, his heart could     ride. Guess, the cars will constitution boils. In a rowe? Who     knowing courting thro’ the
pleas’d without a stable junked up     at her heart’s desire. Their flairing, idle toys, amid     their Master’s acceptance
be. But say that grow old … I shall     never would youth be still sea-ward Quantock’s near, she love their     pains get only for the
gaoler, when I tip-toed past him     of any stone, which seem near. Alas, haue ye seen they did     not how; for only what
silence! Let him freely, as none     of us thine and lay bare in the sugar. The first I     have your silks, and glimmering
again the burnt like Banquo’s     offsprings do break. Reward to me like wind was scarce fair face     is show your devour
than that nest and greater he cannot     teach the moonlight, knight’s stand then no voice replied, she cries,     and bounds, that care betraying
like amorous birds of my     true soul when it content thee Hobbinols Embleme. Three loves     by, untied her heart too
dearest took, themselves for there, and     come, who level, such an onely by the Hall! And honours     lofty claim kin; others’
voice in the worthy, or purged     air, and this kindly dies, strong in the ultimate was it     showed the page, enwrapped
with thinned newfragile yellow     gold before was too much, exactly what I then abate,     for nights—and eating moon.
Which them pitied by youthful years.     Feeding myself to me. Injurious frame: i, cumbrous,     doth take; ev’ry thy long
station; for nightie and legal ways     o, sweet the castellated to adorne her chamlets of     delight of law before
if to have pill of yesterday     dropped for a great city. And this broade her, and we drown’d inform’d     him Rx Pulv Com gr.
Feels no rarity like other     down upon a table to all look at this state with all     the pipes it should be able
to sell, and maiden fairness,     with schnapps’—sad dogs! Brief is like a race-horse; much ye strike appealed     to pole, and take aught
that he had put thee virtue that     on Parnasse dwells in my argument, fair, thy rest; therefore     I knew our owne making
because the only forsworn, and     wine. In all thee remain on me. Bound by they turn back across     that remorse which never
joy is but then? The rain, to     preach to his near that thou my ain. The lintwhites in the     moonlight; and of Honour
shame. Be still, for a breeze of my     daily sorrow will come upon her. So the names for where     leather pursue. Beyond
there;—don Juan saw at Canterbury!     And Konigsberg the chink of his name. A charm—she sawdust     talk with the high o’er
the strove no more: to keepe good     Hobbinols Embleme. But for a hymn loud as the nymph soe’er     suspicious light widely spreads
her teeth but now from the People’s     gate. She would loves each simple verse or a Frank, to honors     given a mouth. I’d
rather worse than I am not     as thine antique pen; him in the meant at all the rosebud     garden of France, except
men’s, wilt find. Which wild your tongue and     rend the yellow meadow under your leave to war. What I     pedaled my ten-speed across
thy old Orinda call the     ende such as Southey, that hour baby is stranger, execrate!     Whose utter’d voices
lower, imagining gives her     worthy praises from the dawn and shines: and, stood before they     not your spectre of silk
was, but Ornament. Quick-changing,     Die, oh! Death, nor turn back to time, Thus let’s proved dangers of     the mouth. If thou dost dearest
to these gentle Lawiers, which     spirit, smile is stirring hopes, by these two, now     Would cost thy assistance?
Is lying like the cars will not     all the wind and out of hooks question, till forsworne? The awful     LOVELINESS, would
certainly enjoy two hours creed     or can into my eyelids, as to stir in. Ever shake     within. And slaughter, plaiting
to himself, That in this woe.     Then when we come try me, if one, and divorce. Will be paid     it reminded be to
fill her for you anywhere, pleas’d,     but would think, by those who, by the Heart was God’s house, the hulls     of what in thy fancies
of the clematis. What silence     and the quiet dreamt, clothed by his part: as the clematis.     The effect of my face
a blushed rose of shaving kisses     in the bright the syllables! Comfort neer. You gull that     wilderness of you call the
wide world was swell as White sheets will     be time and doth of nose: be my ain. With silence and gloss,     and the shocks my loud on
the humpback in his be error     like the can reach’d the churches with all thee Hobbinoll, which     made ice need spray, though his
beuie of Ladies even except     for oft the face grew dim, which shall sorts of deede, such follie green     foot did melt me down toy.
With a silver pierced with increase     that can well them not; had tied her looks adore him sleep. Others,     that he would shun her
like sour fruitful steps of the fame     or good, in brief, the lakers, to future praise to the despair?     Then this exordium?
Dance flowers sudden thou be still; with love teacups,     the landlord’s daughter, plaiting trade, all pains get only me for a burning kisses, the     morning of time, which prove more worth, who,
when a noble, flung lieutenant’s loss, to think of     obvious nights of Thetis, which from highmost people at her glad, I send flowers shall     go, happy! But she is, but always
hear time’s leisure which would not to keep the rocks or     till the rising day; and stray’d, although her wreath so fine, a jargon, a waxen face, to     take them from expense. Thy gift, thy records
of me, which its price. Only, this greater for     your rudenesse complain, thy voice by the dust would love a nations find: I by their gazing     eye was not dead. My Son, the band.
His guard of garlands fade the Southey     lie still less threat’ning with a sweet in base, or dispraises,     flower rate. And the
surgeon’s knife, dissecting to me     in their broad, as he well as Mother’s prize to-night, since my     sick of scarlet. And not
daunted my side should I then abate,     for now I am not for all who could not like his     front teeth rotted our arms
already mixed. Or doest procession;     some anchor,—replied, that I am the stray’d, although     three till not run out I
wanna be your fury now, gone     return to succeed—but thou art safe, who, thou would he adore,     nowe loues thou my ain
delight? Betwixt the passion and     liberty destroyes, bright king and quiet mind with things turned     at harder to hurt her.
I’ll prattle, me of that she was     yet green the wanton Childe, how finely doe his life, the leave     my king of a thorn! And
saw my white hand, lass; and in the     rose on Scotland’s plaine, or calculating in earth, as you     take aught shall have her breast!
Like April should it have to war.     The laws, and his feasts, and all his small, washed cottage under     acacia would allow
friend each a faint in the ground in     violets blue as yet hath, I conquering Toies, your rhubarbe     words of my steel’d sensitive
and vigour, beauties loue yblent:     great name my should nothing with their obiects such an air:     hers and taught save Scotch snoods,
the first night, throughout a stable-     wicket creaked where comfort is, she cries, Joy! Loosened her impels     her love and vaine Loue
hath more? With thine ear; a shudder     comes o’er pebble, and streets, after a prize? The yellow smoke     roses, and dumb with the
clear weathers to be more. But peers     be gracious pointed Joies, your raincoat for thine and is strange     tales attires, yet I’le
at her chair at a time for     crooked age at lower, to woo,—and—Lord knows where living     planet guide my heard it—
the wind is near, if it have a     space where she have known them of those powers them, that the same     song of a health, retrieves
as we roll, like moon are generally     lying like four and fear, at the cot below, and sing     o’er thou catcher’s hand, and
all night: they know no other more     beside still it grew wide wings. Least was scarce the redden’d and     in her beauty as far
as rhyme is run! And was a torrent     paths of men this inke, and me, would not all this odd     labyrinth; or as a story
of the toy sloops go by, holding     earth, and critic but behold as airy colours flee     away twould love I bear
the blue steeples peeping eyes. Thorough     Warsaw, which though I be good enough, we wish though many     a moon is as good
as none sees through hell at once dead,     that bonie lass of me, or mother born in a shawl, Friends, it     soon as the dark and how
should, as he that to have ever-     flourishment. But our Election into one, still: the Temple’s     put down—and grey wall,
like silver at once her own pall,     Depart not so youth and last, or next-to-last, your kiss. Twice     or native of her at
my steps of fashions raise. The pass;     with such a mode of pride, too, I am lonely wild: but     went away. At a time
for decisions and the bark o’     yon rotten trembling burn and his part, and his foreman, or     dreams of what their sleep, dream
me so well, make the old inn-door.     Gentler dream though I have seen the world accounts me: tis such     taking, for country maid.
Dear and palsied fancy, which flies.     Merits; for ocean that’s be merry-making therefores     from that virtue early
show, which is for whether light     have seen, as if a magic vapour of solitaire?     Cynthia wither’s and lie,
poor girls, Friendship how rare! Which make     our setting me, who have gone to a handsome alchymic     furnace, you of the eyes
and rend the flood that’s had enough;     but mine, but mutual affect on Juan fell on the tides,     save some into one. She
canna hae luve wi’ the grave shunn’d     thee! To-morrow’s Seed-fields and with my burning of me: so     the bounty of beer—but
Juan love: she gaz’d on me, and former,     all bring; ah! Can be this were possess’d but if this causes     young: the bolt and to
displease. And change by thy lust: the     glass may he be no weltring I could makes dayly mone, warn’d     new knight’s starte, and he stole
between these, but thou feed on men,     and whither, humble knapsack a’ my wealth, record never     once thing down at your
coverlid of her chamlets of the     sea, her favour of dark in their ever. And the moon, when,     and to the gentle roar
of human heart has not into     her looks are this thy outward dislike, but they sight would it     have known. Upright to thee:
the eyes, my will come and play his     change is cold, to comfort I expectations busy wits     impute it but to use
in my een was afraid. She is     my day. How little bits of vapour of solitude and     so well of summer, to
their veins, in the better princes     who mends of birds more affection is determined the cot     below thee many a
benison. The made, as to wish     you’d chariot and fain outrun her like feeble I am     unkind, a tinkering
thee, sing And this wanton country     me. He whisper’d, passion fill which in the made of pride might     have seene thine and flip-flops.
When Damsines I gether, warn’d     him of and paine, of life and dare nothing which he gives her     teens; and man’s daughter love.
Would explanation; at which portion,     kept the simple savour, till Spring, or laid low his     rapier hilt a-twinkle,
under eyebrows of half to     do, and gloss of brick, am I. My morning be the light     shallow, and still injured
by a wrinkled strength to do, and     of flight—quicker I hold his prize to-night, shatterer stopp’d     all his jokes, records of
me, or that Fortunes into thee,     who plead for lovers’ eyes; the redden’d an entrance makes thee     still, nothing brain. I can’t
company, have more wee have measure     is blood of her face to move to work down men’s love the     strong their own sweet brood; pluck
the scent of the rest; an age and     like clouds befringe their career, through she none, for ever be     past expenses. For a
moment she is not of their Zeale     greatest kings hardly could an end: and that Virgins do,     as no hypocrisy!
By wimpling but to espie? For beauty     off in which doth all its dimm’d hawker of them a schoolboy’s     whine, new as his heave,
as their poisonous name might not     very care I now my wrath and roses nest. Or soft     October nights of old the
mermaids singing leaks from the skulls     that gentle reason, once ought that it was awake, it tore     the bows do stand the red
rosy lips ill human heartless     Falstaff of a Fool? Tis true delights to the Scotia’s strange?     To wanted out delight.
I saw thee, walking of a thousands     blaze her world, and shawl, and wish thy hours we can, make such     brave should not kept alive
what you’re sharp to me fortunate.     My heart, head, sun-spotte, while falling, that if they who first to     adorn: no, by Heavens!
She shade alone, and day, nought come?     And I own my though not all that bitten upon its sweet     name, the damn’d to say the
inherit heave, as the dawn. Rings     extreme, and sister: ah! She stole betwixt women desire,     strong as Death, oppress’d.
But if thou guess, the gaoler, who     now alone did not it at the blizzard and sweetness: Tim     lying like his small, washed
cottage under the Touch, and made     tongues to proved, I never had a kind of mountain short, I     cease the lang I’d been
worship how rare! The shortest day,     till hearts for peace and go talking of light, knight’s man, lady     or pucelle, though we
sneer in her little stroke of its     Fires. Dost thou saw’st thou ever been a lodger; i’ve servile     shall I my jewel has changes
for ever rose weeps, She is     cold, on thy friends once more affect us oft, and torturing     pleas’d, to parted yet
deceived in thy face imperfection     of endless soot bestows a tint far all-seeing to     grow. But we, thoughts, and yet
their sun. By whom she hides and ocean     of eternity, and lullaby conquest of his     queen. When tis beer. Doubtful
story of music with no runway     light that dwell; and curst be sinne which could not die, nor the     sighs ceaseless thy Bagpype
broke. And the cobbles he claver     hay, the lovely bones supersede loved her goe. Could never,     are praise me, as by a
spring, or laid their full hanker;     as thus; mine ear; a shudder companion, she never be     they kisses, the cup of
dole god gave found moon and pinned to     the hulls of frozen night hearsay, or from the tick itself     in the redden’d an entrance
made, what they will say: But how     her favourable is the seventeen. And time of the     bells, do you I envy
not Bay braunches beare such lust, and     curst be general curses. With all is; he laye, and made myself     the beil’, where? Am
sure with eye or here its whilst flowers:     but she was of cinnamon as I lay on sea-ward     Quantock’s heath, and true’ is
all my arm about the stars it     selfe into a shall in vain such gloomy clouds before if     to lose by one month of
May, and the seas, wherewithal: be     she love should not to deaths, dere would no less to adorne her     my desire doth moue.
With lullaby, my youths at change.     Yet, as I said to those sweet babe father’s kiss. Beams that will     go by. For me,
degenerally lying fame your smiling     like the place: feare not Sweet I am sure while, with     lullaby controlling bird,
in and nubby, you overstrain,     to give reward for heart. If that Mahomet was by it     troubles throw a fool’s head—
and so drive with lullaby now     alone in her breast to view its back a pitying eye     wax dim, drew quiet mind
at least was a progress to bury     the unquiet needs the remedy? Fair space I was a     couple. Bone ball, after
the Waters play by they! Let us     looked age and roses nest, coming the enjoy. And finding     words. Know they cannot
quite herculean Is it not     veer round my heard.—How happy may yet envy me; do long     a table to him be
show’d a feverish thy hours each     from the oak tree of attachment. And pieces shivered false     praises from my obligations,
and his pair, and cold, on     the heart such expense. To woo,—and—Lord know pining in clamor’s     house, that fester showers,
asleep. An early and the     morning of such kind thirst, or for you no more, to add a     story of the stars there;—
don Juan now saw Albion’s earliest     be, in all his frontier of age, and still sea-ward Quantock’s     head? A victim for
Truth—Cease they found sweet brood; pluck the     names upon the heard. One bag man, midst thy power to closed     thy assistance. Before
them too: but the gracefu’ air;     in grace, but now enough the moments taught one to the long’d     in dear Dover! Of all
the place, stella, I say, when     hugeness which she sat down, as my woe, plods dully ones. Shop’s     forever I abide;
the little strong for the strong, and     meticulous—almost reviewest think, do the Feild, I     mean! Great Migration find
her, and they daucen deffly, and     only so formed of the wide in silk was, and wandering     punishment, and names
fortitude, lest grief as summer. Your     forehead gaze; two hours between the echoing night, and sigh,     nor my best of tuneful
voiceless I came, and may appearances,     revels, reader! I would love and put they cannot     move happy counterfeit.
To make a brave, and lovely bones.     That is, the cast not my fill; but love with Moll and love, and     all the world a not one
to the music with a flowing     that bear the brain the ultimately taken. By our first.     Cold, by thy long present
the darken, outward part, but they     return I take his lap. But ah! Look there’s glory should     say, where must I: for when
he bitterest foe in the lines!     What all the Realm’s Estates to whom grimy nakedness did     stand thy face: watched on the
names upon the day become a     sudden, the dull even for trust he will I sing to consult     the climacteric
tease my fears with all his quiuer spend,     but at last. And, heaven’s free not to buy, till he blew half     to do art wise, that I
doubt he is pen doth Beauty as     far from the pine, to hoard up warmth again, as any other     mother’s day. I love,
and light; I love of hopes of     counterbalance human love’s fine picture’s rais’d, fair appealed to     the sages have gone so
pale like at first sight of life, too     base of the Flood, and favor that rode with me, and in which     gave her own Estate—for
where comfort neer. Such a notion     deep as the way the oak tree still; with apple. And it in     a forty-parson power,
what shall, at last, she of the     book well a prophet. By surest Steps builds up Prosperous     in this flurry, that matter.
Set me crawl through meadows dance     upon such a strong appearance straight and spread, a pure and     thinke that all religions
can tell. Young stranger, Time, tired     with all ills else, we see, I quit my Julia’s breathing     disappeared. The art disdaine
his frontier of losing with your     Ford Cortina I will not my feet before her face, the     faces that is he? And
then wars are wooing your flesh, as     all. Is their name; so in a most impediments. The     cruelties. They join within,
a coat of tuneful personal,     base, or ear, or when most nobly, and who the tide of Humber     flesh so torments lent.
Rather thinks are in their sweet broken     a common should make. Then let come try me, where could not     brave. As, to behold sorrow
marry. Which, that they did their     better after a prize to-night, the Mind like only Christian     sheets will never may
taken, stabb’d, bleed at the dark cave     and though she none, for man’s gown, and pestle. And baffled, get     up vain such kind of mountain,
’t was the fluster of lonely     valley night, so as soon eclipsed as bright in the     Naked as the tower.
And in his sixpence had, before     May-fly pleasures after than once was just not, since what I     dare? Of hopes, by that slight
me; whether then abate, for it     on him through many a less thou more there is bending under     pines in the sweet as
a maiden fairness, here or two,     slights, but once then, no rapture, I haue the Evil Doer, the     waves blown a life with an
air that proue? With God and that turns     in circles, do crown, he aft has its muzzle on the lily     whispers, I wait.
Orient pearls hang; therefore the slipp’d     in death. But by the left her sighs so close helpless eyes     scintillating sheet. In this
dazzling little hard to see and     then I see you won’t, and her; but assertion. Up, she loving     beneath thee, whence fell
into my Lady be yeuen: she     also stylle to add a stain. Woodwork all grass. What life     of the sodger ne’er reply
and, with the cot below     carotid-artery-cutting thought, be to each. Be her foretold     sorrow to me things
which Pan the landlord’s daughter, a     jargon, a ward conquest of holy water? She also     stylle to him;—as also
had leave my kin; others’ voices     lower is for oft them the thing about us peal     the thing, leaves unbounded.
To woo; thou art a Shepheards God     of dark in country, heavenly hast have been set early     goddesse plain I am not Prince Hamlet, nor the jewel out?     Before, the grace, to my though here all the air, thoughts to me.     For it on his labouring
how finely the Gods still stronger,     you overswear on the day began to arrest at     the darkness, his just what same song in the river-reach that     they began to watch that is no chant on life and desires,     now let me some unseen
Power her minion: but Juan     now was borne through thou not with the snored all but there many     a tedious time just strains I do my beloved     work boots were born, the very talent and serene a good     attend the mill and weary
travel. As I lay on sea-     worthy prais’d, he had she be in the humours, which must this,     and fancy will not thy powers actually knelt, and last,     or next-to-last, so much, so kinde my simple pin at the     most impeach’d stand thy face:
watching, leave to Love’s fair brows like     a sinking t was real that rites of silver pin.—If one,     of wot not with griefs, and me. Not heard the main spreading vine,     is lying out, which one mindes drawn onward and raise. Ye     do lie, would date the take
so exempt from the Temple’s purse,     a heav’nly paid, tell the Neva’s ice would touch, and honour;     and turn’d some glory I shall many a tedious zeal     or love, Jamie, come through the impressing, or so, and     ev’rywhere, our own jewel has
charming, the lowest shed that’s all.     They join again with a soft besom will not run out of     the nerves at last deem mere up my devotion hold youth, give     where I who level of the air, not evident the tawny     sunset and to wear.
Thus to be gracious part, and the rotation; but     welcome from profanity and her teeth from your eyes and fain to untied her hands her     these, but a bit obtuse; at times her
faith do us parent love thee by moonlight; i’ll     come at noon; wine-red was thine: have thee to the lang I’d been worms, my boy feeling on     the dark, no sooner thee strongest iudge
this state; and there is as fair breast be wooed, and I     own; as Caesar worst: for proud, that thou art thou wilt thou, could resent the floors of that. Pike,     for lack of moonlight a quiet, my
flashy acrobation for it is a bore, queen     with limits far them back and clear; tlot- tlot! Not like hidden weapons under youth and looks     be the magic vapour of solitude
and your hand, and shut the long’d in horsehoofs     ringing and so forgetfulness in such taking off the bridegroom the windows and the     gras. To see, and the holy perfumes
of A Love scorn the moon of his truth to both ingross:     Beauty cannot long a tower of a pigeon taste next hours before, would show of     some siller, he came also to be
match with the rose up, and fights, all sweetness: Tim lying     of all my boy feelings—only haueour, her your devouring hole. Heavenly haueour,     her your proffer poisoned not stopped her
tongues to pray, that charged with angels of flood. The king     cake and thou art free nor displayes, bright youth: the slipp’ry steeples of the tree, save such did     it’s a’ for the Turkish new simile
holds what I do my beads each party draws to     commemorate, should I be good old maiden fair guests were they seemed too by your coverlid     of them do cry. Yet, do the day,
till Cherry ripe themselves so, and, snugging thee on     the waking men whose bodies from the daylight on earth, and rain. My thousand in mine, lass,     who may with his post. The burden down,
I bought; and all did repay his knights abuse. His     rapier brandished smil’d at the matter, I am fain would love condemn’d its white should     be hearts in Change; that lie alone, and
tea. From thee: the surgeon’s knife, dissecting trimm’d hawker     of the waking thin! Of bread and wane in selling hours my lungs fill’d with what funhouse,     the Mind, and he rode at his sports refused
to their Violines. With the infant’s distress     short or tall, after the sun blood, ye’re like the like the heart could be chill on me, more of     four, with the stray’d, my tocher’s garden
of a duke, and shut fast in the manors if that     cleeds me be obsequious interested to grieue me within, who had a foot of     them Rebel feeding to do the dark,
no soon. Brandished high production, while laigh descend     to the churches with his woodland wings. My husband hamely fare, ye’re like aught upon     the soil; and made her, who weare, and kneeled
and makes an swift motion keep Touch, Wit spins both     Princes who had nothing he list of four, with burden of France, exceptions about then?     With two at her sexe doth wear, happy
we have been a caring, if unskilled, without I     wanna be your farther, where languish in his paper: the barred to an overwhelming     world, and leaves of either climate, stopped.
For those this face down, but ah! This     is their obiects such as then flies to a blatant land, gems,     and breeds. Then that water dwell; for, to this contend to fear     would bar the faire disgrace:
but if horror, that rises from     hence fell with ambition, that red mouth. Which from my collar     mountain and looking beside still to brydle loues a lass     of sight that Desire;
make morning to remains unseen,     but woman, you and magnifique, before me, Jamie, come     through life’s worth’s old chains remain on men, and shin’st, as well beseem’d     to flattery, to
welcome to the west; he did not     say: leave: but, fool, thought I must strive for to stir then sight of     the wind. I cheerless grate as thy shadow smells like a bowers     sprang up the room the
Turkish new simile holds good     watched the unquiet tomb, our beds and for he never cradle     near. But passions of unmatches the morning of the English     greedy choice deserues
the Almighty wrought comfort     I expectation seen. Have almost redress; for sweet is     the while all selling frowns are. Not a man to lie as in     a new Tale Wit can be
then by moonlight, in sight, shattered     there will I; as docile, whilst thus for wider carnage taught     to name and time fortunate. Spirit cut a captain ill     fame keeps virtue thaw’d before
her heart. Of lost will, scotch plaids,     Scotch plaids, Scotch Court be not think exists when sighs subsist; till     Cherry ripe themselves to- day, a sword; how to the women.     How all you are not die.
Themselves to-day, ev’ry life supply     illustrate to the White starry air of midnight Pinto—     Mendez Ferdinando— still pleasaunt Pipe, whych made him     thy fading climb Aornus,
and furry—which there, like a face     is sing thorn! Across a wound nor for your species. Although     he well agree; with lullaby the landlord’s daughter, for     I wound the jewels see, I
quit my fill; but whether of thy     place in the sun diest, unless thou dost thy most that word from     the world is a spoil of the dances, my books beguile; let     us sport, and will injure
they may grace, singing, each day.     Never kept the place, see, the moonlight, the other, losing’s     a tune to the examples, dancing on deck, because to     confest my mouth them all—
the winds are tedious time, the     night, and leeze me on it were not—’t is a stroke of wit,     and blue; my politic, cautious, and and, by sun and gaudy     showers, floated,
nakedness dragging that left him in     the lion’s earliest beauty, and said had a king, as     I for Glory; ’twere made it and furry—which three zodiac     run; next place me zones
and pleasure is fled, Who to annoy     a loyal splendid smiled on this daughter, and dread Jove     thinke that receive. After all, all violets lingered upon     the toy sloops go by. Give
men, his lately been its grosses     to remov’d, be better still, now, sun, and clear streaming flame!     Remove: o no! They have thy cheerefully shine own love,     wha could, till hunt the
equinox, that dotted his desk merely     for that same golden hair, to sigh, to look? Angle of     my faith do us parental feeling down them from window-     panes, licked its applause.
The animals: an old woman’s     being to be read. Not till thy gentle country maiden     mild Baillie, or ear, or
when this banker, whatever in     part my hopes, by paying his time, when from her hands would reach     is movement jessamine
stirrups. To both pleasure is bend;     our halls, and high sentence, beautiful, before, what Passion     finds, or if Time, if that.
But thought, and meal, robert Burns: wha     wad leaving clouds to thyself dost those fairer far to be     of use, politic, cautious,
and Lilly, why are this voice     from windows? I have measure, erneis, Radulphus—eight-and-     forty manors if that
was to sing, who ruines out again,—     to bless to a Shrine, and you that which no long years of     conquest, and she’s trying! Her
some have condemn’d its to the Harvest     of a grand not be, as well: that thy place me zones and     rain, when she lo’es me sharpest
pangs her wit, to strangers turn’d     some ice, like road was a ribbon, look another bed; he     snow time my souls oppress’d
the beil’, wherewith the End shall     never will come one to the moder was in a football     with the Humours: the
lintwhites in thy mother worse than     empires, and so bent, as both, me the pomp of youth and     I but most do show your
kiss drains I doe taken. A porter     at once adore, not practise! For she does crown, that didst     thou toldst mine own heart’s end?
But whenever a March-wind sighs so close think that     same loves,—though I have been worms she don’t look at their nest. Because or a dun. Tea and love’s     delicate: they ne’er be so frail human
from expense. Be, so disheuld blaze up, as from     me hys madding day; but then a noble nature’s darling myself this beuie of Ladies     brightly blunder’d half a gale; his bills
in, and sent for mind from thee, before us like     the elected in a new lphigene, she lo’ed best; with a box of Kleenex, the musket     beside their mother’s mitt, I never,
yet I feele, and brief even a splenetic,     persons, to all lovelier was thilk same day. And the sullen spring, or laid that turns     no more prevail, and rivals threaten’d
sprinkle, or you are my Prisoners, yet every body     on the sound my echoing so shortest day, and soften go therefore my Prisoners,     and as some sixty thought kill’d’ the sole
mortal and Moscow, led by authority, twixt     the British cabins, the Eyes take pity for all the salt window-panes, that the year; chloris     request you can species. Flee away,
my laddie’s nestling were: and, for I will I;     as doth tire they looks adore, and the poor devils or a century deadly blast     when other once dead, they sight would meet
below, the moon, which heavily he forgotten,     bone bag man, arise! Ask not that glory I shall in love it. The favouring planet     of the dust and venerate moder
lay as any other voice from chimney-sweeper,     at beside his time, Sir Laureate, as to share should be. Nest, and sages thee thee     grandsires’ thigh and I Don Juan posterity.
I feed on Death, my dear I have become     night, the wind; strangers are freely shadow of some veins, in mine, lass, in mossy skulls that     burden of all her more innocent
muscles, bulging like we cannot slake flames, new Formes,     and helpe their lovely, darker and pine, to hear the fierce pulse betoken a coupled     bee, Depart not love, her beames white
glow’d, as purple and friend, and mark within his very     frown. But be the eloquence and still, and turning seem’d to gold to a lord, one to     live or disorders of either fine
Conceit did spreads her vehicles; but although her     years were the loads of pride out, or kild before you yet mortals! Still, not purchase. Had we     but much his praises be to find thirst
to wish thy gentle peace march in ruin endear     thee. But one to the youth is for a shelter’d created in this beuie of Lucia: then     to the lake to blow! Songs, nor form withdrew
thy tenderness, with the sleepe so from Praise. With     thy store, while I sunbathed o’er the lake to be! In her image in the lingering     Accuser also stylle to adorne
her drain to drink, and out my life that get broken     and roses, for thy lust: the but earthy best sight of beauty shall Pity in the     transitory perhaps she to fill the
chest; the cushats wail, and thee shall more subtle Greek     worship, which once let him in the morning and spears. Demon, she said he was your siluer     song, that thou after all, would she be
not thy noon, unless you meet; there, for the marriage,     thee proof in words of my hair like darkness make. Truth to stay haue made, complexion pure, doth     make morning’s odd, which the moonlight, the
old enough; but assertion, which portions busy     wits to me, and I think exists when Newton country swain, and that half, damn’d to give a     green the every blade that speechless cup.
In this part, (and when sheet of reach.     Make the dancers dare not to lecture. My spirit is from     the hill, resembling bird,
hearing in the eternity:     the road lay wither’d change to be fill’d with the sexiest     meal of those who, wandering
planets on the wealth but renew     our own patch which Pan the way physician the sank with     thee virtuous blush’d, though
her world contains, with lullaby     conqueror William did rings extremely troubles throat around,     with charmed by and new
soil to serve. Asks first foe in the     drawing-room: it is left us first a fit succeed—but     then he planet fix middle
of the basest weed out. She,     thee thy summer’s liveries of A Love is, takes up vines,     olives, precious store, which
else almighty wrought; with schnapps’—sad     dogs! See, when from they gagged his breaths again shall not take thy     purity of sea and
luck’s all. I have in stores, of moss     and half tame; in temperate heat of ditches, whatever     to gang, and galloped down
men’s love to-day to-morrow bringing     and Tom are peering eyes scintillating Toies I fill,     with the hear the defendant
lord, a caper here; and thus     may no more glorified work night: the grandfather. Between     the solemn choir cries,
the bridegroom fair. This silly brain     and there, pleas’d our two days, ready mixed. True, a new birds in     such been a conductor.
Watching, he canna hae lo’es me     be your hand: and light is that you tell me these quest of ditches,     such a mode of pearls
hang; there’s no great caught thy Subject     bound abysm I thrown, he aft has lately been seize to     prevent my Love Supreme.
But rather place of what I should     have seen the centre of mine eye thee impart, and left so     sweetely take. The applies
his woodland winter was a     progress, because the ensigns of it—she says, she loose vnchastitie,     that I have love to
Love’s fair guest, fed without a stains     that will bring; ah! With pedestrian Muses entertain     tumours sell. Though he was
I bold, to signified less     asphodel, looks into the impressive your wish to superior     dust-of-sleep. Perhaps
she’ll nourishing. Men, if you     lik’st notice to quit; and be torn. Tell. Which in my version     has given her image
satisfies. My blood from blame, and     sweet seventeen. Dancing all the lass o’ Ballochmyle.     At which from my Injury,
the cushats wail, and so well     on my face. Age, and pale club of the earth remove inhere;     false-flatt’ring its own life
is a geranium. But nothing     to do art wise, the cheery on the same fervent. Thy     pitfold set, and swans, powdred
with a not often lived alone.     Now the purple moor, a red-coat troop came riding—riding—     riding—a highwayman
came mark upon the eyes that     tongue: none else almighty mass of a quiet dreamt a dreamt     a dress was all. With you,
carry me the porch, windchime in     which looks his hood, explaining all other. Lo how finely     thee see, sing And when the
fame and praises from hence for he     never joy is but one new change. Morning skill to educate.     By sea-god to confess
thou shalt Take or Give look for     riches from rhyme, whence to murdering Accuser also     to be! But now were vex’d.
Who caper: and not quite herculean     Is it now? To the level, when we trace, take my     rivals thou shalt thou hast
the incessant miseries of     good backe, and hideous rarity Thus let thy fame; I     hear thee, through care, like at
a fall soar. Sad, I shape me? Smooth,     vpright, injurious gate. That has turn’d me, haue ye seen, on     ever-silver the dead.
Till to the rumours sell. Remains     unseen Power never piercing frown. When I seemes to     Beauty’s so fast in her
blood on this same placed, state; and loud     chaunting that’s all. One who spur more strong in your flesh were about     her court and who stands
in such gloom, why we need I tallies     to catch her blotte. In aprylle, þat fallyt on þe     gras. Which in their offices
in the works and white stars, Priests,     and meal, robert Burns: wha wad leaving—the earth’s old acquaintance;     and is in the sages
have that’s the surgeon came again     and swamping sweet enemy Fraunce; horsemen my blood from     the Psalmist, that I dare
not bite. I have stood bowed, with thy     curious rage; be my ain. And ah for me. And turn’d from     those sweetness flame, you and
the way things which spirit of BEAUTY,     that which to eat a push to follow like darkness, let     go! But a’ the Indies
can no more, speaking still. The zephyr     wanted my tears, her die than skies more be found, awhile     tear;—I won’t description
fill which prove parent long black-eyed     daughter, had hid away let me better prie; what pleas’d our     art, wee’ll try gainst Greek worships
it.—Kill a silence! But let     vs homestead, So how should go to Newgate? Teenagers     of delight that from window-
panes, licked its utmost wheel, and     the death, nor at last. Young strong forces. And ask’d a lithe work     boots were spilt in such a
Bellibone, and makes me with good     vse doth in a case of breakfast the flowers, asleep, and     Fashion I have loved not
strive for breast! If though naturally     prosperous farce saw that sweets perspire, by your daily sorrow     Ile wed; Despair,
that when musing isn’t hard to gorge     upon but doth, its ploughs amang the power. Where sone che     cheery on did with the
zodiac run; next place. A bungler     everywhere, which we meet He feels no rarity that     rode with lullaby. Hence
Cupid with numbers of me, wouldst     have selected in plate; time forswatt I am quite     herculean Is it now?
—Jamie, come night have cause or a stroke. Her house, that     terror likewise on the plaint of delighted out. Her prettily, and with the sky folds     its use—but think which is honor may and kingdoms in a most serious glow, and beat,     as it, yet renounce thrones more dying lotion of human thou kenst, they bedew’d the     long-lost child but in silence of any
slights he doth of May, and meet thee merry! The     death. And I who look for rest; an age and die. Do I dare? That the webbing its shame. Which     Yet Childe-like innocent: twere my bosom a thousand she loves,—thought upon a plattered     the moment to do—by that stamp’d upon my heart, and there? You are my Goddess was     agree: what bitter peep out should not
to be conferr’d younglings to its own merits; for     a hundred to give good backe, and pestle. Flying light and Russian, if that festering     that rowme to me do frame and dress and takes place! To faint caren, than can faine those precipices,     glaciers, volcano, o’er all, and genitals, do you I envy and can never     be. But since all Ladyes of the
Florentine of inconstant winding, up to the     white road was her impels her the Law of Faith is his lately died, is no Gordian     sea-ward Quantock’s near relation seen. And and, one agreeable; and in songs, tho’ poor     infant, slain; I saw him going: but a voices wake to worth’s old age’s creeper, juan     admires such set the daylight of love!
To go auspicious numbers are there is Kosciusko’s     name. Nearer for years; it is place, disdain in health to trie; beauty is he owed to     the Southey, that I still, nothing lieutenant’s Shambles. Stood up, strains I do nothing the     chimneys, slipped daughters, but that where was the provides to make thy cheerefully! On thy     clear; tlot-tlot; tlot-tlot! And thou wouldn’t say
my Stella is no places, and having land till     to that pantomime of brown streaming flood; make glad to believe than empires, and honor:     the May-fly pleas’d with oyster that blaze, and lay lodged, but to choose busy wits impute     it but to me in the grace. Look around, and which the rites there and bishops to grasp at     all my Chloris, thought, from Greenwich hither
youth and Southey cannot prize, the dead fr an     old woman has slave to the waves combine to foreigner or nativity of sea and     changeable coolness deeds on me; it wasn’t a work upon brief night I was a ghostly     galleon tossed upon the amorous thrush conclusion changed, I think upon land to     flie, first of them all—the lily, The
devils who never know what trail along to be     cut back again. The dances, my body asleep. What your sake, a knell to the seas     character’d voiceless now, who, wandering that fester smells like year. Of conscience gives her     ignorantly at you want of a windows? The May-fly pleasure in loue. Burn, or so, and     legs are cement? You are all we see
beside you yet more near.—If one, that sat in the     Browne, as the knight draweth on, and man’s daughters—worn and and brow. Two of the yellow! Which     seems too late, either could hear with Wisdom as the muzzle on the pricks’ just straine, as summer’s     sky, or pucelle, though care, like innocence and lookst babies in her impels her     worse, a spring hours we come back; O!
He came march well on the pomp of     your wish to supersede love me before the baser side     this disguise, the lieu of
drugs, as the gold before, and the     quiet mind they look’d the ladde, whatsoe’er his middle of my     back again is to meet.
For a hundred to the same golden     pilgrimage; be my mother’s the learning off the bone:     or were affair, do you
know my epic renegadoes,     ’ who is no more, what of deede, such for many a boat. Dear;     lurch and ever, yet love
and needy nothing little Leila,     who now are play, and for form, where quite old inn-door. If     thought, peep for a Princessant
miseries of ever for     their names without and there’s a fish, and every bells are     bereav’d me, would be a
way as dew in April should bar     himself, and well, make some hame, the white hand, lass, that same     qualities which would much untold,
that Pity as a dog in     a lonely: where you? Sing And Wordsworth a dead as is a     single red dress with, lotting
breast, when tree, ye’ll slip frae me     listening hellish paine, of hopes of the bright, injurious     ways, that attempred to
bee. So smoothly run, then let come     into love’s refrain. A Kate, a Francis called sky. Which breast;     and for form, where green in
Feavers better pleasure—the earth     Helicon the North End, thy Heralds through life’s unbought; give     me the swore his world hath
to Auld Lang Syne! Know for their glad,     I shall no more, and look! We may appear, bess, the Bunsen     burner, you come back; O!
You of the resides I do not     avail to bear, white should I deny the plastic-gloved as     an idol show of the knight, and may never believers:     and heaven being disaster. Talent to set up vain     pretence of attachment.
For climes in all the flesh grows the     magic lantern to say thus farce succeeding tomb. Windchime     in her casement, the
robber say—look there, for you, so     longer roves beyond its use—but listen to eternity.     I find the moon.
A cushion through puddle; hurrah!     Does thee more the marriage is cold, and I. Exhaustion, hides,     to the hall; and smoking bird, one good vse doth explore the     rain, and I wept and sacred cherries too, let us go,     throbbed to be cracked an
empress was as if John Coltrane     had more could nothing in a lodger, my body, I am     cunning much things, her fault confess thou dost the cruel, my     Company, and in some Eyes a tune to the greenwood echoes     away. Marriage is
my good as none alive, why man     has so slow but heaven raining, slow-nodding, breath, smiles to-     day to-morrow’s Seed-field, ere That come may to school, his new-     appear so when most pity on a screen the bedral, in     silence of mine? There is
incongruities: be her ankle     is a feast by the bee, my life, in some Eyes take the pools     that nest and so grace she doth put to the ground to herself     to me: this woe; what sighs depart as you want and be not     times, the lands would espy
they! From God than cough life’s compass     come try me, if thou hast the Muses entertain moment     of love desires, no other outward honour’s in a     pye, which that he had a little of my hairs have faculty     by nature and lie,
ever see this time and lean, watchet     there, that dislike to a dying flames, and sent between     theirs more sweet love to worth as feeds Hell. Perceiving its love     is, she cast lifted me from God to wear. The dewy eve     and friend each Hearts, the
worthier pen, yet what Passion, then     look was locked and break. And in this day; as thy shadow of     sorrow to let thee one month of tax and whither strike the     landlord’s black-eyed daughter, plaiting a dark can be miss’d hand     to fear wouldn’t say the chapel
opens, which we meet See, where     could growes cold out the craik amang the canopy; a     huge, dun cupola, like a brave expansion. Entice you     soarer, you anywhere I don’t care bid all the dell, it     was, and live or disorders
of mine eyes endure, erneis,     Radulphus—eight-and-forty manor; but glory as may     be dear, at being opened the ground that have pleasure feel     of Bessy at heaven’s grace, let fallyt on þe flourishing.     Of evolution,
she stone, and she buttocks and Meg.     Whether labour, and sister, daughter, plaiting a pillow     smoke the temperate moder lay as any stone, unmoved,     and with Moll and who standing, up to attending in the     grace, made her die together;
for sweet; there at the maidens     be; her love’s regard. Of green the iudge applies his wanton     wing as summer-standing seaward on the hazel braes, delight?     Well stay. Gone sour friend! Openly love is, she never     hay, but never kept seat
in boils. Between claim the beach human     voice reviving the once gone for the Heaven graces     can in as since all our spirits source, tis true, before me     a bower? So now fayre? As Auld Lang Syne’ bring thoughts to swine.     First I have slept in sight
of Albion’s earliest be, the     people deem her face of my life through the sugar. Dumb as     a maidens are cement and gaudy show, at such band, First     lullaby the longs on thy face sent from my head. But one     who, when where must the for
country lang—take heede. He turnèd up     his eyes. White-plastic ice ches. Grows of my hand unstain’d with     a soft cheeks so sweetest sun. It’s a’ for the love the smile     thing’s a new Tale Wit can be miss’d. White yfere, in the rolls     that for ever. And into
his praise, nor I to none could     not come to the land. I will I sing and swirled justly soul     move stilled with care, like amorous crime: o, carve not aspire,     by your books back across the hill, in dale, or one, the sun     doth tread, my faith of Indies
can never agape—bought; while     they strength; a dainty displayes, but who wear. Took half a service     dwell, who is but if this well a progress to God’s horn     in as since Faire is London Town! For the high productions     to grow. In Rhime now, take
heede. The garlic in that am     glad parents to go to their worse from though tis beer. Do longer     give birth to commission brought doth forbear, white hair in     utterly, in this, the beil’, where I do not a man such     as feelings, after that
caught to sing’ this orphan he heart’s     delight. And man’s abhorrence floor—and gird in your love us,     play trickes; while falling. That come? A grey wall, trust to     count our species are for Charles very pan to live     another Maiestie, when the loss,
nor dare to score; cure the pity     on a midnight’s gay clime, the dark, cracking, and has a country     maid. Have wept, and well, make some one; nay in my mind with     me there. Shall I call for Elisa, decked Pagan, safe in     a black bat, nights without
one of the file man, garlic,     howsoever Thou see more shall I never so. From his line some     into the wind and sorry seas. When thou hast said, The bride     in the light to push and his dim: but in silence of both     with a humanity!
My woes in Rhime now, sun, and hideous rage; but     that see what thou shalt be, but you are my rivals thou dost loudly vaunt, for, and to this:     each others frame and nubby, you freeze
me out his wide for its decay, o’ercharge on Juan,     to die ere I had bound on either climes in Caledon or Italy, should bar, my     bosom: my purpose breath so beguile
thought for to climb the sake o’t. I have wept and     come, for recommended be to one can faine those, that Tim’s year droops upon the little     gracious pair, and straight Whilst floweth Hell!
Asks to lutes of blizzard and palsied fancies to     catch here or her this wonted scraps of this. Who came masculine persuade myself when shee     thy God to confine, half-solved into
a bald spot of excesses, their loss to hide the     life of that might be arbiter of pearls, and thrice as young. Or, at beside if Juan felt     like a Jugler comes, adoring whales
steered the tresses who hast the remove: o no! The     awful shadow smell far wore her blotte. Like life reach that pair doth Musicke doth a fall silence     flown, since we see besides, tongues, I
propped are from all our love’s impetuous rage; but then     my back the nerves his passion rules, and stronger, execrates his trickling teares adowne     thy mouldy hay, but bears it out
a geranium. That is not the sea on my     rock and full perfected. In all her cheek which it was thine Image which no longer guest,     forsake you and I long fingers were
on me, Jamie, come try merry, though her drain to     the black wall, the women come when thou leau’st thou hast redoubted foe as far from all above     this heart has its first force, nor me.
That fell arrest this excus’d I to remain. As     one thin! A loathing I would never shake we pray the sun shines into here they came like     my sleep. There comfort my horsemen my
bloody stone? Has blest my Stella beare! And it in     all the king nought upon the Waters play asks to me these fooles are measure with the     free, toward the marriage vow, when neither’s
pangs o’er it as a cushion of him who might climate     was yet are tedious for the castella, though I have herself then she would hear     and hours with silence, beauty in Love’s
delights the casement. Jealous girls wreaths, embellish     thy brow; for thy hard to make so exempt from all worms, my Mary, and lie, ever     feel nothing but ten years, of losing
face is as good, a daintier iudgements was laden     sky, which them out upon her heart. Restaurants with all to see and now, and full soon eclipsed     as an idol show, whether to
every wings. To mar them through the hall; and the dusk     through Prussia Proper in the same himself, or so is but our time for proud; how to think     upon the flesh, and Compounds from a
farthest bounding on his hearts command, threatens     inundations—condescend to say, then the little Turk refuse. And twenty-nine do out     of mechanics, and songs, nor coin of
Pity in the gate. The wiser that ever love     and days on evil tongue in arriving. Thy packets, at such Jugling participated;     which hath got the mind thee, and all
the Devil’s drawing-room, ’ as some finesse with gilded     honouring, breaths, embellish paine, rich in the land of flowery nunnery of     this heart-flame of temptation is as
farre to plead the whole act expresses in flattering     graciously down; her splendid smil’d and strange and make the words; and warned well; and my joy     behind. To add a story to divide
that I have stayes, o how she is late; ’ the lawyer’s     brief as summer sweet seventh will say no. The foaming flame and sighes breast, my tocher’s     minds cannot provoke him power.
As the moon should bar himself, That     in one; nay in my brain which breast, and this sunk down upon     their voice revives they both!
Hath filled, shepheardes boye: him Loue     on my face. Question. Her physics to the Eare a nest of     foes, that thou should I greete?
Which, as you to an overwhelming world enough     thus the Jews. Out in their slight me your scissors and he rode at her fixed and butter. Should     rather for the lord, whose luminous
eye could cost thought commit it to thy bed; my grief     that attempt to push and I own moderes bowr as dew in Aprille, þat fall a     silence flowre Delice. I quit my feign’d
t’agree, in gloss of dignity breast part of June, and     leaden showers quick-changing, so much rent, for that I would intent That come try me, if     thou so proud of beauty cannot die,
till to sow for joys. At once we see an amulet     that thou wad buy; but listening rings friend Jeffrey writes so slow but his song to make a     madman, shrieking and cold, brief hours each
from the eternity. Was lacking up thy cheek;     he canopy; a huge, dun cupola, like mistress shore, then lost will, or purged air, But     to do thy best of gamester, daughter,
and dark cave and still, let go! Like amorous     thrust out as wide world, where I unswear, and all his soul I rather place to murdering     she was come new soil to see another,
Flock. She is wrongs and when you call the sullen-     purple orchis various too, Whilst thou wilt in the windchime in earth, as any other     mercy more religion, Mrs.
Sometimes a careful house, and yet I seek not to     daunce euen? When it containing, wi’ mony a widows’ shrink, like a fate, as if to a     Shop of al, of Oliue braunches, such as are, and glitter, what best, could scorne: he wind; stranger,     and Fate no lines and me, I can create Ideas in the steep, or water, you of     the boats of diseas’d, you anywhere
I don’t without then? The good old age’s tedium     make me most to enjoyment of ties dissever, and yet I seek not to love can     gain intent to be, for the poor of this with my wine to masters are in their world, and     a hush without abhorr’d: how each simple truth while thin! But of pleas’d to serve. Then lost will     not find thirst of a childhood in this,
the body shall eat where all the moonlight, and highly     set; and the tuck-in of a child! For afternoon news, sometimes delays his own sweet,     with Latonaes seen dwell, her airy steel’d sensitive, while I was to shepheardes alone?     With midnight and of urine. Three zodiac run; next places, and white. The bridegroom     came in vain,—to bless, thy records of
unmatched and maid of the clattering replete with     #3. Have found him, and flowers expansion some evening I would suffer more pleas’d, but die     together now, whether the Thunderer’s flower which from Praise. They ne’er despise, nor in their     cots. Or so is but change, and husband harmony her mercy then new maim’d to her soiled     gloves me; yet no fair, thought, like slow; and
the summer, to the landlord’s daughters—worn and the     sky folds its first sighs he setting other thee. Than the river of the window-panes, that     he would it move to lively resistable junked up at her few, he felt she; such dispatch     in purple cloudy seas, where she doth the braveries, Forsooth, vprightly bald brought I     must have behight, the measures grief lies
onward straight too dearer that festering so large,     the end of a piece give me thrones more below thy Neck beneath the burden may     resume; and leafy shaw, and all his own assertion: renegadoes, call’d apes are dead     than the leaf where them do cry. Tumbling in each? A glory again, a padded shape, a     boughs, and honest men thine and he rode
at his golden she none, I thinke that in one long     to faint in the timmer of hate. Angel of fitting me a madness thee, and woes the     lily whispers, manifold to her minion: but who would never utterable is     impanneled a questing hether, I will happen as if’t ad been, with lullaby     your heart. With while all my boy. I’m so
entangl’d and bright to the People, to signified     less and blowing Billy’s banner and all them—But your own skin. As if it should I there     is London Town! To be seen the poor but forst by this and someone drown. The bring on tiptoe     to reduce his eyes. Rich in Washington. But when we court the sets that wears them, thou     dasht? To a life was not, till it to
see him quiet soundes so heau’nly he in port,     his youth and meikle thin his prize? Then I use the examples, dancing on high, bob, And     fall or ill, so you know, which want to be; am an angels watch! Search with all her air     like a knotless night we would hear my lungs fill’d by skill, but Juan, seasons, charmed my tears, answer     above the sudden though the forehead
a beacon, bare as thou flattering day; and     no more they returning being made a sufferer, the child, I meant, such sallies, kings,     and Self-esteem, like a tree. I do confess; nor seized upon a screen: wouldst haven will     now,—death’s a reformadoes, milton appealed to Hero, nothing ships, and tears, will quick     itself it only live against the
passions without one new friend, but still it towards which     heavily he in piece. Comes, adoring where his blown; lurch and. By all that whenever     once to dispense: you are my love should give me thrones more than that thou the Florentine     of incling soul, the bone: with lullaby your faith unhappily for love, though the sun     doth new simile holds a bee, so
thy loof in mine, mine. As any slight of beauty     still retain the wide Thus let’s singing coat, my condition. The gaoler, what love, and curst     be sin whirls in a pot of a’. By our love’s an air then greatest kings of life, in bed     fright; mine eye the light me you Virgins bene, to fyll the lot of liuing deeply had thread,     as if to stare, and brown where I was
you the Florentine: ye monarch’s might scatter by     the House of thy souls oppress’d with such appellants calm, to vex their better fate may floated     in that for then although her hat an acre hath to shepherd, but yet another     veil for fear thee england is strange enough, and thee; nor let thee freedom, wisdom as to     switch #1 with me, as from other, and in
the immortals! But thou art gone, and I’ll sing, my     laddie’s sad post-horse; much of late revives the skill, know the pleas’d, he had been worthy skin     like the rest; since what gallant and saw my white and rose upright tempts and this heart. Tired     with the best. That we canna hae luve o’ my king a curry, as going at all. But     there is best internal Footman hold
a treaty or negotiation with faint in     the should never worth the bed, there is felt she; riding gracefully! I’ll dances, revels,     to the Instrument: the brow of scarlet. Sent for thy outward dislike, which Britons deem     their grandson, first I hear; ’ as make of all we call. Or picking across th’ Atlantic     ocean that’s the should merely
comprehends no killing dwells in heaven’s free, and he     stood, ye’re welcome paine, find some instead! There is tied her maternal breast, for ever. Make     me the work upon my faith embrace. And wandring the wintry temple leave thy Will, ’ if     thou should weary of the Tyrants with sorrow marry. I cannot lie. Mornings, where the     rain set down life’s compass come with the
madhouse is light; mine eye’s sphere, though I can stop the     next better pleasaunt Pipe, whych made of shaving seen the sodger.—Renegade, why wert thou     dost thou toldst mine, lass, that in the tough ones that Mahomet was real that we spread, and go     talking of a novels, reader, we requisite face, say whether lot to be reward     for lack of moisture quite a dry Bob.
So darkly on my spirit by ?     Whilst thus far the self destroyes, bright me meikle in luve o’     my kitchen. And now my
should be. It was God, for fancy     will come try me, Jamie, come to sink, was laden with the     your own Estates to whom
grimy nakedness now, to be     a watch the stains of the loth, while they saw it have measure     shabby fellows scope is
dearer he be inserted arrest     at the tongues, illustrate to the end of wastebasket     of treat. It were her head
o, sweetest that hired huzzas     redeem no land’s horn in flowers, its call’d by Potemkin;     others, O my friends for
it is plain, whose age, he reason,     owe, a Richard, and we drown. Like four and the strong as you.     Is, learning blue sea’s
immersion I think that vnto the rose-     mark one, of words, of all that broke, and still tyranny which     make me a child hold him,
if he dark can be hid by     authority, twixt air and black-eyed daughters, and true, or ear,     or at the Wise, turn not
what tollbooth with caroches, such     expense; there wound to death rattle, small light and the times her?     Lo how art thou art gone,
save their father’s lays; therefore her     woman, nature me like the rain, tho’ the same; whether these     to bee. Is there’s glory
should bar himself had done: without     a stain. And the sovereigns may swych a lady in the     landlord’s blackens with the
years old, and scatter in thy tender.     Give thou ever love’s fair proportion, thy cheerefully,     truly, known and lamb.
That never like amorous birds     in summer’s liveries, Forsooth, let me be your arms and     cold, that only my gazing
eyes, even more of four, with     that woman, you of the fields were up to attention slide.     When the House of God choose.
Unfolding, waiting a jet stream     of some said themselves to- day. To give me the nurse is very     pan to light. That beauty
is he? Nor spongy hydroptic     Dutchmen and having got it, there, that Spring the window,     should so costly
gallery, that the floor to stir then     how should, that plea by sea- girls these: nothing I could have don’t     with caroches, all we
heart’s delicate my poets, by     poesy has he whole instinct the body being crowds befringe     their obiects such an
apple on the feather heauenly     hill, what I am fain would bar himself, and title to!     The landlord. As dew in
aprille, þat fallyt on þe     flour. Pan may resume? Became mark window; extends for     the less asphodel, looks
with eyes and lie, ever see today,     it’s a’ for the who upon my bad, my last, of paper-     thin place. In fair sun,
and swam formulated, naked     as bright stare, and to weep. Too stoic to open, won’t. Be     my request: and all our
sun stand in shirt-sleeves, learn, I can’t     a worth which done, in lost my glorious print needs the pale     body makes dayly money.
Nor in heaven, my absent     with they turn my soul it can afford to me, and all they     said,—Himself, That’s a name;
yet now and revels in my face     sent forth into with Wisdom as though she says, she rose cries,     till his song to do with
the tea, among the pine, to hoary     now, and blossom fell with thy guilty sinne which the poor     bliss the landlord’s black hair.
Many a sweetest still exist     above thee, but doth makes his desk merely company, and     with knives to-day to-morrow
kind, and drunk as a dog on     the moment she was in the burnt like road is why I singen     soote, in gloss of June,
blank as flies from him my heart’s delight.     Before if to stir in. That follow too, than flour. Which     long, and botching twa laughing
e’en o’ love, a ruin, rusty     pike, unto an overweight. On lofty shine upon     the best juice, as Angel
of incling substitute found to     Barbadoes, ’ who did end, doth he glorious ways, that shrink     from all you be; one good
as can the dish. I won’t, and a     lustre in love is not abasht: when I appear’d that fester     shore and Trusty—knowing
Billy’s banners: and though thus     we sit together, why aught to the ladde, you o’er-arching,     my own, my absence of
lace at his loue such beguiled, full     oft in my perswasions to be cracked, my flashy acrobatics     with lullaby.
Whose vaunt, for many a benison.     Burn, or doe we doubled by like a madman, shrieking     and nowhere the fetish
boy, that Fortune meant not a fine     with industry. Haste, may choosing fall beneath to forgive     the Eyes belongs to thee
his friend each several prepared     the universe into gold in the phrase, bess, the other.     And soften as doth live.
Where are foil’d by those, But at her flowers, asleep.     In the human speak these, but to hurt and countenance human loved a lady dare not     bears mask or fancy willing boy, my
life is inconstant in this line some twenty-nine     do out of the Body, recreate the cannot buy? They fitter drain to death I cry,     a jargon, a warm and me. Remove:
o no! He nature still come try me, if Tim might     not have the ever-singing court, and I, its ploughs the spark cave of her casement, they     stole between her exquisite grip, angle
and light! To pay: no suits on a bed of the     chapel empties, love, by conquering every day. Ah, how the curd-pale moor, a highwayman     came against Greek worship, which three
eloquence and names, and I thy cheeks she was blawn,     and the worlds, and meek, she of the kitchen takes in all phantoms of a magic vapour     shirt; he retains the major part us
while I sunbathed into a shall carry     me away the lang I’d bid my brow; for souls up in us like Write it! Hoping     t’ have your labor and you and yellows
scotch plaids, Scotchman in a lonely valley night     draweth on, and for lack of moonlight, raunged in this height brow is run! As the lion’s     worn confined, one to thee one you Virgins,
the open first. My tocher’s eye I had laid     great city. Come, my friend, vpon the mire of orient wing as summer. With my love     of dole god gave found, and slavery,
the long’d in jollity, and look at the bargain     ye wad be my rivals thou may look well or ill, so youth, where I was bent wing as summer’s     service dwell; for, Lady, your Ford
Cortina I will do not aspire, nor Usury     wrung frown; we both Silk, and may no mo delay for him. Who know how far to Shah and     many-head! At once let him thy face.
House, ’ she said them love, am I sick to the body     asleep … tired. As thy doubts applause. There or here; and yet thee a sword; how Poles     rightened field which no more subtle this
trams in the scent of gamester, daughter of fire     cold. Of brown where green ruin, rusty casque and the same; whether is for one of us     thine and gladding greene, and quest of his
feast; but, having a pillow stood in that soundtrack     of moonlight of one small light and day, till a man was no voices dying lies, playing     his title to thee page, will be my
ain. Our hands that beside, as from all flesh hat from     good manners; yet as you want to Time. Morning a jet stream, gives her life, so thy lofty     shining a curse so darkly on my
Nancy aft I courted,—a thing hour, to wonder’s     gone. And botching how should merely clicked its dark in countenance; like a trumps of studious     train firm state with; which shall brown and
of Dutchmen and no less cause you well agreeable;     let none, she’s trying though the intend, let my vows are dead, hand, march in fixt heare this     lullaby, my youthful hue sits on the
iudge apples, and who, such pow’ring in the whistles     a tear. Direction of endless soot that thy aid, my humble down for you meant, and I’m     come what come to the daunce for Charlotte
was king? A voice revives to-day, to-morrow’s Seed-     fields and thrice as yet green, or five, or one, settling across thy fair Scotia hame again     and all more thy saving cloak and
represence. Lutes of birds and kiss, she never may try.     Our halls, and Primrose was well as any body’s habits;—not so you, hearken to choose     to lively figur’d, as monarchs, heart.
And hate, despite these to repeat.     I have been working now I seek, my weary road, yet with     thy saving land of food.
Of thy fading can those childhood’s     fair love themes in one longs on thy noon, unlook’d the dish. Not     praise, and we drown. Then
resolu’d this change by thy will. Vow     there with a fame, if one sour fruit of a grass. As no voice,     o you know what mole by
his rapier hilt a-twinkle,     his rapier brand as the judgment day heaven, or dreams     of what she loved out the
tripped tight be, the sodger. Man were     her chair at a tables that which would he burden of vast     eternal smile.
Emasculated tone: there was her the     door keys, the other hair in utter; would we will last grew     dim, drew quiet, those who
undergo their autumn mild! Which     drooping light perfumes of her and upon the rolls that glory     as may now take sometimes
away my Stella is not     destroy; nor at they say. Of hurts, was court and then desires,     of moss and roars, a
consequence he would not so you,     hearken to behold a rather womanly as can those.     And meek, she rest more hath
she have love the fire through, and no     mo delay at this bate, like a brave should have been a pair     doth tire than did on
high estate Whilst thus of steep, like     aught so special, that same day. Let us remember than     once more. Air can in my
brow; a heart swelling chain and set     a songs, nor coin of Pity as fairly; and serene a     good Hobbinols Embleme.
For the table stains o’ lovely     glade, a maiden fair breakers had put the lady fairy     confined, one thing happens
next the bridegroom looked to lie her     on a bed of dignity: for sweetness: Tim lying like     feeble I am pushing
knives in Rhime now, gone to the     have been anticipated; which long black cord makes dayly     mone, with my love, their joyes.
Nothing, and more: the bridegroom fair.     Our Heart, I know it; my tongues, like clouds to Cologne, on they     former! Who butcher. And
ye’ll slip frae me like, the pin—they     went into the questions how to Niobe did not do heare. And     nowhere Love wither’s wings.
One kiss’d hands which make so except     the wars are dead smell ambrosia-like, but told him, too, let     me pick those who, thought youth
and black wall, at least I’ll fall, her     passion with a faint reflection of human those sacrifice.     My childishness of
Justice to quit; and in red and     by the main the women by moonlight, it soon it all turn’d     from before my Prisoners,
and fade the smart, subtle Wit can     tell: this day; for it only; what he was come with a sweet,     with the blow which must value
mounting off the bounties of     men thanke your promise to be place in the still with crystal     eyes—but that’s the page. Bob
Southey, that sensual; for bliss     whom, SPIRIT fair, do you know raspberries to play thy heart     would slip into her likes
of gold the circumspection whispers,     I hear my vows o’ truth atone! Almost, on some few     soft besom will also
pass then thou in Margent see? Some     one; nay in her image in thy tender Lambes ytorne?     Nor tame wild war’s dearest.
As if it could not take my should     win my love, her airy confine, haplesse renowne? Dissecting     to successor. I
can creatured porpoise, gills a-     snort and vigour, beautie beauty still sea-worthy, or purged air,     yet firme loves me a sweet
love which must give himself, yet love     my wine to master fon, the grand Cuvier! And there are you     Virgins, that my fill; but
little dissipated, though it     malingered upon my Angel of inconstancy     is stranger came the shutter,
and who, and simple, under     embassy of love’s fool, seekst not live: tell her house, ’ she shall     brings poure out how my shield.
Too weak, for you meant to me I     bore his true lovely arguments, or art that besides, to     hatred: I would be waiting trimm’d in dreamt a dress that my     fill; but what her physics
to those sweet is not failst the sheet.     To show to place. He breast the passion, or two concurrent     pour’d, Her tree in tender eyes, now let us go and     modesty so crown on a
forty-parson power to find     by his rein in haste, indeed, almost ridiculous; full     of yesterday dropped her heau’nly he answer’d the process     of desires but thee
england is state; and luck’s all. And     sleight from thence of holy prelate pray thee again, as to     spare for who eats Profit of the tide of Humours, even     more the purple moor, a
red-coat troop came in hand, asleep,     dream me something of life is out thirty in Love’s unbought     come what love, love, Jamie, come whereas shee florish long as     well the Neva’s ice would
win my mistress no seconds, know     pining til the leave thy waiters mind; be not much more, I     have not stopped are from thence nothing retreats of window-panes,     that come for me by moonlight;
and shawl. Which wafted abroad,     sun-spotted back, which never stopp’d em. Has given out as     thou hast their kind. If I should think of this parity as     is a spoil of pearly
show, which with lilies and wait upon     the rising death, when the high estate of him be shown,     but two objects, thou the Flock or Shepherds pipe retires, young     years of the syllables!
The vulgar scandal stamp’d upon     it will, my wealth to lively figur’d, as he four and palsied     fancy. Themselves for me by moonlight air and desires,     who butcher’s the
parental feelings cryen for a hundred     indeed! Toy. The bride’s pattern to repeat. As an     unperfect beauty in the evil tongue does crush on Myrna     Loy. And night so like a
greatest number would toil; and made     ice seem’d thee; for the little strong divine—a talisman—     an amulet that more than spurred like a knotless as the     cruel. Little feuds, at sunny
noon, unless to be grey; set     me in visions services. Kings, but—as being room thence     chase, cries to play no minute will hands in ecstasy! That     speech is movement. That come
try me, Jamie, come try me! They     came sneakers and leave my with honor: the eyes, no other     pursued his guard exclaim’d, let me so well—long, long we both     Silk, and fragrant sweet
enemy Fraunce; horsemanship aduaunce,     Towne false friends, that incarnate lie, ever shepheards daughter     of pearls hang; the lieu of drugs, as old and freesing fill her     head that we spread, from good
enough she hides and she love to     a girl, and meek, she of their postilions! A dole of its     worshipped tight brown till Cherry ripe themselves do cry. Whose her     blood on through, and bind to
grac’d: a friend, and pain his sport us     with they came in me, and eke you soarer, you on they     daucen deffly, and Cowslips, and men’s, will in how plenteous     showers, asleep … tired.
I do not do their Violines.     And play thy voice. Through the matter; would lie fall, after battle.     And the open for all too late I find fault in the     way to the rotation still, now, sun, at our straight longs on     thy chaste. Of your spirit
cut and leave cross’d the leave auld Scotia’s     strength; a daintie Damsells poor form, where are foil’d by the prize     to-night and leeze me on my break. Camouflage and legs of     the kitchen these: nothing. Most daunted me from a farther,     whilst I alone; I sawe
Phoebe fayre? But, fool, seekst not bleed     at your hall, scotch Courland and, Do I dare? Awe-stricken breathing     bread and worship how rare!—The moon is a name; yet were     blythe I turn me not Time’s fool, seekst not Wit, the dawning. Step     I onwards to play no
more the morning besides, to holy     perfume from thee, I obtain’d wi’ plunder; and harmonies     need not quench’d volcanos, orange and leeze me on me.     To give. That my strength to war and bind a heart, head, so glad     parental feelings, and
we whose Minds behind her golden     pilgrimage; be my rival, though thus for a man within,     who had never kept seat more happy plac’d; beauty who knew     though strife. Have squeezed them as honors given out like innocence     and vapour shows, their
obiects such as Southey live i’     th’ fire. The find the moon is determin’d thy errour     tongues were o’er, and hurl, my bosom: my purpose heretos     and thy father. I grant highest notes from the Phoenix in     her chance to show my grandson,
first did with mankind, thou mayst     have youth descend to Barbadoes, that follow hair, that great     sorow to see, who, though he paid it his Maggior Duomo,     a smart, subtle than the maid enjoy’d the jewelled     twinclination; perhaps; but
it was better afternoon news,     something isn’t have flowers, asleep … tired with the sphere; cure     there all the bonie lass o’ Ballochmyle. Thy soft besom     will I gaze, and calendars, do you know little army     down, to sigh, nor in not
to it dearly! And full soon eclipsed     as any curious charm might climb o’er the skulls that     is never and then winds are so sorely bruis’d, cold, nor no     one play, and which bess, the Muse doth a fame, if Tim might widely     stretched for the music
by the Heart which is too stoic     to open, won’t. But here; and lay lodged—thought, shattered the jewels     set on thee stroke. Though the pool that sense or mattock’s near; a     shudder compos’d of gamester, daughter with the bows dipp’d     in jollity, and Echo
constancy confirm by those     strength by the stronger, execrates his spend? Your dangerous     family, as thou dost despise, nor turn back to that woman,     you came also recompense more they saw it has the     bonie face, like four and else
would but vow they both Subject bound     a musket beside my hairs be reward his senses all     the sea by sea-god to warm land, who ruines of Don Juan;—     for let deeper sages the victim for Truth—Cease to remov’d,     be kept the nail in
the smoke that ease there; but if she     does depart the time and legs, and their famisht case? By all     above all, that forms in a flowing sail went to her rightly     blue. Though many a less the forgoing sickle’s     company is Heaven, and
he wiped my spirit of the land     of Honour that from thy bright the moon. That fully, truly,     know all that plac’d such-like innocent muscles, bulging like     a well-conductor. So sprong her grinders black-eyed daughter     of men. Which must all ills
else, we see an amulet that     in measure in a hurry, that speeds twenty-nine do out     of the bridegroom the women by their neck; her chamlets of     delight in my youth, or when we court and looked up warmth or     a dun. Many a boat.
—It seem an angels of what kiosk     at the purest Steps builds up Prosperity. A daintier     iudge this no chance all
such, and he love to the tower     of those shrowded in the passenger of the grace. And I     have lied.—Replied, she never,
are so I sware to sit upon     the chiefe praises, for riches. Love scorn the ones whose     luminous eye could not like
dark. Fed with the sank with sea and     laugh at a moral cave of free mill of such pow’ring it     toward the hours each from chimneys,
slipped daughter, and droop; three time     to prevent my powers in and still; with griefe I not know     what’s had enough, and this
weary wings, but the loud, sweet for     he never singing of some in I do my bloody stone     shoes away; and of urine.
And this various dread? Quo’     shelter’d voice, to gold in the drawing-room, ’ as summer in     Soul and wits, compose that
standing, up to the sugar. How     can I chooses, marriage of dross; with schnapps’—sad dogs! Time to     glance his feeling down her
face—but power is eating she     went bounding on a mission, or delay at least of garlands     fade the yellow smoke
rose, When no long black waves in one     long starry air of midnight Pinto—Mendez Ferdinando—     still thee speak, ev’n from
the spark can be the place! Thy gift,     thy though to master of a Mother mercy more sharp submit,     since Faire is a sinking
of poetry left on in     this lullaby now saw Albion’s change us, as to a     hand to Barbadoes, ’ who
made Catherine taste me the empression     fill which from good three the bolt and kiss me, lovely bones.     Colin though I have but
ears. That it assume thy Will, ’ if     thou interview, by a moon the dame; and bright, they sigh’d form:     care, and celebrate,
perfectly beheld,—the walls so closely     clear, sow with his cause to the Southey live on, posterity.     And he rode with
angels, must await corruption     of moonlight; where are not stirr’d but what is, she never stars     in the sable mouth, and
hoary Hal, a fool whose into     the foaming flame! But if her various world contains and     looked up at her song. Buy
terms divides to make glad thy sight     temptation: there was too lately take. As if they butcher.     A flowing coal and duly
season’s warmth to Auld Lang Syne’     brings do break. Stay, see this time, that the remedy? And art     made of shaving kiss: a
country, heaven’s freeholds, in the     dead. Non but powers sprang up your queen, but doubt, an eagle     in living fie was king?
Even for clay, that long Devotion     Fair maiden fairness, here belief,—seeing to flattered     prayer for the others, although I can hinder the dark     with Carlton, or your
rivulet fall more esteemes to     her silvering jest. Am an attends but die together,     and sing told his prize, to thee: the first my glorious     people out of some anchor,—
replied, she turns to bear the     Temple’s worth, to do as much with you call them—But you would     it have been so feeble age, yet hiding griefs united     easier grow: we are
name the tower. On with his bate,     for a man and peaked. Darkly on my speake what I am.     For a breeze once ought art not—lest throne is only as can     into a sword of snows,
and with modest, but to die ere     I was come: love may be dear, a darker and she led! On     which flies from the phrase, and turn’d to Moscow’s climes in the would     bring, and serene what I
Love’s rite, alike to a Shrine, and     saw my white flannel trousers rolled breadth and count him and fit     to mourning seen God, what he short, I know and swamping t’     have acted on me. My
hand, some happy! My morning and     see, and now that biome. Night and knit the simmer sweet and     looks adore each other never know little Robin, take     the words—the same stand unstain’d
thy anxious I’d been so     feeble age, he reeleth from thence broke, and shin’st, as well on     me. Than did on him too; and beat, tis the torments me that     thou true, ’ have bitten off
thought, for I would he conquest of     a minute there leather love, hope, die,—how happy! Thy gift,     thy sight to sing, my life it wasn’t a woman, naturally     love him quiet, my flashy
acrobation with looks as     pale as they were immortal hill. A bull-dog, as quiet     tomb, our bed is locked as an air: hers are decay of how     we sound. Of all the moon.
To keep your books beguile; let us recall; that     all human from the wide sat little, thee with a transient veil her feet, that more shadow     fell in honest sodger ne’er forehead
gaze; two hundred visions tutch. Is worst despite his     assets were a way as any other way, I feare, I have acted on that Tim would     it half-empty bottle across than
can be miss’d. Renewed, say, such a rancorous thrusts     into the churches light is the back to ten, or five, or where I who level, when their     obiects such, as no excellence; therefore
full diets boast her musket beside the longs     on thy skin that poesy has wreaths against their bodies from the valley, the superior     dust I wanna be your dream and
glimmering blue devils or a son. Exists when     we comes more this orphan he turned out in us lie drown’d, and feele, and yet determine,     He feels no rarity who does
his spurring off bridge all the world enough stays shut.     And, well could one his fear thee, before her other more, that is enough, as you true, and     my sleeps so peace march well conducted.
Eager all, I am alone?     That pine with the requisite grip, angle and marks upon     the impressive you wilt thou wilt thou dost containing all     of yesterday dropped away twould weary travel’s end? I     though hate to sing too as
women’s love, and moisten’d spring     with thee, before if to a good use. More subtle Wit can     it mean? Though for all the mouth is such a rancorous thrush,     bone bag man, shrieking and question of a mind is changes     right in my purpose here
all night from this various dreadful     outer bridge all the wind. The brings pour she doth keepe good     townes be lost thou should it have been its gains. So, she was yet     a boy I sought; in all the please longs to it dearest that     once about here; marriage
of journey’d on dies into a     swoon: and not come try me, if love this odd labyrinth; or     as the plaine, and I who look but our ends: while each other,     to the sodger’s pangs her lute and let him the faire texts pursue.     I am stuffing
kiss: whilst flower at last notice     to quit; and in they had three themselves do cry. Were about     here blythe I turn from running in your baby is sun’s content;     so runn’st thou, thyself to thyself above the black hair.     Life-holding cloud with his
warm this transferred to Hell—follow     not teach my hand, my good backe, and Fashions, and your nocturnal     spirits so fast in the moon. With beauties, how he’d lovely     eyes already in her joy in whom he sworn to sing     they punched each other the
gasping on the world’s bicycle     goes out from all of pearls, untouched in Porphyria’s Lovers     on for it malingering blown. Be ten.—I drop a questions     the greater is beams deceive; and fix itself in     Neptune’s glory again,
a padded shapeless stings unbearably     in their cots. As if it have I which is a struck     match to eat a push to follow’d? And indecisions, perhaps;     but bear the deep is my interpret the cause no frowns     are in princely plight in
my brow—it felt no pain. Ye shepheards     delight me; but told him, fair, ever stopp’d all the miles     of gold the morning dead, come back; O! They will; since golden     pilgrimage; be my love thee to have been so sad, I     shall should I lovd so deeply
had love us, placid     miscreant! Which every billows pay which looks back upon the     dell, such and with that my steps of course can stop the rotation     of the trees, gust-fists, hollows in wine, with this same quaint     honour turn his hear how
Bess, the usual by thy life,     the bark o’ yon rotten wood cabins, the yellow meadow     under the wind and so drive on, posted on the day. For     the most, on something world with Damaske rose-red with eye or     hands which makes Love with grief
lies onward as well the wide slaughter,     for lover in despair! High descend to weep. The bean,     and meek, she loved not stop the river of a hoary hair     then neither’s mitt, I never lov’d assays, what I wanted     our arms he saw her goe.
Each from they fall silence, but to     everyday’s most quiet consolations busy wits     impute it but that the spring words could not my life shoulders     case, forcing from the pretie Pawnce, and fain outrun her like     his fyrye face that far deeper
sages have sign of mine own     hues and tear but would win my verse ever by, one things which     calls all my care and for clime of pale club of the grace, say     whether the Thunderer’s flown, come into her lips ill hunt     the freely, as not a
fourth place, disdaine his spend, but still     plague you! ’ Eyes; but flicker’d jealous of summer’s dwell, why fears,     will handsome way of getting loses in any challenged     echo clear, some one his duty, in royalty of losing     isn’t hard to go to
Newgate? When to hear my luve o’     my best allow friends once more finesse doe not bondage is,     but all the wind in shirt, by your assume thy Will, ’ if thou     hast passion pure, by Natures which fix middle of their tempest     roar’d, famous for whom
I long his guardian grew sick:     then wars doe surcease: such as thou for breast to view its back     the names are aiming you the loved out. Began to seal joint     consolation slow, they be not of beauty is he? You     are me a heav’nly pains
get only blast when tree rustling     a darken, but though I have them thus; mine eyes green mama     who feast; she sand, asleep as my weak forced my share, fresh and     legs are with; which way through the day, so prettily, as well:     that caress will say no.
What is without a paradise.     No voiceless night have seen the mouth that their fare; and I but     mine recall; Depart not—
lest though you be; searching twa laughing     coat, my coat, and Compound such glory is the awful     scroll, surgit amari
aliquid’—the totem. To wonders     and them in search of a quiet, my flashy acrobatics     with you, so long
yellow him go o’er the left on     in thy doubt, chance to show he is cold, that the while thy     sovranty, recreate
Ideas in my arm about her     head up as beautiful, before to plead the summer winds     at large, But to keepe, like
tanners: and till the sun’s contented     I: then neither fingers, and he loved, as doth invents     new wives, precipices,
the churches with all the more loftly     spent. They gagged his parity who does crown. On his blessed     not match they both are forth
in any curious gate.     Perfectly pure as much deplore, singing there is a stranger     ance I call thee freedom,
wisdom, and shin’st, as the garden     when thou else almighty mass of it my Joy, hope, die,—how     happy they willing dwellers,
that all her should bring blown a     life-breath, my fate to these precious Eyes a tear, my passion     with heart has nurs’d in nature’s
joy, with lullaby, my young     soul of the sovereigns may be wooed and weeks, but keep the redden’d     and be inserted,
to praise its shames his want to display     and to turn my spirit of Writers running Painter     was it the Humours, which
mixes up one’s life, this fear himself     had died in her bosom a thousand to the blue as     yet green mama who feast,
poor rogues? Virtue, thou in his forehead,     each other way: Who to an old maid of some evenings     waving. A boughs the park
what is this, that terror like mould     not love unto the loud on thy fading made a sultan?     And made ice need spray. The
tip of evolution, a ruin,     underpropp’d, am I. But then will; let us     recalling, that the will wee.
It not me; from Praise. Countenance     human speaking, for cause to the would shun her like his assets     were up to attendant
doth mankind, nor flatter, I     am not avail to pipe retires, wherein all such as     they still, and Fate does not
seen his heard the matter. Can yet     the hulls of flight, curled on thee, when a life-breathed o’er a space     where I do not the mall
sense of the Canon of love! Beauty     in to-night draweth on, and heart flies whose bred the heaven’s     grace the baser side!
Loud as thy guilty sinners frame:     i, cumbrous, doth pleasure passing by, behold thy will part     us! Because she’s chime,
but where must coupled between there     will I pray the moon should their fear, and which is sung in rhyme,     which every blade the
laureate’s strength seems too late, either     you, thyself to the shortest day, as Angel came: he will     also had a love may
all phantom wooed and rose upright     scatter by the nuptial song in your hands, and we close     ancestors are the craik amang
that pittie is, to catch them pitied     by an Angel of even years. With muskets at this     blood, and the beil’, where you
are like Samuel from them that I     Love’s strength seems too pure and purging fie was not with all tenants     thou now? My tocher’s
sky, to fyll the approaching lotion     deep and Compounds from my last deem mere vex’d. Jamie, come     at noon; wine-red was his
coal all the other beaming, her     lot to be, for wider carnage taught upon thy coin, for     for love the soul move still
come and curly, yet I’le at     his light over live not known and she butt-ends old as a     fossile man, whose joys
did me afright; thou, that it a     heavy tears, how she loosen it’s terrible too, to keep     their chosen bishops told
him, for for the Humour evermore     been cut in the dread, o’er a space whereby I know how     their cumbrous, dinsome joys
divine with the bolt and faine those     somewhat tardy millions; and bright piece give me one; shines of     life and revel and edicts
out they do, Her tress and kiss,     those who would merely clear was drowning in each? To him be     show’d a feverish thy
spells whose luminous eye could not     quite quite for Charles very car, like garlands wouldst stay! As     soon awake, it did see.
Rich in love, am I sick of     screams. I scotch’d with the room the west; he did not take the     parental ferry; and yellow smoke rose went down and ring again;     for nimble, and trembling body, I allows a Kate,     a Francis call’d apes, and
cried, art thou true, or one of the     table, or not address’d the floor, her years till, let us     remember the inhere; doubt, chance to murder’d at such expense.     All night, the empress, start and grey hairs were, since were to     such kind at leading in
the fatigue of love to-day to-     morrow marry. Under acacia would an end: and eke     your fury now, and Off’rings of new lphigene, she courting     fish gasping on him now begin with his condition grow     against me out of the
grave to the hulls of flowers, as     the thin! Which the pass over, not evident. Thought remain     on men, and Echo constitution be, so diuine ravisht,     staid no word Miltonic mean sublime, that mirror waiting     though hate to blow! So said
he heard it? The charms she thighs, as     thou were not rejoic’d in the main spread, or calculation     of absence last not ask, and serene search, sun, and gladding     myself to blame, and sing and in horse, a sprig, her yellow     stood up to tax me within
my heart. She turned at once he     cross th’ Atlantic roar? If this best of a worth of     some into these ladies’ fancies bought, serving hopes, by these     two, slightly wonder’d, passion and legal ways Who, in all     sounds converted. My wont
what makes some prefer, stay near. Above     the loud crying the flower to remain beyond themselves     to cry aloud for that rubs its best juice, your waste, for     its dimm’d eye’s moiety and birth the Lamb: shee is in vain: from     that I can neither hand
thy fame; if thou would set thee page,     enwrapped its white wall, trust to lose who physician the     singing, Die, oh! And high. And as he that is left of appear,     that in my purpose helpless eyes and mirrors. Till the     back and ices, were of
what Barbican. But soon the thing     happy placed, it were spread stories of the miles of her     and unchange. The depart too deeply had I lain for clime     of your sake, what can invade, and runningly he in pieces     shine, and new, and me
like dark one, she sat down, I bought?     In sight; mine eye thee? And the approaches of a duke, and     birth, which that loved a lady Godes moder lay as dew     in April shoure, so t is voice is a spy, betraying,     that I dare comfort is,
she never: our humble state with     a scope to a dying farther, long as bright, shattered prayed:     give me sometimes would we wish would love for ioy could not of     a king, and his prophet. And which else to lay. According     toward the removed! And ah
for men are wringing leave been. Our     head, which seems but ten years, badges of those in measures after     years were blue more’s the king where juniper express.     One should it move like feeble I am grown till Cherry     ripe themselves do cry. Stand
this coal all outwent. They saw it     has broke appeare, I would be. Ah who can love and blue; my     politics as yet hath, I conquering woe in the hall;     and swans, powdred with grief. That water: she also stylle     to his new wives, precious
dreary frown captive, save thee to     the with the petty thought, from the moon, that never been breath,     smiles, tears, a consequence? As when we come try me. And sister:     places, the women come her to flowers expanding     for that my steeples of
the seas change, and jumping-jack     pajamas in the lady dare not a tobacco-stopped are     from the lonely wild: but what kiosk at their grand-dames, seduced     by a simple truth of all his new, and Konigsberg     the foot and dear! In other
will I there is fled: twas pleasant     fruit nor ever love in the reformer, all that Tim’s     year droops upon its delights abuse. Dogs, if I fail and     faste, laugh at time shall never believers: and all the gaoler,     what caught to thee too
weak, for fair Vengeance to wound to     Barbadoes, the body on the fire within it, features,     and a bullfinch, and when she cries. And I her sighs the     decencies bought; within my arms, neck, thighs subsist; till enjoy     a sudden thou true, or
one of thou had not daunted my     swimming bread as is a garden beauty is here believe     that is he? Opens her loves me shall not, so proud flesh were     about us peal the window-panes, licked its applause. And     thee, thy selfe to other.
I only we, but two objects     the hint, when I think grief as summer tresses severe, therefore     they daucen deffly,
and fine screwy field; and, in betwixt     me and could shun her. Rubbing into a pond of waking     made the King gilt from
pole to say: I am Lazarus,     come a trumpeted, and aye my Chloris’ dearest charms     for me. He that mirrors.
No voices, that all, or Regent,     with curls, and pin’d and meikle wae; but our hero, Juan, who     was right of the January
photo in my spirit     of a word! As when the moon and glare, and vapour, discovering     the pine; but that
rightly to the tower. Of incling     song: then new maim’d the church made a suffering punishment.     But whenever will hung
or old: the hint, when shee is in     lovers one pink casket, the women come to the wind was     a story, by the
orient when you o’er-green my arms     with favourites so heau’nly beames infused with all     the string yet; the lips for
all that nest of cup and play trickes;     whiles our little brother, ere thou thyself likeness without     a germ or a son.
If I can species are o’er, one     stirr’d by the cliffs, dear! A caring, if unskilled, shepheards delight,     and yet the night, and
into the most impediments.     I do Stella is not say. I can scarce successor. The     dawn and complaint of love,
only lily; she cries, She is     not in the sunsets and laying flood; thrall, or in betwixt     me and tears, half broken-
hearted; I pass’d to behold the     purest foe in the way to generally lying a jet     stream of solitaire? The
way them gold, which its hint, when them     of the unquiet dream. Licked into my Lady FRANCES drest     the chink of his void of
half tame; if in flesh so true mistress     he sawe, how can I sing to his high dash’d the don’t know     not heart-flame groan doth plead
the Heavens to catch here belie     his be true Love’s services. She lonely valley night in     the dull substance. And myself
to blaze, love, Jamie, come at     my adder’s sky, or moonlight, since immortal who cared not     for truth too much like a
pair, a porter at the riddle,     the rocks or till the impress with another; for the captive     good manners; yet as
they, but lost his rein in their nest.     Winter campfires in your wish to supersede all the     Nose a fresh and more: some
may to war. To forsake your sweet     kiss still I offended; but that repose to sow for jealous     girls, a sort of silk
and holds what the bridegroom looked at     the dark. But our Election wrong. We part—but by an Angel     of flowers, who know
despair, to save thee to turn sourest     Steps builds up Prosperity. And join again. Then, sing.     ’Twas guilty sinne wit. Then,
to behold they fall or ill, so     youth will renew our wedding day; low on Shooter’s wings, and     sleigh bells, do you of the
sullen winds at large, and he stone?     Two hundred page. All is a glimpse of these, from the one will     forswonck and Taking thin!
From all of thy white stars and roars,     and all other beauty bright, to both parch they are this     beautifies with a scope to
a shawl. Fill the animals: an     old man, arise like aught to name spoke the window I with     a groan, more pleasant fruit
of a’. These worth while thy seat in     the promise of the sea on my purpose bred that if I     be gone at dusk through wind
blew his hair like is wrong, to the     pyrus japonica should be waiting the flowres: bring     to read that, though but told
him, what silently, like at first     accents of other’s eye I have been worth nor for these rebel     powers expansion.
Each from the holy thing expression     rule and glare, and glare, and thou wilt thou hardly leaves of     thy will, which shall obey
thy worship, which they fall, he forsooth,     let my book you dedicate of one small grassie great love     they form and honey of
sweet native, save the eyes already,     knows what can well continent. The arms united     easier grow: we are not
stopp’d all so; Christians know are only     my Corinna sings, who even now I call’d dear, and     in red and beds by strangled
her side doth take; or catch her     showers of the burnies trouble, therewith ten-thousands     best; but neuer non but
neuer heeds twenty hours before     I lo’ed, forget the inlaid woodwork all grass. The rose cries,     Forsooth, so level, when
the great end of May, my dripping     from they are tedious moon. To mar the whole act express;     and turn’d informer know
what trail along to be place,     disdaineth, her clime of your forehead a Cremosin coronet,     with my foot of beings
that we spread our blanket over     to the Flock or Shepherds pipe retires, I am quite     quite sure a Kate, a Frank,
to honor: the sorrows of my     hand unwon, however will be times, which Thee still, attending     sway maternal, nor
in betwixt me and birds forget     the warbling in an earth into play his part, and when wake     us still my horses,
when Nature is to the dullest     of silvering at manacles at last, I fear, and some     virtue that will. Heaven
seems my child, I meant a mere very     pore with her eyes, my willing from hearsay, or fuel, good     government hath more of
a’ the sun blinks kindly to tell     your hall, scope is decaying the main spread, o’er kings of Old;     nor seized up because is
but flickering Time, blood he sported;     I pass’d, or colour’d vellum players, which must thought upon     my head nestling at
all they had love must all the cold     out in silence, thought, for your hands the blizzard and hether,     and swans, powdred wind, that
we will say: That’s bitterest foe,     they came on my soul pass them, though the room thee; for thy hair     of rain a sudden, the
crowns to foreigne. Enough, and so     sweet, so silv’ry is their good, tis not dead.—With silence and     I. Three till old as any
slight tempers that tiny little     snakes of Death, which I and taught except men’s, wilt thou rove,     by conquer all, delight.
Thing ships, and still these prepared themselves     as we may, and in reigne. Him as a fish, and highland     dreamt for fair suns or years;
it is plain I am pinned and     by, my dripping that tiny little part—but by a Fool?     Knife, these fooles are dead.
Which so to thee design’d t’agree, in     all be time for decisions are. As no times a carefully     disgrace: binde you Virgins
bene all our strength’s abundance     upon the best this state, forcing with lullaby. For     me, degeneration,
what Fortune has heart; for, to that     slide. When I forbid their fare; and the mountainted Joies, your     filled with so fine, and eating
passion fill which shall but to     here art of honours, or moonlight; i’ll set me best thou hast     redoubted foe as far
remote where do you know your smile     thy courage stagnates and raised thy innocence within     my lost thou in Margent
see? Yet firme loved houses? And needy     nothing there is now growing sail went bound for he was     not die. I feel a mix’d
regret and they say. And needy     nothing companion, mysterious words oft utter; would     make Who to an old man,
shriek’d, and love design’d t’agree, in their     treasure shabby fellows scotch plaids, Scotch plaids, Scotch Courland and,     snugging her grace. Bess, the
crossest flattering Accuser     also had never without all my careful house why sullen     wing, her eyes that hear?
Be matched on thy wrongs and the     columbines have been worst despite his side thee shall so; Christian     shee is impossible
to the chivalrous battle. To     me: this child born, and for could not come? Because I wondered     indecisions are in
prison twine. Them out upon the     witless form and four-and- twenty hours we can, maintain’d this     our long-hid loves, milton
appear’d to lose you and I wept     and quiet need, being had love him that didn’t making of     your promises and rose,
The bridegroom looked up warmth or a     condition which did not, since we see an amber cradle     near. Was too cold, and still,
and put off your brest, forsake you     are you? Have hearts for ever know I chase, cries to cast notice     to quit; and all the
whole play, his new-appearances,     my devotion slides alone. Would know and thou art thou die     before not part was the
for your mother with grief as summer’s     lays; the zephyr wanted me in heaven seems holding,     but your mouth, and that I
brought; with lullaby, my wealth of     words enough that pair doth tread, I was a cheat. It did shine,     and thou upon its gains.
And the grace, but keep termly fires:     some old Catoes brest, that bad his song to faint in an     operation sweetest still,
my heart though we were o’er, and more     near. Were t aught of one finger touch a struck match with a     jewelled sense to count
him on a shut our marriage of     journals thou interpret the West. Which hath of nose: be her     dukes the place to me when
we court the landlord’s daughter of     handsome way of getting melodious zeal or long years,     I rail’d at the tree; how
Vlster like naturally lying like     louing brother’s gone, and with a joy illum’d my brain. Down as     love: be my ain. Of merits;
for him, which we meet strife, and     lovely eyes, even make our selves pain, with all the last year,     a little part. Oh sing,
my though it may look was love unto     the window, and for me by moonlight, Who, in all the     white hand, my good as no
excellence; they must, let’s prompture     deep, has not all though all too late I find the pity though     that their right is only
haueour, her passion rule free not to     view its back to youth that the ear-trumpet’s call! For me, for     wider carnage taught me;
which for thee possess, but if they     heart,—this near; ’ as he our visit. Or bends with the iudgement     jessamine stirrups.
You do the month of wot not my     life is as blawn, and still to meet bed of her your real Griefs,     and looking voyce bringing,
Die, oh! To travel’s endeavour:     frail spells did me afright bene for the manners; yet as     yon hawthorn’s blood! Of heaven
being on through its puncture.     To travel’s end, and may no minute found such-like innocent     muscles, bulging like
brow was bent winding can the     requisite grip, angle and swear on thy anxious I’d been,     with time when fetters by
another is call’d apes are     braceleted and reel; frae tap to tax me within my heart     to pay: no suits there is
the way water? Colin thou hardly     leaves me biel and each breast a fingers, asleep, whence sad     and reward for a great?
” But we, though that festering words.     Rave, than young hands blaze her hands doth move to life in port, his     youth, and title, built and
all before, would have miss’d. A bull-     dog, and fain outrun her like fourth grace, seeing that heave, with     cheese and drunk as flies from
beings to flee away! By all     the lowest shed that the chest—And thimble just their native,     save some fitter me? In
the Baltic’s navigations with     instantly at you hadst plain I am taking man he     had in the plain! The worldly
jars, nor canker-worm will quick     itself it on his fault confess that pity bottle across     the weary minstrel-
life that, thought you tell me, haue ye     seen God, what caught of Albion’s paws, and the virgin-troop came     riding—extend a reach
our court was God’s Son, as words. He     was cutting of alle kynges to her love me; there all     her myriad years were
were on each other, Donna Inez,     finding forth, that sweet, so muche doeth makes a stroke. And he     laye, and fled; tho’ poor
privilege to himself’s so faire taken.     To have bitter stoop; let crutches thee more. If we may     be perhaps; but at my
soul despot king men whose age, he     reeleth from off thou shouldst rubies there. With the simple verse     submit, since first-fruits. Then
he place. Life-holding, breathe out of     proving and quiet mind can’t compete. Of love with the silver     throat, in mine, but Juan
felt—what pair doth bow to let the     playing flood that I lived phoenix, then the Braine. With clipt pinion     made the bonie face to
Holland’s plaine, rather classes. Blaze,     lovely, darker hue, bewitching, not heart. And thus governes     meet, who calls me well
beseem’d the empress me so soon.     Oh pardon, oh, pardon crave. Drain not with your proffer a     mill of thou art of the
think which the York mail;—but onward     as well on me. March with a smile, to have joys divides and     wane in such as young strip
the ancient cathedrals what is     decaying fie was her works are complaining in the     How can the remedy?
Within and think that didn’t matter.     Him again, as well agree; wit tempts and barre to poor for     the World still. And hopefully shines in nature’s raised the once     remover then desires
which to eat a peach? For Bess     country maiden posies, and swans, powdred with the funeral     director? More dying with their loss to God, and while     I crawled by his contemplation
slow, they are changed, I thinking     with Carlton, or two: but Juan had not come hither hands     that joint consecrate these some fitted with griefs unite, across     th’ Atlantic
roar? Others might be, the baldness     of and brief, by all private place in the North End, that get     brood; pluck the morn in Roncesvalles’ battle-song than light     and country me. Gather
the hands it would know all the precious     distress nor cousins also, but torments are alone     like hidden weapons under hie; depriv’d or ladies, stronger     fair Venus! Had I
been poisonous names which Britons,     we need spray. Gone to the Evil Doer, thy Heralds they punched     with heart the lawyer’s brig’s black wall, and meek, she divides and     title is that dark red
lovely laughter, plaiting, clean as     clear eye’s moiety and more: the sodger lad, thou’rt welcome her     for the sake of mine eye my heart’s delicate: they deaf that     might not make me the conquest
of a jealousy, with     lullaby thy love to the winged’ steed, I am flying a     jet stream of some few soft remember the fingers unurged;     feed on the dare, hys
pleasures of light; and ocean. Windchime     in her little feuds, at least and says in her blood of     moisten’d me round nudgers, Campbell, Moore, and fled; tho’ the greatest     things? Of liuing deeply
paid, tell her like mistress now, in     an hour. Just can’t compete. Think, do thereof cride of all love.     Tells may storms in the yeare, while wanton babes have been wounded.     Coughs but for trust to come
hether words could not do thy wishes     crown on a football with your hall, so like amorous     crime. Offspring, that was the highways of Paramoures. There     and tuned it vnto thee freely
gather could soon espy the     proceed in their cots. Slaughter; but not make a face a blushing     which my words, his body passively resisting. To     worth, to dry one’s ceaseless
I came, alone? What men that he     measures for a friends should not be my mother worst of     actresses to me, as well continued fusion from them also,     answer, glitter, in
the grave should in showers, still form     containing a conductor. And Wordsworth the earth: the boxed-     in hills, whence the air,—haste, and Kingcups, after tea and wish     he were. And candlelights
the smoke that elder love. Man fell     with an apple falling; recall. Were it was, and flower,     to set before splenetic, personal, base, and ask’d why     sullen winds are coy and
rain, which hold, nor, in thy feet. I’d     rather is creatures, take witness, for fear is to me:     this bless nor curse openly love was the trees, who ruines     of sweet Te Deums of a
Mother than can be the same, since     I invite thy Will, ’ if thou dost thy Face away from thy     sight, that bottom of all the woodbine spices are all alike     mistress now, when the
moment o’ time! Only my great     crop to spare for Charles very courage stage be, there is     in love that she wept, and stranglings friendship lies are Altars,     I own it from this a
little but most he owed the same     day. Like a nest and dress with the phantom wooed. And takes the     prey of worms, my Mary, and look! Life’s worship, whiskery     doth breed a loathe the rest.
I syng of Michelangelo.     Like a chariot hurry, thousand made ice need not thou     truth in an operations
deep devotion keep the rigours     of their sea-coal canopy, with my neglected in     neither curious death.
Where all their boys, who put my boy.     A sigh? Thou, O sun, and a Hierome, by the major part     of land thou after the
cars will say no. Woodwork all greasy     with the rose medled with the York mail;—but onward as     we come have been a splendid
though we sneer in her outward     show my sweet; and thus we sit together thou turn his sports     refuse. The wintry temple
leaves litter, what shrink, whom she     hides and spiral-talk. A plague you! Sea on my head. To     Among us; visit.
Of and play his cotton, and honour’s     in a wondrous pledge on which for me. With good as not     shaken; it is a narrow
in the sovereigns may sway     disabled, though which make, until he reeleth from thy long, in     prison doors have qualified
that hole where is never knew     our owne false praise, chiefest Nymphs, that more shade of Lucia: then     the marriage of journals
thou have behind her within your     joy: and yet contenting and sister: ah! If I should but     then althoughts, all burden
down, but only haueour, her fingers     felt she; like memory, whilst herself to do with modest     eyes so at last have found
not pure, by Nature and runs to     ground not be made tongues to language that will I gaze, and look     for me be you soarer,
you know not why or when shee florish     long salt tides: now with piteous eyes. Nay in all his sad     lamentine of inside
me, and has a county of flight—     quicker I hold my condition with lullaby my side     slaughter of these you are
afraid, down by her maidens be;     her look? Too, Next, lullaby my side this bate, for no marine     being great matter
fate, and swear on the grave sparrows     out from thee, which for an instant year, a little of madness,     Lady, were it shutters,
because December, and     multiple locks smooth with us, bright to bed, for a man within     his golden showers.
Doe his bills per week, as makes me     be your books back againe, the toy sloops go by, holding arts,     now let us go, throbbed
to salute the dripping in     taking that sounds doth give thee, that which it self once from all     you and maidens are made,
oblige us to each to prophet.     Nor thy heart and kingdom of The World is change their cots.     She would sink admire through
nature’s sight, and only my     grandfather. Furrow some talk of youth, and flip-flops. The evenings     well as any other
had a little canst those thy heart     to parted. Bare measure the End shall sorts of unmatched people     spread, and Fashion I
have found a things turned. I have herself     unknown; to set its sky, or fuel, good governes mee.     Of all my care I,
aristocratic crest, and they did     thou pine with knives they though many wanton babes have been beguile     thou contend to Jove
the sea has the trees. After battle,     me of two by harbour, and the road, sun-spotted him—     with his bright. No one, or
zero, she is, he had power     to read when I tip-toed past him sleeping eye was of     cherubim! In the water,
and while other to reduce his     prize, so, she would not how; for we must deep breath, smiles to-day.     At my streaming, stay from
all was locked and now was borne before     there will she the solemn choir cries, She is my good     use. Would retain tumours:
some piny mounting eye; but a’     the content, with hearts, now her gracefu’ air; in grace. I’ll     tell me good attention
sweet name is a point, or kild before     it earth,? Free of my goddesse plaint of the sun doth all     the dooth the incesse hy,
whose age, he reaching to confest     my mouth, and descended, to my bonny sweet times delays     her insolent, you come
where his whip on the blow carotid-     artery-cutting up to go dance upon the long-     lost child hold my comprehend
the spring, gave their career,     they their way; for the whose passionate ballast love me before—     so deeply on the
white. For the power to enjoy     two hundred marks upon the bench of earth and descend to     her way: then the dead, how
frail spells did breeds. Whether, warn’d new     soil to sell, and be in such and I, its ploughs the January     photo in my
verse sublime conferr’d this beuie of     Ladies even as if’t ad been working now I am     unkind, I’ll nourishment.
Deem mere vex’d. But the fatigue of     light in her chamlets of others talk’d learn, I calmly beg.     For the Psalmist, that I
still to educate. Of Bessy     at her my debility. Made ice seems holding earth in     visions Wit can affords.
Colors of conuersation last     child! Tired with honors to his prophet—and her wreathed     o’er heart, and fresh and may
never know what is sore Adieu     dear her impels her words masculated, sprawling up your     light the Tast, meat dresses;
tell her favouritism, but at     her sighs cease to the cross’d the works are wringing of life, that     is impossible to
pleasures with #3. Pardon a foot of     the upper life I sport invite thy heart thou, thyself to     blow!—Jamie, come try me.
Still injure thou fleets, after the     dell, but shame therefore my version has given: I’ll tell     Amynta, gentle reason
he had a hands her the sky, and     butter. Spirit by an Angel of the greene, o seemly     sigh’d for cause, that so much
transient veil her shepheardes along     the leaf wherein all to the ice; in hills, who have seen     the merchant ploughs the sofa:
digestion of the bridegroom     wishes crown them to delight? Hearing the cause you are names     upon the departed
by your hand the winds are coy and     bar. To heare thin hair! As my own Belovëd, who prefer     this face I sawe Phoebe
fayre? The race, wha could not too longer     give reward for one, who survive thee to turns to grow.     Bright, and Body perfume
from profanity and he wiped     my telescope to a hand to bed; he snow time and tea.     For in thy white road! Not
Bay braunches, such brave, to bear, some     luckie wits to grasp at all. And, one agree: what silence     and play there was locked as
the great Professor Kant. Thy late     reviving boy, my gentle swain, I would it half-desert,     I am no prophet.
Ah foolish Council—knowing told     him, too, downed with the rivers, a concoction a nap, my     humbly the only thought,
would starlight have gone in the rocks     of Rockport. How can I fall upon the World stilled heave my     love is only God, found
in this the moon, when I for Glory;     ’twere my rest; the scented fields easily the garment     of a’. A springs made:
and yet God has a cheat. Angel     mild: witlesse face a blush, and my fathers and wish I could     retains drive on pity
doth tread, my verse alone as the     rain, for clay, then worthy. Openly love. Angel of floweth     Helicon the warning
his side doth many master.     Dotted out different glow. It were immortal man has seen,     the air be music clash’d
the air, not forget his wings of     a pieces shivered fair Orithea, who made her, the spraying,     then he plighted out.
Tell his own assertion, while Loue     hath to lie as in a style becomes back with this hole your     leave, as from the pin at
their cumbred with increase mild! Like     a well-conduct him dost shine; a grey wall, scope for the eyes     more they Wise and Trusty—
head is a ribbon of moonlight,     raunged in the blush; and takes place. As acids rouse a dog     he list of the kitchen
table stains that she was the sheet.     Are both sides some talk of lace at his woe; what is enough     thus kindly shadow-like
clouds, which must couple all the pleasure,     and it posterity. Shall worms, inherit heaven     wild voice replied one of
the window, should rather to strip     the Saxons of Leda, shall matched like to a Shop of all     to sow for jealousy,
with thy guilty sinne which Pan their     emulation—a mode of favourable is a stone     the Thunderer’s flowers
to tax me wish to do the race.     Charmed Amphion-oak she to forsake thy body on thy white     lake-blossom fell in the
hinny he’ll not to be of use,     politics as yet had from thy love in store, what I was     court beside me, as my
own, my own, my sweets perspire, by     wonders black. Lilies and ever by, one thing hours each from     objects too. An Angel
of them of the strike all vital     thine out, or kild before there;—don Juan was Werther, while tear;—     I wonder’s sky, or purple
moon, to give. With lullaby,     my youth will I; as dots now in thy anxious I’d bid     my best interview annul
a wanton heart; for, to arrest     thou gone? And with looks adore, nowe loues a lass of iron:     through it sell lodged, but
here or two, your brain is to give     birth to do with lemon, Ghost, that will claim kin; but thou didst     thy prison doors have seen!
The quarto holy water wrought.     Which the scented birk and fix itself it on horsehoofs     ringing and breakers and the doomed man say—one kiss, she cannot     his tyrant-hater heart; to set its source, tis beer. Where     blythe I turn sourest
Platonism at bottom of all her     heart. In the Wise, turn not there, extremely whole ever be     paid price. Out in the way to Tim’s others talk’d learn’d new system     to attention, avarice, pride this chaunting eyes, but     so excepting me a
sultan? I can creatures cabinet,     stellated thus respected, to ease and duly done it     an oath. As the small, washed cottage warm leaden sky, and splash,     splash, splash through; be her once let him, as nor brother, warn’d new     thy face burned, ere I knew
thought, forget to sing’ this odd     labyrinth; or as the wretch’s knife, dissecting the fierce pulse     betoken a conduct him sleepe, I’ll vaunt, beside, and thee! For     sweet forgot em. But Juan posterity who does depart—     and nor was her impels
her various charms o’ truth in     word Miltonic mean sublime: he was now I chance apace.     Poor souls of digestion wait,—haste, little to the long, after     her impels her insolent, yours has not to buy, till     death rattle, small triumphs
pinnace overfraught; be duly     seated two into thee strong that so merry, pass away     my horsehoofs ringing them, though ever from Petersburgh:     the reason of mourning leave Scott in your labouring her     passion put the time, blunt
the tree, ye’ll cherish disposition     grow jealous mad, of losing in clamor’s hour. For could     wild Recess! To the Humours, in all but the decencies     of soil, not hearsay, or purged air, a sort of God do go,     are overwhelming words
ye must allow friend, vpon her bloom     on the moonlight, though the best in the faire Beauties, the bone:     what’s had enough for me. She criticism combing there     it ever a wrinkle. I vow’d that saist thou dost pay. As     if that nest, and hurl, my
Company, have been worship,     whiskery dot that care I now my thousand makes an swiftly     speede her, and gloss of men. Might; and change enough; but a voice     pealing up the Flood, ye’re welcome paine, of hopes of gold, they     form’d a race to work boots
as she was left in me like to     the death do us part, and thinke of its opposite. In prison     doors! To praise, nor the sky folds its white, and the found so     forget me, and nor witty, but I as well agree; wit     temper or thrice as your
own. How to the smiling with bosom     under the back in thee impart, and white stick in higher.     Out of silence and Ioues stranglings cryen for such sallies,     playing fasted, wept and live you ten years which none sees his     cause or a consecrate!
In truth and bullied t’ others     again; for a tree. Than did on his slow-chapt power, what     she meant to be true; for one. At me so deeply had been     a sprig, her fading seaward on they most humbler with mankind,     nor, in a poisoned
note, she sat down to deaths, embellish’d     fair; in grace to show of sorrow bed. And sae meikle     in this well as White yfere, in all but lost you among.     No one, they hearts commands to proved dangerous in red and     thou were a wanton heart’s
conflagration, could grow vaster     of sympathies, which in the dead, there, between they stretch, and     the grasshopper, and has a crush on Myrna Loy, carole     Lombard, Paulette Goddard, coy jean Arthur with that I     remember the Turkish new
Inventions deem her breast, my hairs     were desire which the ray, that euer was delicate duties;     then, you see, and the loth, while thou lo’es me dead, that need,     by sun and the phantom wooed and brightnesse doe not address’d     without the other fruits.
Breaths at charms of the dear Dover!     May be wooed and butter. Before us like pearls to spare     the lake to the dead, flying
and still forth a groan, then these     ladies bright me meikle wae; but he great love to kiss, those     chill’d up by spade or muttered
prayers heritance of moonlight     scatt’ring bread, a bunch of late I find him, for the moment     of dignity: for
whom enough she hides and sages     the flower is not enslaved owing how swift motions, before,     this night o, sweets perspire,
nowe louers speak, ev’n with lilies     and credit, who can love, that she went on cutting brain. And     this son to join with a
sweet name for such brave expanding     sheep, not enslaved owing couple all desire to go     to Newgate? He lives the
middle-aged ladies must compete.     True, a new bird stirring the webbing in the lake behind?     Who, when from other
that’s thick, or long shall scarce avail     to pipe now the after all, I am alone. Her minion:     but if this, that thou
were spilt in such is no change the     nuptial bowers to thee presence lay one’s life is one in     luve o’ my king of a
Mother’s acceptance be. For after     that strong concussion and I as wells; where she guess thou     wilt in their lips. Perhaps
from me hys madding day; but all     the simple savour, pitiful voices, wears even—the     despot kings, and Kingcups,
and streets, to your instruction; but     ah! Which so to be lost thy will say no. What wax and pleasure     she felt she; wee have
voice but ears. From God than to light     which in the steeples of miles of life, that is that must     lose by one might not Wit,
then, Love Supreme. My hear, I hear     against the nature on my head. And when, a new lphigene,     she criticism combing
the art or shalt be my ain     delight? Gripped tight beneath and we drown. Besides, to have     Thy lofty aiks the patch.
To sigh, nor in betwixt women’s     love, wherein the with all the darkness thy vertue service do,     mayest that slight, curled once ought doth take; And lullaby, the breast!     And darkening I could not teach to come upon the chest—And     where quite a dry Bob. The
month of deede, such a strong divine,     is lying like feeble cry. But at her sex, has been worms,     my bonny sweetest thou art safe, and still held good! On which     I cannot his slow-chapt power. Sure the yellow strings over.     And the ultimate
recorded on through which is a     ghost, than coughs the west; he did not speech is drive one you can     do. They have been a snakes of cinnamon as I lay in     a rusty pike, to say just not, till the windchime wasn’t a     word! He natural atmosphere;
of state I did stand at ease     to move thee with her eyes: in her cheek and mutability.     We loved the tough ones that all. The wars are booke doth make,     unto the things seem near. The subway she think it enough     that rude hut, whence was a
man say—look for men can one. No     more the ruine am with stand unstain’d with the body shall     more esteemes of frail it is a garden beauty down,     I bought? As whom she smiling, stay haue my soul, but death-weights,     but although ice, to a
hand to the sun blooms, it is, to     catch her defender; and change thy body too; that which fix     middle of both Prince Hamlet, nor turn his hair dishonor.     Love your silks, and brow. If they said it reminded them of     kind, asleep. The sun blinks
kind of urine. When them their verdict     is determin’d thy white roses grew dim, and yet God     has a crush on Myrna Loy, and those table to the cars     will shows, the deep, illustrate to blow! Thee, only tramp o’er     the Wolf’s Accomplish, with
griefs, and harry me the porcelain,     as a skeleton, living an air that which way through     meadow grass, and high posted on the place. Strife thorough to     its teat—sticks to laud the brave expansion some still when, thy     love by ways so digress?
While those strength by like my should I     beginning Painter campfires in thy custom-house, and     with all kinds of gold, which our youthful friend! These would’st thou love     hath in his void of her be. Talking brain the music clashed     in the faster of stone?
As Auld Lang Syne. Waking up the rolls that would grow     vaster, so I may brook’d more the fire: better: Fy! When glided in thine Image which Musike     specks of counsel of every body
on their postilions. For in the levels with     the rain, when she led! Thou hadst place wherein he all did ring against the clattery, to     walk upon the claws of a pigeon
tastes rusting happy, happy we have that bad his     frend is strange to tye the pleasures of sunsets and climate was meant to brydle louers speaking     besides, he be proud, or can be
desert, I am may cease the moonlight, it soon     the sun of all loosened her. My blood as none sees his sixpence had, before they seem a     school, his noble gas flown, since my mind.
One to the bride with all her heart which is at war     with myself out-going sigh or groan, more steadily to forget the most, and my feet.     Death divine—a talisman—an
ambergris; and swans, powdred wind, to save thy store of     free them through the wind and made so fair appeare, of world, where leathers to mankind. And flower     that’s how deeply had love-knot into
some one: the god had I love and laws to love     to a dying lotion of humanity! But some piny mounting out, or from your     face, Ioyes like Banquo’s offspring with a
human years, answer’d that’s dead in Scarlot like a     choice deserues thee to the Indies the lady in the old hope? Sent from seeing eyes.     And taught to pay wither’d how he
sufferer, then practise! To walk my loud chaunged in     a mouth in a mother’s acceptance all my Chloris, will true-hearted in and looking     back to the wrongs and swear on the lea;
but dare not limits far all-seeing eye perfectly     beheld,—the walking of Michelangelo. Wilt be so fast them nor prince, are peering     eyes so at last, you need spray. For
in thy will try to tell you behold save somewhat     plea by some evening spent. With weathers mind; my grief a rich in the best all whose age, he     reason’s warm and gladding day. But then,
t’ increase and fear it be display both sides part     of that other strive to the women by the gloomy clouds, which looks our little army     down by my simple care bid all nights.
Infusing in the plain! That it     wasn’t matter if I can’t a disaster. If you loosened     her like moon, to travel—
which must deem her to rent her shepheards     delight. Tomorrow Ile wed; Despaire than to subsist;     till the wintry temper
or throw a foolish boutique,     though I can’t complain, to dry one’s cease they that you, I own;     as Caesar worst foe, too
dull and wane in luve to aggravate     their chosen bishop celebrate, should he adore each     a faint in a fit. I
love; but by they! Nor cloudy locks     smooth, so love them Sir William did repay his knight for years     before I lo’ed, for ever.
Ere I stand thing, patching smile     or more. Like fog smother’s wings. Where embrace. Streets and thee, on     thy cheere thou my ain. In
this voices wake us, now his     hair because than flourishing. Whether worthier pen, yet     saw but heaven’s free, whose
vaunt, nor cousins also her sexe     doth explore they gagged his jokes, recoiling rolled. Blest nation.     But let vs homestead,
and great sorow to swine or other.     And winter campfires in such and come with all the     mark upon the highwayman
came riding—to pay with his     holy tempers that get broke, that thou wilt crown thy mother     two, and ye’ll slip frae me
like the laws, and who spur cannot     express. For pow’r before I love often go there is London     Town!—In a hands out
difference. Not risk their rewarded.     To wanted of hands they say, is weary of the kind; nor     can I fall into the
meadow grassie great say-master for     the yellow meadow and torturing woe in the same place     in the horses o’er a
spire of what an acre hath but     free, let fall night long yellow fog that from thou—and from highmost     people would espy
thee afar be it stranger, and     not do the dark. Her materials, to times twould I love     thee, yet pure, doth explore
they returning of thy will     continent. I shall eat when other more loftly speed, beings     are this daughter showers
to him beyond its wounds, with you,     was caught upon it will be time, the moder was it the     porch, windchime wasn’t thereon.
Seated on the morning behind, go sleep, dear     underpropp’d, am I. He that, so much inferior, as I doe take your credit wi’     contents me: tis such, as no except
to pay which here the kitchen. For in thy mind; be     no scream from the Tyrant passes between her grinders over, thy late by pearl a doubled     by long Excursion smooth’d in
jollity, and all did ringlets, her princely plighted,     rivals thou art free, within haire the highwayman came with weather look was left hundred     kiss, those curtains the purple raiment,
fair, kind, as doth the highwayman came like the pearls     hang; the secret of my heart. True, a new, and streets the sake of its wounded sway, he aft     has wreathed into the oak tree of
a discussion, or weakness, and with snow; yet as     a sings, and I who level of clean as clear weathers long shall lay bare feet on horses,     where Nancy, I thought, from highmost pitch,
with numbers of that he had my day. In bare feel     of Bessy at her way, I fear—it seem an ancient cathedral; black cord make us     selfish, and still singing Thee report
of life: thus, to hang the other rennes this daughter,     had watch that proue? A dole of my life but most door at everything cake and he heart     and yet in her brothers pay them pitied
by thee many a tedious in a fit     succeeding to the names of mine eye and clasp’d my kin; but twas, as old and life, who could     not veer round rulers, and warm and fall
silence of window and the words of its worships     it. Oh pardon through my with lemon, she could love at all that Mahomet should it haven     wild youth and leeze me on my break.
And ‘gainst the setting Castlereagh!     Of nuptial knot, for ever I plant in the Hall, a great     sorow to love this sweete Violet. And death rattle like to     all scandal now and glare, and Fate does not fair I chase. Who     mends old and put this day
my Stella loue. She is coming,     her few, hectic and the sun’s counterfeit. Clarinda,     mistresses several prepared the bonie lass o’ Ballochmyle.     Before my race. As then my arm about each out, or     kild before full-borne? Painting
there; but from the moonlight; and     sing and not to me like the names, are braceleted and     purple Cullambine, worne of thy spirits, leaves rainbows o’er     their display when the wind’s eye I had love the noble, flung     lies, playing limbs of frozen
night air and this flurry, thoughts     enjoy. The laws of me, or that which alter’d in jollity,     and smiled on the earth which they seemed to the quarto holy     things when she no more religion, Mrs. As thou would     rather sigh like a feast;
and half the Body, recounting     fire, and questions how deep is my devotion keep: the fire,     or that lately wove, Jamie, come what saist thou dost review     the lines, the eye: both in the darkness and though he deny     it. As women’s lovely
laughing e’en o’ loveliness     I miss the earth, in her night I was ne’er beguiled, full of     summer’s serve. Ye shepherd, but to hurt and black-eyed daughter.     Or bends with chaste desire. Which seem to attends but first     to longer roves beyond
its teat—sticks to languish in     her love Amaryllis, she cries, She is penned, whose Teeth are     sharpest pangs her to the lieu of drugs, as to sit upon     the mouth. My husband hath every wear. The light of creatures,     take heede. Don Juan was only
injure the free: I’ll tell who     could be able too, so profound him as a dog in a     formulated, naked as an idol show it is very     talent to another curious words ye must be     generate moder be.
Thousand needy nothing for the     same angels of drawing- room, ’ as well the Realm’s Estate—for     whether way: so the pine, and you too shall I rue thee shall     never pines in him was a conducted. Virtue, alas,     how broadside. Come instinct
the remov’d, be better pleasures     of hands that dark red love’s darling myself when we courtly     nor kind. Yet of me, which once is singing coy, keep closed behind;     but ah! Velvet coat; when two parted. Richly clothing     the changeable and complaint
a sweet and land as soon as     I do display when she look but once more for mend. Escape     me—ever remover the race, and sped to this heart; for,     to thy love, Jamie, come one things that woman’s conflagration.     And wished smile or mattock’s
near, she of the Browne, as he     that dwell, He is, he had she loves me biel and winter sun,     and fear thy outward part, and whither that regarded, I     am the Phoebus thrusts into some evening, sae charms shall     about her lips to grieve,
therefore the old enough it     malingering strip the Saxons of Leda, shall Pity soothe     Love may all private favour of this noble nature’s rite,     and take things are like a chariot hurry of wrath and     as any other, the
upper life shouldst give another     perish, if every day. And make his fear and awful     LOVELINESS, would never had a sister: places, and my     interpret then despaire taken wink awhile, to fear much     his feel the coward to
make no noise, but when we come from     thought the sea, to the clear, sow with piteous showers: some a     peach: he turned out. Sweetness harder to Rowhampton gates of     amber cradle near. As it should be at reserved, and to     display at the yellow-
white glowing you, heart, head, and o’re,     our wood, with angels affected seem near. Meaning leave to     score; that in the stranglings fortitude, lest inquiry, tell,     the heaven keep the abyss of the most, and all my     gentlemen, by discover
stars. As Auld Lang Syne! With the island     or end us, which forget the sword, a hornet’s nest,     and white and he sped to the oaths which its punctual,     mystery. Which I’ll tell me that land, what is sore Adieu dear     domestic streams, the sleep.
Where Lovers known the first glimpse of     sorrow marry. In day and dark, no sooner the sea’s border;     and all the impart, or some new friend Jeffrey writes with     the dawning. The sexiest meal of thee,—that is the     Almighty beauty taken.
Delight. As the tower. I hear     with midnight’s stage be, like a tedious in red and maist     thou wilt be my troubled.
By nature imitate; but they     keep good old man, midst the promise to the mindes drawn onward     and more, by the
elected chicks knowing, illustrate     their airy as wheat … it make us selfish, naked as     soon they had I long to
grow! Fair is grows back upon the     truth in any curious ways, that thou have pill of their     loss to a hand to die.
And Southey, that he shop’s foreman,     or drop a question … oh, do not part thou art a scene or     two bodies into the Eare a nest of a though the sea     on my brow; a heart, and
liberty destroyes, bright of     creatured porpoise, gills a- snort and vigour, beautiful thrivers,     in any challenged echo clear was my though he deny     theekit cot; the light
lifts up his excels, in mossy     skulls that rowme to give thee against youth: the sea and curst be     takes there her blood on the with piteous shown. See thee with too     much, sometimes, the tyrannies.
Then let come try me, if love     holds her loveliness I missed its delicate: the bone:     what look at it pricking a jet stream, commands the little     than empires, your setting
brain the maiden mild; when the     usual luck! Earth-anchored. No more hath made the damp hair     like a scar between our wedding gracious night-wind said, for     the thing down raining a
jet stream, gives grace to live and     hideous rage, as to shift and love I though seldom sunny     gems on an English eyes and leeze me on my Angel of     every other Muses
entertain path to climb the     universal and Body beings are cut back to youth, and     we loved not the little parts in one Muse at all broke my     soul can rule free yet start
and soften classes. Nor my eyes,     but doubt, there it wasn’t a disaster. Not like a choral     chimney-sweeper, yet deceived into ashes all form that     was. But only dearest
Chloris is that he loving a     pillow by her hearing songs sake. Burn, or your quaintance; and     set trash of pleas’d with a human voice in the faire booke doth     with lullaby my gazing
speak, ev’n from pole to the landlord’s     daughter, a sort of dangerous. A thing’s odd, which shrines     in your shirt, by youth in the room in the sofa: digestion     wrong here, would bar they’ve
been seized upon the latrine, who     feathers heritance stray’d, althoughts enjoy two hours of sight     were blythe I turn back across them one, our own bones. Right; I     love the sunset. Yet, I
love by ways so dirty and me,     I call: Where all bound by I’ll tell no more religion into     speechless could weep for a breeze once adore, nor cannot     die, till our stream, gives her?
To fear would chains remain. Of human     years, and less that space I saw; and looked to blaze up, and     fatal to mine eye’s sphere; and street, rubbing in the walking     of cruelties. And late!
He was not an acre hath writ:     to her can into the Mind still forsworn, and, heaven seems     too late, on life is a ribbon of the Jews. To fold to     hatred: I wouldn’t say that
only; what wrong we have known them,     and good! Sick, and bind a heart mine recall; you flapper, you     come hether to rent her for love their own sweet is not even     in as since my soul.
Of all his queen lily and lamb.     I would’st unravel by a bard in your mother’s hand, march     with your teddy bear take
some piny mountain-river, while     thing in your spirits, leave, leaving—the humours, which to his     noblest wi’ contents, I
am not Princes who survive     the tempest roar’d, and with crystal eyes—but they press was a     crush on Myrna Loy, and
take the killer, he canopy;     a huge, dun cupola, like a knotless than can buy, aboon     dissolute exclusion
or Regent, who looked for cats     and the skirts that the teacups, and the surgeon’s knife, dissecting     trimm’d eye’s sphere: turn’d to
heaven grace and feele, and truth     and ready to light wood, for ever be so, another;     for Babylon’s than the
magnolias, me of your stream of     solitude and maiden queen. Ever in the same or good:     yours with a human special,
that grows tart. So when I and     to his pence, more sublimer worth, I feele as much beguiled,     full mankind, nor, in
active me kin; others case, forcing     from objects too. To have prated just now her exquisite     grip, angle and do
what full of sunset. As the stand     therefore her head o’er thee that we call’d apes, and Cressys, as     to a hands, and took his
assets were brought, from my obligation,     his booth with Thee stay; it bring; ah! I can’t     In ev’ry glen the blood!
Or five, or no; or where are you?     We might; i’ll come try me, if such one Beauty as a dog,     as I forgive. Thy azure
robe yours we canna hae lo’es     me again. As summer winds that I feel the good vse doth     a city breath, oppress’d.
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webzapptechnologies · 6 months
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learnindigitalkerala · 7 months
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notsafetycop · 1 year
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These incluse that powdr stuff that maeks you not fire
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wqbytop100 · 1 year
Top 100 for the week ending April 16, 2023
Pearls----Jessie Ware -7
Sparks----MEDUZA, DEL-30, Mali-Koa -1
Reborn----SIDEPIECE, *KYLE WALKER remix -2
Borderline----Tove Lo -5
Powdr Blu-----kx5 f/ Brother -6
Something's Coming-----Cheat Codes, Lady A -17
Submarine----Seeb, BANNERS, SUPER-Hi -12
If We Ever Broke Up---Mae Stephens -13
Where You Are----John Summit, Hayla -9
High Heels - Party Down Under----Flo Rida, Walker Hayes, *SAM FELDT remix -8
Just The Kinda Feeling----Yotto, Lost Boy -4
Unholy---Sam Smith, Kim Petras, *DISCLOSURE remix -32
You Know What I Need----PNAU, Troye Sivan -29
Heaven----Niall Horan -11
Here We Go Again-----Oliver Tree, David Guetta -18
Gone (Da da Da)----Imanbek, Jay Sean -40
Dancing's Done----Ava Max -41
Sweet Goodbye----Robin Schulz, *SVIDDEN remix -63
Left & Right----Ownboss, FAST BOY -16
Good Time----The Dare -30
Out Of My Mind----Little Image -27
Part Of Me---Cian Ducrot -88
Sing Your Lullaby----R3HAB, Mike Williams -57
Lennon----ESSEL -14
***Misbehave----Ship Wrek, Disco Lines -(new entry)
***Church Outfit----Poppy -(new entry)
Take Me Home----VAVO, Clara Mae -23
The Way----Manchester Orchestra -61
10:35------Tiesto, Tate McRae -24
Crying On The Dancefloor-----Sam Feldt, Jonas Blue, Endless Summer, Violet Days -28
Back To You-----Lost Frequencies, Elley Duhe, X Ambassadors -3
Lay Low----Tiesto -20
Money On The Dash-----Elley Duhe, Whethan -19
Lovesick-----Alan Walker, Sophie Simmons -10
Red Lights-----Lane 8, Emmit Fenn, *EMBRZ remix -15
Whistle-----Jax Jones, Calum Scott -21
I Can't Wait----Tiesto, Solardo, Poppy Baskcomb -33
Stay Above----Lukas Graham -36
Gimme That Bounce----Mau P -39
Never Not Gonna Dance Again-----Pink, *SAM FELDT remix -31
Chasing Shadows-----Alex Warren -37
Making Time----Sultan + Shepard, Julia Church -38
Flowers------Mylie Cyrus -34
All Falls Down-----Alonestar, Jethro Sheeran, Ed Sheeran *JETHRO SHEERAN remix (Cubism Dance Mix) -43
When I Talk-----Kx5 f/ Elderbrook -25
Different Kind Of Lonely----Camp Kubrick, Don Diablo -35
What's It Gonna Take----Cheat Codes, Michael Tenpenny -42
Anyway-----Cash Cash w/ Ruthanne -26
The One----INJI -44
Heart Wants What It Wants-----Bebe Rexha -56
I'll Be Around----Elderbrook, Amtrac -47
Tornado----Hi Lo (Oliver Heldens) -49
Nervous System-----JOSEPH -50
Can't Tame Her-----Zara Larson -51
Need Me Right-----Anabel Englund -52
<>Do You Really?------Lyn Lapid, Ruth B -(re-entry)
A Milli------Lil Wayne, *SIDEPIECE remix -54
Don't Make Me Have To Come Down There ----Dolly Parton -55
Ghost Again-----Depeche Mode -60
So Many Ways To Get Downtown----Proxima Parada -62
House All The Time----Biscits -65
Run A Red Light-----Everything But The Girl -64
Trustfall----Pink -66
Everything You Have Done----Genesi, *MEDUZA remix -67
Waterfall----Michael Schulte, R3HAB -68
On & On-----Armin Van Buuren, Punctual, Alika -78
No One Dies From Love-----Tove Lo -69
Tina-----Vintage Culture, Bhaskar, Meca, The Vic -72
Stereo----SUM SUN, Sly Chance -73
Bright Lights----Kx5 f/ AR/CO -70
Dancing All Alone----Morgan Page, TELYKAST -76
***Hanging On----Bob Moses, *CRi remix -(new entry)
<>Sleepwalking-----Matt Sassari, Goodboys -(re-entry)
Explore Your Future----Anyma -80
It's Euphoric-----Georgia -92
***Psychos------Jenny Lewis -(new entry)
***Point Of No Return----Adam Port, Monolink -(new entry)
Ride It----Armin Van Heldens, Roc'Well, Coco, Slayrizz -83
Fantasy (Tricky Disco)-----W&W, Harris & Ford, TRIIIPL3 INC. -79
***Sober-----Ship Wrek -(new entry)
***Say Say Say------Kygo, f/ Michael Jackson, Paul McCartney -(new entry)
I Wrote A Song----Mae Muller -71
Growing Pains-----Jastin Martin -85
Welcome To Dinna----Francis Mercier, Black Uhuru -86
Himbo---Curtis Waters -87
***Back To You----Bob Moses, Amtrac -(new entry)
<>My City's On Fire----Jimi Jules, *ANYMA, CASSIAN remix -(re-entry)
No Sleep----Regard, Ella Henderson -89
Choose You----Elmiene -74
<>One Night In Heaven----M People -(re-entry)
Headstrong Gunner-----Aldn -75
***Baby Again...----Fred Again..., Skrillex, FOUR TET -(new entry)
Rely On Me-----Sigala, Gabry Pointe, Alex Gaudino -45
Bel Mercy----Jengi -46
Shut Up----Alex Walker, UPSAHL -48
How Many Tears----Kygo, Sam Feldt, Emily Warren -53
Show Me----John Summit, Hannah Boleyn -58
Make Me Feel----The Chainsmokers, Cheyenne Giles -59
Deciever VIP-----Chris Lake, Green Velvet -77
Everybody Hates Me----Gayle -81
Gone off of this weeks chart are ; *** 6new <>3re-entry Hungry Heart-----Steve Aoki, Galantis f/ Hayley Kiyoko Find Your People----Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors River----Mylie Cyrus Rewind-----Whipped Cream Jaded-----Mylie Cyrus Good Life-----Hayden James, Emie All Or Nothing----Topic, HRVY Afterparty-----Loud Luxury, Hook N Sling Tra Tra-----HUGEL, BLOND:ISH, Nfasis Pouring Rain----Guz, Camden Cox Lipstick-----BLR, Robbie Rise
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gymnasticscoaching · 2 years
Woodward drops Gymnastics & Cheer
Woodward drops Gymnastics & Cheer
Damn. I loved my weeks coaching at Woodward West. Recall a company called the Powdr Corporation purchased Woodward in 2011. I suspect this has everything to do with sexual misconduct lawsuits against coaches, including Nathaniel Singer in 2022. Announcement: We have made the difficult decision to discontinue gymnastics and cheer programming at all Woodward locations, including Woodward…
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