#pov; i could be anything you need as long as you dont leave
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I've got you
Clone OC Banshee × GN-Reader
Word Count: 727
Prompt: "back hugs" from @littlemissmanga and "comfort fic for nonverbal reader" from @nika6q
Song: Get You The Moon by Kina (feat. Snøw)
Rating: PG, but as always Minors DNI 🔞
Contents and Warnings: hurt/comfort, light swearing, Banshee kicks a door down in the name of love.
Summary: It's been a long time since Banshee's been home, and the stress of life has you overwhelmed at the worst possible time: right when Banshee gets home.
Author's Notes: another Banshee POV!!! Some hurt/comfort this day. Sorry it's so short, and not at all what I've been saying I'd write next, but at least it's something.
Taglist: @returnofthepineapple @wizardofrozz @eclec-tech @dystopicjumpsuit @clonethirstingisreal @wings-and-beskar @multi-fan-dom-madness @starrylothcat @n0vqni @sev-on-kamino @mythical-illustrator @523rdrebel @littlemissmanga @atomickidsoul @moonwreckd
"Hey Ban~ Today is day 43 of our tragic separation, you're millions of miles away, and it's not fair. So today at work..."
"Day 55 of "No Banshee hugs for me". Seriously, when are you coming home? I miss you. Anyway, my Tooka came back from the vet today- oh right, I adopted a tooka kitten yesterday, I bet you can't guess what I named him-"
"Day 97, Rai told me you miss me. I just... I wish I could hear it from you. I know, I know it's not easy, I know you don't talk, I just-- I'd do anything to have you with me, just so I could understand that you miss me..."
"Day 122... I wish you'd come home..."
I've been listening to your recordings every day since I was deployed. All 132 of them. Every single day since we left, you sent me a diary of your day, stars I can't tell you how much I needed every single one of those. Running through battle fire, hearing you laugh about what "Banbino" was doing. I can't believe you named your tooka after me.
I've thought about you every second of the days. How your hair is tossed in the morning, how you scrunch your nose at how I make Caf... don't be mad, but I still haven't learned how to make it proper. The way your voice sounds and feels when you put my hands on your throat and chest, so I can feel every way you say you love me... I've thought about being with you again since the second I turned to leave 132 days ago.
So why am I stuck behind your front door? I can't even raise my hand to knock. Can't even enter the code to your flat... it's my number, you told me that so long ago now... I've been keeping track, I know it's your day off, I know you're just right behind this damn door so why can't I open it!? Come on Banshee! Open the door! Open the damn door, they're right on the other side, just open--
I... I heard that. Did you fall? Are you hurt? No, no don't be hurt I'm so bad at medical. C'mon, karkin' door open! Remind me to fix your locks, I'll replace them, I swear. Oh fuck, the hinges too, I uh... I kicked a little too hard, I think...
"Ban...?" You're crying... why... why are you crying?
When you hold your arms out to me, I dont even take a full step forward before you recoil and cover your face with a racking sob. I don't stop moving. I can't, you need me. I get to one knee behind you and gently rub your back, but it only makes you curl in on yourself more... what can I do for you?
Carefully I sit behind you, and collect you up in my arms, your back pressed to my chest. With my helmet off, I put my head on your shoulder, "I've got you, Cyare... I'm here."
You sound like me a moment, trying to talk, trying to force words. I shush you, leaning my head on yours and swaying softly. Eventually, you turn around, and bury your face in my neck. When I hum, you start to relax in my arms, and eventually, I can't help the little chuckle in my throat. You're snoring... Stars I love you.
It's another hour before you wake up. I moved us to your bed, and had since changed into the civvies you'd gotten me. Softer clothes, I figured you'd like it more than my hard armor...
"Banshee? You're... you're really home? I'm s-sorry, I'm sorry for-- I-I was just- I was so--" your blush when I press my lips to yours, it's so warm I could feel it on my own skin.
"I... it's okay, y-you don't ha-have to expl-pl-plain." Your eyes shine at the sound of my voice... I wish I could talk better, I'd speak for you all the time. "I've g-got you, Cyare."
You nod and set your head back on my chest. As I hum again, you join in, mumbling the words under your breath when you feel up to it. Take your time, Cyare. I know how hard it is to talk, I'm not going anywhere.
#from the archivist#grave squad clones#404th clones#clone oc banshee#clone oc banshee x reader#banshee x reader#banshee x you#oc x you#clone oc x reader#oc x reader
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Oh, I could be anything you need as long as you don't leave. p.o.v. achlys.
sugestão de música para leitura.
tw: alucinação, flashback ptsd, ansiedade, ataque de pânico, self-harm, menção de tentativa de suicidio materno, menção de vômito.
"But even though you're killing me I, I need you like the air I breathe I need, I need you more than me I need you more than anything Please, please"
Com a noite, parecia que todos os demônios de Achlys vinham à tona. A escuridão, que antes era seu refúgio, agora parecia engoli-lo e rasgá-lo em pedaços tão pequenos que, às vezes, ele sequer sabia quem era. Seus olhos fundos e o olhar sem rumo pareciam ser seu novo eu, e ele odiava aquilo profundamente. Estava sem dormir há quatro dias seguidos; em alguns momentos, sentia que momentaneamente perdia a consciência, mas voltava a si em questão de dois ou três minutos, o suficiente para tentar disfarçar sua completa exaustão. Sua fala lenta e o raciocínio turvo podiam ser confundidos com sua habitual embriaguez, mas na verdade eram apenas sinais de que seu corpo estava à beira do colapso.
Algo em sua cabeça havia mudado. Nem mesmo o álcool conseguia silenciar as vozes dentro de sua mente, aquelas que o perseguiam incessantemente. Ele só precisava de um momento de silêncio, de alguma paz, mesmo que passageira. Mas todas as vezes que suas pálpebras cansadas se fechavam, ele via vividamente os rostos das vidas que havia ceifado, o terror preso neles, que agora parecia estar gravado em seu próprio olhar.
A sensação de ser consumido pela escuridão o deixava à beira do desespero. Antes, a noite era seu aliado, o manto que o escondia e acalmava, mas agora era um abismo que o sugava, tornando seus pensamentos mais sombrios e desesperadores. Ele se encontrava preso em um ciclo interminável de culpa e remorso, incapaz de escapar das lembranças dolorosas que assombravam seus sonhos e atormentavam sua mente desperta. A escuridão que o envolvia era densa e sufocante, e ele se sentia como um náufrago em um mar de desespero, lutando para manter a cabeça acima da superfície. Cada segundo sem dormir, cada momento passado na penumbra de sua mente, era uma luta contra os fantasmas que ele próprio havia criado. E enquanto o mundo continuava a girar, indiferente ao seu sofrimento, Achlys se via cada vez mais perdido, buscando desesperadamente um refúgio que talvez nunca encontrasse.
O Whitlock suava frio, encarando a parede de seu chalé. A agonia em seu peito era tão profunda que ele podia sentir o coração doer, uma dor tão real que o deixava completamente paralisado.
"Achlys?" A voz chamou seu nome, fazendo a cor desaparecer de sua pele. Era como se o ar houvesse sido arrancado de seus pulmões.
"Penny?" O choque era tão grande quanto a dor ao pronunciar o nome que ele não se achava digno de dizer.
Os cabelos louros desgrenhados, com pequenos cachos, davam à filha de Afrodite uma aparência angelical. Penny era seu primeiro amor e sua primeira grande perda. Ele a havia conhecido em seu primeiro dia no acampamento, quase onze anos atrás. Ela lhe mostrara tudo, como funcionava cada coisa. Seus olhos azuis eram doces e cheios de vida, ao menos até o dia em que Achlys acidentalmente ceifara sua vida. Ainda não tinha controle completo sobre suas habilidades mágicas, e talvez numa tentativa de nunca mais cometer tal ato, por alguns anos ele se aplicou aos estudos para ter maestria sobre seu dom. No primeiro ano após a perda de Penny, ele sequer se permitira tocar em alguém, temendo que acidentalmente fosse consumir outra alma.
Finalmente, tomou coragem para olhar para ela, focando toda sua atenção na figura que sabia não ser real. Ele não se atreveu a tocá-la com medo de que se dissipasse. Se aquela ilusão era tudo o que ele teria, ele se agarraria a cada segundo da imagem da pessoa que um dia havia amado.
"Oh, Penny, nunca serei capaz de colocar em palavras o quanto sinto muito." A culpa o consumia vivo. Embora soubesse que ela não era real, a piedade no rosto tão familiar lhe proporcionava algum alívio.
"Eu sei, querido, eu sei." A figura se aproximou de Achlys, que ao tentar se levantar, colapsou de joelhos. Seu corpo parecia tão enfraquecido quanto sua mente. "Seria diferente, Achlys? Se odiaria menos se não houvesse me matado?" A palavra proferida o levou a prantos imediatos. Ele havia ceifado a vida dela, era verdade. Talvez Afrodite tivesse razão em lhe amaldiçoar. Ele merecia uma vida sem amor, pois destruía tudo o que tocava e, mesmo agora, se perguntava o porquê.
"Eu nunca vou saber." Ele balbuciou, cobrindo o rosto com as mãos sentindo uma vergonha esmagadora. Sua próxima memória veio quase duas horas depois. Sabia que era duas horas porque, abruptamente, o relógio que antes marcava duas da manhã agora indicava quase quatro. Aquela era a realidade, não a bagunça de sua mente. Olhou ao redor mas não a encontrou, o fantasma de Penny não estava mais ali. Achlys sentiu o coração pesar antes de disparar. Ótimo, era tudo que precisava: outro infarto. Tentou respirar, mas até aquilo parecia difícil demais. Suas mãos trêmulas pareciam saber o que lhe aguardava. Sua visão se tornava quase um túnel, e paralisado em seu medo, ele se viu fora de seu corpo, não como o homem que era agora, mas como o menino de treze anos que não conseguia entender o que estava acontecendo.
TW: tentativa de suicídio e indução de vômito.
Quase num estado catatônico, Achlys se via na ilusão que se desenrolava diante de seus olhos. Na cena, ele arrastava sua mãe até o banheiro, sabendo que ela havia tomado mais pílulas do que devia, mais do que era seguro. O pré-adolescente chorava freneticamente, tentando acordar a única pessoa que tinha. Sacudia a mulher repetidamente, mas não era o suficiente; ela não conseguia se manter acordada. Aquela fora a primeira vez que ele se sentira em pânico porque não queria estar sozinho.
"Please, mommy, wake up." Não importava o quanto crescesse, sempre se referia à mãe da mesma forma. Molhava o rosto da progenitora, tentando trazê-la de volta, e suplicava ao pai com todo o coração que ele não a levasse. Ele não poderia perdê-la, não agora, não estava pronto. "please mommy, I need you, you can't leave me, mommy please."
Achlys assistia ao próprio tormento, enfiando os dedos na garganta de sua mãe e rezando para todos os deuses que não a deixassem ir. Devia ter percebido naquela manhã que ela não estava bem. Todas as manhãs, ela comia um waffle, mas naquela manhã ela não havia comido nada. Ele devia ter prestado mais atenção, não devia ter saído para brincar, deixá-la sozinha consigo mesma. Agora, isso poderia lhe custar a vida.
O Whitlock sacudiu a cabeça fortemente. "Não… não!" Cerrou os punhos, gritando para o nada. "Não!" Seu coração batia tão forte que o mundo ao seu redor parecia girar, deixando-o completamente desnorteado. A náusea era tão grande que ele não conseguia mais respirar, seu corpo tenso pela guerra que parecia acontecer dentro de sua cabeça. Ele se agarrou à cama, se puxando e se obrigando a ficar de pé. Cambaleante, usou as paredes para se guiar até o banheiro.
TW: self-harm.
A imagem no espelho era deplorável. Após alguns segundos longos de contemplação, o filho de Thanatos não conseguiu evitar desferir um golpe contra a própria imagem. A dor do vidro rasgando sua pele não pareceu ser suficiente, então ele desferiu outros dois golpes. O sacrifício da mão trêmula que agora sangrava pareceu ser o bastante. Só então Achlys se sentiu mais uma vez conectado ao próprio corpo. Anestesiado pela dor física, permitiu-se olhar novamente no espelho, que agora estava em parte tão quebrado quanto o próprio semideus.
Era o bastante; aquilo precisava de um fim ou seria, de fato, o fim dele. Abriu o armário, pegou dois sedativos e os ingeriu. Ele precisava dormir. Pegou sua máquina de cortar cabelo e a passou pela cabeça até finalmente não reconhecer a imagem no espelho. Talvez ali fosse o início de algo novo; os deuses sabiam que ele precisava que fosse.
#achlys deu a britney de 2007#pov.#pov; i could be anything you need as long as you dont leave#gente ficou monstruoso me perdoa
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❝Daemon doesn't know what to do with you.❞
[ Never piss off your wife. She might acquire a living, breathing punishment for you. Aka, Daemon made a mistake and you're his punishment ft. Rhaenyra stay winning. ]
[ +18 MDNI ] [ 1,985 ] | Daemyra x Sugar Baby!Reader
contains— sugar mommy x sugar baby, open relationship/understandings, toxic relationship??? allusions of cheating, established realtionship - nsfw: oral, p & v sex, v & v sex, pet names mainly: darling, sweet girl, good girl, praise, male masturbation shshhs - you piss the shit outta daemon (as you should), slight angst? - sort of daemon-focused since it's in his pov, but rhae's the only one allowed to touch you lol - no targcest bc its the modern world and that would be weird.
a/n— i dont want to talk about it, okay. comment/reblog/like at will ❤️️
Daemon doesn't know what to do with you.
With your soft noises encouraged to heighten in pleasure whenever Rhaenyra had you over- and after initial test drive of the first few times, stretched in months to weeks to days - she had you over all the time, at random times of the day. Any time the boys or his girls weren't by (being taken care of in the park, Harwin or Laena's visitation rights, Rhaenys wanting to take them off for Corlys weekend fishing trips)- your mewls turned unbridled shouts of pleasure now filled the high-rise.
You permeate the space like a cigarette stain; you didn't even need to be godsdamned present anymore. It starts with your perfume- it's lighter than Rhaenyra's but heavier in sweetness. Vanille. A touch of it that he's foul to recognise. Lipstick stains on his wife's neck, her blouse, where he can imagine your lips drag and bite and suckle because the kids are too young to understand and it's not like he's not one to leave his own marks, but there's a thunderous boil that drums in his veins when he realises you're leaving your own on his wife.
You fill the nooks and crannies like a plague, and you don't even care about him.
Worse, you taunt him.
And it's not like he could say anything to Nyra.
After all, the two of them had an understanding after he got caught with a minor dalliance of his own. It was a one time thing, and he only got blown, but it was enough for a talking to. A mutual agreement that was really just him pacifying his wife.
He really should have focused on the crooks of how upset she had been, on the gleam in her eyes when he thought she had simmered down. That her fire, though not as brightly lit, was still very much burning.
"You can have any sweet thing that you want, husband, as long as you keep them away from the kids. As long as you keep it quiet and away from me. I do not want the details." Nyra's mouth had curled. He remembered. She took up the space behind him, wine-kissed as she was, her fingers dancing on his shoulders and kneading at the tough centre of the nape of his neck. His eyelids fluttered and he barely heard her next words.
"In return, you will not make a fuss when I take mine, hm?"
Daemon had laughed. He remembered that. A soft, more air than sound laugh.
He took her hand to his lips and smirked up at her. Shark-like. Baiting. Daring. "As you wish, wife. In return, you can tell me all about it."
There was a strong part of Daemon that didn't think she'd actually do it.
Rhaenyra had smiled that smile that reminded him of godswoods and Valyrian necklaces, passed down from generation after generation. A silent vow louder drew from blood.
There was a strong part of Daemon who thought his wife was jesting, making a bluff, a toss of a coin.
Until you arrived with a sweet smile and a tinkling little laugh.
Until he had found his wife with her face buried between your legs, your hands— freshly done nails and glimmering rings, new, he later found out from the bank transcripts — and your back arched, your mouth gaping in a silent scream as you come undone.
It took a minute for you to see him, so stuck in that pleasure that broke and free-fell through you several times because 'Nyra didn't want to let up, calling you her sweet girl, her darling girl, that's it, you can take more, can you? aren't you my good girl?
When your thick lashed-eyes finally met his darkened lilac gaze, lipstick still perfect red, still perfectly plump and moist, your mouth curls into a charming little smile and said, "Oh, hello there."
Rhaenyra looked up, and at the smirk on her face, your spend all around her ruined lipstick and chin— Daemon knew she wanted him to see. Wanted him to know. It's a bullet shot down his spine, straight to his cock. It's a cold thrill and grasped fingers around his throat with rings nestled to make indents.
It's a violent blend of jealousy and lust, and the cocktail emotion rages in him, swirls and punctures.
There is a bite between Rhaenyra and Daemon, a fiery edge that often saunters the edges, crosses a new line. But each time, after each rough push, they come back to one another; a tether of becoming, of pulling taunt. Once again united. They are assured in each other's positions; you can play with anyone but you always come back to me.
Rhaenyra has won this one. She had snapped, pulled, and arose victorious.
But they always come together. And often, enjoyed sharing.
What Daemon forgets sometimes is that he is a younger brother, and really, Rhaenyra was the eldest and the sole eye of her father. When righteous selfishness burns with a petty need to make her husband suffer, it heels hard.
"She is mine, husband," she whispers at the edge of his lips, riding him through a slick, sex-haze after you had left. Her thighs slap against his own, his hands harsh on the indents of her waist as she rode him with no abandon, uncaring for his pleasure this time, selfishness the game this time, but the renewed roughness brought him to the early days of their marriage. That unbridled want, a clash of teeth and skin and raw, burning lust.
There is a growl and a hiss, a moan and a gasp; blood has beaded through bitten flesh and bruises are blooming. This is fucking from the high of a third party dancing on their marriage.
And Rhaenyra's refusal of you to him made him throb.
She had seen him high-strung, plotted him to be harder than a box of rocks, already harshly yanking his tie in anticipation of having his wife and you with your fox gazes and sire song, but Rhaenyra had turned away from him, ignored him, and slapped your thigh before kissing your cheek.
"Come back next time, darling, my husband is home." It was said in a tease, a lighthearted joke between two people he was not a part of, but he knew his wife; recognised the bite. The smugness.
And by god, you were in on it as you thrilled a laugh and slid your gaze to his, undressing and fucking him with your eyes as you bit your lip. Your words are to Rhae, a hand on her cheek and a thumb rubbing at the corner of her lip, but your gaze is devouring him. He wasn't a green boy, but you seemed amused and feral for the hard-line of his manhood. As if you can picture what he would feel like buried deep inside your guts, and enjoyed it.
"Am I just going to be yours then, hm?" you asked amusedly, finally turning to her.
Nyra turned her gaze then, to him, and smirked. "You, I will not share. A fitting punishment, don't you think? Some jewels are meant for one alone."
And you had laughed, the gall of you, taking your bag (new one too,a matching one with his wife) and walking right past him. Your scent- his wife's fucking scent, the smell of her cunt on you and his dick throbbed - devoured him as you left him with a wink and a quiet, "too bad."
You had not even gone inside the elevator of their penthouse before a growl tore through his chest and he had met Rhaenyra's thundering footsteps with his own, their tongues and teeth clashing for dominance, ripping apart clothes, wanting to bury each other in the other's skin.
Now, she reaches her peak with a yell and a full body shudder, her cunt clenching and squeezing, demanding his release, and he jolts with her with a swear of his own, his cum flooding her in thick, sharp bursts.
Even then, as Rhae smiled sweetly, post-peak glow simpering her fire, sweetening her kisses against the side of his face, his neck, running a tongue over the worst of the bruises and bites— Daemon thought, surely, now that his wife had reached post-coital bliss and forgiven him, punishment had been had? That he was free to have you, to play with you?
But no. You were off limits. Hers and hers alone. A punishment that keeps on giving as the echoes of you exist in his life in patterns he was starting to fucking loath.
The scent in the bath- the echo of the warmth of someone having used it recently, someone who wasn't his wife, in the pillows of his living room, the barest smudge of makeup as if your face had been pushed against them. In the snacks and drinks that he, nor his wife, nor their children, particularly like, fill up the corners of his kitchen. The lipstick stains on his wife, the running mill in the bank statements (the new necklaces, new dresses, new fucking lingerie he hasn't seen), and when he had finally had enough, shoving through his own house to talk to his wife that the least she could do while she was fucking you was be allowed to be there, he hears it then—
Your shouts of pleasure falling into sighs into giggles, and when he slows to his marital bedroom, you are there— breathing heavily, alive, real— naked and slicked, a goddess divine, with Rhaenyra inside you in more ways than one, baring her teeth in a victorious grin before falling into a laugh at his face.
"Am I allowed to have him now, is that it?" you ask, seemingly innocent. One of the new necklaces in his statements on your neck and nothing else. Chest moving in shuddering breath having just orgasmed and yelling it.
"Your choice, sweet girl," Rhae purrs, leaning back over your form to run a finger from the valley of your breasts to your stomach to your clit that turns your shudders to an outright jolt, then a sigh, when she starts fingering you in front of him. The squelch is obscene, and Daemon is hard, and he is not a fucking boy but he is starting to hate you as much as he wants to fuck the lazy smirk on your face, pleasure so obviously building once again. Soft sighs, mewls, escaping full, raw lips.
"I kind of... want him to watch a little. Just- ah! Nyra there, please - sit still and pretty." You smirk, giving him a pouty air kiss. The urge to strangle you sings in his blood. Hold you down and fuck you until you're better pliant, sweeter, fucking cooing for him. Fuck the spoil Rhaenyra has ingrained in you away.
You turn to the silver-haired woman on top of you, now on her haunches, pressing a gentle kiss to your clit. She held his gaze as she pressed her tongue flat against before taking a glorious, heavy-gazed lick.
Daemon swallows.
"Is that- ahhh, okay? Nyra, hmm? Please?" You sigh ever so sweetly, kindly. Though you're ridiculously spoiled, you were a good girl, following so obediently. If his cock didn't feel like it was burning to be inside your mouth, he would have revelled in it.
You squirm, turning back to him to hold his gaze while his wife started to fuck you through her tongue and fingers.
Someone up there was taking a piss on him. He pulls out his cock, a grunt and a curse, because fuck it, fuck you in particular— as the two of you continued on while keeping eye contact with him.
He took one step closer and Rhaenyra hissed.
"Whatever you want, baby." Nyra smirks against your pussy as he tugged at himself, teeth bared. "You're his punishment after all."
#hotd smut#daemon targaryen x reader#rhaenyra targaryen x reader#daemyra#daemyra smut#daemon x you#daemon x reader#rhaenyra x you#daemon x rhaenyra#rhaenyra x reader#daemon targaryen smut#rhaenyra targaryen smut#hotd modern au#hotd x reader#daemon fanfic#daemyra fanfic#elle writes !! ꒱ ↷˗ˏˋ🍒
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Traumatised Brothers ( C.S )
(Chris Sturniolo x Female reader)
( Warning :Smut, M receiving, time skip, i really never know what to put here, new to writing, not proof read all the way)
Chris : Orange
Y/N : Pink
Matt : Blue
Nick : Purple
( Word count : 900 )
As i stood in the boys kitchen warming up donuts for us to all eat Matt screams out “YOU LIKE HER” Chris slapped his chest really hard as he turned red, Nick just yelled at matt to shut the fuck up.
I turned around with the donuts and asked “ the fuck are yall talking about” “NOTHING nothing Matt is just being an idiot.” Suspicious i thought to myself but ignored it as we continued watching the movie Scream.
As i bite into the donut the donut feel apart leaving icing on my bottom lip and some crumbs on my boobs. When i noticed i had made a mess i wiped it off hoping no one saw but Chris saw and he also had focus on my boobs but i didn’t really mind because it’s Chris. Like the Chris i’ve liked for ages.
Chris cleared his throat and stood up “sorry i’ll be back i don’t feel to well..” Matt and nick asked if he was okay and i just stood up and rubbed his shoulder asking if he needed anything.
Chris responded back with “ i’m fine don’t worry” and quickly hurried off to his room.
Time Skip
By now Chris had been gone for 10 minutes and i had to check up on him but i didn’t need Matt and Nick being there to because i know Chris gets embarrassed when he is seen as “weak” even though getting sick is nothing to be embarrassed about. Plus they would tease me about liking him since they knew i liked him for a bit too long.
“ I’ll be back i need to go to the bathroom, don’t worry about pausing the movie” “ Ok we weren’t playing on it anyway” Nick said giggling.
I walked my way to Chris’ room and was about to open the door until i heard whimpers coming from the other side, and my name..?
I opened the door to be seen with Chris lying down with his hand in his pants moving up and down, along with his eyes closed and mouth open. He hadn’t noticed me until i crawled onto the bed positioning myself between his legs.
“Y/N what the fuck i’m sorry, i didn’t even realise you were here and i- fuck you must think i’m so disgust-“ I cut Chris off by kissing him passionately and palming his dick and pushing his hand away.
“ Chris do you want me to help you?” “ please Y/N please i need your help”
I pulled down his pants in a slow fashion all the way down to his ankles.
I spit on his tip and started using my hands to move the spit up and down well i rubbed my thumb on the slit of his tip. I put my lips on his digits and started bobbing my head up and down well his hand was in my hair with a strong grip making a ponytail, all the force he used made me moan in a “ hurts but feels so good” way.
As he started twitching in my mouth i knew he was close so i started going faster “ FUCKK Y/N DONT STOP IM SO CLOSE” he continued screaming my name. I didn’t stop but i did start using my hands instead of my mouth for i could speak to him “ Chris your brothers gonna hear, do you even care that they hear you scream and beg for me to jerk you off? “ Chris just moaned and spoke under his breath with a string of curses as he got milked out.
He had some of his cum on his happy trail and on my hand. I licked the mess off his stomach and then lifted my top to expose my breasts and took his cum off my hands and rubbed it all over my boobs as a substitute for lotion.
When it was all over my boobs and off my hands, i pulled my top back on and put chris’ pants back on. “ Y/N that was the best handjob i’ve ever experienced thank you like truly thank you, do you want me to finger you?” usually i wouldn’t deny this offer but today it was just about him “ Chris it’s ok baby i just wanted you to feel good.”
“ Chris do you like, like me because i know i like you, i think i love you.” “ i like you to Y/N i think i love you too.” We talked about how we would take this forward and whats gonna happen since we will be going on a date tomorrow at the park, Chris knew i loved the park.
As i got Chris decent and walked out his room we were shown with an empty house and a note left on the kitchen counter like it was the olden days reading “ message us to come back when Chris is done moaning your name, if you couldn’t tell this is from his 2 traumatised brothers Matt and Nick.”
Chirs just looked at me and pointed at the note with a facial expression that looked like this “😐” i responded back with a giggle.
#chris sturniolo#sturniolo triplets#matt sturniolo#chris sturniolo x reader#nick sturniolo#matt sturniolo x reader#romantic
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Gojo+male reader(he/him)
Warnings: gojos pov, reader is shorter then gojo(if your not short pretend your atleast an inch.),angst,gojo was too late,suicide,reader has a bruise on his face,reader is in a abusive relationship, breaking the fourth wall it, switches povs to (y/n),(y/n) getting beat up like bad, no happy ending .
—•— —•— August 1st 5pm location:coffee shop.
(Y/n)….(Y/n) (l/n) was his name, I met him not to long back when I was on a mission I was very intrigued by him I’d say he peaked my interest which surprised myself. His skin, his eyes, his lips, his nose, his whole face was just perfect in a way I could not describe, but he always had a bandage or an injury on his face. He never told me why-he never told me anything about himself or his relationship which I’m not gonna nag him about since he seems like a person that would be put in a lot of pressure.
Me and him were at a coffee shop he said he wanted to talk to me about something, of course I wouldn’t decline his offer so here we are now sitting across from each other. He was drinking a small coffee that was steaming hot as I had strawberry cake, I took my fork and stabbed the strawberry on the top of the cake as i then put the whole thing into mouth tasting the sweet and sour of the strawberry, I couldn’t say it was the best I had but it wasn’t the worst. Then (Y/n) speaks “I asked you here because I wanted to talk about something…personal.” He mumbles the last word, I lean a bit slouching in my chair a bit getting comfortable ready for the ride he was gonna take me on.”Speak your mind.” I say smirking not ready for what I was about to hear it took a dark turn I would say.
He huffs getting ready to speak his voice sounded a bit dry since he hadn’t drunk his coffee, I hadn’t notice it at first but his lip was a bit bruised it blended in pretty well with his lip, his lips were definitely chappy. He seemed anxious like he didn’t want to say anything I tried my best to make him more comfortable, but I don’t think it was helping. After a few seconds more he speaks his voice raspy and it sounded like he was on the verge of tears. “I never told anyone this..and I wasn’t planning on it but I guess I could trust you.” Man was I in for a treat.
He then looks down maybe looking at his covered knees as his clothes were baggy. “I don’t tell most people about my relationships because they don’t need to hear about it but…sometimes..I’m just scared to.” He kept on pausing throughout his sentences it made me more impatient though I dont want to seem like an asshole so I let him pause as long as he wanted. Then he continued “but I am in a relationship ..one I want to leave from..but I’m just scared of what’ll happen if I do..” he says making me feel anxious as my palm was resting on my cheek, but the more I grew impatient the more they dug into my skin. “I’ve been in this relationship for quite some time..and I never told a soul. Not that I don’t want to..he just..won’t let me.” I’m so intrigued but I just don’t know how to keep my mouth shut, so I ask him out curiosity “who is he” I can’t be the only one that’s asking that, I mean if you were in my situation you would want to know to. I definitely made him more anxious then he even is cause he sat there and paused.
“I’d rather not say…” he says quietly, now I feel bad as he finally lifts his hand and grabs onto his coffee. I took in notice of his hand it was shaking not to hard maybe shivers when your cold. He slowly puts it to his mouth taking the tiniest sip, it was like he drunk a rain droplit. He put the coffee cup down a little thud heard from the impact of the table and cup meeting. He then slowly takes his hand and points at his lip more pacifically to the bruise that blended in like foundation “this..” he then wipes under his eyelid ruffly, then showing a brown and purple bruise, he covered it well cause I didn’t even notice it myself “and this…it was all him, this isn’t even half of what he’s done” (Y/n) speaks aggressively but so quiet and soft only from a distance you could hear him.”I keep it a secret everyday, endearing the pain and keeping my mouth shut like I’m his dog who won’t even bark.” He speaks so aggressively but so quietly his eyebrows twitching show a bit of anger.
“I won’t even speak up..more like I ‘can’t’ cause if I do he’ll hit me- and it’s not even a regular hit, he’ll punch me till I beg and cry..he just likes to see pain and I hate it…I hate that he gets what he wants, I hate that no one confronts him..cause brags about hitting me to his little friends..and they all just..laugh like it’s something regular .” (Y/n) speaks more then I ever heard him speak, I was so surprised my glasses were slipping from my nose from the sweat, the sweat of anger I clenched my fist that was in my lap, the one resting on my cheek was digging into my skin like a needle. (Y/n) was breathing a little hard maybe from anger from not speaking up but finally he does it and fills like hitting something, or someone.
(Y/n) speaks again. “He doesn’t even pretend he’s a good person, he doesn’t put on a font in-front of people or his parents, he’ll just sit there and talk back like he doesn’t have any home training..and he’s such a mommas boy- his mom doesn’t even care she thinks it’s all my fault.” Not even surprising that his mother would take his side just disgusting behavior.(y/n) then breathes in out closing his eyes letting on the coffee smells come into his nostrils and blow them out like wind as he calms himself down. “Thank you..” he says..talking to me. “You listened to me ramble on like a little child..” he says I couldn’t find the words to talk back as I just nod sitting up frowning something that’s so uncommon for me, but my stomach what twisting-if I’d hear anymore I think I’d throw up.
“I hope we can meet again some day” he then scoots his chair back and then standing up his hands clasped together in front of him as he bows “I’m sorry I didn’t finish my coffee..I think I lost my appetite.” Same here.
He the walks out the coffee shop the heals of his shoes clicking against the wooden floor, as he walks the opposite way we came in. I sit there bewildered and disgusted still registering what I’ve heard and what I’ve seen, it’s not very common for me to act like this. As I rub the temples of my nose I get up and I pay the bill, I was ready to go home and take a nice hot shower and forget about most things in life.
—•— —•—
[(y/n) pov]
I was walking home to my apartment as I had just told the gojo satoru about my relationship, it was a bit later now, maybe 6 or 7 I didn’t know and I could really careless. I was just happy that I could finally break free..or maybe I just needed someone so I could vent to them since it was going to be my last day on earth. But before I go I want to see gojo satoru again I want his face to be the last face is see.. I want to see him an hour before my death..I know it’s selfish but I don’t care.
Walking home is such an hassle when ride the bus but I want to see the a beautiful view before I so I change my mind I won’t be waking straight home, even though I might get in a lot of trouble for coming in late it’s better then to see a trashy man and a trashy house.
My walk was probably more then 30 minutes as I wanted to get the best view a view I’ve seen as a child, I want it to be a nostalgia memory before I go, as I walk up the hill my shoes stepping on the crunchy grass as I did as a child I want to cry. I will cry. This will be my last cry before I go.
I look ahead as I get higher and higher up the hill filled beautiful flowers I used to put in my mothers hair. As I grab on putting in my hair. This will be my last core memory of my mother before I go.
I then get to the top of the hill sitting on the edge my feet dangling, though I won’t be dying here it would be a nice way to die but I think I want to die in my first ever house, which is we’re the man I hate the most is. I don’t want to think about that as I look to see the beautiful sky mixed with the most warm colors the breeze blowing at my face as I just look and cry.
I then take out my cell phone as I said I wanted to see satoru gojo before i go. I tried calling but no answer so I decided to text him for him to meet me an hour before I go.
Time goes go fast, I tried waiting but I don’t think I could wait any longer I get up from my spot as my feet had fallen asleep I stumbled a bit but I quickly controlled my balance..the walk wasn’t far from home so I’ll be there in a about 30 minutes the person I hate the most won’t be home till 10 so I’ll have time, I guess maybe gojo satoru was the one I saw last but I wanted to sit with him the hill not vent to him.
I get home finally walking up the apartment building stairs as I reach into my pocket to grab my spare key, finally going through the long dusty stairs I make it to my apartment door fiddling with the lock finally turning it and opening the door quietly looking in front of me to see…him.
Him as in the man I hate the most, him as the abuser, him as in the reason I want die.
I look at him as my heart drops to the floor then I look at the clock on the wall ticking loudly in my ear as it seemed to appear at 10:20 I thought it was about 9 I hadn’t checked my phone since then, since I had texted gojo satoru. I looked in front of me to see him standing there with his arms crossed I could tell he was angry he was clenching his fist. At that moment I wanted to run away at the moment but I was so shocked and paralyzed that I couldn’t move.
He then walks up to and punched me right in my face. I couldn’t react it was fast and hard and I was on the floor my nose was bloody from one punch he then gets on top of me, his knee piercing into my stomach as I could barely breathe. He then repeatedly punched me like I was some punching bag my vision was blurry as I could see thing twice, my ears were busted from hits to my ear a bit of blood dripped since he was very loud and screaming I couldn’t hear a word he spoke though. Next thing I know I can’t feel anything…I just felt free.
—•— —•—
[gojo satorus pov]
How did I get here I was now standing over a body that was covered with white blanket and it was his it was (y/n)…I didn’t want to say his name it felt disgusting and it was all my fault if I just had gotten there in time maybe I would have saved him maybe it wouldn’t be his dead body but that motherfuckers body, I couldn’t look down if I down I would see his white clothed body as I look around seeing a bunch of his neighbors..that wouldn’t help him they all disgusted me truly I felt like throwing up looking at there faces.
I finally get my eyes on the culprit seeing him being tazed and beat by the police, he deserved more pain, he deserves the most gruesome most painful most horrible death, it should be slow and painful for what he had did. I cried. I cried because I’m tired of people dying on me I’m tired of everything if only…if only I would have came-I didn’t come because I couldn’t look at (y/n) after what he had told me I would just think of him being beat and abused…
I finally looking and I just..I just throw up from how disgusting I am. As a officer came up and helped me down and he asked me questions I could only nod if anything I just wished I was there.
—•— —•—
#bottom male reader#jjk x male reader#jujutsu kaisen x male reader#gojo satoru x male reader#x bottom male reader#uke male reader#sub male reader#gojo x male reader#jjk satoru#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#jjk gojo#bttm male reader#male y/n#male reader#angst
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→ [Victimology | Aaron Hotchner]
Pairing~ Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Bau!Reader
Genre~ fluff/angst/slightly suggestive
Word Count~ 2.3k
Warnings~ typical criminal minds gore, slight sa
a/n~ k so this part has slight sa and unwanted touching so if youre sensitive for that PLEASE DNI aldo MINORS DNI!!!! also this is not proofread so pls dont come for me!
part 1! part 2!
At the hotel
(Hotch’s Pov)
I watched her leave, a sudden sting of nervousness crawling up my spine. It wasn't like me to worry like this, to feel this unsettled, but something about the lack of her presence made it impossible to ignore. I clenched my jaw, forcing myself to remain composed, but the gnawing concern wouldn’t relent. Every instinct I had was screaming that letting her out of my sight was a mistake, and I hated that I couldn’t shake the feeling that this time, something was different, something was wrong.
I rushed out of our shared room, heart beating twice as fast, to JJ and Emily’s. I knocked softly on the hotel room door, my hand trembling at the thought of anything happening to Y/n. “Hey Hotch, what's happening?” Emily opened the door, the sound of her voice distant as I tried to voice my concern.
“Is Y/n here? She said she was coming to get something from you guys and it's been a while. I just wanted to check in.” The furrow of JJ’s brows made my heart sink. “Hotch, she's not here.” I shook my head, not wanting to believe their words.
“I'm going to get Morgan, Reid and Rossi. Hotch. We will find her.” I heard Emily’s voice reassure me but still I couldn't shake the feeling in my gut.
At the Unsubs house
(Narrator Pov)
Y/N's eyes fluttered open, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she struggled to lift her head and make sense of her surroundings. Her legs felt weak, almost as if they might give out beneath her, but she pushed herself to stand, forcing her body to cooperate. She scanned the room, desperate for any clue that might tell her where she was.
(Y/n’s Pov)
I scanned the room in front of me, taking in the elegant details. The floor-to-ceiling windows, the marble dining table, the white kitchen. It was the kind of place that seemed untouchable, the last place you’d expect to find a killer. ‘How could someone who lives like this be capable of such things?’ I thought.
A voice broke my trance. “Finally awake, are we?” It came from down the hall, and I turned to see a tall man emerging from the shadows, a slow smile spreading across his face. “I’ve waited far too long for this moment.”
My heart pounded as confusion washed over me. “What...what's going on? Who are you?”
He let out a quiet laugh, gaze dropping to the floor for a moment before meeting mine. “Who I am isn’t important. But you… you are exactly who I’ve been waiting for.”
“No,” I stammered, squeezing my eyes shut, willing myself to wake up from this nightmare. “No, I’m not. Why are you doing this? What did those other women ever do to you?”
He moved closer, sitting down on the couch across from me, his expression hardening. “Those women… they weren’t you. They didn’t understand, didn’t appreciate everything I was offering. They were defiant, ungrateful.” He leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. “But enough about them. This is about us now.”
He leaned forward, his gaze fixated on me with an unsettling intensity. “You, though... I knew the moment I saw you that you were different,” he murmured, almost reverently. I took a step back, trying to maintain distance, but there was nowhere to go, nowhere to hide.
“You don’t have to do this,” I pleaded, my voice barely above a whisper. “I’m not who you think I am.”
His expression hardened, a flicker of anger crossing his eyes. “Don’t say that,” he snapped, voice low and dangerous. “You’re exactly who I’ve been waiting for. You just need to believe it.” He reached out as if to touch my face, and I flinched away, heart pounding in my ears.
“Please,” I tried again, desperate to find some semblance of reason in his eyes. “This isn’t love. It’s not real.”
He let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head. “You’ll understand soon enough.” He stood up, towering over me, I felt my breath catch. “But first, we need to make sure you don’t end up like the others.”
At the precinct
(Narrator POV)
The team all assembled at the precinct after discovering that Y/n’s missing. "Earlier, we asked Garcia to look into any males who recently went through a divorce, but what if we're looking at this the wrong way? What if, instead of a divorce, the unsub's wife or girlfriend passed away? It would explain a similar sense of loss but with an entirely different emotional catalyst." Aaron nodded at Spencer's words
“Alright Garcia, get me names of every male ages 25-35 who's recently had a death of a wife or girlfriend.” Aaron’s voice rang through the phone “Yes sir I've got a few. James Sterling lost his wife last mo- oh wait nevermind his wife was blonde.”
Aaron let out a frustrated groan, raking a hand through his hair. “Hotch, don’t worry. We’ll find her,” Derek said, echoing Emily’s earlier reassurance. Just then, Penelope’s voice crackled through the phone. “I got a hit!”
The team snapped to attention, every ounce of their focus now on the speaker. A sudden wave of relief washed over Aaron, his shoulders dropping as the tension he’d been holding onto began to melt away.
“Alright Thomas Peters, a 27 year old male recently lost his fiance. They were together for 4 years. He proposed to her in Central park, they had their first date at the cafe in Greenwich Village, and she lived in Brooklyn.” Garcia rattled off, “Alright baby girl what's the address.” Derek cut her off “Yes, 5468 9th Avenue!” Penelope’s voice rang out with urgency, and just like that, the team sprang into action. Before they burst through the door, Rossi placed a hand on Aaron’s shoulder, stopping him. “We’ll find her, Aaron,” he said, his voice steady and reassuring. “And when we get her back, do me a favour, take your girl on a date. You both want to. Just do it.”
Aaron’s eyes flickered with surprise, a brief moment of hesitation in his expression before he nodded, the weight of their situation still heavy on his shoulders. But there was a flicker of hope there, too, a glimpse of what could be if they succeeded. Rossi's words hung in the air, a promise and a challenge, pushing him forward with a renewed determination.
At the Unsubs house
(Y/n POV)
"You're so beautiful. The things I want to do to you," he murmured, his voice dripping with a twisted sense of desire. A shiver ran down my spine, every word making my skin crawl. I took a step back, but he matched it, inching closer with every retreat I made, trapping me in this terrifying dance. My back hit the wall, and I froze as he caged me in with his arms.
“No. Please don’t,” I squeaked out, my voice barely above a whisper, but he only smiled, an unsettling gleam in his eyes. His hand slid up my thigh, and I could feel the warmth of his touch seeping through the fabric, my heart racing in pure panic. He leaned in closer, his breath hot against my ear.
“Shh, don’t fight it. This is what you were meant for,” he whispered, and I felt a surge of desperation rise within me, every instinct screaming to push him away.
He took my wrists into one hand trapping them. I moved my face away avoiding his lips. I felt hot tears rolling down my cheeks as I shook my head. Aaron please get here “Don't worry darling, you’ll learn to love it.”
I let out a scream, the sound tearing through the silence, but it was cut short by a sudden, searing pain. My head snapped to the side, and I tasted the sharp tang of copper on my tongue, warm blood filling my mouth. Dazed, I blinked through the tears stinging my eyes, trying to gather my thoughts, but the pain was all-consuming, grounding me in this horrifying reality. “You whore, I'm giving you everything and you're still an ungrateful bitch!” his voice ripped out in anger.
(Narrator POV)
“Alright Prentiss, Reid sides of the house. Rossi, JJ back door. Me and Morgan will go in through the front.” Aaron felt his voice shake as they entered. Derek kicked down the door allowing the swat to head into the house first.
(Y/n POV)
Just as the last sliver of hope slipped away, I heard a loud crash and the front door burst open. "No!" Thomas roared, his grip tightening painfully around my hair as he yanked me up, forcing me to my feet. I gasped, the room spinning, but through the haze, I saw them, Aaron and Derek, weapons drawn, eyes wide with a mix of urgency and fear.
"Let her go," Aaron commanded, his voice steady but edged with a fury I’d never heard before. Derek took a cautious step forward, hands raised in a calming gesture.
“You don’t want to do this,” Derek said carefully, his eyes locked on Thomas. “It doesn’t have to end this way. Just let her go, and we can talk about this.”
I felt the cold press of a blade against my throat, and I stiffened, a small cry escaping me. “Don’t come any closer!” Thomas warned, his voice cracking. I could feel his entire body trembling behind me, the grip on the knife unsteady. “I’ll kill her! I swear I will!”
“Thomas, look at me,” Aaron said, his tone softer now, soothing yet commanding. “You don’t want to hurt her. She’s not her. You have a chance to stop this, right now.”
For a moment, I thought it might work. Thomas’s hand wavered, his breathing ragged, and I could feel the tension easing, just slightly. But then his grip tightened again, the knife digging in a little deeper, and I winced, feeling the sting of the blade bite into my skin.
“No!” he screamed, shaking his head violently. “No one else understands! No one else-”
The shot rang out before I even registered Aaron moving. One second, Thomas was there, holding me captive, and the next, his body jerked, the knife slipping from his grasp as he collapsed to the floor. I stood there, frozen, my knees buckling as I felt the warmth of Aaron’s arms wrapping around me, pulling me to safety.
“It’s over,” Aaron whispered, his voice steady even as I felt him shaking. “You’re safe now.” I glanced up at him “I was so scared Aaron. I'm sorry. I should've stayed in the hotel room.” I cried out. He shook his head as he brought me to the ambulance. “No, don't you dare apologise for what that monster did to you.” I sobbed on his shoulder.
On the jet home
(Narrator POV)
The team made their way onto the jet, Aaron helping Y/n every step of the way. He mulled over Dave’s previous words. Seeing her leaning on his shoulder, asleep beside him, her hair fell beautifully in front of her face. Her glossed lips parted softly as she let out soft breaths. Seeing her so peaceful made his heart swell with comfort.
At Quantico
(Narrator POV) The team landed and without wasting any time, they made their way home leaving Aaron and Y/n alone at the office.
“Hotch I can drive myself home, it's not a big deal.” Y/n tried to reassure Aaron, her tone light but persistent.
“No,” Aaron replied firmly, his eyes never leaving hers. “I don’t care. I’m taking you home, and you’re taking the next week off.”
Y/N scoffed, a defiant smile tugging at her lips. “Hotch, are you serious? I need one day, two at most.”
Aaron shook his head, stepping closer until there was barely any space between them. He took her hands in his, holding them with a care that made her heart skip a beat, as if any tighter grip would break her. He met her eyes, and for a moment, he was lost in the warm amber depths, his own expression softening.
“Y/N, please,” he began, his voice thick with emotion. “The moment I realised you were missing, I felt the same helplessness I felt when Haley-” His voice broke at the mention of his late wife, and he closed his eyes for a second, trying to regain his composure.
“Aaron, you don’t have to,” Y/N interrupted, her voice gentle, her hands squeezing his, offering comfort even in her own fragile state.
“No, I- I want to.” He thickly swallowed, gaining his voice to speak once more “When I thought I lost you, I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time. I didn't think I'd feel this way for anyone else in my life.” His confession hung in the air, raw and unguarded, and Y/N could see the vulnerability in his eyes, the way he was silently pleading for her to understand.
A smile tugged at Y/N's lips, her heart swelling with every word. Aaron took a deep breath, his voice trembling slightly as he continued, “Y/N, I love you. I know this is a lot, and I don’t expect you to feel the same way, but-”
She didn’t let him finish. In one quick move, Y/N reached up, pressing her lips to his, silencing his doubts with the kiss she’d been holding back for so long. For a moment, Aaron froze, stunned, but then he melted into her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer, as if afraid she’d disappear if he let go.
The two pulled apart, both breathless, and Aaron’s eyes softened as he whispered, “Y/N, will you-” But she interrupted him again, a playful smirk dancing on her lips. “Yes, Aaron. Now shut up and let me kiss you.” Without giving him a chance to respond, she pulled him back in, capturing his lips with hers, feeling his smile against her mouth as he wrapped her up in his arms once more.
As the two made their way home Aaron kept glancing over at Y/N, a soft smile tugging at his lips every time their eyes met, as if making sure she was still there, still real.
tag list~ @yourfavoritefangirl
#masterlist#my fics#aaron hotch fanfiction#ssa aaron hotchner#aaron hotchner x fem!reader#aaron hotchner x bau!reader#aaron hotchner#criminal minds#pinksdoll
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Hello. I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year. I would like to request a Rhea X Pregnant Reader where reader is due in 3 weeks ( and with Twin babygirls if possible) and is backstage watching The Judgement Day open the show before getting up and walking to get something to eat before getting confronted by Karrion Kross and Scarlett who end up scaring her and sending the reader into early labor. If you can't thats perfectly fine. Thanks and Have a Great Day
Twist and turns
Rhea Ripley x prego!fem! Reader
Tw: struggles with Ivf problems, many failed attempts at pregnancy! Early labor! Small pregnancy complications
word count: 1.3k
Y/n’s pov
I sit in the judgment day locker room alone to say, this is the first time in 9 months I’ve sat in here alone, but no one could sit in because they had a big promo they had to do. I hold my stomach feeling my baby’s move around, I’m so excited to meet them, they are going to be welcomed into such a lovely family. I thought as my mind drifted off to the years before. Me and Rhea got married when we where both 21, that was almost three years ago, this has been a very long possess, i sat up countless nights crying because we picked up yet another negative test, this whent on for about two years until the day i remember it like it was yesterday.
Flash back
Me and rhea sit in our bathroom floor, “darling..you know if this test comes back negative we will have to wait at least six months before starting all of this over” she looked up at me as we wait for the five minutes to past “dont think like that baby. I have a felling this time” i whispered softly, smiling at her, i move from the tolet to her on the floor as she holds me. “Beep! Beep! “ the alarm had whent off, rhea whent to grab the test off the counter when it falls off onto the floor, i glance down at it to see two lines, TWO LINES! I instantly began to cry tears of pure happyness “Rhea! Its postive! We are having a Baby!!” She jumps up picking me up and spinning me around kissing me like a million times, we where so happy, this was actually happening. We stayed in the bathroom for about half our just crying with happiness. Soon we walked back to our room and called the judgment day group chat. They knew today was the day I was supposed to take my test, and we called them every time even when it was negative, we tryed to hide the smile on our faces. Dom was the first to pick up, we waited for the others to join before saying anything. “Hey y/n hi rhea what’s it say?” Finn asked in a soft tone not wanting to hurt us anymore if it was negative. I couldn’t help but smile and that’s when damien caught on “oh my god!! Wait?!” He said loudly over the phone the other two boys looked so confused. “A little baby Ripley is on the way!” I yelled. They all cheered, dom even started crying with me, “oh my god I’m so happy!” I cryed into Rheas shoulder. It was the best day of my life.
End of flash back
In three weeks I get to meet my little girls, three weeks, every thing is planed perfectly, Rheas family is flying out in two weeks, Rhea and the rest of the judgment day are getting a month off in two weeks, I’m just so happy, all this excitement made me really hungry, and I was out of snacks in the locker room. I know I’m not supposed to leave the locker room that was everyone’s rule the second they found out, just because people would bother me to get at the others
I started to feel sick so I needed to get up and get some food, I got up putting on rheas hoodie before walking out of the locker room, no one was really out, so I made my way to the where I know they had food.
I must have made some turn the wrong way because now I find myself in some random hallways that’s kind of scary, I get this wave of anxiety come over me and I feel like I’m being followed so I continue to walk faster, eight almost nine months pregnant with twins, it isn’t easy to walk fast, I quickly realize that I have to turn around this hallways was a dead end. I turn around and instantly get met with karrian cross and his girlfriend or what not Scarlett, “um..” I say softly “miss little y/n Ripley, how are you and your little baby’s doing” karrian reached out to touch my stomach, I quickly stepped back “please don’t touch me” I said fear clearly in my voice “don’t tell me what to do Mrs. Ripley, I will touch you if I want!” He reached out once more this time I backed up and I ended up cornered, “please leave me alone, I don’t want any problems” I start to panic “please, please don’t hurt me or my baby’s, they are innocent, they are pure” I begged. I started feeling horrible pains in my stomach, and I panicked “Mhmm, I don’t know, I don’t know how innocent they are, saying how long it took you to get pregnant with them, what was it I heard? Two years?and you have struggled your whole pregnancy” Scarlett spoke, tears came rushing out from my eyes “please! Leave me alone!” I yell the pain in my stomach becoming almost unbearable. “Hey?!” I hear someone yell, “what the fuck leave her alone” I look up to see one of my close friends Sami zayn. That’s all I really before I passed out.
“Is she okay, are my girls okay?!” I hear yelling as I wake up to see a bright light in my eyes.. “R-rhea..?” I mumble out, instantly her head shoots over to beside my head, “oh my god, your okay, darling, what happed! Why where you in that hallways, why did you leave the lockeroom?” She questioned me, “are the girls okay?” I asked simply, “maam, you are in late stage, early labor, we are transferring you to the hospital, where you should be able to deliver with mild complications.” All I could feel was the pain, from what I was guessing was contractions, it made my head spin. Rhea held my hand as I cryed out in pain as we made our way to the hospital.
We soon made it to the hospital, where I had to be taken in for emergency cessation surgery, i remember waking up to rhea hold our two little girls in both of her arms when I finally woke up. “How are they..”I asked weakly “healthy and absolutely beautiful..just like their mother”she said before carefully handing me the girls “Athena, she’s the one with the darker hair..and Kyra she’s the one with the birth mark on her cheek” Rhea said before kissing me “I love you, I love you three so much” I said softly. “If it’s okay, the boys want to come over in a bit, dom tried to force them to let him come in right after the delivery.” She said softly “of course our girls need to meet their uncles, what about your parents?” I asked her “they are heading down tomorrow” she said.
I slid over in bed as I laid there with rhea and my girls, all three of them sound asleep, it was so peaceful, well that was until the boys got there, dom come rushing through the door, almost tripping when he got in causing Rhea to wake up. “Good going dom dom” I joked and gave him a weak smile, to which he returned with tears in his eyes “why are you crying dom?” I asked “I was just so worried about you, I haven’t slept. I’ve texted rhea and the boys all day, and I just couldn’t wait to meet my nieces when rhea told me that you guys where healthy” he rambled on before Finn stopped him “don’t talk the poor girls ear off”, they all walked closer seeing the two small baby’s in my arms, them asking their names, and us continuing talking, they stayed there for about two hours before leaving because I was tired.
The end! Thanks for reading! If you liked it please leave a request of your own!
Xoxo, v4mp-
#wwe rhea ripley#rhea x reader#rhea ripley x reader#rhea ripley#mami rhea#rhea ripley x fem reader#wwe fluff#fluff#wwe fic#fanfic
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Ofc most people who think damien is a monster are under 25. Their view of morality is skewed. Also can you even explain how he was being passive agressive? Cuz i read all his tweets and dont see it. But i am a stupid autist so what do i know..
Ok, I got two of these asks so I'm going to answer from my POV what I'm seeing. First of all, a shot at my age is very mature for introducing your argument (this is sarcasm). I never said that Damien is a monster. I am not demonizing him. Damien is admittedly one of my favourites on Smosh, and I think as fans, we are allowed to identify when someone you are a fan of does something wrong. I stated in my previous reblog that how he handled his interactions with Zayna was poor. You are putting words in my mouth, but I digress. My long-winded explanation of Damien's interactions being passive-aggressive is under the cut.
I'm going to straight up pull the Google search of 'passive aggressive' here.
Expressing negative feelings indirectly instead of openly talking about them. There are multiple instances of it in the interactions with Zayna and others in my opinion. However, I feel that people have different takes on passive-aggressiveness, so feel free to share with me what you think being passive-aggressive looks like. The points I will describe below are my interpretations of situation.
1) I think the most abundant example of passive-aggressiveness is Damien blocking multiple accounts, escpecially Zayna after he had apologized. Blocking someone implies you do not want to hear or see someone's thoughts on your timeline, literally blocking them out (until you choose to unblock them). He is not open to communicating further with people or does not want to communicate with them at all. I understand how this can be seen as him looking out for himself, but generally, blocking is considered a negative action, thus the action is passive-aggressive. Damien blocked some people on Twitter who have not even interacted with Damien nor even said anything remotely negative about him. Here is one such example:
I call this passive-aggressiveness due to the lack of communication with Damien and the negative context of blocking multiple accounts. It is providing more tension and confusion to others without explaining anything. We see the result of this lack of communication with the Twitter user above as it leaves something to be explained, the other party wondering, "What did I do wrong?" This is especially upsetting in the case of Zayna as reaching an apology with someone should not result in another person blocking another. I will expand on this idea below.
2) In Damien's interactions with Zayna, the passive-aggressiveness is much worse. Anon, I want you to imagine you are in a situation where someone has apologized to you. An apology is reached when one party realizes they have done wrong and acknowledges that the other party is correct in some way. It is an agreement.
Here is an interaction chain between Zayna and Damien, after their initial confrontation. It appears they have reached a common ground or the agreement I aforentioned. Unfortunately, the original reaction from Damien and the original post that Zayna had requested Damien for an apology are deleted, and I do not have that screenshotted, so we will go with what evidence I have here.
First tweet with an apology, third sentence: "While I'll never understand looking to old content to somehow negate the present, I do apologize, plain and simple."
Here, his apology is mixed - there's tension. If he truly understands the need for an apology, why mention the quote I highlighted above? In an apology, would you appreciate it if the other party apologized, but stated that they don't quite understand why they are apologizing? No. I wouldn't be satisfied with that, and you shouldn't either if you are expecting an apology. He could have ended the apology with the first few sentences. To me, it feels like a half-hearted apology given his choice of words in his third and fourth sentences.
Compare the previous apology to the second image on the right. Damien agrees that he is in the wrong here and essentially will learn from his mistakes. This is an apology with no conflict or passive-aggressiveness. There are no conflicting ideas within this tweet, unlike the previous apology on the left.
By this point, it seems that Zayna and Damien have reached a common ground and the conversation is over. This changes with the next tweet Damien sends on the left image:
Here, Zayna is replying to the deleted tweet on the left. I think this, above all, is a good example of Damien being passive aggressive because:
3) it's a direct display of miscommunication, where Damien outlines his unmet expectations of the interaction post-apology. This tweet contains a critique towards Zayna "If that wasn't your goal [depicting Damien as a bad person], your methods confuse me tbh" followed by a positive end note that comes off as strange given his opening statement. It feels like a backhanded compliment. Zayna got what she requested (an apology) but Damien is questioning her methods and even requesting something from her (Damien implies he wants tweets to be deleted after apologizing). And then he wishes her family and herself well? Do you see how this doesn't quite add up?
This could be genuine confusion on Damien's side, but given that both parties before this appeared to have reached a consensus of some sort, I don't think this is the case. Damien prolongs the conflict; he continues the conversation with Zayna, having expectations for what he envisions the resolution of the argument to be. This was not communicated to Zayna as demonstrated in her reply and she is rightfully confused. This is very weird – why is Damien, who has apologized, now provoking Zayna again if the conversation has ended? If Damien wanted to resolve this more directly, he could have also reached out in direct messages rather than continuing this publicly on Twitter just as he states in his tweet.
4) this is more about the dramatic irony of the situation, but I think it is also Damien being passive-aggressive – the 19k followers comment. This really puzzled me. Damien pointing out the follower count of Zayna and stating that she is depicting him as a bad person is exactly what Damien is doing as well by continuing the conversation in the way he did. He adds fuel back to the fire implying this conversation is not over as Zayna did not resolve his apology (... but shouldn't he take responsibility for this issue if he is apologizing for it?) to his liking. Damien has 266k followers on Twitter as of the last time I checked, and (I want to believe this) unknowingly has depicted Zayna in the wrong by exposing his followers to this. Additionally, In a previous tweet, Damien said he would learn from reacting in frustration. I think this again is him doing exactly that, reacting in frustration with this tweet but then deleting the tweet after. His actions are backtracking upon himself.
Now, to address something else but on the same topic: I'm not sure if you are aware, but Zayna has said she received death threats from Damien / Smosh fans. See below.
I bring this up because you mentioned that my view of morality is skewed. At what point in any of the arguments in this post or what I reblogged, have I earned the title of broken moral compass? Again, I have not once stated he is a monster in my posts. This is you interpreting my words, Anon.
I am trying to defend my opinion on how I see that Damien's interactions with Zayna have been handled poorly and that he was passive-aggressive, and it has resulted in this – death threats and a whole lot of controversy on multiple social media platforms. There's a lot of collateral damage that has been done within the Smosh community.
If death threats and Damien needing to take a Twitter break from an this interaction are not a great indication of a situation spiraling out of control as a result of Damien's responses, I'm not sure what else I can tell you, Anon. I hope I have made myself clear.
As a side note, I did not appreciate you coming into my asks, and insulting me without providing any arguments to your cause. If you continue to speak to me in the same manner, come off anon and let me block you (or vice-versa, block me). We will not see eye to eye with each other and never will if we cannot present our words without malice. It will be beneficial for both of us to not aggravate each other.
Before I end my answer, I want to reiterate that I do like Damien (personally less now given the situation at hand, but I digress), and I think you and I share this opinion at least. You are allowed to like something and be disappointed in it in tandem. I want him to come out of his break with a good answer for his actions. I hope he comes out of his Twitter detox with a clear mind and learns from this experience.
Anon(s) that sent this in, I hope that this answers your questions.
#well i was notnexpecting to write an essay but here we are#damien haas#smosh#fiery rambles#asks#smosh discourse
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I do not allow anyone to copy my work or translate it to post it somewhere else. !!
Read part one here
This chapter is only for people that are 18 or over so MDNI .
(Takes place in s2 at the new hideout)
Content info: after you and so mun were caught in a heated situation a by none other than ha-na , who immediately told the other counters, you have some explaining to do.
Reader is afab and uses she/her pronouns
Keywords : Y/n -> your name
Second person pov
Warnings : soft dom!so mun x fem sub!reader,teasing , dirty talk , hair pulling(m,f receiving), slight spanking , describing sex , no protection (wrap it before you tap it babygirl),kissing , make out sessions , cuddling , probably a lot of grammatical mistakes,Let me know if i missed anything.
„C‘mon , we probably have some explaining to do now.“ so mun said and pulled you up , giving you one last peck on the lips and a little slap on your butt, before standing up , putting on a nearby shirt and walking towards the door. You checked yourself in the mirror, and fixed what you could fix. Your lips were slightly swollen from the kisses and so were so muns. You walked up to him and he took your hand , leading you out of his room into the kitchen,where everyone was already sat, as if they were waiting for you two. Which they ,probably were…
„So uhm“ so mun started and everyone looked at him expectantly.
„I don’t really know what you want me to say but , y/n is my girlfriend know-” so mun was interrupted by various screams , mostly mo taks though who was once again , exaggerating everything. Earning himself a slap on the back of his head ,from ms chu.
„Yah , that’s great you two , congratulations. Was wondering how long it would take, for you to realize your feelings for each other.“ ms Chu then followed to say and you looked at so mun and noticed he was already staring at you lovingly. You cheeks heated up at that.
„Yaaaa , look at them . Already flirting knfront of us with no shame. Kids these days.“ mo tak muttered under his breath,but apparently not quiet enough ,because he earned another slap from ms chu. At this point ,your wondering how hes still alive ,and hasn’t had a concussion yet.
„Leave them be“ jang mul said ,defending you and mun,to which you both let out a small laugh.
„So can we go now? I don’t really think there’s anything else to say on this matter.“ you asked and everyone nodded and as you were about to walk away , your hand still in so muns , ms chu said something.
„Dont you dare break up , i will break both of you. It could damage the team aswell.“
„Not planning on it ms chu“ so mun said before tugging you back to his room. As you entered he covered the window on the door and locked it for some privacy. Jeok bong would have to sleep in the box ring then , you guess. So mun turned back to you and didn’t notice how close you were , so when he turned around your face was met with his chest.
„So what do we do know?“ he asked you , arms sneaking around your waist as you stuttered a small 'i dont know'.
„ i have an idea“ he answered his own question and pulled you even closer , if that was possible. He leaned down and kissed you on the lips softly. You were sure that so muns kisses , were now your favorite thing on earth. The soft and delicate movements that filled your stomach with butterflies is just something you never wanna let go of.
You and so mun continued to make out infront of the door for a little while longer, before he started stepping forwards ,which caused you to go backwards. Before you realized you were already in his bed , with him above you. His hand sneaked underneath your shirt once again , picking up where you left of last time. So mun broke the kiss and looked at you, his filled eyes with concern .
„Do you want to do this?“ he asked you and you immediately knew what he meant , you nodded your head at his question.
„say it love , need you to confirm it properly.“ he spoke in your ear , head nuzzling into the curve of your neck, you shuddered at the touch.
„I want it , please so mun.“ you gave consent to him and he started kissing along your neck , searching for your sweet spot . He found it in no time as you let out a shaky breath and closed your eyes . Hands coming up and into his hair , slightly gripping and pulling on it. So mun smiled against you neck before moving away , you quietly whined at the loss of touch.
„Dont worry princess, there will be a lot more coming for you.“ he laughed at your desperation and pulled your shirt over your head , as you lifted your arms, to let him remove it easier. He slid the straps of your bra down your shoulders as you unclipped it , fully taking it off. He looked at you and you felt slightly uncomfortable under his gaze as you thought , he must not like what he says. But so muns thoughts interrupted yours.
„You’re so beautiful“ he softly spoke . His arms hugged your waist and yours his neck as you lips moved in sink,you used your feet to tug on his pants and he got the message. He undressed so did you take of the last pieces of clothing. Now you both were fully exposed to each other. You might’ve seen him shirtless just a few minutes ago but , oh my. In this state he only seemed to get more attractive. He lifted you up and switched your positions,now you were on top of him, your abdomen hovering above his. You lowered yourself onto him.(onto that juicy co-)
„F*ck yes“ he muttered under his breath as you chuckled at his reaction , you slowly moved up and down his shaft , getting used to his size. His hands found themselves on your hips as he helped you pleasure the both of you. Your soft moans and his deep groans filled the room.
„Shit , your so tight , love. I love you so much“ he said as you went faster , your high following closely. His arms tightly hugged around you , and he nuzzled his head in your chest. Biting your tits now and then to muffle his groans , which occasionally slipped out.
„Mhm , so mun.“ you moaned as your hands tugged on his hair , pulling him out of your chest and tilting his head to look at you. Your eyes locked which each other and you sloppily kissed each other .
You felt a burning sensation in your abdomen and started twitching . So mun noticed and used his last strength to help you finish . You tightened around him as you came , which caused him to spill onto you aswell. Painting your soft walls paper white.
Panting and out of breath you lowered yourself onto him , still connected by your intimate body parts. Cuddling and searching for comfort you nuzzled into the crook between his neck and shoulder , he kissed the top of you head. Your sent filling his nostrils as he got sleepy. His eyes falling close , so did yours as you said one last thing.
„i love you so-mun“
„I love you too y/n“
This was it y’all,im sorry for it being short . School is stressing me and i just had a fight with my mum. But i can’t break my promise can i?
Love you.
#so mun smut#so mun fluff#so mun#so mun x reader#the uncanny counter#the uncanny counter 2#uncanny counter#do hana#ga mo tak
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Hurt Pt.2💔
Summary: Y/n finds out she’s pregnant while staying at the Greene farm and Daryl is still on the search for Sophia but things change quickly
I hung out with Glenn and Maggie for most of the day, helping hang clothing out to dry and picking out eggs
“So y/n do you want a boy or girl?” Maggie asked smiling
“It doesn’t matter to me, as long as I can make them healthy and happy that’s all I care about” I said as was cutting up some vegetables for supper
“I can’t wait to see overly over-protective Daryl, it’ll be hilarious” Glenn laughed making me smile
“He’s been gone pretty long dont you think?” I asked looking out to see the sun slowly fading behind the trees
“Im sure he’ll be back soon don’t worry” Maggie said
“Is it okay if I go for a little walk, just to clear my head” I asked looking to see I’ve already cut all the veggies
“Of course just stay close okay” Glenn said
“Okay I will” I said as I placed my hand on my lower belly and left the house making my way for a walk around the perimeter
Hoping to find any sign that he’d be back, a russel of leaves, the horse, anything that’s when I heard a gun shot and pain seer through my head
I fell to the group holding the side of my head to feel the sting and bleeding from a large cut
“What the hell” I gasped someone shot me
I heard yelling come from behind me but it was all faded my head was fuzzy, I looked up to see Daryl limping out from the trees and he was obviously hurt
“Daryl” I sighed in relief and for a moment I forgot about the pain then everything went dark
Daryl’s POV~~~
Damn horse knocked me over a cliff but all I could think about was making it back to y/n and the baby, I promised her so after struggling for hours I finally climbed up and limped my way back to the farm
Once I was near I heard a gun shot and I made it past the trees and what I saw almost made me pass out
My peach was hunched over on the ground in front of me with blood falling down her face and neck, it was the worst thing for me to see
She called my name, almost pleading then she passed out, I looked behind her and everyone was running towards us
I limped over and held her in my arms
“What the hell happened” I yelled as they made it to us
“Andrea thought she was a walker” Glenn said
“SHE SHOOT HER, I’m gonna kill er” I said feeling the hate pump through my blood
“Come one man let’s get you both to Hershel” Shane said as he picked up y/n and Glenn and Rick helped me back to the house
“Hershel we need help” Glenn called out as Shane laid y/n on the bed and I laid down next to her almost forgetting about the arrow wound in my side
I looked at her and it felt like my world was falling apart
“What happened?” Hershel asked i barely listened as the others filled him in on everything
He cleaned up her head which was full of blood and stitched up her wound
“Will she be alright?” I groaned as he started stitching up my side
“She’ll be fine son, she just needs to rest”
“What about the baby” I groaned as he finished the stitches
“Daryl she’ll be fine, get some rest” he said as he left the room leaving me with her
I moved closer and held her close to me, she looked so tired, the color was drained from her face, I just want her to wake up and tell me she’s alright
Y/n POV~
I woke up to a strong sharp pain on the side of my head, I groaned and looked around noticing I was in the house and then I saw Daryl next to me, he was bandaged up meaning something bad happened, I knew something was going to go wrong
“Daryl” I whispered trying to wake him up
“Hmmm” he groaned
“Wake up” I said as I ran my hand through his hair
His eyes shot open and he looked panicked
“Hey it’s alright” I said slowly sitting up with him
“Oh peach are ya okay?” He asked as he placed his hand on my little belly bump
“Im fine just sore, but are you okay, what happened Daryl?”
“Damn horse got scared and threw me over a cliff, damn arrow shot through ma side”
“Daryl, baby, I don’t want you to go out alone again please, I was so worried”
“Okay peach I won’t, are ya hungry I know they’re out there eatin, maybe you should get somethin ta eat”
“I’ll go get some and bring it back for you too!” I smiled as I stood up I walked out to the kitchen and everyone looked up at me
“Hey everyone, sorry to interrupt” I said slowly picking up two plates of food as I felt weak
“How are you feeling dear?” Hershel asked
“I’m fine, thank you for helping me, I know I’ve been quiet a burden lately I laughed nervously
“No dear don’t say that” dale said
“Im just gonna bring this food to Daryl” I smiled and walked back to the room
~Few days later~
I was sitting at the end of the bed while Daryl was laying down
“Ya sure yer doing okay, you’ve been real quiet lately” he asked as I looked down
“Ya I’m good, just tired” I lied, I felt like such a problem lately and even though the others disagreed I couldn’t help but feel like it, I wanted to contribute and be strong for my baby
“Hey can I come in” we heard from outside the tent
Daryl just groaned and in came Andrea all he did was glare
“The hell do ya want?”
“I came to apologize, im sorry I shot you y/n but to be fair you looked like a walker and I was just trying to protect the camp
There she goes again with the insults, I sighed and left the tent quickly walking away to the fallen tree
I couldn’t hold my emotions back anymore, I cried so hard trying to think of what I did wrong for her to be so hateful, I’m not good enough to be here anymore I’m just holding everyone back
I felt arms wrap around me and kiss my head
“Shhh peach it’s okay don’t listen to her, selfish bitch” he said trying to sooth me but the tears and hiccups kept coming
“Daryl why are you even with me, she’s right I’m a burden, I’m not good enough for you I’ll never me enough, maybe it’ll be better for everyone if I just leave”
“No no don’t say that, I love ya so much so much that I don’t wanna be away from ya for a second, yer so strong and beautiful and helpful, you’ve done so much for the people in the group please don’t leave me” he said as tears welled in his eyes
“I’m sorry Daryl I’ve just been so emotionally lately and she’s making everything more hard for me” I said as he whipped my tears away
“I’ll keep her away from ya, I’ll show ya everyday that you’re my world peach”
#daryl dixion imagine#daryl dixon#twd michonne#twd carol#twd daryl#twd maggie#twd fanfiction#daryl imagines#daryl dixion x reader#twd rick#twd x reader
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i can’t help—
falling in love with you
part two
vinnie hacker x fem!reader (lwrcase intended)
warnings: very angsty chapter, happy ending
“did I do something?” you manage to say to vinnie. vinnie seemed off the whole day, he even told his friends to have fun dancing without him. most importantly he was being a little mean to you. unless you’ve been really annoying? you quickly shook that thought out of your head as he replied. “no. i dont know why you would think you did.” he said, his body spoke for him as not one limb facing you as he leans against the wall. you of course don’t believe him. “seriously, vinnie. what’s up, you’ve been acting weird all day..” of course you were a little hurt because it was like he didn’t want anything to do with you. and you never knew why. “it’s nothing, just leave me the fuck alone.” you hear him mutter under his breath, your eyebrows furrowing. you felt true disappointment and disbelief that he would say that to you. you try blinking away your tears as you stand there looking like an idiot, it however, does not work. vinnie turns to you as he realizes what he’s done. “I didn’t mean that, im so sor-“ he was cut off by you walking away quickly, snatching your things out of your friend’s arm and walking towards your shared hotel room.
you sat there on your bed and just cried. you cried hard. you had your phone on do not disturb as you hung the door-hanger labeled “do not disturb”. you felt embarrassed and ashamed of yourself that you actually let your feelings get this far. you annoyed him to his breaking point, yet you were so angry at him and the way he handled it. you just kept crying until you heard a knock on the door. “go away.!” you shout. it’s still silent as you feel your phone vibrate under your thigh. you reach for your phone and look at who texted you and how it went through you dnd focus.
vinnie: please
vinnie: i didn’t mean what i said
vinnie: give me a chance to explain please
you can feel your eyes begin to water even more. why was he here to see you if he wanted you gone? you hesitate a bit before getting up to open the door. once you open the door you don’t even look him in the eyes. instead you just remove the door-hanger from the knob. only then do you look at his face. “what.” was all your tear-stained face could say. “I’m so sorry, y/n. i never meant to hurt you like this.” his eyes scanned your entire body. you looked like hell if it was in a dumpster fire. you had mascara running down your eyes. your cheeks and eyes puffy. you looked so sad. so miserable.
vinnie’s pov:
seeing she wasn’t in a very good state right now, all i wanted to do was hug her. i felt horrible. i didn’t know if she would forgive me, but the least i could do was try.
end of pov
you could feel his arms wrap around you as you sobbed even more into his shoulders. the tight hug he embraced you in was all you needed to feel better. this was what you’ve wanted all this time. something didn’t feel right though. “i thought you hated me?” vinnie chuckled as he answered. “I could never hate you, y/n.” you’re still so confused, even after all this “affection”. “you told me to leave you alone, you’ve avoided me for so long for no reason!” he stops you. “y/n, that’s cause im so in love with you that i was scared you didn’t feel the same. i let the wrong feelings get ahold of me and im so sorry for that. i promise i’ll do better. that’s only if you want me to.” you say there in shock. your mouth going agape and you stumble over your words until vinnie pulls you close again. only this time does he kiss you. “but why..?”
“cause i cant help falling in love with you.”
sooo i finally finished this even though it was two parts, i had no motivation and finished this within an hour. this story is based off of the song “I cant helo falling in love with you” by Elvis Presley. this has been one of my favorite songs for such a long time so im glad I made a story about it 😭 thank you so much for reading “obvious” one shot coming maybe in November. im most definitely gonna start working on a halloween one-shot. have an amazing day 💋❤️🩹
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It has been quiet since Lord Voldemort sent Draco and Mattheo to find horcruxes before Potter does who just happens to be my brother. I was currently getting ready for bed in Mattheo and I bedroom. I had just finished getting changed when something hit me on the back of my head and that’s when everything went black.
Mattheo POV:
~Skip to next morning~
Mattheo: Finally can’t wait to rest for a few days at least I hope
Draco: Plus we get to see the girls
Mattheo: At least they are safe in the manor there safety that all that matters
A few moments later they walked in Malfoy Major where they were greeted by both of their parents along with Astoria and Pansy.
Draco: Hey mum
Narcissa: Hey my love
Mattheo: Here you go father the necklace
Voldemort: Good work boys
Mattheo: Where is Y/N
Bellatrix: We thought she would of told you she left
Blaise enter rooms rushed.
Blaise: She would be able to she didn’t leave willingly she left this she never leaves with out either
Blaise handed Mattheo Y/N’s wand and the promise ring he had given her on her birthday the previous Valentine’s Day
Narcissa: Oh No
Bellatrix: This is really bad
Voldemort: What do you mean
Bellatrix: If it’s who I think took her she could be in real danger
Lucius: Are you talking about Backwood
Narcissa: Oh no she could be killed
Voldemort: What would he want with a Potter
Bellatrix: she is not a potter by blood
Mattheo: How do you know this mom
Narcissa: Beacuse we were there when she was born he mother was one of last surviving member of the famous Price family one the original magic bloodline more pure blood than even the Dumbledore family or founders of Hogwarts
Mattheo: Mom who are her parents
Voldemort: Regulus Balck and Veronica Price
Bellatrix: My Lord how did you know
Voldemort: You would think I would want to know everything about anyone who gets close to me and my boys
Mattheo: Thanks Dad I guess
Lucius: We have to get her back and fast
Draco: What’s wrong father
Lucius: If she is a Price that means bad new for the ministry if she really is a Price that means Blackwood can unlock any artifact in the ministry museum with just her blood
Mattheo: How bad are we talking?
Lucius: If they use any artifact that was unlocked with her blood the second it’s a used she could die the only way for her to survive is if she’s pregnant instead of her dying it’ll be the unborn child
Voldemort: Mattheo, are you where if she’s pregnant?
Mattheo: she’s not
Bellatrix: You don’t get it, my Lord, not only will Blackwood use her for her blood. He will kill her himself Regulus tormenting Blackwood all throughout school he will release his anger on his daughter, and only child.
Voldemort: Is there anything else I need to know
Pansy: Well
Draco: Babe what do you know
Pansy: She doesn't need a wand to due magic she uses it to keep her safe since it's very rare
Astoria: How long has she know
Pansy: Since our second year
Mattheo: Father if they find out she doesn't need a wand she is good as dead
Draco: Dont worry dude we will get her back
#mattheo riddle gifs#mattheo riddle imagines#mattheo riddle reactions#mattheo riddle scenarios#mattheo riddle x you#mattheo riddle fluff#mattheo riddle x reader#harry potter#harry potter imagines#harry potter reactions#harry potter scenarios#hogwarts#death eaters#death eaters imagines#death eaters reactions#death eaters scenarios#hogwarts imagines#hogwarts reactions#hogwarts scenarios#slytherin#slytherin imagines#slytherin reactions#slytherin scenarios#benjamin wadsworth#benjamin wadsworth imagines#benjmain wadsworth reactions#benjmain wadsworth scenarios#benjmain wadsworth x you#benjamin wadsworth fluff
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I know S1 was split because of covid and stuff and it resulted in book 1 getting 2 seasons and 15 episodes. and honestly, i dont think that was to many eps, with good writing it turned out it gave the books time to have enough pace to develop stories and characters perfectly I never felt any filler. so going forward I am actually little worried. because I assume not every next book will get 2 seasons even tho VL is longer for example. I worry VL will be rushed if it's only one season :(
But than again it's not like they have to cover 13 books in 13 seasons. I feel like VL and QOTD is the only that need full longer seasons coverage. TOTBT doesn't need separate season and can be incorporated somewhere. Armand's and Marius books are flashbacks that can be incorporated with other stuff throughout seasons. Memnoch is a trip but certainly not material enough of plot for a season of anything. Blackwood Farm and Blood Canticle can't be ignored lol. Merrick can be incorporated in other stuff too. My point is most later books dont exactly need to be contained individual seasons and contained stories like first book was. that only leaves newest trilogy. so I dont know how they plan to do it.. but I feel like they could/should give Vampire Lestat 2 seasons. than have maybe 3 more seasons for everything else... because modern day plots are not that big it's mostly about flashbacks or tones of POVs
(I think you meant to say Blackwood Farm and Blood Canticle can be ignored? Because then, yes^^)
I think Rolin will not be rushed, but I do think both TVL and QotD will get a "whole" arc - hopefully a longer season - and TtotBT might be combined with some elements of Memnoch and TVA.
I think the danger of Amel has already been hinted at and will be threaded through Akasha's arc already, and then the last big arc (and enemy) in the last books will be a big, overarching arc. Possibly spanning several seasons.
At least that is what I think might happen :) We'll see.
Rolin said the memory aspects and POVs would be done soon, and that makes sense, though some flashbacks or tales will definitely still be part of it.
Still, I am very much looking forward to the show moving "into reality" :)))
I cannot wait for it to be rooted in our world .... after all we saw the first tendrils with "Long Face".
I expect a loooooot more than that :)))
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Aaron Hotchner and Emily Prentiss x Daughter reader
Another request thank you fir commenting!
Summary: Would you do one where Hotch and Prentiss get a call from the police station because their 16 year old daughter or son (Reader) and got into a car accident because of drunk driving (Reader didn't get hurt)
Third person pov...
It was 9.30 pm, the team had finally caught the serial killer they had been chasing after for 5 days, he had killed 10 men and woman and 3 children, the case was draining for all the team.
As soon as they got on the plane they had fallen asleep apart from two people Aaron Hotchner and Emily Prentiss.
They were up talking about the case and their 16 year old daughter who was home alone, they hoped she wouldnt get into any trouble.
Of course they were wrong 5 minutes later Hotches phone goes off and he answers the call. "Hotchner" he says it was a police officer calling.
"hello am i speaking to Mr Aaron Hotchner?" he asks, Hotch looks at Emily and puts the phone on speaker so she could hear as well.
"yes that is me" speaks Hotch. A empty pit forms in his stomache did something happen to his daughter.
"i am officer Bing calling from Virginia Police station, i have your Daughter Y/N Hotchner here for underaged drinking and drunk driving, when will you be able to collect her and sign the necessary papers?" he asks, this made Emily snd Aarons eyes widened as they hear what happend.
Emily then chooses to speak, " Is our daughter okay?" she yelled into the phone, Hotch grabs her hand calming her down.
"yes she is okay, only a concussion and a couple of bruises the other driver was perfectly okay and is not planning to charge her" says the officer.
"okay thank you for telling us, we will be there to collect her in a couple of hours, we are currently come back from a case" explains Hotch before the call ends, Then two Parents sit in silcence.
"That's our daughter alright" Says Emily jokingly, but sees Hotches face and wipes her smile on her face, she could tell he wasn't happy.
"I can't believe her, we leave her for 5 days and this ends up happening" Hotches mutters angry as Emily quickly messages her daugter.
Emily: Your Dad is very pissed
Off with you Princess.
I kind if guessed that from his :Y/N
Voice on the phone, i dont need to
Be a profiler to know that Mum.
Emily: Dont get sassy with me
Not trying to sorry Mum :Y/N
Just hurry please, i dont want to
spend anymore time here in this cell.
Emily: We will be there in a couple
Of hours Honey.
Emily then put her phone away and laid down her head in Hotches lap and legs on the seat next to her, Hotch smiled at her he knew she had messaged Y/N.
Hotch watched as the plane flew in the sky, they still had an hour left until he could see his daughter and make sure she was okay.
Time skip...
When the plane landed the two quickly got everyone into the different SUVs ans began driving to the police station. "Where are we going Hotch?" Asks Reid from the back seat as his Boss speeds through town.
"Y/N is at the police station" he says simply, eyes on the road, knowone said anything for the rest of thw drive, when they both got tocthe station they ran in and up to the desk.
"Emily Prentiss and Aaron Hotchner for Y/N Hotchner our daughter" Yells Emily scaring the guy at the desk, he then lets them through and the parents run to Officer Nings desk where Y/N was sat.
Their 16 year old daughter had a bandage wrapped around her head, a couple of bruises on her face and arms bit other than that she was okay.
Emily breathes a sigh of relief as she pulls Her daughter in for a long hug the girl quickly hugs her mum back just as tightly.
Office Bing then takes Hotch aside and begins signing the papers for his daughter to be released, when he was done Emily had finally let go of Y/N.
It was now his turn to hug their daughter, the man does he brings her close to his chest and hugs her tightly. "You worried us so much when we heard you were in a car accident Princess" he said pulling away from her.
Y/N looked down, she could bear to see the disappointed look hisnher dad's eyes. "I'm Sorry Dad" she mumbled, the Agent then lifted her chin.
"I know you are, we were just worried, don't you ever do that again" he told her, this made tears fall down her face.
For the first time that night after the accident she cried in her Dads arms, only now realising how she could of died and how dangerous what she did.
Y/N cried and cried for hours in her Dads arms, Her Mum soon joining them in their hug fest. The family off three soon let go and the two bought their daughter outside to where the Team were waiting still confused.
It's wasn't until they saw Y/N that they realised she did something, JJ and Morgan were soon running over. "What happened arw you okay Honey?" Asked JJ
"Did you do something awesome kid?" Aksed Derek at the same time.
Both looked at each other before glaring. "Derek, she could of died" Exclaimed JJ
"Like you can talk JJ, you wanted to know as well but of course you have to be the mama bear" Exclaimed Derek the two continued to argue making Y/N laugh.
The 16 year old was happy to have her family surrounding her making her laugh like always. Their argument soon git everyone laughing even Grumpy Aaron Hotchner.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, I had lots of fun writing it. As usual sorry for the grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Request are open!
Word count: 1023
#criminal minds#father daughter fluff#mother Daughter fluff#aaron hotchner x daughter!reader#emily prentiss#aaron hotchner#emily prentiss x daughter reader#aaron hotchner x emily prentiss#Aaron Hotchner and Emily Prentiss daughter#fanfic#light angst
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Choose me
part 2
Neteyam x human reader
Aonung x human reader
This story will have more endings.Some of them being;choosing Neteyam;choosingAonung......
It will probably have 4 endings.
And i puted a little explanation at the end.
skxawng (Idiot) Kxetse (sun) Mawey (calm,calm down)
Words that look like this are spoken in the na'vi language.
Y/n pov.
It was the next day and i was woken up by someone shaking me.
Loak: y/n wake up come on we are late!
y/n:What? Loak shut up i wanna sleep.
Loak:No time to sleep you agreed to come with me Spider and Kiri so get your as up now.
I looked at him.Right now i remember he wanted us to go explore the forest and i said i will come with him.I mean its not like i have anything else to do so i thought it would be fun.
y/n:Okay okay im comming.
Loak:You better.
y/n:Is Neteyam ganna come?
Loak:He is going with mom and dad hunt.You know like everytime.
He said as he started to walk out of the tent.I guess i forgot about the hunting.I looked around the tent and Spider was not in it.I guess i really am late hm.
I walked out of the tent with some fruit in my hand.As i walked out i saw Kiri , Spider and Loak standing next to each other.
Spider:Morning sis someone was sleepy from last night.
Said Spider with an angry look.
She hissed at him.
Spider: Whatever can we just go?
Loak:Yes lets go.
Tuk: Wait up i wanna go with you!
Yelled Tuk as she ran to us.
I said with a smile on my face.
Loak:Tuk you cant come with us.
Tuk:But i wanna go!
Kiri:Loak let her come with us.
Said Kiri as Loak hissed a little.
Tuk:I will tell mom if you dont let me come.
Loak:Fine you can come.But dont do anything stupid.
Replied Tuk as she started to jump around.
Spider:Lets get going.
We all started to leave and in some minutes we were already walking on the vines.I must say when i first steped on them some years ago i was scared.I just looked down and felt fear.But now im not so scared.I mean im still careful but im having fun.
Kiri,Spider, Loak and I were all yelling out of happiness.
Kiri:Go monkey boy!
Yelled Kiri as we were all jumping.
Tuk:Guys wait for me!
I could hear Tuk yell behind me.I stoped and looked back at her.
y/n:Come on Tuk you dont want me to be the first one there do you?
I said with a small smirk.
Tuk:I will win.
She said as she was now infront of me.
y/n:Hey wait up!
Now it was me who was last.
It did not take us a long time to get on the ground and start to run around the forest.Spider was first right next to him was Loak behind him me and just a little bit behind were Tuk and Kiri.
y/n:Im starting to get tired.
I yelled so that Loak and Spider could hear me.
Spider:Come on y/n your lucky you dont need a mask.Now come.
I roled my eyes.True i dont need one but i still need the mask every now and then if i get really tired.
y/n:Fine fine.
Loak:Tuk come on.
Tuk:Okay okay.
Spider:Bro why did you bring her?
Asked Spider as we all stoped.
Loak:She is such a cry baby«Im telling mom if you dont let me come«
Kiri:Dont pick on her.
Said Kiri as we all started to walk onec again.
We were walking for some time until we came to a destroyed helicopter gunship that was cowered by vines.
Loak:Come on guys.
Tuk:Are there any dead bodys up there?
Asked Tuk with curiosity in her voice.
Loak:No i cant see any.
Spider:Hey where did Kiri go?
y/n:Im not sure.
I replied as Loak was still loking at the helicopter gunship.
Spider:I will go look for her.
Said Spider as he walked away.
y/n:Hey Loak come down hire i dont want you to get hurt.
Loak:Calm down im fine.
Replied Loak as he gived me a reassuring smile.
y/n:Loak come on i dont like this.
Loak:Ok ok im comming.
He replied slowly comming to me and Tuk.
A few minutes later we were walking as we were now looking for Kiri and Spider.
Said Loak a little louder.
y/n:Hire you two are.
I said as i saw Kiri and Spider sitting on grass.
Tuk:Kiri we have to get back
Said Tuk as Kiri and Spider walked to us.We were making our way back home as Loak saw something on the ground. Footprints.
Kiri:What is it?
Asked Kiri annoyance in her voice.
Loak:That is way to big for a human.
Said Loak as we were all now looking at the footprints
Loak:Maybe,but they for sure arent ours.
Replied Loak as him and Spider started to follow the footprints.
Kiri:What are you doing?
Loak:SHHH im tracking.
Replied Loak as we all started to follow Loak.We were walking for about 1 minute as we saw some avatars walking around.
y/n:We are never soposed to come hire.Jake is going to ground you.
Loak:Shh can you stop.
Kiri:For life.
Loak:Bro you got to look at this,lets go
Loak told Spider as they started to go closer to the avatars.
y/n:Spider get back hire you skxawng.
Spider:shh its all ok.
I was left with Kiri and Tuk.Kiri was looking at the two as Tuk was now hugging me.Poor thing she is scared.I tryied my best to make feel better by hugging her back but i dont think it worked.Soon Loak and Spider came back as Loak told us he will call Jake, to tell him about the avatars.
Loak:Devil dog, this is Eagle eye,over.
Jake:Eagle eye send your traffic.
Loak:I got my eyes on some guys they look like avatars but they arent ours,there is about 6 of them over.
Jake:What is your pos over?
Asked Jake worry in his voice.
Loak:Um we are at the old shag.
Jake:Who is we?
Asked Jake im not sure if i could hear worry or anger in his voice.
Loak:Me,Spider,Kiri…y/n and Tuk
Jake:…Son you listening to me very clearly. Retreat as fast as you can and dont make a sound.Got it?
Asked Jake now i could hear worry in his voice and that made me even more scared.
Loak:Got it we are moving out.
Loak told Jake as we started to go back.
Kiri:I told you.
Neteyam pov:
I was on my ikran flying next to dad and behind us was mom.The hunt was pretty good today , i even got something for y/n.She does not usually go out of the camp so i like to bring her some things i find pretty for her.
Loak:Devil dog, this is Eagle eye,over.
I heard Loaks voice.Why is he calling in?
Jake:Eagle eye send your traffic.
Loak:I got my eyes on some guys they look like avatars but they arent ours,there is about 6 of them over.
I look over at dad when i heard that.Where is this idiot.
Jake:What is your pos over?
Loak:Um we are at the old shag
We?Who did he bring with him.
Loak:Me,Spider,Kiri…y/n and Tuk.
The moment i heard her name my heart stoped.I thought she was at home helping grandma.But she is out there with some avatars.Eywa please dont let anything happen.
Jake:…Son you listening to me very clearly. Retreat as fast as you can and dont make a sound.Got it?Get the hell out of there.Move, copy?
Loak:Yes sir, moving out.
Loak if something happens to her i promes to Eywa your dead.
Neteyam:Dad i know a quick way!
I said as dad and mom followed me.
Y/n pov.
y/n:Spider im scared
I said as Spider looked back at me with a confused look on his face.I rarely said that to him so rarely in fact that when ever i did tell him that he knows im for reall.
Spider:Hey dont worry little baby we are going to be ok.
Kiri:Your going to be in so much trouble.
Loak:Kiri stop.
Spider:Guys come on
Tuk:Its almost eclipse come on.
Said Tuk and just as she said that i could hear her scream.As i looked at her i could see one of the avatars grabbed her.
Kiri yelled,as Spider and Loak pointed theyer bows at the avatars.
Avatar 1:Put it down!Put it down or i will shoot you!
y/n:Put it down Spider.
I said as Spider looked at me and did as i said.Just as he did that the avatars ran to us and grabbed our arms.
y/n:Be calm,calm.
I said in a calm voice,as much as i was panicking i had to calm down Tuk as much as i could.Just then 2 more man came to us.
Avatar:What have we hire?
Asked one of the 2 man as he looked at all of us and then at Loak.
Avatar 2:Hey colonel check it out 5 fingers,we have a half-breed.
Avatar:Show me your fingers
Said the man that i now assumed was the leader as he walked to Loak.Loak looked at him and showed him the middle finger.God your stupid Loak i just hoped its not ganna make the man angry.
Avatar:Heh youre his arent you?
Asked the man as Loak hissed at him.
Avatar:Youre his all right.
Said the man with a smile on his face as he grabbed Loaks braid.
Avatar:Where is he?
Loak:Sorry i dont speak English…..to buttholes.
Avatar:Where is your father!?
Asked the man now anger in his voice as he pulled Loaks braid even tighter.That made Loak hiss even more.
Avatar:Really? You wanna play it this way?
Said the man as he pulled out a knife.
Yelled Kiri as the man pulled the knife closser to Loak.
y/n:Leave him alone!
I yealled at the mad with anger in my voice..As i said that the man pushed Loak to the ground as he walked to me.The man looked at me with a confused face.He probably never saw a human with the navi.
Loak:y/n! No!Stop!
Loak:Please dont hurt her!
Said Loak as the man looked at Spider.
Avatar:What are your names kids?
Asked the man looking at me and Spider.
Spider:Spider and y/n…..Socorro.
Spider:Nobody calls me that.
Avatar:Well ill be damned.Well i figured they sented you two back to Earth.
Said the man.Im not sure if i could hear sadness in his voice.
Spider:They cant put babys in cryo dipshit.
Now i was starting to understand who this man was.My father.Oh how i hated to call that monster my father.But it was true.
The man was looking at Spider for a little longer then got up and signed to the man behinde Spider to grab him again.
Quaritch:Iron sky, blue one ,actual.
He said as he started to talk to someone telling them he has some prisoners.Im guessing they are us.
Kiri:Let us go
Said Kiri as they started to pull us back to the shag.As we came back the avatars pushed us down to the ground as they started to tie us.I was thrown to the ground next to Loak.
I could see the leader and another man watching something but i could not see what it was.We were there for some time,we could not talk but Spider still did his best to give me reassuring looks.
Neteyam pov.
We got there pretty fast and just as i was about to follow dad he turned around and looked at me.
Jake:No no you stay hire with the ikrans.
Neteyam:But dad im a warrior like you. Im supposed to fight.
Neteyam:She is there.If something happenes to her i will never forgive myself.
Jake:Im not ganna say it again.You stay hire.And about y/n she will be safe dont worry.Do you understand?
Neteyam:Yes sir.
I said as they both left.I cant just stay hire.What if they get hurt?What if she gets hurt.I looked at my ikran , turned around and started to go after them.
Y/n pov.
Soon it was dark and they all pulled us back up and we were now waiting for who ever the leader was talking to some time back.That is who THEY were waiting for,we were waiting for Jake and Neytiri.It started to rain as we were now standing in darknes,the only light were the flowers around us.
Woman:Blue one,stand by ready.We are 3 minutes out.
I could hear a womens voice come out of the thing on the leaders neck.
Quaritch:Heads up,3 minutes.
I was trying to think about what we will do,if the back up will come before Neytiri and Jake , as i heard a sound.It sounded like an animal but i know it was not an animal.It was Neytiri.Her call that only we know.And there it is again.As the sound was heared again me,Tuk,Kiri,Loak and Spider all looked around.Now we all knew who it was.And again third time.I was standing still waiting for my time to bite the hand that was holding me.Just as i was thinking that the man holding Kiri and Spider was shot.
Yelled Quaritch as they started to shot in the direction the arrow was shot from.
Yelled a voice.It was Neytiri.That made Loak pulled one of smoke bombs from the avatar that was next to Loak and made me and Tuk bite the hand from the avatar that was holding us.
Loak:Tuk,y/n come on.Go,go,go!
He said as we started to run but i could feel someone pull me back.It was one of the avatars and he was grabing my hair.I hissed but he did not let go.Just then the guy fell to the ground and as i looked at him i could see an arrow in his face.That arrow i know it.It was Neteyams.But how?I looked around and saw a dark figure not so far away with a bow in his hands.Neteyam.I thought as a smile came to my face.
Neteyam pov.
I was running for some time until i got to the scene.By that time dad and mom have already made their move.I pulled out my bow and looked around to see if anyone needs help or if i could do anything.I looked around and saw Loak , Tuk and y/n as they all started to run away from the avatars
Loak:Tuk,y/n come on.Go,go,go!
Loak yelled.Y/n was the last one and i kept my eyes on her.But just then i heard her yell.One of the man was holding her back by her hair.That was the moment the only thing i saw was red.I puled back my bow and shot the man.I did not know if i was soposed to do that or if dad would be mad, but i did not care.I could see y/n look back at the man in confusion.She stared at him and then a my bow for a little and then start to look around.She looked at me (tho i think she did not saw me clearly) and as she laid her pretty eyes on me i saw a small smile on her face and i as well felt one on my own face.
Y/n pov.
Loak:Y/n! Come come!
Yelled Loak as he pulled me and we all started to run again.We were runing for not much of time when out of nowhere Jake and Nateyam jumped out.That scared me and made me scream but as soon as i saw it was them the fear went away.
Jake:You hurt?
He asked me as he looked me up and down looking for any wounds.
y/n:No im fine
Jake:Tuk you hurt?
Cried out Tuk as she went to hug him.That was it we were saved and that made me let out my tears that i was holding for some time now.Neteyam came to me and again asked if i was alright.
Neteyam:You hurt?Did that guy hurt you?
y/n:No im im fine.
I said as i hugged him.He got to my level and huged me back.
Neteyam:Hey it ok Kxetse.
y/m:Thank you.
Neteyam:Do not thank im just happy your safe.
After some time we ended the hug as he was looking in my eyes.We could see the helicopter as it took of flying.Just then Neytiri and Kiri cam out of some bushes.
Said Neytiri as she hugged Tuk.Jake pulled Loak me and Nateyam into a hug as well.
Jake:Its ok.We are all ok.
Neytiri:Oh thank you great mother.Thank you.
y/n:Where is Spider?
I asked with tears still in my eyes.Kiri looked at me with tears in her eyes as well.
Kiri:They took him.They took him
I yelled looking at her.
y/n:What do you mean they took him?
I was crying again as my voice broke some times as i asked that.Kiri was crying as well and did not say anything.I could feel a hand on my shoulder but i just moved back.
y/n:How could you just let them take him!M.. my …my brother…They took my brother!
I screamed.Im pretty sure the whole forest heard my broken and hurt voice.
Jake:Okay.Its okay baby girl.He is a tough kid.All right.Shhh shh.
Said Jake as he hugged me.I struggled and moved around wanting the hug to end but i did not have any energy left so in the end i just stood there.
Jake:He is going to be okay.We are all ganna be okay.
Continued Jake as i started to cry again.
Loak:Hey hey dont cry.You know that he can kick their ass right?
Loak said trying his best to make me smile as Jake leted me go.I did not reply with anything.I was just looking at the ground as the rain was now heavyer then before.I felt a hand on my shoulder again but this time i did not do anything to make it go away.Then there was another hand on my other shoulder.And then the hands hugged me from behind and someone rested their head on my shoulder.
Neteyam:He is gonna be safe.Trust me…….You do trust me do you not?
I looked at his face and nodded.
Neteyam:Good good.
Hope you like the second part if you have any questions or requests please do ask me.Im sorry that i did not post for some time.Im just a little busy.
(Something you might not understand is that part when Spider said that y/n does not need a mask.She still is human but as i mentioned in the first part she had an accident when she was a kid.She had to pass through the eye of Eywa.And she did.But when she woke up there were changes.One of them being that she can breath without a mask.But if she gets really tired or does not gave any enery she will need the mask.One of the changes is that she is pretty much like Kiri.She has a connection with Eywa tho its not as strong as Kiris.)
#avatar way of water#avatar x reader#avatar#awow#aonung x reader#neteyam x reader#avatar aonung#avatar way of water x reader#avatar neteyam
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Candle ligth Pt4
trigger warning: cussing, smoking, not proof read, erm idk. kinda rushed revolation erm yea i hope this is ok, lm if i should change anything, some inacurate use of drugs and names for them like more modern names for stuff. spelling
Your pov
I woke up in the morning to the semblance of sunlight shining in my eyes. I groaned and turned over trying to fall back asleep but soon started to cough after I inhaled smoke in my lungs. I sat up and looked around the room only to see ash sitting on his bed smoking a cig.
“Ash what the fuck, its like 9:00am or some shit why the fuck are you smoking” i groaned in irritation, looked at me and rolled his eyes. I was surprised since he rarely ever did smoke anything that wasn't weed
“Yea well too bad, pol said it was ok too before you ask.” he said rather bluntly but i could swear i saw a slight smirk at the edge of his lips.
“Yea well good for you, also when did you even start smoking anything but weed .” I said confused, he inhaled the smoke from his cigarette and blew it out. Before he could respond i herd a nock on the door.
“Hello?” i said not knowing if it was pol or one of her maids who was knocking on the door.
“It's me” I heard pol's distinct voice say, she opened the door and saw me and ash looking at her with curious eyes. She breathed in before speaking “Tommy is having a ballet and he wants you two to come to supply stuff we don't have. You need to leave by the time the ballet starts. Please while there do not say anything you would usually say.” Me and ash shared a look before looking back at Pol
“What type of drugs do you need and what do you mean don't say what we usually say are there gonna be some high class shits there or something.” Ash said, I nodded as I continued to stare at pol. I was suspicious about why she seemed somewhat uneasy.
“That's what I mean, don't talk like that when you're there, there will be some important people there try not to talk to them. If they talk to you first, that's different.” she said with a serious tone. She took a puff of her own cigarette. The room slowly started to smell more and more of smoke making me cough slightly.
“What should we wear there and do you have a notepad so i can write down what we need to bring pol.” I said while getting up from my bed and going over to the desk.
“If they are in the 2nd there should be a pen in there as well, we need some cannabis and morphine. The money will be there when you arrive one of the maids will show you where it is” she said, i wrote down what and how much that was needed.
“Also it's formal so I expect you two to look nice and not like you just walked out of a pub. It's this friday” she said, i chuckled a little bit.
“We will make sure to look presentable for those rich fucks dont worry.”i said and looked over at Ash to make sure he heard me. I turned around as I stood up from the chair and folded the note.
“And if anyone asks why you're here say you make art and that's why you're here so (y/n) i need you to paint a picture of anything really just to cover you two. How far along are you with the painting of Tommy and lizzy” she said, I looked at her and nodded. The way we often covered up drug sails was by smuggling it in through art.
“I'm almost done with just some touch ups I need to do to the background but it should be done. But if i want it to be done by this friday i need to get back home know” i said with urgency in my voice.
Pol looks at me and nods her head “ok well i'll get the car started don't take too long to pack up anything you brought.” she said as she left the room
“Thank you Mrs. Gray "I yelled out, I started to pack the few things I brought and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and make myself look presentable. I stuck my head out the bathroom and looked at ash
“Yo are you gonna come with me or stay here?” I asked him as I walked back into the room while grabbing my bag. Ash looked at me and shook his head.
“Nah i think ima stay here for a bit try to get in contact with fez.” he said looking at me and smiling slightly.
‘’Ok well stay safe ash and don't get yourself into anything stupid okay i got people that will tell me if you do.” i said while lightly punching him in his shoulder
“Aye what? (Y/n) the fuck do you mean you got people?” he said confused, as i walked out the door i turned and sent a playful grin towards him before leaving the room and closing the door behind me. As I walked down stares I could hear people talking. When I got down I saw it was Aberham Gold and Polly.
“Toms got a fucking trues with them Pol-” he stopped once he saw me. The thing was he didnt know who I was but I knew of him. I knew his son had been killed by the billy boys and that he was a good shooter.
“Sorry if i'm interrupting anything.” I said to them I shifted my eyes to the floor to put up a nervous front. “Pol, ash said he's gonna stay here for a bit. I thought I should let you know.” I heard footsteps come over to me. I looked up from the ground and saw Pol looking at me.
“That's fine but are you fine being by yourself at home?” she asked like a concerned mother or maybe she was just asking to be kind either way it confused me somehow.
“Well at home there are weapons so if anyone tries anything I'll shoot them.” i said a bit quieter compared to my normal tone. Pol looked at me and nodded her head. I noticed Aberham looking at me with an unreadable look on his face. I felt a smirk appeared on my face, i shifted my eyes between the two of them
“ This is your boyfriend Pol?” I asked with a giggle. I could see both of them roll their eyes and pol pushed me to the front door.
“Get in the car (Y/n) I'll meet you there in a minute.” she said with a playfully annoyed voice. I laughed and waved to Abraham and walked out to the car. I opened the door and set my things down next to me in the other seat. I took out a cigarette and lit it, but not before opening the door of the car and getting out. I observed the neighborhood, it was a higher class neighborhood compared to the others in Birmingham, the skys were clearer and it was more quiet. I noticed a car parked outside of a house with someone in it. It appeared to be a man but it was hard to tell. But what I could tell is that they were looking at Pol's house. I blew out some smoke from my cigarette and threw it on the ground and snuffed it out. I looked back up at the car and noticed they were looking at me now. I stared back squinting my eyes for some hope to see through the tinted glass of the car windows but before I could get a good look I heard the door open.
“Well let's go (Y/n), Oh and this is Abraham gold, Abraham this is (Y/n).” she said as she got in the car Abraham followed and sat next to her. I got into the seat behind them. As the driver got in the car I took note of abraham. He was wearing working class clothes. He had gray hair that looked like it was just cut.
It seemed that he sensed my eyes on him as he turned his head to look back at me, i smiled “Nice to meet you Mr. Gold sorry for intruding on your conversation with Ms.Gray”
“Nice to meet you (y/n), you have a last name don't you?” he asked, smiling back at me.
“If I did , you would know it. I was adopted and given my name by my grandmother.” i said looking at him, it wasn't a lie necessarily i was given a name by my grandma but i changed it to (Y/n) after a while i mean Ash might of kept his but no one calls him ashtray. I changed my name to (y/n) after we moved out of the states, there's no document of it though. There's no documents of my old name either, But I like it that way because it makes it easier for me to keep a low profile and harder for people to research me beyond what I do on a daily basis.
I turned and looked at the window and watched as the houses passed by, my eyes looking around anytime we made a stop. To try to find anything that would interest me, I could hear the voices of pol and abraham but i didn't listen to what they were saying. I didn't care, I just wanted to get home.
Time jump
The car stopped outside of my house, it was a small house but bigger than the ones in small heath, it was an old farmhouse but not like tommys it was more of a mansion. We didn't grow anything, though maybe some flowers or corn but that was all.
“Thank you for taking me here Ms. Gray, I do appreciate it a lot” I said before getting out of the car and grabbing my things. I closed the door behind me and waved before walking up to the house.
Silently, I turned the doorknob and entered the room. Gently, I slipped off my shoes and ascended the staircase. Crossing the hallway, I peered into my grandmother's room through the slightly ajar door. A serene sight met my eyes – she slumbered peacefully, the weight of her worries visibly lifted. A smile crept across my lips, reassured by her newfound tranquility.
I went down to living room and there I carefully unfolded the drape that veiled my work-in-progress, a depiction of Tommy and Lizzie. With deliberate steps, I placed the cloth on the floor, clearing a space for me to start painting.
Fetching my watercolor brushes and selecting the appropriate hues, and started to paint. The canvas came alive under the caress of my brushstrokes, I blended the colors, giving life to the background. The trees that graced my window became the cornerstone of this painting, their forms and shades guiding my vision.
While engrossed in my painting, a knock at the door jolted me from my concentration. Puzzled by the unexpected interruption, I put down my brushes and retrieved my gun from the side table. With the weapon discreetly concealed on my person, my senses heightened.
"Hello," I greeted, cracking the door open just enough to peer out. The persons identity remained hidden, and I wasn't gonna take any risks.
"Is this (y/n)'s house?" the voice inquired. Though familiar, I struggled to place it.
"Who's asking?" I responded skeptically, slightly widening the door's opening.
"Duke," came the reply. The moment that name escaped his lips, the door swung fully open, and a rush of emotions flooded me as I looked at the figure infront of me. He looked every bit of the Duke I remembered, and a genuine smile graced my lips. Although part of me wanted to hug him and share how much I'd missed him, I held back, mindful of our past boundaries.
"Hey. How did you…. find me?" I asked, a blend of happiness and confusion evident in my tone.
"I remembered where your house was from our 1st encounter, to be honest." he explained, his gaze steady and direct.
"Want to come in then, or is this just a brief visit?" I asked, maintaining our eye contact.
"Um... sure," he agreed. I widened the doorway, and he entered. Barely a few steps inside, I intervened by placing a hand on his shoulder.
"yo, hold on. take off your shoes. I dont want to have any mud or dirt tracked in," I said. Once he complied, I withdrew my hand and he turned to the wall and took off his shoes. The phone rang.
As Duke stepped inside and I discreetly answered the phone, a sense of unease settled over me. The voice on the other end sounded unfamiliar, and the mention of Fezco, me, and Ashtray raised an internal alarm.
"Hello?" I responded cautiously, trying to maintain a composed demeanor.
"Is this the residence of Fezco, (y/n), and Ashtray?" The calm mellow voice of an American female was heard on the other end held a calculated tone, sending a chill down my spine.
"Who's asking?" I repeated, my voice tinged with a mix of wariness and curosity.
The voice on the phone grew slightly colder, a hint of menace lacing its words. "we're concerned about the company they've been keeping. Working with the Peaky Blinders."
My heart raced, realizing that this was no ordinary call. The implications of this conversation began to sink in – our connections, our allegiances were being scrutinized, and our safety was hanging in the balance.
"Look, whoever you are, I don't know what your talking about." I retorted, my voice firm, a shield of defiance against the mounting threat.
The voice remained unfazed, its threat now more explicit. "Fezco, (y/n), and Ashtray might want to reconsider their loyalties if they value their well-being. The Peaky Blinders' enemies have a long reach, and are not afraid to take drastic measures."
My mind raced, assessing the situation. It was clear that the caller was well-informed, aware of our affiliations, and determined to exploit our vulnerability.
"I don't take kindly to threats, also why threaten them?" I responded, my voice now in a whisper and edged with a steely resolve. "If you think we'll be intimidated, you're mistaken."
The line went silent for a moment before the voice spoke again, its tone measured. "Remember, (y/n), everyone has weaknesses, even those who walk in the shadow of the Peaky Blinders. Make your choice wisely."
With that chilling finality, the call ended. I stood there, phone in hand, the weight of the threat sinking in. As I turned back to rejoin Duke, the gravity of our situation became all too clear – the world we were entangled in was more rife with danger than I knew, and the safety of Fezco, Ashtray, and myself. I huffed in frustration, before turning back to a confused duke.
"Make yourself comfortable," I offered while trying to make it seem like it was a normal phone call that had just happened. leading the way into the cozy space filled with the gentle glow of natural light filtering through the windows. The unfinished painting of Tommy and Lizzie stood prompt up.
Duke's eyes wandered around the room, his gaze eventually settling on the painting. "You paint?" he remarked, a hint of admiration in his voice. It seemed like he has not paid to much mind to the call
"Yea i do, Thanks," I replied, i felt my face heat up. "It's a work in progress."
“"Who are those people in the painting?" Duke's voice carried a note of genuine curiosity as his gaze remained fixed on the canvas.
I turned to face the artwork, my own smile reflecting the fondness I held for the depicted characters. "That's Tommy Shelby and his wife, Lizzie Shelby, or formerly Lizzie Stark," I explained. My attention lingered on the painting as I recalled the intricate details I had carefully woven into the canvas.
"Shelby?" Duke's reaction was unmistakable – a mix of surprise and disbelief.
I met his astonished gaze with a subtle smile. "I've been creating art for the Shelbys for a while now. This isn't the first time I've 'painted' for them. I suppose they appreciate my work, do you know them?" I responded. Before Duke could ask further, I cut him off.
"Would you like something to drink?" I offered, listing the available options – whisky, rum, wine, and water. His prompt choice of water made it clear he wasn't in the mood for alcohol.
As I fetched the water and poured two glasses, “you don't drink?” the duke asked, "I drink whatever my guests prefer," I clarified, the corners of my lips curling into a knowing smile. Sipping from my own glass, I maintained a relaxed posture, ready to address his deeper concerns.
His next inquiry, laden with curiosity and a touch of worry, cut to the core of the matter. "is it true what people sayabout them (Y/n)?"
I sighed softly, the sound of my foot bouncing nervously on the ground filled the room "Duke, I dont know how much i can share but to answer your question, yes. In fact, they've reached out to me and my brothers before. When we first came to England, they extended an offer to… collaborate."
Duke's reaction was a dance of surprise and restraint, his attempts to speak yielding to a quiet contemplation. in a impulsive moment i decide to reveal a half truth. Retrieving my concealed gun and placing it on the table, I leaned in slightly, locking eyes with him.
"Duke, I'm sharing this with you because in some weird way I trust you. My brothers and I, well, our hands are dirty. We deal…. things. the shelbys have helped us out. I need you to understand the trust I'm putting in you. That call i had was a threat to me and my brothers and it's not the first either.``
Leaning back, I continued, a mischievous glint in my eye. "If you were to betray this trust, the consequences would be shitty. But I believe you won't. For some odd reason I trust you with this, and I don't know why."
Duke's expression was a blend of confusion and composed acceptance, his gaze steady as he processed my revelations. As the last drop of water quenched my thirst, I held his gaze, waiting for his response, aware that connection had just been tested and solidified in a single moment.
Duke's contemplative silence hung in the air, showing the weight of the information he had just been entrusted with. His eyes held a mixture of uncertainty and understanding of the complexities that lay beneath the surface of our interaction.
Duke finally spoke, he reached and put a hand on my sholder sligthly pulling me closer to him, leaving me to stare into his sligthly wide hazel eyes. his voice carrying a sense of respect. "I won't betray your trust (Y/n)”
I acknowledged his words with a nod, my demeanor calm and collected. Duke let go of my shoulder removing any warmth i had felt, he leaned back, his gaze shifting from the gun to my eyes. "why do you trust me? you dont know anything about me so why tell me this."
I leaned forward, a thoughtful smile playing on my lips. "im still tryna figure that out Duke. i just do thought, i dont trust easly but for you i will."
Duke's brow furrowed as he contemplated my words, in some odd way he liked that you trusted him so easily, he like how his name rolled off your tung . "So, you trust me, just like that?"
"yea, Duke," I replied rather bluntly.
He took a moment to absorb my response before speaking again. "Um well i wont betray your trust (Y/n)”
I leaned back, mirroring his posture. "So know that you know that about me why don't you tell me about yourself."
Duke's gaze was thoughtful, and I could tell he was processing the layers of meaning behind my words. "Alright, (Y/n)."
As the evening unfolded, Duke and I got deeper into conversation, discussing our aspirations, dreams, and the intricacies of life that had shaped us. The unfinished painting of Tommy and Lizzie stood as a silent witness to our burgeoning connection, a symbol of the artistry and authenticity that had revealed so much in such a short amount of time. I only told duke the top of the iceberg when it came to me and my family but so far thats all he would need to know.
—------------------ 3hrs laters
"Man, some people just do weird ass shit," I remarked with a laugh.
Duke nodded, a grin forming on his face. " You wouldn't believe the things I've seen and heard working at those fairgrounds. Once, I was walking towards one of the tents, and I heard these two folks figthing" I chuckled, intrigued. "why?"
Duke's smile widened as he clarified, "dont know, 'parently they both after the same girl, she had been with both of em" He gestured with his hands, leaving the rest to imagination.
I took a bite of the food I had brought along and smirked. "good on her i guess, not many men would figth for a girl like that.”
Duke let out a laugh. "well i dont know (y/n) more men would figth for a woman's love thani think you realize.”
I couldn't help but shake my head in amusement. "thats hard for me to beileve, from what ive seen with men in small heath. they'll fight over things like a glass of beer."
Duke leaned back, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "I guess some people figth over shit as stupid as that, others though have more respect than to figth over beer."
“thats true,anyways speaking of small heith. one time i was there and i went into a betting shop to delivery some goods and well i shouldve knocked cause i walked in on some random guy and girl just on one of the tables fucking. I don't think they saw me so I just left.” I said while chuckling and cringing at the memory.
As I was laughing I heard the phone ring, I had no idea who it could be. A pit of anxiety built up in my stomach as I looked at duke.
As I picked up the phone, a mixture of relief and curiosity filled me. It was Tommy Shelby on the other end.
"Hello Mr. Shelby, can I help you with anything?" I inquired, my tone respectful but tinged with curiosity.
"Good evening," his voice carried its usual air of authority. "I thought I should give you a heads-up about something. You're delivering the painting and the merchandise to my party tomorrow, correct?"
A sense of intrigue settled over me as I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. "Yea, that's correct."
"Good. Now, I'm aware that certain... elements will be present at the party. Oswald Mosley, for one," he continued, his voice measured.
My curiosity deepened as he mentioned Mosley's name. Oswald Mosley – a man with a reputation and connections that sent shivers down the spines of many. "Yes, I've heard of him." my tone grim
Tommy's tone turned more serious. "I suggest you keep your distance from him, (Y/n). Mosley's got a way of getting into people's heads, and I wouldn't want you caught up in any of his schemes."
I nodded, even though he couldn't see it. "I appreciate the warning, Mr. Shelby. I'll be sure to be cautious."
"Good," he replied. "Remember, we've got business to attend to, and Mosley's not someone you want to involve yourself with."
His words held a weight that wasn't lost on me. "I understand, Mr. Shelby. I'll keep my focus on the task at hand."
"Very well. See you at there" he said, his tone returning to its usual directness.
"Thank you, Mr. Shelby. Looking forward to it," I replied before hanging up.
As I walked back to where Duke was sitting, he looked at me expectantly. "Everything alright?"
I nodded, a mixture of thoughts and emotions swirling within me. "Yeah, just a call related to the party tomorrow."
Duke raised an eyebrow. "Party? Anything exciting?"
I chuckled softly, aware of the secrecy that often surrounded the Shelby family's affairs. "You could say that. But it seems like it might be more eventful than I expected."
Duke's gaze was curious. "In a good way or a bad way?"
I met his eyes, a mixture of determination and curiosity in my expression. "Only one way to find out."
I looked at my watch to check the time, 12:00 am shit.
“Damn its late you gotta be anywhere early tomorrow?” i asked duke
“Yea but they won't notice if I'm late, they'll probably be late because a lot of fair workers went to the pub, one of them invited me but I said no.” i smirked at what Duke just said
“Aw you decided to give up the pub to come visit me how sweet.” I said with a giggle, duke rolled his eyes, his cheeks brightening slightly with blush. I went and sat down this time next to him not to close though.
“Shut up” duke said, i just looked over at him, my eyes roaming over his face. They lingered on his lips a bit longer than they should have, I hit him on the shoulder slightly.
“Calm down man, was just joking.” i said, I giggled a bit looking ahead at the painting, my smile dimmed a bit, the eyes of Thomas Shelby were all I could see in that moment. His cold unmoving eyes that I depicted so perfectly in the painting. Lizzies eyes were light and while they had a closed off look they weren't as threatening as tommys.
“Hey duke.” i said finally turning away from the painting
“Thanks for coming to visit. I appreciate it a lot.” I said to him with a smile.
“Really? He asked if his face was hard to read but he seemed almost confused, so I smiled at him.
“Yea I missed you. I mean it duke, i know its corny as fuck but like i dont know i cant explain it.” i said my voice lowered a bit from shynes. Maybe it was because I was tired but I swear I could see him smile, not a smug smile or a mean one but a genuine smile.
“Are you always so… honest about how you feel about people (y/n)?” he asked me.
“Only with people I'm comfortable with. Anyways, do you want to stay the night or do you have somewhere to stay? "I asked him. I made sure my tone only had hospitality in it and nothing else. Duke thinks for a little,
“I have a place to stay dont worry” he said, i nodded my head and got up and went to the kitchen to grab him some extra food, i came back and gave him it.
“Um well ill see you when i see you i guess?” i said awkwardly while he got up. We walked to the front door. I opened it and he walked outside.
“Oh also Duke, I got a place in small heath. Here's the address, i can't promise that ill always be there thought.'' I said as I handed him a note with the address. He took it and pretended to read it before placing it in his coat pocket, not wanting to revile he couldnt read.
“Thanks (Y/n), ill uh see you later and remember you can always stop by the fair its gonna be here in the area for a little.” he said, he looked away and coughed after he said that.
“Ill try it depend on how things pan out for me thought, thanks for stopping by again duke, bye.” i said before i closed the door. I slid down the door until I hit the floor, I listened till I couldn't hear his footsteps anymore.
“Shit” I said before getting up and walking upstairs. I went to bed knowing tomorrow will be something i don't think I'm prepared for.
#duke shelby x reader#peaky blinder headcanon#tommy shelby#dukeshelby#polly gray#john shelby#peaky blinder fanfic#ashtray#euphoria#peaky blinders#tommy shelby x you#finn shelby#finn shelby x reader
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