#potentially keeping the 6 inch mattress i ordered online when it gets here and my parents make a sleepover bed at their house with this one
winemom-culture · 2 years
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The funny story about the couch find is that I was going to the store for a mattress for my son’s bed. I had already ordered a mattress online, but the shipping has been delayed and he really wanted to stay here in his loft bed tonight. So I said I’ll buy one in person, and then return the online one when it does get here. I swung into the store along the way home separate from my dad and brother who were behind me with a moving trailer going back to my parent’s place for another load. When I found the couch, I called them to get to the store and while semi-sidetracked with that my dad says “let’s go look for mattresses too while we’re here.” We found 8 inch and 10 inch twins that were like mad expensive compared to the one I already bought so I said “nah, I’ll go look at Walmart or Target or something by myself after this” but my dad (maybe out of fear of being dragged around anywhere else) says “I’ll buy this for you” and throws one in my cart and hands me a card. I said hell yeah to that, ring it out, and only notice when I walk out of the store it’s a 10 inch mattress, when my dad def meant to grab 8. So we get it back to the apartment and it is JUST under the railing of this loft frame I got him. When I point out we probably should take it back for an 8 inch or even a 6 inch, my dad says “nah, it won’t fit back in the box now to return. I’ll just build the rail up more.” So now we have my son trapped like a caged animal in this macguyvered bedframe with PVC pipes and I am still so anxious that he’s going to roll right off here in the middle of the night. 
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