rexaleph · 2 years
Im not a materials scientist, but looking at the way people talk abt lab made gemstones is making me feel insane
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"recombinant human insulin is a molecule that mimics the chemical and biological properties of natural human insulin"
"artificial hormones"-ass mfs
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jobrxiv · 16 days
Translational Control Postdoctoral Researcher University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Two positions are available in the SUNY at Buffalo Department of Biological Sciences to study Translation Initiation Control in the Walker lab See the full job description on jobRxiv: https://jobrxiv.org/job/university-at-buffalo-the-state-university-of-new-york-27778-translational-control-postdoctoral-researcher/?feed_id=81840 #gene_expression_regulation #in_vitro_reconstitution #mrna_translation #next_generation_sequencing #rna_biology #ScienceJobs #hiring #research
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maryjayne1 · 2 months
Questions and Answers
We’ll secure this post at the top and gradually incorporate your inquiries, providing answers alongside. Please ask any questions in the comments section below. This approach will streamline the search process. Let’s initiate this process with:
This approach will help me with questions and answers frequently asked:.
1. What is the main purpose of gcmaf.
GcMAF is an immunotherapy product that, according to current clinical experiences, has been free of any adverse side effects in patients. It is designed to activate macrophages, which are crucial components of the immune system.
2. What does GcMAF stand for, and what rolls does it play in our bodies?
Lets Explore Gc Proteins, followed by their separate role in the Macrophage Activation factor.
A glycoprotein is a class of proteins that have carbohydrate groups attached to their polypeptide chains. This attachment of carbohydrates, known as glycosylation, occurs during or after the protein is made (cotranslational or posttranslational modification). Glycoproteins are found throughout the body and play various roles, including in cell structure, immunity, hormones, and cell-cell interactions . They are also integral to the membranes of cells, where they are involved in signaling and recognition processes. Glycoproteins can be categorized by their glycosylation type, such as N-linked or O-linked, depending on where the sugars are attached to the amino acid chain .
MAF: Macrophage-activating factor (MAF) is a type of signal, often a lymphokine, that primes macrophages to become more active in various immune functions. This includes enhancing their ability to destroy tumor cells, secrete cytokines, and clear pathogens . MAFs also influence macrophages to present antigens via MHC I molecules, participate in T-helper (Th) cell responses, and affect other immune responses.
Macrophages can exhibit different activated phenotypes depending on the combination of MAFs they receive. These are primed by signals like IFNγ and TNF to have increased activity against pathogens and tumor cells, and they secrete inflammatory cytokines.
Regulatory macrophages: These are induced by factors like glucocorticoids and are involved in producing anti-inflammatory cytokines like Interleukin 10, which can inhibit immune responses.Overall, MAFs play a crucial role in determining the behavior and function of macrophages within the immune system.
3. Does GcMAF have the ability to reduce inflammation?
We have studied GcMAF for its potential role in modulating the immune system, which includes the ability to reduce inflammation.
This research suggests that GcMAF helps regulate the body’s inflammatory response by activating macrophages at sites of infection or inflammation and then inducing their apoptosis, which is the process of programmed cell death, when they are no longer needed. This, according to scientific findings, helps reduce the severity and duration of inflammatory responses.
4. What are the ingredients of the polar GcMAF sprays and vials that you discuss within this group.
Deglycosylated GC MAF in stablised PBS buffer system.
5. What time of day is best to use the spray and is with or without food and water.
Based on current guidelines, it’s advised to take first thing in the morning and refrain from consuming any food or drinks for 15 minutes prior to and following the use of the spray. The dosage varies depending on the purpose of usage and the age of the individual, with lower amounts recommended for children.
6. Is GcMAF useful for horses and pets.
Please understand that medical trials are conducted on animals for several key reasons, which are for humans and pets. Jump to number 5 if you are overwhelmed with my response
Animals, particularly mammals like mice, share a significant amount of their DNA with humans, making them suitable models for studying human diseases and treatments https://med.stanford.edu/animalresearch/why-animal-research.https://www.bing.com/search?form=SKPBOT&q=Biological%20Similarity
1. : Animals can develop many of the same health issues as humans, such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, allowing researchers to study these conditions and potential treatments https://med.stanford.edu/animalr.../why-animal-research.html.
And https://www.bing.com/search?form=SKPBOT&q=Health%20Problem%20Susceptibility
2. : With shorter life cycles, animals can be observed over their entire lifespan or even across generations, providing valuable insights into disease processes and long-term effects of treatments https://med.stanford.edu/animalr.../why-animal-research.html. And https://www.bing.com/search?form=SKPBOT&q=Whole%20Life%20Span%20Study
3. : It’s often not feasible or ethical to perform certain types of research directly on humans, so animals serve as surrogates to test the safety and efficacy of new treatments before they are considered for human trials https://med.stanford.edu/animalr.../why-animal-research.html.
4. : Many treatments developed for human use are also beneficial for animals, improving veterinary care and contributing to the health of pets https://med.stanford.edu/animalr.../why-animal-research.html
And https://www.bing.com/search?form=SKPBOT&q=Veterinary%20Benefits
The results from animal trials are crucial for advancing medical science, but it’s important to note that they don’t always directly translate to humans due to species differences. What works in animals may not work the same way in humans, and vice versa. Therefore, while animal studies provide a foundation, they are just one step in a comprehensive process that includes rigorous human clinical trials to ensure safety and effectiveness for human patients https://medicalxpress.com/.../2017-08-animal-trial....
5. In the context of pets, most of the findings from animal trials can be applicable, as many pets are also mammals and share similar biological systems. However, each species has its unique characteristics, so veterinary scientists must carefully evaluate how findings from one species can be applied to another. This is why the development of veterinary medicines also involves specific trials designed for the target species https://med.stanford.edu/animalr.../why-animal-research.html.
6. According to research. Would GcMAF be useful for PANS/PANDA
pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome is commonly called PANS. PANDAS is a subtype of PANS with a specific known cause, exposure to a strep infection. While PANS/PANDAS occurs mostly in children who do not also have Autism Spectrum Disorder, in rare cases, a child may have both conditions.
PANS is an infection-triggered autoimmune disorder affecting the basal ganglia, which can result in a multitude of neuropsychiatric symptoms, including OCD-like behaviors, tics and/or restrictive eating in children and adolescents.
Because it is an autoimmune condition, and this will cause inflammation and nagalase levels to spike. In accordance with science studies, yes, Gcmaf has the capacity to benefit PANS patients. It is not claimed as a curative approach. Gcmaf has the ability to help the immune system as described in the scientific research provided in this group.
7. Is GcMAF in food?
While some products claim to contain or stimulate the production of GcMAF, these claims are not supported by scientific evidence. It’s important to be cautious of claims regarding GcMAF in food products and to rely on peer-reviewed scientific research when considering health-related information.
Milk products are not considered GcMAF for several reasons:
1. GcMAF is a specific protein derived from the modification of vitamin D-binding protein, which is not naturally present in milk products such as yogurt.
2. Milk products do not contain GcMAF and therefore can not be claimed to have the same purported benefits
3. It’s important to differentiate between naturally occurring compounds in milk and those that are the result of specific scientific processes, like the production of GcMAF. Milk products, while nutritious, do not contain GcMAF and should not be confused with it or its associated medical claims.
GcMAF (Gc protein-derived macrophage-activating factor) is a naturally occurring protein in the human body that plays a role in the immune system. It is not typically found in foods. Instead, GcMAF is a result of the modification of vitamin D-binding protein, which is a process that does not occur in food production or preparation
8. Where can I purchase Gcmaf and what is the product range?
I don’t sell any products, I study the science.
I am often asked what countries have distributorships for the GcMAF, which we refer to and what is the range of products. The range of products are as follows:
Nasal and mouth sprays 7500ng in 20ml units
Nasal and mouth sprays 1500ng in 20ml units
Vials 7500ng in 3ml units
Vials 1500ng in 3ml units
Creams 15,000ng in 40ml units
Currently these are the countries with distributorships:
Candice Bradstreet is in contact with all distributors, she will connect you with your nearest distributor. she can be contacted in this group or, you can private message me for details, or even email me [email protected]
if emailing, please check your spam folder within 48 hours, if you have not received my reply.
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9. What are your thoughts regarding GcMaf plus creams.
I prefer to base my response through science.
The product in question is derived from raw bovine colostrum and undergoes a fermentation process. It is important to note that fermentation will initiate the degradation of GcMAF. Furthermore, the pH balance and composition of this cream, which includes both antioxidative and antioxidant elements, appear to lack harmonious integration. The inclusion of vitamins in topical formulations may not be beneficial unless a deficiency exists. Due to the nuances of its manufacturing process, the cream cannot be classified as a GcMAF product. While this does not negate other potential utility of the cream, it is crucial to understand that the final product doesn’t align with its purported claims. My expertise is centered on the study of GcMAF products exclusively.
10. Can GcMAF be made at home? The ingredients of genuine gcmaf are not YOGURT they are as follows; Deglycosylated GC MAF in stablised PBS buffer system.
This group refers to Gcmaf which CAN NOT be made from fermentation, spores or yogurt culture. You are forming a probiotic which is NOT gcmaf. Gcmaf is a complex process that CAN NOT be made at home in a kitchen. Deglycosylation process and buffer system is only part of the technology of gcmaf. There are two interpretations for the fermentation. One is, using any industrial enzyme to produce products so fermentation here referes to enzyme activity. But, in biochemical terms fermentation is a different pathway of cell metabolism which is followed by glycolysis.
Yogurt making at home IS NOT GCMAF!
11. Does Gcmaf cure Autism?
Cure is a big claim which I can not make.
There are too many co-factors when it comes to the Autism umbrella.
After reading study cases and observing results. I see the benefits for individuals on the Autism spectrum with elevated nagalase levels. I have whitnessed gcmaf aiding in speech development, coordination, and other life skills. I recall detailing a specific case study involving a young individual whose progress I closely monitored, it was shared within this group. The comprehensive analysis revealed significant improvements: enhanced speech, increased calmness, reduced repetitive behaviors, better coordination, and responsive behavior to parental instructions. Notably, the individual named Wes, began to exhibit empathy and initiate affectionate gestures like hugs, there were other positive changes observed which you can read about.
Together with Dietary enhancements, tailored to address deficiencies identified in blood tests, also contributed to the overall progress.
While this product is not a cure for autism — a condition with diverse etiologies including genetic factors, environmental influences, and in some cases vaccine-related impacts — it can be a valuable component of a broader therapeutic strategy.
In summery, the product has no known side effects, if nagalase levels are high, it certainly has the potential to make a difference. I don’t see it as a fully curable measure.
It’s important to recognize that autism has multifaceted origins and would seem to support a holistic approach to management.
Reference link to Wes, the case I followed and recorded:
12. What’s is the difference between the applications of creams, vials and sprays:
Transdermal applications, such as the creams, are meticulously formulated to match the skin’s pH and optimize penetration. The skin’s outermost layer, the stratum corneum, acts as a barrier but has been traversed by science through various mechanisms, including hydration of the skin, which alters the barrier properties, and the use of chemical enhancers that modify the lipid structure of the stratum corneum to increase its permeability. This method is recorded particularly beneficial for children who may not tolerate sprays and for targeting skin conditions while also providing systemic immune support.
Nasal sprays are absorbed through the mucosa in the nasal cavity, which is richly vascularized, allowing for rapid systemic absorption and bypassing first-pass metabolism. This route is advantageous for delivering the active ingredients swiftly to the bloodstream, producing a quick therapeutic effect. while also providing systemic immune support.
Sublingual administration:
This is where the spray is placed under the tongue, is another effective absorption route due to the rich blood supply in that area.while also providing systemic immune support.
Injectable is often the preferred method for more severe conditions due to their high absorption rates and rapid onset of action. Subcutaneous injections injections deliver Gcmaf directly and absorbed slowly which seems to showing favorable results in the treatment of certain Cancer, giving a gradual release into the bloodstream .In summary, the choice of delivery method — transdermal, nasal, or injectable — depends on the condition being treated, the desired speed of absorption, and patient-specific considerations.
13. Hi i have the order form! it has Oral Colostrum
VDTP tablets
60 pills per unit. I’m interested to know what these do? Compared to spray ect.
I have previously discussed how colostrum products should be avoided.
I advise against the consumption of milk-based products during serious illness, including colostrum. Lactose, the sugar found in milk derived products, are more difficult for individuals to digest, especially when they are unwell. This is because the body may produce less lactase, the enzyme needed to break down lactose, leading to discomfort such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea. Moreover, dairy is well known to thicken mucus, which might exacerbate symptoms. Therefore, avoiding lactose can help prevent these potential issues and contribute to a more comfortable recovery.
14. Is GcMAF legal?
Gcmaf is currently considered off-label, which doesn’t means it’s illegal. In situations involving late-stage cancer, where no alternative curative treatments are available, off-label products may be considered by people. Health is not owned by the FDA!
Products not approved by the FDA are not illegal; it simply indicates that they have not been verified by the FDA for specific uses.The FDA is a private company.
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15. My child doesn’t like nasal sprays and it is difficult to get the spray under his tongue, please advise.
Please don’t be concerned regarding the absorption of gcmaf orally as absorption in the mouth occurs not only only sublingual but also using buccal routes. Sublingual administration involves administration under the tongue where it dissolves and is absorbed by the blood vessels there. This method allows the medication to enter the bloodstream quickly, bypassing the digestive system.Buccal administration is when the drug is placed between the gums and the cheek. The medication dissolves and is absorbed by the blood vessels in the cheek.Both methods are used for their rapid absorption into the bloodstream and are beneficial for patients who may have trouble with the nasal spray.
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16. Is D3 important:
Hormone/vitamin D3 is directly connected to Gcmaf.
There are limitations of the D25 test known as 25 hydroxy, the D25 test only measures vitamin D’s inactive form and might not fully reflect one’s vitamin D levels due to individual differences in how it’s converted to the active form, D1,25, influenced by genetic factors.
It’s advisable not to depend solely on the D25 test for assessing vitamin D levels.
This test, which measures the inactive form of vitamin D, hasn’t been updated to reflect our current understanding of vitamin D metabolism.
The test operates on the outdated belief that everyone converts inactive vitamin D to its active form at the same rate. However, genetic research has revealed that this conversion rate varies significantly among individuals due to differences in their vitamin D receptor (VDR) genetics. Consequently, a person who converts vitamin D slowly may appear to have adequate levels when, in fact, their active vitamin D level is low. Conversely, a fast converter might show low D25 levels but could actually have high active vitamin D levels, risking toxicity if given additional synthetic vitamin D.
It’s challenging to find doctors skilled in interpreting these tests by their ratio. For a safer assessment, it’s recommended to measure both D25 and active D1,25 levels from the same blood sample.
Acknowledging that the conversion from inactive to active vitamin D varies among individuals is crucial for accurate vitamin D assessment. Genetic differences affecting the vitamin D receptor (VDR) play a significant role in this process and consequently, in the body’s response to vitamin D intake.
Measuring both D25 and D1,25 levels simultaneously offers a more complete picture of vitamin D status and metabolism.
This dual measurement can reveal the balance between the vitamin D forms, informing more tailored supplementation plans. We recommend to measure both D25 and D1,25 levels for a comprehensive evaluation and to account for individual metabolic variations.
The metabolic pathways of Vitamin D are complex, with each form serving distinct functions. The key lies in maintaining a balance among all these components for optimal results.
The impact of synthetic substances, including d3 on retinol uptake, can vary depending on the specific context and the synthetic compounds in question. Generally, retinol uptake into cells is facilitated by certain proteins, such as stimulated by retinoic acid 6 (STRA6). In some cases, alterations in the expression of these proteins can affect retinol uptake. For instance, a study on endometriosis showed that progesterone receptor is necessary for high STRA6 expression, which controls retinol uptake. In endometriotic stromal cells, decreased expression of STRA6 led to reduced retinol uptake.
It is possible to produce non-synthetic vitamin D3. Natural sources of vitamin D3 include lichen, a type of algae that grows on rocks and tree bark, and is a sustainable source of vitamin D3 https://organicshortlist.com/organic-vitamin-d/. Vitamin D3 can also be derived from fish oil and sheep lanolin. Fish oil comes from the skin of fatty fish such as salmon or tuna, which naturally contain vitamin D, while lanolin is a waxy substance secreted by glands found in a sheep’s skin
Moreover, advancements in technology have led to the development of methods like the continuous microflow process, which is a greener and more efficient way to synthesize vitamin D3 compared to traditional batch processes
This process involves UV photoirradiation and high temperature and pressure to optimize and simplify the synthesis of crystalline vitamin D3 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11367-019-01634-6.
It’s important to note that when choosing vitamin D supplements, it’s beneficial to look for those that are labeled as natural or organic, as they are likely to be free from synthetic additives and may be better for health and safety https://www.approachwellness.com/natural-vitamin-d.html.
Please take a 25 hydroxy test to establish your D3 levels, 90 to 100 is the optimal range to aim for.
Here are some links to purchase a good source of D3. Feel free to add other plant forms in the comments section of this post.
UK https://www.british-supplements.net/.../clean-vitamin-d3...
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17. Does Gcmaf activate vitamin D receptors?
GcMAF itself does not directly activate vitamin D receptors (VDR), it is involved in the pathway of vitamin D metabolism. The activation of macrophages by GcMAF can lead to various downstream effects, including those related to vitamin D functions. For instance, the activation of VDR modulates the expression of certain cytokines which are responsible for a shift toward the M1 phenotype of macrophages.In summary, GcMAF is closely related to the vitamin D system and its effects on the immune system, but it does not directly activate vitamin D receptors. Instead, it influences the immune response through its action on macrophages and is associated with the broader regulatory mechanisms of vitamin D.
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28. Are herxheimer/ detox reactions ever a side effect when starting sublingual GcMAF? Thank you.
During the 24 years of research no known negative side effects have been reported.
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29. Where can I purchase nagalase kits.
Nagalase kits can be purchased online. Note: change the currency to usd by clicking on the price
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Only questions relating to GcMAF. Other health related topics can be found in other groups we manage
#maryjaynearia #glycoproteins #gcmaf #D3
Only questions relating to GcMAF. Other health related topics can be found in other groups we manage
#maryjaynearia #glycoproteins #gcmaf
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leedsomics · 1 year
iSanXoT: a Standalone Application for the Integrative Analysis of Mass Spectrometry-Based Quantitative Proteomics Data
Numerous bioinformatics tools currently exist to perform quantitative analysis of proteomics experiments. The majority of these tools apply diverse statistical models to assign a quantitative protein value from the mass-spectrometry information. Here we present iSanXoT, a standalone application that allows integrative analysis of quantitative proteomics data. iSanXoT processes relative abundances between MS signals and integrates them sequentially to upper levels using our previously published Generic Integration Algorithm (GIA). iSanXoT offers unique capabilities that complement conventional quantitative softwares, including statistical weighting and independent modeling of error distributions in each integration, aggregation of technical or biological replicates, quantification of posttranslational modifications or analysis of coordinated protein behavior. iSanXoT is a standalone, user-friendly application which accepts output from widespread proteomics pipelines and enables free construction of quantification workflows and fully customizable reports than can be reused across different projects or shared among users. Diverse integrative workflows constructed using GIA for the analysis of high-throughput quantitative proteomics experiments have been successfully applied in numerous publications. iSanXoT has been tested with the main operating systems. Download links for the corresponding distributions are available at https://github.com/CNIC-Proteomics/iSanXoT/releases. http://dlvr.it/SvHBTB
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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 years
Sucrose 6^F-phosphate synthase is regulated by posttranslational modifications (protein phosphorylation) and metabolites (allosteric control) (see Figure 8.19).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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tenth-sentence · 2 years
Signals that can regulate channel activity include membrane potential charges, ligands, hormones, light, and posttranslational modifications such as phosphorylation.
"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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idahogreys · 2 years
Lzip pgc1a
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#Lzip pgc1a free
A comparison of the hTAF4-TAFH structure with the homologous ETO-TAFH domain reveals several critical residues important for hTAF4-TAFH target specificity and suggests that TAF4 has evolved in response to the increased transcriptional complexity of metazoans. Using peptide phage display, we have characterized the binding preference of the hTAF4-TAFH domain for a hydrophobic motif, DψψζζψΦ, that is present in a number of nuclear factors, including several important transcriptional regulators with roles in activating, repressing, and modulating posttranslational modifications. The hTAF4-TAFH structure adopts a completely helical fold with a large hydrophobic groove that forms a binding surface for TAF4 interacting factors. Recent work highlighted that PGC1 can also modulate the composition and functions of individual mitochondria.
#Lzip pgc1a free
Available free of charge, and its paid editions support a variety of advanced features. Lzip can compress about as fast as gzip (lzip -0) or compress most files more than bzip2 (lzip -9 ). Until now, it was unclear whether alterations in hepatic insulin sensitivity linked to PGC1A activity are due to effects on mitochondrial and/or fatty acid metabolism augmenting lipid accumulation and oxidative damage (6, 7, 1114) or direct regulation of genes that control the insulin-signaling pathway (). Bandizip is a powerful archiver which provides an ultrafast processing speed and convenient features. Lzip uses a simplified form of the Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain-Algorithm (LZMA) stream format, chosen to maximize safety and interoperability. Here, we report the crystal structure at 2.0-Å resolution of the human TAF4-TAFH domain, a conserved domain among all metazoan TAF4, TAF4b, and ETO family members. PGC1 is a transcriptional coactivator that is a central inducer of mitochondrial biogenesis in cells. HHS Tracking Accountability in Government Grants System (TAGGS) website is a robust reporting tool that displays detailed information on government grants. Lzip is a lossless data compressor with a user interface similar to the one of gzip or bzip2. Lzip can compress about as fast as gzip (lzip -0) or compress most. Lzip uses a simplified form of the 'Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain-Algorithm' (LZMA) stream format and provides a 3 factor integrity checking to maximize interoperability and optimize safety. However, little is known regarding the structural properties of the TAF4 subunit that lead to the coactivator function. Lzip is a lossless data compressor with a user interface similar to the one of gzip or bzip2. Post-translational modifications of PGC1A by AMPK (AMP kinase) and SIRT1 (sirtuin 1) are crucial for its activation and important in age-related macular degeneration pathogenesis. TBP-associated factor 4 (TAF4), an essential subunit of the TFIID complex acts as a coactivator for multiple transcriptional regulators, including Sp1 and CREB. PGC1A can improve mitochondrial biogenesis and negatively regulate senescence, although this function of PGC1A in age-related macular degeneration needs further studies.
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cytgen · 3 years
Keywords: posttranslational modifications tubulin ATG8 microtubules in silico molecular dynamics
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jobrxiv · 3 months
Translational Control Postdoctoral Researcher University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Two positions are available in the SUNY at Buffalo Department of Biological Sciences to study Translation Initiation Control in the Walker lab See the full job description on jobRxiv: https://jobrxiv.org/job/university-at-buffalo-the-state-university-of-new-york-27778-translational-control-postdoctoral-researcher/?feed_id=77451 #gene_expression_regulation #in_vitro_reconstitution #mrna_translation #next_generation_sequencing #rna_biology #ScienceJobs #hiring #research
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crimeloyalty-arch · 2 years
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𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐊𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆⸻ i stayed up way too late last night reading rachael allen’s harley quinn: reckoning (would recommend!) and am throwing together a few notes about what i’m incorporating into my portrayal!! spoilers for the book ahead of course!
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harley takes a gap year after graduating high school to participate in the gotham university bridge scholars program - “wherein high school graduates who are outstanding in STEM, especially ones who aren’t from the best neighborhoods or backgrounds, get paid to intern in labs across campus” 
the lab she works in studies the SV1 gene - trying to figure out if there’s a genetic marker that predisposes someone to being a supervillain.  she suggests an epigenetic component - “what if every time a person experiences trauma, it causes a posttranslational modification to the gene, and if a person accumulates enough life trauma, it increases their chances of becoming a super-villain? . . . not everyone has a dangerous version of the SV1 gene . . . what if it’s a combination of a bad SV1 gene and traumatic life experiences?” she co-authors a paper on the subject (though her skeevy professor does not list her as lead author despite his promises.) 
harleen manages to secure a blood sample from the joker and his epigenetic markers are off the charts ⸻ but harleen’s levels are twice his. she is a little bit panicked about this. 
she receives the gotham u presidential scholarship, which allows her to attend the school - but there’s a part of her that is always uncertain of whether or not she actually earned it 
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her mom died when she was about ~7 & she is a little bit touchy around hospitals as a result,  though she’s working to get over it
she’s very claustrophobic in her youth ( and pop-tarts are a fairly big trigger for her),  though she’s trying self-conducted exposure therapy to address this 
speaking of - her dad gets murdered by a group of thugs when she’s 18.  she sees them beginning to shake him down for money he owes and turns the other way - so she lives with the knowledge that she could have possibly stopped his death. 
she’s had a weird fascination with the joker since she was 18 - she’s more than a little bit inspired by his persona; that’s what gives her the courage to stand up to her dad the day he dies. 
she has adhd (but has figured out how to work with it by the time she’s in college) 
she still competes in gymnastics during her gap year - and she teaches younger kids in order to be able to afford her own lessons.  
very skilled at picking locks!! definitely a result of childhood trauma!! 
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she’s dating a girl named bernice who is also in her lab - she’s very much in love.  full ‘i’m gonna marry this girl.’ 
this is where she gets the infamous stuffed beaver - bernice found the beaver at some flea market and hid her journal in it. 
when bernice ends up in arkham,  harley gets custody of the beaver.  she has it to this day. 
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the reckoning. 
she’s part of a vigilante group called the reckoning,  a group of four gotham u students fighting against the rampant misogyny present on campus. 
they expose several professors + apprehend a truly terrible man ( though the circumstances leading up to his arrest result in bernice being sent to arkham. ) harley makes the active choice not to kill. 
her vigilante activity ceases once she actually starts as a student - she is afraid of jeopardizing her scholarship and.... 
harley meets renee montoya for the first time in connection with this group ( and is in fact arrested by her. ) montoya agrees to drop the investigation into the group if they disband,  and harley agrees. 
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things i may / may not be keeping. 
i’m still figuring out what origin i want to keep for the harley quinn nickname... j’s harlequin -> h’s ‘harley quinn’?  maybe?  harleen (2019)’s slut-shamey origin (and harley reclaiming it)?  mm....... i don’t know.  i’ll get back to y’all. 
still figuring out exactly how much harleen changes when she becomes harley in terms of personality - but i def don’t see her as the ‘omg rainbow sparkles unicorns’,  always yelling,  full of energy girlie that’s presented in this book.  we shall see how this shakes out. i think it’s a fair take but i just don’t think it’s my take!! 
she maaayyy or may not volunteer at arkham while she’s an undergraduate student. if she does it’s def only to try and see bernice. 
also not entirely positive she has any face to face contact w/ joker while she’s this young (vs. the brief meeting they have in the book) . . . i think i prefer their first encounter being him almost murdering her on the street after she’s out of med school. i just.. like.. she’s eighteen 😵‍💫 and we all know how it ends up ... and i don’t ...... 🙃
i’m just like so curious to see what the next book does with harley joining a sorority ( she’s considering at the end of this book ) & how that impacts her sense of belonging ( especially ‘cause the book’s author seems to have had a really positive experience with her sorority and so i don’t think she’s going to want to portray it in a negative / exclusionary way ).  i’m also not 100% sure which way i’m gonna go with this - because again i’m not 100% sure how that unravels and leads harley to the super lonely place she is when she meets joker?? i really have no interest in the ‘blonde bitches are mean to harley ‘cause she’s poor’ plot so i .... will think about this. 
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hannahthefandomgirl · 4 years
Alpha Lab Vitamin K2 with D3 Capsule (2 Pack)
New research on vitamin D3 and K2 gives us a new multivitamin supplement that could unlock the potential to fight ageing from within. This guide summarizes the benefits of supplementing with vitamin D and vitamin K 2. If you follow this advice, you can get the most out of your vitamin D3 / K2 combination. Check out this post by LindsayRusk, where she finds out that she has the best vitamins and supplements on the market for 2020.
Liquid vitamin D3 / K2 provides you with a daily dose of vitamin D 3 and K 2 in an easy-to-use liquid form. The cost of this vitamin D3 / K2 supplement is only $9 per bottle ($90) because it contains only colecalciferol. This supplement comes in two forms: liquid and powdered, and is only 9 bottles at $90 each.
If you take vitamin D supplements regularly, it is crucial that you also consider vitamin K2 supplements. You should choose a supplement that provides you with at least half of your recommended daily calcium intake. If you have the chance to lower these numbers, combining vitamin D3 / K 2 with calcium D 3 with MK-7 is essential. Know that the food sources of vitamin K1 and K2 are different and that vitamin K4 and K5 are deficient If it is widespread, RD should look for ways to help their clients incorporate the best source of vitamin D2 into their diet to ensure proper calcium utilization in the body.
I like to stick to the golden rule of not doing any harm, so I take 100 micrograms of vitamin K2 per day along with 5000 iu of vitamin D3. Dr. Ray, please read what I suggest for optimal use of vitamin D2 and vitamin D 3 with MK-7.
It has a hydroxy vitamin D3 content of 25%, which has to do with the fact that your vitamin D level is well above 50% and not too high. Vitamin K1 deficiency is rare to almost non-existent, and vitamin K2 can cause deficiency as well as vitamin Rd - a little-known nutrient and its beneficial effects on the body's immune system. In the case of the less common and less harmful side effects of vitamin C deficiency, vitamin D1 and D2 deficiency are often confused with deficiency of vitamin K3 and K4, respectively, while vitamin V3 can maintain and stabilize the level at a much higher level than vitamin C2 and V4 deficiency. In other words, VitaminK2 not only enables good performance of VitaminD3, but also prevents unwanted side effects - effects associated with high doses of the supplements, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain, nausea and vomiting.
Many vitamin companies are beginning to recognize the importance of vitamins K2 and D together and are formulating supplements that contain both vitamins. However, supplementing with vitamins D3 and K 2 has unique health benefits that are only released when both vitamins are used together. Both K1 and K2 contribute to this function, with K3 being a key component of the body's immune system, which is often referred to as its role in the development of a healthy body.
Univé D3 with K2 is formed by obtaining vitamins d3 (cholecalciferol) and menaquinone-7 (MK7), a vitamin derived from fermented chickpeas, and K1 (K3) from the same source.
The type of vitamin K2 most commonly used as a food supplement is known as vitamin K 2. MK-7 is the form of vitamins K1 and K3 that penetrates bone and liver tissue most easily. Then there is vitamin K2 (MK 4), which is found in meat, eggs and dairy products, and MK7, the most studied form of vitamin K, which maintains the health of cardiovascular diseases and bones.
Although both types help to increase vitamin D levels in the body, research has shown that vitamin D3 increases the level of vitamin D in the blood more effectively. D. However, studies have confirmed that it is produced in a lower quantity than vitamin K2. 
This could be due to the fact that the posttranslational modification (OC) depends on vitamin D3 as well as vitamin K2.
Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that you get enough K2 in conjunction with D3 to make vitamin D more effective. Vitamin D can be harmful, but vitamin D2 is easier to find and cheaper to produce in bulk than vitamin K3. We use this form because vitamin K1 is so difficult to get in our diet and vitamin K2 is not so easy to use in our diet because it is so hard to get.
However, vitamin D3 comes from vegetable lichen (obtained from grasses) and wild lichen and contains 54 mcg of pure K2, which is added as a supplement. Vitamin D2 is found in foods derived from animals and certain fungi, as eating animal foods increases the reserves of vitamin D3 in the body. The reason why vitamin K1 can be obtained from animal foods is that animals have the same ability as humans to synthesize it into a vitamin.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 2 years
Figure 6.16 shows a model of the functional domains of a yeast plasma membrane H+-ATPase, which is similar to those of plants. (...) This type of regulation is mediated by a specialized inhibitory domain at the C-terminal end of the polypeptide chain, which acts to regulate the activity of the H+-ATPase (see Figure 6.16).
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Figure 6.16: Two-dimensional representation of a plasma membrane H+-ATPase from yeast. Each small circle represents an amino acid. The H+-ATPase protein has ten transmembrane segments. The regulatory domain is an autoinhibitory domain. Posttranslational modifications that lead to displacement of the autoinhibitory domain result in H+-ATPase activation. (After Palmgren 2001.)
"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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biologanomada · 6 years
This is the English version of my blog. I´ll try to post translations of most of my posts in here. Sorry I am delayed!
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Extremely Rapid Evolution of Cone Snail Toxins
By Tim Pearce
Cone snails live in the sea and inject venom to paralyze their prey. Most cone snails eat worms, some eat other snails, and some catch and eat fish. They use a hypodermic dart (a modified radular tooth) to inject venom. The venom contains about 100 different peptides (short proteins) that act as neurotoxins. Each of the 600 or so species of cone snail has its own unique cocktail of peptides, with very little overlap of peptides among species, yielding >50,000 peptides among the cone snails of the world.
Cone snail venom peptides are among the most rapidly evolving protein-coding genes in animals. They evolve twice as fast as most other known proteins. The rapid evolution appears to result from extensive gene duplications that provide abundant opportunities for natural selection during predator-prey interactions [1,2].
Furthermore, cone venom peptides are one of the most highly post-translationally modified classes of gene products known. That means the peptides undergo extensive modifications after being translated from DNA, including bromination, glycosylation, and amino acid epimerization (changing from L to D, like becoming their own mirror image) [3].
The venom cocktail targets particular kinds of prey; worm-eaters have a different suite of peptides than fish eaters. At different stages of development, they can express different genes. When very young, the fish eaters are too small to eat fish, so they eat worms, then switch to fish later. Their venom cocktail changes from worm toxins to fish toxins when they switch prey.
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Textile cone (Conus textile), a sea snail with venom powerful enough to kill humans. Specimen CM 127704, photo by Tim Pearce.
Conus magus is one of the species whose diet shifts from worms to fish as it grows. In these diet-shifting species, the shape of the radular dart changes as well – those eating worms have unbarbed darts, while those eating fish have backward pointing barbs to help keep hold of the fish [2,4,5].
Animal nerve cells contain many kinds of ion channels, whose function aids in transmitting signals along the nerve. Each cone snail peptide can target a particular kind of ion channel. The complex mixture of peptides in cone snail venom blocks many ion channels and neuron receptors in prey species. Surprisingly, many cone snail peptides act on pain targets, but it is not clear what advantage the snail would derive from numbing the prey’s pain. However, pain-killing properties are one of the reasons that cone snail venoms are of great interest to pharmaceutical companies and at least one cone snail peptide is currently used as a pain-killer in humans.
Researchers can prospect for venom peptides in the DNA of cone snail tissue snips or from museum specimens. By prospecting in DNA, they can find genes for venom peptides that are not being expressed at that particular life stage [6]. Once a useful peptide is discovered and characterized, it can be manufactured (so it doesn’t need to be milked from the snail).
Cone snails can switch rapidly between toxins for predation or toxins for defense. The toxins used by the geography cone, Conus geographus for catching prey are mostly inactive on humans, but the toxins it uses for defense are paralytic peptides that block neuromuscular receptors. Conus geographus and Conus textile are the two cone snail species known to kill humans [7].
To see videos of cone snails catching and swallowing fish, type into your internet browser: “cone snail eating.”
In addition to their beauty and amazing prey capture abilities, cone snails are remarkable for the extremely rapid evolution of their toxins, some of which show promise as useful medicines.
Timothy A. Pearce, PhD, is the head of the mollusks section at Carnegie Museum of Natural History.
Museum employees are encouraged to blog about their unique experiences and knowledge gained from working at the museum.
[1] Duda, T.F. & Palumbi, S.R. 1999. Molecular genetics of ecological diversification: Duplication and rapid evolution of toxin genes of the venomous gastropod Conus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 96(12): 6820–6823.
[2] Chang, D.& Duda, T.F., Jr. 2016. Age-related association of venom gene expression and diet of predatory gastropods. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 16: 27.
[3] Buczek, O., Yoshikami, D., Bulaj, G., Jimenez, E.C. & Olivera, B.M. 2005. Posttranslational amino acid isomerization: a functionally important D-amino acid in an excitatory peptide. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280: 4247-4253.
[4] Nybakken, J. & Perron, F. 1988. Ontogenetic change in the radula of Conus magus(Gastropoda). Marine Biology, 98(2): 239–242
[5] Nybakken, J. 1990. Ontogenetic change in the Conusradula, its form, distribution among the radula types, and significance in systematics and ecology. Malacologia, 32(1): 35-54.
[6] I suspect that post-translational effects (including introns and exons) would obscure the understanding of the final product of a peptide discovered by DNA prospecting.
[7]Dutertre, S., Jin, A.-H., Vetter, I., Hamilton, B., Sunagar, K., Lavergne, V., Dutertre, V., Fry, B.G., Antunes, A., Venter, D.J., Alewood, P.F. & Lewis, R.J. 2014. Evolution of separate predation- and defence-evoked venoms in carnivorous cone snails. Nature Communications, 5(3521): 1-9.
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feiyuebio-lottieshi · 2 years
Rat GLP-1(Glucagon Like Peptide 1) ELISA Kit
Rat GLP-1(Glucagon Like Peptide 1) Introduction
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Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a 30- or 31-amino-acid-long peptide hormone deriving from the tissue-specific posttranslational processing of the proglucagon peptide. It is produced and secreted by intestinal enteroendocrine L-cells and certain neurons within the nucleus of the solitary tract in the brainstem upon food consumption. The initial product GLP-1 (1–37) is susceptible to amidation and proteolytic cleavage, which gives rise to the two truncated and equipotent biologically active forms, GLP-1 (7–36) amide and GLP-1 (7–37). Active GLP-1 protein secondary structure includes two α-helices from amino acid position 13–20 and 24–35 separated by a linker region. Alongside glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP), GLP-1 is an incretin; thus, it has the ability to decrease blood sugar levels in a glucose-dependent manner by enhancing the secretion of insulin. Beside the insulinotropic effects, GLP-1 has been associated with numerous regulatory and protective effects. Unlike GIP, the action of GLP-1 is preserved in patients with type 2 diabetes and substantial pharmaceutical research has therefore been directed towards the development of GLP-1-based treatment.
Rat GLP-1(Glucagon Like Peptide 1) ELISA Kit Test Method
This kit uses sandwich ELISA to detect the concentration of Rat GLP-1.
Rat GLP-1-specific monoclonal antibody has been pre-coated in the wells of the supplied microplate.Standards samples and controls are added to interact with the immobilized antibody. A sandwich complex is formed by additional anti-Rat GLP-1 antibody with HRP-Streptavidin.TMB solution is added to react with the sandwich forming opticalsignal measured by microplate reader.The concentration of Rat GLP-1 in the sample can be calculated by comparing the absorbance of the sample with the standard curve.  
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