hopelessmanda · 6 years
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I am 1 in 5
You are not alone. You have not failed as a mother. You have not failed as a wife. You have not failed as a woman on this earth. You have not failed because you asked for help. Or because you are now on medication. The days and hours and minutes might feel hard. They might feel lonely. Your head might get clouded with shame and sadness. Your heart might feel heavy. But you have not failed.
- Yes, your random outbursts of anger are a sign.
- Yes, your inability to find joy in the things that used to bring you joy before is a sign.
No, you are not broken.
No, you are not a bad mom.
You are simply lost right now, and you will be found again.
For me hearing “ I think I have postpartum depression/anxiety” coming out of my mouth brought me to tears. I was so afraid to let my emotions out and get to the root of my pain. I thought Jesus wouldn’t want this for me and He would bring me out of this misery. I thought my family would think less of me. I thought I could just pray this away. No you guys. Some moms need medication and that is OKAY!!!! I felt people would think less of me for taking Zoloft and judge me. Some days I feel like giving up and I want to throw in the towel. Cry on my knees or in the shower. I AM 1 IN 5.
You are worth it
Love yourself a little more beautiful
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majisportsllc · 3 years
Yes, an offspring developing inside you can be a scary thought and dealing with morning sickness and frequent trips to the washroom will make sure exercise is the last thing on your mind. But, as uncommon as it might sound, working out during pregnancy can be the best thing that happens to you as it can lower the risk of excess weight gain, postpartum depression and many other problems.
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