#posting this in the middle of the day cuz idgaf
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stefisdoingthings · 7 months ago
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boy yuri...
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skyburger · 10 months ago
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like i dont think we will ever get better than this. the power of the sun in the palm of my hand
dude... discs are so fucking cool. i really truly believe humanity peaked with the optical disc
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moonlight-tmd · 1 year ago
(so late for Halloween but idgaf)
bee carving a pumpkin! :D
or team prime doing silly crafts for Halloween w/ Sari :3
Oh yes absolutely!
he would carve a cartoony bee into his for the lols. X3
Bulkhead would defo help make decorations for the base- paper bats on the strings, ghosts attached to the ceiling n stuff. He tried to carve a pumpkin too but he crushed it on accident :(
Prowl would defo go to a harvest festival if there was one. Bee and Sari tag along cuz there was supposedly a contest for the biggest vegetable/fruit. They were not wrong. Here you have a (different user's) post from that trip. Also Prowl would try to make a pumpkin pie for Sari from Bulk's squashed pumpkin, it turned out good by Sari's words. :D
Optimus is not really keen on the whole ordeal. The spooky theme and costumes- even the silly ones- make him uneasy (especially the spider decor). He doesn't want to ruin the fun so he just stays quiet, it's not a big deal.
Speaking of costumes- Bee would absolutely go trick-or-treating with Sari in his own costume. He loves to dress up! One time he made himself look like that black taxi from that one horror movie- while in his root mode he looked like a pitch black monster with red LEDs as eyes. Optimus was on patrol in that time and he thought it would be a great idea to give him a spook. So he made some ruckus near where OP was driving and jumpscared him with the scariest screech he could do. He regretted it shortly after because Optimus whipped out his axe and smacked him with the blunt side as an impulse reaction for being spooked+that looked like a decepticon/NOT friendly creature. Bee was send flying to the other side of the parking lot... Yeah, Optimus had to make a very awkward call to Ratchet cuz Bee was having severe ache in his tank and coughed up a little bit of enegon. Later Ratchet scolded both of them for being idiots, Bee had internal damage and couldn't leave medbay for 2 days and missed trick-or-treating. Optimus felt so bad! He apologized several times and even went and got him some home-made treats to make up for the missed treats on halloween. Bee took halloween costumes easier from then on- he dressed up as classic things like a mummy, witch or vampire. I like to think he made a costume of Blitzwing for fun at one point and just happened to bump into said 'con when he was out spooking young teens. Blitz still has a selfie of him holding the startled wannabe and him smiling widely. Also Bee really wants to know how the whole pumpkin spice thing tastes like cuz apparently it's good. Also candy- oh well, at least he got the joy of collecting it for Sari.
Ratchet, per usual, doesn't care. Although if he was feeling funny he would get fluorescent pink paint and splatter it in his workshop or himself just to mess with the others. He's the kind of guy that would play morbid jokes like that if given a chance- he is a medic after all.
Sari is having the best halloween with them. She comes up with those cool games for them to play and watches scary movies with them, She would absolutely be the type to pretend-gag when seeing christmas decor in the middle of October, Bee does that too- it's way too early, damn it! (i hate it too)
Hope this answer satisfies you and Happy (late) Halloween!
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josephtrohman · 6 months ago
i saw you were pissed off by hate and i have to say even when i havent been going there that often these days, your joetrick is always a joy to engage with! you ask the (very reasonable) ''dont come at me with hostility'' and do no hostility in return and it makes it so easy and pleasant to fall back further in love with the ship. and your opinions on them are always very correct shdfghsdsh
so i hope you know youre a beloved member of foblr and i wanted to share youre the joetrick warrior of all time* to me <3 *except when theyre in the middle of playing sugar or saying things like ''of course patrick was the only one who read my book'', that brings you down to number 3 for a moment, i hope you understand
(i mean all of this genuinely and with love. idk if i was able to express it right but i hope so)
anon this is such a sweet message to receive 😭💘 i rambled so much cuz im sleep deprived so im editing to put under a cut but main point i love u
to give The Thing i was mad at some grace or whatever, it was like. more indirect in the sense of someone reblogging something negative and then right after coming into MY HOUSE and reblogging my post made with joetrick intent (puppy joe post…lolol). BE SERIOUS...and tbf when i saw the negative post i was already in a volatile state and then the negative post itself just pissed me off too cuz why make a post like that about a ship no one gaf about anyway...like what it'd ever do to u that u need to Take A Stand?? it's one thing to not like joetrick cuz idgaf about that cuz IT'S NORMAL and also im used to it lol but why feel compelled to post...like i dont really like ******* [<-small ish ship as well. for the record. before anyone attacks me and assumes it's something else] but i would NEVER make a public post about it. like talk about yucking someone's yum. anyways sorry im rambling, i acknowledge it's not that deep but also at my core i am a volatile person and kind of a hater etc like girl calm downnnnnn (me talking to myself). but at the same time i didnt choose to be born a fire sign so really like is it my fault.../j
also OUTSIDE of the annoying thing, thank you for this message, im happy that u agree with my opinions on them and also thee way i love joetrick helps u fall further in love with them in some small ways <3 once again i'll never be upset if it's not someone's thing bc that is normal it's not gonna be everyone's cup of tea lol, but i appreciate that i can help u love them :3 and genuinely means a lot about the "beloved foblr member" cuz im like MAN i make myself mad here like almost every day and sometimes that deactivate button be looking absolutely delicious (outside of this particular incident btw there are some insane ppl with insane takes)........but uh anyways thank you calling me the joetrick warrior too 😭❤️ it's a title i wear proudly so tysm!!!!! (i also am sleep deprived as hell and a lil slow so i assume you mean im third in those two situations cuz they themselves are #1 and #2??? maybe. but either way even if i was third to any other beloved moots it'd still mean so much to me 🫡)
and yes the love came thru don't worry!!! i find it so very sweet you would leave this message, it's a reminder that tumblr is always not a cesspool of things that make me maddddd 😭❤️ and i send you many smooches sweet angel i hope u have a lovely day💘
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ennoshawty · 3 years ago
i scrapped this from my "middle blockers as things" post but here it is anyways i love hate him
warnings: deaths mentioned, heavy plagiarism from Portal (2), sorta-long, ooc? idgaf, gaslighting, it's just really bad tbh
we are: test subject
you are an ex-scientist turned prisoner turned test subject for your own tests.
TSuKKE11 is your own team project - you helped construct him basically. but after an accident that happened, you got knocked out and the next thing you knew, the robot was complete and angry. he turned rogue after he gained his own consciousness and now he’s in control of the whole testing facility from the control room and watches your every movement
you don’t know what became of your team but you assumed he killed them
mans is just off brand GLaDOS. if u don’t know who that is, GLaDOS is basically an evil salty passive aggressive robot with a love for murder, neurotoxicin, and science. in that order. you can just listen to her voice lines and imagine tsukki
whenever you’re stuck on a test course he taunts you. “oh poor you. need someone to hold your hand?”
sometimes he provides a helping hand but he won’t let you live it out. “don’t think too hard on it that you get a headache. we can’t have you passing out. here you go. try that button.”
and when you move on, it’s an even harder one.
and if you still don’t get his hint, he’ll get salty. “god, i couldn’t have made it more obvious. don’t you have a phd in science?”
he gets pretty frustrated sometimes (which is why he gives you hints). for a programmed robot, he sure doesn’t have a lot of patience.
and even at times he likes to sabotage you for the fun of it. bastard.
if he’s not gracious, then he won’t bother responding to your complaints.
but just because he’s not talking that doesn’t mean he’s not listening. or watching. so you should probably not curse his entire existence out no matter how much you can’t solve the puzzle...
and his tests sure are...dangerous sometimes. like he’s trying to kill you.
but no, of course not. he would never. it’s against protocol, he says. plus, who else would he test without you? the other thousand subjects put into cryogenic storage underground you don’t know of? pfft, don’t make him laugh. “gaslighter? now, what kind of a primitive word is that?”
sometimes when he feels good he plays classical music while you test which is pretty unfitting sometimes - imagine being wheeled into a death trap while clair de lune plays in the background
after a set amount of tests you complete, you are to report to the main room before you return to your bedroom - so you get to see him and hear how well/bad you did. he calls it a reflection, but really, he’s just throwing shade to your face.
“*sigh* not some very good results, unfortunately. well, i guess today wasn’t your day. neither was yesterday. or the day before that. or the day before that. or the week before that. actually, i’m starting to see a pattern here. looks like you just suck at these. do i need to dumb the courses down to your...caliber?”
bruh please unplug that mf
but why tf did the design team make him so...attractive??? how...dare you???
now i can’t even be mad at this mf for too long
but he looks familiar...you can’t place it though
he’s attached to the ceiling, actually, and it has a lot of tunnels which can take him to any room. you can’t beat him like a pinata tho cuz he can just lift himself up and down at will
thanks to being in control of the facility, he knows everything about you.
even your birthday. guess what he got for you as a birthday present?
MORE TESTS! and cake at the end. but it tasted horrible. you were VERY outspoken about the cake. he didn’t appreciate it but neither did you.
sometimes he likes to drop in some...disturbing science facts every now and then.
one day you sneak out of the test areas and behind the labs where he can’t see you
you navigate through empty corridors and office buildings and you finally find your colleague's room where he has all of the files on TSuKKE11 .
you were trying to find out how to disconnect him or if he has any weaknesses, but you found something even more horrifying.
looks like the leader of your research team, akiteru tsukishima was looking into consciousness transferring.
and you found a picture of akiteru tsukishima, with his little brother - who looks so much like TSuKKE11. (huh, maybe akiteru just really liked his brother so much that he designed the murder machine to look like him.)
and then you found akiteru’s reports and read through them and found out that TSuKKE11 is just the boy’s consciousness crammed into a robot’s body
is that the bite of 87?!
you even listened to akiteru’s voice logs and heard the two arguing
so now you’re shook up and you realize that it’s not TSuKKE11’s fault
but he still gotta go down if you wanna see the world again
so with everything in mind, you face him in the main room. “well...you’re finally back from running away. did you find what you need? what, still want to go back outside? like i’d let you. you still have 60 more years of testing to do.” *INITIATES BOSS FIGHT*
and you manage to defeat him! and take over the control room! you unlock the exits and you’re home running free! but something doesn’t sit well with you. so out of a whim, you take that hunk of metal TSuKKE11 and his electronic brain-card-thingy and book it
when you finally settle down in your home you start building and experimenting with it.
so you put TSuKKE11 in a roomba for fun. until you heard his screams of pain and curses whenever he bumped into walls which wasn't...pleasant. plus, he liked to comment on how dirty your house was. (give us a break, we’ve been trapped in a facility for how many months?)
and you finally put him in an artificial body out of the parts you took from TSuKKE11 - you rework his system to give him more of a human consciousness
it works! he’s still salty but this time, he feels more alive than robot.
and now he’s your android companion, without any murderous intent! ...or maybe he’s secretly plotting something. who knows?
Tsukki: Become Human
in other words: even though he tried to kill you, you try to give robot!tsukki a new life and purpose to give back what was stolen from him
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roxas-reblogs · 5 years ago
My Mom is a Karen
And on July 1st, she did the most Karen thing I seen her do. 
Which is invite family over and let them inside inside our house
in the middle of a pandemic.
What. The. FCUK.
(This is a long post and a rant. It contains physical abuse so don’t click read more if you don’t like reading that. Also a short prayer at the end.)
@mahkabakachan​ This is the thing I was mad about... 
As soon as my aunt enters, mom has the DAMN NERVE to tell me to greet her with the "Mano po”. That’s a filipino way of greeting your elders; its when you take the elders hand and press the back of said hand onto your forehead like this: 
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I honestly thought she was smart enough to not let me touch anyone BUT APPARENTLY NOT. She even got pissed when I refused to do it! WOMAN I AM NOT RISKING THE PLAGUE JUST TO GREET MY DAMN AUNT ARE YOU INSANE? IDGAF IF SHE DOESN’T DISPLAY SYMPTOMS CORONA CAN GO UNNOTICED FOR 14 DAYS
Not only is she crazy enough to do that, oh no… she lets them drink JUICE. from OUR GLASSES. THAT WE DRINK IN EVERYDAY.
Later I had to soak the glasses in bleach water for two days, UGH.
I literally JUST disinfected the house the day before and when they left I had to do it AGAIN.
Even telling me to bring my Apple desktop computer ALL THE WAY DOWNSTAIRS just so they could see it.
And then she bought them all pizza and tried to make me eat with them. I said “NO IM NOT TAKING OFF THIS MASK UNTIL Y'ALL ARE GONE.
Oh and btw did I forget to mention that SHE SCRATCHED ME ON THE ARM THAT DAY? YEAH I didn’t want her giving the glasses to our so called guests so I tried to hide them from her.
I shielded the glasses with my body, she grabbed my arm, her nails scraped my skin, she pulled me away and GOT THE GLASSES, then served the juice to her guests without a care of what she did to me and how I felt.
So long as I live with this woman, I will never feel truly safe. The scars aren't deep, they're only on the surface, but the pain is more emotional than physical.
At least this scar isn't physically permanent like the other two she gave me. 
Lord, Father in Heaven, teach me how to be independent. Teach me useful skills that can help me earn money. Teach me how to be productive and how to protect myself.
So I can get out of this house without having to rely on somebody.
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Pirate! Xigbar and Pirate! Luxord with their female mermaid lover
The water was always calm in this part of the sea. The first two or three times they sailed through, they had had three clear days of sailing before hitting that particular area, so they thought nothing of it.
The time after that, however, made them suspicious. For two full days it had been raining viciously, water filling the small wooden craft they called a boat and slipping over the sides in torrents. They had nearly capsized at one point, and all the two pirates had wanted was to get as far from the storm as possible.
Hunkering down in the cabin and dreading when they would have to go out next, they listened to the rain pound on the roof, until all of a sudden— it quit.
Both men ran outside and stumbled as harsh light filled their vision, blinding them momentarily. When it finally adjusted and they could look up, they almost decided to turn around to brave the storm again.
From the direction they had just come, there was a wall of water, which they knew to be normal. But it was the clouds that made them wary. For they were in a perfectly straight line as far as the eye could see, as though an invisible wall held them at bay.
“What kind of witchcraft is this?” Luxord mumbles to his companion.
Lexaeus shrugged, his eyes narrow as he scanned the horizon, in the direction they were headed. “You don’t think the rumors could be true, do you?”
“The sirens? I didn’t think so but…” Luxord glances at the clouds again. “I didn’t think sirens liked the sunlight. They use the rain to their advantage.”
“Maybe. We’d best be on our guard, and get out of here quickly.”
So saying, they unhitched the sail from it post and a gentle breeze carried them along, so far that they were unable to see the clouds they had left behind.
“Luxord, have you seen any fish since we’ve been here?”
The blond shook his head. “No. I’ve been thinking the same thing. Strange isn’t it? The water is so clear we ought to be able to see clear down to the bottom.”
He gazed over the side of the boat, down into the glittering green water, hoping for some sign of life to lift the foreboding feeling in his chest. All of a sudden, he yelped and leaped back, landing on his butt in surprise.
“What?” Lexaeus called, turning to look at his friend. His eyes were wide and his face pale, but also covered in drips of sea water.
“I saw…no. Must be the sun. We’ve been out on the water too long.”
Lexaeus peered over the side, where Luxord had been looking. “I don’t see— what?!”
He jumped back as well, staring wide eyed at the railing, as a slim hand gripped the wood beneath long fingers. Following this, a head rose, just barely peeking into the thin space between the siding and the rail.
It was hard to tell, but Lexaeus thought they may have been smiling.
“Are you boys lost?” The voice was melodic, not quite hypnotizing, but it kept the two pirates from looking anywhere else.
A second voice, as amused and lilting and the first, rose from the waters surface, and then there was a second set of eyes peeking through the space provided by the rail.
“I think they may be. They’re just sitting there.”
Giggles filled the air and then the eyes disappeared.
“W-Wait,” Lexaeus called, and this seemed to bring Luxord around, as he jumped to his feet and followed Lexaeus to the railing. Expecting the pair to be gone, they were given a shock when they saw that they were still very much there, floating gently in the water with massive glittery tails.
“S-Sirens,” Luxord whispered, his face pale once again.
“No, no, silly man. You missed them. They’re back that way,” the first one said, pointing in the direction from which the pirates had come. They had a beautiful blue tail, the iridescent scales changing to shades of green when they flipped their tail in the water.
“We’re not like those silly creatures. They draw too much attention to themselves, what with eating seamen. Besides,” the second creature, who seemed oblivious to the idea that she too was a creature, grinned broadly, showing off perfectly white teeth, “men don’t taste good.”
This set the pair off in a fit of giggles again, and they seemed on the verge of taking off, when Luxord called out.
“So you’re…mermaids? Is that right?”
The second one nodded, and flipped their shimmery red tail in the boat’s direction, splashing warm water lightly across their front.
“How come we’ve never seen you before now? We’ve come through here many times before.” Luxord was determined to keep them here, for the pair were too pretty to let escape so soon. He had no intentions of capturing them, as so many of his fellow pirates claimed they had done and would do. He felt no need to prove he’d met them.
“Strangers are strangers and generally unfriendly,” the red tailed one said, and their friend nodded.
“They’re always trying to capture us. It was funny at first, but it’s become boring. But you two,” they propelled themselves forward until they were almost within arms reach of the two pirates, “were too cute to resist showing ourselves to.”
Both men flushed a little at their words, setting the mermaids to giggling again. This time they turned and waved, as if to say goodbye.
“Wait! If we come through again—“
“Oh please do,” one of them called, although it was impossible to tell which one it was now. “We’ll be waiting!”
They disappeared beneath the water, leaving only a ripple to show they’d been there at all.
“We can’t tell anyone about them. If they even believed us, they’d be filling this place up trying to catch a glimpse of those two,” Luxord said, still staring out at the water.
Lexaeus nodded his agreement, skin still flushed from his nerves.
Suddenly both men grinned. Sirens indeed.
———Completely unedited. I didn’t even read it back over again so idek. It seemed good to me, and I feel rather proud of it. It was hard af to make sure who was who without putting gendered pronouns in so be proud of me for that. “They” and all its forms are prevalent. I may edit it later. Probably not. Oh well. I don’t know if this is what you wanted but I was already in the middle when I realized how I was writing it. I actually am tempted to write a second piece to this, but it all depends on how well liked this one is.Edit: it’s staying as Lex cuz idgaf. Odd thing is I think if I switched Lux for lex and then changed lex to Xig it’d work. Can you say mouthful
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lazyladyworld · 5 years ago
You know what? I’m gonna say it here, I don’t give a fuck
Ok so, I was in a “abusive relationship” and quite recently i broke up with him. This is gonna be a long post so TL;DR in the end.
I’m putting in quotations abusive cuz he never beat me or abused me physically, just mentally, being a manipulator.
He at first started messaging me a lot, and by a lot I mean it was taking 50% of my phone battery life just because of his texts. Every fucking 10 minutes tops he texted saying “what u doing? Who u with? What u talking about?” Or “I’m doing this, I’m doing that”.
At first u think, ok, cute but a bit too clingy, but u go “whatever, he will give me a break after this high of ‘we just started dating’” but that didn’t happen.
I told him to “slow down, keep calm, u going too fast” and once i simply said “jesus fuck just shut up for a second”. Which he didn’t like, and told me that “it hurt his feelings” and that he “didn’t deal ok with yelling” even tho he yells at everyone and everything.
It was ok at first, lovey dovey couple, first few months and all, and then, a few things happened:
We used to work together and it was getting extremely overwhelming and extrapolated my boundaries of “it’s getting too toxic working for this boss who lies and gets the credits of my work and even belittle me in front of everyone like I’m just a doormat”. And after talking to my parents, who I’m lucky and grateful for them, I quit it and went to stay home doing house chores, taking care of my baby dogs (pics) and focusing on my college work. (I live in Brazil so college and student loans are different here, just pointing out)
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Aren’t my puppies cute? The one on the right is Bebê and the one on the left is Dudu. Both brothers and at the time of writing it, both 1 year old.)
Now that i fangirled over my puppies, here we go.
Since i decided to focus on my college life while trying to find a new job, i tried to review a few of my “old” dreams, as in “My dream since 15 y’o wanting to study abroad plan has been reopened”. And i started to look a bit into it, but more into finding new things to do like drawing and exercising, having fun and some time for myself.
Now you think as u read this (it’s 00:50 am right now), “but I don’t understand why u telling this info, whats ur point?”
The point is for u to know that I wanna have a future as a woman who lived the fullest of my choices and studied what I loved and did what I loved. This is the dream my mom had before she had me and it’s a dream she wants me to fulfill. Again, I’m thankful for both of my parents who have been supportive over my college choices and my choices of my future. I really wanna point it out.
And i had been holding this ideia for a while and I thought: I should let my boyfriend know, this is the plan of my future.
So we were 7 months into dating, he can take the news. But then I didnt say it, i held it cuz “some things came up” and we couldn’t talk and when I had the opportunity once again to tell him, he dodged anything so we didn’t have any kind of strong conversation.
I have been thinking of breaking up a few times by then because of boundaries that he didn’t respect. Like texting at 5:30 in the morning or in the middle of class at night, or when I didn’t answer the phone he tried to guilt trip me into being with my phone almost shoved into my eyes. And if u think “he just being trying to make u happy by waking up in the morning with cute or funny message” no, it wasn’t. He texted me to tell me his sister was being an asshole to him, his bus/train was late or anything trivial, but if it was 1 message, I would still be saying “nah, it’s ok, it’s not that bad” but waking me up at 5:30 with 7 text messages of “my sister has been a bitch” and then at 5:50 “im getting on the train” and then at 5:54 “just got into the wrong train”, “silly me”, “I have to pay more attention” and no joke, it was every god damn day like that.
This is a personal story, I’m just venting so, again, sorry for being long.
I became tired the more he did it, even tho I told him, many times, stop texting me a thousand times about 1 thing u can text once. And he heard for 1 day.
And then after 9 months of me saying “dude, chill” and him being a paranoid man and not knowing boundaries, I tried being a good person and say “we can work this out, we can do this”, but it was starting to become too much.
And I was feeling pressured every single time he said “but our kids in the future, our future, our everything, our our our”, I noticed it wasn’t “our” it was his. “His kids, his future, his house”. And I snaped and said “I have to tell u something. I don’t want any kids.”
I don’t want to have kids of my own for many reasons, but it’s not this detail u should focus. I will paint a picture:
Imagine going up the subway staircase and u look at the guy who u are tired of hiding “I don’t want to do something u want because reasons that should be respected” and him stopping holding ur hand, dropping his face and saying “u just destroyed my dream”.
At that point I became tired of that and said “what the fuck u mean ur dream, it’s my god damn body, if I even wanna change fucking sex and become a man, u should either say “I understand” and keep dating or say “I understand” and break up with me. I would be fine with that.
But what did I do? I tried to explain why, saying all kinds of stuff until he would look at me again as a human being, not a fucking “body to fuck and make litle humans”.
Since I was on a roll I said “and I also decided I wanna study abroad after college and do (insert subject that I chose)”. He couldn’t even look at me straight, just looking “pained” like I had broke his 3DS or erased his gaming safe with +300h. Then he said the last thing u can say to me:
“Your mom is making ur head.”
Anyone who knows me in person, knows I’m a hardheaded person, who will do thousands of research just to be right and prove u are telling the truth or lying through ur teeth.
Tho he was not exactly wrong either. Someone indeed was making my mind, but it was him, not my mom, and when i said “this is my future and it’s decided” he wasn’t happy I didn’t make him my “priority”.
I became angry and said “would u like to change what u said?” As in “repeat what u said so i can justify breaking up with u”. And he must have noticed my change in my voice and said “it’s not what I meant, what i mean was” and started with his manipulation once again.
After 2 weeks or so of that, I called my best friend (V for reference) and said “I need to talk to u about something” and she said “where is the body? U want me to hide it?” This is how u know they are at ur side. And after i met her at a restaurant, she told me what was up with her, i told her what was happening to me, and she helped me pinpoint how abusive emotionally he was being.
I then went to class in which i prepared to do college work and talk to another friend (L for reference) to keep my head occupied while I thought, how should I break up with him. He then texted me at 8pm asking what V and I talked about and since I was more focused on the class and I was nervous about doing a presentation, I simply said “we talked some girl talk, between just us girls”, but that didnt cut it for him. I said I was focusing on my presentation and I had to go and he said “ok”.
(Side note: it’s 1:37 am and I’m trying not to laugh at hearing my mom snoring at the other room.)
After 2h30 of just talking about the project and the presentation, everyone decided to call it a day and everyone went home.
And I got a text saying “I’m tired of not being ur priority, of u not telling me what is going on and hiding things between ur girlfriend private and not caring about me.”
His text was huge and I had to calm myself down and call a cab to go home cuz I just couldn’t even walk properly. L was with my phone, sent him a message letting him know that im not ok and he should step aside and let me breathe, tho while she texted, he kept calling and calling until she picked up and said “stop calling, ffs” snd he saying “u are destroying this relationship, I hope u know that.”
After she said “shut up I’m taking her home”, he texting “ok”, 15 minutes into the uber, I get a call from my mom, at 11pm. My stomach became strange and I thought “my familia is not ok, or my grandparents are not ok”, but it was her telling me he called her, desperate asking where I was.
I became pissed off to the point of no return. Told my mom to black him and that i was gonna get home in 20min. I got there in 10 minutes and immediately got a call from him. And before I got even a word in he started saying “I’m sorry I know I screwed up and I’m sorry” and i said:
“Stop, we are not happy, what where u even doing, why even try? Not like this”
And then he took himself to the memory land and started to say “I know i I can change, give me a chance”
Just “no”.
And when I said I was tired of doing his life for him, that he didn’t accept my decisions. We just have to stop.
He then asked for 2 weeks of thinking of everything, but my mind was set. And I didn’t change my mind. The week was supposed to be radio silent, no talking from both ends. But of course, he couldn’t just leave me be, he texted saying “I wanna talk this week, I have been thinking and I know we can still be happy.” And I said “ok, let’s talk, but in public, with V by my side.” He tried to say no, “for us to reconsider, since it was the biggest fight and we deserve a new beginning.”
He then next day texted “oh my sister is gonna pick my stuff at ur house Saturday. And i said ok, whatever coward.
Then I had to take my pets at the vets to see how they were and was pissed cuz he was trying to be “lol idgaf im edgy”. I texted him saying at 15h I will be leaving, ur shit is gonna be at a bag with the doorman at my apartment. He could have burned my shit, I wouldn’t give a shit.
Saturday passes, Sunday arrives and i go out with V and I laugh about everything that has happened. Then I got a text from mom saying “HE went to pick up, expecting to see u, tried to talk to me, and I simply said ‘good day’”.
I got back a few hours later, played video game and talked to my mom about how ridiculous all of this was, and went to sleep, until the next day I wake up and felt light, happy, joyful and great.
Everything was perfect, I was doing my stuff, had a bit of fun cooking and spet time playing with my puppies, until 6pm, which is the time I usually leave to go to college, I got an email from him, since I blocked him everywhere else. Asking me to go back to him, he wasn’t fine and all those things u come ti recognize after the first signal of manipulation, and as I read, I laughed at it all.
He even accepting V being with us while we talked on a public place. I got tired at some point of the “please let’s get back together”, went to class and texted my friends the email. We talked and laughed at it and I said that his window of opportunity closed after all this “we are made for each other, I know we can be happy again”. He had denied me having a friend with me to talk to him before, now I don’t want to see his face, simply because I can choose to.
I sure hope he findes someone who can be his better half, but not me. And I hope he forgets about me, or at least back off. It came to the point of ridiculousness.
I now am gonna leave saying I dodged a bullet and never again make the mistake to ignore a bunch of red flags.
TL;DR mentally abusive ex was being a bitch and I noticed and said “enough is enough”.
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yeaimfishboi · 8 years ago
92 Questions Tag
I was tagged by the lovely @theshiphassailed!
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
1. Drink: Root Beer 2. Phone call: @kpopreactionsftw 3. Text message: @amazethemaze
5. Time you cried: A few days ago
6. Dated someone twice: No 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Never kissed anyone 8. Been cheated on: Nope 9. Lost someone special: If you mean death, then yes, I lost my best friend my freshmen year of High School after a 2 year long fight with his injuries due to a car crash, and this year in June right after I started the blog I lost a really close friend due to a horrible car crash (I’ve lost many other people but...) 10. Been depressed: Yes very much so. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I will never drink sooooooo no
12-14: Olive Green, Lilac, and White
15. Made new friends: Yes *cough* @theshiphassailed @huntingfire2001 @kpopstarsreact @kimjongdaely
16. Fallen out of love: Haven’t even fallen in love
17. Laughed until you cried: Yes but I can't remember when
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Oh yeah
19. Met someone who changed you: Yes @kpopstarsreact and @amazethemaze have been really helping me to get over my social anxiety. Both of these Kats have helped in numerous ways!
20. Found out who your friends are: Yup
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nope
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them
23. Do you have any pets: 2 dogs, a cat, 5 chickens, and about 30 fish.
24. Do you want to change your name: I’ve wanted to see what it would be like to go by my middle name, but even though people can’t spell my name for shit I still like it.
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Does making fake texts for tumblr count?
26. What time did you wake up: 7:15
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping cuz I’m a grandma
28. Name something you can’t do: I can’t draw
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: 5 minutes ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: My indecisiveness, my weight,my awful self esteem, my anxiety, procrastination (there’s an entire list)
31. What are you listening right now: Buzzed Unsolved: Post Mortem
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes, my asshole drunk uncle.
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: A lot of things. 
34. Most visited Website: Tumblr
35. Mole/s: I have a lot. I have one (that was removed) on my upper humerus, one on my jawbone, and pretty much everywhere.
36. Mark/s: I have scars everywhere. On my legs, my shoulders, my knees, my knuckles, (Pretty much anywhere you can find a mole you will find a scar)
37. Childhood dream: I wanted to either be a marine biologist or a voice actor in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
38. Haircolor: Natural hair color is black, but right now the ends are turquoise.
39. Long or short hair: Medium, it extends two or more inches past my collarbone.
40. Do you have a crush on someone: Other than my husband, yes I have a crush on someone.
41. What do you like about yourself:I’m very creative and Caring. 42. Piercings: 2 on my ears 43. Bloodtype: I have no clue
44. Nickname: Mom, Kait, Kaity, Kermit, Doge, Rex’s Girl (I was always called that by my star wars friends), Spencer, Big sis, my ex (who was also my best friend at that time) used to call me KK (it stood for Kinky Kaity, because of my prude-like personality back then)
45. Relationship status: Forever alone, and ugly.
46. Zodiac: Gemini 47. Pronouns: She/Her
48. Favorite TV Show: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, Star Wars Rebels, and Buzzed unsolved.
49. Tattoos: None right now, but I want at least two (One in memory of my best friend).
50. Right or left hand: Right handed 51. Surgery: Yes, two foot surgeries, and I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed.
52. Hair dyed in different color: I’ve never dyed my full head but, I have been half blonde, half red, half fuchsia, half dark blue and turquoise, and half turquoise.
53. Sport: Marching Band, Swim team, and Boxing.
55. Vacation: Ummmmm Maldives (idk, maybe rwanda too)
56. Pair of trainers: Wtf is this?
57. Eating: Hashbrowns
58. Drinking: Nothing?
59. I’m about to: Try and post a drabble but idk I’m tired and lazy. 61. Waiting for: College, KCon, the Next comicon
63. Get married: Maybe in the future but probably never bc it’s me, (unless you count Donghyukkie)
64. Career: An english teacher in Korea, and after that a composer for pop songs.
65. Hugs or kisses: CUDDLES
66. Lips or eyes: Eyes (I believe they tell a lot about a person)
67. Shorter or taller: Idgaf
68. Older or younger: Both
70. Nice arms or nice stomach:If I had to choose it would be arms. 71. Sensitive or loud: Both
72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: A troublemaker who is a meme like me.
74. Kissed a stranger: nope 75. Drank hard liquor: nope
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: No
77. Turned someone down: Yes (its a very long story but, let’s just say I turned down the guy who gave me PTSD about 8 times in 1 hour).
78. Sex on the first date: Fuck no
79. Broken someone’s heart: Idk
80. Had your heart broken: Maybe once romantically and that was maybe more of a friend issue thing, and My heart shattered when I lost my best friend.
81. Been arrested: nope
82. Cried when someone died: Yes but not as much as you’d think I would.
83. Fallen for a friend: I’ve dated a friend but I didn’t really fall for him.
84. Yourself: Ngl but nope, absolutely not
85. Miracles: Hell yeah, a lot of things about me are miracles.
86. Love at first sight: NOPE
87. Santa Claus: Kinda no.
88. Kiss on the first date: Not really.
89. Angels: Yes, I honestly believe I have a guardian angel watching over me.
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: Peyton and Zoe 91. Eye color: Hazel with gold rings around my pupil.
92. Favorite movie: Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
I tag: @huntingfire2001, @kimjongdaely, @kpopreactionsftw, @amazethemaze, @bfjhs, @kyungsoosjagiya ;) @kpopstarsreact @mikapeanut @kawaii-hedgehog, @goomfrugluh @blogmarareactions
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