#posthumous renaming
bootleg-nessie · 10 months
Things that will happen in the future (based on my own experiences with time travel):
***FAQs at the end***
*All of these observations are copied directly from my notes in roughly the order I took them in
*Don’t ask about the interchanging use of past/present/future tense, you know how that stuff is with time travel
Women just started all growing three boobs instead of two. Scientists baffled
Genetically engineered catboys (no literally)
The great pyramid of Giza has been converted into a Bass Pro Shop
The entire state of Rhode Island was bought by some rich tech CEO who promptly dug a 500 foot wide trench around the entire state so that it could in fact be an island. It was soon converted into the world’s largest parking lot
Pollution has gotten so bad that fresh oxygen is now delivered straight to most homes via a subscription service
Basic necessities such as food, water, and housing are now provided for free by the government, but only for the top 1% of wealth holders
Insulin now costs twice as much as rent. “Get fucked,” say pharma companies
92.6% of new electronic appliances now have smartphone integration and require a monthly subscription to use
Most billionaires have real estate on earth’s moon
As an ongoing film experiment, Taika Waititi successfully convinced a Nebraska man that he’s been raptured and is now in heaven. He actually got Truman Show’d and now millions of viewers tune in every week to watch God (played by John DiMaggio) manipulate Robert into confronting his own views, battle cognitive dissonance, and face the realization that he might not have been as good of a person on Earth as he thought he was
Carrots have gone extinct, as have highland cows
Species of extinct animals and plants now are being posthumously renamed after the billionaires and elites most directly responsible for killing then off
Researchers discovered a sentient colony of fungus off the coast of Chile, it prefers to go by Fleebo and appears to have a incredibly complex intelligence far greater than any other observed organic being
Nobody knows where Ireland went. It literally just disappeared off the face of the earth one day and nobody bothered to question it. The story couldn’t compete in the news cycle with the recent news about a company in China that made the first real life pokemon. An entire civilization of people gone and I’m the only one who seems to remember it or even care
Fleebo and its offspring have annexed Madagascar and are threatening any retaliation with nuclear warfare and “making The Last of Us a reality.” Nobody knows if Fleebo actually has the capabilities to do this, but after the Lovecraft incident we’re all TOO goddam scared to fuck around and find out
Large snails have replaced cats and dogs as the most common household pet. Snail culture has largely taken over the world, especially Japan
The president of the United States is now decided with an oiled up twerking competition. Most people were hesitant at first but this has produced vastly more competent leaders so now everyone just kinda goes along with it
With the cost of living crisis only worsening with time, selling tattoo space on your body to advertisers has become common as people struggle to afford rent and pay their bills
North and South Korea have reunited into “Korea 2.0”
Germany has split up into East and West Germany again
Belgium and France have been annexed by West Germany and renamed “Wester Germany” and “Westest Germany” respectively
The entirety of Florida is now underwater. Most of Kansas is too for some reason that scientists refuse to explain because they’ve “sworn an oath to the eldritch gods” and that “much worse things would happen” if they did
The melting ice caps in Antarctica unveiled a lost civilization of intelligent creatures descended from a species of lungfish, predating human civilization by millions of years. They planned on hibernating for another 10-15 million years to observe the course of evolution on Earth and are very very angry at humans for waking them up prematurely and ruining all of that with global warming
The politically correct term for lungfish people is “Dipnoid” but most people refer to them by a variety of slurs, such as “finwalker” and “kelp muncher” (not that they even eat kelp)
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch has now increased to nearly half the size of what was formerly known as Canada and has been colonized entirely by pirates (the flag is actually pretty cool). The pirate nation has the 17th largest economy in the world and is projected to surpass the United States in GDP
Africa is about 2% smaller. Nobody knows why. Most people point to Fleebo, who denies having any involvement
All human-Dipnoid interaction was promptly banned by most world governments, except for the GPGPRP (Great Pacific Garbage Patch Republic of Pirates), whom the Dipnoids rely upon extensively for trade
Scientists have used DNA from fossils to recreate other species of humans. We now live alongside them like we did for thousands of years before everyone besides Homo sapiens went extinct. Racism is at an all time high
Class C and above robots are now legally recognized by most progressive countries as people
The United States government has been exposed for secretly funneling billions of dollars into the GPGPRP and using it to fund terrorist operations all over the world.
A new major religion revolving around Dave Grohl has skyrocketed in popularity. Grohilsm is now the world’s largest religion, second only to Fleeboism
Scientists discovered a new continent in the Pacific Ocean, and then promptly lost it again. Most people are convinced this was just an elaborate practical joke, but scientists “swear it definitely happened”
For a brief period of about 30 years, everything in George Orwell’s 1984 happened almost exactly as written in the book. Literally 1984
It was revealed that Jeff Epstein didn’t kill himself. He actually faked his death and spent the next few years in a drug-fueled episode of psychosis making sock puppets in a cave in Italy and then molesting said sock puppets until he died from a sock puppet related illness
Bigfoot was discovered off the coast of Georgia doing cocaine with a congregation of alligators. When questioned, he said he normally lives in Montana and was only there on vacation. He is now a celebrity, and has been featured in a number of tv shows and films, two of which he won an Oscar for. Last I checked, he was a washed up actor living in Hollywood with a reanimated Neanderthal woman
The GPGPRP raided most of England’s museums with the object of “doing exactly what they did for the last few centuries” England was understandably furious, but the rest of the world found it rather amusing
England declared war on the GPGPRP, which it promptly lost after hackers brought down the entire country’s military overnight. Much like in the 21st century, England is the world’s laughing stock
The entirety of Luxembourg relocated itself to the moon
Russia attempted to take over most of Eurasia. In retaliation to the full global effort to stop them, they launched nukes at the world’s 600 most populous cities outside of its current territory. Most of the warheads were stopped in time, but a few major metropolitan areas got hit pretty badly, including Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Chengdu, Mexico City, and Istanbul. Japan was understandably super pissed that Hiroshima and Nagasaki got nuked for a second time
In the wake of the nuclear holocaust, Canada assumed control over what was formerly Russia and assimilated many of its citizens and leaders into its own society and government. Under the new rule of formerly Russian leaders, Canada became a puppet state for the second coming of Russia. It annexed much of the United States, Mongolia, China, and a handful of other countries, becoming “the world’s first megacountry.” Crungolaska now controls a majority of the northern hemisphere
As part of a practical joke by Adam Sandler, Tom Hanks was actually marooned on a desert island like in Castaway. He lasted less than a week before he died. When I left this era of the future, Adam Sandler was serving a lifetime sentence in prison for murder
Fringe groups of crows with above-average intelligence have started popping up around the world. So far they have been observed forming small communities, crafting relatively complex tools, using rudimentary speech, performing rituals, and creating music
Aliens visited earth and had a formal meeting with many of our world leaders, but decided to leave us alone for a few thousand more years because humanity is “not yet mature enough to handle the responsibilities of interstellar travel.” They have incentivized us with a the blueprints for an Alcubierre Drive and a means to produce the exotic matter to fuel it once they deem us as being ready
The original colony of settlers on Mars has declared independence, officially becoming the first country not on Earth
We sent Tom Cruise back to space but this time we just left him there
The tether for the space elevator broke. The town known as Vatorville, famous for being the location of the takeoff point of the elevator shuttle on Earth, was completely decimated as tens of thousands of miles of steel cable came crashing back down. There were no survivors
Most people in first and second world countries have mandatory microchip implants that serve as a personal ID
Last Thursdayism has been largely denounced by quantum physicists. Current theories now revolve around “Next Thursdayism,” the belief that the entire universe was created in the future and that we all exist as a memory in the past
Synthetic organ farms for transplants and research have become a massive industry worth billions of dollars. However, there is still a huge black market for organically grown human organs, as they’re much cheaper to acquire and aren’t taxed at the exorbitant rates that lab-grown organs are
China dug a hole all the way to the center of the Earth. Turns out it’s hollow and there are people living inside. Who knew?
A university reconstructed the entire city of Rome as it was in its early days during the Roman Empire. It’s actually pretty historically accurate, except for the fact that there’s a lot less sex because it’s run by a bunch of sweaty history nerds
After Rome 2 resulted in the creation of a cult revolving around the Roman god of the dead that gained traction as a minor religion, Pluto was officially reinstated as a planet by NASA when cultists picketed their headquarters every day for nearly 3 years straight. “Fine, we’ll give these fucking virgins what they want so they’ll finally shut the hell up,” said NASA’s administrator in chief
In a display of the biotechnical prowess of Disney’s Imagineers, all the animatronics in Disney’s Hall of Presidents were replaced with clones of the originals, which went about exactly as well as you’d expect. After reports of the presidents hurling a series of racial slurs and other obscenities at the first black family to enter surfaced, the project was shut down almost immediately after it had opened. Minority admission to Magic Kingdom plummeted to 2.3% of its numbers from the previous year, making it the second whitest place on earth after a taylor swift concert
Plastic now makes up about 3% of every organism on earth by weight
Public officials are now required by law to take shrooms before running for office
Trees are considered a rare and highly sought after commodity, and are usually only owned by public institutions and the rich (the vast majority of oxygen farms use algae to produce oxygen)
FAQ: What time period(s) did you go to?
A: I have no fucking clue. The world stopped using the Gregorian calendar in 2063 after a gamma ray burst hit the sun. The GRB led to stellar ablation, which changed the length of a year on Earth. The sun would continue to lose mass at an accelerated rate for several more years, with the length of the year changing slightly from year to year. The world adopted a variety of different calendars which kept being updated frequently and were often super confusing and contradictory. I traveled to about a dozen different points in time, which based on my best estimates spanned within a few millennia of the current date.
FAQ: How did you obtain a time machine?
A: I think it was the 17th or 18th of June, 2055? That night, a large sci-fi looking box thingy roughly the size of a VW Bus appeared a few hundred yards away in the open field in front of my house. I tried to take a picture of the box, but for some reason the closer I got, the more the image on my camera started to become fuzzy, and by the time I got close enough to take a decent picture, the camera had stopped working altogether. I pulled open a door to reveal a corpse inside that was charred beyond recognition, who appeared to have suffocated and/or burned to death during a fire that damaged most of the interior. I also noticed a number of strange tumors and growths on the body. I pressed a random button on the remains of what I believed to be a control panel, expecting nothing to happen, but the door closed automatically and I suddenly lost consciousness. When I came to, I exited the box, expecting to still be in the field in front of my house, but instead found myself a ways outside of a small snowy village that based on my best estimates, was somewhere in northern Asia around 2-3 thousand years ago. The villagers started coming after me with spears, so I quickly ran back to the box and pressed another button, hoping it would return me to from whence I came. This time, the people I found (who were thankfully much nicer and spoke a dialect of English that I could mostly understand) told me that it was the year 506 of the PGRB-Δ4 calendar (the calendar that the United Territories was using at the time). I repeated this maybe a dozen more times trying to get home until I landed in 2023, which as far as I could tell, was the closest I had gotten back to my original time so far. It was at this point that I decided to stay and seek medical attention, as I was rather concerned about some nasty new growths on my arms and legs similar to that which I had seen on the corpse.
FAQ: Where is the time machine now?
A: No idea. It disappeared a few days after I landed in 2023. My best guess is that some poor sap found it and ended up sometime else.
(I never ask for likes/reblogs but I literally spent fucking WEEKS on this one so if you liked it pls show me some love <3)
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ausetkmt · 1 year
Lynching victim Rubin Stacy’s story being told by his family in film screening at NSU
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Anne Naves knew something bad had happened to her uncle when her male relatives came home from fishing, each wearing a pall of silence. Dad wasn’t cracking jokes like usual. Grandfather looked grave. And her uncle, Rubin Stacy, hadn’t come back. The next day, someone from the funeral home said a body had been dropped off.
Naves, 8 years old at the time, only discovered the full gruesome truth about her uncle years later. On July 19, 1935, acting on an unproven accusation from a white woman, a masked lynch mob strung up Stacy under a Fort Lauderdale tree, hanged him and shot him 17 times as spectators gawked and children laughed.
The brutality and silence of Stacy’s lynching is revisited in the new documentary, “Rubin,” which will screen on Tuesday, Oct. 3, at Nova Southeastern University. In the hourlong film, the farmhand’s death is recounted through the eyes of his surviving descendants, but mainly through Naves, who was the last living eyewitness to the trauma — and to the secrecy — that followed.
The film, the first to be made by relatives of Stacy’s family, also chronicles the history of lynchings in America, used as a tool of punishment and to foster silence.
“I think (my family) knew that, without telling us (kids) what really happened, they would save us a lot of trauma,” Naves says in the documentary. “The neighbors and our church members respected our silence, too, because they knew that if it could happen to our family, it could happen to theirs.”
For “Rubin” director Tenille Brown, who is a cousin of Rubin Stacy, the film has in recent weeks also morphed into something else: a posthumous tribute to Naves. After filming her interviews for the documentary, she died on Sept. 18 at age 96, leaving behind a strong legacy: She was a Broward County educator for 25 years, teaching at Pines Middle and other schools.
“The biggest piece of the film was Anne,” Brown says in an interview with the South Florida Sun Sentinel. “Without her, there’s no story. She’s the driving force. She was ready to talk. She told me to record her. She really pushed me when I didn’t feel confident and said, ‘Record me anyway. Just go.’ ”
The rest of America witnessed the cruelty of Stacy’s lynching long before Naves did. A series of photos immortalize the moment when a white crowd gathered around Stacy’s body hanging from a tree. These images ran in newspapers nationwide, were published by the NAACP, Life magazine and National Geographic, and are now archived in the Library of Congress.
It was a tale of Jim Crow-era racism that Fort Lauderdale would’ve rather forgotten — the brother of a corrupt Broward County sheriff participated in the lynching — but city officials have made strides in recent years to acknowledge the tragedy by placing memorial markers around Fort Lauderdale. One is on Davie Boulevard and Southwest 31st Avenue, also known as Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, near where Stacy took his last breath. There’s another on the 800 block of Northwest Second Street, where he lived, and a third at Woodlawn Cemetery, his final resting place. In February 2022, a section of Davie Boulevard was renamed Rubin Stacy Memorial Boulevard.
“I’m glad they acknowledged it,” says Brown, of Pompano Beach. “These stories make some people in the state uncomfortable, but if they are based on fact, we need to tell the truth. You can’t turn your head. These are things you can’t ignore.”
For Brown, it was these memorials — and Naves’ willingness to break her silence — that motivated her to reconstruct Stacy’s story. To do so, she also interviewed Ken Cutler, Parkland commissioner and historian, and Tameka Bradley Hobbs, library regional manager of Fort Lauderdale’s African American Research Library and Cultural Center.
“My family didn’t want to talk about it out of fear for years,” Brown says. “There was shame. There’s an element of hurt, and you can hear that emotion in Anne’s voice. Now it feels freeing. This is a story that was suppressed for years and by sharing it, this is how we overcome.”
Michael Anderson, a producer for “Rubin,” says the film also tackles what too many school textbooks don’t stress enough: the history of Black lynchings.
“For Black youth to know their stories, they have to know the history of lynchings,” Anderson says. “They still don’t know how lynchings were used as a weapon to keep a community quiet. That’s exactly what it did to Rubin Stacy’s family.”
WHAT: “Rubin”
WHEN: 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 3
WHERE: NSU’s Rose & Alfred Miniaci Performing Arts Center, 3100 Ray Ferrero Jr. Blvd., Davie
COST: Free, but tickets must be presented for entry
INFORMATION: 954-462-0222; MiniaciPAC.com
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silverior968 · 1 month
Since there's a SP oc resurgence going on, here's one that I made in collaboration with Schädelgräber Angenehm from the SP fanclub discord server. (Scroll past Image ID for Cleaver Salix lore)
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[Image ID: A digital drawing of a middle-aged white person with large, blotchy scars on their face and hands. Their eyes are green and the spaces under them are dark. Their hair is short and dark brown. Their outfit consists of a white tailcoat with gold buttons and embroidery resembling flower petals, and gold epaulettes with daisy-shaped decorations. They also have white trousers, brown boots, a white turtleneck and a scythe in one hand. The text next to them reads "Cleaver Salix, They/them. / End ID]
Cleaver Salix was a Vitakinetic born in the 1400s (making them about the same age as Kenspeckle or Corrival). They survived the bubonic plague at a very young age, but watched most of their community die, unable to save them. Because of this, Cleaver always strived for what was best for their patients, what would make them the most comfortable. If Cleaver was unable to help their dying patients otherwise, they had less qualms about granting them a quick, painless death than many other medics. This made some think of Cleaver as callous.
During the start of the war Cleaver became unhappy with how little the Sanctuary seemed to care about recovery missions and the safety of their soldiers, and founded a rogue group of Sanctuary medics who would barge into battle disguised with masks and wielding scythes to recover injured soldiers and civilians and provide field healing. They, and Cleaver especially, would do anything to keep the wounded safe. They were a force to reckon with in battle.
Eventually they were found out, but due to the impact of Cleaver's group the Sanctuary decided to make them an official military unit instead, which meant that Cleaver's group could operate more freely and actually announce their coming, but lead to conflicts between Cleaver and the Elders about certain aspects of the operation.
Later on Cleaver would go on to die in battle, in a heroic but very violent manner (as is the fate of many Vitakinetics due to how sturdy they are). The command of Cleaver's group got transferred to the Elders, who renamed the group the Cleavers as a form of posthumous respect. Their policies for the group, however, were more violent than Cleaver's had been, which along with their other decisions displeased the old members of the group (mostly Vitakinetics, many of whom had been taught by Cleaver) to the point that they left.
This is when the Sanctuary started training new Cleavers, the kind we see in the books. Cleaver Salix became a symbol for propaganda, portrayed as a ruthless fighter for the Sanctuary rather than the soft-spoken, if strict healer that they were. Centuries later Cleaver Salix is remembered only by a few, their legacy buried under hundreds of years of misconceptions. Oh and they have an adoptive daughter, the child of a patient who they couldn't save whose last wish was for her child to be taken care of.
Fun fact! Cleaver's group was later referred to as the Proto-cleavers, and Larrikin was one of them in this version of events!
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frogcroak · 3 months
i forgot to post about it while i was reading the book. but tigerheartstar giving spire the warrior name spiresight after his death strikes me as... disrespectful.
yes, spire traveled with them on the journey home, but he didn't show interest in joining the clans like the others who joined tigerheart and dovewing. he liked them, he wanted to offer them guidance, but he didn't necessarily want to live like them.
but, he was important to the clan cats, so they posthumously decide to assimilate him into their culture by renaming him. they can pretend he was a clanmate, rather than one of those terrible lawless rogues that must be rejected.
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cartermagazine · 1 year
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Today We Honor Robert C. Maynard
Robert C. Maynard, the first African American editor and owner of a major daily newspaper in the United States, was known as a trailblazing journalist who led efforts to desegregate newsrooms and educate minority students to pursue careers in journalism.
Maynard was born in 1937 in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn, New York. He dropped out of high school when he was 16 to work as a freelance writer for newspapers including the black weekly, The New York Age. He landed his first journalism job in 1961, when he joined The York Gazette and Daily in York, Pennsylvania. Five years later, he received a prestigious Nieman fellowship to Harvard University then served as a national correspondent, ombudsman, and editorial writer for The Washington Post.
In 1979, Maynard became editor of The Oakland (California) Tribune, which had been called “the second worst newspaper in the United States.” But he quickly turned it around and purchased the paper in 1983, making him the first African American to own a major metropolitan newspaper. The Tribune subsequently won hundreds of awards, including a Pulitzer Prize in 1990 for its coverage of the Loma Prieta earthquake.
Maynard also received dozens of awards, including eight honorary doctorates and the Elijah Parish Lovejoy award, named for the abolitionist who was killed by a pro-slavery mob in Illinois in 1837.
Despite dropping out of high school, Maynard stressed the importance of education and advised young people to stay in school. In 1977, he and his wife, Nancy Maynard, founded the nonprofit Institute for Journalism Education in Berkeley, California, renamed the Robert C. Maynard Institute for Journalism Education after his death. The institute has trained and placed more nonwhite journalists than any other single institution in the country.
Maynard, 56, died of cancer at his home in Oakland in 1993. He was posthumously awarded The Freedom Forum’s highest honor, the Freedom Spirit Award, and $100,000, which went to his family to help sustain his vision of giving all Americans front-door access to the truth.
CARTER™️ Magazine carter-mag.com #wherehistoryandhiphopmeet
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usnatarchives · 2 years
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Original caption: “Hot Singer, Lena Horne, Has Audience Jumping With Her Singing at Hollywood Victory Committee Show” Ft. Huachuca, AZ, 9/6/1942, NARA ID 266694436.
Broadway First: Theater Named for LENA HORNE! First NYC theater named for a Black woman honors legend By Miriam Kleiman, Public Affairs
Civil Rights activist, singer, actress, and dancer Lena Horne (1917–2010) broke racial barriers and achieved many “firsts” including being the first Black performer hired to sing with a major white band, play the Copacabana nightclub, and sign a Hollywood contract. This week she (posthumously) achieved another milestone when Broadway’s Atkinson Theatre was renamed The Lena Horne Theatre. She features prominently in our records: supporting the troops in World War II, meeting with presidents, and marching on Washington.
Video: Lena Horne Christens the USS George Washington Carver, Richmond, CA, 5/17/1943, NARA ID 77813.
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Original caption: "Lena Horne conserves fuel (gas)." WWII, NARA ID 535820.
Lena Horne at the March on Washington 8/28/1963, NARA ID 542057.
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Lena Horne with JFK 11/20/1963, JFK Library image.
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Lena Horne with IKE 3/19/55, image online.
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Lena Horne with President Truman at his Inaugural Gala where she sang "Stormy Weather" 1/19/1949. Truman Library 64-1-31. NARA ID 200002.
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More online:
Black History special topics page - NARA’s related online resources
1966 Interview - hear Horne discuss her life and career, civil rights, Billie Holiday and Joe Lewis. Preserved by Pacifica Radio Archives with National Historical Publications and Records Commission support.
Celebrating Black History Month: Hidden Gems, AOTUS blog
Statement by President Obama on the Passing of Lena Horne, Obama Library
President Reagan’s remarks for Kennedy Center Honorees, 12/2/1984, Reagan Library
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twistedtummies2 · 1 year
The Price May Be Right - Number 3
Welcome to “The Price May Be Right!” I’ve been counting down My Top 31 Favorite Vincent Price Performances & Appearances! The countdown will cover movies, TV productions, and many more forms of media. We’ve entered the Top 3 of this countdown! Today we focus on Number 3: ZigZag, from The Thief and the Cobbler.
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This movie has a history like you wouldn’t believe. I could jabber on for AGES about this “lost epic” of animation, but I’m going to try and keep the context as succinct as possible. “The Thief and the Cobbler” – which underwent NUMEROUS title changes throughout its extensive creation – was the intended Magnum Opus of master animator Richard Williams, the man most well-known today for being head of animation on “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” Williams wanted to create a comedic, surreal film – inspired by the legends of the Arabian Nights – that would be the absolute pinnacle of animation at the time. Production started as early as 1964…but no complete version of the film was released until the early 1990s, with the last one being in 1993 (released a month after Price’s death, technically and posthumously making this his final film role). So, what happened between 1964 and 1993? Well, the short version of it can be summed up like this: Williams kept changing his mind on the project’s story, and the funding for the film kept changing from backer to backer. Animators came and went as the characters and plot shifted with the decades. Finally, Williams finalized the story and got support from Warner Bros., who delivered a simple ultimatum: Williams had to finish the project on time and on budget, or they would remove him from his own film and get someone else to finish it. Wouldn’t you know it, that’s exactly what ended up happening: unable to meet the deadline, Williams was fired from his own movie, and producer Fred Calvert turned to the Completion Bond Company to get the movie made. Two completely different “finished” versions of the film were released; neither was received very well by critics, and both failed at the box office. Williams would forever consider the fate of his intended masterpiece the greatest embarrassment of his entire career. There are now no less than four versions of the movie available for viewing. There are the two versions released by Calvert and the CBP, the original unfinished workprint by Williams…and a fan-made project called “The Recobbled Cut,” which attempts to give the film the closest thing to its intended release possible by blending elements of all three together. The Recobbled Cut, itself, has gone through several editions over the years, and is still a work in progress, much like the movie it aspires to breathe pure life into. The film has become something of a legend in animation circles, for a LOT of reasons…but we’re not here to discuss the movie in totality. I’ve rambled about its history long enough; we’re here to talk about Vincent Price. So where does he come into the picture? Well, back when the movie was first getting started in 1964, Price was in his heyday. As it turned out, Williams was a big fan of Price’s work, and he contacted Price to see if he’d be interested. Vincent thought the movie sounded like an interesting endeavor, so he agreed, and his antagonist – first named “Anwar,” then later renamed “ZigZag” - ended up being the first character in the film cast. As the years went on, and the film’s plans changed, Price – who remained devoted to the project – would return periodically to re-record new lines. Apparently, it became one of his favorite projects, and Richard Williams and his team all agreed that ZigZag was their favorite character to animate. What’s interesting is that, with the different versions of the film later released, every character in the movie was recast over the years, with multiple performers playing the roles in different releases. For example, one of the two titular protagonists – Tack the Cobbler – was played by an unknown actor (doing an impression of Sean Connery) in the workprint, Sean Lively in one of the two Calvert cuts, and Matthew Broderick in the 1993 release. The one exception to this rule was Vincent as ZigZag: every version of the movie very wisely kept Vincent’s voice for the character, and it’s a good thing they did. Because while every version of the film has its pros and cons, ZigZag is consistently the best character in every version. The villain is not an especially complex character; he’s essentially Proto-Jafar (very literally, since some of the people who worked on Aladdin also worked on the Thief at earlier points in their career). Like Jafar, ZigZag is an evil magician and corrupt vizier, who seeks to marry the resident princess and take the throne. But it’s Price’s voice that makes the character so great to listen to, and the animation is always glorious to behold in action. One of the odd things about ZigZag is that nearly every single one of his lines are spoken in rhyme. There doesn’t seem to be any REASON for this, but I’m not complaining: I could listen to Vincent Price speaking in rhyme all day and be quite happy. No matter what version you watch of this movie, Price delivers every single time. Tomorrow, I present my penultimate pick, with my 2nd Favorite Vincent Price Performance!
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scotianostra · 5 months
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On May 7th 1711 the Scottish philosopher David Hume was born.
I had the chance to post this on April 26th, as it also flags up as his birth date. The reason for this is the calendar change at the start of 1711, the Gregorian calendar was 11 days ahead of the Julian calendar, at times I have used the old style calendar, this year the latter.
As well as a philosopher David Hume was a historian and essayist, he is placed amongst the likes of John Locke, Francis Bacon, George Berkeley and Thomas Hobbes.
Hume is remembered for his influential system of radical philosophical empiricism, scepticism and naturalism. Hume intently believed that passion rather than reason governed human behaviour and that human knowledge was solely based on human experience.
Sadly, Hume gained fame much later in his life, his works having been appreciated and considered of immense value only posthumously. Hume began his literary journey with his masterpiece, ‘A Treatise of Human Nature’. Though the book was widely discarded and written off by the critics then, it is today considered as one of the post important works on history of western philosophy.
Hume found success only later in his life when he turned into an essayist. His job as a librarian in the University of Edinburgh helped him access a lot of research materials which provided him the guided information for his massive six volume masterpiece, ‘The History of England’. The book earned favourable response and became a bestseller. It was considered as a standard history of England during its time. He is considered as a pivotal figure in the history of philosophical thought.
As with many from past generations Hume has been scrutinised over the last few years due to his disgusting racist views. The University of Edinburgh removed the name of David Hume from one of its campus buildings, citing concerns that the 18th century philosopher’s views on race cause “distress” to modern day students. However, the move has been criticised by several academics, including some employed by the university. They pointed out that Hume’s wider writings offered profound insights into human nature and served as a source of inspiration to generations of thinkers.
In his essay, “Of National Characters,” Hume says:
I am apt to suspect the negroes and in general all other species of men (for there are four or five different kinds) to be naturally inferior to the whites. There never was a civilized nation of any other complexion than white, nor even any individual eminent either in action or speculation; no ingenious manufactures amongst them, no arts, no sciences. On the other hand, the most rude and barbarous of the whites, such as the ancient GERMANS, the present TARTARS, have still something eminent about them in their valour, form of government, or some other particular. Such a uniform and constant difference could not happen in so many countries and ages, if nature had not made an original distinction betwixt these breeds of men. Not to mention our colonies, there are Negroe slaves dispersed all over Europe, of which none ever discovered any symptoms of ingenuity, tho’ low people, without education, will start up amongst us, and distinguish themselves in every profession. In JAMAICA indeed they talk of one negroe as a man of parts and learning; but ’tis likely he is admired for very slender accomplishments like a parrot, who speaks a few words plainly.
Dr Asanga Welikala, a lecturer in public law at the university and co-convenor of the Keith Forum on Commonwealth Constitutionalism, was among those to oppose the renaming of the tower.
He wrote on Twitter: “I do not agree with this decision. David Hume’s thought has inspired me throughout a 20 year career working to further constitutional democracy in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. As an employee of Edinburgh University I was not consulted in this.”
There have also been calls for his statue to be removed from it’s prominent place on the Royal Mile.
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Coincidental Disney Logo Trivia...
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The current Disney logo celebrates the enterprise's 100th year of existence... It's a lovely, full-length intro full of neat stuff. A more ground-level tour than a pan down from a starry sky...
It first appeared, in full, before STRANGE WORLD in movie theaters this past autumn. They got the ball rolling early. The logo had also appeared - in cut-short form - in a handful of trailers at the time as well, like for the LITTLE MERMAID remake, ELEMENTAL, and the trailer for DISENCHANTED. D23 attendees were treated to it first before that...
STRANGE WORLD being the first film to bear the new logo, which will likely be used for another decade or so without the "100" next to "Disney", is curious... The film was a massive flop, and one that was largely left for dead by the company.
Wouldn't be the first time...
The first two pictures to introduce the iconic Walt Disney Pictures logo, that laid the groundwork for all logos thereafter, the very thing so many people associate with this company's movie library... Also flopped...
Those movies were... RETURN TO OZ and THE BLACK CAULDRON, both released a month apart from each other in the summer of 1985...
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Believe it or not, the Disney studio never had a proper logo introduction for DECADES...
Early Disney cartoon shorts had title cards letting the audience know who the picture was coming from, which was par for the course for most shorts. Walt and Roy Disney had went through a few distributors during the late 1920s and 1930s, notably Celebrity Pictures, Columbia, and United Artists. When Walt was readying his first feature-length film, SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS, he struck a long-term distribution deal with RKO Radio Pictures. A long-defunct company, but back then a recognizable movie giant, up there with the likes of Paramount, Universal, and 20th Century Fox.
Disney films typically began with an RKO title card, not RKO's actual animated logo sequence depicting a blinking radio tower over a spinning globe. The title card would be stylized to fit with the credits sequence of whatever movie it was. For example, in PINOCCHIO, the RKO logo is carved into wood. For DUMBO, it's a circus poster-looking graphic. And so on, and so forth.
Walt and Roy then broke off from RKO, launching their own distribution company Buena Vista in 1953. Many of the Disney films released from 1954 to 1961, that were not leftover RKO-contract movies and shorts that were released well after the two parties parted ways, opened the same way. A Buena Vista title card that was stylized to look like the opening credits of the respective movie... But by the early 1960s, most Disney movies just used a standard blue gradient logo. This title card's general design layout would be used all the way up until 1984.
"Walt Disney presents" for films made before Walt's passing, and "Walt Disney Productions" for posthumous films, would be the next title card you saw after an RKO or Buena Vista logo. Walt Disney Productions became "Walt Disney Pictures", quietly, in 1983. The first film to be released as a "Walt Disney Pictures" movie was NEVER CRY WOLF. In that film, which is unfortunately a hard one to find, the first thing you see is a bar with serif text saying "Walt Disney Pictures". A title card. No official logo just yet.
Heck, the home video end of things had a logo before the film studio themselves did! Two logos at that!
Disney didn't release a new feature film in 1984 that was under the Disney name. SPLASH and COUNTRY came out in 1984, those were the first two pictures under the company's Touchstone Pictures banner, a banner meant for more adult-oriented films. Then-CEO Ron Miller founded Touchstone, and he'd be replaced by Michael Eisner by the end of the year. Following Eisner's arrival to the company, the rebrand went into full swing... The studio was officially renamed Walt Disney Pictures, the self-distribution company was still Buena Vista, as would be mentioned in a movie's end credits.
So, a new logo was in order...
The logo's first appearance, in short-form, was before a theatrical trailer for THE BLACK CAULDRON that ran in late 1984 before the theatrical re-release of PINOCCHIO. It is unknown if the longer logo preceded PINOCCHIO's opening credits for that re-release, if it did, then that would make it the 1984 Walt Disney Pictures logo.
Anyways, the first film audiences saw it before was RETURN TO OZ... But in short form, with no music!
A month later, THE BLACK CAULDRON came to theaters. It opened with the full logo, with the full 'When You Wish Upon a Star'-inspired jingle that everyone and their brother's dog knows...
Again, two movies that flopped. In fact, all of Disney's mainline 1985 movie releases that weren't Touchstone movies... Just didn't cut it at the box office. These two movies, THE JOURNEY OF NATTY GANN, ONE MAGIC CHRISTMAS... It wouldn't be until the summer 1986 releases of THE GREAT MOUSE DETECTIVE and FLIGHT OF THE NAVIGATOR, two films bearing this logo that did well at the box office.
The revised version of this logo, with more digital-looking glowing light effects and animation, and the arch not overlapping with the "W" in "Walt"... First appeared before a test re-release of THE BLACK CAULDRON under the title TARAN AND THE MAGIC CAULDRON in January 1990, which didn't take off in the few cities it was screened in... Later, in July 1990, it accompanied a very successful re-release of THE JUNGLE BOOK. As for a "new" movie bearing the logo that did well? WHITE FANG, released in January 1991, did okay. It wouldn't be until BEAUTY AND THE BEAST later that year, though, in November... For a genuine big hit...
For this Disney 100 logo, it looks like LITTLE MERMAID will be the first box office success bearing this new logo. It's actually their first mainline Disney theatrical release since STRANGE WORLD... Everything else has been a Marvel movie (QUANTUMANIA, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 3) or a 20th Century Studios/Searchlight movie (AVATAR: THE WAY OF WATER, CHEVALIER).
Funnily enough, the first film to introduce the previous long-running CGI Disney castle logo?
Big hit. HUGE, record-breaking hit... That was PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MAN'S CHEST, from summer 2006...
Maybe when Disney makes a new logo to replace this one in, say, 2040-something... It'll be for a hit movie? I dunno, just something I noticed.
Logo stuff, ya know?
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 8.21 (after 1900)
1901 – Six hundred American school teachers, Thomasites, arrived in Manila on the USAT Thomas. 1911 – The Mona Lisa is stolen by Vincenzo Peruggia, a Louvre employee. 1914 – World War I: The Battle of Charleroi, a successful German attack across the River Sambre that pre-empted a French offensive in the same area. 1918 – World War I: The Second Battle of the Somme begins. 1942 – World War II: The Guadalcanal Campaign: American forces defeat an attack by Imperial Japanese Army soldiers in the Battle of the Tenaru. 1944 – Dumbarton Oaks Conference, prelude to the United Nations, begins. 1944 – World War II: Canadian and Polish units capture the strategically important town of Falaise, Calvados, France. 1945 – Physicist Harry Daghlian is fatally irradiated in a criticality accident during an experiment with the Demon core at Los Alamos National Laboratory. 1957 – The Soviet Union successfully conducts a long-range test flight of the R-7 Semyorka, the first intercontinental ballistic missile. 1959 – United States President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs an executive order proclaiming Hawaii the 50th state of the union. Hawaii's admission is currently commemorated by Hawaii Admission Day. 1963 – Xá Lợi Pagoda raids: The Army of the Republic of Vietnam Special Forces loyal to Ngô Đình Nhu, brother of President Ngo Dinh Diem, vandalizes Buddhist pagodas across the country, arresting thousands and leaving an estimated hundreds dead. 1965 – The Socialist Republic of Romania is proclaimed, following the adoption of a new constitution. 1968 – Cold War: Nicolae Ceaușescu, leader of the Socialist Republic of Romania, publicly condemns the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia, encouraging the Romanian population to arm itself against possible Soviet reprisals. 1968 – James Anderson Jr. posthumously receives the first Medal of Honor to be awarded to an African American U.S. Marine. 1971 – A bomb exploded in the Liberal Party campaign rally in Plaza Miranda, Manila, Philippines with several anti-Marcos political candidates injured. 1982 – Lebanese Civil War: The first troops of a multinational force lands in Beirut to oversee the Palestine Liberation Organization's withdrawal from Lebanon. 1983 – Philippine opposition leader Benigno Aquino Jr. is assassinated at Manila International Airport (now renamed Ninoy Aquino International Airport in his honor). 1986 – Carbon dioxide gas erupts from volcanic Lake Nyos in Cameroon, killing up to 1,800 people within a 20-kilometre (12 mi) range. 1988 – The 6.9 Mw  Nepal earthquake shakes the Nepal–India border with a maximum Mercalli intensity of VIII (Severe), leaving 709–1,450 people killed and thousands injured. 1991 – Latvia declares renewal of its full independence after its occupation by the Soviet Union since 1940. 1991 – Coup attempt against Mikhail Gorbachev collapses. 1993 – NASA loses contact with the Mars Observer spacecraft. 1994 – Royal Air Maroc Flight 630 crashes in Douar Izounine, Morocco, killing all 44 people on board. 1995 – Atlantic Southeast Airlines Flight 529, an Embraer EMB 120 Brasilia, attempts to divert to West Georgia Regional Airport after the left engine fails, but the aircraft crashes in Carroll County near Carrollton, Georgia, killing nine of the 29 people on board. 2000 – American golfer Tiger Woods wins the 82nd PGA Championship and becomes the first golfer since Ben Hogan in 1953 to win three majors in a calendar year. 2013 – Hundreds of people are reported killed by chemical attacks in the Ghouta region of Syria. 2017 – A solar eclipse traverses the continental United States.
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appears · 2 years
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Within hide's (as it would turn out to be) small discography, ROCKET DIVE is one of the biggies. Like PINK SPIDER before it, it was the last of a certain kind of single release (the last one hide was alive to see), and due to its proximity to his death, comes saddled with interesting baggage.
The single, which came out in January of 1998, was the first to be released under the group name "hide with Spread Beaver" rather than hide's name alone. The change was meant to acknowledge the contributions of the band members, while also cementing the live band that he had already been working with for years. Among the colorful cast of characters were hide's former band mate in X Japan, Pata, I.N.A., who would come to be something of hide's musical right-hand man, as well as someone like Chirolyn, who added the kind of wild personality that made the band stand out aesthetically -- technically, hide's pink hair already did this, but if any mainstream J-rocker was less inhibited on stage than Chirolyn, I never saw them.
"ROCKET DIVE" was written and recorded in Los Angeles well before hide's passing, while plans were being drafted for subsequent single releases, an album, and a concert tour. The song leans heavily into hide's new predilection for more industrial elements in his music, an obvious nod to his love for groups like Garbage, Nine Inch Nails, and Marilyn Manson. Unlike the more organic Hide Your Face, or the smorgasbord of PSYENCE, the songs on what would eventually be Ja,Zoo embraced synths and computers to achieve their sound, one boosted by hide's signature vocals and sense of dangerous fun. "ROCKET DIVE" is ostensibly a song advocating the escape of everyday ennui for a life of adventure by taking off unfettered into the freedom of outer space. Enhanced by sex and drug references, it's unclear whether this freedom can be found literally or just chemically. Does it matter? Both take you "to the world where new stars glitter." Like "PINK SPIDER," it's a meditation upon feelings of unsatisfying emptiness, and a yearning for the bigger, brighter things in life. As an introduction to his new sound, it did a lot of explaining while also leaving room for experimentation, a perpetual exploration of whatever styles hide had yet to play with (pop, rock, reggae, jazz, industrial, and thrash being only some of the ones he already parlayed into some of the most exciting J-rock of the 90s).
In that sense, the inclusion of an amped up version of "DOUBT" for the B-side could leave a listener nonplussed. The original song had been released as the B-side for his second single 50% & 50% in 1993, and is here renamed the "MIXED LEMONed JELLY MIX." While retaining the same base melody, lyrics, and general ambience, the song is updated to represent the harder sound hide was creating with Spread Beaver, and in some ways echoes the kind of work that he would begin exploring with his U.S.-based band Zilch. With its aggressive rhythm and hypnotic chorus, it's always been one of my favorite hide songs, and his iconic, satirical performance of it as a salary man, just hours before he passed, ranks as one of my all-time favorite. Based on his return to the song, it's clear something about the original felt lacking, unfinished, or inauthentic for him to take the time to update it.
This single was originally released on the 3″ mini-CD format and comes in standard packaging, with the lyrics and song credits printed on the inside back cover. Besides the two above tracks, it also includes the karaoke version of "ROCKET DIVE." As a testament to the song's amazing energy, it was chosen as the first track off of hide's first posthumous greatest hits collection, hide BEST ~PSYCHOMMUNITY~, and as that was my first official hide album, it thus cemented the spirit and image of hide for me forever: bright pink hair in a lemon-yellow track suit, courageously, cheekily, setting sail for the seductive, unpredictable unknown.
Catalog Number: MVDH-9002 RisefromAshes also wrote about this song recently here.
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Martin Luther King Jr. (born Michael King Jr.; January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was a Baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesman and leader in the Civil Rights Movement. He advanced civil rights through nonviolence and civil disobedience, inspired by his Christian beliefs and the nonviolent activism of Mahatma Gandhi. He was the son of early civil rights activist and minister Martin Luther King Sr. He participated in and led marches for blacks' right to vote, desegregation, labor rights, and other basic civil rights. He led the Montgomery bus boycott and later became the first president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. He led the unsuccessful Albany Movement in Albany and helped organize some of the nonviolent protests in Birmingham. He helped organize the March on Washington, where he delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The SCLC put into practice the tactics of nonviolent protest with some success by strategically choosing the methods and places in which protests were carried out. There were several dramatic stand-offs with segregationist authorities, who sometimes turned violent. He won the Nobel Peace Prize for combating racial inequality through nonviolent resistance. He helped organize two of the three Selma to Montgomery marches. He expanded his focus to include opposition to poverty, capitalism, and the Vietnam War. He was planning a national occupation of DC, to be called the Poor People's Campaign. He was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Gold Medal. Martin Luther King Jr. Day was established as a holiday in cities and states throughout the US beginning in 1971; the holiday was enacted at the federal level by legislation signed by President Ronald Reagan in 1986. Hundreds of streets in the US have been renamed in his honor, and the most populous county in Washington State was rededicated to him. The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial on the National Mall was dedicated in 2011. He is initiated on June 22, 1952, into the Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphaphialpha https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnb97bRr65m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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radiomaxmusic · 26 days
Feature LP / Lynyrd Skynyrd - Skynyrd's First and ... Last (1978) / August 27, 2024 / 2pm ET
Skynyrd’s First and…Last was the original name of the posthumous compilation album first released in 1978 by the rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd. In 1998, it was repackaged, renamed and re-released as Skynyrd’s First: The Complete Muscle Shoals Album, being expanded to include eight additional tracks – four of which were previously unreleased and four which would be re-recorded for (Pronounced…
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cyberbenb · 6 months
FAKE ALERT: Tchaikovsky street in Kyiv to be renamed after Victoria Nuland
The Law of Ukraine on Geographical Names provides only for the posthumous commemoration of persons in toponymy. Such renaming is impossible because it contradicts Ukrainian legislation. As evidence, t Source : spravdi.gov.ua/en/vulycz…
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cashmere-caveman · 7 months
every single failed (ant)arctic explorers biography reads like sir james john was born the seventeenth of 24 children to an english bourgeois family of chronic overachievers.
in his search to find a niche in which to prove himself he stumbled upon the written account of sir douglas alexander (6 knighthood titles) where he describes his failed attempt to chart the canadian coastline that resulted in the death of more than half his party members and several hushed up incidences of murder cannibalism and attempted insubordination. alexanders heroic report of failing to listen to indigenous advice and attempting to manhaul (provisions included 17kg tea per man as necessary ration) across the stupidest possible route against all better judgement inspired the then 13 year old john to sign up to join the navy.
after a steep career during the napoleonic wars mostly thanks to incompetence of his superiors and recognition of his perfect english background he achieved lasting fame for leading the doomed 1853 expedition mostly known for its catastrophic failure. employing methods we now know to be ineffective to the point of actively advancing the starvation of his men and their mental and physical deterioration, he was regarded at the time as a hero of the likes of homeric demigods.
this was further cemented by the racist disbelief of indigenous reports regarding the fate of his crew (eyewitness testimony suggests they were half crazed and engaging in cannibalism, refusing native food even when freely offered to instead maul their comrades) which prompted a reactionary collective apotheosis of his person by the british public.
five years after the last life sign two corpses believed to be him and his personal valet were found clutching letters praising the british empire and expressing their joy to die in the pursuit of total world domination through explorative conquest. modern calculations show that had he used dogsleds (which he decried as unmanly) he would have made his sucessful return back to the anchored ship in under three weeks with enough provisions left for his home journey to excuse a detour to malaysia.
described by contemporary critics as a stubborn, authoritative man with no physical stamina who would collapse unless he got three square meals a day, his status as an icon of the declining british empire manifested in the posthumous erection of no less than 68 statues and monuments to his name. 23 polar landmarks are named after him until this day.
in his personal life he hated the irish, and notably once "adopted" an indigenous girl during his stint as governor of british overseas territories. the girls family was alive the whole time and despite her already having a western name due to colonial influences he renamed her [racist made up name to sound more exotic] when he took her into his household at six months old after stealing her from her parents. once he was recalled to england due to politival infighting wrt management of the territory he left the 13 year old girl behind without a second thought. she would die several years later at age 17 from suicide. after his death his widow comissioned six operas in his memory.
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Buck Ewing was the first catcher to ever be inducted to the baseball hall of fame. Ewing was an early baseball star playing in the 1880s and 1890s for a few teams, most notably the New York Gothams, today known as the San Francisco Giants.
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Ewing was an excellent catcher when it came to keeping base runners in check, and he himself stole over 350 bases, which as a catcher, would rank 1st, but he played every other position so often as well that he does not officially qualify.
Buck's time with the Gothams is speculated to have ended because of his leaving the National League for the new Players League in 1890 (which was a short lived League following in the footsteps of the 1884 Union Association which looked to abolish the reserve clause.) Because Ewing left for the New York team in the Players League and the league failed, Ewing was only let back on the Gothams (now renamed to the Giants) for a single year before being moved.
After a few more years with the Cleveland Spiders and Cincinnati Reds, Ewing retired as a player and continued the next few years as a manager.
Few catchers of the time could come close to Ewing's all around ability. Other contemporaries like King Kelly played other positions more commonly than catcher, and his closest peer in the conversation, Roger Bresnahan, only began playing in 1897, and was a star in the early 20th century.
Ewing would pass away at age 47 from diabetes in 1906 and posthumously be inducted to the fall of fame in 1939. He was one of the first 1800s players to recieve votes (along with Cap Anson) and among the first to be inducted.
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