#posted this as a draft on discord and I was like. hmm. let me add onto this a bit actually
afuntimepartyy · 20 days
To be a cartoon created where your character traits design does not effect you in the show (because it’s a cartoon) and your entire things is arts n crafts…. You love making art that’s like, your whole thing
Then to be translated into real life as a living cartoon, and suddenly the claws that didn’t give you any issues in the animated show gives you issues- and more importantly it makes drawing harder. So despite loving to draw and in the show you wouldn’t have these issues suddenly one physical trait makes it so much harder. I feel that would be a bit discouraging somewhat
A scraps in the show with drawings that the physical in real life scraps just. Can’t seem to look right to it. Watching herself drawing with no issues. Yeah she probably goes ‘no not good enough’ and throws that stuff to the side in the show too but it’s… distinctly different for you. You still love drawing though, and it’s practically your defining trait show wise. You are part of the living arts n crafts, that’s who you are.
It’s just. Harder. Especially when the shows events act as your memories and your life too. At one point your claws weren’t even an issue, not hindering anything you did until suddenly they did.
Waves my hand around
That being said, I dont think any of those are the actual canon intentions. It’s not that deep I dont think, just a lil ‘yeah the claws WOULD make it a lil harder to do things’ but I get to do what I want
We fw disabled scraps. Do you guys understand the headcanon here am I understood guys am I underst
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cidthesquid · 7 months
The origin of this account! Answering Questions+ Quick Update 03/26/24
Quick Update 03/26/24 + The origin of this account!
Hello all, It's been a while since my last post, so I figured I'd post a short update regarding new content.
In short I'll continue to update this blog when something of note happens in Style Savvy Trend setters, but it's still been pretty quiet/slow, and with FF7:Rebirth out soon, my progress will be slow. ---
Also, I'd like to take some time to respond to a few questions that were sent in. For some reason, I can't see my question inbox, so I'll just be making a short reply based on what showed up in the email preview.
Since, I'm not sure if this person is comfortable with me sharing their name, So we'll just call them 'sender', and I'll 'find and replace' it later if they're okay with me sharing it.
Anyways, 'sender' mentioned that they have a two-week wait before they can post comments. I did not know tumbler had a wait system like that. I'm still fairly new here.
From what I've seen 'like' and 'reblogs' are the most common forms of interactions, so comments are pretty rare, (Fairly different from other social media.)
I've actually been a bit hesitant to comment on others posts because of this. (don't want to rock the boat) But anyone is free to comment here, and I'm open to constructive criticism as well. So if you have an idea of how an outfit could look better (in the style I'm going for) feel free to let me know!
'Sender' Also mentioned various setups I could use to make playing ' MODEL Debut 3' easier. Holding up my phone to my pc screen was very uncomfortable, so their suggestion of using a phone tripod setup would have helped a lot, if I go back to the game, I'll give it a shot!
'Senders' Third message mentioned how they'd been enjoying reading through the content I'd been posting, including both the game commentary, and the sections that tied it into some of my related personal stories.
And that really meant a lot to me, I honestly considered just switching to 'Outfit of the day' style posts, as in a comment-lite platform like this, it was hard to see what from the content people enjoyed most.
This is why I started front-loading a lot of the outfit pics, After posting them, I'd add a line or two about what happened that day (in-game) as a quick summary, then I'd say "hmm, maybe I should explain a little more about thought process behind the outfit", followed by "ok, but wow, X was done way better (or worse) here compared to Fashion Forward", and next thing I knew hour and hour had passed, XD
As for the little personal stories and connections to my experiences with fashion, and why these games mean so much to me, that has its own story behind it, (buckle up!)
---- /!\ Caution: End of blog updates, Mostly unedited Ramblings beyond this point /!\
The short version is, a few years back I was looking for a way to try to practice being more social, and open about stuff. Normally people would just post online to do that, but I'd been using the same online name since high school, so most the people I knew IRL new it, and it was used on all my social media/online games.
And as it was prime covid time, everyone I knew irl was at home on social media, so any post on my normal social media would likely actively promoted to the people, who I did not really want to see it.
So I figured a 'fresh slate' would be the best way to practice being more social, without having to worry about what people thought about me!
It sounds kinda crazy now, but I ended up making a new discord twitter, reddit and steam account, tumbler was honestly just an afterthought, as I hardly ever used my main tumblr.
So I played some online game, joined some discord groups, and followed and messaged people on twitter…
…and after the first year, I was borderline right back where I was before. Still second guessing everything I post, leaving tons of replies in the drafts, and while I had 'mutuals', there were just other people I followed so I could get more of the content I already enjoyed, there was no real connection outside of a quick reply here or there.
I spent so much time thinking "oh I'm just not comfortable with these IRL people", that simply having a new 'pool' of people to interact with would fix all my social issues, and while I did feel a little more comfortable talking about a wider range of topics with these new people, I'd still feel held back in many of the same was as before.
Every action had to be fueled by multiple layers of second guessing.
"I like this art, I should tell them…well they probably already hear that all the time, it won't matter" "I Also like the thing they're talking about, but they're WAY more interested, so I can't really add much to the conversation" "I really like that outfit/artwork, but it is a tiny bit suggestive, so would that sound creepy coming from a guy?"
…and much more. Addintally, when I often have trouble wording things in a natural sounding way, I'd have to worry about not just 'what' I said but "how I said it" And with multiple questions behind each action, just like with my main account, I just stopped interacting.
And it really took a lot of positive exposure to situations for me to be able to see, sometimes the intent matters almost as much (or sometimes more) than wording.
I've already gone into details on the process here, and in my reddit post prior to posting on tumblr.
But in short, playing in the fantastic Final Fantasy XIV community, gave me a lot of great places to experience this.
You could get carried through a dungeon by a tank that only speaks in the 3rd person, or get great healing from a cat girl, who's every single message contains at least one cat-related pun.
How they presented that help, did not matter, it's the fact that they were willing to help. And you could also look however you wanted, Even if that meant you were protected by a 2.5' very angry munchkin of a tank, people would just roll with it.
Style Savvy was just as helpful, I may never understand modern fashion or trends, But if someone comes into my shop asking to look a specific way, I get to help them achieve their ideal image!
I got to explore a small section of the fashion world, without having to worry about "well, technically that's out of season" or "ooh, that was IN last year, but now it's OUT", or "Why am I dressing this person that way, what would they really want?"
I just got to have fun living in my own little fashion cubbyhole, a comfortable little cutout with only the parts I enjoy.
And Fashion Forward had such a big impact on me, I just really had to share it, so I made the above reddit post, I kept playing and kept enjoying the game, and started sharing my thoughts here as well, as it's much better for images than Reddit.
And just like with playing the games, over time I started sharing more of my thoughts, and eventually explaining "why" I felt specific ways about some parts, it felt fairly uncomfortable at first, but I remember just telling myself, "It's still topical, and if they've gotten this far, they kinda know what there getting into",
My main concern was not making anyone uncomfortable, or upset
but still trying to be open, and I think I've managed to strike a fair balance. As in general, I want this blog to be more about my adventure with fashion, rather than simply sharing screenshots, or just me venting. And even if a majority of people are here for the screenshots, it still means a lot that others are interested in my content!
Anyways you all for reading, hopefully this little look inside the creation of the channel was insightful! (I have to head start work, but I'll do a quick edit pass later) I still have a long ways to go when it comes to 'social improvements' , but I feel I've made a ton of progress in the last year or so. These games have helped far more than my 'dramatic social media change', and now I'm getting some external support to manage as well!
And while I won't yet be providing exact details of my situation, Questions and comments are always open!
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