#possibly unpopular opinions bew a r e
superfluouskeys · 7 years
heya!! for the ask thing: 1,2,6,7,17,19,21,22,24,36,39,44,45
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
Hmmmmmm well.  I wrote my first proper fanfic for Will and Grace, I was kind of marginally involved in the Big Bang Theory fandom back before the show was a giant trainwreck, and I’d say the first fandom that really took over my life was OUAT!
2. What is your latest fandom?
God what is time what year is it.  Nothing super-recent has really captured my attention--so the last new thing I got into would have been either Steven Universe or Mass Effect?  And the last subset of a thing I got into was definitely Dragon Age II hahaha
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Okay this took me awhile but I think I kinda listed the fandoms I’ve been involved in
OUAT: OMG I made a 2 am shitpost to this effect but like while I love the idea of Swan Queen, Dragon Queen will always be my personal OTP.
Steven Universe: I’ll go with Lapidot since it’s like the only non-canon one hahaha  i knOW HOW TO PICK THEM
Dragon Age: Origins: Morrigan/female Warden -- II: Hawke/Meredith bc I am Garbage(TM) -- Inquisition: Cassandra/female Inquisitor (((or Solavellan bc i love to suffer)))
Mass Effect: Shepard/Aria T’Loak and Renegade Shepard/Samara bc again, as we’ve established, I LOVE TO SUFFER
Supergirl: SUPERCAT 5EVER but I also love SuperCorp from afar since I no longer watch.
Disney: MALORA 5EVER but also Cinderella/Tremaine because I am The Worst.
Harry Potter: There’s one I won’t admit to bc that’s how trashy it is and I’ll admit to Bellamione and HermionexMcGonagall so you see where my baseline is.
ATLA/LOK: Toph/Suki, Korra/Kuvira, Korra/Lin, Lin/Kya, and don’t get me wrong I love Korrasami I just like to torture myself with non-canon trash
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
OUAT: The obvious ones but the latest is Golden Queen hahahha like I don’t even watch anymore but what a disaster.
WH13: Myka/Pete like what an utter disservice to the entire show tbh never over it.
Steven Universe: Not really into Jasper/Lapis, which I realize is a bit out of character for me, but I do still like a lot of the art for them.
Dragon Age: Don’t think I’ve seen any for Origins.  For II: Meredith/Orsino hahahaha I have it blacklisted and it still finds its way to my eye sockets.  Fenders also isn’t my game.  Inquisition: Cassandra/any man bc I headcanon her as a closeted lesbian sorry not sorry, and uhmmm there are some characters I just really dislike so them with anyone is unpleasant to me hahaha.
Mass Effect: EDI/Joker hahaha sorry not sorry he’s super gross about her like I’d be whatever about it if not for how unnecessarily misogynistic his dialogue suddenly becomes.
Supergirl: The obvious one.  Which sounds like a confectionery treat.
Disney: Can’t think of anything egregious really?  Oh, well, Maleficent/any man, surpriiiiise.
Harry Potter: Miss me with Ron/Hermione 2kforever
ATLA/LOK: Same with Aang/Katara tbh like obviously later in life they worked fine together but in the context of the show it always felt weird and forced.  Same with Makorra--I always forget about it when I rewatch the first seasons until theeeere he is at the end of every episode hahaha.
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite?
The first time I remember like Shipping Something it was Katherine and Robyn from Desperate Housewives hahaha.  Like I just remember being so shocked and thrilled to see the Sexual Tension playing out before my eyes on a show I was allowed to watch bc my mom liked it, that I would watch RAPTLY and try to pretend not to care hahaha.  
First like earth-shattering OTP though was probably Malora, like I just started writing it as a thought experiment and then suddenly it took over my life, and that’s how you know!
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
TBH if anything is canon or too popular I’m unlikely to care that much about it, even if I like it in theory hahaha bc that’s just the kinda pretentious snob I am.
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?
Technically the first fanfic I ever wrote was a character exercise for a show I was in, like a way of writing an ensemble character for myself so I had a through line in the show and whatnot.  There were a couple of other self-inserts that mercifully never saw the light of day so those are burdens I can bear alone.  The first for-real fanfic that ever saw the light of day was a GracexKaren fic that was also kind of a disaster.
22. Is there anything you regret writing?
I don’t regret writing anything, since it’s all practice.  There are a couple of things I regret posting, though hahaha, and it may soon be time for another small purge of a couple of things I’m not proud of.
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit?
Before I touch literally anything else I need to finish my rewrite of Early to Bed hahaha.  Other than that, aside from Prisoner eventually, I don’t have any immediate plans to do major rewrites of anything.
36. What’s your favourite genre to write?
I think I do a good job with the situations where people are longing to connect but terrified to reveal too much of themselves, or that murky time in new relationships of any variety where people are testing the waters with one another, which lends itself to angst and a lot of buildup hahaha.
39. What is you greatest strength as a writer?
I think I get away with a lot of shit bc I can turn an eloquent phrase, and I think I write good dialogue because I put a lot of effort into capturing how characters speak and think before I write them.
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
For non-DA....always here for more 1959 Maleficent/Aurora, Effie/Katniss, my new babies Mirana/Alice, annnnnd Korra/Kuvira hahaha!
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
hjbgfcdxvghjn all time???!?!
These 5 I recced awhile back are definitely my go-to’s.
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