#possibly content for another archisis
luckyarchivist · 7 months
Archivist Hypothesis: Vere the Shadowfox
I already talked about this theory in Vere's loresheet, but I'm posting it here as well!
Having re-reviewed [half] the demo, I think that Vere may be umbrakinetic, which Google assures me is the fancy word for being able to control shadows.
In the demo, MC says that Monsters are "inhuman beings with unnatural powers", so being a Monster isn't just a cosmetics thing. While one of Vere's powers is surely having the fluffiest ears and tail in a 100-mile radius, that's not all.
When we first meet Vere—or right before, rather—the MC encounters an oppressive shadowbeast. Though we never see it head on, it's described as “[running] down the street in rivulets” and “[spreading] like ink into blotted shapes.” These shadows form into a threatening being with claws and a muzzle filled with sharp teeth. But, when we turn, there's no giant black monster about to eat them, just this asshole.
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And he's got our key, despite being more than an arm's length away. How'd he get a hold of it? Because his shadowfox was literally right up on us two seconds ago—plenty of opportunity to slip a key out of a pocket, especially if you're a shadow and not a physical person.
Not only that, but when Vere smells Kuras on you, “the shadows around him seethe and boil,” like his powers are responding to his decidedly negative emotions about the angel doctor.
This mini-theory seems like an easy shot, so I hope I'm not saying something everyone else already knows 😅 It only just occurred to me on this play-through, since I'm scouring the demo for info for the loresheets and not just drooling over Ais tiddies.
Let me know if you came to the same conclusion, or any other thoughts you have!
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