positibofit · 4 years
Full speed forward
Wow, two intense weeks. I wanted to post a new entry last week, but I could not find any rest time to sit down and write to be truly honest.
It’s been intense. But in a positive way. I know it sounds odd. I am still on my pilates instructor journey and trying to watch at least 5 to 10 videos of the instructor course. Last weekend we had an amazing master class kick-off Zoom-Meeting. We got to know fabulous and ambitious people. It was a great get-together and workout-together. Another way to find motivation is knowing other people are choosing the journey. Everyone with their own struggles and progress. But still in the same boat to reach the goal and to push each other. Oh I am loving the spirit.
Full-time work will be rough before vacation starts, but after that, I will focus 100% on my workouts. I already started to put more intensity into each training. Adding weights and adding reps. And oh boy, I can feel my body and every muscle, and hell yeah I am closer to my goal in gaining the abs.
So looking back on my general fitness journey so far, I must say I am on track and definitely happy with my goals I set. I am not even thinking about my new goals, since I realised, I lose motivation, when having to many goals. So I will stick to my split-goals, which are definitely not perfect yet and to my body-toning goal with main focus on the abs. And this will take a couple more month here. But that is fine for me. 
How did I set my goals?
It all started with the typical new year resolution. What should be my goal for the year? And so I decided, hey what about being able to do the splits again. And so it all started. And after a couple month I already reached the goal and stick to it. But I did not wait for the year to end to find a new goal. I literally decided right after it to become a more defined body. Hey I never saw any abs on my body ever. Am I even able to gain abs? Let’s do it then. And not even half a year later, I am so proud to see that I cannot only gain the bizeps and the tights. I do gain abs. They are still shy, but I will not lose track on here, since I put a lot of work and sweat into it.
Oh Merry Christmas
So Christmas holidays are coming closer. And we all know that this means food, a lot of food. And I think we should enjoy every moment of it. I quit any hard diets long time ago. I eat what I want and what my body is craving for. Of course you should not eat a bunch of chocolate bars. But I quit going on a low carb diet, or keto diet or any other diet. The only thing I am doing and really watching out what I am eating is during the week while doing workouts. But on weekends... hell I will eat a Pizza and ice-cream for dessert. And this is how I feel comfortable with, how I found the balance in working out, pushing yourself to the limits but enjoying everything else to the fullest. Of course, I would be lying if I say I am ignoring any nutrition facts. Of course you need to look for your calorie income and you should think twice if you like to take drinks now or stick to your water. Bodies are not the same and for me my body is craving for a porridge bowl with peanutbutter and fruits instead of  white bread and meat in the morning. To give you an example.
But it is still a long journey and I am still motivated and ready and I am looking forward to the first finish line. 
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