#portugal made the study maybe portugal can be forgiven
dubiousdisco · 1 year
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"Internacional Online Research elects the Teatro Amazonas as the most beautiful monument of Brazil"
Amazonas had something of ours called beautiful im crying 🥺
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sincerelyella · 3 years
So Close - Just Give Me A Reason Part 5
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Book(s): The Royal Romance & Open Heart crossover (AU)
Pairings: mentioning of past Liam x Ella (MC); Ethan x MC
Characters belong to Pixelberry; Ella Brooks belongs to me.
Song inspiration: Just Give Me A Reason by Pink
Summary: Ella was stuck in between two men, Bryce and Ethan. When she had to make a choice, she ultimately chose Ethan … but he refused. Now what?
Catch up here - So Close masterlist
A/N: Participating in @wackydrabbles​ - prompt will be in bold.
Lots of love and thanks to @ofpixelsandscribbles​ for prereading and screaming at me with your Jack Sparrow gif and brainstorming with me about this series 🙈 love youuuuu!
Warnings: angst; hinting of NSFW; insinuation of character death
Words: 1142
Greece 2012
Liam and Ella shared an entire summer, after that first day meeting on the beach, they were inseparable. He showed her all the sights in Greece that he thought she would love, which was everything. After three days of spending time together, he worked up the nerve to ask if they could be together, officially.
“This is really fast, don’t you think?” Ella bit her lip nervously.
“I do,” he studied her face. “But I’ve never felt this way, about anyone, Ella. I’ve never asked anyone to be with me, and only me.”
“You’ve never had a girlfriend before?” It was a lie, she thought to herself. A man that looked like him had to have girlfriends, or women throwing themselves at him.
“There have been women,” he admitted with a shrug. “But I’ve never been … exclusive with anyone.”
“People usually want my brother, Leo, or they just want to use me someway to … elevate their status.”
“Their status? Are you royalty or something?” Ella snorted with laughter.
Liam felt his cheeks get hot. “I … no, my family is well known where we’re from, that’s all.”
“Well, I have feelings for you, Liam, and I’m not seeing anyone but you.”
His whole face lit up. “Good, I was starting to get nervous.”
The next day
The two of them were sound asleep in the late hours of the morning, his arm wrapped around her waist, legs intertwined with hers draped over his hip like an anchor.
Liam’s hotel suite was like a two-bedroom apartment; it had beautiful floor to ceiling windows, plush upholstery, a large kitchen, and a random baby grand piano in the center of the living area. He shared the suite with his older brother, Leo, who Liam described as a ‘night owl’. A loud slam of the front door startled Ella awake; Liam, completely unphased, chuckled sleepily and ran his hand up her back and pulled her naked body closer to his.
“It’s just Leo,” he murmured in her ear.
Ella sighed and settled back into his arms. “I’m hungry.”
“Mmmhmm, me too,” he mumbled and lazily started to trail kisses from just beneath her earlobe to her neck, his hand slowly making its way downward.
“Liam,” she breathed as she squirmed underneath his touch.
“I’ll give you … something to eat …”
Ella felt his arousal against her thigh and attempted to push herself away. “Don’t you start,” she hissed. “Your brother is outside and he’ll hear us.”
“That just means you need to be quiet,” he smirked down at her and easily rolled her body on top of his. In one swift move, he pushed himself inside her and both of them let out a moan.
“I can be … quiet.”
“You … liar,” Liam gasped as Ella began to move her hips.
With a small giggle, she bent down and sucked his bottom lip into her mouth. “Okay then,” she mused. “First one to make a noise loses.” Ella leaned back and began to ride.
Afterward, they decided it was a tie.
Rashad flashed them an apologetic look. “We have an early flight.”
Ethan scowled. Maybe after they leave, he’d be able to find out more about Liam and what he means to Ella.
“Oh,” Ella gave them an uncertain smile. “Okay, then.”
“I’ll be inside,” Ethan placed his hand on her lower back. “Come meet me when you’re done okay?”
She nodded and watched him walk towards the bar.
Maxwell and Rashad bid their farewell and made their way towards the town car parked on the curb. Liam stepped forward and took her hands in his.
“I’m sorry about all this,” he gave her a sad smile. “I don’t want another seven years to pass by without us seeing each other.”
“That wasn’t my doing, Liam, that was yours.” It was a low blow, she knew, but reality had smacked her in the face and she couldn’t help herself; their last time together in Greece flashed before her eyes.
“I … there’s a lot I need to tell you,” he squeezed her hands gently. “I’ll fly back as soon as I can. I just have some things to do back home.”
“Okay, be safe.”
“Stop looking at me like that,” Liam leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I promise I’ll be back.” He gently ran his thumb over her bottom lip and replaced his thumb with his mouth. It was a quick kiss, too quick. But if he stayed there too long he might change his mind and carry her back to his hotel room.
“You have my number,” she whispered.
He nodded and turned to meet Rashad and Max. The car pulled off onto the street and Ella watched until it disappeared from view.
The next day
Ella and Ethan were at the hospital and seemed to be back to their normal selves. Their talk last night in the bar after Liam, Max, and Rashad left helped clear the air, so to speak. The pair exited one of the rooms after checking on their patient. Ethan snuck a glance over at Ella while she discussed her treatment plan.
“I think he’s ready for discharge, he just needs a follow up with his cardiologist.”
“Good plan,” he nodded. “Do you want to grab some lunch?”
They meandered over to the cafeteria down the hall and each bought a chicken salad. Ella sat in front of the large television that was set up by the large windows and Ethan settled across from her.
Ethan cleared his throat nervously. “So, about us …”
Ella stopped mid-chew. “What do you mean?’
“I know you’ve forgiven me, Ella,” he let out a nervous breath. “But do you still have feelings for me?”
“Yes,” she nodded without hesitation.
Ethan’s eyes widened in surprise. “Y-you do?”
“Feelings don’t just go away overnight, Ramsey,” Ella gave him a small smile. “I still have feelings for you, but my feelings for Liam are also there” - she stared down at her food - “after seven years, they never left.”
Ethan’s jaw clenched. Ella noticed.
“I’m sorry, Ethan.”
“It’s fine-”
The two were interrupted by a news break announcement on the tv. Words flashed across the screen and caught Ella’s attention.
Breaking news from Portugal: The King of Cordonia was reportedly seriously injured or dead.
Ella’s brows furrowed. Cordonia?
Ethan turned to watch the news report, a sinking feeling in his stomach.
Reporter: We are the first news channel in the U.S. to receive this report. King Liam Rys of Cordonia was reportedly on a plane home and left from the Boston airport. That plane was the target of an assassination attempt. No news on whether King Liam has survived this heinous attack.
A loud thud sounded behind him and Ethan turned to find Ella sprawled on the floor.
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