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1. 😤. 2. I got the reference photo for this picture off Pinterest it should still be under my drawing references folder. 3. Does anyone even want to see my Pinterest account? 4. #portraiture #portraitures #artofselfportraiture #magicofselfportraiture #floatingheads #portraituredrawing #floatingheadselfie #floatingheadshotchallenge #floatingheadseries #floatingheadsfriday #floatingheadsofinstagram #portraituredrawings #floatingheadshot https://www.instagram.com/p/CEcZ2bsnb7z/?igshid=kljexkww1l25
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julzandgems · 5 years
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I’ve been on a long hiatus from creating any artwork and I’m feeling a little rusty with my craft. So I’ve decided to start with revising an old piece to get my feet wet. I still have a lot of work to do, in my opinion, but I’m my own worst critic ✏️🎨👩🏾‍🎨 #julzandgems #graphitedrawing #graphitesketch #graphiteart #sketching #artwork #portraiture #portraituredrawing #ladydrawers #hijabdrawing #frecklelove #freckledrawing #naturalbeauty #drawings https://www.instagram.com/p/B5OBwQGAIxJ/?igshid=qlm56yiw750s
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Hey everyone, whats one nice thing that you can do for yourself today? My answer- work out & allow myself to draw! 🙂😌 #what2020feelslike #cartoonportrait #cartoonportraits #cartoonportait #cartoonportraitartist #cartoonportfolio #cartoonportaits #portraiture #blackportraiture #modernportraiture #studioportraiture #animalportraiture #dogportraiture #portraiturelove #portraiturepage #portraitureart #portraitureinspiration #portraitureartist #portraiture_insta #hashtagr #portraiturepainting #portraiturejournal #portraiturelover #portraituredrawing #portraituremagazine #britishportraiture #modelportraiture https://www.instagram.com/p/CItOM4uHEgO/?igshid=r3359gm57ev7
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