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jacob-zepeda-blog · 6 years ago
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What A Heavenly Way To Die
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tthamii · 4 years ago
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Learn to trust the process ✨ . . . . . #forevermagazine #smpleworld #smplecommunity #worldviewmag #featured_gram #thevisualvogue #feature_the_best #wanderinginfilms #weekly_feature #LightroomMasters #lensofourlives #VisualsOfBeauty #bnw_demand #photography #portraitphotography #portraitpage #portraitmood #portraitmf #portraits_ig #freelancephotographer #caribbeanlife #visualart #visualsoflife #curaçao (at Willemstad, Curaçao) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN0VzzNL38-/?igshid=18xtrk4yoqtb6
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gracianifoto · 4 years ago
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Segunda ronda de fotitos de @madelaine.0118 / ¿Cuál es su favorita 1 o 2? . . . . #Panama #Panamafoto #fotospanama #beautifulgirls #portraitmf #portraitmood #fotosencasa (en Panama City, Panama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFm-ubLBxBJ/?igshid=wykhn30hjyl
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happyalmondzonkturtle · 5 years ago
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#mentoria Fotografia para make-up Se você é um(a) #maquiador(a) e gostaria de aprimorar as técnicas de retratos para divulgação profissional do seu trabalho, essa é a sua melhor oportunidade. Curso 100% prático Pré-produção Iluminação Pose Fotografia Pós-produção Pré requisitos ✓ Ter um notebook com 8gb de memória no mínimo. ✓ Câmera DSLR de entrada Canon ✓ Teremos 1 Ringlight e um estúdio para praticar o retrato. ✓ Teremos modelos a disposição *Esse módulo do curso é o mais avançado. A fotografia será feita com câmera DSLR e não smartphone. Vagas limitadas, turmas para Grande Vitória e Guarapari Turma 1 - Outubro Turma 2 - Novembro Turma 3 - Dezembro Para mais informações: 27 998805231 Whatsapp @praiafilms #makeup #makeupcapixaba #maquiadores #beleza #portraitmf #portraitphotography #retrato https://www.instagram.com/p/CD_QgGGjVY8/?igshid=1c4jvpx76jtdc
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astronixxx · 5 years ago
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Pose with attitude! . . . . . 👸@seforasulea #portrait_society #portraitmf #portrait_vision #portrets #portrait_today #portraitoftheday #portrait_mood #portrait_shot #portraitphotography #portrait_shots #portraitgasm #portraitcentral #portraitart #portraitgirls #portraits_today #portraits_perfection #portrait_page #portraits_vision #portraitshotz #portrait_ig #portraits_life #portraits_dream #portretmagazin #portraitsquad #portraithood #girlyportraits #oradeainimagini #zilesinoptioradea #iloveoradea #visit_oradea (la Oradea) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6a6m9tFGBE/?igshid=1nehewp3r3wwo
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nitintukadiya · 6 years ago
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OUKITEL Opens C16 Pro Pre-Orders, Get It For Only $69.99 #portrait #portraitoftheday #portraitvision_ #kdpeoplegallery #portraitszoom #portraitpower #portraitheart #portraitclub #portraitgame #portraitsindia #bravoportraits #moodyport #portraitsig #portraitmf #portraitdreamers #portraitliving #toppor traits #lovingportraits #portraitigers #portraitlegacy #portraitcool #portraitindia #bestportraitsindia #all2epic #portraitsreality #portrait_blog #surat #gujarat #suratphotoclub #india https://www.instagram.com/p/Bykk4KLp0MY/?igshid=185eb1vfbvhbi
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gypsyroyal · 5 years ago
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Corporate shots in a more relaxed setting. I loved working with Sabina to create a portrait that was professional but not stuffy. ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #torontophotographer #ourvisualvibes #depthobsessed #toneception #portrait_ig #portraitmf #portraitslayers #portrait_perfection #street_vision #torontoart #portrait_mood #potraitphotography #portrait_shooterz #creativeportraits #torontomodels #portraitmode #portraithood #torontofashion #igportraits #nikonnofilter #theworldofportraits #portraitfotograf #bravogreatportrait #folk_portraits #portraitphotographer #portraitcentral #discover_portrait #portraitcollective #globe_people #aovportraits https://ift.tt/2vIHeXM
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sefayamak · 6 years ago
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There is still time to purchase prints from my website and have them delivered before Christmas. . Clickable shop link in my bio..! Also don’t miss the Christmas discount code ( XMAS2019 ) 🎄. . Neden bir Sefa Yamak fotoğrafı duvarınızı süslemesin? 😎Beğendiğiniz tüm fotoğraflarım yılbaşına özel indirim kuponuyla ( XMAS2019 ) sizleri bekliyor 🎄 🎁🎄 Direkt satın alabileceğiniz link profilimdedir 🙏🏻. . . . . #portrait4ever #portraitfromtheworld #portrait #portraitcollective #portraitoftheday #portraitinspiration #portrait_star #portraitmood #portraitpage #portraitgames #portraitfestival #portrait_mood #portraitobsessed #portrait_perfection #portrait_dev #portraitmode #portraitmf #portraitmasters #portrait_shot #portrait_shots #portraitisreligion #portraitinlove #portraitimagine #portraitimage #portraitig #portraitgrid #portrait_vision #portraitgoodshot #portraitgasm #portraitart — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2G9NL2l
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yopera · 6 years ago
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beautiful @naynay_ryan and @official.jessiecorine for @noelzinia.design. 📷: @yopera . 💇‍♀️: @redken . .You know the drill, please tag hair, models & makeup. . . . . #vfwfw19 #vanfashionweek #fashionblogger #fashionista #vancouvermodel #vancouvermodels #fashionable #yopera #fashiondaily #fujifilm #fujixphotographer #fujixpassion @micromacromag @vanfashionweek #vancouvermodel #portraitmf #portraitmood #portrait #modelsearch #vancouvermodels #noelzinia #vfw (at Vancouver Fashion Week) https://www.instagram.com/yopera/p/BvdO1qOgfiK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11o4tzjh8lqcq
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balazsromsics · 4 years ago
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#portaits_ig #contestcaromicc #bricklanestreetart #portraitmf #portraitmx #portrai #portraitig #portr #portraite #protait (at Wollaton Hall and Deer Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFrF7O-FHJw/?igshid=6gvd8lc8s13l
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gracianifoto · 5 years ago
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Esta es la última foto de esta seríe, la verdad fue muy divertido este proceso. No suelo tomarme fotos pero en está ocasión me dije "que diablos" háganoslo. Los que me conocen saben que en está foto se representa parte de mi personalidad, los que no ya ven jejeje. (El humo es incienso, ¡No sean mal pensad@s!) Gracias a mis hermanitas @tiana.0410 & @glenis_mgb por apoyarme en mis locuras 😘. - Si te gusta ME GUSTA Y COMPARTIR 😎✌️ PD: Desliza para ver el #speedart y recuerda #quedateencasa . . . #Panamá #uno #panamafotos #fotospanama #portraitphotography #portraitmf #leobaqueroph @leobaqueroph #yomequedoencasa #hasbro (en Panama City, Panama) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-8VvzDh1wV/?igshid=1a1rdhbhoe3ft
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happyalmondzonkturtle · 5 years ago
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A técnica é mais importante que as ferramentas Câmeras, lentes e luzes são divertidas… Talvez mais divertidas do que deveriam ser. Todos nós podemos admitir isso. Mas não é o equipamento que você usa que conta. É como você usa isso. Modelo: @leidianabattistasemijoias Make-up: @devaniferreirac #portraitmf #portraitphotography #retrato #dudugoncalves (em Cariacica) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCpYN39jpLS/?igshid=1xado46ab3sm9
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astronixxx · 5 years ago
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Autumn artistic portrait in the woods. With @iuliaandrei . . . . . #doingthebrandonwoelfel #feauturemeofh #ftwwne #clubedosretratos #bravogreatsensual #oradea #portrait_shooterz #portrait_society #portraitshots #portraitshot #portraitshotz #portraitsquad #portraitpage #portraitvision_ #portraits_dream #portret_star #portrait_today #portraitmf #portrait_planet #portrait_universe #portraits_today #portraitgasm #portraitoftheday #portraits_vision #autumnportrait #autumnportraits #autumnishere🍁 #autumncolour #autumncolours🍂🍁 #autumnleaves🍁 (la Oradea) https://www.instagram.com/p/B36nHVMlvMZ/?igshid=1oglin4wkup9f
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nitintukadiya · 6 years ago
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OUKITEL Opens C16 Pro Pre-Orders, Get It For Only $69.99 #portrait #portraitoftheday #portraitvision_ #kdpeoplegallery #portraitszoom #portraitpower #portraitheart #portraitclub #portraitgame #portraitsindia #bravoportraits #moodyport #portraitsig #portraitmf #portraitdreamers #portraitliving #toppor traits #lovingportraits #portraitigers #portraitlegacy #portraitcool #portraitindia #bestportraitsindia #all2epic #portraitsreality #portrait_blog #surat #gujarat #suratphotoclub #india https://www.instagram.com/p/Bykk28eJ1Y_/?igshid=1catpfmj6vn6t
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gypsyroyal · 5 years ago
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My hope is that all my of clients will laugh at the dumb stuff I said as much as Cass did. It's is not relevant whether the laugh is with or at me. ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #torontophotographer #ourvisualvibes #depthobsessed #toneception #portrait_ig #portraitmf #portraitslayers #portrait_perfection #street_vision #torontoart #portrait_mood #potraitphotography #portrait_shooterz #creativeportraits #torontomodels #portraitmode #portraithood #torontofashion #igportraits #nikonnofilter #theworldofportraits #portraitfotograf #bravogreatportrait #folk_portraits #portraitphotographer #portraitcentral #discover_portrait #portraitcollective #globe_people #aovportraits https://ift.tt/2wnHRGR
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sefayamak · 6 years ago
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U N T I T L E D P O R T R A I T S #kayseri 2018. . . . . #portrait #portraitfestival #portraitcollective #portraitinspiration #portrait_star #portraitmood #portraitgames #portraitfanpage #portraitobsessed #portraitmode #portraitmf #portrait_legit #portraitmasters #portrait_mood #portrait_perfection #portraitinlove #portraitimagine #portraitimage #portraitig #portrait_shot #portrait_shots #portraitgrid #portraitgoodshot #portrait4ever #portrait_vision #portraitfromtheworld #portraiphotographer #portraitfeed #portraitcollection — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2FUo8lR
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