#portia- cook
dearestgentlereaders · 3 months
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them acting this horny in broad daylight whilst being chaperoned is just wild
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blu-raes · 7 months
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Vesuvia Weekly: Cooking Class, or in this case, a Masterclass in how Not to Cook
I had bigger ideas for this piece, but life and mento iwwness got in the way and I ended up sticking to the original idea
Based on an...unfortunately true story of me trying to cook soup solo
He had a recipe, alright. A recipe for disaster.
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ebodebo · 4 months
so…i just spent an ungodly amount of time making this😭😭😭and it’s prolly shitty BUT the song and pen is just so ahhhh I HAD TO DO IT
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Vesuvia Weekly: Brainrot's Baking Lesson
~ What happens when six friends ask their local author to show them his bread recipe? What happens when this involves teleporting them to brainrot's IRL apartment kitchen? ~
1.6k words, rated PG
I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to have all of them over at once, instead of inviting them in twos and threes. Nadia and Asra are both sitting on my kitchen stools, being politely conscious of the fact that they are in my personal space. Muriel is surprisingly at ease - he's found my cat. He's very happy to have something small and soft to protect, and she's very happy to have such a tall and attentive shoulder to perch on.
Julian, Lucio, and Portia, on the other hand, are already starting to stress me out.
"Where's the fire?!" Portia's voice echoes from inside my oven, one hand braced dangerously close to the knob that would make the fire she's searching for appear - right under her nose.
"I'll show you how it works after I show you how I make my dough - Julian, your diet is too poor for me to explain what those are."
The doctor glances guiltily over from where he's been examining the selection of instant noodles on top of my fridge. Of course it's the first thing he'd notice, being so damned tall. "Can you blame me? These have pictures of soup on them, but they feel crunchy! Why do they feel crunchy?" He widens his eyes, crunching a packet in one gloved fist for emphasis and I wince.
"I -"
"Why do you have winter in a box? I hate winter!"
"Close the fridge, Lucio."
"Fridge? As in frigid?" Nadia watches her ex-husband's antics with poorly concealed amusement. "How innovative. This eradicates the need for a cellar."
"What kind of magic does it run on?" Asra's question is innocent, but the way they're eyeing the mechanics of my freezer with a curious gleam is anything but.
"Not a type that you're familiar with, so can we please focus on why you're here?" I don't know what it is about my tone that gets my point across, but it works. I stoop to retrieve my bread bowl and set it on my counter. "So, uh -"
Having six pairs of eyes on me at once (seven pairs, if I count the cat) is not a sensation I think I can get used to. I get several encouraging smiles and take a deep breath. These are my friends. They're all sitting with me because they like being here. This is fun. I love them.
"Uh, so, first, I put some hot water in my bowl." I turn on the kitchen tap to 'hot' and immediately take everything back.
"What -"
"What is that?!"
"That does not look natural."
"You can decide the temperature?!"
"Is it safe?"
"How does that work?"
I shut the tap off. For the first time since I ushered them through the door, the apartment is silent. The cat gives me an unimpressed yawn and curls up on Muriel's shoulder for a nap.
"Okay," I run my fingers through my hair, "Okay, let's try this again. This is a water source, in my apartment, that I control the temperature of. The point is not that I have water, the point is that I need hot water to start my dough."
"We have something similar in the Palace," Nadia muses, "though so far its use is limited to drawing the baths and running the fountains. I've been thinking of expanding the network using the aqueducts, but it had not occurred to me to adjust the temperature of the water as it runs through the system."
"U-um, yeah." I nod, hastily measuring the liquid into my bowl. I hope the butterfly effect from this isn't catastrophic. "Anyways, we need oil, honey, and salt next."
I hand different containers to my different guests, giving the salt to Lucio as I expect it to be the least messy ingredient involved. Portia's quick to wave me off when I offer her a measuring cup. "Oh, I'm just watching. I need both hands free to take notes." She's got an old envelope in one hand and a pencil in the other. I nod and move on.
Putting the dough together is fairly straightforward. Besides Julian calling himself a slippery boy, Lucio howling with laughter when I explain the function of yeast, and Nadia sneaking little tastes of honey from the measuring cup, getting to the point of adding flour is fairly event-less. That is, until it's time to add the flour.
I know they can cook, but I'm quickly finding out that Asra might not have any experience baking. Before I can warn him, he's haphazardly tossing a cupful of flour into the mixing bowl, causing the powdery substance to explode all over the counter, the ingredients, and ourselves. There's a moment of stunned silence before Portia reaches over and rumples their curls, raising a second floury cloud from their hair. She giggles. "It just blends right in, doesn't it?"
There's no question in my mind when it comes to who has the best hand and arm strength for kneading. The question is whether he's willing to part with my cat for long enough to do so. Taiga is thoroughly enamored with her preheated napping tree.
"I'd take her, but I'm still writing my notes." Portia looks ready to cry from frustration. Nadia, always quick to smooth things over, reaches up and begins to lift the furball down.
"I'll hold her. She seems very sweet -"
The tiny, annoyed 'mew' the cat makes as she's lifted down is enough to capture the guests' attention. Muriel takes advantage of the distraction to get a headstart on kneading the dough, his massive hands getting the job done in half the time it usually takes me. I should invite him over to help out more often ...
"She SMACKED me!"
"What do you expect if you try to touch a cat right after they hiss at you?"
When I look over again, Taiga is crouching in Nadia's lap with her tail bushed out, letting out low warning yowls in Lucio's direction. Julian is busy trying to get both of the offended parties to calm down, while Asra sneaks her treats with a proud look on their face. I narrow my eyes. When did he pull those out of my cupboard?
"Now what?"
When I look back at our project, Muriel is standing over the bowl with both hands slathered in dough and the beginnings of an embarrassed pout on his face. "... I can't get it off."
"Oh gosh - let me help with that. Sorry, this recipe is really sticky ..."
Lucio materializes at my other elbow as I work the dough off of Muriel's hands. "I'm tasting this now."
Before I can protest, he's scooped some out with his finger and already has a chunk in his mouth. For half a moment I consider bapping his hand much like my cat did a few minutes ago, but I let it slide. A little raw flour never hurt anyone ... right?
"I hate to be bothersome, but ah ..." Julian is still standing in the middle of the kitchen, swaying slightly on his feet. "I'm afraid I forgot to eat, and I'm beginning to suspect that bread takes longer than a half an hour to produce ..."
"Honestly, Ilya, why would you do that?"
Julian stares down wide-eyed at his sister, comically intimidated by someone half his size. "I was ... busy."
"Busy since when?" Portia's eyes narrow as she presses her brother to confess the full extent of his sins. "Speak."
"Er - yesterday?"
"You bastard!"
"Okay!" I jump in. "It's going to take another hour and a half, so ... how about we eat?"
Lucio and Asra both look mildly disappointed when I cut off their brewing entertainment. Nadia looks generally concerned. "We'd hate to impose on you. I fear we've already caused enough trouble."
"It's not troublesome," I tell her as I reach for the top of my fridge, "instant noodles are easy."
"I though you said my diet was too poor to learn about these." I swear Julian's eyebrows get bushier with excitement as I set my electric kettle to boil.
"I underestimated you."
... he looks way too self-satisfied with that.
By the time the bread has risen, been shaped, risen again, been baked, and cooled enough to slice up and send home, my guests have made themselves perfectly comfortable. Portia has raided my wardrobe and tried on every cosplay I still own. Nadia has gone through all my chopsticks and arranged them by pairs. Muriel has given Taiga so many scritches that I think she's imprinted on him. Julian has smuggled at least seven instant noodle packets into his coat and grilled me about every item in my medicine cabinet. Lucio has tested out every single makeup product leftover from said cosplay days (I don't know how to tell him that it's all expired and should probably be thrown out). Asra has somehow managed to innocently unearth all the embarrassing things I own before taking a catnap in my bed.
"And that's how I make my bread," I tell them. The six are standing at my door again, each holding half a loaf to take home. "Any questions before I take you back?"
"Can I have some jam for this?" Lucio's already tucking into his piece, speaking around a large chunk in his mouth. "It's kinda dry without it."
"I'm sure you'll be able to procure some upon our arrival." Nadia is somehow making a wrapped half-loaf look like a ballgown accessory with how elegantly she's holding it. "I worry that we may have overtaxed our host."
"Not at all," I tell them, and I mean it. Whatever grey hairs I've gotten from this are far outweighed by how happy I was to spend time with them. "Let me know if you ever want more. Maybe next time we could watch a movie."
"What's a moo-fee?"
"Never mind!" I yelp, "Let's head out, I'm sure you're more than ready to be back in your world, let me just make sure the cat doesn't try to follow us -"
The cat is, indeed, trying to follow us. She gives Muriel's shoulder and Asra's treat-filled pocket a forlorn look as I gently scoot her away from the door. Wait -
"Give those back!"
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bklynmusicnerd · 1 year
I’m actually glad Portia is being a villain because she’s the only obstacle towards Sprina that has the potential to be beneficial to them and being them closer. So I say scheme away Portia. 🗣
You get the vision, anon! I've been tracking Portia as a character for awhile, as a fan of Trina, and this descent into scheming really isn't as farfetched as some are making it out to be. The second they confirmed that Portia had kept a paternity secret, with no outside pressure or extraordinary circumstance, for 20 years without batting an eye. That meant that Portia was at bare minimum a gray character.
I kind of like the idea of the audience discovering the real Portia at the same time as Trina and sort of experiencing that betrayal along with her. She's probably my favorite Sprina obstacle right now because it could be really compelling if done right. It's a story that's about Trina and Spencer as much as it is about Portia and her own mess. That's why I'm intrigued by it.
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oakwolves · 1 year
Reminder that Portia has red and white sneakers. Which other characters theme revolves around the color red? Cassette red is real
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Finally watched season 1 and 2 and the two first episodes of season 3 of Bridgerton with my mom who is 70+ years old.
And here some highlight (in shamble) :
- First she is French so she calls the show "Brigeter-ton" and lady "Dane-berry" and I'm too weak to correct her
- She had a little tear at the last scene of season 1
- She finds the first episode of each season very boring but likes the rest
- She loves Violet. Everytime Mama Bridgeton is on screen she would comment how beautiful her dresses are. She finds her kind and loving.
- On the first Colin's brothel scene she said "Who the hell is this guy?" because she didn't recognize him and I laughed 💀
- She loves Aubrey Halls and Number 5
- She finds Colin "chic"
- She was really impressed by Pen transformation (that's my girl) and in general finds Pen cute
- She hates Cressida but likes Eloise (even tho she finds her a bit egocentric)
- She said season 3 Eloise reminds her of Audrey Hepburn
- During season 2 Kathony sex scene I could hear her saying "hope they won't catch a cold butt naked in the garden" (I was cooking her dinner so I was not there)
- She said Kate is stunning (I mean ofc)
- She likes Portia incisive jokes
- She laughed at "insert himself where" scene
- She talks about Bridgerton to all her friends and it's funny how many of them already watched it 😂
- The Queen wings.
- She loves Kate and Anthony meeting
- She is sad Eloise and Pen friendship is broken
Can't wait to show her the rest of season 3 and Queen Charlotte ❤
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venriliz · 2 months
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Portia Montez for @rainymoodlet's Rock of Love Bachelor Challenge! <3
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in depth info + full wardrobe below the cut! ↓
✮ Portia was born and raised in Evergeen Harbor, an industrial port town known for it's huge import/export businesses and even more so - it's heavily polluted environment especially at the shores of the sickly brown-ish sea. The early death of Portia's mother directly caused by the affects the bad air had on her health has instilled somewhat of a love-hate relationship towards Evergreen Harbor into the then 8 year old girl.
✮ Her father tried his best to raise his daughter by himself but despite his long working hours in a local shipyard the money was barely enough for them to survive, the possibilty of moving away far out of reach.
✮ Early in her youth she found her talent and passion for skateboarding, winning many prizes in junior competitions all over the country. After barley graduating from highschool (some ppl just aren't made for the educational system lol) she became a promising professional and quickly made a name for herself in the skating community all over the world. Her biggest successes were two back-to-back street skateboard world championship titles and several self-invented tricks where named after her. Life was good for Portia not only professionally but personally too after meeting Davide Montez who became not only her manager but als her husband.
✮ Sadly, as the saying goes though - nothing lasts forever and about a year ago, Portia found herself forced to retire from competing professionally because growing up in the bad environment of Evergreen Harbor finally started to catch up with her own health. Her retirement caused her marriage to suffer as well and soon after she announced the end of her career as a professional, Davide called it quits and they agreed to divorce on good terms.
✮ Now with her financial stability and free time to pursue new things, Portia took the chance and applied for the bachelor challenge to win Jackson Roth's heart. This is mostly thanks to her friends pressuring her to try after catching her gawking at one of the billboards with Jackson's photo on it (i mean HELLO?! he's hawt! °-° she just... doesn't like the music lol). Portia is (somewhat) ready for a new adventure and maybe, just maybe she'll find love again! <3
colors: orange, red, black music: electronica, hip hop, latin characteristics: family-oriented, hardworking, idealistic convo topics: flirting, deep thoughts, affection, talking about hobbies fashion: rocker, streetwear activities: fitness, dancing, wellness, rock climbing decor: industrial, mid-century
music: metal, cottagecore, ranch characteristics: egotistical, argumentative, ambitionless convo topics: evil interactions, arguing, gossip fashion: polished, country activities: fishing, cooking, mischief decor: farmhouse, cute
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snobgoblin · 6 months
I've been cooking up a 60s band au on discord with Thun and Beez and I'll just copy paste what I've been putting there to keep track of it
OK I tried to keep in mind their canon outfits (like giving Julian colored lenses like his plague doctor mask), their animal associations (giving Nadia a feather like pattern on her dress), and their development notes (like leaving Asra's heart exposed) also things like giving Nadia a very trendy look for the time since she's always on top of trends in the game
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more drawings to come, under the read more were my initial thoughts for the au
I think based off the game it would make sense for
>Asra to be the singer (is said to be both a good singer and dancer)
>Nadia would be the keyboardist (she plays the piano)
>Julian would be the bassist (he plays a stringed instrument the player asks about and I don't remember the name of it) (I was torn on guitarist or bassist but I think bassist works for that "why are the singer and bassist always dating" meme I keep seeing in band spaces)
>Portia and Muriel would be roadies (they both enjoy physical labor and Muriel is shy as hell there's no way he's going on stage)
>Lucio would be the bodyguard bc he likes to fight people. he really wants to be the singer though (which ties into him being jealous of Asras magic skills) he fucking LOVES the energy of the atmosphere
that means they don't have a drummer or guitarist but that's okay the actual band aspect isn't that important anyway. it's mostly heehee silly outfits
AND THEN when Thunderlina asked about the courtiers I said
maybe "something something Lucio wants to be the singer so he makes a deal with the devil for his own band members and is provided with Those Fuckers"
hehehehe me and Thun and Beez have been cooking just you wait......
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Hear me out pook M6 with a reader who specializes in earth magic think flowers plants etc RAAAH‼️‼️‼️
The M6 with an S/O who specializes in plant-based magic!
The arcana x GN!Reader!Headcanons
Muriel the outsider:
In all honesty, Muriel will be the most appreciative of your gift out of everyone. He loves the forest, and he loves you. Now those two things combined. He’s overjoyed!
He decides that your magic would be useful, and invites you on his weekly trips around the forest. It’s actually quite cute, he makes it into a romantic hike for the two of you. 
If you decide that you don’t want to take care of the forest with him, or that it’s too strenuous for you, he’ll respect your boundaries and admire your magic from afar instead. 
He does ask you for help on certain things, but he’s always considerate of how it will affect you, and if it’s a want or a need. 
Muriel will also openly admit to you how impressed he is of your skill. If you’re feeling particularly insecure that day, or he just feels like complimenting you, that’s his go - to for compliments. 
Asra Alnazar:
At first, he’s unsure of how to react. He tries to figure out how it works in comparison to his own magic, so that way he can help teach you effectively. 
He also, much like Muriel, does take a minute to admire your magic every now and again. As a fellow magician, he understands how hard magic is to do - and yet you make it look so beautiful and simple, he really is in awe of not only of how effortlessly you do it, but how pleasing you make it look.
He won’t ask you to do anything. He doesn’t want to strain you, but he wants you to know that he admires it - so he’ll give you pointers on your magic but also compliment it.
As a fellow magician, he’d also like to learn some of your plant - based tricks. How to make a flower grow, or how to get a vine to contort to another shape, so he’ll ask you how you manage to do certain things. 
He’s very proud of you, he says it every now and again but it’s hard to explain how proud he is of you and your unique magical skills. 
Nadia Satrinava:
She finds it intriguing. She wants to know how exactly it works. It’s more of a study than admire thing. 
It surprised her at first. She didn’t know much about any magic, let alone that there were specific types that could mean and do different things for different people. She finds it a bit confusing, but once she gets the hand of it - she asks to study it. 
She loves watching you work your magic. She thinks less of the magic, and more of you. There’s nothing she respects more than hard work, and watching you perform your talents is something she’ll never get sick off. 
She has too much self - respect to ask you for a demonstration out right, but it crosses her mind every now and again and she uses repetition as a soft suggestion to try and get you to do it. 
Nadia also tries to think of how your talent would benefit her. She’s not too shy to ask you for favors, but like Muriel, she stays within reason and doesn’t want to make you overwhelmed or uncomfortable with the amount of tasks she asks of you.
Portia Devorak: 
She finds it so cool! She’s literally sweating when she first sees it, first of all - it’s so hot to her to see you work, second of all, your work is so majestic and amazing to her! Bonus points if you give her a flower that your magic made, she’ll literally swoon over you. 
She daydreams about doing it to. She may be the slightest bit jealous of your tricks, but she doesn’t let it get in the way of praising you. She does really wish she could do it too, just thinking of all the pranks and schemes she could cook up with magic like that. 
Portia is one of the very few who isn’t expecting or asking you to do something for them with the magic. She’s completely relaxed about you doing in your own time, and doesn’t ask or pressure you to do it when she wants you to. 
Whenever she talks to anyone about you ( which is often ) she’s sure to mention it. She wants everyone to know just how awesome you are, and just how lucky she is. She’s not shy about praising you around other people. 
She gets curious - and asks lots of questions about what you can do with the magic, if there’s any cool things you can make, change, or do. She won’t make you show her, but it’s one of the things she’s most curious about. 
Lucio Morgasson:
Incorporates it into his flirting and pick - up lines. It’s really cheesy, but it’s also very sweet and shows that he puts at least some effort into flirting and doesn’t just re-use whatever he told to his last partner. 
He loves the feeling of you showing off to him, it makes his chest puff up with pride whenever you demonstrate to him. It makes him feel special, and like you care a lot about him. He really likes it. 
Whenever he gets bored of doing paperwork and you’re in the room, he’ll ask you to show him a trick or do something in the background to just give him some white noise and something to focus on while he works. 
He also uses your magic as a party trick - Lucio’s known to be a wild party animal, and he’s practically beaming whenever you agree to show off your skills to kick the party up a notch. 
A lot like Portia, he wishes to do the same, but he’s too proud to admit it to you or ask for lessons and just lets that jealousy sit in his mind. Sometimes when he’s on his own, he waves his hands around and pretends that he’s casting your magic. 
Julian Devorak:
His first reaction is that it’s incredible. But later on, he starts to connect it to his work and wonder if there’s anyway it could help him in his medicinal studies. There’s been plenty of plant based cures in the past, couldn’t there be more now? 
He won’t outright ask you, but he takes a little notebook and scribbles notes in his unintelligible handwriting whenever he sees you do your magic. 
He does keep it in mind, and will get you plant - based gifts and knick-knacks because he knows that you’ll know what to do with them. 
Whenever he thinks of you, he pictures you in nature because of your magic. If you ask him what he sees when he thinks of you, he’ll say something along the lines of “ you looking perfect in a field of tulips.” 
He has certain theories about connecting your work to medicines, but he feels a bit guilty that all he can think of when it comes to your talent is how to connect it to his work, and thus doesn’t bring it up to you too often.
Thanks for the request! I hope this is what you wanted, but it's un-revised so there may be some mistakes. If there is, just let me know. Have a great day & summer and request again any time.
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How about your personal modern AU jobs and/or lives of the M6 and, but not necessarily with, MC as their partner. Short hc/full hc -- your call ❤️
Thanks, and I continue to love your work
- 🐅
P. S. We all know Julian would be a doctor hehe
The Arcana Mini-HCs: Modern M6's jobs
Based on this post from the original devs!
Julian: a pediatrician who litters your home with all the crayon thank you drawings he gets and wears silly eyepatches with his scrubs. fills you in on all the staff drama and lives on instant noodles and coffee
Asra: DJ by night at one of Lucio's clubs, magician by day for kid's parties, their love language is personalized mixtapes and glitter paint. you're the one with the full-time job and flat, he's the one who cooks
Nadia: a city mayor, concert pianist, and chess master who somehow still makes time for an hour or two with you every day. you know more than you should because she'll verbally process to you each evening
Muriel: lives off the grid and has spent his adult life building a completely eco-friendly, self-sustainable compound, picking up occasional odd jobs when he needs money. yes, he keeps chickens
Portia: waitresses part-time while she puts herself through evening veterinary courses so she can ultimately become a zookeeper. somehow still has time and energy for her amateur boxing career
Lucio: came from generational wealth and has used it to buy/start up his chain of nightclubs. also uses it to fund his daytime drama talk show, and is constantly being turned into memes as a result
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arcanarubinaito · 7 months
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Headcanon Post (2)
"Cooking Skills + Cooking Class"
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With a lot of time on his hands and the bounty of the forest at his doorstep, it shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Muriel knows his way around a skillet. He's not a five star Michielin chef, and he prefers simple meals over complex ones, but he's not a bad cook by any means.
Really, he prefers to make food that can last him a while. When he gets his hands on some good meat, whether through hunting or Inanna bringing him something, he'll set aside parts of it to dry out into jerky and use the rest in a stew.
Toss in some mushrooms, wild onion, and other forageable ingredients and you have something hearty that doesn't let anything to waste.
And of course, eggs. His neighbors are kind enough to let him use their eggs for breakfast in exchange for some extra feed, or corn if he can afford it.
He doesn't have the energy to cook often though. So it's not until you've moved in with him that you find this out about him; and it's a very pleasant surprise. Muriel starts to cook a little more often until it becomes a weekly occurrence; you even begin going out with him every Sunday morning to forage, and if you have the stomach for it he's willing to teach you how to hunt.
... of course, as nice at it is, stew and jerky can get a little old sometimes. You both begin fishing, trying out different ways to cook the ingredients you hunt and forage for.
One evening, you try your hand at making some bread. Muriel is there with you, helping you knead the dough. The consistency seems off but you don't think much of it until you put it in the little oven he built for you both... and it doesn't exactly turn out well. (Still, it was a wonderful way to spend time together.)
You end up asking Portia for some advice; she insists on coming back to the hut with you with some supplies to teach you both yourself.
It ends up working out well. There's a small mishap with the flour; all three of you are COVERED in it, and for the first time you hear Muriel break out into loud, deep-bellied laughter.
The bread you end up baking isn't perfect, but it's edible and tastes fine. Like the first attempt, it's more about the time you spent together. (And honestly, he and Portia are starting to become friends. An extrovert adopting an introvert sort of situation?)
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locke-esque-monster · 3 months
Let's talk for a sec about the dynamic of the Featherington household for a moment. Because Portia has created such a unique dynamic in that household, I don't know what to do with it.
First, there's the fact that Portia is determined to succeed in society, but specifically for her daughters' security (understandably after what they've been through). See how she spent 2 seasons trying to get husbands for her daughters. But when Phillipa and Prudence complain they don't have a good of a cook, Portia reminds them it's their fault they didn't find a better marriage. It also is reflected later when Penelope questions if her mother only cares for her if she's engaged/married, since she seems to care more for that than if she's emotionally okay after the break with Lord Debling.
But within that household, it seems like Portia is forever focused on Phillipa and Prudence. Now, Penelope is both self-sufficient to a degree and perfectly happy to entertain herself, so Portia may tend to more naturally focus on the other two.
but this seems to partially have manifested in Prudence and Phillipa expecting their mother's focus. The Featheringtons can be a bit rude to each, cutting each other off or scoffing at statements. But it's to the point where Prudence cuts off a clearly upset Penelope in 3x4. While the news from Prudence isn't nothing, it's also not concrete and didn't need to be addressed that second. It's like it never occurred to her not to interrupt her mother and upset sister, let alone check on or comfort her upset sister herself.
Then there's the fact that Portia, nor her other 2 daughters, ever really considered Penelope viable on the marriage mart. Watch how in season 1, Portia asks the suitors to bid farewell to her other daughters. Phillipa and Prudence are listed by name to consider saying goodbye to, and then it's "even Penelope". Or how Portia thinks Penelope is naïve to think she'd find a husband in season 3, after all this time. Despite this, Portia has put no serious or separate effort into finding a husband for Penelope. It's like she was a lost cause from the start.
So the end result almost gives off a Cinderella vibe. The two less bright stepsisters following around a manipulative mother who never cares or supports the third daughter, who doesn't fit the rest of the family.
And with that in mind, it's even more interesting when you consider that Penelope is the most like her mother of the 3 girls. Prudence and Phillipa either gained or learned their mother's love for security and nice things. But they lack more than a few brain cells to rub together. I assume they take after their father that way, as he didn't make the smartest financial decisions.
At the same time Portia is forging letters and hocking counterfeit rubies, Penelope is writing the most popular gossip sheet in London. And the best part is, neither of them have a clue the majority of what the other is up to. Penelope is also the one capable of adjusting and tweaking Portia's plans to help Marina (from pointing out the problem with tricking Violet at dinner to making a very valid point about Marina wasting her time on Colin vs an older more desperate suitor). And Portia can recognize similarities to herself in others. Season 1 leans into the parallels of Portia and Marina - both in how they view life and how they treat Penelope - as Marina is nice until Penelope gets in her way, and she's ready to dish some harsh critiques her way.
But perhaps it's because Portia never really sees herself in Penelope in part because Penelope is used to hiding bits of herself from her critical mother. And in part because Portia sees Penelope's kindness and treats it as naivety. Because for Portia, she's willing to take the cruel path if not first, pretty early on. See how she immediately decided to trick Marina into think George Crane didn't love her anymore. But she'll consider kindness if someone suggests it and it'll accomplish the same goal - see how she was willing to give Marina a few days for Colin to propose before she sent her off to an older husband. Penelope will pick kindness first, in trying to convince either Colin or Eloise to change their minds when they're making a potentially serious mistake. Only when they won't listen, does she use the last resort of Lady Whistledown. Can you imagine that kind of restraint with Portia if she had the LW access?
That said - for all that I'm critical of Portia, I still enjoy her character a lot. She's not all good or all bad - I think we need parents like that in tv. She loves her daughters, but she doesn't treat them equally and she isn't loving them in a positive way all the time. I think of a callback to a discussion during my Shakespeare class in college that basically went like "You love to read about Lady Macbeth, but you wouldn't want to be friends with her in real life."
I'd like to think in this season Portia and Penelope have it out about how Portia has treated her. Based on previous seasons, I'd be surprised if they don't delve a little into how Penelope was hurt by Portia's parenting. That set up of a line about only caring about Penelope with a ring o her finger is too good to ignore. But it's also Bridgerton, and it's 8 episodes - this will be an acknowledgement or a conversation, not a deep-delve. I'm also betting it's later in the season, since the part 2 trailer seems to suggest that at least some of her family (her sisters) find out at breakfast. Though from what I know of the original text and the way Portia grabs the pamphlet, she seems to already know. With the assumption Eloise gives her deadline to be honest with Colin in episode 5, I can't imagine a full confrontation with Portia in the same episode.
But maybe as much as a parenting confrontation with Portia, I'd kill to see Portia's reaction to finding out Penelope is LW. Would she be angry all the drama Penelope wrought? Impressed or concerned that Penelope pulled off such a thing without Portia even suspecting? Or upset that Penelope had all the solutions to their money problems hidden in her room? No matter how it starts - it always ends with Portia trying to use LW to her own influence. It's why I suspect as much as I love and think it's possible the "what about my dreams" conversation is post-LW reveal to Portia, it's more likely not. Because after the initial reaction, Portia will go from knee-jerk reaction to "how can I use LW to my advantage". And that would be the death of LW (because the slanted writing would get the secret out).
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m-musings · 4 months
Headcanons: The Arcana Characters Love Languages
A/N: probably gonna do this for all the fandoms i write for so expect a lot of the same stuff in the coming times. anywaysss enjoy! :)
Word Count: 761 Warnings/Other Notes: no warnings!
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Asra's love language is Gift Giving/ Receiving.
Anytime they're away from the shop, they always manage to find something that reminds them of you,
Whether it's a trinket of some sort or a food you may like, they're buying it as soon as they see it.
No matter what it is, there is always some thoughtfulness behind the gift that warms your heart.
And if you get them something in return? Asra's admiration of you grows tenfold.
if that gift is small enough, you can bet that they're bring it along with them on all of their travels. They love having something to remember you by when not physically with you.
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Nadia's love language would be Acts of Service.
After running a country essentially by herself, she finds herself most comfortable when doing things for the people she cares about.
If you were to need anything, she would help you get it in anyway she could.
She has her servants run errands for you, she'll help you clean the magic shop, or she'll even cook your favorite meal for you.
Even if you insist that she doesn't have to go to those lengths, she'll sweetly reassure you that she enjoys doing those thing for you.
And she's eternally grateful when in exchange, you offer to take care of some of her own duties when she needs to take a day or two off.
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Julian's love language is definitely Words of Affirmation.
This man is so genuine and charming, even his casual comments can have you swooning into his arms.
If he notices you're feeling down or you've done something you're proud of, Julian is always sure to compliment you to raise your spirits.
Even if you're just lounging around on a comfy chair, he's quick to tell you how much he loves you.
You just mean so much to him, it's hard for him to keep his thoughts to himself when he's near you.
And when he's silently dealing with his past doubts about himself, he really appreciates when you come around and remind him how far he's come since then.
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Muriel's love language is Quality Time!
He's never been the most talkative person or the most touchy-feely, but he enjoys spending a quiet moment with you.
After a long, stressful day, his favorite thing to do is sit in front of the fireplace with you and Inanna to decompress for a bit.
If he has things to do around the forest, Muriel loves when you're right there beside him, even if he doesn't need help with his tasks.
He does have his moments where he will distance himself from you for a bit, but he always comes back to you, happy that you like being around him even on the bad days.
Even if he doesn't always say it, you know Muriel adores you just by how much time he spends around you.
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Portia's love language is also Gift Giving!
She loves to bake and craft, so anytime she can manage it, she's making you something filled with all the love she can put into it.
She is so in tune with all of your interests that she is always able to give you something that she knows that you will enjoy!
On the rare occasion that she buys you something, she'll always find a way to add a personal touch.
When you make or purchase a present for her, you're also sure to get a treat for Pepi.
It makes Portia cry tears of joy every single time, she loves the fact that you thought of her best feline friend in addition to herself.
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And finally, Lucio's love language is Physical Touch!
He is one touch starved son of a bitch, I'll tell you that much. With his mother being the way she was, he craves the loving embrace of another person.
Any chance he can get, he's scooping you into his arms and dropping the both of you onto his bed for a long awaited snuggle session.
Even if you're busy with something else, he will find any way to stick to you, be it with a single kiss on the cheek or full on pulling you into his awaiting lap.
On days where he's not feeling like his usual self, he seeks you out and when he finds you, he's pulling you to a comfortable surface to plop his head onto your thighs.
If you run your fingers through his hair, you'll find him humming contently after a while, relishing in the warm gentleness of your touch.
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vesuvianhermitcrabs · 1 month
The Arcana Characters Eating Some Weird Shit
(Consists of: Nadia, Portia, Muriel, and about one sentence of Lucio at the very end)
Asra dragged her into the marketplace one day and handed her a steaming hot dish of... something
The something on the paper plate was a strange gelatinous cube with large suspicious looking flakes inside
Just looking at it she was panicking
Is she really willing to ingest this? Is this what her subjects eat regularly? Does she need to fix that...?
She bravely grabs her cutlery and, with a skaky hand, takes off the corner and goes to place it delicately in her mouth
Oh dear, she's not fully sure she can do this
She does not
Needless to say, Nadia has officially learned her lesson, and that is Asra doesn't know what food is
From that day onwards, she denies any food Asra offers her. Actually she might never eat street food again
Trust issues from this point onwards
It all started when Nadia wanted to thank her for being such an amazing staff member
She wanted to treat Portia to a meal of sorts, but didn't want to simply order it for her. No, she wanted to do something more personal
So Nadia cooked for Portia
Portia sat down, curious to see what the countess had in store
She smiled excitedly as Nadia placed a meal in front of her and–
As she saw what was on the plate, a realization hit Portia like a freight train
Nadia has never needed to cook in her life
She's not sure if the food(?) is burnt or raw, and if you're wondering what it was, so was she
Panic bubbled up in her throat as she looked up into Nadia's serene, beaming face
Not wanting to be rude, Portia began shovelling the entire thing into her face, not bothering to breathe or chew more than strictly nessecary
Unsurprisingly this didn't end well and she started choking
Nadia no longer cooks
As a kid he ate a lot of strange and concerning shit
However, as an adult he quite likes the luxury of being able to make himself consistent, boring, nutritional meals that won't make him violently ill, so you probably won't see him eat anything too strange
...unless you make it
One fateful evening, you were finishing making a stew. Muriel was out chopping wood and wouldn't be back until a little later, so you decided to do something nice for him and bake a batch of lemon biscuits for dessert
The stew was gently simmering over the stove as you finished up mixing the batter
While this happened, Innana walked over to you and sat on your feet in hopes of getting a munch
You lifted a piece of meat out of the pot, holding it so that it cooled before you gave it to Innana
Unfortunately she took this as a sign to leap up and grab it, which resulted in her flying paws knocking the bowl of batter into the soup
The stew had turned lumpy and thick with flour, the batter had begun to sink and separate into the pot
You chose to make something else for dinner, so you left to get new ingredients
While you were gone, Muriel must have had a serving of the battersoup thinking you had already eaten (due to your absence)
He trusts you to cook using safe ingredients and will probably ingest whatever you make him no matter what it is
You walk in on him having a second bowl
He'll eat weird shit if he makes it himself and that's on hubris cunt
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thearcanagame · 7 months
best to worst cooks?
Portia, Asra, Muriel, Nadia, Lucio, Julian
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