#portia ashford
superghfan · 1 month
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More fun at the wedding.
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bklynmusicnerd · 6 months
I just find the Ashfords draining as a family unit, particularly Curtis and Portia. I'm tired of Trina bending over backwards to make them happy and shaping her life around their happiness, just for them to turn around and plot and hope for her unhappiness. Curtis is just as toxic as Portia. He's just better at hiding it and not deranged enough to collude with the psycho who drugged Trina.
But it will never not be disturbing how much they root for Trina's emotional downfall. I also continue to resent Curtis' paternalistic approach to Trina because the idea that she needs to be informed to make her time in The Sorbonne about her, and not Spencer, is ridiculous. This is the same girl who told him without hesitation that her career was her priority when he asked her if it was Spencer.
I'm also not really sure where Curtis gets all this confidence to advise Trina when I'm pretty sure he was dabbling in the crack at Trina's age. I don't actually care that they don't approve of Spencer, who would? He's a disaster.
I hate that they play this family like they're so warm and cuddly while half the time they're plotting Trina's demise because she's not living her life exactly the way they want her to. That's really not that different from Adam's evil controlling offscreen parents that are pushing him to pop pills.
Again, if you're gonna write a toxic ass family unit, which is actually a classically soapy concept, then at a certain point, the toxicity has to be addressed in the text. We need that moment of Trina breaking free from these people and realizing that she can't trust them.
I hope Stella side eying Curtis and Portia is the beginning of that. Cause right now, with Curtis and Portia at the center, it's making the Ashfords a disingenuous family unit. I don't believe the love. I don't believe the warmth. Especially towards Trina. It all comes across suffocating, fake and conditional.
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halfwayinlight · 5 months
this curtis abelist story needs to END. get out of the damn bed and make this be over already
also, I really wish Portia and Curtis would be alone in that house. Because they have 0000 going between them. only the other people are making this relationship sort of work. I wish they would end already
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anyathefandom · 6 months
I'm sorry I don't have the patience to deal with the Ashfords so i'm going to speak on what I heard about these scenes and its that Portia and Curtis are still being trash bag juice ass parents by hoping Spencer won't be going to Paris with her and it never ceases to amaze how these people really be plotting on their daughter's unhappiness.🥴
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carlyspencer · 1 year
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brooke kerr and tanisha harper as portia robinson and jordan ashford
general hospital, (4/3/2023)
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melanieexox · 2 years
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GENERAL HOSPITAL | August 16, 2022: Thanks to Portia, Oz Haggerty, and Robert Scorpio, Trina Robinson is found NOT GUILTY!
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heartcruncher · 1 year
I haven't watched in a few years, so I'm still trying to figure out what's going on now... So, two years ago, did Curtis ask for a DNA test when Portia showed up with a kid the same age as the length of time since they'd seen each other last? Or no? 🤔
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This is turning into an episode of Maury Povich
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naijakdramaqueen · 2 years
They should make Drew and Portia a thing. I mean, they had good chemistry and conversations in the few scenes they've had. Since Drew likes to get in people's business and dole advice, maybe he overhears a phone conversation and find out about Trina's paternity.
His getting involved in that secret seems more organic to me than when he finds out about Carly knowing about Willow. Plus there would be more tension and history with him and Curtis, especially when Curtis finds out he's still married to Jordan. Let Drew be Portia's shoulder instead of Carly's.
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superghfan · 8 months
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Curtis takes Portia have a night out.
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bklynmusicnerd · 7 months
I know I should find Trina and Spencer looking at Portia and Curtis, heartwarmingingly domestic, but the thing is, Curtis and Portia are nothing to emulate.
They're a toxic mess of a marriage only held together by a mutual desire to appear like the perfect family. Which is why Portia's original plan was to work on Thanksgiving to avoid the reality that her husband doesn't want to have sex with her, and Curtis really didn't give a shit.
Trina still seeing her mother as aspirational in any way is actually pretty sad because it means she's not prepared for the latest betrayal (actively plotting against her happiness) from Portia at all. It's going to be another gut punch like the paternity mess.
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halfwayinlight · 9 months
absolute WTF moments from today's episode:
Curtis being RIGHT at the door and immediately asking how her weekend went. no omg bro
Trina gushing to freaking CURTIS over her smexy weekend with spencer????
pOrTiA as co-chief of staff?? no, omg. please, nooooooooo
moments that gave me a seratonin hit:
Laura doting on Ace
Spencer coming in all jazzed to see his gramma and lil bro and calling them his two favorite people in the world (yeah, ok, also Trina bc she's a queen)
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anyathefandom · 1 year
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I hope this wedding is a mess.😈
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shinyasahalo · 4 months
Portia should be angry at Curtis for using the "I'm protecting my family" excuse for not being open with her like he was with Marshall.
Protecting is what you do with a literal child, not the person who is supposed to be your partner.
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melanieexox · 2 years
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GENERAL HOSPITAL | August 12, 2022: Unknown to Portia, Jordan has stalled everything, so that she can wake Oz up to help Trina.
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heartcruncher · 1 year
I haven't watched in a few years, so I'm still trying to figure out what's going on now... So, two years ago, did Curtis ask for a DNA test when Portia showed up with a kid the same age as the length of time since they'd seen each other last? Or no? 🤔
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