#porno graffiti
sneek-m · 5 months
"Saudade" by Porno Graffiti [foo?; 2000]
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mytastessuck · 1 year
Jonathan Young: This Day
Okay, no promises, but this should be the last Jonathan Young song for a while. As expected, he kills Porno Graffiti's This Day, keeping the triumph while adding...English. Enjoy.
Song Score: 24/10
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1shtgirls · 4 days
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Sr Cuen calligraffiti
#srcuen #cuen #cuengraffiti #graffitimexico #calligraffiti #calligraphy #Calligrafuturism #queretaro #letteringmalandro #calligraphymasters
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steeplewack · 9 months
The Aniplex 20th Anniversary Event that I got tickets for on a whim is rocking my ex-weeaboo world
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oofuri2003 · 1 year
You are an mha fan?
I watched the first two seasons when they were airing & kept up w the manga for a while, not sure I would call myself a fan but I know (most of) the characters & plot points and looove the first two openings of the anime
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dullahandyke · 1 day
(Said without much feeling or conviction) I need to get hit by hammers
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juviin · 1 year
fma 03 (the beginning at least) feels like reading one of those fics where ppl basically rewrite the whole story but they only read it once so they dont really remember how anything goes
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demonicdeviation · 2 years
I put off watching fma03 for 2 months back when I first watched fmab, and now, five years later I’m doing the same thing 
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charcharbinks333 · 2 months
¡evan peters characters!
fall preferences!
tate langdon:
tate loves spending halloween with you, since it’s the only day he can leave the murder house
cozy sweaters, horror movies, the rare rainy night in, cuddles (he’s the little spoon obvi), the smashing pumpkins and nirvana playing on your cd player
he takes you to the unknown spots around town on halloween that have all the cool graffiti art, but they are unknown to most
overall a sweetheart
kit walker:
he watches girly rom coms and chick with you
you make pumpkin pie while he holds you by the waist, peppering chaste kisses along your neck and watching you at work.
“i’m not in your way, suga’… can’t you let a man watch his wife at work?”
visiting family for thanksgiving and charming his parents (he does the same)
laying with him in bed and listening to the storms
candle light when the power goes out, jazz playing on the radio, early morning kisses, walks on crisp october afternoons
pre-death!kyle spencer:
days spent in your dorm, watching horror movies that he adores
him watching you do your makeup before going to a halloween party in matching costumes that you chose.
him letting you paint his nails black to match yours, but denying it ever happened when he’s around his frat brothers (not in an ashamed way 😭)
him letting you wear his hoodies and sweatpants as the days grow colder
making desserts together at 3 am
james patrick march:
lots of planning for devils night—he has to be ready for the greatest serial killers of all time!
him seeing you in your flapper costume, absolutely shellshocked. he practically worships the ground you walk on, and seeing you in something so skimpy drove him insane
engaging in pastime murders with him (!IF THATS UR THING)
leisurely drinks, late nights waiting for him to come to bed, reading beside him, dancing to jazz by the bar
him letting you wear his blazer when you’re cold (wearing a dress)
austin sommers:
watching him at late hours, writing away in his notebook and drinking. you wrap your arms around him and he kisses your forehead, repeatedly telling you he needed to finish this before november.
halloween themed karaoke at the bar, in which he holds eye contact with you and eventually drags you on stage.
cuddling on the couch and watching hocus pocus over and over (it’s his favorite halloween movie.)
late nights drinking before going home and drunkenly eating the leftover pumpkin pie in the fridge while giggling uncontrollably.
peter maximoff:
watching him speed through piles of leaves, creating a tornado of red, brown, and orange hues, giggling to yourself as other students get frustrated with him
going trick or treating even though you both are way too old for it
watching his kleptomania at work as he takes all the candy from the “take one” bowls, haphazardly using his mutation out in a random neighborhood
watching community and—to your luck—landing on the halloween episode and giggling at the coincidence
listening to classic rock as you get ready to go out, but he pulls you back onto the bed for more cuddles (“baby please i need you… don’t go out yet…”)
play fighting on the bed
alex (adult world):
giggling as the halloween issues of different porno magazines ship to the store, judging the horrible costumes with him
him teaching you how to bake, you clinging to his side as he tries to work around you, being successful in his efforts.
studying for midterms during work, hoping alex doesn’t catch you off duty (it’s happened plenty of times)
watching the first snow together while leaving work, trying to catch the first snowflakes on your tongue 
going to mini-parties at Rubia’s apartment and planning group halloween costumes that include a couple for you and alex
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pikahlua · 2 months
Fourteen Days of MHA: Day 8
Thing that will bother me until the end of time:
The chord progression in "THE DAY"'s bridge is essentially the same as the chord progression in "Melissa"'s pre-chorus. That's right. THIS IS ANOTHER FMA PARALLELS POST.
I'm onto you, Porno Graffiti!
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GTAV headcanons pt. 2
- Michael and Trevor argue over the TV program often.
- Trevor prefers watching cartoons, he thinks action movies are repetitive, boring and predictable. Michael takes that very personally
- don't suggest watching a heist movie with T. He won't stop complaining about how illogical and dumb it is
- Trevor would tell you how unspeakably unhealthy fast food is and what a burger consists of, but orders a whole menu anyway
- Based on how T comments other people's weight and that he tells Jimmy during a hangout that he smokes meth when he doesn't wanna eat, he's low-key fatphobic, afraid to gain weight and maybe was a little overweight as a kid and got bullied for it
- Lamar was told to become a basketball player often due to his height but he's shit at it
- y'all say Trevor used to play the guitar - I say he was a drummer. I mean come on, he loves hitting and smashing things
- Franklin is uncomfortable when a thunderstorm happens and was afraid of them as a kid
- Trevor was homeless at some point in his life, probably after his discharge
- Trevor was s*xually absused
- Amanda wears contact lenses
- Michael's eyesight isn't perfect either, but he's too proud to visit an oculist, although he really should
- Jimmy stole drugs from his uncle, unbeknownst to him
- Franklin used to do graffitis during his teen years and was pretty good at it. He has good drawing skills in general
- He also tried to start a career as a rapper, sent his own tapes to record companies but they all turned him down. Thinks Eminem is a fraud.
- Trevor claims he once did crack with Keith Richards
- His father used to love country music. Whenever he hears a country song, it gives him confusing feelings
- Also claims he once starred in a snuff movie and in several pornos (the latter is actually true)
- Trevor is more skilled in changing diapers than Michael
- Trevor and Michael born suffer from infrequent erectile dysfunction due their respective drug/alcohol abuse, so a pack of Mollis pills is their "little friends' " best friend
- Tracey once tried to put a strand of Trevor's hair into a bun/plait and that was the start of the mullet growth
- After Patricia returned home to her husband, Trevor tried to take care of her plants in his yard, but they all died soon after
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miyano-shiho4869 · 2 months
you know what keeps me up at night? that Gosho let porno graffiti (what is even that band name) write Oh rival, record it, and use it as the closing theme for one of the detective conan movies when he KNEW about the cousin thing. like that's one of the gayest songs I've ever heard in my life how did he let that happen
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yisanged · 4 months
was the bnha s1 opening always by a band called porno graffiti. kind of crazy
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Ao3 is up and down for me right, so for everyone else in the same boat, here's a chapter out of one of my current WIPs: 30,000+ words and counting of MCU/616 mismash Avengers team ensemble and IronBat (Tony Stark/Bruce Wayne).
This chapter is from right around the middle (so far). Enjoy!
There wasn’t much to see on the first three blocks. Rather, there was plenty to see, but it was all business as usual for Gotham: gargoyles leering from the upper reaches of buildings, broken glass where someone had chucked what looked like a crate of bottles, limestone-clad walls with gothic flourishes, shredded cardboard where someone had discarded the outside of a package, addicts nodding out against light poles, unhoused people huddled in the doorways of buildings, where there was a little shelter against the drizzle that fell from the sky. Steve’s face got grimmer and grimmer as they went.
The fourth block started out much the same, only devoid of humans, even the addicts. The rain came down harder, washing little clumps of god-knew-what into the already half-clogged storm drains. Jan was the only one who had thought to bring an umbrella, but she tagged it with Pym particles until it was big enough for most of them to crowd under together.
“What are we even looking for,” Clint muttered. He had flipped up the collar on his SHIELD jacket and was trying to hunch down into it like a turtle.
“Any evidence that the weapon’s been used recently,” Steve said.
“Which would look like what?”
“It disintegrates matter,” Natasha said. “So holes where there shouldn’t be, things falling apart that shouldn’t be.”
Clint grunted. “Most of Gotham already looks like that, though.”
“I think more on the lines of that,” Jan said, pointing ahead with the hand that wasn’t holding the oversized umbrella aloft.
The building in front of them was a neo-Gothic revival like most of the structures in this part of the city, every window in the tall skyscraper framed with ornate detailing, the doorway positively frothing with carved embellishments. It had clearly been nice when it first opened, built with a kind of artistry that wasn’t often evident in newer urban architecture. But it had just as clearly fallen into disrepair since then. A quarter of the windows were boarded up, and there were chips and stains all over the façade, including round spalling that looked like bullet damage. Graffiti crept out of the alleyways to either side of the building and spilled across its front, encroaching on the door.
More to the point, there was an enormous gaping hole in the nearer side of the building, about 30 feet across and almost a full story high. Big pieces of the sidewalk in front of it were missing, all the way down to dirt. Through the hole the interior of the building was dimly visible. There were vast, unnaturally empty areas inside, as though the speilhund had taken big chunks out of the building’s innards as well.
“OK, I can see how that’s different,” Clint said.
“Recon,” Natasha said, stepping out from under the umbrella and immediately getting soaked. “Careful. We know it was here, it might still be here.”
Steve stepped up next to her, his hair slicked down to his head with rain. He pushed it backwards off his forehead with an innocent, artless gesture that nonetheless looked like something out of a men’s fashion magazine, or an extremely classy porno. “Look around for anything that might indicate why this building in particular. If someone’s controlling it, they might not be using it randomly.”
Inside it was drier, at least. It was obvious that the building had been stripped and gutted long before the speilhund came through. They picked their way through dark, cavernous shells of rooms with only the most stubborn remnants of built-in light fixtures or furnishings left attached to the walls. Anything that could be removed was so long gone that there weren’t even cleaner spots to show where furniture had been; the floors were covered with an even layer of fine dust and debris. Almost every room had a wall or two that had been opened so copper wiring could be stripped out.
Five rooms in the light from their flashlights disappeared into a massive hole in the floor. Tony crouched down, balancing on the balls of his feet to get his flashlight closer to the edge. “Foot-thick metal, insulating air layer. Some remnants of what was probably a piston system. There was a big vault here under the floor. Looks like they took out most of its door.” He played the beam of the flashlight around the edge a little. “Thing makes clean cuts.”
“Could it be simple robbery?” Steve came up to stand next to Tony, peering into the hole. “Going to the trouble of sourcing and mastering an Asgardian artifact just to steal things from vaults seems like overkill.”
Tony stood, wincing as his knees popped. “Yeah, it’s a little much, but that level of unnecessary drama is par for the course in Gotham, to be honest.”
“Might be test runs for something bigger or more dangerous,” Natasha said. “Or someone who doesn’t really know what they have. Lots of possibilities.”
“Can you tell how long ago this was done?” Steve looked from the hole to Tony and back again.
There was almost no flash rust on the cut surfaces of the hole. With Gotham’s humidity levels, that was telling. He looked at the way the debris was disturbed around the edges of the hole, the amount of debris that had fallen in. “Very recently. Within a day or two for sure. Maybe even earlier today.”
“Any tracking we can do?”
“Not without the suit.”
“All right. Suit up.”
Tony sighed. He tapped the little button on his wristband that called the armor, held his arms out to let it snap into place around him, picking up each foot as the boots closed over his dress shoes. The helmet wrapped around the back of his head, holding him familiarly for a moment before the faceplate snapped down and everything came online. The scene in front of him lit up in several different ways at once: a lime green wireframe of structural and topographical features, an infrared heatmap, an air current map, moisture mapping, electrical and magnetic field mapping—
“Whoa, is that new?” Steve blinked at him. The armor automatically tracked the rate and force of his blinks.
“Not that new, it just doesn’t get out to play all that often. It’s the most natively modular model I had available.” Tony crouched back down again to look into the hole; this time the armor supported the pose, exoskeleton-style, and his knees barely felt it. “I’ve got some add-ons specially tuned for Asgardian tech, needed a mod-compatible suit to use ‘em. Figured it was better safe than sorry.”
“Love the color scheme,” Jan said from somewhere behind him. Tony smiled inside the helmet. The Mark 42 armor was mostly black with gold detailing. Jan would be a fan.
“Iron Man,” Natasha called softly. He went over to her and focused on the area of floor illuminated by the oval of her flashlight. The dust was more unevenly distributed here, with patches of floor scraped almost bare. He flipped rapidly through scans until the HUD showed him something useful.
“Boot prints. Three—no, four people, likely men, plus something with six smaller feet, surprise surprise.”
“Can you follow where they went?” Steve was right behind him, out of visual sight but bright and obvious on the armor’s heatmapping; he ran hotter than the average, and glowed in infrared. Tony scanned the area, looking for residual heat signatures. Natasha was a red-yellow blob to Tony’s right. Jan and Clint were reddish blobs just behind Steve. There was a bluish blob above, behind, and to the left of them, high enough up that it had to be clinging to the ceiling somehow. Tony switched to the structural overlay briefly to confirm the presence of exposed ceiling beams. Back in the heatmap he watched the bluish blob cool even further, congealing into the background ambient temp. Almost like it was deliberately matching its radiant temperature to the environment.
Always with the fucking drama. He aimed a hand over his shoulder and fired a short repulsor blast at the ceiling beam behind him without looking. The beam exploded in a cloud of wood shards and dust.
Credit to his team: they all spun around and had their weapons out before he even finished turning around himself. A tall black shadow rose up from the floor, shaking itself free of debris.
“The new thermal masking is nice,” Tony called out.
There was a pause. “Not nice enough, evidently,” the shadow growled.
“Oh wow,” Clint said as the shadow approached, picking its way across the floor. “The ears are real. I always kind of thought that was a joke people made.”
Jan tilted her head thoughtfully. “I thought they’d be shorter, like Daredevil’s horns.”
“No, it makes sense,” Clint said sagely. “Bats have big ears, on account of the whole echolocation thing—"
“They aren’t thin and pointy, though,” Natasha noted. “Echolocating bat ears are all surface area, like satellite dishes.”
“Sorry about—literally all of them.” Steve strode out to meet the shadow in the middle of the floor. He stuck out a hand. “Hi. I’m Captain America. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
The Batman dipped his chin to look at Steve’s hand. He slowly raised his head to look at Steve’s face. The lenses were up, making his eyes blank white voids, but Tony could read the barely restrained disbelief on his face just fine. Steve kept his hand out for a couple of beats. Freshly disturbed dust continued to swirl down from the ceiling, settling on the floor and everyone’s heads and shoulders.
Steve lowered his hand. “All right. Well. Nice to meet you regardless. Do you know anything about the whereabouts of an Asgardian weapon, kind of looks like a six-legged metal dog, unusual optical properties? It wouldn’t hurt to work with someone who knows more about the local landscape while we try to clear this one up.”
Tony sighed. Bruce stared at Steve like he had never seen such a creature in all his life. “No.”
“No, as in, you don’t know anything about its whereabouts? Or no, as in, you don’t want to work with us?” Steve’s voice was taking on the same exaggeratedly patient tone he’d used in the police station. “We’re here to help.”
“Get out of my city.”
And here was one of the many things that Tony adored about Steve: he may have been an idealistic optimist with an unrealistically moral stick up his ass, but he also had a spine of steel, and he didn’t so much as twitch at the Batman glowering at him. “We’re here to help,” he repeated, like he was explaining something to a stubborn child. “We’re better equipped to deal with this thing than you are, and we have been assigned to bring it in. We’re going to do that with or without your help. I’d prefer to do it with you, but we don’t need you to complete this mission. And you certainly don’t have the authority to eject us from this city.”
Bruce drew his cape around himself, seeming to stand even taller. “You come into Gotham, and you speak to me about authority—”
“The Captain is correct. You don’t actually have jurisdiction here,” Natasha said. It wasn’t a rebuke, just flat statement, but he could see Bruce’s jaw clench anyway. The nerve of him sent a hot lance of annoyance through Tony. Nope, not today.
“You don’t have jurisdiction anywhere, buddy.” He swept both arms wide, encompassing the city, the country, the planet. “I know you like to think of yourself as the unelected lord and savior of this urban hell hole, but fact is, you don’t have any actual authority here.”
“If you think you have the right—”
“Actually, yeah, we do have the right.” Tony glared him down, knowing damn well that the impassive helmet was infuriating him, making it impossible to read Tony’s face. “We do have the right, because we’re Avengers, and like it or not the Avengers are a SHIELD-affiliated organization, and SHIELD is a federal agency. Federal as in a service of the American government. Gotham, last I checked, was in fact within the United States of America. Federal agencies have jurisdiction within federal borders, and more to the point, we literally and legally have the right to walk into Gotham and tell you and your people what to do, because you’re vigilantes, which is—that’s the opposite of legal enforcement. All you people traffic in illegal enforcement. Actually.”
“This isn’t productive,” Steve said, cutting right through whatever response Bruce was working himself up to. “Iron Man, tracking, please.”
“You got it, Cap,” Tony said, turning away to scan the scene again, in part because he knew it would drive Bruce insane to see him taking orders without complaint. He’d scan all fucking day to make it clear where his team was now. Scan scan scan.
Walking through the room, following the traces thrown up on his overlays, felt satisfying in a way that dealing with people never did. The tech would show him the truth of the scene. It would bear him out where he was right, and where he was wrong? It would show him that too, without drama or judgement. Everything was there, it was just a matter of having the right tools to see it. Clean. Simple.
“Federal intervention is unwarranted,” Bruce said quietly, just over Tony’s shoulder. Tony didn’t startle, because it was very difficult to sneak up on armor that had 360º sensor arrays. Bruce had always hated that.
“Agree to disagree.”
“I have it handled. Gotham PD will work with me where necessary. The matter is not nearly so dire as to require a hands-on SHIELD intercession.”
Tony muted all the scans, turned his full attention to Bruce. From the outside it wouldn’t look like anything had changed except for the fact that he’d turned his body slightly. “I don’t think you really understand the larger context here. This is an Asgardian artifact.” Bruce stared back at him with that eminently punch-able neutral non-expression on his face. “Imagine it was a priceless Amazonian artifact that was meant to serve Amazonian soldiers, and some dumb fucks boosted it and were using it to, I don’t know, steal candy from 7-11. Imagine Diana’s reaction. Imagine what kind of international incident that might shape up to be.”
“Now imagine that instead of a very touchy isolationist sovereign nation with a powerful but scale-limited military, the artifact belonged to a literally god-tier-powerful nation with super advanced tech, a much, much less scale-limited military, and a long history of direct, bloody intervention instead of isolationism?”
“Yeah, hmm. We’re here for several reasons, actually, and one of them is the fact that if anyone in Asgard’s ruling family asks, we can say with no hesitation and full honesty that we put the mightiest Earth warriors known to Asgard on the job. Asgard doesn’t know your ass from a hole in the ground. You think we can tell Asgard that we just left you to it, sorry it’s in the hands of that guy over there, nothing to worry about? You think that would go over well? You think we should lie and say we’re looking into it directly while we let you do whatever you want? Have you ever tried to lie to Frigga? Spoiler alert: you can’t, unless maybe you’re a frost giant.”
Bruce looked away. That was the closest he would get to admitting that Tony had shared a piece of information that did actually alter his opinion of a situation. It made Tony angry. The fact that he could read that intention in the gesture of Bruce looking away also made him angry.
“But god fucking forbid anyone try to help out in your city.” He snorted, switching the scans back on and turning away. “Next time maybe we’ll just let the Asgardians come down and vaporize a few city blocks for you. It’ll clear the way for some serious urban renewal, maybe it’d be doing Gotham a favor.”
“Iron Man. Are you—” Steve approached warily, gaze snapping between Tony and Bruce. “What’s our status?”
“We’re fine. I have tracking. I don’t think there’s much more to gain here, we should get moving.”
“Are you helping us, or is this where we part ways?” Steve asked, addressing himself to Bruce. He said it very calmly, like those were the only two conceivable options, like he was presenting them to any run-of-the-mill person off the street. Tony would have maybe gone to war for him, in that moment.
Bruce visibly failed to appreciate it-- there was a small narrowing of the lenses, a twitch of the jaw, all of it signaling loud and clear to Tony. He thought back, briefly, to Dick asking him to not actively antagonize Bruce, immediately followed by a quick recap of everything he’d said to Bruce since they got to this building. Ah, shit. Well, it was Bruce’s fault anyway. It wasn’t like Tony had sought him out.
“Perhaps it would be for the best that I assist you,” Bruce said, opening his mouth the absolute bare minimum needed to get the words out.
Steve beamed at him. “Great! Glad to have you on board.”
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lunarpanda · 1 year
Anyways I got me some headcanons about what kind of music the Matsus listen to.
Osomatsu: I feel like he’s not really someone that goes and seeks out music, he just listens to whatever is on the radio that sounds good. He does occasionally listen to some anime OPs and EDs and/or video game music (thanks to Choro) if he likes it enough. Think Bleach OPs or modern Sonic music for that. Prolly listened to Porno Graffiti for the name and then turned out he liked them.
Karamatsu: This boy is defo a city pop boy. Listens to the classics like Tatsuro Yamashita and Toshiki Kadomatsu. Also a Remioromen fan, currently studying how to play Konayuki on his guitar. In addition, prolly listens to the Cowboy Bebop OST (mostly because I always had an idea that he should sing Real Folk Blues)
Choromatsu: For sure he listens to idol stuff but he’s also listening to Vocaloid, anime music and video game music. Never really listens to anything else unless an idol does a cover of a song and goes and searches up the original.
Ichimatsu: Vaporwave boy, absolutely listens to Cat Corp. He also likes futurefunk since those circles overlap, he enjoys the happier tone but doesn’t really admit it. Also a city pop listener since it’s calming and that’s where the samples come from anyways.
Jyushimatsu: I think Jyushi would like anything if it’s energetic enough. He’s another one that I can’t really place a certain genre on. I feel like he listened to speed metal or something in high school tho to fit with his tough guy appearance he was going for. Prolly enjoys music that’s drum heavy.
Todomatsu: Another boy that enjoys the Top 40 on the radio. Occasionally listens to idol music but isn’t a super fan like Choro would be. I think his tastes would be something like Yaosobi or Eve.
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Also saw that list about the isreal Palestine yuri, even as an edgy atheist who thinks blasphemy laws are evil and should be challenged on proncipal I think that shit is cringe lol
I generally prefer to support atheists who were former members of an oppressive religion rather than spend too much of my time purposefully annoying members of that religion.
Dear atheist anon,
Blasphemy laws range from concering to outright human rights violations depending on country
yeah the atheist blasphemy pornos? it's the fact that they clearly trace bases to churn out so much of that crap and it's all kinda of the same. Give me some variety, the only thing that changes is the skin colors of the goddesses and who is topping or bottoming.
At least the Israel/Palestine yuri couple are wearing clothes
they do have some funnier ones such between Netiyahu and the then High Ayatollah kissing parodying the Iconic East German wall Graffiti of two politicians kissing and the caption "god save us from this tained love" in Russian (Soviet Homophobia is it's own post) but that's because they're parodying real art for once.
But see yes why provoke either your prospective allies or the people who want you dead? What is the game plan here?
Maybe don't poke the bear with bad porn, anti-theists
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